May 2007
May 2007
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Q. Q) C'-'(0 ~ cu ...., · - B~ "O C Q) '<{cuO. qo<1>E Cl..wuo ~cu <{~ Goebel . . .. .... ... .... ... treasu .. ... ....... Susan Tea l. ........ .. .. membership Q) C: Event Coord inators .. ... ..... Patrisha Gutierrez . z (1) Q) Ol a. QJ co lf) Q) V) Cl) Q) Q . ... Ana Goebel & De Andria Cloud .. Papyrus (Production Editor) . .. ..... Liz Nichols .. Papyrus (Managing Editor).... Volunteer Coordinator .. General Information (/) (/) ·~ (1) ..... 'O 'O <( . events ... papyrus CJ) ..... Meleah ....................... papyrus (1) J:J· ... .. De Andria Cloud .. ... ... .... volunteers @sdsameda .com .. .......... ..... .. Tj- Q) ~ Q) C' · C 2co E co ·-co oz~ J (1) C 0 ..c . . 0.. ~~ u~ - _ Cl) (/) (/) 0:: Q) ~ w >-,,-> w z C' · ·cu Cl) Q) I- E £ ..1 ...J ::::l >, < <t: o8i= _a>Ew .... ~ ro-E<t: 0rocc . 0 >,--Z coi:i: coE- u,u,(/) o~Z u .. O ~ 0 _o..o C'O <(CCI) - .;..,., z _ o co .Q.. :-5co co if) < () I... o ~ z Q) ..c .g N ::::, ..0 Q) E "O >(1) .S:: C > o E ...J I... Q) co Cl) Cl) u_ ....:- E w .S:: en ·c E (1) C ..0 Q) Q) ::::l 0 a> Q) ·~ "O C ·w r;- ..... research <{ "O C co ·c:; ....... . .. ..... Heather Wells ............... .... .... web Research > ~ 0 Merchandising Manager ....... ....... Liz Nichols ........... . merchandise Website .. - lG "O Q) I... 0 () u. Cl) w C <{ > 0 ~ ·u < (I) E o:: C C: Q) w Ol ~ "O C Cl) Special Event Marketing Director . Sahar Sarni ... .. ...eventmarketing Q) ..0 0 ~ ~ ~ C .iii .....- lLl "" ·c - .E C C ::::i 0 E :l:: Q) 0 '- Q) < .._ C 6 ::::l <l>o '+-..OC>,'- 'l_. 2 C f f'\ (1J C: ..c "O 0 E: Q) co E '- t'. z 0::::, aJ I... 0 Q) w > -Cl) - (/) ,,(1J ,,OEO Q) '-..O _c<1>EoE ~ o .Q E ._ -a o,'- ::::l Q) -a Cl>cucuooE A ·- ·- N ~ >, 2 Q) ::::l C: Q) Q) () C ·~ "O ..c cu - cu .'2 QJ -;;; u E (f) Q V({)F <C., Q) » . ..... .president Advertising Director . .... .. ... ....... ...... ... Lucia . Q) 2 ::::l Nichols .. .... ... .. vicepreside nt @sdsameda .com Membership E Q) E :, QJ 0 .0 ·~ Q) 8: <( 8 ~..... ·~ O. ·- "E . ci:i J) Michelle Burkhart .. .. cu ©N- ~ C ./ Secretary Cl) ;> \) SUBMISSIO NS Deadline is the FIRST of the month preceding the issue in which you wi5h your items to appea r. All flyers and inserts arc due the 15th of the month preceding (i.t' ., submit your January issue items bv December 1 ). Contact Su,an Teal for detnils at . Becausc of ,pac~ constraints, non-time-sensitive item, may be held over until the m' xt issue. All submissions ~hould include the writ,Y 's namL', phom' numbe1~ and L~mail address. Submissions may be edited fur kngth and clarity and may be publi~hed or otherwise reused in any medium. Submis~ions shl>uld be typed or legibly handwtitten. E-mailed submissions sh,,uld be sent to as Microsoft WPrd dL1n11nents or text in the bod y ,,r the L~ mail. If you scan your own pht,tus, please do not halftone them-sc,111 them as "grc1yscale" or "black and white ph,,tll" in your sccinning pn,gram. Treasurer 'Q) ..0 ctl C Q) > U VI ·- 0.. 0 0 "O "O . ..0 ,r, "'2o cu t' Lucia . E~ .i:: i'J co (f)_ Q) Cl) Cl) (/) QJ >, § i:Q~-g SAMEDA represent~ family-oriented presentations of tv!iddle Ea~tern dance; our Code oi Conduct requires all adverti~ements to clearly state if a show contains adult content or nudity. SA MEDA re<;erves the right to refuse an y material submitted to the website or newsletter that docs not comply with this request or our mission statement. President 0 cu 0 0 ::::l - - E "O ._ "' "O SA\-I EDA i~ a non pwtit organi Lation dedi cdted to promoting 1'.·!iddle Ea~tern ddnce (,md relilted sty le~ ) and culture by pro viding educntional and perform ance opportuniti eb . SAMEDA promok~ the artfonn by sponsoring ~emirn1r~, w,lrkshop,, dnd e vents, which Me open to the public. SAM EDA produces a monthl y ne1,~l1ctter that contains listings l)f such events and items of related interest. The new~letter also pro vide~ a public forum in which the membersh ip is encouraged to parti cipate. However, the opinions L'f the contributors are nol necessarily the ,)pinions ,)f SAtvlEDA, and should not be construed as such . I.... Q) z co '- ow = ~ ~ >...J (/) Cl) ::::l .8 .~ ~ C'O - u "a>C'Oco ..o..O ----- (.) O o z~ wa.O Q) .. ~ E- i= (/) ..-< -o c..c o ::::i (/)-....a.>< ..c . o »~ U)ro:l:: (/) () >,..o ·:; o3 :> ::::l (/)0 Q) "O I... "O "O "O "O ..c Q) _.... t::'. "O I... ...... ~ · - ·- 0:: .2 0 zu. 1...0.n (1) · - :> >, ;:,,.,_cu '- (I) .,_Eo©E .-::: ::::i - - +:. I 0::: w -u, >-o IJ: 34 THE: PAPYRUS Ma 2007 SAME.DA Dancewear S~are _your love ot bell_y ~an~e and support a great organization. "·'' ·- . - &~I CLOTHING: Machine washable in a Rattering tailored st_L;Jle, all clothing is preshrunk and made with a 9ualit_1J spandex/cotton blend to last tor _L;Jears of dancing. Tank with shelf 5ra - black S,M,L,XL,XX.L. ........................ $17* SP.andex Hip-length Tee - black S,M,L,XL ... .............................. $18* ~~~~tfL~C.~~~·~·~·~·'~~~.... $25* Drawstring Yoga Pant- black XL ........................................... $25* ~~tx~,~~.~~~~-'~·~·~'.~.$k)5* ACCE.SSORIE:S: Tote 5ag - red & black Canvas with snaP, closure & hard bottom - J8xJ2.x5 ' ..... Limited Suppl.:) $15* * Plus shipping & handling. Water Bottle - red & black Plastic with spart top, dishwasher* sate - ll5 oz............................. $) THE: PAPYRUS Presidenfs Message San Die~o .__., /\rea Middle C;1stern Dance ,\ssoci;1tion ,. , ,. 3 Greetings SAMEDA Members! Well can you believe it? Its May- our fifth month of the year 2007 and our 10th annual SAMEDA Faire is just around the comer! Please note this exc:eptional faire is quickly filling up. We have a limited number of spots for Rachel Brice's evening workshop available (5:00 -7:00 pm). Rachel's morning workshop is sold out. Also, performers, please contact Ana Goebel to reserve your spot before the waiting list develops. The next two month's messages will be dedicated to enriching our level of professionalism in danc:e. It is an evolving skill that we should all continue to improve. Recently, I spoke to a restaurant owner regarding the belly danc:ers at their venue. I was pleased to hear that on average, danc:ers arrived promptly and were prepared. However, I also learned some etiquette skills needed improvement. Some complaints included dancers swatting customers with hair, veils or props, exhibiting underwear, picking up tips from the floor, making rounds for tips too early in the show and playing inappropriate music. It is important to remember that when we perform, we are representatives of the Middle Eastern Danc:e community. Thus, it is our responsibility to behave and to perform in a manner that truly engages our audience and shines with professionalism. This includes our danc:e performanc:e and our behavior, at all times, while we are at a venue. It is similar to a danc:e competition in that you are observed and / or judged at all times. It is a 'win-win' situation when we present an exciting show and our 'off stage' etiquette is equally elegant. Often, we juggle time commitments and forget the important details that really matter. To begin with, let's talk about costuming. At home, check costumes for frays, tears, stains, undergarment issues. There is nothing more distracting than having bright colored underwear peeking out of a dancer's costume or wearing a tattered costume. Before you perform in a new costume, practice dancing in it in front of a mirror. You may have to modify dance moves according to your costume style. You want to be 'picture' ready when you perform. This applies to your jewelry and props as well. Make sure your jewelry, zills, cane, sword or other props are clean, well maintained and professional. A tattered cane or rusty looking zills is distracting. Your attention to detail is important and conveys the message '1 am polished". lips for hair, nails, makeup - please see Meleah' s monthly articles for great tips. One important step is to secure hair accessories and to practice with them before you leave the house. Otherwise, your hair tosses at the show may take on a new eventful life! Also, with summer months approaching, bring a small clean hand towel and place it in a discreet comer where you can freshen up during danc:e sets. These are just a few important preparations to accomplish before you danc:e away. There will be more to follow in next month's Papyrus. In the meantime, I hope this month's message provided some insight to enriching your dance. May your commitment to this exquisite art be filled with joy! Shokran, Lucicv THE: PAPYRUS 4 Ma 2007 33 Rachel .E>rice Members) Corner Tribal Improvisations for Combinations and Choreography Welcome! New Members Diana Aragon-Wiesner Agnieszka Folwarczny Kim Pelt Mary Duff ~ ~ Welcome 5ack! Renewing Members Jheri St. James Kenny Nunnery Anita Agunos Virginia Sutherin Marula Lisa Smith Ray Seraydarian i I Egyptian Technique and Meaning 10 Anna Bowen-Davies 13 Carmela Guzzeta 16 Riena Ballesteros 22 Liz Davidson 29 Lucy Oliver 17 Frank Lazzaro 23 Mariela Gamsie SAM EDA Solicits Articles Book Reviews Costume Tips Recipes Breakdown of Moves Fusion Henna Instruments Image/Make Up Tips ~ ~ . Belly Dance Superstar Rachel Brice will teach ' Improvisations for Combinations and Chore; ography for all-levels of dancers. Bring finger , cymbals and a yoga mat. Rachel Brice is known for her powerful isolations and dynamic stage presence and loves to share her knowledge and 1 vision with all! ·Sahra Saeeda May Birthdays! 2 Michelle Burkhart 13 Donna Clark 20 Diana Aragon-Weisner 25 Nori Barr THE: PAPYRUS Sewing Tips Restaurant Reviews History of Dance Hieroglyphs Men in Belly Dance Props (Swords, Canes, Veil) Workshops I Retreats Event Reviews CD Reviews Video Reviews Travel Articles Website Reviews Public Relations Tips Aromatherapy American Tribal In exchange for an article on one of the above topics, SAMEDA will include your byline. In this byline, please include information about yoursell and I or your services (serves as a mini-advertisement). Example: Meleah is a professional make up artist, performer, and instructor, with more than 20 years of experience. She carries her own line of cosmetics, formulated for the dancer, and instructional videos. (619) 280-8424. Please send your submissions for THE: PAPYRUS to: ; Learn to communicate through your dance by enhancing the depth and emotion in your , moves. International Master Artist Sahra f Saeeda, has performed over 1200 shows in Cairo i and is celebrated for her graceful Egyptian style .•: of dance that exudes emotion. You will learn insight and methods to improve your dance style while expressing the joy of dance \An2:elika Nemeth ;t. qJ, !aqs~ t~e fine art of slow, sensuous and rmprov1sational dance , , ' : Legendary Artist Angelika Nemeth teaches how to develop and master skills that aid a dancer . in performing to non-metric taqsim, one of the most powerful segments to a show. You will learn to identify rhythm changes and synch movements to music. V THE: PAPYRUS 32 Ma 2007 5 THE: PAPYRUS SAME:DA Board Meetings SAM EDA FAIRE 2007 Get Involved Today! Attend a SAMEDA meeting to voice your opinions, contribute ideas, and make SAMEDA a great organization for yourself and fellow dancers. Sunda~) July 15 10:00am - 6:00pm Scottish Rite Center Upcoming Meeting Dates & Time: May 20 @ 9:00am June 24 @ 9:00am featuring workshops b,:J: Sa h ra Saeed a 02,:,0-2,,opm) Ra ch e I .5 rice (IO:OOam-12:00pm) Angelika Nemeth c:,,00-5,oopm) Meeting Location: Attire by Lea - 6787 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92115 Due to unforeseen circumstances, dates may change. Please call Ana Goebel at (619) 660-6965 for the latest dates and times. and live music b,:J: Advertising Rates: Jinn, Al Hawac+:,0-5,:,opm) Send ads to: Ad Type Classified Ads: Members $5.00 Business Card Ads: Half-Page Ads: Full-Page Ads: Flyers: $10.00 $15.00 $25.00 $30.00 Nonmembers Size/Details $8.00 Members receive two free classified ads per year. $20.00 2.5 x 3.5" $25.00 3.5 x 5" $40.00 5 x 7.5" $40.00 8.5 x 11" - 375 copies - B&W Deadline for submission and payment is the FIRST of the month preceding the issue in which you wish your ad to appear. Submissions: Can't make it to a meeting? Please send your submissions for THE: PAPYRUS to: ~, Ticket sales, workshop registration and performance sign-ups have begun! For more information go to ' \kk!O!!i THE PAPYRUS 6 Ma 2007 31 THE PAPYRUS ... continued from previous page Announcements • SAMEDA has received requests to host workshops. We love the enthusiasm! Please tmderstand that all hosted workshops are on a volunteer basis and are fund-raisers initiated by your interest. To volunteer to host a workshop, please contact e • • • SAMEDA FAIRE NEWS: Ticket sales and workshop registration for this year's faire began on March 1. Register at Performance signups have now begun. Contact Meleah at (619) 280-8424 for more information. • Attention: Mr. Ted Goldberg. Please contact SAMEDA ASAP. • • May 6 - JDrum solos workshop with Talia and Frank Lazzaro. Intermediate and advanced technique to live drum solo sequences. See page 8 for more information. • • DEADLINE is June 1! Please get your July items in NOW. classihed Ads • Teacher needed to take over beginning class and maybe a level 2 class at Camp Pendleton. Oass was established about 4 years ago. Teacher is moving. You get 60% of earnings, 30% goes to rent and advertising. If you are interested, please contact Talia @ (760) 586-6626 or .:C'm ii '(1ttirfl by kfla ,; ~ •\'•,., _ ~ ,, II ··~ ":;., .r-... · , ...,#.ffJ; ·~ Phrasing of Music Here is one suggestion that may or may not help you to understand a piece of music. Listen closely to the music and sketch what you hear. Slowly you will see a pattern emerge. This pattern will assist you to understand the dynamics of the song, to see how it uses theme and variation, which should be correlated to your combinations. Exercise Choose a simple, short song. Work first with the rhythm. Invent some movements and combinations that come naturally. Then use theme and variation as listed above to connect and alter the movements. Play and experiment! Feel free! Enjoy it! Then, instead of focusing on the rhythm, pay attention to the melody, or the instrumentation, and do the same exercise. (619) 460-5766 Important Note 6787 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 921 15 Studying other people's choreography is not always easy, because each person feels the music in a different way. But, it is a very good discipline and you will always learn something from it, either a new movement or a new feeling, or an idea you may never have had before. Also, once you work with choreography, either your own or someone else's, you will be better at improvisation! To dance well while improvising (no choreography to direct you) is the hardest challenge we oriental dancers have to face! Custom costuming and on-site alterations! Dance Studio! Espressos! Salads! Sandwiches! Homemade Italian cookies! • guitar. Keep movement smooth ar\d continuous with a violin or flute. Undulate with the accordion. Think of the instrument itself, and how it makes sound, and emulate it with your body. Project at different levels. Focus down, up, to the side, out, in. give and take. Expand and contract. Imagine dar\cing for the people in the front row, in the center of the theater, and in the balcony. Theme and variation: Change height (bow down, plie, go to one knee, floor work, toss veil up), direction (do you always have to face the audience?), repetition (helps the audience see continuity to the routine), reverse (a movement or a series of movements). Connect movements and combinations fluidly. If the connection is not fl.owing easily, don't do it. Be aware of traveling patterns. Use your whole dance area, not just one corner. Move in a straight line from side-to-side or downstage / upstage. Move in a square, zigzag, figure 8 or circle. Pay attention to the phrasing of the music, to repetition and variation, as described below. Pattern your combinations similarly. Harem Pants! Dance Pants! Skirts! Tops & Veils! Sashes! Finger Cymbals! ... and much, much more! Jasmin Jahal is an internationally recognized artist of Egyptian style Oriental dance and one of the first Americans to teach at the Ah/an We Sahlan Dance Festival in Cairo, Egypt. Visit her on the web at a ·Dlf!9 ~ THE PAPYRUS 30 tiow to Ghoriograph for a ~oto Oriintal ®anci 'R,outini by Jasmin Jahal Reprinted with permisson The Secret to Being a Great Choreographer There is non e! The ability to create an exciting, dynamic dance routine is possible. All you need is: mastery of oriental dance technique, knowledge and acceptance of your capabilities and limits, understanding of the oriental culture and music, a good ear for rhythm and instrumentation, and the ability to visualize the effect and feelings you wish to portray. Sound impossible? No! First, you must do all the training you can to be the best dancer you can be. Then and only then can you work on being a choreographer. Choreography is a talent like dance which can be learned, practiced and improved. However, also like dance, choreography is an art. Few dancers and few choreographers will ever be considered great artists. To be great takes a certain natural talent. Just because you are an excellent dancer, does not mean you will be an excellent choreographer. But you can be a good one! Choosing Music Select a piece of music you really like and which makes you want to move every time you hear it. Then, listen to it a lot, so that you become very familiar with rhythm, melody, accents, changes and instrumentation. If words are sung, it is nice to know the translation, but not always necessary. When to Choreograph Find time when you are alone, without interruption (tum off the telephone!), and feel relaxed and calm. Your mind should be stress free. Also, find a place in which you have room to move freely. A mirror is helpful. Remember: You cannot force yourself to be creative. Even if the time and the place is right, inspiration may not be there. You should then give up and try another day. The Levels of a Dance Routine The opening and closing should always be strong. Movements • Choose movements that you are good at and comfortable with. • Keep in mind that you do not need to use every dance movement you know in every dance you perform. • Avoid being robot by using feeling and emotion. Is the song happy or sad? Are you calling your lost love? Are you angry at betrayal? Are you flirting? • The instruments suggest what movements to do. Shimmy with a kanoon or continued on next page ... Ma 2007 7 THE PAPYRUS shows & Special E:vents Discover Egypt gives visitors an opportunity for interactive learning about ancient Egyptian civilization. Permanent exhibit. $3-$6. Daily, 10am-4pm. Museum of Man, 1350 El Prado, Balboa Park. Wednesdays - John Bilezikjian appears bi-monthly at The Greek Village. Belly dancing, Greek and international music, and open dancing the entire night. $10. 6:30-9:30pm. 6030 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad. Call (760) 603-9672 for reservations. Fourth Wednesday of the month - Award-winning band Al Samoud hosts a Belly Jam at Ali Baba Family Restaurant. Open dancing and delicious Persian food. 421 East Main St., El Cajon. (619) 442-3622. or (619) 602-0069. Second Thursday of the month - Urban Tribal Dance Company and special musical and dance guests perform feats of fusion fabulousness at the Kava Lounge. Doors open at 8pm, $5 suggested donation. 