FANUC Robodrills
FANUC Robodrills
Selection Guide NC RotaryTable Machine Vise Maximize Productivity with NC Rotary Table RNA-160・200 RNA-160L RNA-200L The World’ s Finest 4th Axis Rotary Tables Succeeding the best selling RN-series Specifications tables, TSUDAKOMA introduces the Model next generation high speed, high power Spindle Outer dia. Table dia.(optional faceplate) RNA-Series NC rotary tables. Center height The RNA-Series rotary tables are far ahead of the others in cost performance, Center bore contributing to customer’ s profits. Table T-slot width unit:mm RNA-160 φ100 φ120 φ160・φ200 φ200・φ250 135 160 φ55H7×45 φ65H7×45 Nose dia. Thru. dia. φ40 φ45 12H8 12H8 Guide block width 14h7 18h7 FANUC Servo motor αiS2 αiS4 Speed reduction rate 1/72 1/72 Table rotation speed min-1/@motor 3,000min-1 41.6 41.6 Clamp system/0.49MPa pneumatic/0.49MPa pneumatic/0.49MPa Clamp torque N・m 500 800 Indexing accuracy(cumulative) arc sec. 25 20 Repeatability arc sec. 4 4 Net weight kg 36 38 56 Allowable wheel torque N・m 206 288 High Speed Utilizing TSUDAKOMA’ S proprietary Double Lead worm gear system, the RNA-Series rotary tables features a 20% increase in indexing speeds while maintaining the indexing accuracy of the RN-Series tables. Massive Clamp Torque The newly developed (patent applied for) TSUDAKOMA Dual Taper pneumatic clamping system generates clamp torque up to 300% greater than the best selling RN-Series tables. Options & Accessories A full range of options are available for the RNA-Series tables including Support spindles, Pneumatic or Hydraulic Rotary Joints and high resolution Rotary Scales. etc. Optional Items Refer to Pages12-14 Accuracy Standard Refer to Page 15 Table selection chart 2 4th axis RNA 5th axis TN 160 200 100 130 αT14i Fs αT21i Fs Interference drawing ・ Dimensions ● P.4 ● RNA-200 P.5 αT14i F αT21i F Interference drawing ・ Dimensions αT14i FL αT21i FL ● P.6 ● ● P.7 ● ● P.8 ● ● P.9 ● TSUDAKOMA 4th and 5th Axis Rotary Tables. TN-100 NC Tilting Rotary Tables TN-100・130 TN-100 TN-130 The World’ s Finest Compact Tilting Rotary Tables Specifications Using a high rigidity monolithic cast frame, TSUDAKOMA TN-100/130 super compact tilting rotary tables add an ultra precise 4th and 5th axis to your FANUC ROBODRILL. unit:mm TN-100 Model Tilting range Spindle Outer dia. Table dia.(optional faceplate) Table height at 0°position Center height at 90°position High Speed Utilizing TSUDAKOMA’ S proprietary Double Lead worm gear system, the TN-100/130 compact tilting rotary tables feature a 50% increase in indexing speeds. Nose dia. Thru. dia. Center bore Table T-slot width Guide block width Massive Clamp Torque FANUC Servo motor The newly developed (patent applied for) TSUDAKOMA Dual Taper pneumatic clamping system allows the TN-130 to generate clamp torque up to 250% greater than the similar compact rotary tables. Speed reduction rate Table rotation speed min-1/@motor 3,000min-1 Rotary Tilt Rotary Tilt Rotary Tilt Options & Accessories(TN-130) Clamp system/0.49MPa A full range of options are available for the TN-130 including Pull stud devices, pneumatic or hydraulic rotary joints, and high resolution Rotary Scales etc. Clamp torque N・m Indexing accuracy arc sec. (cumulative) Rotary(cumulative) Tilt (0°∼+90°) Optional Items Refer to Pages12-14 Accuracy Standard Refer to Page 15 Motor adaptation chart Net weight Allowable wheel torque(Rotary) αiS2/5000/αiA1000 (A06B-0212-B000) RNA TN 160 200 100 130 Rotary Tilt kg N・m TN-130 ー17° ∼+107° 86h7 90h7 φ135 180 210 135 150 φ55H7 φ35 12H8 14H7 αiS2 αiS2 1/60 1/120 50 25 pneumatic/0.49MPa 200 500 300 500 40 45 65 76 152 αiS4/5000/αiA1000 (A06B-0215-B000) ● ● ● ● 3 Fs α-T14iFs/α-T21iFs RNA-160 RNA-160L Note: This drawing is shown with Standard 300 Machining range Column specs. 