JWA Annual Report 2008 - Jewish Women`s Archive


JWA Annual Report 2008 - Jewish Women`s Archive
OCTOBER 1, 2007—SEPTEMBER 30, 2008
“Wh y not see wh at would
h appen if we created
visionary work?”
Naom i Weisstein
The mission of the Jewish Women’s Archive
is to uncover, chronicle, and transmit the
rich history of American Jewish women.
I am delighted to introduce the Jewish Women’s Archive Annual Report for Fiscal
Year 2008, which acknowledges the many generous donors whose contributions have
made our work possible, and highlights JWA’s activities between October 1, 2007, and
September 30, 2008.
As you will see, the Archive’s programs and resources are more vital than ever. The
educators who attended our Summer Institute, the young people in our internship
program, the elders who shared their stories of life during World War II, the people who
contributed their memories of women they admired to We Remember, the bloggers who
made Jewesses with Attitude such a lively online forum—all of these people and more
enjoyed and enriched the Jewish Women’s Archive this year. And then there were the
tens of thousands of people all over the world who visited our website to explore the rich
legacy of American Jewish women.
In FY08, JWA reached new audiences with Making Trouble, our award-winning
documentary about six pioneering Jewish women in comedy. The film’s premise—that
the struggles and successes of these women paved the way for later generations of
comedians and entertainers—underscores JWA’s mission of drawing on the stories of our
predecessors for insight and inspiration. Playing to sold-out crowds at film festivals all
over the country, Making Trouble has become a bold calling card for the Jewish Women’s
In a year that saw sweeping change at the national level, JWA’s mission took on new
relevance: the lessons of history can inform the present and change the future. We are
grateful to the individuals and institutions listed in this report, whose support affirms this
mission and enables the Jewish Women’s Archive to uncover, chronicle and transmit the
inspiring stories and accomplishments of American Jewish women.
Michele Rosen
Board Chair
Founding Chair
Barbara B. Dobkin
Michele Rosen
Sarah Perry, Clerk
Roz Garber, Treasurer
Joyce Antler
Susan Asher Calechman
Gloria Feldt
Judith Ginsberg
Penina Migdal Glazer
Lynda Goldstein
Felicia D. Herman
Carol M. Joseph
Ann Kirschner
Karen Secunda Levy
Anne H. Meyer
Linda K. Morse
Beth W. Newburger
Linda Perlmutter*
Barbara Ellison Rosenblit
Sheri Sandler*
Susan Levin Schlechter
Carol Shalita Smokler
Marian Scheuer Sofaer
Prudence Steiner
Nancy Schwartz Sternoff
Nicki Newman Tanner
Jeane Ungerleider
Carol Wise
Diane Wohl
Toni Wolfman*
Rose Zoltek-Jick
*Completed term May 2008
Peggy Charren
Ruth B. Fein
Susan Galler
Sally A. Gottesman
Barbara W. Grossman
Susan Harris
Lee M. Hendler
Beth S. Klarman
Martha Minow
Suzanne G. Priebatsch
Brenda Brown Rever
Jeane Ungerleider
Henny Wenkart
Doris Zelinksky
Gail T. Reimer
Executive Director
Lauren Antler
Project Director
JWA Productions
Stephen Benson
Executive Assistant
Ari Davidow
Director of Online Strategy
Liz Tapper
Theresa Norton
Anna Torres
Cheryl Siegel
Hilarie Meyers
Emily Pratt
Maya Shwayder
Jewish Women’s Archive
138 Harvard Street
Brookline, MA 02446
TEL: 617.232.2258
FAX: 617.975.0109
WEB: jwa.org
“N ow in its teen
Jayne K. Guberman
Director of Collecting
years, J WA is
Rachel King
Director of Development and
getting sassy,
Andrea Medina-Smith
Digital Archivist
Jordan Namerow
Online Communications
Nora Pittis
Development Associate
judging by
“Making Trou ble”
--Hadassah Magazine
Judith Rosenbaum
Director of Public History
Ellen K. Rothman
Deputy Director
Emily Scheinberg
Assistant Director for Educational
Isaac Simon Hodes
Web Producer
Sharing Stories
Making Trouble
After its successful premiere at the prestigious Silverdocs Film
Festival in June 2007, Making Trouble drew consistently sold-out
houses and was a major focus of the Jewish Women’s Archive’s
activities throughout 2008. Produced by JWA Productions,
recognized Making Trouble with
awards: it won Special Mention
in the Jewish Experience
Category at the Jerusalem
Film Festival, and it won Best
Documentary and Audience
Award at the Palm Beach Jewish
Film Festival.
Recognizing that the film is an
entrée to the Jewish Women’s
Archive for new audiences,
JWA enhanced the Making
Trouble website (http://www.
makingtrouble.com/). Linked to
jwa.org, the site has new features
that reinforce Making Trouble’s
association with the Jewish
Women’s Archive and introduce
audiences to JWA’s many
the 85-minute film focuses on the lives and accomplishments
of six funny Jewish women entertainers, and is hosted by
four contemporary comedians discussing the legacy of their
and the impact of these earlier
women on their own work. The documentary was screened
more than 80 times in FY08, including at film festivals across
the country, both Jewish and non-Jewish. These included highprofile Jewish film festivals in San Francisco, Boston, Miami,
Atlanta, Philadelphia, Denver, and Seattle; and prestigious
general film festivals in Santa Fe, Woodstock, NY, and Sarasota.
The film was seen internationally in Jerusalem, Stockholm, Sao
Paulo, Vancouver, and Toronto.
Lively panel discussions and question-and-answer periods with
JWA staff and some of the scholars and comedians featured
in the film followed many of the screenings. Two festivals
Comedian Fanny Brice in unidentified film
still, circa 1935 (Photo: Hulton Archive/Getty
New Collection: american jewish women and World War II Project
In FY08, the Jewish Women’s
Archive began collecting materials
for American Jewish Women and
WWII, an effort to preserve the
legacy of American Jewish women
who lived through World War II.
JWA developed and distributed
10,000 copies of “10 Questions,” a
guide to help people capture their
own story or the story of a woman
in their family or community and
to upload it to the Jewish Women’s
Archive website. The response
to “10 Questions” was immediate
and enthusiastic—before the year
was out it went into its second
printing—demonstrating that
Jewish Women and WWII tapped
into a strong desire to capture
stories from this era.
Sylvia Meltzer’s M.I.T. Radiation Lab ID
American Red Cross Canteen Corps, Newport News, Virginia, 1942. Collection of
Peninsula Jewish Historical Society.
Pvt. Thelma Klein, United States Marine
Corps Womens’ Reserve.
Millie Guberman with booklet from Avukah, a Zionist
youth organization.
Sharing Stories
In June 2008, the Charles H.
