LGBT News - Morongo Basin Ombudsman


LGBT News - Morongo Basin Ombudsman
SEPT. 2009
Harris, 1996
It was 1996. 16-year-old Daniel
Harris an honor student, Life
Scout, & Yucca Valley Youth
Commissioner, bravely acknowledged to a classmate that
he was gay.
Word spread like a virus at
Yucca Valley High School. He
endured the ensuing six months
of relentless physical and verbal
assaults while his pleas for help
were sanctimoniously ignored
at every level.
Ten years later, when sophomore Bennett Hubbard came
out, the barbaric attitudes toward gay kids still infected
In the decade between the
experiences of Daniel and Bennett, Paul Cook became Yucca
Valley Mayor then on to the
State Assembly where he crusaded for a barrage of anti-gay
legislation, notably SB777,
sought to ‘protect’ students
from exposure to “an unbalanced amount of discussion of
alternative lifestyles,” and guarantees the right to oppose such
With leadership driving policy like this, the result trickles
down to a school where cruelty
and violence against gay kids is
Daniel’s story next column.
Bennett’s story next page.
How was it that
no one in Yucca Valley
stood up for what is right
while this kid
was brutally & routinely
beaten for being gay?
Daniel Harris, Yucca Valley will forever carry a
legacy of cruelty, intolerance & crimes against kids.
Two local cases demonstrate the slow rate of
progress in a place where leadership permits or
ignores the plight of gay youth trying to get an
education in a hostile, close-minded environment.
For Daniel Harris, class of 1996, and Bennett Hubbard, class of 2007, Yucca Valley High School
represents such an environment. Surely these
aren’t the only two alumni with such memories.
Daniel’s story originally broke in 1996 in The
Guide magazine. He was a popular achiever before
he gave an honest answer to a bully who asked if
he was gay. Everything changed the day the skinny
16-year-old came out. He was brutally and routinely beaten, spat on, shunned and bullied yet
somehow his dire situation went unnoticed or was
tolerated by school administrators. His computer
programming instructor one day devoted class to
the subject of gender appropriate behavior. Demonstrating what he’d do were he to witness gay
behavior, he placed a piece of wood on his desk
and smashed it with a bat.
The threat was not lost on Daniel who petitioned the Yucca Valley Youth Council to address
homophobia at the school. The group’s adult advisor told him there wasn’t a need in Yucca Valley.
The same day a group of 4 or 5 youths used their
skateboards to beat Daniel bloody.
Back t
Covering Morongo Basi
n’s queerest news & topics.
September Gay (& Lesbian) Matinee
Out & About Men’s Pot Luck, Plus a real
scary Halloween Party for Boys, Girls,
You & Your Tricks!
Situation at School
Dire for Many
Gay Youth
The Gay, Lesbian & Straight
Education Network (GLSEN)
last year released their National School Survey of 6,209
middle & high school students.
Key Survey Findings
+ 86.2% of LGBT students
reported verbal harassment..
+ 44.1% reported being physically harassed and 22.1% reported being physically assaulted
at school.
+ 73.6% heard anti-gay slurs
often, some as much as 26X a
day or once every 14 minutes.
+ More than half (60.8%) reported feeling unsafe in school
because of their sexual orientation.
+ 32% missed school in the
past month due to fear, verbal
threats or physical violence.
+ In the U.S., gay teens are
often subjected to such intense
bullying they’re unable to receive an adequate education.
+ 28% drop out, more than
3X the national average.
+ Gay youth are 2 to 3X more
likely to attempt suicide.
+ 4 in 5 LGBT youth say they
don’t know a single supportive
adult they can turn to.
Find how to help defend YV
kids at:
School’s legacy of complacency puts gay youth at dire risk
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The attack occurred
right outside the Yucca Valley Community Center.
For Daniel, these indignities paled compared to
what happened March 7, 1996. That day he was
called before an impromptu trial of 6 adults who had
arranged themselves along one side of a long table, a
single chair meant for Daniel opposite. His tormenters
included his Scout Master from Yucca Valley Boy Scout
Troop 80 and leaders from the local Mormon stake.