125 125 165 315 Standard motor : αiS2 300 Machining range 165 Layout Example If αiF2 motor is used, motor cover size will increase. 315 470 470 415 380 Column 260 85 st.150 st.150 630 5 st.150 330 RNA-160R 165 165 300 Machining range 125 125 Note: This drawing is shown with Standard Column specs. Standard motor : αiS2 If αiF2 motor is used, motor cover size will increase. 315 15 250 14 st.150 st.150 5 100 st.150 630 st.150 5 φ10H7 depth12 6-M10 depth20 6 positions at 8 equal divided (P.C.D.75) 135 90 7 335 85 6-M10 depth20 6 positions at 8 equal divided (P.C.D.75) 85 15 250 7 90 335 45 109 209 223 85 223 φ100h7 85 220 250 45° 148 φ40H8 45° 220 φ10H7 depth12 φ55H7 15 209 148 10 RNA-160R φ40H8 45 54 φ55H7 RNA-160L 109 155 85 330 135 155 101 150 179 220 135 Splash Guard 470 st.330 85 Column 480 145 315 470 415 260 380 4 155 300 Machining range Layout Example Dimensions 179 14 st.150 100 φ100h7 5 145 85 250 15 135 220 101 150 155 st.330 480 54 10 Splash Guard TN-100 TN-100 Note: This drawing is shown with Standard Column specs. 300 Machining range Standard motor : αiS2 Left-hand Layout 315 Stroke limitation shall be required. 315 470 415 470 380 219 46 249 φ86 19 220 221 135 45 15 st.150 Interference 630 st.150 5 100 14 st.150 TN-100 179 st.330 480 Splash Guard 150 102 45 5 Column 468 382 280 30 10 Machining range 125 165 125 300 165 If αiF2 motor is used, motor cover size will increase. Note: Y-Axis travel towards Column reduced by 19mm due to interference. 84 330 st.150 155 300 Machining range 165 165 300 125 125 Note: This drawing is shown with Standard Column specs. Standard motor : αiS2 If αiF2 motor is used, motor cover size will increase. Machining range Right-hand Layout 315 380 470 415 249 16 φ86 Splash Guard 470 382 280 30 102 150 221 135 220 45 Column 179 480 st.330 468 219 11 315 10 45 14 155 15 st.150 5 84 st.150 330 st.150 630 st.150 5 100 Dimensions φ86h7 249 15 φ55H7 40° 4-M8 depth14 (P.C.D.70) 10 φ36 180 134 468 115 100 100 1 15 39 20 90 100 20 10 115 220 26 5 221 180 135 45 280 351 251 R10 58 219 4-M5 depth10 (P.C.D.45) φ35H8 5 F α-T14iF/α-T21iF RNA-160 RNA-160L Note: This drawing is shown with Standard Column specs. Layout Example Standard motor : αiS2 500 If αiF2 motor is used, motor cover size will increase. 325 755 380 Column 250 175 85 135 150 50 st.250 180 260 Splash Guard 93 650 st.250 180 14 400 st.200 225 179 170 155 625 480 54 126 st.330 755 220 325 Machining range 200 125 400 125 200 Machining range st.200 70 500 RNA-160R Machining range 200 125 200 125 400 Note: This drawing is shown with Standard Column specs. Standard motor : αiS2 If αiF2 motor is used, motor cover size will increase. Machining range Layout Example 325 380 Control box 625 st.330 155 54 126 50 400 st.200 225 180 Dimensions RNA-160L 135 90 7 335 85 6-M10 depth20 6 positions at 8 equal divided (P.C.D.75) 85 223 φ100h7 85 220 250 45° 85 15 250 335 109 209 7 90 45 148 φ40H8 φ10H7 depth12 6-M10 depth20 6 positions at 8 equal divided (P.C.D.75) φ55H7 45° φ100h7 φ10H7 depth12 209 148 180 st.250 223 15 φ55H7 45 650 RNA-160R φ40H8 109 st.250 220 14 st.200 170 480 