Revson Foundation awarded
one of the first Lisa Goldberg
Technology and Internet
Initiative Awards to the Jewish
Women’s Archive for Unlocking
the Archive, a project that will
enable users to create their own
multimedia, digital features using
content from jwa.org and other
sites on the Internet. Named
in honor of Lisa Goldberg,
longtime director of the Revson
Foundation and former member
of the JWA Board, the grant
provides partial funding for
development of a tool that
“unlocks” the treasure trove of
material on the JWA website so
that students and teachers can
“re-purpose” it to meet their own
needs. For example, teachers can
use it to customize lesson plans,
while students create homework
assignments, independent
projects, and interactive
presentations. By facilitating
user-generated content and
increasing interactivity, this
project continues the Jewish
Women’s Archive’s tradition of
making innovative use of digital
technology. JWA was pleased
to receive additional funding for
the project from Diane Wohl,
a member of the Board of
“Your worksh op was
th e best organized
worksh op I’ve been
to. It also had th e
most intelligent
speakers, th e most
useful information
and kept us
engaged th rough to
th e end...”
The Jewish Women’s Archive
held its second Institute
for Educators in Brookline,
Massachusetts, from July
13–17, 2008. Chosen from
more than 90 applicants, the 24
participants came from a wide
range of professional settings
(congregational education,
supplementary schools, day
schools, adult education, and
universities) and travelled from
places as diverse as Kentucky
and California, Nebraska, and
New Jersey. Generous funding
from the Dorot Foundation
covered each participant’s
2008 Institute participant
expenses and provided a small
The Institute featured workshops investigating themes in Jewish
women’s history, examining primary source documents and
oral histories, exploring multimedia resources, and developing
strategies for using the material with students. The program included
Participants in The 2008 Institute for Educators: (l. to r.) Jess Alper of San Francisco, CA; Jane
Grise of Lexington, KY; and Alan Rosenberg of Providence, RI.
seminars led by scholars,
experiential workshops, and
in-depth sessions focused on
JWA’s online resources. Each
participant planned a series of
lessons that she/he is using
this year to integrate Jewish
women’s stories into her/his
teaching. Following the Institute,
participants have shared the
materials and methods learned at
the Institute with their colleagues
and communities at home, and
remain connected with one
another and with the Jewish
Women’s Archive through a
private community website
“Th is is th e first
conference/worksh op
I’ve gone to
wh ere I ha ve left
FO R SU R E that
I will implem ent
what I ha ve
learned and h ow to
do it again.”
2008 Institute participant
JWA’s Impact in the
Now in its fourth year, Go & Learn
puts curriculum modules with
primary documents related to
Jewish women’s history on
jwa.org and guides educators in
how to use them. In FY08, JWA
developed three new modules:
“Tefillin Barbie: Considering
Gender and Ritual Garb,” “A Young
American Jew in Israel, 1947-48,”
and “‘We Have Found You Wanting’:
Labor Activism and Communal
Responsibility,” which, together,
have been downloaded more
than 2,000 times. Overall, lesson
plans from the 13 editions of Go
& Learn were downloaded more
than 20,000 times from September
2005 through the end of FY08, an
increase of almost 50% in the last
year alone.
“I th ink “Go
& Learn” is
an absolutely
fantastic initiative.
I h ope you
continu e to pu blish
it FO R E V ER.”
Sur vey Resp;ondent
An outside evaluator completed an
assessment of the third year of the
Go & Learn program. Respondents
praised the richness of primary
sources, the usefulness of lesson
plans for different ages, and the
adaptability of the materials. All
respondents who had used Go &
Learn reported that they plan to
use it again and would recommend
it to a colleague. The survey also
revealed that Go & Learn is an
important gateway to the Jewish
Women’s Archive, bringing
new people to the website and
introducing them to other JWA
jwa internships
Committed to providing mentoring
and professional development in
Jewish studies, women’s studies,
and archival management, JWA
hosted three summer interns in
2008: Emily Pratt, a Jewish Studies
major at Smith College from
Montgomery, NJ; Hilarie Meyers,
a junior history concentrator at
Brown from Hudson, NY; and
Maya Shwayder, a psychology
major at Harvard from Farmington,
“My tim e at th e
Jewish Wom en’s
Arch ive opened up
ideas of wh ere I
want to go in my
life. “
2008 summer intern Emily Pratt meeting with Executive Director Gail T. Reimer.
Emily Pratt, summ er intern
Like interns before them,
they emerged with a stronger
commitment to their Jewish
identity and a deeper
understanding of both the practice
and the findings of gendersensitive history. Among the many
projects they worked on, the
interns made the first podcasts
for the Jewish Women’s Archive
website and participated in the
Institute for Educators. In their
evaluations of the experience, all
three interns were grateful for the
chance to witness the Archive’s
“influence in the real world” and
to see concrete evidence of how
JWA’s resources benefit teachers
and students all over the country.
2008 summer intern Hilarie Meyers.
Sharing Stories
We Remember
Lead funding from Linda Morse
enabled JWA to expand its online
collection of reminiscences of
recently deceased American
Jewish Women from 27 to
44. These reflections on the
lives and accomplishments of
American Jewish women who
lived in the 20th century and
died in the 21st tell the stories
of women from many walks of
life—from civil rights leader to
prize winning poet, from Yoga
“If th is one small
woman can be a
giant in so many
th ings, challenge
yourself to be th e
sam e.”
Kath leen O’Connor, rem embering
Sh irley Bridge
teacher to Broadway star, from
philanthropist to pharmacist,
from folk musician to feminist
pioneer—and reveal the many
different worlds in which
American Jewish women had
an impact. Who knew that
Hollywood columnist Sheilah
Graham began life as Lily
Shiel? Who knew that the noted
TANNER Oral History
Selma Waldman (Photo: Rainer Waldman
Jewish educator Florence
Melton invented the removable
shoulder pad? Who knew that
Polish-born Ruby Blue, who was
anointed a swami at the age of
86, lit Sabbath candles in her
apartment every Friday night? To
further enhance this increasingly
popular collection on jwa.org, in
August 2008, JWA created the
first podcast in a new series;
this podcast accompanies a We
Remember piece about Shirley
Bridge, a Seattle activist whose
oral history is in JWA’s collection.
In fall 2007, the Jewish Women’s
Archive undertook a major project to digitize the 280 oral history
interviews that are a centerpiece
of the Archive’s collection. These
oral histories include interviews
from Women Whose Lives Span
the Century, Weaving Women’s
Words, Women Who Dared,
and Katrina’s Jewish Voices, as
well as individual oral history
interviews JWA has conducted
over the past 10 years. Digitizing
these valuable resources is not
only critical for their long-term
preservation, but will also enable
JWA to make them fully accessible and available to all on its
“Roz’s smile made
th e plants grow.”
Alice Walker, rem embering
Rozlyn Zinn
Barbara Seaman (Photo: Henry Grossman).