Daniel, sobbing, and denied representation, says he
“pleaded for a chance to finish my Eagle.”
Calling the youth a ‘sinner’ and an ‘abomination’, the
misguided ’leaders’ expelled Daniel from Scouting because he is gay.
Asked why he didn’t press charges or seek damages,
Daniel explained, “I had no one to turn to. I thought,
‘because I’m gay, this must be what I deserve.’”
The relentless abuse meant Daniel’s family couldn’t
remain in denial about his sexuality. Concern for the
boy’s safety and education forced his parents to move
him outside of the Morongo Unified School District to
continue his education.
Today Daniel lives in Nevada with his partner. “Far
away from backward old Yucca Valley,” he says.
Fast forward 10 years to Bennett Hubbard, YVHS
Class of 2007. Teachers and administrators have come
and gone. The Student Handbook has seen the addition
of sexual orientation to the list of characteristics against
which threats and violence will not be tolerated. Hubbard, realizing he’s gay, comes out to his friends.
Bennett best describes his experience in a letter, excerpted below, he submitted to Carpe Diem, a YVHS student periodical from 2006-07.
...Yucca Valley High School has crusaded
against a myriad of... concepts … However, one issue the administration has
continued to neglect is harassment of
gay, lesbian, and bi-sexual students. Being a gay student, I have
faced humiliation and bigotry... I hope (my
story) will give you an impression of how far our school must
go to end hate.
I came out my sophomore year... (It was) a huge step,
and (I) felt everyone would be proud that I found sol-
What can we do to help?
We should be able to guarantee a safe
and respectful learning environment for
all Morongo Basin youth. When students, teachers, administrators and the
community look the other way it gives
bullies the green light to spread threats
and terror.
ace. However, I was a naïve 15-year-old, and unprepared for
the consequences... I was harassed on a daily basis... I can’t
count how many times I have been called inconsiderate, derogatory words, and still face this to this day. Many people
don’t know how this feels, and it is hard for me to describe the pain and sorrow these that actions have
… I have never suffered physical harm due to my sexual
orientation, but the pain I have undergone due to peoples’
hate has been enough. I don’t know why
people decide to be so malicious, because
there is no need for hate, especially in a
learning environment.
What troubles me even more is that
the administration has become complacent when fighting hate due to sexual preference. If our school put as much
pressure on this issue as it does others,
many people would be given referrals, and
even expelled according to Education Code Bennett, now 20
48900.3... perhaps too many for the administration to handle. ..., there is no excuse for this blatant harassment.
I urge that everyone who reads this letter help stop
this epidemic by advising friends and classmates to not
use anti-gay remarks or language.
There may be no way to end hate, but we can impede it
and make this school a safer place for all students.
Thank you, Bennett Hubbard
For Ben, the Student Handbook revision only confirmed the administration’s willingness to look the other
way when anti-gay bullying was involved.
“It went in the Handbook, but the administration did
nothing about the harassment, not even a slap on the
wrist,” he said. “It was unbearable and it opened my
eyes to how backward the school is.”
“I have to wonder if the neglect is district wide,” he
questions. “Or if it is confined to Yucca Valley High
Described by a former teacher as having "the highest
academic ethics" and "a model student," this extraordinarily articulate young man will put Yucca Valley behind
him to pursue international studies and German, with an
emphasis in Scandinavian language and culture, at the
University of Oregon.
For every LGBT youth targeted for
anti-gay harassment, four straight youth
reported harassment for being perceived
as gay or lesbian.
Send a letter to the Hi-Desert Star or
Desert Trail. Email the school board. Introduce the topic on Z107.7’s “Up
Close” program at 760-366-8471, Fri
days 10 to 11 am. Let people know that
this community isn’t willing to tolerate
terror unchecked at the school. Remind
folks that with respect to their religious
views or opinions of homosexuality, anyone can see it’s wrong to look the other
way while these youths are being brutalized.
Last month,
a few of AWARE
club’s more than 40
members met for a
planning session.