110 150 250 135 179 220 85 135 93 6 755 260 Column 70 755 65 560 325 RNA-200 RNA-200L Note: This drawing is shown with Standard Column specs. Standard motor : αiS4 500 If αiF4 motor is used, motor cover size will increase. Machining range 125 125 200 325 325 755 160 Splash Guard 120 305 105 Column 73 st.250 180 179 160 150 270 165 st.330 54 380 625 755 480 126 400 200 Machining range 210 Layout Example st.250 650 105 180 225 14 st.200 RNA-200R 400 st.200 70 500 Machining range 200 125 200 125 400 Note: This drawing is shown with Standard Column specs. Standard motor : αiS4 If αiF4 motor is used, motor cover size will increase. Machining range Layout Example 325 Control box 625 105 305 755 55 54 126 150 270 160 400 st.200 225 180 Dimensions RNA-200L 45 160 115 7 410 105 119 φ45H8 15 305 219 φ120h7 105 271 φ120h7 105 45° 6-M10 depth20 6 positions at 8 equal divided (P.C.D.90) 271 305 219 φ10H7 depth12 45° 6-M10 depth20 6 positions at 8 equal divided (P.C.D.90) 270 φ10H7 depth12 φ65H7 φ45H8 180 RNA-200R 15 158 st.250 45 270 119 650 st.250 160 179 st.200 165 105 14 70 160 φ65H7 73 755 65 480 Column 210 560 325 st.330 380 105 115 7 410 158 7 F α-T14iF/α-T21iF TN-100 TN-100 Note: This drawing is shown with Standard Column specs. Left-hand Layout Standard motor : αiS2 500 If αiF2 motor is used, motor cover size will increase. Machining range Note: Y-Axis travel towards Column reduced by 34mm due to interference. 400 125 200 325 325 755 755 15 st.250 180 650 st.200 70 500 200 125 200 125 400 Machining range Note: This drawing is shown with Standard Column specs. Standard motor : αiS2 If αiF2 motor is used, motor cover size will increase. 325 Control box 90 380 625 325 755 65 560 755 468 249 61 310 382 280 60 45 150 135 45 220 221 14 102 480 50 φ86 st.200 63 st.330 219 11 179 400 Machining range Right-hand Layout 70 14 st.200 225 180 st.250 TN-100 Column Interference 34 221 135 45 171 Column 249 179 Splash Guard 219 35 φ86 220 102 45 150 280 380 468 63 st.330 382 625 480 310 60 Machining range 125 200 Stroke limitation shall be required. 99 400 225 st.200 180 650 st.250 st.250 180 Dimensions φ86h7 249 15 219 134 115 115 100 100 58 26 180 20 20 90 100 39 φ36 1 15 220 10 10 468 8 4-M8 depth14 (P.C.D.70) 5 221 180 135 45 280 351 251 R10 φ55H7 40° 4-M5 depth10 (P.C.D.45) φ35H8 TN-130 TN-130 Note: This drawing is shown with 100mm High Column specs. 500 Left-hand Layout 400 125 200 325 Machining range 125 200 Machining range 325 755 755 625 90 380 st.250 Column φ90 250 180 249 183 Splash Guard st.250 650 180 11 st.200 225 14 279 102 60 280 491 242 580 60 63 235 382 236 150 60 310 st.330 22 49 st.200 400 70 500 TN-130 Machining range 200 125 200 125 400 Note: This drawing is shown with 100mm High Column specs. Machining range Right-hand Layout 325 325 Control box 90 380 755 625 560 755 65 st.330 Column 491 242 249 112 Splash Guard 11 70 st.200 14 382 102 60 310 280 60 250 150 60 235 236 279 φ90 63 580 28 49 400 225 st.200 180 st.250 650 st.250 180 Dimensions 491 242 φ55H7 40° 249 31 211 134 115 10 16 26 15 100 100 20 20 10 51 235 236 150 90 100 10 6-M8 depth14 (P.C.D.70) φ36 φ35 φ36 0.5 19 R115 60 280 382 351 251 φ90h7 4-M5 depth10 (P.C.D.45) φ35H8 9 Highly flexible TSUDAKOMA Machine Vises for use with Multiple Materials. Force-Multiplier Mechanical Vise Vi-1216・1222 Vi-1216 Vi-1222 The TSUDAKOMA Vi Machine Vise for ROBODRILL features one-touch switchover or Force-Multiplier clamping One-touch, Three-Step