Deposits and fauna of the Sudetic caves – the state of research


Deposits and fauna of the Sudetic caves – the state of research
Deposits and fauna of the Sudetic caves – the state of research
Jerzy Bieroński1, Paweł Socha2, Krzysztof Stefaniak3
Department of Physical Geography, Institute of Geography and Regional Development, University of
Wrocław, Pl. Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław, e-mail:
Department of Paleozoology, Zoological Institite, University of Wrocław, ul. Sienkiewicza 21, 50-335
Wrocław, e-mail:
Department of Paleozoology, Zoological Institite, University of Wrocław, ul. Sienkiewicza 21, 50-335
Wrocław, e-mail:
Karstic areas in the Sudetes occur mainly in two regions: Kaczawskie Mts and Eastern Sudetes. In this areas
mostly metamorphic carbonate rocks undergo karstification. The Sudetic caves formed since Palaeogene till
recent times. However, documented cave deposits are referred to the Neogene till Holocene. The paper
contains a review of German and Polish research on the deposits and animal remains from the Sudetic caves.
A considerable part of the deposits was redeposited which renders their interpretation difficult. Dating of
dripstones indicates that they were formed at the end of the middle and in the upper Pleistocene. It was found
that most bone remains come from the Vistula glaciation which was confirmed by few datings. Only in the
case of Jaskinia Południowa (Mt. Połom, Kaczawskie Mts) there is information on a single finding of a
Pliocene rodent Baranomys langenhani - probably B. loczyi. The few earlier mentions of the presence of
Palaeolithic man in the Sudetic caves in most cases (except caves of Mt. Połom) were not confirmed.
KEY WORDS: palaeography, palaeoecology, caves, caves deposits, Sudetes Mts., Poland
Karstic caves of the Sudetes are
associated with outcrops of carbonate rocks
forming intercalations of various size among
non-karstifying rocks. The intercalations or
larger bodies of carbonate rocks are grouped in
several regions in the Sudetes (Fig. 1). They
occupy the largest areas in the Western
Sudetes – in the Kaczawskie Mts. (IA) and in
the neighbouring Pogórze Bolkowskie (IB).
The second karstic area of the Sudetes is the
margin of the Kotlina Kłodzka – the massif of
Mt. Śnieżnik (II), the range of Krowiarki (III),
Złote Mts. (IV) and Bystrzyckie Mts. (V).
Smaller outcrops of calcareous rocks are found
also in other massifs.
The German studies in the Kaczawskie
Mts focused on the region of Wojcieszów. The
caves explored in Mt. Połom included
Wschodnia Cave (Eastern Cave, Hellmich-
höhle), Północna Duża Cave (Big Northern
Cave, Witschelhöhle) and Południowa Cave
(Southern Cave, Kitzelhöhle, Kitzelloch,
Kitzelberghöhle) (Fig. 1; IA), the rock shelters
on Mt. Miłek – Cisowe I Rock Shelter and
Cisowe II Rock Shelter (Yew Tree Shelter I
and II, Eibenloch I, Eibenloch II) (Fig. 1; IB).
In the Eastern Sudetes the studies included
Tropfsteinhöhle, Reyersdorfer Höhle) (Fig. 1;
IV). The exploration yielded fossil faunistic
material and traces of human occupation. The
studies before World War II are at present
difficult to verify precisely (damage of caves
or lost fossil record).
Jerzy Bieroński, Paweł Socha, Krzysztof Stefaniak
Fig. 1. Location of karstic areas in the Polish
Sudetes (after Pulina 1989, modified).
IA – Kaczawskie Mts.; IB – Pogórze
Bolkowskie; II – Massiif of Mt. Śnieżnik; III –
Krowiarki Range; IV – Złote Mts.; V –
Bystrzyckie Mts.
Kaczawskie Mountains
Mount Połom
A profile of deposits composed of several
layers of loams ranging in colour from red to
brown, with intercalations of quartz gravel and
fragments of dripstones and limestone was
described in Wschodnia Cave. Heller (1937)
and Zotz (1939) described two faunistic
assemblages. The age of the older assemblage
(Cromerian), that of the younger assemblage
as upper Pleistocene (probably starting with
the Eem interglacial). The reinterpretation of
the results of German workers done by
Kowalski (1954), indicates an Upper
Pleistocene and Holocene age of the bone
remains (the material includes no species
which would be characteristic for older periods
of Pleistocene). Our exploration of the
localities on Mt. Miłek revealed a similar
faunal assemblage in the deposits of rock
shelters – among others Małgorzata Rock
Shelter and Trwoga Paleontologa Rock Shelter
(Palaeontologist’s Fright Rock Shelter); its age
was estimated as Upper Paleistocene to
Atlantic period of the Holocene (Pakiet 1999).
The species composition (Table 1) of the
assemblage indicates a forest environment
(beechwood-type deciduous forests and mixed
forests) and proximity of water courses.
Two asemblages of bone breccia were
found before World War II in Południowa
Cave in two different locations (near the
entrance and inside the cave). The discovery of
the new species of hamster Baranomys
langenhani in that cave (bone breccia near the
cave entrance) is noteworthy. At presence the
species is referred to as B. loczyi KORMOS,
1933 (Nadachowski 1989). The species
represents the genus Baranomys KORMOS,
1933 which became extinct in the Villanian.
The opinions of the German researchers on the
age of these bone remains differed. Zotz
(1937a, 1939) postulated that they were of the
same age, while Heller (1937) indicated a
different age. It can be supposed that the
breccia from Południowa Cave and the terra
rossa-type deposits which are present in most
caves of the area were formed in the Miocene
and Pliocene in conditions of a warm, humid
climate in a mostly woodland environment.
However, the presence of the genus
Baranomys indicates the presence of cooler,
arid, open areas (forest-steppe, savanna).