2812 Kettner. Third Thursday of the month - Live Music & Belly Dance Showcase. 8pm. Claire de Lune Coffee Lounge, 2906 University Ave., North Park. Contact Frank Lazzaro at (760) 942-1326. First Friday of the month - Gypsy Night Bellydance Showcase featuring the amazing musical stylings of M. Mehdi and many beautiful dancers! 8pm. The Other Side Coffeehouse, 4096 30th St. Genevieve, (619) 263-1476. Second Saturday of the month - Belly dancing with Sarasvati Modem Tribal. 9&10pm. Egyptian Tea Room, 4644 College Ave. (619) 265-7287. Sundays - DJ Paul and Suzanna present a Belly Dance Showcase at Kolbeh Restaurant (dancers receive dinner). 7:00pm. 9514 Miramar Road. To perform, call (760) 727-6454. Fourth Sunday of the month - Tribal and cabaret bellydancers perform to live music by Middle-Earth. 7:30pm. The Turquoise Cafe Bar Europa, 873 Turquoise St., Pacific Beach. (858) 488-4200. May 5 - Baile Habibi: Sohaila's 9th Annual Dance Extravaganza. Come see Sohaila's Shining Stars, and featured guest performer Yazmina Zarod and her Sahara Stars. Dance to the sounds of Manny Cepeda' s Ritmo Caribe. Enjoy the music of the Soul Sisters. General admission tickets are $40, VIP are $45. Appetizers, dinner, dessert, coffee / tea included. Doors open at 6pm. Royal Palace, 1340 Broadway, El Cajon. Contact Sohaila at (760) 743-1235 or for more information. May 26 - Suhaila Salimpour presented by Meleah. Buffet and show featuring Suhaila and her daughter Isabella, her assistant Kendra, and some of our top local talent. 7pm. Greek Palace Restaurant, 8878 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard, 92123. $25. Contact Meleah at (619) 280-8424 or Q ·OJ!tii THE: PAPYRUS 8 Ma 2007 29 Out- of-Town Events Priority ffor California-based events. If space permits, we will place out-of-state events. • May 11-1!.3 -Angelika Nemeth and Sahra C. Kent present Aszmara from New York. Gasses held at Imperial Dance Studio (www.imperialdance Concerts at the Curtis Theatre ( in the Brea Gvic and Cultural Center. For more information, contact Angelika Nemeth at (949) 786-3111 or . ti ACI '· . . 1. ,.-. .~, . A.. . ~v THE: PAPYRUS ~ :s_, .~ ,~ - ,~-=~ /~ . ~,±~b~P!.fu, • Finl Sund,y, - Kava G! ' dilie=t locfil te,che< presents itheir style in a special two-hour workshop. Kava Gallery Studio adjacent to Kava Lounge, 2812 Kettner. (619) 261-8676. • Second Sundays -Artist's Support Group for all creative people. Noon-2pm. Kypris, (760) 522·2554. • May 6 - Drum Solos workshop with Talia and Frank Lazzaro. Learn intermediate and advanced belly dance technique to live drum solo sequences. $25 in advance, $30 at the door. 1:30 to 3:30. Performing Arts Workshop, 1105 Second Street, Encinitas. Call (760) 586-6626 to register. • May 26 & 27 - Suhaila Salim pour workshop presented by Meleah. Eight hours of intensive training including Suhaila and Jamila Salimpour format, drum solo choreography, and folkloric fusion. $150 before May 1. $165 after May 1. 1:30 to 4:30 (May 26) and 11:30 to 5:30 (May 27). Mission Valley YMCA, 5505 Friars Road, 92110. Contact Meleah at (619) 280-8424 or 8tao ?set.ta Eap,z,eaao. 619-469-4507 B r ing in this coupon and receive one free cup of House Blend Espressos! Salads! Sandwiches! Homemade Italian cookies! And much much more..... ..\~ a ...... 'I ii If' CG1:- 2005 Weeklong Summer intern;ive and General Diploma program July 8 thru July 15. 2007 Combine a vacation and intensive dance training in beautiful San Diego! The EDA's an nual weeklong brings in dancers from all over the continent to study under the instruction of DaVid of Scandinavia. Technique, comb inations, choreographies , backg round - it's all a part of the deal. Special treat are guest instructors; Zahra Zuhair & Rachel Lazarus Soto at the EDA & Sahra Saeeda at SAMEDA Faire. Egyptian Raqs Sharki Tribal Fusion Bollywood Bhang ra For more information : 6787 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, CA 92115 2 Blocks West of 70th St. , next to B!.4 858 531 6832 w THE: PAPYRUS 28 Ma 200J 9 THE: PAPYRUS ... continued 'from previous page As she prepared for her grand finale at the Faire, her eyes would change, her posture would change, her insides would change and her spirit would change. S1he never gave us a cue, but the musicians would all wait for that "look" that she didn't give that meant she was emotionally preparing for her entrance. I think that getting into this state was painful for my mother and she could only bring herself to this moment once a year. At this moment, she was not my mother, but her own woman, which was something I wasn't able to witness Yery much. Everything she did off stage was for my father and his family and for the sake of the family, so this moment was so personal that I felt like I was being introduced to this woman, my mother, once a year. We all felt like a fly on the wall and it really didn't matter to her if anyone was watching or not. Her fingertips began her dance. As her hands started to move her body stood still waiting to follow. I'm not sure how the musicians would get enough energy to play their instrument since we all stood hypnotized and holding our breath. I really can't tell you what my mother use to do in her dance, but 1 do know that her elegance, wisdom, and beauty was so strong and mature that nothing I every saw before or since came close to that magic. I would see for just these few minutes the freedom that I use to wish she could live with all the time. Life got in the way, her business got in the way, her company got in the way, and my father in and out of the hospital got in the way, but for these cherished seconds it was just "Jamila Salimpour" dancing for the love of the dance and the love of her feminine qualities. When she felt she was finished dancing, she would slowly exit the stage as the musicians would keep playing. The other Bal Anat cast members would sheepishly dance their little solo and exit the stage quickly for the end of the session. No one really said much backstage to my mother. I think that getting to see her dance on the last day was a little reminder of how far they all had to go in the art. It took my mother some time to "come down" from her own experience and I never spoke to her until I could see in her eyes that she had returned. She would look at me and smile to give me notice of her return and I would smile back as if to great an old friend who had been on vacation. I always look back at the last day of the Renaissance Faire with a fond memory. Not many people can say they were able to see Jamila Salimpour perform. We all felt lucky to have had that experience. Other than watching her dance in our living room, this was a highlight in my youth. I wonder if Isabella can see in me the love for the dance as I could always see in my mother. The difference is that I don't have to hide my destiny and my mother always did. = l3elly Dance classes TEACHERS: please notify the editor of all class types, dates, and times. North Count~ & 5e~ond Angelika Nemeth (949) 786-3111 • Tustin Community Services • Beginning ................................................................................. M ............... 6:30-8:00PM • Intermediate/Advanced ............................................................ M ............. .. 8:15-9:45PM Golden West College, Huntington Beach (714) 895-8306 • Beginning ................................................................................. Tu Th ............... 10:00AM Orange Coast College (714) 432-5072 • Three-week evening workshops .............................................. Tu W Th Academy of International Dance (714) 550-9285 • Beginning ................................................................................ Sa .......... . I I :ODAM-Noon • Intermediate/Advanced ............. ............................................... Sa............. Noon-I :30PM Catharae Smith (909) 982-6475 • • weekday evenings in Redlands, San Bernardino, Rialto, Corona, Montclair, La Verne, Walnut Effie Horning (760) 630-7063 • Private coaching by appointment Fahtiem (626) 810-9470 • • Rowland Heights Wardlow Park, 3457 Stanbridge, Long Beach • Beginning .............................................................. ...................M ............... 6:15-7: l 5PM • Intermediate .............................................................................. M ............... 7 :20-8:20PM • Advanced ............................................................... ................... M ............... 8:30-9:30PM The Dancer's Studio, 5772 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles • Mixed levels ................................ .... ..... ........................... ........ .Tu ............ 9:15-10:15PM Bloom.field Park, 21420 Pioneer Blvd. & 215th St., Lakewood • Mixed Levels ........................................... ................................. w ............... 6:30-7:30PM Kimberly's Dance Studio, 815 W. Whittier Blvd., Montebello • Mixed Levels ..... ................................ ........ ................... ............ w............... 8:30-9:30PM La Mirada Resource Center, 13710 La Mirada Blvd. • Beginning ................................................................................. Th .............. 7:30-8:45PM • lntermediate .............................................................................. Th ............ 9:00-10:00PM Puente Hills YMCA, 1606 S. Stimson Ave., Hacienda Heights • Mixed Levels ......... .. ...... ........................................................... Sa............. Noon-I :OOPM East L.A. College Women's Gym • Mixed Levels ............................................................ ................ Sa............... 2:00-3:30PM • Private coaching by appointment Frank Lazzaro (760) 942-1326 • • Encinitas • Private coaching by appointment Imari • Shake It Up Dance Fitness, 1275 S. Santa Fe #103, Vista , (760) 724-4348 • Beginning/Intermediate ........................................................... M .... ........... 7:00-8:00PM • Beginning .................................................................................Tu ............ .. 8:15-9:15PM Jheri St. James (949) 494-5031 • Laguna Beach Recreation Department (949) 497-0761 • Level 1 ... ................................................................................. Tu ............. 7:45-8:45PM • Level 1 ................. .. ................ ................................................. F ........... 10:30-ll :30AM • Level 2 ... ................ ............ ..................................................... Tu .. ........... 8:45-9:45PM • Level 3 ... .......................................................... ........... ............ Th ............. 7:00-8:00PM • Level 4 .................................................................................... Th .. ........... 8:00-9:30PM continued on next page ... THE. PAPYRUS 10 ... continued from previous page Ma 2007 27 THE. PAPYRUS ... continued from previous page Jberi St. James (949) 494-5031 • San Juan Capistrano Adult Education (949) 493-0658 • Level 1 ... .......................... .... ........................ .. ......................... W .............. 6:30-7:45PM • Level 2 ... ...... .. ........................ .. .... ........................................... W .............. 7:45-9:00PM Katerina (951) 699-5606 • Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Rd., Temecula • Beginning ................................................................................W .... .. .... .. .. 6:00-7:00PM • Intermedliate/Advanced .. .... ............... ............ ........................... W .............. . 7:10-8 :20PM Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol St., Temecula • Beginning .......... ............... ............................ .. .............. .. .. ... .... Th ............. 7:10-8:lOPM Loreena (858) 451-WRLD(9753) • • 12540 Oaks North Drive # B3, Rancho Bernardo • Beginning ................................................................................. F ............... . 5:00-6:00PM • Intermedliate/Advanced ................................................... .. .... ... F ................ 6:00-7:00PM Marguerite (310) 370-5155 • • Lauridsen Ballet Centre, Torrance, CA • Beginning/Intermediate .................... ............... ............... .. ..... .. Tu ............ 7:00-10:00PM • Private coaching by appointment Mesmera (323) 669-0333 • Los Angeles Area• • Studio A, 2306 Hyperion, Silverlake • between Scotland & Tracy • (Park on street, enter gate,.first studio on left) • Basic/Intermediate Technique ........... .. ........................ ...... ....... M W .......... 6:30-7:30PM • Int/Adv Technique and Creative Resources ............................. M W .. .... .... 7:45-9 :15PM .'.ACC Community Services (323) 669-1031 • Basic Technique ........... .... ... ... .... ...................... ............... .. .... ... Th .............. 6:00-7 :00PM • Basic Technique .. ..................................................................... Sa........... 10:00-11 :OOAM • Basic Technique ................. ........................ .............................. Sa .... ....... 11 :OOAM-Noon Call for reservations and directions • Int/Adv Technique and Creative Resources ................ .............F ............ 10:00-11 :30AM • Int/Adv Technique and Creative Resources ............................. Sa ............ .. . 1:00-2:30PM Milana (858) 794-1885 or (858) 245-7188 • • Milana 's Studio, Del Mar • Beginning (all ages) ............................. ... .. .. .............................Tu .............. 6:00-7 :00PM • Semi-private and private sessions by appointment Morwenna Assaf (760) 757-4470 • • • Art/Dance Academy, 1401 S. El Camino Real #105, Oceanside • Basic Drum.ming for Dancers ............ .. ....................................M ....................... 6:00PM • Elementary ............................................................................... M ....................... 7 :OOPM • Drumming for Drummers ........................................................ M .................... .. . 7:00PM • Intermediate .............................................. ............................... Tu ........ .. ............ 7:00PM • Introduction ... ..................... .. ......... .................... ... ... .. ... .. ..........Th ...................... 6:00PM • Advanced .. .......... .... ..... ....... .......... ......................... ..................Th ...................... 7:00PM • Beginner 1 & 2 (Fun & Fitness Belly Dance) ......................... Sa ..................... 10:00AM • Elementary, Intermediate & Advanced Technique ................. .Sa ..................... 11 :OOAM Nicki Vaccar (760) 634-3680 • Carlsbad Parks & Recreation, 2997 Glasgow Dr., Calavera Hills (760) 602-4680 • Beginning .. .. ................................. .... ................... ....... ........... .M ............... 7:1 5-8: 15PM • Beginning/Intermediate ......................................................... .. M ............... 8: l 5-9:30PM continued on next page .. . home at the Faire because my real home was at times unbearable. The costumes, the smells, the theater, the people, and mostly how happy my mother was enough to last me until the next year. When I think back on my childhood and the daily life I led, I mostly remember the weekends at the Faire and the images and memories that were positive and helped build my spirit. As the gates opened for the last day, the people crowded onto the grounds as if each moment was to be savored on this last day. Back then you could not tell the workers at the Faire apart from the observers since everyone came in costume and spoke in an Elizabethan accent. It always added to the grand theater quality that I missed when I returned to Faire as an adult. My mother had a wooden wagon built for me and she would wheel me around all day in it. The days were long and my little legs would always give out. I would take naps, eat, and even play with my friends in that wagon and someone would always walk in front of the wagon and yell "make way for the Princess" as the streets would part and we would make our way through the crowds. My mother would stand on the side of the wagon while someone else pushed me. She would fan herself with a huge peacock fan that seemed to go in slow motion. Between shows, I would fall asleep with the sounds of the Faire as a lullaby. After being awakened I would eat the fresh foods that were always special for the Faire and to this day I miss the fresh fruit ices, the turkey leg (that I could barely hold), the Sheppard's pie, and of course my mother's favorite, fish n chips . By the time, we would reach the back stage of the last performance I was ready to dance. We always did three shows a day all on a different stage. But the last show was on main stage and since it was the last show of the year my mother danced. My mother didn't dance during the Faire or much at any other place either. By the time, I could remember my mother, she had stopped dancing for good and was mostly teaching and directing Bal Anat. The last day of the Faire was special since we all knew, even though never a word was ever spoken, that my mother would dance the last show and end the year with her movement. The last show had no rules. The dancers would dance and add a little extra. The musicians would play a little longer. Then the time would come that the dancers and musicians would all hold their breath and hope that she (my mother) didn't change her mind and would become the finale . My mother was more than half the average age of the dancers in Bal Anat. She had me at the age of 40 and my father being the dominant Persian male that he was, forbade her to dance the day after they got married. It was more like a threat really, and something that my mother never forgave him for until this day. My mother loved her time dancing in night clubs and missed the fact that she was not able to stop dancing at her own pace, but was forced by my father. He was just being a caring husband and only wanted the best for her and of course, how she appeared to his friends was also very important. Nothing personal was meant by his threat, but I always knew that my mother missed her freedom in the dance that the stage had brought her. continued on next page ... THE: PAPYRUS 26 Ma 2007 11 THE: PAPYRUS ... continued from previous page Mimoriis of thi fairi by Suhaila Salimpour Nicki Vaccar (cont.) • Encinitas Parks and Recreation Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Dr. (760) 943-2260 • Beginning ... ...................................................................... ........ Th .......... 10:00-11 :OOAM • Intermediate .............................................................................. Th .............. 7:30-8:30PM • Intermediate/Advanced ............................................................ Th .............. 8:30-9:45PM • Beginning ................................................................................. Sa ............ 