Adjustable Force Clamping Easy operation Force-Multiplier Clamping Clamping force is changed by an easy to operate manual adjustment ring Force-Multiplier Clamping 30KN(3t) Wedge-Nut system prevents workpiece pop-up Manual Clamping 15KN(1.5t) 10KN(1t)or lower Wedge-Nut Specifications User Friendly Features Dimension No. ・Telescoping chip cover ・One-Touch Chip cover removal ・Bolt-on base cap for chip protection ・Fixtures easily attached via base-top tapped hole ・Guide blocks positioned to avoid machine tool interference ・One-touch switch-over Clamping Force Optional Items Refer to Page 14 Unit:mm Vi-1216 Vi-1222 125 Base width S 125 Base height J 50 50 Base opening width(MAX) L 160 (164) 220 (224) Vise total length A 442 502 Gauge line height for Workpiece I 95 95 Guide block width C 14h7 18h7 Max. Clamp force KN 30 (3t) 30 (3t) Weight kg 31 34 Accuracy Standard Refer to Page 15 Machine Vise selection chart Vi-1216 Vi-1222 10 αT14i Fs αT21i Fs αT14i F αT21i F αT14i FL αT21i FL ● (NOTE)Machining of Guide block with 30mm off-set available as options. ● (NOTE)Guide block 18-14 and 14mm Clamping block available as options. ● (NOTE)Guide block 18-14 and 14mm Clamping block available as options. Fs α-T14iFs/α-T21iFs Vi-1216 Layout 300 Machining range Machine door 45 Machine Column 79 0∼164 79 232 40 125 170 Vi-1216 Machining range Machining range 125 300 125 330 165 150 55 14 7 400 165 34 50 12mm hexagon head 95 145 125 105 Handle (provided) 179 165 170 8 442 1 233 (30) 40 125 135 20 92 40 125 330 10 40 100 85 315 630 (NOTE) Machining of Guide block with 30mm off-set available as option. F 315 135 Refer to Page 14 ※Set-plate (as option) is used. α-T14iF/α-T21iF Vi-1222 500 Layout Control Box Machine Column 0∼224 125 165 40 40 125 160 125 98 79 Vi-1222 125 120 34 97 200 79 165 Machine door 502 1 Machining range 160 200 150 55 95 179 145 12mm hexagon head 14 7 125 50 Handle (provided) 400 58 14 125 75 102 160 225 400 70 40 10 85 325 325 650 135 (NOTE) Guide block 18-14 and 14mm Clamping block available as option. 2-M10 depth20 Provided with Eye-bolts 4-M10 depth20 4-M10 depth20 27.5 125 150 42 20 HH EE 10 CC GG K Lmax φAA BB 12mm hexagon head Toe Clamps (4) sets R S T M 25 N Q O FF F I φ G H J P 4-M10 depth20 (2) on back side 1 DD 55 40 Dimensions Refer to Page 14 ※Set-plate (as option) is used. Y 125 Z 75 7 C h7 V E D U B V W X A Vi-1216 Vi-1222 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q 442 502 325 385 14 18 155 200 287 302 55 55 60 60 145 145 95 95 AA 79 79 BB 164 224 CC 79 79 DD 75 120 39.5 39.5 FF 15 15 GG 20 20 Vi-1216 Vi-1222 Z 50 50 HH 131.4 131.4 125 125 102 102 77 71 18 24 165 165 220 220 75 85 8 11 12 16 23 28 60 60 10 10 40 40 40 40 20 20 70 70 R S T U V W X Y EE 11 Accessories for NC Rotary Tables Chucks Scroll Chucks G ■Chucking range H J D A F E Unit:mm a b Chucking range c d e 2∼23 36∼58 64∼86 41∼61 69∼89 3∼31 42∼72 78∼108 49∼78 85∼114 3∼43 52∼93 95∼136 57∼97 105∼145 3∼53 56∼108 114∼166 65∼117 124∼176 4∼69 64∼118 130∼184 74∼128 142∼196 Chuck size 4" 5" 6" 7" 9" φc φb φa I φd B φe C Unit:mm Chuck Dimensions (Kobayashi) Order code Chuck size RNA-160-4 RNA-160-5 RNA-160-6 RNA-160-7 RNA-200-5 RNA-200-6 RNA-200-7 RNA-200-9 Chuck model Chuck Chuck Height Center Outer dia. thickness of Jaw hole dia. Jaw length Center height F Net weight kg A B C D E 4" TC110F φ112 58 31.3 φ24 45 G H 5" TC130F φ132 60 37.3 φ32 56 6" TC165F φ167 66 44.3 φ44 68 7" TC190F φ192 75 46.3 