Deposits and fauna of the Sudetic caves – the state of research
Table 1. Mammal remains found in caves of Mt. Połom before World War II.
Talpa europea L.
Soricidae indet.
Myotis bechsteini (K.)
Myotis dasycneme (B.)
Rhinolophus aff. ferrum equinum
Myotis sp.
Lepus sp.
Baranomys langenhani H.
Sciurus vulgaris L.
Arvicola terrestris (L.)
Glis glis (L.)
Ursus arctos (L.)
Ursus spelaeus R. et H.
Crocuta spelaea (G.)
Felis sp.
Panthera spelaea (G.)
Martes sp.
Martes cf. foina (E.)
Mustela putorius L.
Equus sp.
Rangifer tarandus (L.)
Ungulata indet.
Caves and rock shelters of the CracowWieluń Jura commonly contain deposits and
breccias of a similar type. It can be supposed
that the presence of diverse and much higher
situated karst created conditions for the
development of a mosaic habitat. Higher
situated areas of limestone rocky substratum
provided good conditions for the development
of vegetation and fauna, characteristic of dry
and warm open areas or park-type forests.
Most probably lower situated areas in waterrich deep valleys were covered in forests of
diverse character (Głazek & Szynkiewicz
1985, Kowalski 1989, 1990, Stefaniak 1995,
2004, Croitor & Stefaniak in press).
Animal bones and artefacts were found
in Północna Duża Cave (Table 1) (Zotz 1937,
1939). The deposits of the cave are Pleistocene
cave loams (with Upper Pleistocene
mammalian bones), layers of calcite dripstone
covers and breccia similar to those found in
Południowa Cave (Kowalski 1954).
Near Jaskinia Wschodnia another cave
was situated, called Kammerberghöhle. It was
destroyed during quarrying and its exact
location is still uncertain. On the dump near
this cave In 1926 Wenke found flint tools, and
Zotz and quarry workers – very numerous
mammal bones (Zotz 1939, Kowalski 1954),
also some bearing traces of human processing.
Bones of the cave bear and other Pleistocene
and Holocene mammals were the most
numerous. The faunal remains, like in other
caves of the area, were deposited in various
periods of the Vistula glaciation and Holocene.
Based on available data, it can be said
that the bone remains came from the last stages
of the Vistula glaciation and the beginning of
Holocene. This is indicated by fluoro-apatite
datings of the bones (Pulina 1977) from
Naciekowa Cave: 25-45 kA - Grudziądz,
Hengelo, Denekamp interstadials, main stadial
of the Vistula glaciation.
Two main periods of deposition of bone
remains and sediments were distinguished in
the caves of Mt. Połom. The oldest phase,
starting in the Palaeogene and continuing till
the Pliocene, is represented by calcite breccias
Table 2. Mammal remains found in deposits of rock shelters of Mt. Miłek.
Erinaceus sp.
Sorex araneus L.
Chiroptera indet.
Eptesicus cf. serotinus (S.)
Lepus sp.
Lepus europaeus (P.)
Lepus timidus P.
Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.)
Ochotona sp.
Ochotona pusilla P.
Sciurus vulgaris L.
Dicrostonyx gulielmi (S.)
Lemmus lemmus (L.)
Clethrionomys glareolus (S.)
Arvicola sp.
Arvicola terrestris (L.)
Pitymys sp.
Microtus sp.
Microtus agrestis (L.)
Microtus arvalis (P.)
Microtus subterraneus (d. S-L.)
Microtus oeconomus (P.)
Microtus (Stenocranius) gregalis (P.)
Cricetidae indet.
Cricetus cricetus (L.)
Apodemus sylvaticus (L.)
Glis glis L.
Canis lupus L.
Ursus sp.
Ursus arctos (L.)
Vulpes vulpes (L.)
Mustela erminea L.
Martes sp.
Rock Shelter
Cisowe 1
Cisowe 2
Table 2. Mammal remains found in deposits of rock shelters of Mt. Miłek – contitnation from preceding page.
Mustela nivalis L.
Mustela putorius L.
Felis silvestris S.
Meles meles (L.)
Martes martes (L.)
Equus caballus (L.)
Sus scrofa L.
Cervus elaphus L.
Capreolus capreolus (L.)
Rock Shelter
Cisowe 1
Cisowe 2
dripstones, breccias of crystalline rocks from
Południowa Cave and Północna Cave, as well
as red loams of „terra rossa” type, present in
most caves of this area. During the Pleistocene
cave loams were deposited in these caves, and
sometimes also gravels. Bone remains were
present in Tertiary breccias and Pleistocene
and Holocene cave loams. Neogene red loams
also contain bone remains which got there as a
result of redeposition during the Pleistocene
and Holocene. In the Pleistocene and on the
Pleistocene/Holocene boundary in the caves of
Mt. Połom sediments with bone remains were
redeposited. The reasons could be both
gravitational transport processes and flowing
or infiltrating waters. For this reason
conclusions of the German authors regarding
the age of the fauna, older than the Vistula
glaciation, are doubtful.
3 m thick (Pakiet 1999). Among gastropods,
49 taxa were identified. Palaeoecological
analysis showed the presence of shade-loving
forest forms in the whole profile; open-country
species were numerous in the bottom part of
the profile; mesophile forms increased in
dominance with decreasing depth. The age of
the vertebrate and snail remains was estimated
as the period from late Pleistocene till
Holocene (Pakiet 1999). Lucia Rock Shelter is
funnel-like, narrowing downwards. The profile
is ca. 0.5 m wide and ca. 1 m deep. Based on
the malacological analysis the deposits from
Lucia Rock Shelter (35 snail species) were
dated as middle and upper Holocene (Pakiet
Mount Miłek
Studies on rock shelters on Mt. Miłek
(Fig. 1; IB) were initiated by Zotz (1939). He
studied two such shelters: Cisowe I (length 5
m) and II (length 3 m). The material obtained
from the shelters included remains of snails
and vertebrates (Tab. 1). Besides, charcoal and
remains of a campfire were found. The age of
the deposits in the studied rock shelters was
estimated as Vistulian glaciation – Cisowe I
and Holocene – Cisowe II (Zotz 1939).