11 :OOAM-noon San Dieguito Adult Education, Earl Warren Jr. High, Solana Beach (760) 753-7073 • Beginning .............. ................................................................... Tu .............. 6:30-7:30PM Sheerah (858) 755-1432 • Studio 4 at Center for the Arts, Escondido • Basic ......................................................................................... M ............... 8:35-9:35PM Mira Costa College, Cardiff • Basic ......................................................................................... Tu .............. 5:30-6:30PM East Del Mar/Carmel Valley • Basic ..................................... ....................................................W ............... 6:45-7:45PM • Intermediate/Gypsy ............ .................................... .................. Th .............. 6:45-7:45PM • Private coaching by appointment Sohaila (760) 743-1235 or (760) 519-9615 • • Sohaila s Studio, Escondido • Children's ............................................................... ..................Sa ............... l :00-1 :45PM Credited Course at Palomar College, San Marcos (Enroll through Palomar College) (760) 744-1150 • Near & Middle Eastern Dance ................................................. Sa ...... 10:00AM-l 1:50AM Venture Class at Palomar College, San Marcos (Call Palomar College Venture Services to Enroll) (760) 744-1150 • Beg/Int (Dance Studio 0-2 - Palomar College) ........................ Sa ......... 12: 15PM-1 :30PM • Beg/Int (Dance Room 704 - Escondido Campus) .................... Tu .......... 6:45PM-8:00PM Poway Adult Education classes at Rancho Bernardo Swim and Tennis Club/Highland Ranch Elementary School (858) 668-4000 Jamila d&nclns with Bal A naf It was the last day of the Faire and I remember feeling the cool air on my face. I would sleep in the back seat of my mother's old VW bug as she drove early in the morning with the window slightly open. As I lay with my eyes closed, I could feel the soft wind hinting at the reminder that fall was approaching, I could hear the sounds of coins on occasion from my mother's costume. If I needed an extra feeling of security, I would only have to open my eyes a sliver. My mother was driving while dressed in full assuit. It was soothing to know that we were both out of the house and on the way to the Renaissance Faire. The Renaissance Faire ran for eight weeks and late into October. It was only at the end of the Faire did I know that the climate would change and the feeling of needing that extra sweater would become more apparent. It was the end of one creative force and the beginning of another of nature's mysteries. The last day of the Faire was always bitter sweet. We always began the Faire knowing this day will come, but when it arrived, the sadness of having to return to reality until the next year always seemed so lonely. I always felt at continued on next page ... • New! Stretch Class ............................................................. ...... M ...... 10:30AM-11 :30AM • Beginning/Intermediate (RB) ............... .............. ... ...... ............. M ......... 11 :45AM-1 :OOPM • Beginning/Intermediate (HR) ....... .... ...... .......................... ...... .. M ........ .. ..... 6:30-7:45PM • Intermediate/Advanced (HR) ................................................ ... M ............... 7:45-9:00PM Zyba Academy of Artistic Dance, Studio 4 at Center for the Arts, Escondido • Beginning/Intermediate ............. ........................................ ....... W ............... 7 :30-8 :25PM • Intermediate/Advanced ............................................................ W ............... 8:30-9:30PM City of Escondido, Mathis Center (760) 839-4691 • Beginning/fun & fitness ........................................................... W ............... 1:00-2:00PM • Private coaching by appointment Talia (760) 586-6626 • • Camp Pendleton • Beginning ............................................. ...... .............................. M ............... 7:00-8:00PM • Level 2 .................... .................................................................. M ............... 8:00-9:00PM Escondido, Sohaila s Dance Studio •Advanced/Professional.. ............................... ........................ .... Th .............. 6:30-7 :30PM Tina Enheduanna (949) 842-5989 • • Laguna Hills Community Center • Level 3 ............... .... ......... ........................................................ .. Su ............ 12:15-1 :30PM • Level 2 .............. ..... ....................... ................. ........... ................Su .............. l:30-2:45PM •Levell ...................................................................................... Su ....... ....... 3:00-4:15PM San Clemente Community Center •Level 1........... ...........................................................................M ............... 6:30-7:45PM • Level 3 ............................................................................... ....... M ............... 8:00-9: 15PM • Leve) } ............................................................................... ....... W ............... 6:45-8:00PM • Leve) 2 ...................................................................................... W ............... 8:00-9:}5PM continued on next page ... THE: PAPYRUS 12 25 Ma 2007 THE: PAPYRUS ... continued from previous page ...continued from previous page Yasmina (760) 631-1114 • • Beginni111g/lntermediate ....................................... ............... ...... W .............. 6:00-7:OOPM • Beginni111,g/Intermediate ... .........................................................Th ............. 6:00-7:00PM Zahirah (909) 214-1023 • "Zahirah's Studio, Temecula • Beginninig .................................................................................Tu ........ 10:30AM -Noon • Beginni111g .................... ............................................................. W .............. 7:00-8:30PM • Beginni111g ........... ............... ............. ............................. ............. Sa...... I I :OOAM -12:30PM • Intermediate .............................................................................. Sa ............ 12:45 -2:15PM Angie's Dance, Hemet • Beginning ................................................................................. M ............... 7:00-8:30PM Zy (619) 886-4612 • • Encinitas, CA • Beginning ........... ........................................... ...........................Tu ............. 7:35-8:35PM • Beginning/Intermediate ............... ............................................. Su .......... 9:05-10:05AM • Private coaching by appointment Metro Alexa (858) 336-8886 • Mira Mesa Recreation Center • Beginning .............................................................................. M ............... 7:00-8 :OOPM • Advanced ..................................... ........ ..................................... M ............... 8:00-9:00PM Standley Park Recreation Center • Beginning ................ ........ .. .............................. ......................... Th .............. 6:30-7:30PM • lntermediate ....................................... .......................................Th .............. 7:30-8:30PM Amarna (619) 255-5717 • • South Park • Beginning - Private/Semi-Private by appointment Ana (619) 660-6965 • • Attire by Lea Studio, 6787 El Cajon Blvd. • Beginning/Intermediate ............................................................ W ............... 7:00-8 :OOPM • Private coaching by appointment Azizeh (858) 484-4751 • Frogs Club, Carmel Mt. Road • Beginning/lntermediate ............................... ................ .. ........... W ........... 10:45-11 :45AM • Beginning/lntermediate ........................... ...... ..................... ...... F ................ 4:30-5 :30PM • Private coaching by appointment Dilek, Turkish Delight (619) 459-4894 • • • Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center, 4126 Executive Dr., La Jolla (858) 457-3030 • Beginner Technique in Arabic and Turkish Style .. ...................W ............... 5:30-6:30PM Stage Seven School of Dance, 3980 30th St. • Basic/Beginner Technique in Arabic and Turkish Style ........... Su .. ........... .4:00-5:00PM • Intermediate lmprov/Choreo in Arabic and Turkish Style ....... Su .............. 5:00-6:00PM • Private coaching for Arabic and Turkish Style by appointment Frank Lazzaro (760) 703-1487 • • World Beat Center, 2100 Park Blvd., Balboa Park • Egyptian drumming .... .............................................................. M ... ............ 6:00-7:00PM • Mixed level dance to live drumming ....................................... M .......... ..... 7:00-8:00PM Heather Stants (619) 261-8676 • • NTC Promenade Dance Place, 2650 Truxtun Rd. , Studio 201 • Advanced Fusion Choreography ................................ .............. M ............... 6:00-7:OOPM Stage Seven School of Dance, 3980 30th St. • Beginning Tribal Fusion Technique .........................................Tu .............. 7:00-8:00PM • Intermediate Tribal Fusion Technique ...................................... Tu .............. 8:00-9:00PM continued on next page ... Abstracted from its roots, the sa'idi rhythm has become favored in current Arabic popmusic. The sa'idi rhythm is very much like one of the standard rhythms found in western rock and roll-D • TDD • T• . (Read dum as a bass drum and tek as a snare drum in this example) The difference is that in the rock pattern, the first tek is set on beat number two instead of the and of beat one as it is in sa'idi. There are many examples of traditional performance available to listen to. Hossam Ramzy's Kouhail CD is highly recommended. As for modem applications, listen to Arabic popular music, for example, Amir Diab' s recordings of Hikayatey, Bahibak Aktar, and Betuhashney on his Amarain CD, or Ala Nar by the Sarni Nossair Orchestra. Richard has been a drum accompanist for belly dancers since 1988. He is an independent scholar, composer, writer, teacher, multipercussionist, recording artist/engineer, and visual artist. His book (a 15+ year project), The Complete Dumbek, is due to be published in 2007 by Anaphase II. He is a drum instructor at MuzikMuzik in El Cajon, CA. Contact:, and a ·O :tB f aci It: tfold That Tan! by Meleah Maintain that sun-touched look all year long with self-tanner on the body and bronzer on the face. Use a silky mineral powder or bronzer to even out a tan or create one. Use a powder brush and dust on shoulders, collarbones, and under the chin. Use broad strokes to blend color from the center of your cheeks outward. Create a natural hollow under blush by brushing up from the center, between the jaw and cheekbone outward toward the ear. Create warmth by brushing bronzer along the hairline. Bronzer can also be used as eye shadow. Dust it up and out along the lid onto the brow bone. Follow with golden shadow for a sexy sun-kissed look. Meleah is a professional make up artist, performer, and instructor, with more than 20 years of experience. She carries her own line of cosmetics, formulated for the dancer, and instructional videos. (619) 280-8424. 24 THE: PAPYRUS Ma 2007 13 THE: PAPYRUS ... continued from previous page Thi <vancing ®rum: ~a'idi by Richard Adrian Steiger A standard rhythm in belly dance music, Maqsum should be familiar to the dancer. The Sa'idi (pronounced, sa-EE-dee) rhythm is named after the cultivated region of the Nile Valley between Cairo and Aswan called Sa'idi (Upper Egypt). In its original performance context the sa'idi rhythm is used for the Egyptian ritual combat dance called tahtib--a dance of men and horses (kouhail, purebred Arabian stallion). Performances take place with the male dancers either standing on the ground, or on the backs of dancing horses, whirling, waving, and striking the ground with a staff about 4 feet long called the naboot. The rhythm is also used for a less aggressive "stage" form called raks asaya (or assabaya) performed by women. Most scholars concur that it is a feminine parodic caricature of the male tahtib dance. Woman dancers use a small 'T' cane (the asaya) instead of the staff. In both forms of dance, the implement (staff or cane) functions as a percussion instrument used to strike the ground or stage. The hits are timed to either coincide with or against the rhythm. Note that although sa'idi is the traditional rhythm played for tahtib and raks asaya, other rhythms such as baladi and maqsum are also used. The sa'idi rhythm is traditionally played outdoors on the narahsan, a two-sided bass drum. It is held on a strap around the neck and played with sticks-the right hand striking bass tones with a rounded beater, and the left hand tapping out complex overtonesaturated treble drumnotes with a long, thin, dowel. The melody is played on a very loud double-reed oboe called the mizmar sa'idi (one lead and at least two drone players). The dumbek and a large tambourine called the mazhar are sometimes used along with the narahsan. The standard sa'idi rhythm and drumnote sequence is derivative of maqsum (DT •TD• T•) with adum replacing the tek on the and of beat number two: DT • D D• T• . In the following diagram, baladi, maqsum and sa'idi are compared. The dum on the and of beat two changes the pitch sequence, but not the rhythm itself. There are variations of sa'idi (usually with more dums). For example, sa'idi can be played as DD •DD• T• (a kind of modified baladi). Note that dancers often confuse sa'idi with baladi or maqsum, and play their zill pattern to fit baladi instead of sa'idi. For extensive infomation and sound examples of zill patterns see: www. 1 & 4 & X D • X T • & 3 & 4 & X X D T • maqsum T X D • X T • 1 & 3 & 4 & D X D • X T • & 2 X D D baladi X 1 & & 3 • T 2 & 2 X D T sa'idi X • continued on next page ... Ballet Basics Studio, 2323 Broadway, Studio 105 • Exploring lmprov with Julie Lively ............ .. ..... .. .................. .. M ............... 7 :30-8:30PM • Advanced Tribal Fusion Technique .................... .. .................... W ..... .......... 7:00-8:15PM • Mixed Level Conditioning and Technique .............................. .Th .......... 10:30-11 :45AM • Beginning Tribal Fusion Technique .......... .. ... ................. .. .... .. .Sa ............. Noon-1 :OOPM • Intermecliate Tribal Fusion Technique ..................................... .Sa............... 1:00-2:00PM Jasmina (619) 298-3576 • Mission Valley YMCA, 5505 Friars Rd. • Beginning ...................................... ... ..................................... .. Sa ............... 1:30-2:30PM • Intermediate ................................ ........................................... .. Sa ............... 2:30-3:30PM Lilli th ( 617) 721-7921 • • The Arts and Entertainment Center, 3026 University Avenue •Beginning .... .................... ....... ..... ...... ................. ..... ... ............ ..Tu .............. 6:00-7 :OOPM Loreena (858) 45!-WRLD(9753) • • Attire by Lea Studio, 6787 El Cajon Blvd. • Beginning .................................................. ................. ............ .. Sa....... 11 :OOAM-12:00PM •Intermediate/Advanced ..................................... ...... .. ...............Sa... ........ l 0:00-11 :OOAM Mira Mesa, 10225 Barnes Canyon Rd., Suite CJOO • Beginning .................. ...... .. ............ ......................................... .. Su ... .. ......... 5 :00-6:00PM • Intermediate/ Advanced ........................................... .... .. .......... .Su .............. 6:00-7 :OOPM Lucia (619) 405-2308 • • Dancing Unlimited Studio, 4569 3(J" St., North Park •Beginning ............................................... ........................ .......... Sa ............ 9:00-10: l 5AM •Intermediate ............. ........................ .......... .... ............. .............. Sa ........... 10:20-11 :45AM Attire By Lea, 6787 El Cajon Blvd., El Cajon • Beginning ........................................................................ .... ..... M ............... 6:30-7 :30PM • lntermediate ................................................................ .. .......... .. M ............... 7:30-8:30PM Luisa (619) 299-1129 • Dancing Unlimited, 4569 3(11' St., North Park • Multi-Level/Choreography ......... .. ................................... .......Th .............. 6:15-7 :30PM • Private coaching by appointment Mariela (619) 307-0964 • • • Kava Gallery & Studio, 2804 Ketmer • Beginning ...... ............. ........ ........................ .......... .. ................. Sa .. ............. 2:00-3:00PM • Intermediate ........... ........ .. ............................................... .. ........ Sa ............... 3:00-4:00PM World Beat Center, Balboa Park • All levels to live drumming by Frank Lazarro ....................... .. M ............... 7:00-8:00PM • Private coaching by appointment Marula (619) 295-0637 • Mission Valley YMCA, 5055 Friars Rd.• 4 week sessions • Childcare available on site • Beginning ............................................................................. ... Sa............. 12:00-1 :OOPM • Intermediate .............................. .............. ........................... .... ... Sa ............... 1:00-2:00PM • Private coaching by appointment Meleah (619) 280-8424 • San Diego School of Ballet, 2650 Truxtun Rd., Point Loma • Beginning foundations ............................................................. W ... ............ 7:45-8:45PM •Intermediate/Adv. technique, zills ....................................... ... .. W ............... 6:40-7:40PM Stage 7 Studio, 3980 3(J" St., North Park • lntermediate ... ......................................................... ..... ............. Th .. ....... ... .. 7:30-8:30PM Taoist Sanctuary, 4229 Park Blvd., North Park (alternating Fridays) • Mixed level , choreographic methods, performance technique F ................ 6:30-7:30PM Richard Steiger (619) 283-6325 • Drumming & Lecture/Demos • Private coaching by appointment continued on next page ... THE: PAPYRUS 14 ... continued f om previous page Ma 2007 ... continued from previous page Sahar Samil (858) 717-5839 • • • Academy of Egyptian Dance, Sorrento Valley (near UTC) • Level I (Easic Technique) ............................... .. ...... ........ ...... ... Tu .... .... .... .. 6:00-7 :00PM • Level II @3eginner Technique) .... .. ......... ............. .. ................ ...Tu .. .. .......... 7:00-8:00PM • Level ill (Intermediate Technique & Choreography) ..............Th ..... ......... 6:30-7:30PM • Level N (Advanced Technique & Choreography) ........ ....... ...Th ............ .. 7:30-8:30PM Scherazade (858) 581-0135 • 3234 ldlewild Way, Clairemont • Multi-LeYel ............. .......... .... .......... .. ..... ....... .. .............. ..... ... ...M ............... 7:00-8 :30PM • Sword, cane, Isis wings .................. ........ ........ ......... .. ...............Th .... .. ........ 8:00-9 :30PM • Private coaching by appointment Talia (760) 586-6626 • • UCSD, Rimac Center, La Jolla • Beginnimg ....... ........ ................ ......... .........................................M ... ........ 