Telecom Services
Telecom Services
Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH August 3, 2015 Telecom Services MORGAN STANLEY & CO. LLC Simon Flannery +1 212 761-6432 Spencer Gantsoudes, CFA July Valuation Chart Book - Significant Underperformance In Strong Market +1 212 761-5374 Lisa Lam, CFA +1 212 761-4487 Armintas Sinkevicius, CFA, CPA In July, S&P Telecom returned -1.1%, underperforming the S&P 500 by ~310 bps, reversing the sector's YTD outperformance (now lagging by 270 bps). Towers and Canadian stocks were the best performers in July, while RLECs and Wireless lagged. +1 212 761-3270 Telecom Services North America IndustryView Cautious S&P Telecom returned -1.1% in July, trailing the S&P 500’s +2.0% return. The sector failed to keep pace with the market's rally despite lower rates and improved earnings revision trends, as both Verizon and AT&T beat expectations (although this was due in part to installment accounting and lower upgrade rates). Telecom was the third worst performing sector in July (5th best in June), while utilities (+6%) was the best performing sector, which is noteworthy given its similar defensive qualities. After a month of relative stability, volatility returned in July, with Windstream and Sprint both falling by more than 20%. Following July's significant underperformance, S&P Telecom (-0.5%) now trails the S&P 500 (+2.2%) YTD, and is the 6th best performing sector, falling from 3rd place as of the end of June. Towers (+3.0%) were the best performing stocks in July, paced by SBAC's +5% (AMT and CCI both returned ~2%). The towers had lagged since 1Q15 results as investors worried about a pending rate hike (our analysis shows a 65% correlations between the performance of tower stocks v. rising interest rates), but 2Q15 results showed continued momentum, with strong AFFO growth, in the midst of low expectations. The Canadian subsector (+2.9%) was strong for the second consecutive month, after leading the sector in June. Rogers (+4%) posted a 2Q15 revenue beat despite a choppy macro environment, while Telus (+4%) and BCE (+1%) both outperformed ahead of their 2Q15 results. We continue to think the Canadian names remain well positioned relative to US peers. The Bells performed in-line with the sector, as AT&T (-2%) and Verizon (+0%) reported mixed 2Q15 results, with tepid phone adds and ARPU growth, reflecting the competitive wireless landscape. The Bell's wireline results were also soft, which suggests elevated risks for the RLECs ahead of 2Q15 results. Data centers / Alt Carriers stocks were mixed in July, as QTS (+14%) and EQIX (+10%) were the two best performing stocks, while RAX (-8%) lagged. The RLECs and Wireless subsectors lagged in July. The RLEC subsector (4.8%) is the worst performing subsector YTD (-13.6%) by a wide margin. As Frontier, Windstream and CenturyLink prepare to release 2Q15 results this week, we think expectations are relatively low, and dividend yields could provide near term support. Longer-term, we continue to worry about the secular headwinds, and the intense broadband competition with cable. Wireless underperformance (-7.5%) in July was driven by Sprint's -26% return, as concerns mount around Sprint's operational progress and financial and liquidity position. Elsewhere in wireless, T-Mobile continues to demonstrate Morgan Stanley does and seeks to do business with companies covered in Morgan Stanley Research. As a result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of Morgan Stanley Research. Investors should consider Morgan Stanley Research as only a single factor in making their investment decision. For analyst certification and other important disclosures, refer to the Disclosure Section, located at the end of this report. 1 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH success with its Uncarrier movement, and it remains a top pick following strong 2Q15 results (we recently raised our PT to $47). We remain cautious on the telecom industry. Competition, earnings and valuation pressures, and regulatory risk underpin our Cautious industry view (see our 2015 outlook - “Don't Buy the Dips, Staying Cautious for 2015”). Our top picks for 2015: CCI & Rogers (yield plays); Cyrus One (Enterprise Centrics); T-Mobile (Disruptor/Strategic Value); SBA Comm (Towers). Exhibit 1: 2Q15 Earnings Season Has Brought Mixed Stock Performance So u rce: Co mp an y data, Mo rgan Stan ley Research . Sto ck Perfo rman ce rep resen ts p erio d fo llo w in g earn in gs release u n til last clo se 7/31/15. 