Our post-war studies in the Kaczawskie
Mts focused on Mt. Miłek. Deposits of the
following rock shelters were explored:
Małgorzata Rock Shelter (Małgorzata’s Rock
Shelter), Lucia Rock Shelter (Lucia’s Rock
Shelter), Trwoga Paleontologa Rock Shelter,
Tomkowa Niche (Tomek’s Niche), Panna
Rock Shelter (Maiden Rock Shelter). The rock
shelters are grouped around the outcrop
Cisowe, near its top and below. Numerous
remains of snails and vertebrates (Table 2)
were found in all the sites. The most numerous
remains were found in Małgorzata Rock
Shelter (Fig. 2). The shelter is located near
Rock Shelter Cisowe I and includes a rock
niche and a profile of deposits situated below,
Fig. 2. Site profile and sediments of Małgorzata Rock
Shelter (after M. Pakiet 1999, modified). 1. marble
fragments; 2. soil; 3. silts; 4. silts with limestone lumps;
5. sandy loams with limestone lumps; 6. sandy loams; 7.
silty loams; 8. sand; 9. marbles; 10. sampling points for
Deposits and fauna of the Sudetic caves – the state of research
Trwoga Paleontologa Rock Shelter is
located on a rock face and has the form of a
niche (ca. 1 m long). Its deposits consist of
dusty loam with fragments of limestone and
sandy loams. The character of the deposits
indicates their sliding from higher-situated
crevices. Fourteen species of snails were found
in the deposits, with the dominance of taxa
characteristic for partly shaded and mesic
habitats. The time of deposition of the remains
can be estimated as the Atlantic period and late
Holocene (Pakiet 1999). Loamy and dusty
deposits (depth 20 cm) of Tomkowa Niche
contained forest snails of shaded and mesic
habitats, representing forms of middle and late
Holocene (Pakiet 1999). The last explored site
was Panna Rock Shelter. The shelter is a small
rock niche at the base of Cisowe rock.
Malacofaunistic studies of Pakiet (1999)
indicate that the deposits were formed during
the Holocene.
Eastern Sudetes
Krowiarki Range
German studies in the Krowiarki Range
included Rogóżka Cave (Wolmsdorferhöhle)
(Fig. 1; III). Rogóżka Cave was located near
Konradów in the region of Lądek Zdrój, in a
marble quarry ”Rogóżka”, with the entrance
on the lowest mining level, about 20 m above
the bottom of the Konradka stream valley. In
their studies Pax and Zotz found that the
deposits were composed of yellow-brown cave
loams (Pax & Maschke 1935, Pax 1937, Zotz
1939). They were practically devoid of faunal
remains and human artefacts, except for two
bird bones and a fragment of spruce timber
(Pax 1937, Pax & Maschke 1935). The earlier
reported finding of fossil fauna in the deposits
of that cave was regarded as doubtful already
Fig. 3. Map of the Na Ścianie Cave (after M. Pulina
1996). Plan in left corner shows part of the cave situated
below Sala Złomisk.
by the German authors. An interesting and rich
extant fauna was also found in that cave and
studied by Arndt (1921, 1923), Seidel (1927),
Pax & Maschke (1935), Pax (1936b, 1937) and
others. More than 70 animal species were
found there, including one new species and
two new varieties (Kowalski 1954, Pulina
Another cave situated in the same quarry is
Na Ścianie Cave (On-The-Wall Cave) (Fig. 3).
Its entrance is located on the headwall of the
quarry, 41 m above the bottom of the lowest
mining level (c. 670 m a.s.l.). The length of the
corridors is about 250 m, and the total
denivelation is 21 m. The cave was discovered
in 1985 by explorers from Stronie Śląskie
immediately after its discovery
(Bieroński & Wiszniowska 1994).
The subterranean fauna was studied
by Pomorski (1987). Na Ścianie
Cave is unique among the caves of
the region due to the great variety of
its deposits (including dripstones)
and its high location above the
valley bottom. Among identified
deposits of that cave the following
can be distinguished: two dripstone
formations of different age (older
and younger, the latter probably
Holocene), clayey siphonal deposits,
sandy deposits of flowing water and block
screes resulting from subsidence of the roof
rocks. Further sequences of deposits associated
Jerzy Bieroński, Paweł Socha, Krzysztof Stefaniak
with the cave are found near the entrance, on
the quarry wall: silty filling of the fossil karst
doline and a complex of varied deposits filling
a fossil cave corridor (Fig. 4). The latter
contains a fairly thick dripstone cover formed
on the wall of the original corridor, mostly
cracked into fragments as a result of mining
(Fig. 4; roof of the profile). Later the corridor
became completely filled with a sandy deposit
with admixture of gravel brought by flowing
water. The deposit was then cemented with
calcite, to form cave sandstone. Few silty balls
and gravel grains were contained in it.
Subsequently the sandstone became partly
eroded by water, resulting in interesting
corrosion-erosion forms. The final stage of
formation of this deposit complex was filling
the corridor formed in the sandstone with loose
sand brought by water and loam and clays of
fine lamination. Clayey deposits with silt
intercalations were found in the terminal part
of the cave – Korytarz Nadziei (Corridor of
Hope) (Fig. 3). The strata were disturbed,
indicating periodical erosion and subsidence.