Sharing Stories
Blogging with Attitude
JWA’s blog, Jewesses with
Attitude, is a forum for young
Jewish women to explore a
variety of subjects, including
feminism, politics, sexuality,
religious pluralism, ritual, and pop
culture. In FY08, it established
a unique and respected voice
in the blogosphere, generating
relevant, provocative content
about a wide variety of
stimulating topics of particular
interest to Jewish women. One
of the most frequently viewed
and popular parts of the JWA
website, the blog continued to
grow in readership in FY08 and
was recognized by Blogger.com
as a Top 10 blog in the category
of “religion and culture.” It
receives on average more than
7,000 unique visitors per month,
which translates into an average
of more than 20,500 page
views. Jewesses With Attitude
was frequently referenced and
linked in more than 50 blogs and
websites, including major Jewish
blogs—Jewschool, JVoices,
JSpot, MyJewishLearning,
Jewess, the Jewish Service
Online Network (a project of the
Schusterman Foundation)—and
was mentioned in a variety of
online publications including
Nextbook, The Wichita Eagle, the
Dallas Morning News, the Seattle
Times, and The News & Observer.
com. Jordan Namerow, Online
Communications Specialist and
one of JWA’s primary bloggers,
was a presenter at the United
Jewish Communities 2007
General Assembly in Nashville,
TN, discussing what blogging
offers Jewish women in terms
of Jewish identity and feminist
expression, and how Jewesses
With Attitude has maximized
possibilities for user participation,
openness, and interactivity on the
JWA in the News
The Jewish Women’s Archive, its people and its programs, received
considerable media coverage in FY08. Executive Director and
JWA founder Gail Reimer was the subject of a full-length article in
Hadassah Magazine in February 2008. In December 2007, JWA was
cited for “doing cutting-edge work” in a front-page article in The
Boston Globe on the shift in the philanthropic behavior of young
Jewish donors. Also in December, JWA was featured in an article
about the J.A.P. stereotype in Bitch Magazine. JWA’s blog, Jewesses
With Attitude, was featured in an article on Nextbook called “The Rise
and Fall—And Rise—of ‘Jewess’” (5/14/2008) by Daniel Krieger, which
was re-published by many Jewish print publications including the
Jewish Standard.
Jordan Namerow at the “March for
Women’s Lives” in Washington, DC,
2004. Photo featured on Jewesses
with Attitude.
Making Trouble was featured in such national magazines as Lilith,
Moment, and Hadassah, as well as several national newspapers,
including the Washington Post, Baltimore Sun, and Atlanta JournalSentinel. Radio and television coverage of the film included interviews
with Gail Reimer, the film’s director Rachel Talbot, Project Director
Lauren Antler, and some of the contemporary comedians featured
in the film. The film also received substantial coverage (and sparked 11
lively conversation) in the Jewish blogosphere.
The Jewish Women’s Archive, Inc.
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position As Of September 30, 2008
Pledges Receivable
Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Net Property And Equipment
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Total Liabilities
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted Endowment Fund
Total Net Assets
Income FY08
Fy08 InCOMe AnD exPenses
FY08 Income
In-Kind GiftsIn-Kind Gifts
Program Fees
Program Fees
FY08 Income Including Releases from Past Years
FY08 Income Including Releases From Past Years
Contribution Income
Contribution IncomeIn-Kind Gifts
In-Kind Gifts
Program Fees
Program Fees
Released from Restrictions
Released from Restriction
Released from Endowment
Expenses FY08
Released From Endowment
FY08 Expenses
Program Expense
our donors
The Jewish Women’s Archive is grateful to those
individuals and institutions who sustain the work
of the Archive with their generous support. Their
partnership is vital to preserving and promoting
the stories of American Jewish women, in order to
understand our past and shape our future.
The Fund for the Future campaign was JWA’s first
strategic, multi-year campaign to ensure that the
VisionarIES: $1 Million and UP
Barbara and Eric Dobkin
Dorot Foundation
The Klarman Family Foundation
Olive Bridge Fund
achievements of Jewish women in America are fully
Advocates: $100,000 to $999,999
documented, studied, and celebrated.
The Estate of David Twersky
Sally Gottesman
Karen and George Levy
Brenda Brown Rever
Michele and Stan Rosen
Carol Shalita Smokler
Nicki and Harold Tanner
The Fund for the Future campaign raised $12.7
million. Campaign commitments included multi-year
Annual Fund gifts for general operating support,
support for designated programs, and gifts to the
Barbara Dobkin Endowment Fund, named in honor
of JWA’s visionary founding Chair.
Barbara and Eric Dobkin’s generous lead gift
launched the Fund for the Future campaign in
Spring 2005. The campaign concluded in January
Leaders: $25,000 to $99,999
Eleanor Friedman
Ann F. Lewis
Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff
Awards Committee
Sheri Cyd Sandler
Susan and Bruce Schlechter
Rose Zoltek-Jick
Pillars: $24,999 and below
Joyce Antler
The Asher Calechman Family
Susan Asher Calechman
Ruth B. and Rashi Fein
Penina and Mickey Glazer
Ellen Kanner
Ann Kirschner
Nancy Meyer and Marc Weiss
Beth W. Newburger
Peggy Nathan
Linda R. Perlmutter
Gail T. and Joseph Reimer
Nancy Schwartz Sternoff
Carol B. Wise
The Wise Women
Toni G. Wolfman
founders’ circle
$100,000 and UP
We gratefully acknowledge
Barbara and Eric Dobkin
Dorot Foundation
The Klarman Family
Olive Bridge Fund
the support of the following
individuals and institutions that
made gifts to the Jewish Women’s
Archive between October 1, 2007,
and September 30, 2008.
directors’ circle
$50,000 to $99,999
Michele and Stan Rosen
Carol Shalita Smokler
Nicki and Harold Tanner
champions’ circle
$25,000 to $49,999
Charles H. Revson Foundation
Sally A. Gottesman
Karen and George Levy
Walter and Elise Haas Fund
Combined Jewish
Rysia de Ravel
Barbara Benioff Friedman
Meryl Gallatin
Roz Garber
Cora Ginsberg
Ronne Hess
Carol M. Joseph
Roger Kasle Family
Lynn Korda Kroll
Susan Newhouse
Lia G. Poorvu
Elizabeth H. Scheuer
Antoinette Delruelle and
Joshua L. Steiner
The Barrington Foundation,
Susan and James Snider Fund
Peggy Tanner and
David Tanner
Merle Tarnow
Rhonda S. Zinner
catalyst circle
$10,000 to $24,999
collectors’ circle
$1,000 to $2,499
Brenda Brown Rever
Eleanor Friedman
Joseph and Rebecca
Meyerhoff Awards
Kaplan Family Foundation
Beth W. Newburger
Sheri Cyd Sandler
Susan and Bruce Schlechter
Marian Scheuer Sofaer
Zelda R. Stern
Diane Wohl
Mimi and Barry Alperin
Andrew H. and Ann R. Tisch
Joyce Antler
Marjory Baruch
Joan and Steve Belkin
Joyce Bohnen
The Brenner Foundation
The Honorable Ann Brown
Susan Asher Calechman
Bonnie Orlin
Marilyn and Andre Danesh
Marsha A. Dubrow, Ph.D.