2 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Telecom Performance What to Watch For Pricing Changes / Promotions from Wireless Carriers Analyst Meetings: AT&T (Post DirecTV), Verizon (Video Rollout?) Spectrum Auctions: Broadcast Incentive Auction (Early 2016), 14 GHz Air-to-Ground? Deal Integration: AT&T / DirecTV, AT&T / Iusacell / Nextel Mexico, BCE / Bell Aliant, Frontier / Connecticut, Level 3 / tw Telecom, Sprint / Clearwire, T-Mobile / MetroPCS M&A Approvals (Expected to Close): American Tower / TIM Towers / Airtel Towers (2Q15), CyrusOne / Cervalis (2Q15), Crown Castle / Sunesys (2015), U.S. Cellular Sale of 148 MHz Spectrum (2H15), Verizon / Frontier (1H16), Equinix / Telecity (1H16) Potential Deals? Financings: Frontier, Communication Sales & Leasing (Windstream Stake) Regulatory: Net Neutrality, USF / ICC (CAF II), Data Roaming, Special Access, Tax Policy, Fed Policy, Pension Risk Pension: Labor Negotiations (Verizon Expires on August 1, 2015) Management Changes: Inteliquent (CEO Search) Intelsat: Proton Rocket Investigation Sprint: Next Generation Network Plans 3 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Telecom Price Performance Snapshot Exhibit 2: S&P Telecom Has Underperformed the S&P 500 YTD Source: Thomson Reuters, Morgan Stanley Research. MS Telecom calculation is market cap weighted. Performance priced as of July 31, 2015 Exhibit 4: Telco Underperformed in July Source: Thomson Reuters, Morgan Stanley Research. MS Telecom calculation is market cap weighted. Performance priced as of July 31, 2015 Exhibit 3: S&P Telecom -1.1% in July Source: Thomson Reuters, Morgan Stanley Research. MS Telecom calculation is market cap weighted. Performance priced as of July 31, 2015 Exhibit 5: July S&P 500 Sector Performance S ource: Company data, Morgan Stanley Research, Priced as of July 31, 2015 4 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH July Price Performance Exhibit 6: Telecom July Price Performance - Leaders: QTS (+14%) and EQIX (+10%) Laggards: WIN (-24%), and Sprint (-26%). So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research MS Teleco m co verage u n iverse calcu latio n is market cap w eigh ted. Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 5 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 7: Earnings Have Driven Recent Stock Performance So u rce: Mo rgan Stan ley Research 6 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 8: 2Q15 Price Performance 2Q15 PRICE PERFORMANCE TMUS TDS IQNT GOGO EQIX T EIGI CBB USM RCI'b-T T-T QTS S&P 500 MS Telecom AMT BCE-T SBAC LVLT CCI S VZ CONE CTL I RAX FTR WIN 22% 18% 17% 12% 9% 9% 8% 8% 5% 4% 2% 0% 0% 0% -1% -1% -2% -2% -3% -4% -4% -5% -15% -17% -28% -30% -47% -60% -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% So u rce: T h o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research MS Teleco m co verage u n iverse calcu latio n is market cap w eigh ted. Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 7 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 9: TMUS Leads Our Coverage in YTD Performance So u rce: Co mp an y data, Mo rgan Stan ley Research 8 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 10: Subsector Performance Towers/Canada Best Performers, RLECs + Wireless Lag Source: Thomson Reuters, Morgan Stanley Research Price performance returns reflect a simple average. Priced as of July 31, 2015 Exhibit 12: Wireless Still Best Performing Subsector YTD Source: Thomson Reuters, Morgan Stanley Research Price performance returns reflect a simple average. Priced as of July 31, 2015 Exhibit 11: S&P Sector July Price Performance S&P Telecom 7th Best Performing Sector Source: Thomson Reuters, Morgan Stanley Research MS Telecom coverage universe calculation is market cap weighted. Priced as of July 31, 2015 Exhibit 13: S&P Telco Now Lagging S&P YTD Source: Thomson Reuters, Morgan Stanley Research MS Telecom coverage universe