When the corridor was discovered it had a
fossil character. Its terminal part was mostly
filled by sandy deposits with clay. Subfossil
bat remains: Myotis mystacinus (KUHL, 1819),
Myotis nattereri (KUHL, 1818) and an
unidentified Myotis sp. were found in the
deposits of this part. They indicate the
Holocene age of the clayey deposits in the
Considering the incomplete documentation
of the deposits of Rogóżka Cave, it is difficult
at present to conclude about its origin and
development. The cave was located low above
the valley bottom of a small tributary of the
Konradka stream and could develop as a
separate system from the higher situated
Jaskinia Na Ścianie. After World War II local
people observed formation of karst dolines in
the bottom of the valley of a small stream near
the quarry. This indicates contemporary active
karstic processes. However, formation of the
dolines associated with reactivation of older
fossil karst cannot be excluded. Such karst
could be related to Rogóżka Cave. Na Ścianie
Cave undoubtedly documents the stage of
development of the Konradka valley bottom in
the period when it was located c. 60 m higher
than it is now. The existence of fossil corridor
with cave sandstone indicates a multi-stage
development of the cave and its deposits.
However, only the youngest deposits
(Holocene) in the siphonal Nadzieja Corridor
(Corridor of Hope) have been documented in
detail to date.
Fig. 4. Profile of the deposits filling fossil part of Na
Ścianie Cave (depth of profile in metres – left axis;
layer’s number – right axis) (after J. Bieroński, T.
Wiszniowska 1994, modified). Explanations: 1. surface
of the quarry scarp; 2. blocks of marbles and flowstone;
3. gray-yellowish loam with fragments of marbles,
flowstone and flowstone breccias; 4. horizontally
oriented marble blocks up to 60 cm diameter; 5. brownyellowish loam with fragments of cave sandstone and
cemented marble breccias; 6. blocks of cave sandstone in
sandy loam; 7. fine-grained clayey sand; 8. plate of cave
sandstone; 9. fine-grained loamy sand; 10. horizontally
oriented cave sandstone blocks up to 60 cm diameter; 11.
fine, laminated clayey sands; 12. poorly sorted gravels
with fragments of rolled clay sediments; 13. fine-grained
clayey sands; 14. sands with angular gravels and clay
bricks; 15. fine-laminated sandy mud; 16. fine-laminated
clay; 17. cave sandstone (thickness not known).
Deposits and fauna of the Sudetic caves – the state of research
Bystrzyckie Mountains
Small outcrops of crystalline limestone are
present in the Bystrzyckie Mts. Solna Jama
Cave (Salzlöcher, Salt Pit) (Fig. 1; V) is
located in one of them, in an abandoned quarry
near Gniewoszów (region of Międzylesie). It is
situated near two small streams. Its length is
40 m. It was known already in the 18th c.
which is indicated by the graffiti on its walls.
Till World War II it was known mostly for its
interesting extant fauna. After the war mainly
faunistic studies were conducted there. A few
dozen recent animal species were recorded
from the cave (Arndt 1921, Stammer 1936,
Stach 1947, Wołoszyn 1968, Skalski 1970,
1976, 1994, Pomorski 1990, 1992).
Palaeontological studies in the cave were
carried out in 1984-1985 by our team,
organised by Teresa Wiszniowska and Marek
Pakiet. A niche was found in the cave roof
during the studies. The niche ended with a
narrow crevice filled by loose breccia with
cave bear bones.
suggested time of the deposition of bone
remains is the end of Pleistocene and
beginning of Holocene.
The origin of Solna Jama is probably
associated with corrosion of crevices by one of
the neighboring streams. The lowest situated
part of the cave is permanently flooded.
During the 1985 studies the largest chamber of
the cave was discovered, its floor flooded. The
cave is drained by small karst springs located
on the valley slope. Discovery of the crevice
with remains of the cave bear indicates that the
cave must have a higher situated horizon, as
yet undiscovered.
Złote Mountains
Table 3. List of mammal species from deposits of Solna
Jama Cave.
Sorex minutus L.
Crocidura sp.
Myotis myotis (B.)
Plecotus auritus (L.)
Sciurus vulgaris L.
Clethrionomys glareolus (S.)
Cricetuss sp.
Microtus sp.
Arvicola terrestris (L.)
Ursus spelaeus R. et H.
Gulo gulo (L.)
Carnivora sp.
Most deposits were cave loams. As a
result of exploration of the deposits mammal
bone remains were found (Table 3). The cave
is noteworthy because of the finding of
remains of the wolverine Gulo gulo
(LINNAEUS, 1758). It is one of the few
localities of the species in Poland (Wolsan
1989). The species is characteristic for boreal
forests of taiga type. Palaeoecological analysis
of the mammal assemblage indicates existence
of a taiga-type forest with some streams and
meadows in the vicinity of the cave. The
Fig. 5. Hipothetic section of galleries in the western part
of Radochowska Cave (diagrammatic) (after J. Bieroński
et al. 1985, modified). Explanations: 1. dolomitic
marbles; 2. slope loams (Pleistocene and Holocene); 3.
collapsed roof of the upper level of the cave (?Holocene);
4. residual clay from the upper level (Pleistocene,
?Holocene); 5. local connection between upper and lower
level; 6. clays from upper level fulfilled lower level
(Pleistocene, Holocene); 7. layer of clays infilated with
water; 8. clay with blocks of limestone (Pleistocene); 9.
Sala Stołowa; 10. karst doline fordem as a result of
substratum settling, situated on the slope; 11. extent of
excavation in 1983; 12. extent of excavation of L. Zotz in
years of 1935-1936.