φ54 80 φ192 5" TC130F φ132 60 37.3 φ32 56 φ132 6" TC165F φ167 66 44.3 φ44 68 φ167 7" TC190F φ192 75 46.3 φ54 80 9" TC230F φ233 82 55.3 φ70 90 I J 18 φ45 φ112 5 φ132 155 135 φ167 165 160 7 12 19 7 18 φ192 φ233 12 φ55 19 25 30 Faceplates Unit:mm 200 φC H G 250 TN-100 TN-130 B C D 30 φ50H7 φ75 30 φ60H7 φ90 25 φ40H7 φ70 E F 12H8 19 0 200 RNA-200 E B G H 19 8 0 160 RNA-160 D φA A Faceplate outer dia. 135 +2 +1 F Tailstocks Manual Tailstocks C(stroke) M J R-type right hand model D L-type left hand model Clamping bolt A L g Ⅰ c φE φB TL-135M d φb e □ 16 15 ah7 With Lathe center F G H R-type right hand model C (stroke) TL-160M L-type left hand model J D Clamping bolt A L φb d Ⅰ c g φE φB K M e □ h h With Lathe center ah7 F G H Unit:mm A B C D E F×G Base H Order code Morse taper Center height Center hole Stroke Lathe center Handle dia. dimensions 12 TL-135M MT2 135 35 28 36 69 TL-160M MT3 160 45 48 44 140 I 139×100 192 16 230×130 326 2 a b c d e g h Net weight kg 162 12 14 12 55 8 23 20 − 9 129 53 193 13 18 16 75 11 28 30 17.5 J K 92 − L M 22 Tailstocks Support Spindles Example Q 2−9. 8 Drill 4−11 Drill R H S TS-□□□(No clamping) J P 8 P φ10H7 depth12 015 B±0. G° φE C TS-135 F-M10 depth 18 (equally spaced) φK φN φM φLh7 4 B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S Net weight kg TS-135 135 27.5 205 196 55 4 45 58 89 80 30 20 138 85 11 10 18.5 13 TS-160 160 27.5 230 196 55 4 45 58 89 80 30 20 138 85 11 10 18.5 15 18h7 7 A A unit:mm Order code D H Example TS-□□□P(Pneumatic clamp) J H S Q 2−9. 8 Drill 4−11 Drill 8 R 4 φ10H7 depth12 015 B±0. φE C TS-160P P G° φK φN φM φLh7 P F-M10 depth 18 (equally spaced) C D G H J K L M N P Q R S Clamp torque(N・m) Net weight (0.49MPa) kg E F TS-135P 135 27.5 218.5 196 55 4 45 58 130 80 30 20 167 85 11 10 18.5 156.9 20 TS-160P 160 27.5 267.5 196 55 4 45 58 130 80 30 20 215 85 11 10 18.5 383.7 27 Pneumatic feed port (2)1/4"PT 18h7 7 B A unit:mm Order code A H D Example of Rotary Table with Support Spindle and fixture plate(RNA-200L,αT14FL) 700 400 205 350 Machining range 205 Machining range 350 Control box 201 65 1030 1030 235 328 380 Splash Guard 25 155 172 Column 55 305 105 75 179 270 40 150 160 st.330 54 25 165 560 14 100 255 st.350 850 st.350 255 220 st.200 125 125 410 st.200 65 13 Options NC Rotary Table Rotary Joint 1. 4±0. 05 B 30° 30° F PT1/4 4 ports 6 ports B C D E RNA-160 155 135 120 113 39 RNA-200 165 160 122 116 42 RNA-160 155 135 152 145 39 RNA-200 165 160 154 148 42 A F G H J 48 23 8.5 13 80 6 ports E D C A 4 ports F= 16x((number of ports) minus 1) Available models and Specifications Number of Ports Rotary Table +0.05 φJ 0 φG φ95 φH A rotary joint unit supplies hydraulic or pneumatic pressure to a workpiece or a fixture (actuator) which is mounted to the Rotary table. A Rotary Joint enables automatic loading and unloading of the workpiece. 25 6.6 Rated supplied pressure MPa【kgf/cm2】 11 3.5 【35】 * For additional dimensions and configurations of pneumatic/hydraulic output ports of Rotary Joint, please contact TSUDAKOMA. Machine Vise Soft Jaw(Fixed) Soft Jaw(Movable) M10 depth 20 K K B B J J M10 depth 20 I A I A φM G H φN F G D φN D E C C L L φM H F unit : mm A B C D E Vi-1216 Vi-1222 125 95 65 F G H 5.5 70.5 60 I 18 46.5 90 J K 44 33.5 41 Vise handle Extension Bar 200∼230 φ26 12 unit : mm L M N 26 18 Vi-1216 Vi-1222 A B C D E F G H 125 94 70 65 6 65 18 46 I 30 J Work Stopper 12 (12 mm Hex) 60 T-bolt for fastening together(2)Vises 165 38 26.5 