calculation is market cap weighted. Priced as of July 31, 2015 9 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH YTD Top Outperformers / Laggards vs. 2014 Exhibit 14: Top 5 Telecom YTD Outperformers Source: Thomson Reuters, Morgan Stanley Research, Priced as of July 31, 2015 Exhibit 16: Top 5 Telecom Outperformers in 2014 Source: Thomson Reuters, Morgan Stanley Research Exhibit 15: Top 5 Telecom YTD Laggards Source: Thomson Reuters, Morgan Stanley Research, Priced as of July 31, 2015 Exhibit 17: Top 5 Telecom Laggards in 2014 Source: Thomson Reuters, Morgan Stanley Research 10 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 18: Telecom Price Performance vs. the S&P 500 So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research . No tes: Sto ck p rice retu rn data are b ased o n actu al sto ck p erfo rman ce o ver time an d is n o t adju sted fo r th e p aymen t o f o n go in g dividen ds. MS Teleco m retu rn s are calcu lated u sin g a market cap w eigh ted average. Fo r 2014, Zayo h as b een p riced as o f th e IPO o p en in g p rice o f $19 o n O cto b er 17, 2014. Exhibit 19: Cable / Satellite Price Performance vs. the S&P 500 Mo rgan Stan ley is actin g as fin an cial adviso r to Time W arn er Cab le In c. (”Time W arn er Cab le”) w ith resp ect to its defin itive agreemen t fo r Ch arter Co mmu n icatio n s, In c. (“Ch arter”) to merge w ith Time W arn er Cab le, as an n o u n ced o n May 26, 2015. Th e p ro p o sed tran sactio n is su b ject to ap p ro val b y Time W arn er Cab le an d Ch arter sh areh o lders, regu lato ry review an d o th er cu sto mary clo sin g co n ditio n s. Th is rep o rt an d th e in fo rmatio n p ro vided h erein is n o t in ten ded to (i) p ro vide vo tin g advice, (ii) serve as an en do rsemen t o f th e p ro p o sed tran sactio n , o r (iii) resu lt in th e p ro cu remen t, w ith h o ldin g o r revo catio n o f a p ro xy o r an y o th er actio n b y a secu rity h o lder. Time W arn er Cab le h as agreed to p ay fees to Mo rgan Stan ley fo r its fin an cial services, in clu din g a tran sactio n fee th at is co n tin gen t u p o n th e co n su mmatio n o f th e tran sactio n . Please refer to th e n o tes at th e en d o f th e rep o rt.So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research . No tes: Sto ck p rice retu rn data are b ased o n actu al sto ck p erfo rman ce o ver time an d is n o t adju sted fo r th e p aymen t o f o n go in g dividen ds. MS Teleco m retu rn s are calcu lated u sin g a market cap w eigh ted average 11 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH RLEC and RBOC Absolute and Relative NTM P/E Exhibit 20: T + VZ (Avg.) Absolute P/E – In-line So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 Exhibit 21: T + VZ (Avg.) Relative P/E vs. S&P 500 – Cheap So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 12 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 22: Verizon Absolute P/E – Cheap So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 Exhibit 23: VZ Relative P/E vs. S&P 500 – Cheap So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 13 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 24: T Absolute P/E – Expensive So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 Exhibit 25: T Relative P/E vs. S&P 500 – Relatively Cheap So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 14 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 26: CenturyLink Absolute P/E – Relatively Cheap So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f March Ju ly 31, 2015 Exhibit 27: CenturyLink Relative P/E – Cheap So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 15 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 28: Frontier Absolute P/E – Expensive So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 Exhibit 29: Frontier Relative P/E – Expensive So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 16 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Dividend Yield Spreads Over 10 Yr. Treasury Exhibit 30: AT&T + Verizon Dividend Yield (Avg.) Spread Over 10 Yr. Treasury So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 Exhibit 31: AT&T Dividend Yield (Avg.) Spread Over 10 Yr. Treasury So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 