One of the longest and best known Sudetic
caves is Radochowska Cave (Reyersdorfer
Tropsteinhöhle) (Fig. 1; IV). It has been
known since the 18th c., and three artificial
entrances lead to it. It is among the best
studied caves of the area (Frenzel 1936, 1937a,
Jerzy Bieroński, Paweł Socha, Krzysztof Stefaniak
b, Pax 1936 a, b, 1937, Stach 1936, 1947,
such a situation the bones present on the rock
Stammer 1936, Zotz 1937 a, b, 1939,
ledge (including those cemented by calcite)
Kowalski 1954, Walczak 1956, 1958,
can be regarded as a trace of the former
Wołoszyn 1968, Kos 1978, Bieroński et al.
position of the roof of the deposits which fill a
1985, Pulina 1996, Buczyński, Rzońca 2007).
part of Sala Stołowa. Discovery of deposits
Systematic studies by Zotz (1939) provided
containing bone remains in the roof of the
first information on the deposits and their
crevice north of Sala Stołowa indicates an
origin, bone remains and artefacts. The results
existence of a higher situated horizon of
of Zotz’s (1939) studies in Radochowska Cave
chambers, not considered earlier.
and the above-mentioned caves in the region
Table 4. Radochowska Cave. List of mammal remains
of Wojcieszów provided him with the basis to
obtained in pre-war studies and in the 1980s.
formulate the hypothesis of the
Palaeolithic people. On a rock
et al. 1985
ledge, Zotz found bones, and in the
Talpa europea L.
Rhinolophus hoposideros (B.)
rock niche, a cave bear skull
Myotis myotis (B.)
covered by a rock plate which he
Myotis sp.
interpreted as a ritual burial.
Plecotus auritus (L.)
During Frenzel’s (1936) and Zotz’s
Lepus europaeus P.
(1939) studies 30 mammal taxa
Lepus sp.
were found (Table 4), representing
Oryctolagus cuniculus
Sciurus vulgaris L.
Pleistocene (Vistulian glaciation)
Castor fiber L.
and Holocene forms. They
Cricetuss sp.
Microtus arvalis (P.)
groups, from steppe-tundra species
Microtus sp.
to euryoecious forms and forestArvicola terrestris (L.)
dwellers. Besides, remains of snail
Apodemus sp.
Ursus arctos (L.)
shells, fishes (perch?), amphibians
(Rana temporaria LINNAEUS,
Ursus spelaeus R. et H.
1758) and an unidentified lizard
Canis lupus L.
(Lacerta sp.) were found in the
Vulpes vulpes (L.)
Felis silvestris S.
assemblage was described by
Crocuta spelaea (G.)
Meles meles(L.)
Bieroński et al. (1985) (Table 4).
Martes martes (L.)
In the 1980s the pre-war studies
Martes sp.
were verified by Bieroński et al.
Mustela erminea L.
(1985). During their studies they
Equus caballus (L.
found deposits with bone remains
Equus sp.
in the roof of the crevice extending
Coelodonta antiquitati (B.)
Sus scrofa L.
northwards from Sala Stołowa
Cervus elaphus L.
(Table Hall) and discovered a small
Cervus sp.
karst doline above that part of the
Megaloceros giganteus B.
cave (Fig. 5). The discovery of the
Capreolus capreolus (L.)
deposits in the crevice threw a new
Alces alces (L.)
light on the interpretation of Zotz’s
Bison priscus (B.)
Bison sp.
(1939) studies. The results indicate
a possibility of gravitational
One of the essential dilemmas
redeposition towards Sala Stołowa and
concerning Radochowska Cave is the
subsidence of the complex of deposits in that
information about the presence of Palaeolithic
chamber under the effect of water erosion. In
man in the cave suggested by Zotz (1939). The
Deposits and fauna of the Sudetic caves – the state of research
results of studies of Bieroński et al. (1985) do
not confirm the hypothesis of the presence of
man in the cave. The tools mentioned by Zotz
could be shaped by natural processes. The
differences in the degree of preservation of the
bones mentioned by Zotz might result from
redeposition from another location. The layer
interpreted by him as an ”ancient floor trodden
by animals and humans” may represent
deposition by infiltration waters which often
change the superficial layer of the deposit in
this way. The presence of small charcoal
fragments in the deposits of Sala Stołowa also
requires an explanation. Numerous charcoal
fragments were found by Kos (1978) in a pit
near the cave. The possibility of their
penetration into the cave during redeposition
(probably in Holocene) cannot be excluded.
Recent studies disprove also the hypthesis of
the ”bear cult” among Palaeolithic
Covering of cave bear skull and
vertebrae with ”rock plates” which
according to Zotz represented a
”burial” can be explained by natural
phenomena of sliding of material
along the sloping surface of the
deposit (Bieroński et al. 1985).
Śnieżnik Massif
The 1966 discovery of
Niedźwiedzia Cave (Bear Cave) in
Kletno, near Stronie Śl. (Fig. 1; II)
opened a new, interdisciplinary
stage of studies on the Sudetic karst.
The reason was the presence of
bone-rich deposits in the cave. In subsequent
years it turned out to be also the largest known
karst system in the Sudetes. The cave system,
preserved unaltered by man, made it possible
to carry out comprehensive multidisciplinary
Clastic deposits of Niedźwiedzia Cave
were studied by Pulina (1970, 1989), Szarejko
(1976), Bosàk (1989) and Kozłowski (1989).
They found prevalence of allochthonous
deposits represented by Pleistocene, Holocene
and recent spelaeofluvial deposits (silts, clays,
gravels, sands). Autochthonous deposits in
Niedźwiedzia Cave include mainly rubble
deposits, cave clays, block screes and
dripstones. A part of these deposits underwent
redeposition which in places is still active. In
our opinion the significance of redeposition in
Niedźwiedzia Cave was clearly underestimated
in earlier interpretations. Besides the abovementioned studies on clastic deposits,
dripstones of Niedźwiedzia Cave were also
studied (Zięba 1978, Głazek 1985, Hercman et
al. 1995). Unique studies on the dynamins of
recent sedimentation of dripstones in the
environment of karstic bowls were done by
Fabjańska (1987). Studies on the abundant
bone detritus of autochthonous deposits in
Jaskinia Niedźwiedzia were carried out by
Wiszniowska (1967, 1970, 1976, 1978, 1989),
Wiszniowska and Kuryszko (1998), and the
results of datings were presented by
Wysoczański-Minkowicz (1969).