10:00-11 :30AM Theresa (61 9) 521-0849 • Stage 7 Studio, 3980 30th St., North Park (back; enter from alley) • Beginning/Intermediate ............... .. .. .............. .. ..... ......................M ............... 7 :00-8:30PM Yaarajaan S:tudiosffhe Ethnic Dance Academy (858) 531 -6832 • • www.the-'eda .com • • 5433 Linda Vista Rd., Ste. C For class info, see ad this issue Patrisha teaches: • Danz Orientale (Turkish Style) .......... ... ....... ................ ......... .. Tu .... ........ .. 7:30-9:00PM • American Cabaret.. .... ................ .......... .. .. .. ............................... W ............. .. 7:30-9:00PM E:ast Count~ Ana (619) 660-6965 • • Spring Valley Com. Center, 8735 Jamacha Blvd., (619) 479-1832 • Beginning/Intermediate ....................... .. .......... .. .. .. ........ ...........Tu .............. 7:00-8 :00PM • Private coaching by appointment Cyrena (619) 698-9421 • Patrick Henry High School, 6702 Wandermere Dr. • Beginning ... ....... ............................................... .. .. ..... ........ ...... w ............... 6:00-7 :15PM • Multi-Level ............................ ................................ ..... .. ....... .... W ............. .. 7:15-8 :30PM Dilek, Turkish Delight (619) 459-4894 • • • Alondra's, 2990 Jamacha Rd., #102, El Cajon, (619) 660-9048 • Beginner Technique in Arabic and Turkish Style .. ...................Th .............. 7:30-8:30PM • Intermediate Improv/Choreo in Arabic and Turkish Style .... .. .Th .............. 8:30-9:30PM • Private coaching for Arabic and Turkish Style by appointment Jamila (619) 466-8233 • Jamila's Studio 6:00PM • Advanced ....................... .. ..... .. ..... ........... .. .. ............. .. ... .. .......... W 7:30PM • Beginning .. .... .................... ..... ... ................ .. ............................. W 7:00PM • Advanced ........... ...... ........... ............... ....................................... Th • Private coaching by appointment Jasmina (619) 660-4350 • Cuyamaca College, 900 Rancho San Diego Pkwy., Room R205, El Cajon. • Beginning .......... ... .................................. .. ............................... Tu ........ .. .... 4:30-5:30PM • Intermediate ........ ... ................... ......................................... ......Th .............. 4:30-5:30PM Rubia's Dance Studio, (619) 579-6197, 1480 Jamacha Rd., El Cajon • Beginning ..... ............................ ................ .. .................. ........... M ..... ..... ..... 7:30-8:30PM • Intermediate ....... ... .... ...... .. ..... .. ......................... .. ..... .. ........ ...... M ............... 8:30-9:00PM Rubia 's Dance FX, (619) 445-6197, 2754 Alpine Blvd. Suite C, Alpine • Beginning ...................... ... ......................... ................. .. ...........W ...... ... ...... 7:00-8 :00PM continued on next page ... Photo by Ron Perry 23 THE: PAPYRUS THE: PAPYRUS 22 ... continued from previous page Ma 2007 15 THE: PAPYRUS ... continued from previous page Linda (619) 517-6312 • Women's Fitness World, 733 Broadway, El Cajon • Beginning ............................... .................................................. Sa....... 11 :30AM-12:30PM Sabah (619) 448-6501 • Santee Elementary School, Bldg. CSD2 •Beginning ...... ............................. ................... ............. .............. Sa........... l 0:15-11: l 5AM • Continuing ..................... ............................ ............................... Sa........... ll:15-12:15PM Healing Therapies, 9578 Murray Drive, La Mesa • Continuing ..................................................... ......... ..................w ............... 5:30-6:30PM • Beginning ........... ......................................................................W ............... 6:30-7:30PM South Count~ Cecilia Martinez (619) 271-8538 • Loma Verde Dance Room, 1420 Loma Verde Lane, Chula Vista • Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced (Youth ages 6 to 16) .......... M ............... 6:00-6:50PM • Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced (Adult ages 16 to 99) ......... M ............. .. 7 :00-7 :50PM • Preschool Belly Dancing (Ages 4 to 5) ....................................W ............... 3:30-4:00PM Montevalle Park and Recreation Center, 840 Duncan Ranch Rd. , Chula Vista • Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced (Adult) .................... ..........Tu .............. 7:00-7 :50PM Parkway Dance Room, Chula Vista • Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced (Adult) ..............................W ............... 6:30-7 :20PM Salt Creek Dance Room, Chula Vista • Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced (Youth) ................... ... ....... Sa............. .. 2:00-2:50PM •Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced (Adult) .............................. Sa............. .. 3:00-3:50PM Linda (619) 517-6312 • Women's Fitness World, 310 Third Ave., Chula Vista • Beginning ....................... .. ............ ................................ ............. Su .......... 11 :OOAM-Noon Marianna (619) 261-0832 • • International Dance Company, 555 H St. #2029 (in the Chula Vista Mall) (619) 427-DANCE • Beginning (Improvisation) ........................................... .... ......... Tu ............ .. 7:30-8 :30PM 11 Belly Dance & Yoga Classes T (619) 460-5766 . tt 1ri by J.!)i() 6787 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92115 Beginning/Intermediate ................ .. M ....... .............. ... 6:30-7:30PM Intermediate ................................... M ............. ........... 7:30-8:30PM Yoga ........... ................................... Tu .......... ...... 11 :30AM-12:30PM Beginning/Intermediate .................. W ....................... 7:00-8:00PM Beginning Series 1 ........................ Th ...................... 6:00-7:00PM Intermediate ........ ........................... Th ..................... .7:00-8:00PM Intermediate ........ ... ........................ Sa ........ .. ......... 10:00-11 :ODAM Beginning ....................................... Sa ................... 11 :ODAM-Noon Photo by Cally continued on next page ... 11 1, THE: PAPYRUS 16 . e'"" ' o~e,~,('~ o'l>'-"'C;, ~,.,, ,ti AC:l •a. A.~1\, ~~:.& ..,e,e~-, <?i o~~'li- 0•;P(' "' ..,,.;9 {;. ~'<> .• ,.,, <j,~,o. ~re,\ (\ '1/~~'o- l ..._ -~ ~ Ma 2007 21 THE: PAPYRUS Troupi extravaganza! ~~ ~~,. ~ by Marula ,', ·.~.. ,·- -..a -~a .. ··.&a -~ -- ' ... -- ~ \~ CGt- 2005 The EDA Annual Student Recital (Open to the public) Junel.2007 Worl dbeat Center, 2100 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92101 The EDA proudly presents the second EDA Annual Student Recital with students of the EDA Private students the EDA Bhangra Project The EDA Melaya Leff Project & The EDA Diploma Program first year students under the direction of DaVid of Scandinavia Doors open: 6:30 pm Show: 7 - 8:30 pm Cover charge : $10 per person Refreshments available Donations welcome For class schedule and more info: 858 531 6832 I 34 info@the-eda .com On Saturday, March 10th from 5pm to 7pm, in Mission Valley, local troupes came together as a team and presented a brilliant fundraiser show for the YMCA's Annual Support Campaign. Variety was abundant throughout the show with creative costuming, dance styles, choreography and talent being represented through 10 different troupes. The flow of the show was professional with each performance on time and ready to present their choreography to a very full house. All of the troupes were volunteers and contributed to the show' s success by applying their unique talents. Because of their generosity, we were able to contribute $1,100.00 to the Annual Support Campaign. The Annual Support Campaign provides vital programs and services to more than 8,200 people in our community by providing financial assistance for children and families that cannot afford to participate, funding new community Outreach programs, providing youth sports, and many other opportunities that would otherwise not be experienced by those less privileged. I would like to extend very big thank you to all of the performers, assistants and to the members of the audience for making the show such a wonderful event. Many, many thanks to these generous and talented troupes: Atash Maya, Blue Lotus, Glitter Dance Company, Mesa College Belly Dance Company, Oriental Jewels, Raks el Anwar, Raks el Nejoume, Terpsichore in Veils, Yasmina's Yems and Zygotex. continued on next page ... 20 THE: PAPYRUS Ma 2007 17 THE: PAPYRUS .. .continued from previous page She also wants her students to know they should not let anyone tell them that the way they perform a particular move is wrong unless the comment has to do with posture or something else that could damage your body. "This is a dance style," she says, "not chemistry! Everyone has their own way of dancing. It's a matter of stylization. It's not wrong, just different." For example, when Mariela teaches snake arms, she tells students to keep their arms away from their bodies for framing, but in new tribal style, a dancer places her arms down by her body. For Mariela, this idea is important because many people get frustrated feeling that they can't execute a move properly. Mariela wants people to have fun with the movement. She tells her students, "It's dance! Don't beat yourself up over it!" Mariela says that once a dancer becomes professional, there's a fine line between having fun and a "This is my job" mentality. As stated earlier, Mariela has crossed that line herself. She doesn't want other people to feel that way. '(I Night of ®ivini ®anci III by DaVid of Scandinavia Within a year, Mariela should finish her doctorate in Psychology. After she begins her practice, she says that she may advise her patients to dance because it's a beautiful outlet. She says, "Sometimes I feel dance does more for a person than formal therapy!" Once a dancer has developed a foundation in dance class, then she can just move surrender to the rhythm. The execution of the move is forgotten. It releases the dancer within you, and you become the dance! You can contact Mariela at her web site: or call (619) 307-0964. 'P-1:L L.dA·,cv.s/ Oils - Acrylics Meditative Abstract Digital Imagery - Logos CD & Book Covers Brochures - Flyers VVeb Site Design ~~~ ~,4~~ Traditional & Dig ital Art ist (760) 532-1187 On March 17th Patrisha Productions and Lucia Enterprises served the San Diego dance scene with their 3rd fabulous show featuring several local dancers and troupes along with the local favorite band - Moayed and the D reams - this time with Andy, Santo, Steward and guest drummer Walid Assaf. The famou s Harry Saroyan emceed the show. Vendors such as Ana and Scottie Schultz were present among others and added an extra spark to the event. The performers did a commendable job: Ana brought the house down with her ever-blooming charm, Raqs El Anwar being as truly loyal to their wonderful repertoire, Iryna impressed yet again with her elegance, the Raks Cairo Ensemble was sassy and hot with their feather boas, the EDA Bhangra Project featured athleticism and big smiles, the ever so graceful Lucia made all the dancers in the audience drool over her fully covering dress, but the breathtaking Estrella made all hearts skip a few beats as she danced to Moayed and the Dreams and had the tips rain over her as if a monsoon had hit the stage. I let my spaceman outfit by Aphrodite's Closet have its debut. Walid Assaf's birthday was celebrated as well with a well tasting cake helping the dancers maintain their figures. The organizers were happy to see the support of the Chaldean community alongside the dance community in spite of it being St. Patrick's Day weekend. THE: PAPYRUS 18 .M.ariita by Nimahlina "Emerge from technique, surrender to the rhythm, release the dancer, become the dance" -Mariela's Motto Mariela, with encouragement from her Spanish mother, began studying Flamenco at the age of 14. Although she loved dancing, she never felt that Flamenco was right for her. A few years later, she expressed this sentiment to a friend who was taking belly dance at the same dance studio Mariela was attending in Los Angeles (LA). The friend then suggested Mariela try belly dance. She did and immediately loved it feeling that the softness of Middle Eastern dance was a good fit for her Mariela then began studying belly dance with Jenaeni Rathor of LA, which was not only a good fit but was a great opportunity because Jenaeni had pioneered the American Cabaret style in the 60' s. These classes also enabled her to meet Ansuya of Belly Dance Superstars (BOSS) fame, who was Jenaeni' s daughter. Later, Ansuya and her mom co taught until Jenaeni retired. Then Ansuya took over the classes and in 1998, revised the dance company, Yaleil, which Jenaeni had originally established. Jenaeni and Ansuya were Mariela's primary teachers, but throughout the years, Mariela took classes and workshops with a variety other teachers to broaden her knowledge of dance. Mariela's dedication to her studies paid off because it wasn't long before Ansuya surprised Mariela by inviting Mariela to join the company. Mariela couldn't believe it beaause she had never performed professionally and had no idea that such an opportunity would be presented to her so early on in her dance career. Of course, Mariela accepted the invitation and danced with the company in many venues around !Los Angeles. She still feels honored to have been a part of this group. They seemed to have enjoyed the collaboration as well because they asked her to participate in their important "Gypsy Sugar" theater production in Ojai, California, an event that Mariela will always remember because this event was her first big, important performance on sta:ge. While she h ad been studying belly dance, Mariela had also been attending college. By the she graduated, she was feeling burned out with everything and was in need of a change. She took a break from all the hard work by vacationing in Maui and loved it there. Forhmately, for her, circumstances came together that allowed her to tum a vacation into the chance to live in Maui for an extended period. When Mariela arrived on this smalll island, just after the tragedy of 9 I 11, she immediately met a woman who asked her to p articipate in a show to benefit the families of those who died in that attack. At this fundraiser, Mariela met another woman who owned a dance studio. This woman, Naclr.a, asked Mariela to teach belly dance. Even though Mariela had never taught befo~ she arnepted the job. At first, she &It a little apprehensive, but she decided to focus on teaching what she knew and discovered that teaching felt natural. She enjoyed it so much that she ended up teaching al three different studios and taking private students. Happily, she got yet Ma 2007 19 THE: PAPYRUS another break. Mariela co directed a theater production that featured several forms of dance in addition to belly dance. That production was video taped and ran on local television stations. It played for over a year and people still recognize her from that show. Mariela is grateful that she successfully earned a living teaching belly dance in Hawaii, which was not easy because Hawaii is all about Hula. She enjoyed her time on the islands. However, she wanted to see the country of her ancestors, so Mariela left Hawaii to spend six months traveling through Spain where she was followed by the good luck that always seems to accompany her. Without her seeking it, people approached Mariela asking her to teach workshops, which she agreed to do. Even though she is bilingual, she had never taught in Spanish, so explaining moves was difficult because she didn't know belly dance vocabulary in Spanish. Nevertheless, it was a fun and positive experience. After this trip, having recovered from her bum out, Mariela decided to move to San Diego to begin graduate school. Here, Jillina, choreographer of Belly Dance Superstars, introduced Mariela to Angell Estrada who had been a member of Jillina' s company. Mariela and Angell decided to dance together and co founded a fusion dance company called Dunya Dance Theater. At that time, Angell was teaching, but Mariela wasn't. However, they decided to perform together and put up a web site from which they got many requests to perform at private gigs. Even after becoming a professional dancer, Mariela continued to study taking classes with many other instructors - most consistently with Jillina and Heather Stants, director of Urban Tribal Dance Company. She also began performing collaboratively with other local dancers, including Heather Stants, Leilainia and Dondi, at corporate functions and private parties. After Angell, who had been teaching at the World Beat Center, moved away, Frank Lazzaro, Middle Earth band member and dumbek instructor at the Center, asked Mariela to take over Angeli's class there. She has been teaching at that Balboa Park site for more than two years. Additionally, she has been teaching at the Kava Lounge Gallery & Studio on Saturdays for about two years. This opportunity came to her through a friend who is the owner of that establishment. These openings came to Mariela through networking. She doesn't do many public events and has never cared about making a name for herself. As much as she loves belly dance and its community, she doesn't view this as her future career. However, she'll probably continue dancing and teaching until she's finished with her doctorate in Clinical Psychology. In the meantime, dancing is helping her pay her way through school. Her mom seems to want to keep Mariela dancing too, for her mom keeps making her beautiful costumes; every time Mariela sees one of her mom's new glittering creations, it inspires her to continue performing in spite of those days when her body hurts and she's feeling that performing is a chore. Her other inspiration is her loyal students who brighten her day. Because of them, she can't see herself giving up teaching - just performing although she might dance at friends' parties for the fun of it even after she retires from dancing professionally Even as she speaks about her impending retirement, Mariela expresses a desire to continue supporting her students while encouraging them to take dance classes from different teachers because, she says, dance is not only about the moves you learn in class; It's as much about the stylization of the dance as it is about the moves. Once you have learned the moves and been exposed to a wide variety of stylizations, then you can build your own style. Mariela says that for a dancer to develop her own style, she must study with a variety of teachers, if not, there is a tendency to become a mirror of your teacher. continued on next page ... THE: PAPYRUS 18 .M.ariita by Nimahlina "Emerge from technique, surrender to the rhythm, release the dancer, become the dance" -Mariela's Motto Mariela, with encouragement from her Spanish mother, began studying Flamenco at the age of 14. Although she loved dancing, she never felt that Flamenco was right for her. A few years later, she expressed this sentiment to a friend who was taking belly dance at the same dance studio Mariela was attending in Los Angeles (LA). The friend then suggested Mariela try belly dance. She did and immediately loved it feeling that the softness of Middle Eastern dance was a good fit for her Mariela then began studying belly dance with Jenaeni Rathor of LA, which was not only a good fit but was a great opportunity because Jenaeni had pioneered the American Cabaret style in the 60' s. These classes also enabled her to meet Ansuya of Belly Dance Superstars (BOSS) fame, who was Jenaeni' s daughter. Later, Ansuya and her mom co taught until Jenaeni retired. Then Ansuya took over the classes and in 1998, revised the dance company, Yaleil, which Jenaeni had originally established. Jenaeni and Ansuya were Mariela's primary teachers, but throughout the years, Mariela took classes and workshops with a variety other teachers to broaden her knowledge of dance. Mariela's dedication to her studies paid off because it wasn't long before Ansuya surprised Mariela by inviting Mariela to join the company. Mariela couldn't believe it beaause she had never performed professionally and had no idea that such an opportunity would be presented to her so early on in her dance career. Of course, Mariela accepted the invitation and danced with the company in many venues around !Los Angeles. She still feels honored to have been a part of this group. They seemed to have enjoyed the collaboration as well because they asked her to participate in their important "Gypsy Sugar" theater production in Ojai, California, an event that Mariela will always remember because this event was her first big, important performance on sta:ge. While she h ad been studying belly dance, Mariela had also been attending college. By the she graduated, she was feeling burned out with everything and was in need of a change. She took a break from all the hard work by vacationing in Maui and loved it there. Forhmately, for her, circumstances came together that allowed her to tum a vacation into the chance to live in Maui for an extended period. When Mariela arrived on this smalll island, just after the tragedy of 9 I 11, she immediately met a woman who asked her to p articipate in a show to benefit the families of those who died in that attack. At this fundraiser, Mariela met another woman who owned a dance studio. This woman, Naclr.a, asked Mariela to teach belly dance. Even though Mariela had never taught befo~ she arnepted the job. At first, she &It a little apprehensive, but she decided to focus on teaching what she knew and discovered that teaching felt natural. She enjoyed it so much that she ended up teaching al three different studios and taking private students. Happily, she got yet Ma 2007 19 THE: PAPYRUS another break. Mariela co directed a theater production that featured several forms of dance in addition to belly dance. That production was video taped and ran on local television stations. It played for over a year and people still recognize her from that show. Mariela is grateful that she successfully earned a living teaching belly dance in Hawaii, which was not easy because Hawaii is all about Hula. She enjoyed her time on the islands. However, she wanted to see the country of her ancestors, so Mariela left Hawaii to spend six months traveling through Spain where she was followed by the good luck that always seems to accompany her. Without her seeking it, people approached Mariela asking her to teach workshops, which she agreed to do. Even though she is bilingual, she had never taught in Spanish, so explaining moves was difficult because she didn't know belly dance vocabulary in Spanish. Nevertheless, it was a fun and positive experience. After this trip, having recovered from her bum out, Mariela decided to move to San Diego to begin graduate school. Here, Jillina, choreographer of Belly Dance Superstars, introduced Mariela to Angell Estrada who had been a member of Jillina' s company. Mariela and Angell decided to dance together and co founded a fusion dance company called Dunya Dance Theater. At that time, Angell was teaching, but Mariela wasn't. However, they decided to perform together and put up a web site from which they got many requests to perform at private gigs. Even after becoming a professional dancer, Mariela continued to study taking classes with many other instructors - most consistently with Jillina and Heather Stants, director of Urban Tribal Dance Company. She also began performing collaboratively with other local dancers, including Heather Stants, Leilainia and Dondi, at corporate functions and private parties. After Angell, who had been teaching at the World Beat Center, moved away, Frank Lazzaro, Middle Earth band member and dumbek instructor at the Center, asked Mariela to take over Angeli's class there. She has been teaching at that Balboa Park site for more than two years. Additionally, she has been teaching at the Kava Lounge Gallery & Studio on Saturdays for about two years. This opportunity came to her through a friend who is the owner of that establishment. These openings came to Mariela through networking. She doesn't do many public events and has never cared about making a name for herself. As much as she loves belly dance and its community, she doesn't view this as her future career. However, she'll probably continue dancing and teaching until she's finished with her doctorate in Clinical Psychology. In the meantime, dancing is helping her pay her way through school. Her mom seems to want to keep Mariela dancing too, for her mom keeps making her beautiful costumes; every time Mariela sees one of her mom's new glittering creations, it inspires her to continue performing in spite of those days when her body hurts and she's feeling that performing is a chore. Her other inspiration is her loyal students who brighten her day. Because of them, she can't see herself giving up teaching - just performing although she might dance at friends' parties for the fun of it even after she retires from dancing professionally Even as she speaks about her impending retirement, Mariela expresses a desire to continue supporting her students while encouraging them to take dance classes from different teachers because, she says, dance is not only about the moves you learn in class; It's as much about the stylization of the dance as it is about the moves. Once you have learned the moves and been exposed to a wide variety of stylizations, then you can build your own style. Mariela says that for a dancer to develop her own style, she must study with a variety of teachers, if not, there is a tendency to become a mirror of your teacher. continued on next page ... 20 THE: PAPYRUS Ma 2007 17 THE: PAPYRUS .. .continued from previous page She also wants her students to know they should not let anyone tell them that the way they perform a particular move is wrong unless the comment has to do with posture or something else that could damage your body. "This is a dance style," she says, "not chemistry! Everyone has their own way of dancing. It's a matter of stylization. It's not wrong, just different." For example, when Mariela teaches snake arms, she tells students to keep their arms away from their bodies for framing, but in new tribal style, a dancer places her arms down by her body. For Mariela, this idea is important because many people get frustrated feeling that they can't execute a move properly. Mariela wants people to have fun with the movement. She tells her students, "It's dance! Don't beat yourself up over it!" Mariela says that once a dancer becomes professional, there's a fine line between having fun and a "This is my job" mentality. As stated earlier, Mariela has crossed that line herself. She doesn't want other people to feel that way. '(I Night of ®ivini ®anci III by DaVid of Scandinavia Within a year, Mariela should finish her doctorate in Psychology. After she begins her practice, she says that she may advise her patients to dance because it's a beautiful outlet. She says, "Sometimes I feel dance does more for a person than formal therapy!" Once a dancer has developed a foundation in dance class, then she can just move surrender to the rhythm. The execution of the move is forgotten. It releases the dancer within you, and you become the dance! You can contact Mariela at her web site: or call (619) 307-0964. 'P-1:L L.dA·,cv.s/ Oils - Acrylics Meditative Abstract Digital Imagery - Logos CD & Book Covers Brochures - Flyers VVeb Site Design ~~~ ~,4~~ Traditional & Dig ital Art ist (760) 532-1187 On March 17th Patrisha Productions and Lucia Enterprises served the San Diego dance scene with their 3rd fabulous show featuring several local dancers and troupes along with the local favorite band - Moayed and the D reams - this time with Andy, Santo, Steward and guest drummer Walid Assaf. The famou s Harry Saroyan emceed the show. Vendors such as Ana and Scottie Schultz were present among others and added an extra spark to the event. The performers did a commendable job: Ana brought the house down with her ever-blooming charm, Raqs El Anwar being as truly loyal to their wonderful repertoire, Iryna impressed yet again with her elegance, the Raks Cairo Ensemble was sassy and hot with their feather boas, the EDA Bhangra Project featured athleticism and big smiles, the ever so graceful Lucia made all the dancers in the audience drool over her fully covering dress, but the breathtaking Estrella made all hearts skip a few beats as she danced to Moayed and the Dreams and had the tips rain over her as if a monsoon had hit the stage. I let my spaceman outfit by Aphrodite's Closet have its debut. Walid Assaf's birthday was celebrated as well with a well tasting cake helping the dancers maintain their figures. The organizers were happy to see the support of the Chaldean community alongside the dance community in spite of it being St. Patrick's Day weekend. THE: PAPYRUS 16 . e'"" ' o~e,~,('~ o'l>'-"'C;, ~,.,, ,ti AC:l •a. A.~1\, ~~:.& ..,e,e~-, <?i o~~'li- 0•;P(' "' ..,,.;9 {;. ~'<> .• ,.,, <j,~,o. ~re,\ (\ '1/~~'o- l ..._ -~ ~ Ma 2007 21 THE: PAPYRUS Troupi extravaganza! ~~ ~~,. ~ by Marula ,', ·.~.. ,·- -..a -~a .. ··.&a -~ -- ' ... -- ~ \~ CGt- 2005 The EDA Annual Student Recital (Open to the public) Junel.2007 Worl dbeat Center, 2100 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92101 The EDA proudly presents the second EDA Annual Student Recital with students of the EDA Private students the EDA Bhangra Project The EDA Melaya Leff Project & The EDA Diploma Program first year students under the direction of DaVid of Scandinavia Doors open: 6:30 pm Show: 7 - 8:30 pm Cover charge : $10 per person Refreshments available Donations welcome For class schedule and more info: 858 531 6832 I 34 info@the-eda .com On Saturday, March 10th from 5pm to 7pm, in Mission Valley, local troupes came together as a team and presented a brilliant fundraiser show for the YMCA's Annual Support Campaign. Variety was abundant throughout the show with creative costuming, dance styles, choreography and talent being represented through 10 different troupes. The flow of the show was professional with each performance on time and ready to present their choreography to a very full house. All of the troupes were volunteers and contributed to the show' s success by applying their unique talents. Because of their generosity, we were able to contribute $1,100.00 to the Annual Support Campaign. The Annual Support Campaign provides vital programs and services to more than 8,200 people in our community by providing financial assistance for children and families that cannot afford to participate, funding new community Outreach programs, providing youth sports, and many other opportunities that would otherwise not be experienced by those less privileged. I would like to extend very big thank you to all of the performers, assistants and to the members of the audience for making the show such a wonderful event. Many, many thanks to these generous and talented troupes: Atash Maya, Blue Lotus, Glitter Dance Company, Mesa College Belly Dance Company, Oriental Jewels, Raks el Anwar, Raks el Nejoume, Terpsichore in Veils, Yasmina's Yems and Zygotex. continued on next page ... THE: PAPYRUS 22 ... continued from previous page Ma 2007 15 THE: PAPYRUS ... continued from previous page Linda (619) 517-6312 • Women's Fitness World, 733 Broadway, El Cajon • Beginning ............................... .................................................. Sa....... 11 :30AM-12:30PM Sabah (619) 448-6501 • Santee Elementary School, Bldg. CSD2 •Beginning ...... ............................. ................... ............. .............. Sa........... l 0:15-11: l 5AM • Continuing ..................... ............................ ............................... Sa........... ll:15-12:15PM Healing Therapies, 9578 Murray Drive, La Mesa • Continuing ..................................................... ......... ..................w ............... 5:30-6:30PM • Beginning ........... ......................................................................W ............... 6:30-7:30PM South Count~ Cecilia Martinez (619) 271-8538 • Loma Verde Dance Room, 1420 Loma Verde Lane, Chula Vista • Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced (Youth ages 6 to 16) .......... M ............... 6:00-6:50PM • Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced (Adult ages 16 to 99) ......... M ............. .. 7 :00-7 :50PM • Preschool Belly Dancing (Ages 4 to 5) ....................................W ............... 3:30-4:00PM Montevalle Park and Recreation Center, 840 Duncan Ranch Rd. , Chula Vista • Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced (Adult) .................... ..........Tu .............. 7:00-7 :50PM Parkway Dance Room, Chula Vista • Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced (Adult) ..............................W ............... 6:30-7 :20PM Salt Creek Dance Room, Chula Vista • Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced (Youth) ................... ... ....... Sa............. .. 2:00-2:50PM •Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced (Adult) .............................. Sa............. .. 3:00-3:50PM Linda (619) 517-6312 • Women's Fitness World, 310 Third Ave., Chula Vista • Beginning ....................... .. ............ ................................ ............. Su .......... 11 :OOAM-Noon Marianna (619) 261-0832 • • International Dance Company, 555 H St. #2029 (in the Chula Vista Mall) (619) 427-DANCE • Beginning (Improvisation) ........................................... .... ......... Tu ............ .. 7:30-8 :30PM 11 Belly Dance & Yoga Classes T (619) 460-5766 . tt 1ri by J.!)i() 6787 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92115 Beginning/Intermediate ................ .. M ....... .............. ... 6:30-7:30PM Intermediate ................................... M ............. ........... 7:30-8:30PM Yoga ........... ................................... Tu .......... ...... 11 :30AM-12:30PM Beginning/Intermediate .................. W ....................... 7:00-8:00PM Beginning Series 1 ........................ Th ...................... 6:00-7:00PM Intermediate ........ ........................... Th ..................... .7:00-8:00PM Intermediate ........ ... ........................ Sa ........ .. ......... 10:00-11 :ODAM Beginning ....................................... Sa ................... 11 :ODAM-Noon Photo by Cally continued on next page ... 11 1, THE: PAPYRUS 14 ... continued f om previous page Ma 2007 ... continued from previous page Sahar Samil (858) 717-5839 • • • Academy of Egyptian Dance, Sorrento Valley (near UTC) • Level I (Easic Technique) ............................... .. ...... ........ ...... ... Tu .... .... .... .. 6:00-7 :00PM • Level II @3eginner Technique) .... .. ......... ............. .. ................ ...Tu .. .. .......... 7:00-8:00PM • Level ill (Intermediate Technique & Choreography) ..............Th ..... ......... 6:30-7:30PM • Level N (Advanced Technique & Choreography) ........ ....... ...Th ............ .. 7:30-8:30PM Scherazade (858) 581-0135 • 3234 ldlewild Way, Clairemont • Multi-LeYel ............. .......... .... .......... .. ..... ....... .. .............. ..... ... ...M ............... 7:00-8 :30PM • Sword, cane, Isis wings .................. ........ ........ ......... .. ...............Th .... .. ........ 8:00-9 :30PM • Private coaching by appointment Talia (760) 586-6626 • • UCSD, Rimac Center, La Jolla • Beginnimg ....... ........ ................ ......... .........................................M ... ........ 10:00-11 :30AM Theresa (61 9) 521-0849 • Stage 7 Studio, 3980 30th St., North Park (back; enter from alley) • Beginning/Intermediate ............... .. .. .............. .. ..... ......................M ............... 7 :00-8:30PM Yaarajaan S:tudiosffhe Ethnic Dance Academy (858) 531 -6832 • • www.the-'eda .com • • 5433 Linda Vista Rd., Ste. C For class info, see ad this issue Patrisha teaches: • Danz Orientale (Turkish Style) .......... ... ....... ................ ......... .. Tu .... ........ .. 7:30-9:00PM • American Cabaret.. .... ................ .......... .. .. .. ............................... W ............. .. 7:30-9:00PM E:ast Count~ Ana (619) 660-6965 • • Spring Valley Com. Center, 8735 Jamacha Blvd., (619) 479-1832 • Beginning/Intermediate ....................... .. .......... .. .. .. ........ ...........Tu .............. 7:00-8 :00PM • Private coaching by appointment Cyrena (619) 698-9421 • Patrick Henry High School, 6702 Wandermere Dr. • Beginning ... ....... ............................................... .. .. ..... ........ ...... w ............... 6:00-7 :15PM • Multi-Level ............................ ................................ ..... .. ....... .... W ............. .. 7:15-8 :30PM Dilek, Turkish Delight (619) 459-4894 • • • Alondra's, 2990 Jamacha Rd., #102, El Cajon, (619) 660-9048 • Beginner Technique in Arabic and Turkish Style .. ...................Th .............. 7:30-8:30PM • Intermediate Improv/Choreo in Arabic and Turkish Style .... .. .Th .............. 8:30-9:30PM • Private coaching for Arabic and Turkish Style by appointment Jamila (619) 466-8233 • Jamila's Studio 6:00PM • Advanced ....................... .. ..... .. ..... ........... .. .. ............. .. ... .. .......... W 7:30PM • Beginning .. .... .................... ..... ... ................ .. ............................. W 7:00PM • Advanced ........... ...... ........... ............... ....................................... Th • Private coaching by appointment Jasmina (619) 660-4350 • Cuyamaca College, 900 Rancho San Diego Pkwy., Room R205, El Cajon. • Beginning .......... ... .................................. .. ............................... Tu ........ .. .... 4:30-5:30PM • Intermediate ........ ... ................... ......................................... ......Th .............. 4:30-5:30PM Rubia's Dance Studio, (619) 579-6197, 1480 Jamacha Rd., El Cajon • Beginning ..... ............................ ................ .. .................. ........... M ..... ..... ..... 7:30-8:30PM • Intermediate ....... ... .... ...... .. ..... .. ......................... .. ..... .. ........ ...... M ............... 