17 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 32: Verizon vs. AT&T Yield Spread So u rce: Co mp an y data, Mo rgan Stan ley Research Exhibit 33: Verizon Dividend Yield (Avg.) Spread Over 10 Yr. Treasury So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 18 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 34: CenturyLink Dividend Yield (Avg.) Spread Over 10 Yr. Treasury So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 Exhibit 35: Frontier Dividend Yield (Avg.) Spread Over 10 Yr. Treasury So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 19 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Canada Exhibit 36: BCE Absolute P/E – Above Historical Average So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 Exhibit 37: Telus Absolute P/E – Above Historical Average So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju n e 30, 2015 20 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 38: Rogers Absolute P/E – Above Historical Average So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Priced as o f Ju n e 30, 2015 21 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Valuation Comparables Exhibit 39: MS North American Telecom Valuation Comparables Co mp an y Data, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Th o mso n Reu ters. Free cash flo w is calcu lated as O CF less cap ex. Market cap calcu lated as sto ck p rice x dilu ted sh ares o u tstan din g. Fro n tier an d W in dstream EB ITDA = EB ITDA (Ex. Pen sio n ) – Service Co st. TDS exclu des 85% o w n ersh ip o f U S Cellu lar. Priced as o f Ju n e 30, 2015 22 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Tower Historical EV / EBITDA (FY2) & FFO Multiple / Growth Comps Exhibit 40: TOWER EV / EBITDA (FY2) So u rce: Co mp an y Data, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Th o mso n Reu ters. No te: REITs in clu de th o se co vered b y Mo rgan Stan ley. Data Cen ters in clu de CO NE, EQ IX, Q TS, CO R (Co n sen su s Estimates), DFT (Co n sen su s Estimates), an d DLR (co vered b y Van ce Edelso n ). Market w eigh ted AFFO p er sh are an d gro w th . Exhibit 41: TOWER AFFO COMPS So u rce: Co mp an y Data, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Th o mso n Reu ters. No te: REITs in clu de th o se co vered b y Mo rgan Stan ley. Data Cen ters in clu de CO NE, EQ IX, Q TS, CO R (Co n sen su s Estimates), DFT (Co n sen su s Estimates), an d DLR (co vered b y Van ce Edelso n ). Market w eigh ted AFFO p er sh are an d gro w th . Priced as o f No vemb er 28, 2014 fo r To w ers EV / EB ITDA mu ltip les (FY2). Priced as o f Ju n e 30, 2015 fo r To w er valu atio n relative to REITs 23 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH REITs vs. Towers vs. Data Centers Exhibit 42: Historical Price Performance Mo rgan Stan ley is actin g as fin an cial adviso r to Digital Realty Tru st, In c. (“DLR”) in co n n ectio n w ith its defin itive agreemen t to acqu ire Telx fro m p rivate equ ity firms AB RY Partn ers an d B erksh ire Partn ers as an n o u n ced o n Ju ly 14, 2015. Th e p ro p o sed tran sactio n is su b ject to cu sto mary clo sin g co n ditio n s. DLR h as agreed to p ay tran sactio n fees to Mo rgan Stan ley fo r its fin an cial advice th at are co n tin gen t u p o n th e co n su mmatio n o f th e p ro p o sed tran sactio n . Please refer to th e n o tes at th e en d o f th e rep o rt. So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research (1) In clu des American To w er, SB A Co mmu n icatio n s, an d Cro w n Castle (2) In clu des Cyru sO n e, Equ in ix, Q TS, Co reSite (n o t co vered), Du Po n t Fab ro s Tech n o lo gy (n o t co vered), an d Digital Realty Tru st (co vered b y MS An alyst Van ce Edelso n ) Priced as o f Ju n e 30, 2015 Exhibit 43: YTD Price Performances So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research (1) In clu des American To w er, SB A Co mmu n icatio n s, an d Cro w n Castle (2) In clu des Cyru sO n e, Equ in ix, Q TS, Co reSite (n o t co vered), Du Po n t Fab ro s Tech n o lo gy (n o t co vered), an d Digital Realty Tru st (co vered b y MS An alyst Van ce Edelso n ) Priced as o f Ju n e 30, 2015 24 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Earnings