Rabbis Jacqueline Koch
Ellenson and
David Ellenson
Cathy England
Ruth B. and Rashi Fein
Lois Blum Feinblatt
Amy Friedkin
Leslie B. Gaffin
Penina and Mickey Glazer
Carol and Avram Goldberg
Sibyl R. Golden
Jackson and Irene Golden
1989 Charitable Trust
Merle and Marshall Goldman
Dr. Barbara W. Grossman
Celeste Grynberg and
Jack Grynberg
Mildred Guberman Kravetz
Lois and Richard Gunther
Michal Hart Hillman
Rory and David A. Jones
Martin Kaminer
Ellen Kanner
Carole B. Kessler
visionary circle
$5,000 to $9,999
The Coca-Cola Foundation
Sherri Ades Falchuk and
Kenneth Falchuk
Katja Goldman
Dorian Goldman
Lynda Goldstein
Felicia Herman
Pamela Kohlberg
Ruth Lapidus and
Sidney Lapidus
Leni May
Anne H. Meyer
Sarah Perry
Ross Family Fund
Rose Zoltek-Jick
advocates’ circle
$2,500 to $4,999
Susan Beckerman
Ann Kirschner
Myra and Robert Kraft
Mimi Levin Lieber
Mandell and
Madeleine Berman
Claire G. Mazer
Peggy Nathan
Linda R. Perlmutter
Suzanne G. Priebatsch
Gail and Joseph Reimer
Emily Rosenberg
Terry Rosenberg
Barbara Ellison Rosenblit
Susan and Alan Rothenberg
Joan Scheuer
Jodi J. Schwartz
Betsy Sheerr
Linda Rae Sher
Karen Stutz
Judith Swartz
Marcy Syms
Anne Rubinstein Tisch
Marjorie Tiven
Arnee R. and
Walter A. Winshall
Carol B. Wise
Toni G. Wolfman
members and donors
Marcia and Franz Allina
Carol B. Auerbach
Andrew and Melora Balson
Susan Berk
Ann Berman
Gay Block and
Rabbi Malka Drucker
Heather Booth
Lisa Braun-Glazer Fund of
the Jewish Community
Ronni Casty
Dayl Cohen
Sheila G. Friedland
Linda Frieze
Judith Ginsberg
Cathy Glaser and
Steve Semlitz
Sarah B. Glickenhaus
Billie and Martin Gold
Karla Goldman
Paula Gottesman
Marlene B. Grossman
Glenn Horowitz
Joan Jacobson
Jewish Community
Foundation of San Diego
Amalie M. Kass
Francine Klagsbrun
Peter Koch
Farla H. Krentzman
Niccole Kroll
Eve and Jay Landau
Peachy Levy
Phyllis Goldman Margolius
McAdams Family Fund
Bunny and Alvin Z. Meisel
Sara Nathan
Irene Roth Pipes
Charlotte Sheedy Literary
Barbara Sicherman
Toby M. Sloane
Roslyn Solomon
Mrs. Althea Stroum
Naomi and Robert Tuchmann
Sharon, Shoshana, and Ariel Ungerleider
Rachel Adler and
David Schulman
The Altman-Aranow
Charitable Foundation
Anita and Ronald Wornick
Philanthropic Fund
Ann L. Bear
Helene and Ady Berger
Anne Blitstein
Cheryl and David Bradford
Devra M. Breslow
Bobbe and Jon Bridge
Sylvia and Sidney Busis
Catherine Clark
Ellen R. Cohen
Marilyn L. Cohen
Lynne and Bob Delise
Laura Z. Dinerman
Janet Zerlin Fagan
Gloria Feldt
Fox Family Foundation
Pat Freysinger
Shelly Gerson
Angel Goldman
Andrea and Charles Bronfman
Philanthropies, Inc.
Jill Greenberg
Elizabeth S. Gross
Jewish Community
Endowment Fund, San
Daniel A. Jones
Sybil Jones
Sunny Kaplan
Gertrude Kasle
Judith and Seymour Kass
Judith and Bill Kates
Lynn R. and Richard L. Kay
Susan W. Kippur
Betsy Koffman
Mona Friedman Kolko
Marilyn and Ivan Kushen
Steven and Carol Lash
Leifer Family Fund
Joan Maisel Leiman
Jacqueline and
Howard Levine
Molly, Seth, Rosey Esther, and
Lily Benjamin Limmer
Lois L.Lindauer
Linda Lingle
Susan Lowenberg and
Joyce Newstat
Carla E. Lynton
Rabbi Bernard Mehlman
The Purple Ladies Fund
Jennifer Mendel
Sally Mendelsohn and
David Lowenfeld
Jennifer L. Meyerhoff
Nell Minow and David Apatoff
Betty Morningstar-Kruger
Maxine Myers
Melanie and Larry Nussdorf
Judith and Arthur Obermayer
Muriel Palitz
Michael Morse and
Dimitra Papagianni
Margie Plough
Letty Cottin Pogrebin
Lorre Beth Polinger
Rabbi Sally J. Priesand
Frances Stieber Putnoi
Judy and Ken Robins
Dulcie Rosenfeld
Ellen K. Rothman
Marion Gribetz and
Robert V. Rubin
Lorraine Goldenberg Schapiro
Cindy L. Shaffran and
Gary Schwartz
Enid A. Shapiro
Susan L. Shevitz
Linda M. Smith
Carole A. Solomon
Ruth Arnow Sporer
Ronna Stamm and
Paul Lehman
Phyllis S. Swersky
Temple Isaiah Sisterhood
Shelly Tenenbaum
Suzy and Herb Tobin
Andrea and Arthur Waldstein
Dr. Audrey Weiner
Howard M. Wilchins
Elaine L. Wishner
Lissa Abrams
Ruth Abrams
Allison Ackerman
Susan Adler-Bressler
Debbie Aleinikoff and
John Aleinikoff
Sheila R. Alexander
Donna Freiburger Allison
Lee Alter
Lucy Aptekar
Donna Aranson
Tina Arbes
Rita Arditti
Phyllis Arnold and
Joseph Arnold
Doris August
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Bangel
Shelli Bank
Ellen Banox
Henrietta Barnes and
David Bor
Nancy T. Beren
Jane L. Berger
Jane C. Bergner
Ellen Berk
Jacqueline Berkelhamer
Gita Berman
Mindy Berman and Andrew
Robin Berman
Beth El Temple Sisterhood,
West Hartford, CT
Judith G. Bloom
Susan Bolotin and John
Marlene Booth and Avi Soifer
Sara Borochoff
Lila Braine
Bernice Breslau
Shirley and Herb Bridge
Bella P. Brodzki
Joyce Brooks
Sally Brown-Winter
Minna Rodnon Buck
Ann Bookman
Adele Lander Burke
Marcia Burnam
Dr. Joan N. Burstyn
Elaine Minow Burton-Resnick
Shoshana Shoubin Cardin
Wendy and Edmund Case
David Chack
The Chotin Foundation
Penny Coe
Tom Cohen
Marcia Cohn Spiegel
Jennifer Coplon and
Robert Frank
Joan P. and Ronald C. Curhan
Family Fund
The Data Collaborative
Roslyn G. Daum
Sarah Davison
Lilly De Jaen
Wendy H. Detter
Anita A. Diamant
Hasia Diner
Duke Family
Elizabeth T. Edelglass
Rise Edelstein
Judith Abrams Elkins
Harron Ellenson
Pearl and David Elman
Emanuel and Anna Cohen
Foundation, Inc.