Clockwise from left
Tony Thacker,
Matthew Pavesic,
Club President
Lynda Herrington,
Faculty Advisor
Mike Danza,
Linda Ross &
Tim Thompson.
A historical correction - We folk up
here in Morongo Basin refer to this
area as the Hi Desert… just the H
and the I. The moniker “High Desert” refers to the VictorvilleHesperia-Apple Valley desert. Although they are similar in altitude, it
just keeps us identified by the Lucerne Valley separation. Besides, our
land values are getting better than
Thank you! We did not know
that. – Editor
COPPER MOUNTAIN COLLEGE— AWARE, an acronym for Acceptance With
Awareness Reaching for Equality , aims to increase visibility and understanding, and minimize discrimination against LGBTQ students at the college.
AWARE formed last Spring after petitioning the Faculty Senate for approval. “I expected some resistance to the idea,” said faculty advisor Mike
Danza, “ but faculty overwhelmingly approved the request. There was only
the tiniest bit of dissention and it was quickly shot down.”
The club’s congenial and ambitious members have secured a booth at
the Greater Palm Springs Pride Festival and is raising funds
for a banner which they hope to carry in the Pride Parade
Nov. 8.
“Anyone from up here is welcome to march with us,”
said Lynda Herrington, president.
Most of the group’s funds are generated through sales
of rainbow beaded jewelry they make. You can purchase one of
their items all day Monday, Sept. 17 when the group will hold a major sale
at Bruce’s Coyote Kitchen on the CMC campus. Everyone is welcome.
AWARE is also planning to hold a CMC Homecoming Dance. The club
meets Mondays from Noon to 1pm in Phase 2 room 221, and Thursdays
from 9 to 10 am in Modular room 410. Plans call for a bylaw revision that
will allow community participation at their meetings.
You can reach the AWARE Club at
Reader Comments
Landers, Marine Corps Air Ground
Combat Center, Morongo Valley,
Pioneertown, 29 Palms, Wonder
Valley, Yucca Mesa & Yucca Valley.
Readers can expect a fresh issue
ten times yearly. Email subscriptions
are free. Subscriptions that are printed
-n-posted are free for now.
You had a good idea, however you
should have planed it better. Come on,
no greeter? Nowhere to go? We got
there about 1:15pm; no evidence about
a special event going on. We drove
from our campsite at Silent Valley
which is above Banning, to show support for this event. Evidently your own
group did not support this. We learned
a lesson from it. Thanks for the great
idea, but next time plan it better.
You’re right. We did not adequately communicate with the
other group and the result was
an event that didn’t get off the
ground. Please accept our sincere
apology. – Editor
Wonderful issue of the LGBT News,
really love how you led with the
Saloon flying the rainbow flag, what
a fantastic memory ... and next year
we'll be getting more downtown businesses to fly the flag in solidarity.
I'm sure, it will be easier for a lot of
people now that Pride is over and
there were no disasters.
Thank you! – Editor
or political position or orientation. If
you don’t wish to be photographed,
inform the person with the camera.
Got Queer News?
Comments/contributions are welcome and may be published. Send
photos, releases, letters, classifieds,
announcements, story ideas, subscription requests to:
Our Mission is to inform, empower
and entertain Morongo Basin’s LGBT
communities by promoting and reporting on the Basin’s queerest issues
and events, providing a local forum for
our community to network and organize for social, political and commuPublic Notice
nity interests.
Reference to any individuals or their Mike Lipsitz, Editor
Coverage area: Flamingo Hts, photographic representations pub- Hi-Desert LGBT News
Johnson Valley, Joshua Tree, lished here is no indication of sexual PO Box 3993, Landers CA 92285
Out & About
M o ro ng o B a si n
is a men’s social and community group. We encourage gay men in
the Hi-Desert
to come out,
get involved,
& make new
friends. We are outgoing
and friendly.
Out & About MB is loosely
organized for socials, theater trips, community projects & other events. We
gather about once a month
and keep in touch primarily
through email and this
Our membership includes
almost 200 gay men’s
households all around the
Morongo Basin. Our events
are typically attended by a
changing pool of 30 to 45
men. Newcomers are welcome and encouraged.