Revisions Exhibit 44: Latest Telecom Earnings Revision Trends Were Balanced 60% Telecommunication Services Revisions 40% 20% 2.5% 0% (20%) (40%) (60%) (80%) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 So u rce: Co mp an y Data, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Th o mso n Fin an cial. Estimate Revisio n s = (Nu mb er o f U p w ard Revisio n s – Nu mb er o f Do w n w ard Revisio n s) / To tal Estimato rs. Data as o f Ju ly 31, 2015: Exhibit 45: Earning Revisions by Sector S o u rce: Th o mso n Fin an cial, Mo rgan Stan ley Research . No te: Estimate Revisio n s = (Nu mb er o f u p w ard revisio n s – Nu mb er o f do w n w ard revisio n s) / To tal n u mb er o f estimates. As o f 7/26/2013, earn in gs estimates are so u rced exclu sively fro m Th o mso n Fin an cial I/B /E/S estimates. Data as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 25 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 46: Earning Revisions by Sector S o u rce: Th o mso n Fin an cial, Mo rgan Stan ley Research . No te: Estimate Revisio n s = (Nu mb er o f u p w ard revisio n s – Nu mb er o f do w n w ard revisio n s) / To tal n u mb er o f estimates. As o f 7/26/2013, earn in gs estimates are so u rced exclu sively fro m Th o mso n Fin an cial I/B /E/S estimates. Data as o f Ju ly 31, 2015 26 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Economic Forecasts and Indicators & FX Exhibit 47: MS Macro Forecasts So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research . MS U S eco n o mic fo recasts as o f 1/26/15 Exhibit 48: NFIB Small Business Confidence Optimism Index So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , NFIB Research Fo u n datio n 27 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 49: Nonfarm Payrolls So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research , U .S. B u reau o f Lab o r Statistics Exhibit 50: US Housing Starts So u rce: Mo rgan Stan ley Research , Cen su s.go v 28 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH June Charts of the Week Exhibit 51: “Broadband Tipping Point?” (7/27/15) Exhibit 52: So u rce: Co mp an y data, Mo rgan Stan ley Research . To p Ch art B ro adb an d Adds, B o tto m Ch art Video Adds 29 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 53: “Wireless Wars Pressure ARPU” (7/20/15) So u rce: Co mp an y Data, Mo rgan Stan ley Research . *AT&T rep resen ts Mo rgan Stan ley estimates fo r 1Q 15 an d 2Q 15E. Exhibit 54: “Searching for Fallen Angels” (7/13/15) So u rce: Co mp an y data, Mo rgan Stan ley Research . No te - W in dstream 52-w eek h igh exclu des p erio d p rio r to CS&L sp in . Priced as o f 7/10/2015. 30 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Exhibit 55: “The Towers - Getting Paid to Wait” So u rce: Th o mso n Reu ters, Mo rgan Stan ley Research . Priced as o f Ju ly 2, 2015. B ased o n co n sen su s estimates. 31 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Disclosure Section The information and opinions in Morgan Stanley Research were prepared by Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, and/or Morgan Stanley C.T.V.M. S.A., and/or Morgan Stanley Mexico, Casa de Bolsa, S.A. de C.V., and/or Morgan Stanley Canada Limited. As used in this disclosure section, "Morgan Stanley" includes Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, Morgan Stanley C.T.V.M. S.A., Morgan Stanley Mexico, Casa de Bolsa, S.A. de C.V., Morgan Stanley Canada Limited and their affiliates as necessary. For important disclosures, stock price charts and equity rating histories regarding companies that are the subject of this report, please see the Morgan Stanley Research Disclosure Website at, or contact your investment representative or Morgan Stanley Research at 1585 Broadway, (Attention: Research Management), New York, NY, 10036 USA. For valuation methodology and risks associated with any price targets referenced in this research report, please contact the Client Support Team as follows: US/Canada +1 800 303-2495; Hong Kong +852 2848-5999; Latin America +1 718 754-5444 (U.S.); London +44 (0)20-7425-8169; Singapore +65 6834-6860; Sydney +61 (0)2-9770-1505; Tokyo +81 (0)3-6836-9000. Alternatively you may contact your