8:30-9:00PM Rubia 's Dance FX, (619) 445-6197, 2754 Alpine Blvd. Suite C, Alpine • Beginning ...................... ... ......................... ................. .. ...........W ...... ... ...... 7:00-8 :00PM continued on next page ... Photo by Ron Perry 23 THE: PAPYRUS 24 THE: PAPYRUS Ma 2007 13 THE: PAPYRUS ... continued from previous page Thi <vancing ®rum: ~a'idi by Richard Adrian Steiger A standard rhythm in belly dance music, Maqsum should be familiar to the dancer. The Sa'idi (pronounced, sa-EE-dee) rhythm is named after the cultivated region of the Nile Valley between Cairo and Aswan called Sa'idi (Upper Egypt). In its original performance context the sa'idi rhythm is used for the Egyptian ritual combat dance called tahtib--a dance of men and horses (kouhail, purebred Arabian stallion). Performances take place with the male dancers either standing on the ground, or on the backs of dancing horses, whirling, waving, and striking the ground with a staff about 4 feet long called the naboot. The rhythm is also used for a less aggressive "stage" form called raks asaya (or assabaya) performed by women. Most scholars concur that it is a feminine parodic caricature of the male tahtib dance. Woman dancers use a small 'T' cane (the asaya) instead of the staff. In both forms of dance, the implement (staff or cane) functions as a percussion instrument used to strike the ground or stage. The hits are timed to either coincide with or against the rhythm. Note that although sa'idi is the traditional rhythm played for tahtib and raks asaya, other rhythms such as baladi and maqsum are also used. The sa'idi rhythm is traditionally played outdoors on the narahsan, a two-sided bass drum. It is held on a strap around the neck and played with sticks-the right hand striking bass tones with a rounded beater, and the left hand tapping out complex overtonesaturated treble drumnotes with a long, thin, dowel. The melody is played on a very loud double-reed oboe called the mizmar sa'idi (one lead and at least two drone players). The dumbek and a large tambourine called the mazhar are sometimes used along with the narahsan. The standard sa'idi rhythm and drumnote sequence is derivative of maqsum (DT •TD• T•) with adum replacing the tek on the and of beat number two: DT • D D• T• . In the following diagram, baladi, maqsum and sa'idi are compared. The dum on the and of beat two changes the pitch sequence, but not the rhythm itself. There are variations of sa'idi (usually with more dums). For example, sa'idi can be played as DD •DD• T• (a kind of modified baladi). Note that dancers often confuse sa'idi with baladi or maqsum, and play their zill pattern to fit baladi instead of sa'idi. For extensive infomation and sound examples of zill patterns see: www. 1 & 4 & X D • X T • & 3 & 4 & X X D T • maqsum T X D • X T • 1 & 3 & 4 & D X D • X T • & 2 X D D baladi X 1 & & 3 • T 2 & 2 X D T sa'idi X • continued on next page ... Ballet Basics Studio, 2323 Broadway, Studio 105 • Exploring lmprov with Julie Lively ............ .. ..... .. .................. .. M ............... 7 :30-8:30PM • Advanced Tribal Fusion Technique .................... .. .................... W ..... .......... 7:00-8:15PM • Mixed Level Conditioning and Technique .............................. .Th .......... 10:30-11 :45AM • Beginning Tribal Fusion Technique .......... .. ... ................. .. .... .. .Sa ............. Noon-1 :OOPM • Intermecliate Tribal Fusion Technique ..................................... .Sa............... 1:00-2:00PM Jasmina (619) 298-3576 • Mission Valley YMCA, 5505 Friars Rd. • Beginning ...................................... ... ..................................... .. Sa ............... 1:30-2:30PM • Intermediate ................................ ........................................... .. Sa ............... 2:30-3:30PM Lilli th ( 617) 721-7921 • • The Arts and Entertainment Center, 3026 University Avenue •Beginning .... .................... ....... ..... ...... ................. ..... ... ............ ..Tu .............. 6:00-7 :OOPM Loreena (858) 45!-WRLD(9753) • • Attire by Lea Studio, 6787 El Cajon Blvd. • Beginning .................................................. ................. ............ .. Sa....... 11 :OOAM-12:00PM •Intermediate/Advanced ..................................... ...... .. ...............Sa... ........ l 0:00-11 :OOAM Mira Mesa, 10225 Barnes Canyon Rd., Suite CJOO • Beginning .................. ...... .. ............ ......................................... .. Su ... .. ......... 5 :00-6:00PM • Intermediate/ Advanced ........................................... .... .. .......... .Su .............. 6:00-7 :OOPM Lucia (619) 405-2308 • • Dancing Unlimited Studio, 4569 3(J" St., North Park •Beginning ............................................... ........................ .......... Sa ............ 9:00-10: l 5AM •Intermediate ............. ........................ .......... .... ............. .............. Sa ........... 10:20-11 :45AM Attire By Lea, 6787 El Cajon Blvd., El Cajon • Beginning ........................................................................ .... ..... M ............... 6:30-7 :30PM • lntermediate ................................................................ .. .......... .. M ............... 7:30-8:30PM Luisa (619) 299-1129 • Dancing Unlimited, 4569 3(11' St., North Park • Multi-Level/Choreography ......... .. ................................... .......Th .............. 6:15-7 :30PM • Private coaching by appointment Mariela (619) 307-0964 • • • Kava Gallery & Studio, 2804 Ketmer • Beginning ...... ............. ........ ........................ .......... .. ................. Sa .. ............. 2:00-3:00PM • Intermediate ........... ........ .. ............................................... .. ........ Sa ............... 3:00-4:00PM World Beat Center, Balboa Park • All levels to live drumming by Frank Lazarro ....................... .. M ............... 7:00-8:00PM • Private coaching by appointment Marula (619) 295-0637 • Mission Valley YMCA, 5055 Friars Rd.• 4 week sessions • Childcare available on site • Beginning ............................................................................. ... Sa............. 12:00-1 :OOPM • Intermediate .............................. .............. ........................... .... ... Sa ............... 1:00-2:00PM • Private coaching by appointment Meleah (619) 280-8424 • San Diego School of Ballet, 2650 Truxtun Rd., Point Loma • Beginning foundations ............................................................. W ... ............ 7:45-8:45PM •Intermediate/Adv. technique, zills ....................................... ... .. W ............... 6:40-7:40PM Stage 7 Studio, 3980 3(J" St., North Park • lntermediate ... ......................................................... ..... ............. Th .. ....... ... .. 7:30-8:30PM Taoist Sanctuary, 4229 Park Blvd., North Park (alternating Fridays) • Mixed level , choreographic methods, performance technique F ................ 6:30-7:30PM Richard Steiger (619) 283-6325 • Drumming & Lecture/Demos • Private coaching by appointment continued on next page ... THE: PAPYRUS 12 25 Ma 2007 THE: PAPYRUS ... continued from previous page ...continued from previous page Yasmina (760) 631-1114 • • Beginni111g/lntermediate ....................................... ............... ...... W .............. 6:00-7:OOPM • Beginni111,g/Intermediate ... .........................................................Th ............. 6:00-7:00PM Zahirah (909) 214-1023 • "Zahirah's Studio, Temecula • Beginninig .................................................................................Tu ........ 10:30AM -Noon • Beginni111g .................... ............................................................. W .............. 7:00-8:30PM • Beginni111g ........... ............... ............. ............................. ............. Sa...... I I :OOAM -12:30PM • Intermediate .............................................................................. Sa ............ 12:45 -2:15PM Angie's Dance, Hemet • Beginning ................................................................................. M ............... 7:00-8:30PM Zy (619) 886-4612 • • Encinitas, CA • Beginning ........... ........................................... ...........................Tu ............. 7:35-8:35PM • Beginning/Intermediate ............... ............................................. Su .......... 9:05-10:05AM • Private coaching by appointment Metro Alexa (858) 336-8886 • Mira Mesa Recreation Center • Beginning .............................................................................. M ............... 7:00-8 :OOPM • Advanced ..................................... ........ ..................................... M ............... 8:00-9:00PM Standley Park Recreation Center • Beginning ................ ........ .. .............................. ......................... Th .............. 6:30-7:30PM • lntermediate ....................................... .......................................Th .............. 7:30-8:30PM Amarna (619) 255-5717 • • South Park • Beginning - Private/Semi-Private by appointment Ana (619) 660-6965 • • Attire by Lea Studio, 6787 El Cajon Blvd. • Beginning/Intermediate ............................................................ W ............... 7:00-8 :OOPM • Private coaching by appointment Azizeh (858) 484-4751 • Frogs Club, Carmel Mt. Road • Beginning/lntermediate ............................... ................ .. ........... W ........... 10:45-11 :45AM • Beginning/lntermediate ........................... ...... ..................... ...... F ................ 4:30-5 :30PM • Private coaching by appointment Dilek, Turkish Delight (619) 459-4894 • • • Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center, 4126 Executive Dr., La Jolla (858) 457-3030 • Beginner Technique in Arabic and Turkish Style .. ...................W ............... 5:30-6:30PM Stage Seven School of Dance, 3980 30th St. • Basic/Beginner Technique in Arabic and Turkish Style ........... Su .. ........... .4:00-5:00PM • Intermediate lmprov/Choreo in Arabic and Turkish Style ....... Su .............. 5:00-6:00PM • Private coaching for Arabic and Turkish Style by appointment Frank Lazzaro (760) 703-1487 • • World Beat Center, 2100 Park Blvd., Balboa Park • Egyptian drumming .... .............................................................. M ... ............ 6:00-7:00PM • Mixed level dance to live drumming ....................................... M .......... ..... 7:00-8:00PM Heather Stants (619) 261-8676 • • NTC Promenade Dance Place, 2650 Truxtun Rd. , Studio 201 • Advanced Fusion Choreography ................................ .............. M ............... 6:00-7:OOPM Stage Seven School of Dance, 3980 30th St. • Beginning Tribal Fusion Technique .........................................Tu .............. 7:00-8:00PM • Intermediate Tribal Fusion Technique ...................................... Tu .............. 8:00-9:00PM continued on next page ... Abstracted from its roots, the sa'idi rhythm has become favored in current Arabic popmusic. The sa'idi rhythm is very much like one of the standard rhythms found in western rock and roll-D • TDD • T• . (Read dum as a bass drum and tek as a snare drum in this example) The difference is that in the rock pattern, the first tek is set on beat number two instead of the and of beat one as it is in sa'idi. There are many examples of traditional performance available to listen to. Hossam Ramzy's Kouhail CD is highly recommended. As for modem applications, listen to Arabic popular music, for example, Amir Diab' s recordings of Hikayatey, Bahibak Aktar, and Betuhashney on his Amarain CD, or Ala Nar by the Sarni Nossair Orchestra. Richard has been a drum accompanist for belly dancers since 1988. He is an independent scholar, composer, writer, teacher, multipercussionist, recording artist/engineer, and visual artist. His book (a 15+ year project), The Complete Dumbek, is due to be published in 2007 by Anaphase II. He is a drum instructor at MuzikMuzik in El Cajon, CA. Contact:, and a ·O :tB f aci It: tfold That Tan! by Meleah Maintain that sun-touched look all year long with self-tanner on the body and bronzer on the face. Use a silky mineral powder or bronzer to even out a tan or create one. Use a powder brush and dust on shoulders, collarbones, and under the chin. Use broad strokes to blend color from the center of your cheeks outward. Create a natural hollow under blush by brushing up from the center, between the jaw and cheekbone outward toward the ear. Create warmth by brushing bronzer along the hairline. Bronzer can also be used as eye shadow. Dust it up and out along the lid onto the brow bone. Follow with golden shadow for a sexy sun-kissed look. Meleah is a professional make up artist, performer, and instructor, with more than 20 years of experience. She carries her own line of cosmetics, formulated for the dancer, and instructional videos. (619) 280-8424. THE: PAPYRUS 26 Ma 2007 11 THE: PAPYRUS ... continued from previous page Mimoriis of thi fairi by Suhaila Salimpour Nicki Vaccar (cont.) • Encinitas Parks and Recreation Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Dr. (760) 943-2260 • Beginning ... ...................................................................... ........ Th .......... 10:00-11 :OOAM • Intermediate .............................................................................. Th .............. 7:30-8:30PM • Intermediate/Advanced ............................................................ Th .............. 8:30-9:45PM • Beginning ................................................................................. Sa ............ 11 :OOAM-noon San Dieguito Adult Education, Earl Warren Jr. High, Solana Beach (760) 753-7073 • Beginning .............. ................................................................... Tu .............. 6:30-7:30PM Sheerah (858) 755-1432 • Studio 4 at Center for the Arts, Escondido • Basic ......................................................................................... M ............... 8:35-9:35PM Mira Costa College, Cardiff • Basic ......................................................................................... Tu .............. 5:30-6:30PM East Del Mar/Carmel Valley • Basic ..................................... ....................................................W ............... 6:45-7:45PM • Intermediate/Gypsy ............ .................................... .................. Th .............. 6:45-7:45PM • Private coaching by appointment Sohaila (760) 743-1235 or (760) 519-9615 • • Sohaila s Studio, Escondido • Children's ............................................................... ..................Sa ............... l :00-1 :45PM Credited Course at Palomar College, San Marcos (Enroll through Palomar College) (760) 744-1150 • Near & Middle Eastern Dance ................................................. Sa ...... 10:00AM-l 1:50AM Venture Class at Palomar College, San Marcos (Call Palomar College Venture Services to Enroll) (760) 744-1150 • Beg/Int (Dance Studio 0-2 - Palomar College) ........................ Sa ......... 12: 15PM-1 :30PM • Beg/Int (Dance Room 704 - Escondido Campus) .................... Tu .......... 6:45PM-8:00PM Poway Adult Education classes at Rancho Bernardo Swim and Tennis Club/Highland Ranch Elementary School (858) 668-4000 Jamila d&nclns with Bal A naf It was the last day of the Faire and I remember feeling the cool air on my face. I would sleep in the back seat of my mother's old VW bug as she drove early in the morning with the window slightly open. As I lay with my eyes closed, I could feel the soft wind hinting at the reminder that fall was approaching, I could hear the sounds of coins on occasion from my mother's costume. If I needed an extra feeling of security, I would only have to open my eyes a sliver. My mother was driving while dressed in full assuit. It was soothing to know that we were both out of the house and on the way to the Renaissance Faire. The Renaissance Faire ran for eight weeks and late into October. It was only at the end of the Faire did I know that the climate would change and the feeling of needing that extra sweater would become more apparent. It was the end of one creative force and the beginning of another of nature's mysteries. The last day of the Faire was always bitter sweet. We always began the Faire knowing this day will come, but when it arrived, the sadness of having to return to reality until the next year always seemed so lonely. I always felt at continued on next page ... • New! Stretch Class ............................................................. ...... M ...... 10:30AM-11 :30AM • Beginning/Intermediate (RB) ............... .............. ... ...... ............. M ......... 11 :45AM-1 :OOPM • Beginning/Intermediate (HR) ....... .... ...... .......................... ...... .. M ........ .. ..... 6:30-7:45PM • Intermediate/Advanced (HR) ................................................ ... M ............... 7:45-9:00PM Zyba Academy of Artistic Dance, Studio 4 at Center for the Arts, Escondido • Beginning/Intermediate ............. ........................................ ....... W ............... 7 :30-8 :25PM • Intermediate/Advanced ............................................................ W ............... 8:30-9:30PM City of Escondido, Mathis Center (760) 839-4691 • Beginning/fun & fitness ........................................................... W ............... 1:00-2:00PM • Private coaching by appointment Talia (760) 586-6626 • • Camp Pendleton • Beginning ............................................. ...... .............................. M ............... 7:00-8:00PM • Level 2 .................... .................................................................. M ............... 8:00-9:00PM Escondido, Sohaila s Dance Studio •Advanced/Professional.. ............................... ........................ .... Th .............. 6:30-7 :30PM Tina Enheduanna (949) 842-5989 • • Laguna Hills Community Center • Level 3 ............... .... ......... ........................................................ .. Su ............ 12:15-1 :30PM • Level 2 .............. ..... ....................... ................. ........... ................Su .............. l:30-2:45PM •Levell ...................................................................................... Su ....... ....... 3:00-4:15PM San Clemente Community Center •Level 1........... ...........................................................................M ............... 6:30-7:45PM • Level 3 ............................................................................... ....... M ............... 8:00-9: 15PM • Leve) } ............................................................................... ....... W ............... 6:45-8:00PM • Leve) 2 ...................................................................................... W ............... 8:00-9:}5PM continued on next page ... THE. PAPYRUS 10 ... continued from previous page Ma 2007 27 THE. PAPYRUS ... continued from previous page Jberi St. James (949) 494-5031 • San Juan Capistrano Adult Education (949) 493-0658 • Level 1 ... .......................... .... ........................ .. ......................... W .............. 6:30-7:45PM • Level 2 ... ...... .. ........................ .. .... ........................................... W .............. 7:45-9:00PM Katerina (951) 699-5606 • Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Rd., Temecula • Beginning ................................................................................W .... .. .... .. .. 6:00-7:00PM • Intermedliate/Advanced .. .... ............... ............ ........................... W .............. . 7:10-8 :20PM Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol St., Temecula • Beginning .......... ............... ............................ .. .............. .. .. ... .... Th ............. 7:10-8:lOPM Loreena (858) 451-WRLD(9753) • • 12540 Oaks North Drive # B3, Rancho Bernardo • Beginning ................................................................................. F ............... . 5:00-6:00PM • Intermedliate/Advanced ................................................... .. .... ... F ................ 6:00-7:00PM Marguerite (310) 370-5155 • • Lauridsen Ballet Centre, Torrance, CA • Beginning/Intermediate .................... ............... ............... .. ..... .. Tu ............ 7:00-10:00PM • Private coaching by appointment Mesmera (323) 669-0333 • Los Angeles Area• • Studio A, 2306 Hyperion, Silverlake • between Scotland & Tracy • (Park on street, enter gate,.first studio on left) • Basic/Intermediate Technique ........... .. ........................ ...... ....... M W .......... 6:30-7:30PM • Int/Adv Technique and Creative Resources ............................. M W .. .... .... 7:45-9 :15PM .'.ACC Community Services (323) 669-1031 • Basic Technique ........... .... ... ... .... ...................... ............... .. .... ... Th .............. 6:00-7 :00PM • Basic Technique .. ..................................................................... Sa........... 10:00-11 :OOAM • Basic Technique ................. ........................ .............................. Sa .... ....... 11 :OOAM-Noon Call for reservations and directions • Int/Adv Technique and Creative Resources ................ .............F ............ 10:00-11 :30AM • Int/Adv Technique and Creative Resources ............................. Sa ............ .. . 1:00-2:30PM Milana (858) 794-1885 or (858) 245-7188 • • Milana 's Studio, Del Mar • Beginning (all ages) ............................. ... .. .. .............................Tu .............. 6:00-7 :00PM • Semi-private and private sessions by appointment Morwenna Assaf (760) 757-4470 • • • Art/Dance Academy, 1401 S. El Camino Real #105, Oceanside • Basic Drum.ming for Dancers ............ .. ....................................M ....................... 6:00PM • Elementary ............................................................................... M ....................... 7 :OOPM • Drumming for Drummers ........................................................ M .................... .. . 7:00PM • Intermediate .............................................. ............................... Tu ........ .. ............ 7:00PM • Introduction ... ..................... .. ......... .................... ... ... .. ... .. ..........Th ...................... 6:00PM • Advanced .. .......... .... ..... ....... .......... ......................... ..................Th ...................... 7:00PM • Beginner 1 & 2 (Fun & Fitness Belly Dance) ......................... Sa ..................... 10:00AM • Elementary, Intermediate & Advanced Technique ................. .Sa ..................... 11 :OOAM Nicki Vaccar (760) 634-3680 • Carlsbad Parks & Recreation, 2997 Glasgow Dr., Calavera Hills (760) 602-4680 • Beginning .. .. ................................. .... ................... ....... ........... .M ............... 7:1 5-8: 15PM • Beginning/Intermediate ......................................................... .. M ............... 8: l 5-9:30PM continued on next page .. . home at the Faire because my real home was at times unbearable. The costumes, the smells, the theater, the people, and mostly how happy my mother was enough to last me until the next year. When I think back on my childhood and the daily life I led, I mostly remember the weekends at the Faire and the images and memories that were positive and helped build my spirit. As the gates opened for the last day, the people crowded onto the grounds as if each moment was to be savored on this last day. Back then you could not tell the workers at the Faire apart from the observers since everyone came in costume and spoke in an Elizabethan accent. It always added to the grand theater quality that I missed when I returned to Faire as an adult. My mother had a wooden wagon built for me and she would wheel me around all day in it. The days were long and my little legs would always give out. I would take naps, eat, and even play with my friends in that wagon and someone would always walk in front of the wagon and yell "make way for the Princess" as the streets would part and we would make our way through the crowds. My mother would stand on the side of the wagon while someone else pushed me. She would fan herself with a huge peacock fan that seemed to go in slow motion. Between shows, I would fall asleep with the sounds of the Faire as a lullaby. After being awakened I would eat the fresh foods that were always special for the Faire and to this day I miss the fresh fruit ices, the turkey leg (that I could barely hold), the Sheppard's pie, and of course my mother's favorite, fish n chips . By the time, we would reach the back stage of the last performance I was ready to dance. We always did three shows a day all on a different stage. But the last show was on main stage and since it was the last show of the year my mother danced. My mother didn't dance during the Faire or much at any other place either. By the time, I could remember my mother, she had stopped dancing for good and was mostly teaching and directing Bal Anat. The last day of the Faire was special since we all knew, even though never a word was ever spoken, that my mother would dance the last show and end the year with her movement. The last show had no rules. The dancers would dance and add a little extra. The musicians would play a little longer. Then the time would come that the dancers and musicians would all hold their breath and hope that she (my mother) didn't change her mind and would become the finale . My mother was more than half the average age of the dancers in Bal Anat. She had me at the age of 40 and my father being the dominant Persian male that he was, forbade her to dance the day after they got married. It was more like a threat really, and something that my mother never forgave him for until this day. My mother loved her time dancing in night clubs and missed the fact that she was not able to stop dancing at her own pace, but was forced by my father. He was just being a caring husband and only wanted the best for her and of course, how she appeared to his friends was also very important. Nothing personal was meant by his threat, but I always knew that my mother missed her freedom in the dance that the stage had brought her. continued on next page ... THE: PAPYRUS 28 Ma 200J 9 THE: PAPYRUS ... continued 'from previous page As she prepared for her grand finale at the Faire, her eyes would change, her posture would change, her insides would change and her spirit would change. S1he never gave us a cue, but the musicians would all wait for that "look" that she didn't give that meant she was emotionally preparing for her entrance. I think that getting into this state was painful for my mother and she could only bring herself to this moment once a year. At this moment, she was not my mother, but her own woman, which was something I wasn't able to witness Yery much. Everything she did off stage was for my father and his family and for the sake of the family, so this moment was so personal that I felt like I was being introduced to this woman, my mother, once a year. We all felt like a fly on the wall and it really didn't matter to her if anyone was watching or not. Her fingertips began her dance. As her hands started to move her body stood still waiting to follow. I'm not sure how the musicians would get enough energy to play their instrument since we all stood hypnotized and holding our breath. I really can't tell you what my mother use to do in her dance, but 1 do know that her elegance, wisdom, and beauty was so strong and mature that nothing I every saw before or since came close to that magic. I would see for just these few minutes the freedom that I use to wish she could live with all the time. Life got in the way, her business got in the way, her company got in the way, and my father in and out of the hospital got in the way, but for these cherished seconds it was just "Jamila Salimpour" dancing for the love of the dance and the love of her feminine qualities. When she felt she was finished dancing, she would slowly exit the stage as the musicians would keep playing. The other Bal Anat cast members would sheepishly dance their little solo and exit the stage quickly for the end of the session. No one really said much backstage to my mother. I think that getting to see her dance on the last day was a little reminder of how far they all had to go in the art. It took my mother some time to "come down" from her own experience and I never spoke to her until I could see in her eyes that she had returned. She would look at me and smile to give me notice of her return and I would smile back as if to great an old friend who had been on vacation. I always look back at the last day of the Renaissance Faire with a fond memory. Not many people can say they were able to see Jamila Salimpour perform. We all felt lucky to have had that experience. Other than watching her dance in our living room, this was a highlight in my youth. I wonder if Isabella can see in me the love for the dance as I could always see in my mother. The difference is that I don't have to hide my destiny and my mother always did. = l3elly Dance classes TEACHERS: please notify the editor of all class types, dates, and times. North Count~ & 5e~ond Angelika Nemeth (949) 786-3111 • Tustin Community Services • Beginning ................................................................................. M ............... 6:30-8:00PM • Intermediate/Advanced ............................................................ M ............. .. 8:15-9:45PM Golden West College, Huntington Beach (714) 895-8306 • Beginning ................................................................................. Tu Th ............... 10:00AM Orange Coast College (714) 432-5072 • Three-week evening workshops .............................................. Tu W Th Academy of International Dance (714) 550-9285 • Beginning ................................................................................ Sa .......... . I I :ODAM-Noon • Intermediate/Advanced ............. ............................................... Sa............. Noon-I :30PM Catharae Smith (909) 982-6475 • • weekday evenings in Redlands, San Bernardino, Rialto, Corona, Montclair, La Verne, Walnut Effie Horning (760) 630-7063 • Private coaching by appointment Fahtiem (626) 810-9470 • • Rowland Heights Wardlow Park, 3457 Stanbridge, Long Beach • Beginning .............................................................. ...................M ............... 6:15-7: l 5PM • Intermediate .............................................................................. M ............... 7 :20-8:20PM • Advanced ............................................................... ................... M ............... 8:30-9:30PM The Dancer's Studio, 5772 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles • Mixed levels ................................ .... ..... ........................... ........ .Tu ............ 9:15-10:15PM Bloom.field Park, 21420 Pioneer Blvd. & 215th St., Lakewood • Mixed Levels ........................................... ................................. w ............... 6:30-7:30PM Kimberly's Dance Studio, 815 W. Whittier Blvd., Montebello • Mixed Levels ..... ................................ ........ ................... ............ w............... 8:30-9:30PM La Mirada Resource Center, 13710 La Mirada Blvd. • Beginning ................................................................................. Th .............. 7:30-8:45PM • lntermediate .............................................................................. Th ............ 9:00-10:00PM Puente Hills YMCA, 1606 S. Stimson Ave., Hacienda Heights • Mixed Levels ......... .. ...... ........................................................... Sa............. Noon-I :OOPM East L.A. College Women's Gym • Mixed Levels ............................................................ ................ Sa............... 2:00-3:30PM • Private coaching by appointment Frank Lazzaro (760) 942-1326 • • Encinitas • Private coaching by appointment Imari • Shake It Up Dance Fitness, 1275 S. Santa Fe #103, Vista , (760) 724-4348 • Beginning/Intermediate ........................................................... M .... ........... 7:00-8:00PM • Beginning .................................................................................Tu ............ .. 8:15-9:15PM Jheri St. James (949) 494-5031 • Laguna Beach Recreation Department (949) 497-0761 • Level 1 ... ................................................................................. Tu ............. 7:45-8:45PM • Level 1 ................. .. ................ ................................................. F ........... 10:30-ll :30AM • Level 2 ... ................ ............ ..................................................... Tu .. ........... 8:45-9:45PM • Level 3 ... .......................................................... ........... ............ Th ............. 7:00-8:00PM • Level 4 .................................................................................... Th .. ........... 8:00-9:30PM continued on next page ... THE: PAPYRUS 8 Ma 2007 29 Out- of-Town Events Priority ffor California-based events. If space permits, we will place out-of-state events. • May 11-1!.3 -Angelika Nemeth and Sahra C. Kent present Aszmara from New York. Gasses held at Imperial Dance Studio (www.imperialdance Concerts at the Curtis Theatre ( in the Brea Gvic and Cultural Center. For more information, contact Angelika Nemeth at (949) 786-3111 or . ti ACI '· . . 1. ,.-. .~, . A.. . ~v THE: PAPYRUS ~ :s_, .~ ,~ - ,~-=~ /~ . ~,±~b~P!.fu, • Finl Sund,y, - Kava G! ' dilie=t locfil te,che< presents itheir style in a special two-hour workshop. Kava Gallery Studio adjacent to Kava Lounge, 2812 Kettner. (619) 261-8676. • Second Sundays -Artist's Support Group for all creative people. Noon-2pm. Kypris, (760) 522·2554. • May 6 - Drum Solos workshop with Talia and Frank Lazzaro. Learn intermediate and advanced belly dance technique to live drum solo sequences. $25 in advance, $30 at the door. 1:30 to 3:30. Performing Arts Workshop, 1105 Second Street, Encinitas. Call (760) 586-6626 to register. • May 26 & 27 - Suhaila Salim pour workshop presented by Meleah. Eight hours of intensive training including Suhaila and Jamila Salimpour format, drum solo choreography, and folkloric fusion. $150 before May 1. $165 after May 1. 1:30 to 4:30 (May 26) and 11:30 to 5:30 (May 27). Mission Valley YMCA, 5505 Friars Road, 92110. Contact Meleah at (619) 280-8424 or 8tao ?set.ta Eap,z,eaao. 619-469-4507 B r ing in this coupon and receive one free cup of House Blend Espressos! Salads! Sandwiches! Homemade Italian cookies! And much much more..... ..\~ a ...... 'I ii If' CG1:- 2005 Weeklong Summer intern;ive and General Diploma program July 8 thru July 15. 2007 Combine a vacation and intensive dance training in beautiful San Diego! The EDA's an nual weeklong brings in dancers from all over the continent to study under the instruction of DaVid of Scandinavia. Technique, comb inations, choreographies , backg round - it's all a part of the deal. Special treat are guest instructors; Zahra Zuhair & Rachel Lazarus Soto at the EDA & Sahra Saeeda at SAMEDA Faire. Egyptian Raqs Sharki Tribal Fusion Bollywood Bhang ra For more information : 6787 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, CA 92115 2 Blocks West of 70th St. , next to B!.4 858 531 6832 w THE PAPYRUS 30 tiow to Ghoriograph for a ~oto Oriintal ®anci 'R,outini by Jasmin Jahal Reprinted with permisson The Secret to Being a Great Choreographer There is non e! The ability to create an exciting, dynamic dance routine is possible. All you need is: mastery of oriental dance technique, knowledge and acceptance of your capabilities and limits, understanding of the oriental culture and music, a good ear for rhythm and instrumentation, and the ability to visualize the effect and feelings you wish to portray. Sound impossible? No! First, you must do all the training you can to be the best dancer you can be. Then and only then can you work on being a choreographer. Choreography is a talent like dance which can be learned, practiced and improved. However, also like dance, choreography is an art. Few dancers and few choreographers will ever be considered great artists. To be great takes a certain natural talent. Just because you are an excellent dancer, does not mean you will be an excellent choreographer. But you can be a good one! Choosing Music Select a piece of music you really like and which makes you want to move every time you hear it. Then, listen to it a lot, so that you become very familiar with rhythm, melody, accents, changes and instrumentation. If words are sung, it is nice to know the translation, but not always necessary. When to Choreograph Find time when you are alone, without interruption (tum off the telephone!), and feel relaxed and calm. Your mind should be stress free. Also, find a place in which you have room to move freely. A mirror is helpful. Remember: You cannot force yourself to be creative. Even if the time and the place is right, inspiration may not be there. You should then give up and try another day. The Levels of a Dance Routine The opening and closing should always be strong. Movements • Choose movements that you are good at and comfortable with. • Keep in mind that you do not need to use every dance movement you know in every dance you perform. • Avoid being robot by using feeling and emotion. Is the song happy or sad? Are you calling your lost love? Are you angry at betrayal? Are you flirting? • The instruments suggest what movements to do. Shimmy with a kanoon or continued on next page ... Ma 2007 7 THE PAPYRUS shows & Special E:vents Discover Egypt gives visitors an opportunity for interactive learning about ancient Egyptian civilization. Permanent exhibit. $3-$6. Daily, 10am-4pm. Museum of Man, 1350 El Prado, Balboa Park. Wednesdays - John Bilezikjian appears bi-monthly at The Greek Village. Belly dancing, Greek and international music, and open dancing the entire night. $10. 