26.5 75 22 53 φ12 23 40mm clearance 14 L M N 45 32.5 35.5 20 Connecting port for Vise handle 152∼182 212∼242 K Ratchet Handle 14 Inspection Standard NC Rotary Tables RNA unit : mm No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Standard Inspection Items Spindle end runout Per 200mm Parallelism of spindle end to frame bottom Spindle nose Spindle center bore runout Per 200mm Perpendicularity of spindle end to frame bottom Per overall length Perpendicularity of spindle end to frame bottom guide cumulative Indexing accuracy (arc sec.) Height difference between center lines of headstock and tailstock 1 2 3 RNA-160 0.01 0.02 0.01 ±0.02 0.02 25 ±0.03 RNA-200 0.01 0.02 0.01 ±0.02 0.02 20 ±0.03 4 Cylinder 5 6 7 Indexing accuracy is measured by an optical measuring device. TN unit : mm No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Standard Inspection Items Spindle end runout Parallelism of spindle end to base frame bottom Per overall length Parallelism of tilt axis center to frame bottom Per overall length Spindle nose Center bore runout 0° ∼90° Tilting accuracy (arc sec.) Indexing accuracy (arc sec.) Perpendicularity(Parallelism) of spindle end to frame bottom, guide blocks 1 2 5・6 7 cumulative Per overall length (at 90° position) 3 TN-100 0.015 0.015 0.02 0.015 45 40 0.015 TN-130 0.015 0.015 0.02 0.015 45 40 0.015 4 Tilting angle and Indexing accuracy is measured by an optical measuring device. Machine Vise Vi unit : mm No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Inspection Items Standard Parallelism of vise bottom to sliding base of movable jaw Per 100mm Parallelism between both vise jaws Per 100mm Parallelism of clamping portion of fixed jaw to sliding base of movable jaw (shall be less than 90 degrees) Per 100mm Parallelism of vise bottom guide blocks to fixed vise jaws Per 100mm Parallelism of clamped test block to base bottom Per 100mm Max. tilt of test block when clamped (amount of displacement) 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.010 0.020 0.020 0.015 0.015 0.015 Standard ditch 15 ◆ New from TSUDAKOMA Direct Drive NC Rotary Table High speed tilting table Single axis table with fixture RTT-101(DD) RTV-106(DD) Specifications unit : mm Rotary axis Driving unit Max. table rotation speed min-1 Indexing accuracy arc sec. Max. motor torque N・m Spindle dia. Table height at 0° position Center height at 90° position Tilting range degree kg Net weight Allowable workpiece weight kg Tilt axis Direct Drive Direct Drive 150 150 15 10 260 85 φ100 270 210 ー110∼+110 180 30 Specifications unit : mm Specifications Notes Driving unit Direct Drive Max. table rotation speed min-1 150 reserve indexing time 0.4sec. Clamp system Pneumatic N・m 160(0.49MPa) Clamp torque Cooling system Not required N・m Max. torque 110 Spindle dia. 100 Center height 135 Indexing accuracy arc sec. 20 kg Net weight 50 Allowable workpiece weight kg 30 ports Rotary Joint 3 optional ●Some rotary tables in the catalogue are classified as“License Required Goods”by “Export Trade Control Regulation -(Article 1 Paragraph 6(8)- Complex Rotary Table”. ●ROBODRILL descriptions, photographs, and registered trademark are used with the permission of FANUC Ltd. The rotary table and vise products described in this catalog have no relation to FANUC Ltd. Nonoichi-machi. Ishikawa. 921-8529 Japan Phone (076) 294ー5111. Fax (076) 294ー5157 E-mail : WE18-07A
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