investment representative or Morgan Stanley Research at 1585 Broadway, (Attention: Research Management), New York, NY 10036 USA. Analyst Certification The following analysts hereby certify that their views about the companies and their securities discussed in this report are accurately expressed and that they have not received and will not receive direct or indirect compensation in exchange for expressing specific recommendations or views in this report: Simon Flannery. Unless otherwise stated, the individuals listed on the cover page of this report are research analysts. Global Research Conflict Management Policy Morgan Stanley Research has been published in accordance with our conflict management policy, which is available at Important US Regulatory Disclosures on Subject Companies As of June 30, 2015, Morgan Stanley beneficially owned 1% or more of a class of common equity securities of the following companies covered in Morgan Stanley Research: CenturyLink, Inc., Crown Castle Corp., Equinix Inc., Inteliquent, Liberty Media Corp, Rackspace Hosting, Inc., Windstream Corp., Zayo Group Holdings, Inc.. Within the last 12 months, Morgan Stanley managed or co-managed a public offering (or 144A offering) of securities of American Tower Corp., AT&T, Inc., CenturyLink, Inc., Cincinnati Bell Inc., Comcast Corporation, Communications Sales And Leasing, Crown Castle Corp., CyrusOne Inc, Endurance International Group Holdings, Inc., Frontier Communications Corp, Level 3 Communications, Inc., Liberty Global plc, Liberty Media Corp, QTS Realty Trust Inc, Sirius XM Radio Inc., T-Mobile US, Inc., Telephone & Data Systems, US Cellular Corporation, Verizon Communications, Zayo Group Holdings, Inc.. Within the last 12 months, Morgan Stanley has received compensation for investment banking services from American Tower Corp., AT&T, Inc., CenturyLink, Inc., Cincinnati Bell Inc., Comcast Corporation, Communications Sales And Leasing, Crown Castle Corp., CyrusOne Inc, Endurance International Group Holdings, Inc., Frontier Communications Corp, Gogo Inc, Level 3 Communications, Inc., Liberty Global plc, Liberty Media Corp, QTS Realty Trust Inc, Sirius XM Radio Inc., T-Mobile US, Inc., Time Warner Cable Inc, Verizon Communications, Zayo Group Holdings, Inc.. In the next 3 months, Morgan Stanley expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services from American Tower Corp., AT&T, Inc., BCE Inc., Cablevision Systems, CenturyLink, Inc., Charter Communications Inc., Cincinnati Bell Inc., Comcast Corporation, Communications Sales And Leasing, Crown Castle Corp., CyrusOne Inc, DISH Network, Endurance International Group Holdings, Inc., Equinix Inc., Frontier Communications Corp, Gogo Inc, Inteliquent, Intelsat S.A., Level 3 Communications, Inc., Liberty Global plc, Liberty Media Corp, QTS Realty Trust Inc, Rackspace Hosting, Inc., Rogers Communications, Inc., SBA Communications, Sirius XM Radio Inc., Sprint Corp, T-Mobile US, Inc., Telephone & Data Systems, TELUS Corp., Time Warner Cable Inc, Verizon Communications, Windstream Corp., Zayo Group Holdings, Inc.. Within the last 12 months, Morgan Stanley has received compensation for products and services other than investment banking services from American Tower Corp., AT&T, Inc., BCE Inc., Cablevision Systems, CenturyLink, Inc., Charter Communications Inc., Cincinnati Bell Inc., Comcast Corporation, Crown Castle Corp., Equinix Inc., Intelsat S.A., Level 3 Communications, Inc., Liberty Global plc, Liberty Media Corp, Rogers Communications, Inc., Sirius XM Radio Inc., Sprint Corp, T-Mobile US, Inc., TELUS Corp., Time Warner Cable Inc, Verizon Communications, Windstream Corp., Zayo Group Holdings, Inc.. Within the last 12 months, Morgan Stanley has provided or is providing investment banking services to, or has an investment banking client relationship with, the following company: American Tower Corp., AT&T, Inc., BCE Inc., Cablevision Systems, CenturyLink, Inc., Charter Communications Inc., Cincinnati Bell Inc., Comcast Corporation, Communications Sales And Leasing, Crown Castle Corp., CyrusOne Inc, DISH Network, Endurance International Group Holdings, Inc., Equinix Inc., Frontier Communications Corp, Gogo Inc, Inteliquent, Intelsat