Out & About MB aims for
events where each of our
diverse members feels safe,
comfortable & welcome.
Our success is measured in
the many lasting friendships
and associations developed
through our programming.
Out & About MB is selfsupporting. No dues are
required; we hold raffles or
“pass the hat” instead.
To join, simply qualify as a
gay man living or working in
our service area & ask to be
added to our mailing list.
No one will pressure you
to attend gatherings, but we
do encourage area gay men
to stay informed by joining
our email list.
To add your name, call
760-449-4048 or email
request to:
More than 30 from Out & About enjoyed The Producers Gay Matinee.
Some of them gathered for this photo, generously staged and shot by Cindy
Daigneault . Cindy, who played “Hold Me, Touch Me” in the show, is an avid
photographer and Z107.7-FM President & General Manager.
‘The Producers’ was Gay-est Matinee ever
29 PALMS—The
August “Gay Matinee” was Theatre 29s production of
Mel Brook’s hit musical comedy, The Producers.
“We sold our block of seats in just a few days,” said Jim Babb. an organizer of the monthly theater event. “Theatre 29 was chock full of homosexuals both in the audience and on the stage,” he said.
A handful of fellows from Out & About were in the show including
flamboyantly gay Kurt Schauppner, as a nutty Nazi; flamboyantly gay
Jacob Fesili, as a flamboyantly gay costume designer; flamboyantly gay
Patrick Whalen, working as a stagehand; and yours truly,
flamboyantly gay Mike Lipsitz, as both a stagehand and as the
scantily clad, flamboyantly gay houseboy, ‘Sabu’.
Among the audience of mostly gays and some closet cases
was actress and host of the Palm Springs Gay & Lesbian Film
Festival, Kaye Ballard.
Next Gay Matinee:
Reserve Now. Call Mike for
Group seats at: 760-449-4048
In 1909, it had the whole nation fo-
2:pm Sunday, Sept. 27
at the Blak Box Theatre in
Joshua Tree. new cooling System
Special Group Rate: $10
cused on the wilderness between
Landers and Pipes Canyon. Now,
100 years later, play write and director Ron House, will have you on
the edge of your seat.
Stars our own Abe Daniels,
Kurt Schauppner & Manuel Rincon.
Sacred Sands Luxury B&B
Steve & Scott 760-424-6407 Joshua Tree
No Limits—Your Local Toke & Poke
56778 Hwy. 62 Yucca Valley
Bistro TwentyNine
73527 Hwy 62 29 Palms 760-361-2229
Crossroads Café & Tavern
Joshua Tree 760-366-5414
The 29 Palms Inn 760-367-3505
73950 Inn Ave., 29 Palms
Water Canyon Coffee Co.
760-365-7771 Old Town Yucca Valley
The Palms Restaurant & Bar
760-361-2810, Amboy Rd, Wonder Valley
Pappy & Harriett’s Pioneertown Palace
760-365-5956 Pioneertown
Next Out & About Men’s Potluck Social
5 pm Saturday, Sept. 26
6:30 Main course 0f Beef is served
7:15. Morongo Basin Queer Life Testament
Join the studio audience as locals
tell their stories to the camera.
Pot Luck Suggestions:
Appetizers, Salads, Veges, Cheeses,
Julia Child Recipes, Red Wine, Beer, Dessert
Out & About provides beverages
RSVP by Thursday, Sept. 24
Call Now 310-508-8794 or 760-449-4048
Where: 6158 Hoot Owl Trail, Yucca Valley 92284
From 247 & 62 … Travel North up grade 1.7 miles.
Turn Left onto El Cortez (monument reads Western Hills Estates)
Turn Left onto Buena Suerte; then Right onto Plaza del Amigo
Proceed on dirt trail; then Left onto Hoot Owl Trail. Pass the
No Trespass signs & proceed underneath log entrance.