Lois England
Esta Gordon Epstein
Julie Farkas and Seth
Alan Fein and Ellen Kolton
Harriet Feinberg
Feinberg Foundation
Ellen Feingold
Gloria Baker Feinstein
Merle Feld
Clarice and Howard Feldman
Fran Feldman
Marcie Ferris
Sharlene K. Finkel
Dr. Lisa Fishbayn
Glenda Fishman
Sara Franco and
Robert Franco
Dr. Harriet Freidenreich
Marjorie R. Freiman
Karen Friedman
Temple Israel Clergy, Boston
Linda Friedman
Robert Friedman
Gloria R. Frisch
S. Zelda and Elkan Gamzu
Jill Safir Gansler
Rabbi Ilana Garber and
Adam Berkowitz
Nancy Gart
Rachelle Garten
Holly Gewandter and
Nancy Heller
The Gillette Company
Matching Gift Program
Susan M. Ginns
Colman and Elise Ginsparg
Abby Ginzberg
Marian Glasgow
Dr. Nora Gold
Richard D. Goldblatt
Barbara Goldburg
Frances Goldman
Avra Goldman
Shelley and Sheldon
Joan and David Goldstein
Deborah Gordon
Arva D. Gray
Joan Shapiro Green
Kathy and Rabbi Arthur Green
Blu Greenberg
Pamela Greenberg
The Greenburg-May
Foundation, Inc.
Ethel Greenspan
Dr. Marsha Greenstein
Jane M. Greischar
Sandra and Louis Grotta
Sherry Hahn
Diane and Shai Halivni
Karen Hauser
Betsy Held
Alice Herman
Patricia Herzog and
Norman Janis
Frances A. Hess
Susan Hess
Barbara L. Himmelrich
Arlene Hirschfeld
Barbara Hirsh
Joan Hoffman
Jan Hoffman and
Dan Nachman
Frances Degen Horowitz
Judith Eisenstadt Horwich
Dobie Hunegs
Paula E. Hyman
Marcia Jacobs
Cathy Jacobson
Julie Jaye
Jewish Federation of
Cumberland County
Jewish Federation of Greater
The Jewish Federation of New
Congregation Beth IsraelJudea
Amelia Welt Katzen
Ruth Kaufman
Ann Kay
Linda K. Kerber
Judith H. Kidd
Benita Kline
Arlene Kossoff
Dorothy Kravetz
Barbara Kreiger
Rabbi Claudia Kreiman,
Rabbi Moshe Woldoks,
Temple Beth Zion
Dolores Kreisman
Judith S. Kremen
Donna Kurtz
Linda S. Kurtz
Dana Kurzweil
Sonia Landes
Ilene Lang
Faye Leftoff
Jill and John Levi
Carol Lee Levin
Carol Levin
Carole and Martin Levine
Barbara Levitas
Barbara Abramoff Levy
Sherry Levy-Reiner
Diane Lichtenstein
Barbara Z. Lipman
Cantor Erica J. Lippitz
Paulette S. Lipton
Ava Bry Penman and
Lewis Lockwood
Louise Loewenstein
Ms. Ellen Lubell
Evy Lutin
Myrna Lyons
Ruth R. Marder
Trisha Margulies
Sari Marmur
Marvin Sparrow Fund
Patty Mason
Bobbie Greene and
Patrick McCarthy
Denise McLaughlin
Rabbi Shira Milgrom
Sharon and Dan Milikowsky
Fern Miller
Karen L. Miller
Linda B. Miller
Annette and Michael Miller
Sheila and Gary Miller
Glenda Minkin
Deborah Dash Moore
Vicki Morris
Cecily Morse
Rabbi Susie Heneson
Hermine Muskat
Dr. David Namerow
Helaine Hartman
Ruth and Edgar Nathan
Carol Breman Nemo
Charolette Newberger
Nurite Notarius-Rosin
Judith S. Novit
Beth Orlansky
Shoshana Pakciarz
Irene and Marvin Perer
Wendy D. Petricoff
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Elizabeth S. Pforzheimer
Judith Plaskow
Sue Plastrik
Bettina Plevan
Muriel K. Pokross
Susan L. Porter
Lynn Portnoy
Susan Pristave
Ruth Quint
Judith R. Rabinor, Ph.D.
Judith Rabinov
Joan Rachlin and
Seymour Small
Regine W. Ransohoff
Joyce and Mike Rappeport
Judith Resnik
Ms. Marilyn Richin
Jane L. Rieger
Stephanie Riesel
Natalie Roberts
Judy Robkin
Leslie Rosen
Joan Rosenbaum
Robin Rosenberg
Lisa Rosenfeld
Esther Rosenthal
Dena Roasenzweig
Nitza Rosovsky
Amalie R. Rothschild
Ellen Rovner and
Michael Zimman
Beth Rubenstein
Karla Shepard Rubinger
Lauren Rudick
Rifka Rudner
Suzi Saidman
Helen Samuels
Susan Sapiro
Professors Ruth Langer and
Jonathan D. Sarna
Rachel Schonberger
Ruth Schulman
S. Ruth Schulman
Sharon Schumack and
Michael Luckens
Cherie Karo Schwartz
Shuly Rubin Schwartz
Howie and Andrea Seidel
Lillian Selig
Rosalie Shane
Sarah and David Shapiro
Roberta Sheffer
Sandra Sheinbein
Elaine Shizgal-Cohen
Sylvia Shor
Rose Shure
Iantha Sidell
Rachel J. Siegel
Tina Silber and
Peter J. Sharfman
Edie Slotkin
Frieda Socol
Barbara L. Solow
Joan Spero
Ellie Starr
Erica and Don Stern
Rolf Sternberg
Hannah Storch
Susan Strait
Susan Strasser
Lorraine Studin-Lutz
Dr. Randy Sturman
Cantor Jodi L. Sufrin
Barbara S. Sussman
Sarah Swartz
Selma and Harvey
Roselyne Swig
Karen Tichnor
Lynn Tobias
Betty Lou Treiger
Beth and Sanford Ungar
Marion L. Usher, Ph.D.
Gilda Bruckman and
Judith Wachs
Karen K. Weil
Nancy W. Weil
N. Sue Weiler
Lindley and Leonard
Roslyn G. Weiner, Ph.D.
Lita and Marshall Weinstein
Miriam Weinstein
Dr. and Mrs. Howard
Phyllis Holman Weisbard
Jane Weitzman
Beth S. Wenger
Kaj Wilson
Marie C. Wilson
Lisa Winkler
Bonny Wolf
Ruth Feinsilver Wolf
Libby S. Wolff
Linda and Richard Wolk
Jim and Bonnie Yankaskas
Jane and Harold Yudelson
Ronnie Zandman
Mimi Zieman and Jeff Allen
Diane Zimmerman
Lois Zoller
Jane S. Zones and
Stacey I. Zones
Anonymous (2)
Marthajoy Aft
Karen Tanner Allen
Hope Finegold Alper
Beverly J. Alpern
Geila S. Aronson
Kitty Axelson-Berry,
Modern Memoirs, Inc.
Marya Axner and
Mark Niedergang
Lee H. Belaga
Ruth Belzer
Melanie Berman
Nancy C. Berman
Debbie L. Berman
Gerry Berman
Faye Berzon
Debbie Best
Amy Bix
Joni Block
Lisa Bodziner
Marilyn Bogan
Nancy Auerbach Bomstein
Ruth Budd
Ann Zinn Buffum
Dr. Barbara Burstin
Magda and Avner Butnaru
Malca Chall
Penny Chase
Bela Chopp, Ph.D.