Fig. 6. Situation plan of excavations in middle level of
Niedźwiedzia Cave. Location of the profiles in the
middle horizon of the cave.
Palaeontological studies on the cave
deposits yielded material of several hundred
thousand remains of vertebrates and snail
shells. The studies included chambers of the
middle horizon of the cave, where profiles I-V
were made (Fig. 6), the lower horizons and the
profile below the entrance to Miniaturka Cave
(Miniature Cave) (Fig. 7), the profile is located
ca. 10 m from the tourist entrance to
Niedźwiedzia Cave. The bone material served
as the basis for the chronoclimatostratigraphic
Jerzy Bieroński, Paweł Socha, Krzysztof Stefaniak
analysis of the deposits. The remains were
dated with flouro-chloro-apatite and collagen
methods (Wysoczański-Minkowicz 1969,
Wiszniowska 1989). Based on these datings,
four warm periods were distinguished in the
studied deposits, separated by cool periods.
The age of the remains from various layers
was estimated as 13,2 to 15,5 kA.
Fig. 7. Profile of sediments below the Miniaturka Cave
entrance (after Wiszniowska 1996. Explanations: I – IV –
number of layer complex; 1. crystalline limestone; 2.
speleothem; 3. zones of calcite deposition; 4. sandy
sediments; 5. bones; 6. noncarbonate rocks (gneis,
shists); 7. ferruginous-manganese sediments; 8. residua
clays; 9. blocks of crystalline limestone.
The development of Quaternary fauna of
the Massif of Śnieżnik and adjacent areas is
known only from the Upper Pleistocene. There
are no dated localities with fauna from earlier
periods. Palaeoecological analysis and analysis
of the composition of faunal remains found in
the caves of the region make it possible to
reconstruct climatic fluctuations within
roughly the last 40 kA (Frenzel 1936; Pax
1936a; Zotz 1939; Wiszniowska 1986;
Wiszniowska et al. 1996; Pakiet 1999).
The studied material obtained during
exploration of deposits of the profiles in
various parts of the cave included remains of
29 mammal species (Table 5). The extinct
species represented faunal assemblage of
mammoth steppe. Montane species were also
present (chamoix). The chamoix Rupicapra
rupicapra (LINNAEUS, 1758), at present a
component of montane faunal community, and
found for the first time as fossil in the Sudetes,
was a characteristic component of the
Pleistocene fauna in Poland (Czyżewska
1989). Cave bear remains dominated. The
proportion of the remaining vertebrates and
snails in the deposits ranged from a fraction of
percent to a few percent. The occurrence of a
diverse community of herbivores near the cave
(besides the remains of primitive bison, red
deer and chamoix) is indirectly suggested by
the presence in the deposits of many remains
of carnivores which, besides the extant species
e.g. wolf, fox, pine marten, included the
already mentioned extinct carnivores. In some
profiles rodents were present, indicating the
presence of water courses (beaver, bank vole).
The same is indicated by the large mammals
occurring there (red deer, roe deer, primitive
bison). The presence of large ungulates
indicates the absence of thick snow cover in
winter. Niedźwiedzia Cave provided a good
shelter for animals to winter (cave bear,
badger, bats), or to spend there shorter or
longer periods (wolf, cave lion, hyena, other
carnivores). The great number of remains of
juvenile and very young individuals, especially
of the cave bear, indicates the role of the cave
as a breeding place. Few remains of large
herbivores (e.g. primitive bison, chamoix) may
represent leftovers of prey of the carnivores.
Some bones, especially of the cave bear, show
pathological changes resulting from various
injuries and illnesses. Such material constitutes
c. 10% collection. It was subject to a separate,
detailed analysis including radiographic and
histological methods and analysis of element
Wiszniowska et al. 1996, Wiszniowska,
Kuryszko 1998). A detailed analysis of species
Deposits and fauna of the Sudetic caves – the state of research
composition made it possible to state that most
mammal remains represented euryoecious
species, with a low proportion of forest-
dwellers and forms associated with water
Table 5. List of vertebrate species from deposits of Niedźwiedzia Cave. I – V – profiles; L.H. – lower horizon; P.b.J.M. –
profile below Jaskinia Miniaturka
Aves indet.
Sorex araneus L.
Crocidura suaveolens L.
Myotis myotis B. - nocek duży
Myotis bechsteini (K.)
Myotis nattereri (K.)
Myotis mystacinus (K.)
Myotis daubentoni (K.)
Myotis brandti (E.)
Plecotus auritus (L.)
Eptesicus nilssoni (K. et B.)
Castor fiber L. - bóbr
Clethrionomys glareolus (S.)
Arvicola terrestris (L.)
Microtus arvalis (P.)
Vulpes vulpes (L.)
Canis lupus L.
Ursus arctos L.
Ursus spelaeus R.
Crocuta spelaea (G.)
Panthera spelaea (G.)
Martes martes (L.)
Sus scrofa (L.)
Cervus elaphus L.
Capreolus capreolus (L.)
Rupicapra rupicapra (L.)
Bison priscus (B.)
The age of the bones ranged from 21800
(±1100) to 28900 (-2200, +3100) years in Sala
Lwa (Lion Hall), in Korytarz Człowieka
Pierwotnego (Primitive Man Corridor) from
>38100 to >40000 years, and in the profile
below Miniaturka Cave it was 32100 (±1300)
years. Dating of bone remains with C-14
method was done in 2002 at the Institute of
Radiocarbon Laboratory (Gliwice, Poland).