6:30-9:30pm. 6030 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad. Call (760) 603-9672 for reservations. Fourth Wednesday of the month - Award-winning band Al Samoud hosts a Belly Jam at Ali Baba Family Restaurant. Open dancing and delicious Persian food. 421 East Main St., El Cajon. (619) 442-3622. or (619) 602-0069. Second Thursday of the month - Urban Tribal Dance Company and special musical and dance guests perform feats of fusion fabulousness at the Kava Lounge. Doors open at 8pm, $5 suggested donation. 2812 Kettner. Third Thursday of the month - Live Music & Belly Dance Showcase. 8pm. Claire de Lune Coffee Lounge, 2906 University Ave., North Park. Contact Frank Lazzaro at (760) 942-1326. First Friday of the month - Gypsy Night Bellydance Showcase featuring the amazing musical stylings of M. Mehdi and many beautiful dancers! 8pm. The Other Side Coffeehouse, 4096 30th St. Genevieve, (619) 263-1476. Second Saturday of the month - Belly dancing with Sarasvati Modem Tribal. 9&10pm. Egyptian Tea Room, 4644 College Ave. (619) 265-7287. Sundays - DJ Paul and Suzanna present a Belly Dance Showcase at Kolbeh Restaurant (dancers receive dinner). 7:00pm. 9514 Miramar Road. To perform, call (760) 727-6454. Fourth Sunday of the month - Tribal and cabaret bellydancers perform to live music by Middle-Earth. 7:30pm. The Turquoise Cafe Bar Europa, 873 Turquoise St., Pacific Beach. (858) 488-4200. May 5 - Baile Habibi: Sohaila's 9th Annual Dance Extravaganza. Come see Sohaila's Shining Stars, and featured guest performer Yazmina Zarod and her Sahara Stars. Dance to the sounds of Manny Cepeda' s Ritmo Caribe. Enjoy the music of the Soul Sisters. General admission tickets are $40, VIP are $45. Appetizers, dinner, dessert, coffee / tea included. Doors open at 6pm. Royal Palace, 1340 Broadway, El Cajon. Contact Sohaila at (760) 743-1235 or for more information. May 26 - Suhaila Salimpour presented by Meleah. Buffet and show featuring Suhaila and her daughter Isabella, her assistant Kendra, and some of our top local talent. 7pm. Greek Palace Restaurant, 8878 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard, 92123. $25. Contact Meleah at (619) 280-8424 or Q ·OJ!tii THE PAPYRUS 6 Ma 2007 31 THE PAPYRUS ... continued from previous page Announcements • SAMEDA has received requests to host workshops. We love the enthusiasm! Please tmderstand that all hosted workshops are on a volunteer basis and are fund-raisers initiated by your interest. To volunteer to host a workshop, please contact e • • • SAMEDA FAIRE NEWS: Ticket sales and workshop registration for this year's faire began on March 1. Register at Performance signups have now begun. Contact Meleah at (619) 280-8424 for more information. • Attention: Mr. Ted Goldberg. Please contact SAMEDA ASAP. • • May 6 - JDrum solos workshop with Talia and Frank Lazzaro. Intermediate and advanced technique to live drum solo sequences. See page 8 for more information. • • DEADLINE is June 1! Please get your July items in NOW. classihed Ads • Teacher needed to take over beginning class and maybe a level 2 class at Camp Pendleton. Oass was established about 4 years ago. Teacher is moving. You get 60% of earnings, 30% goes to rent and advertising. If you are interested, please contact Talia @ (760) 586-6626 or .:C'm ii '(1ttirfl by kfla ,; ~ •\'•,., _ ~ ,, II ··~ ":;., .r-... · , ...,#.ffJ; ·~ Phrasing of Music Here is one suggestion that may or may not help you to understand a piece of music. Listen closely to the music and sketch what you hear. Slowly you will see a pattern emerge. This pattern will assist you to understand the dynamics of the song, to see how it uses theme and variation, which should be correlated to your combinations. Exercise Choose a simple, short song. Work first with the rhythm. Invent some movements and combinations that come naturally. Then use theme and variation as listed above to connect and alter the movements. Play and experiment! Feel free! Enjoy it! Then, instead of focusing on the rhythm, pay attention to the melody, or the instrumentation, and do the same exercise. (619) 460-5766 Important Note 6787 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 921 15 Studying other people's choreography is not always easy, because each person feels the music in a different way. But, it is a very good discipline and you will always learn something from it, either a new movement or a new feeling, or an idea you may never have had before. Also, once you work with choreography, either your own or someone else's, you will be better at improvisation! To dance well while improvising (no choreography to direct you) is the hardest challenge we oriental dancers have to face! Custom costuming and on-site alterations! Dance Studio! Espressos! Salads! Sandwiches! Homemade Italian cookies! • guitar. Keep movement smooth ar\d continuous with a violin or flute. Undulate with the accordion. Think of the instrument itself, and how it makes sound, and emulate it with your body. Project at different levels. Focus down, up, to the side, out, in. give and take. Expand and contract. Imagine dar\cing for the people in the front row, in the center of the theater, and in the balcony. Theme and variation: Change height (bow down, plie, go to one knee, floor work, toss veil up), direction (do you always have to face the audience?), repetition (helps the audience see continuity to the routine), reverse (a movement or a series of movements). Connect movements and combinations fluidly. If the connection is not fl.owing easily, don't do it. Be aware of traveling patterns. Use your whole dance area, not just one corner. Move in a straight line from side-to-side or downstage / upstage. Move in a square, zigzag, figure 8 or circle. Pay attention to the phrasing of the music, to repetition and variation, as described below. Pattern your combinations similarly. Harem Pants! Dance Pants! Skirts! Tops & Veils! Sashes! Finger Cymbals! ... and much, much more! Jasmin Jahal is an internationally recognized artist of Egyptian style Oriental dance and one of the first Americans to teach at the Ah/an We Sahlan Dance Festival in Cairo, Egypt. Visit her on the web at a ·Dlf!9 ~ THE: PAPYRUS 32 Ma 2007 5 THE: PAPYRUS SAME:DA Board Meetings SAM EDA FAIRE 2007 Get Involved Today! Attend a SAMEDA meeting to voice your opinions, contribute ideas, and make SAMEDA a great organization for yourself and fellow dancers. Sunda~) July 15 10:00am - 6:00pm Scottish Rite Center Upcoming Meeting Dates & Time: May 20 @ 9:00am June 24 @ 9:00am featuring workshops b,:J: Sa h ra Saeed a 02,:,0-2,,opm) Ra ch e I .5 rice (IO:OOam-12:00pm) Angelika Nemeth c:,,00-5,oopm) Meeting Location: Attire by Lea - 6787 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92115 Due to unforeseen circumstances, dates may change. Please call Ana Goebel at (619) 660-6965 for the latest dates and times. and live music b,:J: Advertising Rates: Jinn, Al Hawac+:,0-5,:,opm) Send ads to: Ad Type Classified Ads: Members $5.00 Business Card Ads: Half-Page Ads: Full-Page Ads: Flyers: $10.00 $15.00 $25.00 $30.00 Nonmembers Size/Details $8.00 Members receive two free classified ads per year. $20.00 2.5 x 3.5" $25.00 3.5 x 5" $40.00 5 x 7.5" $40.00 8.5 x 11" - 375 copies - B&W Deadline for submission and payment is the FIRST of the month preceding the issue in which you wish your ad to appear. Submissions: Can't make it to a meeting? Please send your submissions for THE: PAPYRUS to: ~, Ticket sales, workshop registration and performance sign-ups have begun! For more information go to ' \kk!O!!i THE: PAPYRUS 4 Ma 2007 33 Rachel .E>rice Members) Corner Tribal Improvisations for Combinations and Choreography Welcome! New Members Diana Aragon-Wiesner Agnieszka Folwarczny Kim Pelt Mary Duff ~ ~ Welcome 5ack! Renewing Members Jheri St. James Kenny Nunnery Anita Agunos Virginia Sutherin Marula Lisa Smith Ray Seraydarian i I Egyptian Technique and Meaning 10 Anna Bowen-Davies 13 Carmela Guzzeta 16 Riena Ballesteros 22 Liz Davidson 29 Lucy Oliver 17 Frank Lazzaro 23 Mariela Gamsie SAM EDA Solicits Articles Book Reviews Costume Tips Recipes Breakdown of Moves Fusion Henna Instruments Image/Make Up Tips ~ ~ . Belly Dance Superstar Rachel Brice will teach ' Improvisations for Combinations and Chore; ography for all-levels of dancers. Bring finger , cymbals and a yoga mat. Rachel Brice is known for her powerful isolations and dynamic stage presence and loves to share her knowledge and 1 vision with all! ·Sahra Saeeda May Birthdays! 2 Michelle Burkhart 13 Donna Clark 20 Diana Aragon-Weisner 25 Nori Barr THE: PAPYRUS Sewing Tips Restaurant Reviews History of Dance Hieroglyphs Men in Belly Dance Props (Swords, Canes, Veil) Workshops I Retreats Event Reviews CD Reviews Video Reviews Travel Articles Website Reviews Public Relations Tips Aromatherapy American Tribal In exchange for an article on one of the above topics, SAMEDA will include your byline. In this byline, please include information about yoursell and I or your services (serves as a mini-advertisement). Example: Meleah is a professional make up artist, performer, and instructor, with more than 20 years of experience. She carries her own line of cosmetics, formulated for the dancer, and instructional videos. (619) 280-8424. Please send your submissions for THE: PAPYRUS to: ; Learn to communicate through your dance by enhancing the depth and emotion in your , moves. International Master Artist Sahra f Saeeda, has performed over 1200 shows in Cairo i and is celebrated for her graceful Egyptian style .•: of dance that exudes emotion. You will learn insight and methods to improve your dance style while expressing the joy of dance \An2:elika Nemeth ;t. qJ, !aqs~ t~e fine art of slow, sensuous and rmprov1sational dance , , ' : Legendary Artist Angelika Nemeth teaches how to develop and master skills that aid a dancer . in performing to non-metric taqsim, one of the most powerful segments to a show. You will learn to identify rhythm changes and synch movements to music. V 34 THE: PAPYRUS Ma 2007 SAME.DA Dancewear S~are _your love ot bell_y ~an~e and support a great organization. "·'' ·- . - &~I CLOTHING: Machine washable in a Rattering tailored st_L;Jle, all clothing is preshrunk and made with a 9ualit_1J spandex/cotton blend to last tor _L;Jears of dancing. Tank with shelf 5ra - black S,M,L,XL,XX.L. ........................ $17* SP.andex Hip-length Tee - black S,M,L,XL ... .............................. $18* ~~~~tfL~C.~~~·~·~·~·'~~~.... $25* Drawstring Yoga Pant- black XL ........................................... $25* ~~tx~,~~.~~~~-'~·~·~'.~.$k)5* ACCE.SSORIE:S: Tote 5ag - red & black Canvas with snaP, closure & hard bottom - J8xJ2.x5 ' ..... Limited Suppl.:) $15* * Plus shipping & handling. Water Bottle - red & black Plastic with spart top, dishwasher* sate - ll5 oz............................. $) THE: PAPYRUS Presidenfs Message San Die~o .__., /\rea Middle C;1stern Dance ,\ssoci;1tion ,. , ,. 3 Greetings SAMEDA Members! Well can you believe it? Its May- our fifth month of the year 2007 and our 10th annual SAMEDA Faire is just around the comer! Please note this exc:eptional faire is quickly filling up. We have a limited number of spots for Rachel Brice's evening workshop available (5:00 -7:00 pm). Rachel's morning workshop is sold out. Also, performers, please contact Ana Goebel to reserve your spot before the waiting list develops. The next two month's messages will be dedicated to enriching our level of professionalism in danc:e. It is an evolving skill that we should all continue to improve. Recently, I spoke to a restaurant owner regarding the belly danc:ers at their venue. I was pleased to hear that on average, danc:ers arrived promptly and were prepared. However, I also learned some etiquette skills needed improvement. Some complaints included dancers swatting customers with hair, veils or props, exhibiting underwear, picking up tips from the floor, making rounds for tips too early in the show and playing inappropriate music. It is important to remember that when we perform, we are representatives of the Middle Eastern Danc:e community. Thus, it is our responsibility to behave and to perform in a manner that truly engages our audience and shines with professionalism. This includes our danc:e performanc:e and our behavior, at all times, while we are at a venue. It is similar to a danc:e competition in that you are observed and / or judged at all times. It is a 'win-win' situation when we present an exciting show and our 'off stage' etiquette is equally elegant. Often, we juggle time commitments and forget the important details that really matter. To begin with, let's talk about costuming. At home, check costumes for frays, tears, stains, undergarment issues. There is nothing more distracting than having bright colored underwear peeking out of a dancer's costume or wearing a tattered costume. Before you perform in a new costume, practice dancing in it in front of a mirror. You may have to modify dance moves according to your costume style. You want to be 'picture' ready when you perform. This applies to your jewelry and props as well. Make sure your jewelry, zills, cane, sword or other props are clean, well maintained and professional. A tattered cane or rusty looking zills is distracting. Your attention to detail is important and conveys the message '1 am polished". lips for hair, nails, makeup - please see Meleah' s monthly articles for great tips. One important step is to secure hair accessories and to practice with them before you leave the house. Otherwise, your hair tosses at the show may take on a new eventful life! Also, with summer months approaching, bring a small clean hand towel and place it in a discreet comer where you can freshen up during danc:e sets. These are just a few important preparations to accomplish before you danc:e away. There will be more to follow in next month's Papyrus. In the meantime, I hope this month's message provided some insight to enriching your dance. May your commitment to this exquisite art be filled with joy! Shokran, Lucicv THE PAPYRUS the officia l publication of the C San Diego A rea Middle E::astern Dance Association 2Cl) '- E SAMEDA • P.O. Box 16821 • San Diego , CA 92176 • cu •{) 3: <( ::,, <U 0 0> .~ ::: <1> I,() ..c - (fl- 0 C - -0 QJ C ro u ro ~ £: C ~ 3: 0 ..c:: "O :.:; (f) CU C tU N +> Q) Cl) Q. C) · 0::: CU ::: C_c Q) v; v ctS ~cu u cuz '" 0 Q) "O ..c <(' ..,, f- S?,., .,...• iE 0 <.;Jj <t) Q C ..Cc f- cu .,... E o.2.E C - N\ Cl) N '- CX) . Q. Q) C'-'(0 ~ cu ...., · - B~ "O C Q) '<{cuO. qo<1>E Cl..wuo ~cu <{~ Goebel . . .. .... ... .... ... treasu .. ... ....... Susan Tea l. ........ .. .. membership Q) C: Event Coord inators .. ... ..... Patrisha Gutierrez . z (1) Q) Ol a. QJ co lf) Q) V) Cl) Q) Q . ... Ana Goebel & De Andria Cloud .. Papyrus (Production Editor) . .. ..... Liz Nichols .. Papyrus (Managing Editor).... Volunteer Coordinator .. General Information (/) (/) ·~ (1) ..... 'O 'O <( . events ... papyrus CJ) ..... Meleah ....................... papyrus (1) J:J· ... .. De Andria Cloud .. ... ... .... volunteers @sdsameda .com .. .......... ..... .. Tj- Q) ~ Q) C' · C 2co E co ·-co oz~ J (1) C 0 ..c . . 0.. ~~ u~ - _ Cl) (/) (/) 0:: Q) ~ w >-,,-> w z C' · ·cu Cl) Q) I- E £ ..1 ...J ::::l >, < <t: o8i= _a>Ew .... ~ ro-E<t: 0rocc . 0 >,--Z coi:i: coE- u,u,(/) o~Z u .. O ~ 0 _o..o C'O <(CCI) - .;..,., z _ o co .Q.. :-5co co if) < () I... o ~ z Q) ..c .g N ::::, ..0 Q) E "O >(1) .S:: C > o E ...J I... Q) co Cl) Cl) u_ ....:- E w .S:: en ·c E (1) C ..0 Q) Q) ::::l 0 a> Q) ·~ "O C ·w r;- ..... research <{ "O C co ·c:; ....... . .. ..... Heather Wells ............... .... .... web Research > ~ 0 Merchandising Manager ....... ....... Liz Nichols ........... . merchandise Website .. - lG "O Q) I... 0 () u. Cl) w C <{ > 0 ~ ·u < (I) E o:: C C: Q) w Ol ~ "O C Cl) Special Event Marketing Director . Sahar Sarni ... .. ...eventmarketing Q) ..0 0 ~ ~ ~ C .iii .....- lLl "" ·c - .E C C ::::i 0 E :l:: Q) 0 '- Q) < .._ C 6 ::::l <l>o '+-..OC>,'- 'l_. 2 C f f'\ (1J C: ..c "O 0 E: Q) co E '- t'. z 0::::, aJ I... 0 Q) w > -Cl) - (/) ,,(1J ,,OEO Q) '-..O _c<1>EoE ~ o .Q E ._ -a o,'- ::::l Q) -a Cl>cucuooE A ·- ·- N ~ >, 2 Q) ::::l C: Q) Q) () C ·~ "O ..c cu - cu .'2 QJ -;;; u E (f) Q V({)F <C., Q) » . ..... .president Advertising Director . .... .. ... ....... ...... ... Lucia . Q) 2 ::::l Nichols .. .... ... .. vicepreside nt @sdsameda .com Membership E Q) E :, QJ 0 .0 ·~ Q) 8: <( 8 ~..... ·~ O. ·- "E . ci:i J) Michelle Burkhart .. .. cu ©N- ~ C ./ Secretary Cl) ;> \) SUBMISSIO NS Deadline is the FIRST of the month preceding the issue in which you wi5h your items to appea r. All flyers and inserts arc due the 15th of the month preceding (i.t' ., submit your January issue items bv December 1 ). Contact Su,an Teal for detnils at . Becausc of ,pac~ constraints, non-time-sensitive item, may be held over until the m' xt issue. All submissions ~hould include the writ,Y 's namL', phom' numbe1~ and L~mail address. Submissions may be edited fur kngth and clarity and may be publi~hed or otherwise reused in any medium. Submis~ions shl>uld be typed or legibly handwtitten. E-mailed submissions sh,,uld be sent to as Microsoft WPrd dL1n11nents or text in the bod y ,,r the L~ mail. If you scan your own pht,tus, please do not halftone them-sc,111 them as "grc1yscale" or "black and white ph,,tll" in your sccinning pn,gram. Treasurer 'Q) ..0 ctl C Q) > U VI ·- 0.. 0 0 "O "O . ..0 ,r, "'2o cu t' Lucia . E~ .i:: i'J co (f)_ Q) Cl) Cl) (/) QJ >, § i:Q~-g SAMEDA represent~ family-oriented presentations of tv!iddle Ea~tern dance; our Code oi Conduct requires all adverti~ements to clearly state if a show contains adult content or nudity. SA MEDA re<;erves the right to refuse an y material submitted to the website or newsletter that docs not comply with this request or our mission statement. President 0 cu 0 0 ::::l - - E "O ._ "' "O SA\-I EDA i~ a non pwtit organi Lation dedi cdted to promoting 1'.·!iddle Ea~tern ddnce (,md relilted sty le~ ) and culture by pro viding educntional and perform ance opportuniti eb . SAMEDA promok~ the artfonn by sponsoring ~emirn1r~, w,lrkshop,, dnd e vents, which Me open to the public. SAM EDA produces a monthl y ne1,~l1ctter that contains listings l)f such events and items of related interest. The new~letter also pro vide~ a public forum in which the membersh ip is encouraged to parti cipate. However, the opinions L'f the contributors are nol necessarily the ,)pinions ,)f SAtvlEDA, and should not be construed as such . I.... Q) z co '- ow = ~ ~ >...J (/) Cl) ::::l .8 .~ ~ C'O - u "a>C'Oco ..o..O ----- (.) O o z~ wa.O Q) .. ~ E- i= (/) ..-< -o c..c o ::::i (/)-....a.>< ..c . o »~ U)ro:l:: (/) () >,..o ·:; o3 :> ::::l (/)0 Q) "O I... "O "O "O "O ..c Q) _.... t::'. "O I... ...... ~ · - ·- 0:: .2 0 zu. 1...0.n (1) · - :> >, ;:,,.,_cu '- (I) .,_Eo©E .-::: ::::i - - +:. I 0::: w -u, >-o IJ: cj c( .,.... a:: UI u:: �Cl 0 c., I- 0 a:: (.). g;i (") CrJ)- 0 (!) 0 Z w - I- �� 00... CJl z ::E c( a:: ::J fl) w 0... z 0 z THE PAPYRUS San Diego Area Middle Eastern Dance Association SAMEDA's News & Views Ma,Y2007 (0 ,.... ..- N 0) ..- <( �u CD ..- 0 <( )( O> Cl O .� Cl Cl w c �o � ci: c?J Table of Contents: ) - fuosident's � -+ - Members· Comer 18-�la 21 - T� f..xtrava� H-Sa'idi c, -Announcements 25 - Hold That Tan 7 - s� & �vents 2b - Memories of the Fain 9 - t',c(� Dance� 17 - Nignt of Div1� Dance Ill a .solo OrientarDancc Routine': }() - choreoizraph