Mark your Calendar now
Ricochet Gourmet Joshua Tree
Jim-e Karr’s 1022nd
Cactus Mart & Purple Agave Art Gallery
49889 Hwy 62
Morongo Valley 760-763-6076
Donation = Creation at the Arts Council
61325 Hwy. 62, Joshua Tree
Andy Woods, Pres. 760-366-2226
Studio Godot with Sydney
Art Queen with Sheri
61855 Hwy 62 Joshua Tree Weekends
29 Palms Creative Center & Gallery
Wind Walkers
Abe & JR 760-368-7115
61729 Hwy. 62 Joshua Tree
R.J. Howard Computing
Randy & Rich 760-363-6069
Gordon 760-660-3879
Holistic Therapy Counseling Massage
Continued ——>
Annual Halloween
Costume Ball
END OF SUNFARE RD— Cary’s Panty Party
was the late night place to be Aug. 30. If
your bent on social studies it offered an
ideal chance to watch what happens
when the City by the Base intercourses
with the City by the Bay. Great job Cary!
Thanks for being DJ, Omar !
Friday, Oct. 30
Boys + Girls + YoU
Music & Munchies
Details next Issue!
Civil Liberty Attorney
Bruce W. Nickerson
for LGBT People & Families
Contact Bruce for help with Wills, Partnership
Agreements, Trusts, Police Misconduct & Entrapment, Lewd Conduct Allegations, Military &
Govt. Discrimination issues.
Serving all of Morongo Basin.
Argues at California Supreme Court,
Courts of Appeal, Local Court
Greetings fellow Lesbians!
under the New Moon.
Valerie Eagle Heart facilitates anThanks for the great response to my other drum circle. I love women who
column in the August issue. Lots of
drummmm. Come to
women want to get together. I’m colValerie’s next Full
lecting emails and phone numbers and
Moon Circle at 7 PM,
will notify everyone once we decide
Friday, Sept. 4 on the
when and where to meet.
back patio at Route 62
It would be great to meet at a drum
Vintage Market Place
circle. Last month I attended a drum
in Old Town Yucca
circle at the Joshua Tree Retreat CenValley! Look for the
ter. It was awesome; Sam Sloneker
rainbow flag on the south side of the
facilitated. Sam guided us through a
highway. Bring a chair. There will be
meditation; we drummed, shook rattles percussion toys to share. Women of
and tambourines, and sent out positive the Desert … we are Hot! Love &
energy. I love that. Three local belly
Peace, Lena McSkeane
dancers joined and some of us danced
Find me at:
Joshua Tree
Here’s a recipe that lesbians
love, but is yummy for all! Our
neighbor & Joshua Tree Realtor,
John Simpson (next to Crossroads) at 760-366-8353 loves
this dish !
My girlfriend Melissa even loves to eat Tawnja’s Thighs cold!!
Tawnja’s Thighs with Rosa’s Exotic Touch
Ingredients: Chicken thighs; ½ cup extra virgin olive oil; ½ onion chopped
2 Tbsp of Rosa’s Exotic Touch herb mix (sold at RICOCHET )
or 1 tbsp Paprika, 1 tbsp Cumin, ½ tsp Cayenne, 1 tsp granulated Garlic
Sea Salt & fresh Ground Pepper (to taste)
Turn on some Indigo Girls and make sure to shake it while you make it.
You’ll add love to your dish & have more fun!
Next, whisk olive oil with spices, onion, salt & pepper. Marinate chicken
thighs in mixture for an hour or overnight in the fridge.
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Bake approx. 45 minutes or until done!
Enjoy Tawnja’s thighs at RICOCHET made by Rosa or Madeleine, or try this
recipe & serve over a nice spinach salad with quinoa and fresh veggies!
Bon Appétit! Taste the love!
Greater Palm Springs Pride
Festival: Sat. & Sun. Nov. 7 - 8, 10am - 8pm
Tickets obtained online
Parade: Sun., Nov. 8, 10am
Steps off Alejo Rd going south down Palm Canyon Dr.