They are the first datings of bones from the
cave with this method. Their varied age and
the low number of datings make it impossible
at present to identify the stratigraphic levels
which, in addition, occur in different profiles.
Most of the bone remains came from the
period of Grudziądz interstadial and the main
stadial of the Vistula glaciation. Examination
of bone remains and deposits and the results of
dating of bones with C-14 method confirm the
hypothesis of their redeposition. Redeposition
of at least a considerable part of the studied
sediments was noticed already at the initial
stage of the studies (Pulina 1970), and
solifluction transport was indicated as a likely
agent. Subsequent studies showed however
that also water transport could be involved
(Bosák 1989, Wiszniowska et al. 1996;
Bieroński 1997). Anyway, the animal remains
contained in the deposits are most probably not
in situ. Redeposition makes palaeoecological
analysis based on bone remains difficult or
Jerzy Bieroński, Paweł Socha, Krzysztof Stefaniak
even pointless. The species composition
indicates habitats associated with cold steppe
or steppe-tundra, with a constant presence of
water and of forested areas of various
The profile below Miniaturka Cave
(Wiszniowska et al. 1996) deserves a special
attention (Fig. 7). It contained numerous
remains of snails which made it possible to
carry out a detailed analysis of environmental
changes. It is the only profile in the system of
Niedźwiedzia Cave with a complete sequence
of sediments, including also the end of
Pleistocene and Holocene. The main part of
the profile, including three complexes of strata,
documents the end of Pleistocene (Vistula
glaciation). These complexes contained
mammal bone remains. Shells of 29 snail
species were found in the top part of the
profile (complex IV, Fig. 7). All the studied
samples from that part show a very high
Isognomostoma isognomostoma (SCHRÖT),
Oxychilus depressus (STERKI), shade-loving
and higrophilous forms: Ena montana
(Wiszniowska et al. 1996, Pakiet 1999).
Palaeoecological analysis of the malacofauna
indicates the presence of a forest with a
structure resembling that of a rich Sudetic
beechwood, rich herb-layer and considerable
humidity, and some insolated epilithic swards
(occurrence of Vallonia costata (MÜLLER))
with herbaceous plants. Palaeogeographic
analysis of assemblage IV (numerous southand central-European forms, e.g. Ena
montana, Oxychilus depressus, Arianta
arbustorum) indicates that the dripstone cover
forming the roof of the profile comes from a
warm period (Atlantic), which agrees with
Bosák’s (1989) conclusion on the Atlantic age
of a similar dripstone in Niedźwiedzia Cave. A
distinct cooling of the climate is visible in
layer W2 – appearance of Discus ruderatus,
regarded as typical for the lower and middle
Holocene (Pakiet 1999; Wiszniowska et al.
1996) – deposited in the Subboreal period.
Subsequent warming is documented in layer
W1, dated as Subatlantic (more abundant
occurrence of Discus rotundatus – a snail
common in the area at present). The
environment in the vicinity of the cave was
similar in layers W2 and W1, in spite of the
presence of more numerous species of cooler
climate, e.g. Vitrea subrimata (REINH.),
Aegopinella pura (ALD.) and Cochlodina
laminata (MONT.). Climatic changes in the
Subboreal and Subatlantic periods are
confirmed by subfossil bat fauna, found on the
surface and in the superficial part of Holocene
deposits in the lower and middle horizons of
the cave (Bosák 1989; Kozłowski 1989). The
abundant occurrence of Myotis mystacinus
indicates a slightly cooler climatic phase which
is also confirmed by the presence of Myotis
nattereri and Plecotus auritus, with a small
proportion of Myotis bechsteini which is a
forest species typical for warmer periods
Wiszniowska et al. 1996; Pakiet 1999). The
profile below Miniaturka Cave indicates
transport of deposits from the depths of the
cave system, from its still unknown parts. It
should be concluded that natural zones near
the entrances are unknown.
The lower horizon of Niedźwiedzia Cave is
located c. 35 m below the middle horizon. Till
now its fragments play a role in draining the
whole system (cave streams). At the same time
the horizon is situated c. 10 m below the
bottom of the Kleśnica stream. Consequently
the conditions favour drainage of the stream
waters into the karst system (periodical
disappearance of flow in the Kleśnica).
Deposits of the lower horizon of the cave
are completely different from those of the
middle horizon. Allogenic deposits, brought by
the streams, prevail there. The deposits contain
gravels and boulders analogous to those found
in the bed of the Kleśnica. To date only scarce
bone remains, mostly of bats, were found
there. The age of the remains is estimated as
post-glacial (Kozłowski 1989). In some parts
of the lower horizons bone remains of
Pleistocene animals were found, redeposited
from the middle horizon.
Chimneys extend from the lower horizon
upwards, and some of them reach nearly to the
surface (thus higher than the middle horizon).
An entrance to a horizontal corridor partly
Deposits and fauna of the Sudetic caves – the state of research
filled by a series of at least partly cemented
gravel was discovered in one of them – Komin
Maurycego (Maurycy’s Chimney). The gravel
rests c. 40 m above the lower horizon and is
older than the dripstones of the cave which
Głazek (1986) dated as 180 000 years (see
Hercman et al. 1995). Regretfully the vertical
position of these gravels is not determined
precisely. There are indications that they may
be located higher than the floor of Sala
Pałacowa (Palace Hall) in the middle horizon,
where the age of the bone debris is estimated
as up to 40 000 years. If this were confirmed
by exact measurements, the existing division
of the system into horizons should be revised.