Michele Clark
Marion Cohen and Milton
Rabbi Ayelet Cohen
Congregation Keneseth Israel
Religious School
Barbara Cravitz
Toby Crystal
Rabbi Jo David
Ari Davidow
Judy Distler
Beatrice B. Doniger
Kathryn Dreyfus
Shari K. Duckworth
Iris M. Elfenbein
Roberta Elliott
Frances and David Elovitz
Phyllis S. Fanger
Gloria S. Feibish
Enid Feinberg
Anne C. Fendrich
Leora Fishman
Jack and Sally Fivel
Abby Flam
Lynn Flanzbaum
Erica Forman
Renate Forssmann-Falck
Linda Fossier
Estelle B. Freedman
Ina R. Friedman Starobin
Sonia Pressman Fuentes
Susan Galler
Nicole Gann
Ms. Elissa Gelfand
Judith and John Glass
Barbara Glueck
Emily Goldberg
Maggie Goldberg
Pamela Goldberg
Lisa Golden
Diane Goldman
Ms. Vivien Goldman
Nita Goldstein
Rachel Goldstein
Roz Goldstine
Miriam Gordan
Naomi M. Gordon
Judge Sol and Jackie Gothard
Pamela Jay Gottfried
Sallie E. Gratch
Mrs. Susan H. Green
Elaine K. Greenberg
Dr. Judith Greenblatt
Esther Blank Greif
Alice Kessler Harris
Gloria Harris
Shira Garber Strosberg
Byrde Haspel
Barbara Blank Hauser
Rabbi’s Mitzvah Fund,
Congregation Agudath
Ms. Lila Heidman
Audrey B. Heller
Sally S. Heller and
Elliot A. Heller
Lee M. Hendler
Suzanne Hodes
Sari Horovitz
Rivka Hozinsky
Andrea Hyatt and Family
IBM Corporation
Dr. Diane M. Jacobs
Ronda Jacobson
Susan B. Jacobson
Liz Jaffe
Joanne Jar
Sara Eve Jamison
Linda Jason
Marvin Kabakoff
Andrea Wexler Kalinowski
Ellen and Gerald Kaplan
Bernice Kazis
Stacey Keen
Ellen Kenemore
Idit Klein
Jody Klein
Roberta and Mel Klein
Florence Koplow
Gilbert D. Kulick
Judy Kunreuther
Carolyn P. Landis
Edith L. Lane
Lynn Lane
Rita Perlow Langue
Rabbi Anson and
Merrily Laytner
Jewish Theological Seminary
Naomi B. Lev
Marya R. Levenson
Barbara Portnoy Levine
Elizabeth and
Henry Lieberman
Judith Liebmann
Nancy Lipoff
Rabbi Janet B. Liss
Lesley Litman and Bill Rubin
Joanna Lubkin
Sally Mack
Anne K. Macknin
Linda and Daniel Magalnick
Rabbi Janet Marder
Judith Margles and
Steven Wasserstrom
Debbie Marmor
Colleen McFadden
Keren R. McGinity
Nancy McGrath
Marion and Howard Medow
Marla Meislin
Harriet S. Merkowitz
Barry Mesch
Ellen Michelson
Rochelle L. Millen, Ph.D
Jennifer Miller
Nasha L. Miller
Susan Miller
Deborah L. Miller
Sandy Miller-Jacobs
Robin Minkoff
Elaine Hoffman Morris
Barbara Moss
Scott and Meryl Nason
Marcie Natan
Beverly and Beverly Neufeld
Dianne and Martin Newman
Dr. Eve Orlow
Barbara Palant
Patricia Passer
Rabbi Barbara Penzner
Discretionary Fund
Beth Shepard Peters
Joy Picus
Leah Polin
Elaine Pollack
Carol Pollard
N. Davida Rabbino
Luciana Rava
Ann Peck Reisen
Maura Kleeman Resnick
Susan L. Resnik
Sarah C. Richmond and
William I. Richmond
Bonnie Neuberger Risse and
Walter Risse
Marcia T. Rivin
Harriet Rochlin
Anita Kaskel Roe
Janet Rome
The Ron Romaner and
Jaynie Schultz Philanthropic
Joanne K. Roos
Barbara C. Rosen
Helene Rosenberg
Judy Rothberg
Dennie Rothschild
Sue Rothstein
Farrah R. and Barry
Dr. Sharon Rubin
Hal and Erika Rudin-Luria
Irene Rudnick
Rochelle Ruthchild and
Vicki Gabriner
Emily Samton
Guitelle H. Sandman
Arlene R. Schenker
Irwin and Babette Schiller
Adrienne D. Schlossberg
Carol Schneider
Lori Schuldiner Schor
Peninnah Schram
Michelle T. Schulberg
Diane Tickton Schuster
Nancy Schwartz Sternoff
Ruth Kertzer Seidman
Renata B. Selig
Ms. Jane Seville and
Dr. Toni Whistler
Alice Shalvi
Betty Shapiro
Amy Shapiro
Vivienne Shub
Cynthia B. Shulman
Sue Siegal
Amy N. Silberman
Betty and Ernest Singer
Lisa Slifka
Nancy R. Smith
Joanne C. Smith
Rikki and Louis Solomon
Susan W. Sorkin
Barbara S. Spack
Phyllis Leshefsky Spiegel
Philip Symonds and
Leslie Sporn-Symonds
Alissa Stayn
Dorothy B. Steiner
Dr. Suzanne Stier
Naomi Stillman
Karen Meyerhoff Sweet
Amy Swerdlow
Gayle M. Tamler-Greco
Dr. Marilyn Thypin
Joan Toder
Ruth Toltz
Mary L.Trachtenberg
Valerie Troyansky
Miriam Tsevat
Dr. Ellen M. Umansky
Mrs. Galina Nizhnikov
Julie Wald
Sandra S. Warshaw
Adele Wasko
Julie Watts
Zelda J. Waxenberg
Gertrude M. Webb, Ed.D.
Prof. Judith Romney Wegner
Hollace Weiner
Evie Weinstein-Park
Jolley Anne Weinstock
Roselyn P. Weiss
Chava Weissler
Gillian Witus
Katherine A. Wolfe
Jane and David Wolfman
Donna Karon Yanowitz
Norma Zack
Rabbi Deborah Zecher
Phyllis Zeeman
Annette Schreiber Zilversmit
Linda and Jerry Zindler
Myra Zuckerbraun
UP TO $36
Anonymous (2)
Nora Abrahamer and
Dan Perlman
Joan K. Abramowitz
Rabbi Judith Z. Abrams, Ph.D.
Aimee Adashek
Frances Addelson
Pamela Adelstein and
Michael Weissman
Harriet F. Ades
Shelby Allen
Binnie Alpert
Cantor Perryne Anker
Roberta Apfel, M.D.