California Alternative Medicinal Solutions
Monterey Business Center in YV
Desert AIDS Project
Frank E. Abney
Licensed Clinical Social Worker Ordained
Inter-Faith Minister - Therapies for Men
Dog Sitting—Your Home or Mine
Barbara Renton 760-364-4210
Morongo Basin Humane Society Shelter
760-366-3786 Joshua Tree
Jack Slomovits Photographs, Inc.
All American Real Estate & Consulting
760-366-8353 John Simpson
Joshua Tree
Richard Casaday Windermere Realty
Randy Heinitz
Pacific Union GMAC Real Estate
Reggie McAtee Century 21
Phil Spinelli JT Village Realty
Giant Rock RV—Daniel Nichols
RV & Marine Parts - Restoration
Discount RV Center of CA
Jeff Argirakis 866-573-9029
Lester & Mike Zippy Income Tax
29 Palms Rio Ranch Market
Jeffrey Perry Wonder Valley Land Co
Community Directory listings are free
Write us to add your business!
LGBT News & Stories
If you spot queer news or have something to say
to Basin homos, let us know!
Are YOU eager
to reach out & touch
local homosexuals?
If you answered YES or even KIND OF ...
then advertise in the Hi-Desert LGBT News !
Beginning October you can purchase display advertising. Your business card size ad is only $8 per issue.
There’s no other way to target Morongo Basin’s LGBT
community. Your message will reach almost 300 local
LGBT households.
Our readers are extremely loyal. When you advertise
here, you tell our subscribers you support our community. They’ll go out of their way to do business with
you. Call 760-449-4048 to place your ad
Subscriptions, Classified Ads & Community Directory listings
remain free, but publication costs make it necessary to generate some dough.
Publication not funded by the Republican National Committee.
Jeff Kitt’s Home Improvement: 20+ years
experience doing it the right way. It is
whatever you need it to be! Great References, reasonable & reliable! Call 760-8105795 or
A cheap vehicle & a bed (full size preferred) desperately needed by this subscriber from Joshua Tree. Can you help
this man get rolling again? Email:
Organizers … Ideas are plentiful. We
need folks willing to plan and organize. If
you can dial a phone, use email and read a
calendar then you have what it takes.
Email us at the address below.
GE Artica Fridge. Model PSS27NGMA
WW Premium 27cu.ft. w/ tons of features/ ice, great condition. Pd $3ooo selling for $8oo. or
call 760-366-2328.
Ne s Subscribe Free
Request a free email subscription to the Morongo Basin’s
source for queer news, features & info. You’ll receive a new
issue about every month, 10 yearly, delivered via email.
Inside each issue, you’ll discover what’s happening of concern to our community, including events for women, and
events for men, plus learn where your representatives stand,
which businesses welcome us and which don’t, plus classifieds, announcements, interviews & more!
To start your subscription, email us your name, and indicate general interest/ men’s interests/ women’s interests.
We will never sell or trade your contact information.
Mike Lipsitz, Editor, Hi-Desert LGBT News,
PO Box 3993, Landers CA 92285
Out & About subscribers ...
If you already receive the Out & About Morongo Basin Newsletter, then the Hi-Desert LGBT News replaces that publication.
You need not take any action.
Gay man sought to rent furnished room
in my 2 BR house in Landers. Full house
privileges. Friendly dogs; Own 25” TV,
desert views, Quiet. $325/mo. includes
Util. Call Jim Roffee at 760-364-1046.
Rustic Rooms & Cabin for Rent
with Activity House Privileges.
Gay Owners. near 247 & 62 Boulders,
Spectacular Views. Short or Long Term,
2 BR/2 bath hillside home in quiet Morongo Valley. 1400 sf. Fenced, gated, private. Central ac/heat, new swamp cooler.
Double garage. Fireplace. Panoramic
views. $875/mo. + sec. 25 min. to PS.
Contact Randy at 760-880-0223 or
Email to:
Classifieds are free & published
space permitting. Submit yours to:
. W E MA T
closed for repairs..
We hope to be back online soon.
PO Box 3993
Landers, CA 92285-0993