Fabjańska (1987) measured the rate of
recent deposition in karstic bowls of Jaskinia
Niedźwiedzia. The deposit accumulated in
glass Petri dishes placed on the bottom of the
bowls. In areas of small human influence the
deposition rate was: in Sala Pałacowa 6,1
g/m2/year (carbonates 3,4 g/m2/year), in
(carbonates 5,1 g/m /year), and in Sala
Szampańska 3,9 g/m2/year (carbonates 1,3
g/m2/year). Converted to compact deposit it is
1,4-3,7 mm/1000 years, carbonates 0,5-1,9
mm/1000 years. Estimating roughly the
thickness of bottom dripstone as 0,5 m it can
be said that the time necessary for their
formation, assuming the recent rate of
deposition, was within 135-357 kA. The
above-mentioned date obtained earlier by
Głazek (1986) is within this range.
The existing division of Niedźwiedzia Cave
into genetic horizons (Pulina 1970) was based
only on general and macroscopic information.
It should be stressed that the concept was
justified only at the initial stage of the studies.
The facts known at present (including the
above-mentioned) indicate a need of its
revision. The basis for such a revision is partly
provided by the results of studies on the profile
below Miniaturka Cave (Wiszniowska et al.
1996), indicating an allogenic flow in the
middle horizon on the Pleistocene/Holocene
boundary. The middle horizon as defined now
may thus be polygenetic, with parts of it
derived from periods older than the age of the
bone-bearing deposits. The dripstone covers in
the floor of Sala Pałacowa have not been dated
so far. Their age may be however older than
that of deposits with bone detritus.
No unambiguous traces of human
occupation or activity of Palaeolithic man were
found in Niedźwiedzia Cave, though Paluch
(1970) described two worn canine teeth of the
cave bear, claiming that the wear was
intentional and could not result from an
aberrant functioning of the jaws. Świdnicki
(1980) regarded damage to one of the
examined skulls as resulting from a blow with
a hand holding a rather big tool. In the absence
of direct evidence of human presence in
Niedźwiedzia Cave it can be supposed that the
animal was injured far from the cave in which
it then died. There was thus a likelihood of
humans appearing in the vicinity of
Niedźwiedzia Cave, though they did not
inhabit its parts known at present. However, it
should be remembered that man as a rule
inhabited only parts of the caves near
entrances and these were destroyed as a result
of marble exploitation in the quarry.
Discussion - conclusions
The development of the Sudetic karst is
associated with relatively small intercalations
of carbonate rocks among non-karstifying
rocks. Hence the cave systems occupy a much
limited space. The cave horizons resulted from
drainage of stream waters from valley bottoms.
The altitudinal differentiation of the horizons
resulted from changes in the altitude of the
valley bottoms. Formation of flowing water
deposits was associated with formation or
transformations of the cave horizons. In later
stages they could be redeposited or removed,
or else covered by autogenic deposits (e.g.
cave loams, dripstone layers). The bone
remains are primarily associated with
autogenic deposits.
Redeposition is an especially widespread
phenomenon in the Sudetic caves. It is
Jerzy Bieroński, Paweł Socha, Krzysztof Stefaniak
sometimes associated with gravitational
subsidence processes, including those resulting
from suffusion damage to deeper horizons or
water flow on the surface of the deposits. Such
processes are especially important when they
involve bone-bearing deposits. Redeposited
interpretation of the age of inorganic deposit
on the basis of the bone age. The phenomenon
was ignored by the pre-war researchers of the
Sudetic karst. They dated their deposits based
on bone remains as the period from the
Tertiary till the Holocene. Reinterpretation of
their results is very difficult because of the
destruction of some of the described caves
(e.g. Rogóżka Cave, numerous caves in Mt.
Połom) or complete removal of the studied
deposits (e.g. Radochowska Cave). In many
cases the evidence material has been lost or
The first stage of post-war studies included
an inventory and summary of the previous
results of studies on the caves of the area
(Kowalski 1954). Subsequently, Pulina (1977)
attempted a description of the origin and
development of the Sudetic karst, and
introduced new concepts. One of his ideas was
the concept of three horizons of the caves
associated with the development of the Sudetes
relief starting with the Palaeogene. At the same
time he noticed the significance of
redeposition for interpretation of the data.
Later he initiated interdisciplinary studies on
the Sudetic karst.
The discovery of Niedźwiedzia Cave in
Kletno was especially important for the
intensification of interdisciplinary studies on
caves and their deposits, organised by Pulina
and Wiszniowska. The cave and its deposits
were preserved in their natural state which
offered a possibility of complex studies on the
karst system. The results encouraged attempts
at reinterpretation of earlier studies on the
Sudetic caves (Radochowska Cave, Solna
Jama) and at studies on the newly discovered
karst localities (Na Ścianie Cave, rock shelters
on Mt. Miłek).
The results indicate a regional diversity of
the Sudetic karst. Generally two regions can be
distinguished: the western-Sudetic region
(mainly Kaczawskie Mts) and the easternSudetic region (mainly the region of Kłodzko).
The western-Sudetic region harbours the oldest
known caves and deposits in Sudetes. The only
representative of the fossil Tertiary fauna
(Baranomys langenhani, probably B. loczyi) is
known from that area (Południowa Cave). The
eastern-Sudetic caves contain mostly upper
Quaternary deposits (there is no record of
older deposits). Only suggestions of a probably
Pliocene age of deposits in caves on Mt.
Krzyżnik were made (Pulina 1977). In the
western-Sudetic region a part of the caves
were within the range of Scandinavian
glaciation (fluvioglacial flow). In the easternSudetic region the glaciation included only the
range of Krowiarki, where however there are
no larger caves. Some of the cave systems of
the western-Sudetic karst (e.g. Mt. Połom and
Mt. Miłek) are developed in crystalline
limestones which include whole hills up to
their summits. As a result several horizons of
caves were formed there, correlated by Pulina
(1977) with the Tertiary planation levels, with
Mt. Połom and Mt. Miłek as examples. In the
eastern-Sudetic karst the cave horizons are not
precisely correlated with planations and their
existence was suggested only in the case of
Mt. Krzyżnik (Pulina 1977).
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