Dr. Susan Aranoff
Dr. Gloria J. Ascher
Dianne Ashton
Daya Rayo
Irene Baros
Lauren T. Baros-Barr
Marie Barr
Lori Bassman
Susan Baumgarten
Harriett Bay
Diane Becker
Roselyn Bell
Ms. Judith Benor
Marla Bercuson
Susan L. Bergman
Barbara Bibel
Mrs. Hadassah Blocker
Mr. Larry Blumenstein and
Mr. Yisroel Blumenstein
Marianne Bob
Frances Brandt
Janet Brandwein
Marla Brettschneider
Joan Brickman
Ellen A. Brosbe
Cherie and Elana Brownstein
Marilyn Buchenholz
Connie B. Burch
Vivian and Richard Cahn
Susan Carneol
Beryl Chapman
Phyllis N. Charash
Dr. Barbara L. Claster
Ellen Cleary
Eva Cohen
Ms. Eunice M. Cohen
Dr. Joan Kirschenbaum Cohn
Carol Perel Colby
Sandra N. Corwin
Audrey Cowan
Marjorie F. Cowen
Rabbi Beth D. Davidson
Dolores and Robert Diamond
Ruth L. Diengott
Karen R. Shevet Dinah
Joan Ditzion
Mady Donoff
Elsa Dorfman
Miriam Drukman
Jonina Duker and
Alan D. Lichtman
Bella Ruth Ehrenpreis
Aimee Ergas
Rabbi Rachel Esserman
Nancy Etsekson
Lila Feingold
Roberta Eleanor Feinstein
Bobbie Ferrell
Sylvia Firschein
Natalie Forman
Marcia Fox
Myra Fox
Albert M. Franco and
Thelma (Toby) L. Franco
Evelyn R. Frankford
Dawn Friedman
Judy and Paul Friedman
Roberta Friedman
Penny Friedman-Meyer
Wendy Frosh
Jennifer Fuchel
Vicki Gabriner and
Rochelle Ruthchild
Annette Gavens
Evelyn G. Gelman
Michelle Gelman
Ora Gladstone
Saul Gladstone
Jennifer and Lionel Glancy
Estelle Glasser
Marcia and Stephen Glass Siegel
Faith K. Goettlich
Tamar Gold
Myrna Goldenberg
Shannie Goldstein
Margo Golos-Reines
Robert B. Goodman
Joan Gordon
Janet Gottler
Wendy Goulston
Steven Greenberg
Jill Moss Greenberg
Rabbi Lisa S. Greene
Rabbi Terry M. Greenstein
M. Grille
Ellen L. Grossman
Myrna Hammerling
Lisa Harrigan
Cheryl L. Hecht, M.D.
Karen E. Hirsch
Nancy Hirschtritt
Meredith Hoffman
Renee Hoffman
Hannah Honeyman
Mrs. Judith Horwitz
Shirlee Isenberg
Naomi Isler
Vicki and Marshall Isman
Drs. Esther and Elliot Israel
Virginia Israel
Jewish Community
Foundation of San Juan
Tifereth Israel Synagogue
Jewish Community School
June B. Judson
Rabbi Jane Kanarek
Dianne Kangisser
Barbara Kaplan
Jocelyn R. Kaplan
Judy Kaplan
Ana Karchmer and
Dan Rothstein
Nancy K. Kaufman
Nancy Kaye
Carole S. Kessner
Ann-Louise Kleper
Dana Litman Kline and
Martin Kline
Emily Meira Koplik
Sheila Kowol
Suri Fisher
Molly Beth Kranitz
Tania Kravath
Bernis Kretchmar
Suzanne Krill
Terry and Charles Kroloff
Sandra Kronick
Lynn C. Kronzek
Lynnette Kurtzman
Belle and Ed Landa
Sora Landes
Professor Patricia Laurence
Lynn Lawrence and
Michael Kahan
Alan and Carol LeBovidge
Dina Rabinovitz Leener
Dr. Lori Lefkovitz
Nathaniel Lepp
Kenneth and Nancy Levin
Judith Levin and
Jonathan Levin
Frances D. Levine
Lee Levine
Gertrude Levitan
Ila Lewis
Shoshanna Lane Liebman
Roslyn and Ralph Limmer
Ms. MerryLynne Lincove
Deborah P. Linder
Millie Loeb
Rabbi Beverly W. Magidson
Hilary Marcus
Minnie Marynov and
Eric Marynov
Mark Meier
Leah N. Meir
Hilda Meltzer
Stacy Mickell
Jean Millstein
Sarah Minden
Regina Morantz
Roberta S.M. Skoff
Paula Nelson
Joyce Norden
Laura O’Connor
Aliza Orent
Harriet L. Parmet, PhD
Adelle Pechet
Toba Penny
Janet Platt Lambert
Marilyn Polon
Maxine Pomerantz
Evelore Poras
Judy Priven
Sharon Prizant
Julie Quain
Laura Rabin
Mary Rapoport
Elizabeth Reis
Elaine Rembrandt
Edna Ritzenberg
Leonard Rogoff
Sandy Ropper
Ayala Migdal Rosen
Elisse Rosen
Ms. Frances Rosen
Joy E. Rosenberg
Bernice Rosenstein
Emily Rubenstein
Dorothy Rubin
Lisa B. Rubinstein
Elaine Rudner
Barbara Ruskin
Julia and Leonard Sacks
Evan Saks
Freyda Sanders
Carol Saper
Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Mary-Anne Saxl
Doris Scherbak
Clara G. Schiffer
Mimi Schneirov
Florence Schornstein
Ms. Frances G. Schubert
Mrs. Beth Kotek
Henriette Schwartz
Rebecca Geller Schwartz
Shirley Schwarz and
Leon Gutherz
Susan Shaw
Susan Sloane Sherman
Linda Pollack Shevitz
Carol Sidell
Susan P. Siebers
Alice M. Siegal
Susan Silverman
Ruth Simon
Terry Singer
Deborah Slocum
Dana and James SnyderGrant
Pearl Sokolow
Rena Anderson Sokolow
Alyson Solomon
Marvin Sparrow
Edith Sperber
Harriet Steinberg
Kurt Steinbrecher
Doris and Ernest Stiefel
Carol Stollar
Jennifer A. Stone
Rebecca Stone
Ellen Stross
Beverly Solomon Sufian
Beryl and Errol Sweet
Janet Tatz
Cantor Louise Treitman
Joanne Tuck
Nonie and David Vonnegut Gabovitch
Anne Waldoks
Selma Waldstein
Eileen Wallen
Gloria Weiner
Donald Weinshank
Marian D. Weissman
Lois Welber
Stephen Whitfield
Amy M. Willinsky
Barbara Z. Wissoker
Mara Woloshin
Lynda Yankaskas
Carol Yavner
Gitta Zivotofsky
tribute gifts
The Jewish Women’s Archive is dedicated to
honoring inspiring women. We are pleased to
list the following individuals, in whose honor
donations were made to the Jewish Women’s
In honor of Eve Abrams
Judith Elkins
In honor of Maya Afilalo
Diane Halivni
In memory of Judith Baron-Cohen
Devra and Lester Breslow
In honor of Ms. Lauren Basson
Devra Breslow
In memory of Carolyn Bauman
Karla Rubinger
In honor of Mrs. Ruth K. Belzer
Sheila Kowal
In honor of Helen Berman
Judy and Paul Friedman
In memory of Norman Brown
Jane Greischar