S.A., Level 3 Communications, Inc., Liberty Global plc, Liberty Media Corp, QTS Realty Trust Inc, Rackspace Hosting, Inc., Rogers Communications, Inc., SBA Communications, Sirius XM Radio Inc., Sprint Corp, TMobile US, Inc., Telephone & Data Systems, TELUS Corp., Time Warner Cable Inc, US Cellular Corporation, Verizon Communications, Windstream Corp., Zayo Group Holdings, Inc.. Within the last 12 months, Morgan Stanley has either provided or is providing non-investment banking, securities-related services to and/or in the past has entered into an agreement to provide services or has a client relationship with the following company: American Tower Corp., AT&T, Inc., BCE Inc., Cablevision Systems, CenturyLink, Inc., Charter Communications Inc., Cincinnati Bell Inc., Comcast Corporation, Crown Castle Corp., Equinix Inc., Frontier Communications Corp, Inteliquent, Intelsat S.A., Level 3 Communications, Inc., Liberty Global plc, Liberty Media Corp, Rackspace Hosting, Inc., Rogers Communications, Inc., Sirius XM Radio Inc., Sprint Corp, T-Mobile US, Inc., TELUS Corp., Time Warner Cable Inc, Verizon Communications, Windstream Corp., Zayo Group Holdings, Inc.. An employee, director or consultant of Morgan Stanley is a director of AT&T, Inc., Verizon Communications. This person is not a research analyst or a member of a research analyst's household. Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC makes a market in the securities of American Tower Corp., AT&T, Inc., BCE Inc., Cablevision Systems, CenturyLink, Inc., Charter Communications Inc., Cincinnati Bell Inc., Comcast Corporation, Crown Castle Corp., CyrusOne Inc, DISH Network, Endurance International Group Holdings, Inc., Equinix Inc., Frontier Communications Corp, Gogo Inc, Inteliquent, Intelsat S.A., Level 3 Communications, Inc., Liberty Global plc, Liberty Media Corp, QTS Realty Trust Inc, Rackspace Hosting, Inc., Rogers Communications, Inc., SBA Communications, Sirius XM Radio Inc., Sprint Corp, TMobile US, Inc., Telephone & Data Systems, TELUS Corp., Time Warner Cable Inc, US Cellular Corporation, Verizon Communications, Windstream Corp., Zayo Group Holdings, Inc.. 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STOCK RATINGS Morgan Stanley uses a relative rating system using terms such as Overweight, Equal-weight, Not-Rated or Underweight (see definitions below). Morgan Stanley does not assign ratings of Buy, Hold or Sell to the stocks we cover. Overweight, Equal-weight, Not-Rated and Underweight are not the equivalent of buy, hold and sell. Investors should carefully read the definitions of all ratings used in Morgan Stanley Research. In addition, since Morgan Stanley 32 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Research contains more complete information concerning the analyst's views, investors should carefully read Morgan Stanley Research, in its entirety, and not infer the contents from the rating alone. In any case, ratings (or research) should not be used or relied upon as investment advice. An investor's decision to buy or sell a stock should depend on individual circumstances (such as the investor's existing holdings) and other considerations. Global Stock Ratings Distribution (as of July 31, 2015) For disclosure purposes only (in accordance with NASD and NYSE requirements), we include the category headings of Buy, Hold, and Sell alongside our ratings of Overweight, Equal-weight, Not-Rated and Underweight. Morgan Stanley does not assign ratings of Buy, Hold or Sell to the stocks we cover. Overweight, Equal-weight, Not-Rated and Underweight are not the equivalent of buy, hold, and sell but represent recommended relative weightings (see definitions below). To satisfy regulatory requirements, we correspond Overweight, our most positive stock rating, with a buy recommendation; we correspond Equal-weight and Not-Rated to hold and Underweight to sell recommendations, respectively. COVERAGE UNIVERSE STOCK RATING CATEGORY Overweight/Buy Equal-weight/Hold Not-Rated/Hold Underweight/Sell TOTAL INVESTMENT BANKING CLIENTS (IBC) COUNT % OF TOTAL COUNT % OF TOTAL IBC % OF RATING CATEGORY 1198 1449 93 623 36% 43% 3% 19% 321 325 10 78 44% 44% 1% 11% 27% 22% 11% 13% 3,363 734 Data