In honor of Fay Bussgang’s Birthday
Florence Koplow
In honor of Lynn Cherkasky
Sally Brown-Winter
In honor of Julie S. Chivo
Keren McGinity
In memory of Leah Turitz Chodorow
Lila Feingold
In honor of Ms. Rita Clancy
Judith BenDor
In memory of John G. Clark
Catherine Clark
In honor of Barbara Clemons
Millie Loeb
In honor of Ms. Annebelle Cohen
Lynne Delise
In memory of Johanna Cooper
Barbara Grosz
In honor of Rose Datlof and Eloise
Gloria Frisch
In memory of Elena Mortara di Veroli
Barbara Kreiger
In honor of Barbara Dobkin
Sharna Goldseker
Carole Kessler
Phyllis Margolius
In honor of Barbara B. Dobkin and
Nancy Schwartz Sternoff
Joan Green
In memory of Suzanne Dreifuss
Devra Breslow
In memory of Henna Elka
Susan Silverman
In honor of Myra Farr
Sue Plastrik
In honor of Ruth B. Fein
Alan Fein
Jan Hoffman
In memory of Suzanne Dreifuss
Devra Breslow
In memory of Henna Elka
Susan Silverman
In honor of Myra Farr
Sue Plastrik
In honor of Ruth B. Fein
Alan Fein
Jan Hoffman
In honor of Jane Feinberg-Kaplan’s
Evelyn Frankford
Wendy Frosh
Nancy Kaye
Jean Millstein
Susan Sherman
Anne Waldoks
In honor of Connie Frankel
Jane Seville
In honor of Esther Geizhals
Shelly Tenenbaum
In memory of Frances Gelfand
Elissa Gelfand
Sheldon Getzug
Terri Getzug
Zoe Shpiner
Melissa Schwartz
Jacqueline Lee
Tzivia Schwartz Getzug
Shantele Wicks
Irene Manousiouthakis
Eve Havivi
Sherry Brozki
Valerie Berkley
Shaina Gelfand
Michelle Yousefzadeh
Brianna Kaufman
Veronica Iboy
Rachel Iboy
Lionel Glancy
Jennifer Glancy
Given by Alexandra Glancy for her 16th
In honor of Penina Migdal Glazer
Estelle Glasser
Tribute for Miriam Gold
Tamar Gold
In honor of Matilda June Goldberg
Carol Smokler
In memory of Anne Goldman and Sybil
Alyson Solomon
In honor of Karla Goldman
Julie Farkas
Idit Klein
In honor of Naomi Greenfield’s Bat
Sharon Schumack
In honor of Marsha Grubb
Phyllis Zeeman
In memory of Diane Gingold
Alice Herman
In memory of Dr. Joel Hamburger
Deborah Dash Moore
In honor of:
Megan Fleming
Chloe Korban
Jenna Hamburger
Neha Nimmagadda
Jessica Lange
Lauren Berliner
Jamie Cooperman
Torie Cooperman
Sarah Blau
Emily Blau
Shani Arbiv
Jonah Glancy
Noa Getzug
Marisa Berger
Candice Navi
Allegra Tepper
Molly Rosen
Leah Howard
Leah Steinberg
Adina Miller
Gloria Getzug
In memory of Mimi Hammer
Faith Goettlich
In honor of Elise Heisler
Diane Halivni
In honor of Barbara Jablow
Ruth Wolf
In memory of Judith Jamison
Sara Eve Jamison
In memory of Esther Jones
Gertrude Kasle
In honor of Carol M. Joseph
Gloria Feinstein
In honor of Beth S. Klarman
Susan Galler
Fran Putnoi
In honor of Annette Kleeman’s 85th
Maura Resnick
In honor of Elaine Kreiger
Barbara Kreiger
In memory of Harvey “Chet” Krentzman
Farla Krentzman
In honor of Lynn Kroll
Marlene Grossman
Niccole Kroll
In honor of Laila Lee Levin
Michele Rosen
In honor of Susan Levitas
Barbara Levitas
In honor of Ricki Lieberman
Penninah Schram
In honor of Marla Meislin
Barbara Meislin
In honor of Anne H. Meyer
Lila Heidman
In honor of Mrs. Marilyn Meyerhoff
Karen Sweet
In honor of Linda K. Morse
Karen Stutz
In memory of Theresa Jacobson Morse
Tom Cohen
In honor of Jordan Namerow
David and Peri Namerow
In honor of Elaine Orent
Aliza Orent
In honor of Sara Paasche-Orlow
Eve Orlow
In honor of Lauren Pliskin
Diane Halivni
In memory of Synthia Pommiss
Jane Berger
In honor of Melissa Powsner
Lynn Lawrence
In honor of Gail Reimer
Lucy Aptekar
Ane Buehrens
Cantor Louise Treitman
In honor of Maya, Shani, and Emily
Rosen, and Melissa Rapp
Penina Migdal Glazer
In honor of Michele Rosen
Betsy Held
Nurite Notarius-Rosin
Leslie Rosen
Julie Wald
Diane Wohl
In honor of Judith Rosenbaum
Anne Lerner
In honor of Robin Rosenberg
Faye Kefkoff
Barbara Hirsh
In honor of Barbara Ellison Rosenblit
Gita Berman
Sara Duke
Carol Nemo
Robinowitz-Hartman Philanthropic Fund
In honor of Judy Rosner’s 60th Birthday
Sharon Schumack
In memory of Mildred Zanditon
Betty Singer
In honor of Ellen Rothman
Abigail Ginzberg
In memory of Esther Zelfman
Joanna Lubkin
In memory of Audrey Rubner
Jennifer Glancy
In honor of Miriam Sachs
Barbara Hauser
In memory of Rachel Safdie
Hope Alper
In honor of Jaymie Saks and Chris
Diamond’s Wedding
Barbara Penzner
In honor of Jaymie Saks
Jennifer Coplon
In memory of Amy Adina Schulman
Ruth Schulman
In memory of Frances Schultz
Karen Levy
Michele Rosen
Nancy Schwartz Sternoff
In honor of Nancy Schwartz Sternoff and
Michele Rosen
Linda Sher
In honor of Nancy Schwartz Sternoff
Carole Kessler
In honor of Sue Schwartzman
Sunny Kaplan
In honor of Enid A. Shapiro
Amy Shapiro
In honor of Lillian Sokolow
Rena Sokolow
In honor of Bette-Anne Spielman
Susan Baumgarten
In memory of Patricia Stayn
Alissa Stayn
In honor of Prudence L. Steiner
Wendy Case
Sibyl Golden
In honor of Sylvia Sucher
Ellen Brosbe
In honor of Dr. Emily Taitz
Hilary Marcus
In honor of Rachel Talbot
Muriel Palitz
In honor of Nicki Tanner
Karen Allen
In honor of the Marriage of Rick Wilson
and John Klopacz
Ari Davidow
In honor of Carol Wise
Nurite Notarius-Rosin
In memory of Florence Yudkin
Barbara Kreiger
In memory of Marcia Yugend
Dobra Hunegs