include common stock and ADRs currently assigned ratings. Investment Banking Clients are companies from whom Morgan Stanley received investment banking compensation in the last 12 months. Analyst Stock Ratings Overweight (O). The stock's total return is expected to exceed the average total return of the analyst's industry (or industry team's) coverage universe, on a risk-adjusted basis, over the next 12-18 months. Equal-weight (E). The stock's total return is expected to be in line with the average total return of the analyst's industry (or industry team's) coverage universe, on a risk-adjusted basis, over the next 12-18 months. Not-Rated (NR). Currently the analyst does not have adequate conviction about the stock's total return relative to the average total return of the analyst's industry (or industry team's) coverage universe, on a risk-adjusted basis, over the next 12-18 months. Underweight (U). The stock's total return is expected to be below the average total return of the analyst's industry (or industry team's) coverage universe, on a risk-adjusted basis, over the next 12-18 months. Unless otherwise specified, the time frame for price targets included in Morgan Stanley Research is 12 to 18 months. Analyst Industry Views Attractive (A): The analyst expects the performance of his or her industry coverage universe over the next 12-18 months to be attractive vs. the relevant broad market benchmark, as indicated below. In-Line (I): The analyst expects the performance of his or her industry coverage universe over the next 12-18 months to be in line with the relevant broad market benchmark, as indicated below. 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Stock Price, Price Target and Rating History (See Rating Definitions) 33 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH 34 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH 35 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH Important Disclosures for Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC Customers Important disclosures regarding the relationship between the companies that are the subject of Morgan Stanley Research and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC or Morgan Stanley or any of their affiliates, are available on the Morgan Stanley Wealth Management disclosure website at For Morgan Stanley specific disclosures, you may refer to Each Morgan Stanley Equity Research report is reviewed and approved on behalf of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. This review and approval is conducted by the same person who reviews the Equity Research report on behalf of Morgan Stanley. This could create a conflict of interest. Other Important Disclosures Morgan Stanley & Co. 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Morgan Stanley Research, or any portion thereof may not be reprinted, sold or redistributed without the written consent of Morgan Stanley. 37 Telecom Services | August 3, 2015 MORGAN STANLEY RESEARCH INDUSTRY COVERAGE: Telecom Services COMPANY (TICKER) RATING (AS OF) PRICE* (07/31/2015) O (11/05/2014) $20.21 E (09/03/2014) E (04/24/2013) O (11/21/2008) E (05/19/2014) E (02/12/2013) E (04/28/2015) O (11/11/2009) O (05/28/2013) E (05/13/2009) O (05/27/2015) U (11/15/2013) E (05/06/2013) U (05/12/2015) E (09/20/2013) E (11/04/2014) E (05/12/2015) O (04/27/2005) O (03/28/2011) U (10/19/2009) E (05/30/2014) E (03/25/2014) O (10/20/2014) U (11/02/2011) O (02/27/2014) E (07/01/2015) O (11/26/2014) $95.11 $34.74 C$53.83 $28.60 $3.91 $20.85 $81.91 $30.74 $278.91 $4.72 $18.23 $18.20 $9.51 $50.50 $41.50 $34.03 C$45.86 $120.72 $3.37 $29.41 C$44.65 $40.66 $37.22 $46.79 $4.85 $26.70 Essex CFA, Brian Endurance International Group Holdings, Inc. (EIGI.O) Flannery, Simon American Tower Corp. (AMT.N) AT&T, Inc. (T.N) BCE Inc. (BCE.TO) CenturyLink, Inc. (CTL.N) Cincinnati Bell Inc. (CBB.N) Communications Sales And Leasing (CSAL.O) Crown Castle Corp. (CCI.N) CyrusOne Inc (CONE.O) Equinix Inc. (EQIX.O) Frontier Communications Corp (FTR.O) Gogo Inc (GOGO.O) Inteliquent (IQNT.O) Intelsat S.A. (I.N) Level 3 Communications, Inc. (LVLT.N) QTS Realty Trust Inc (QTS.N) Rackspace Hosting, Inc. (RAX.N) Rogers Communications, Inc. (RCIb.TO) SBA Communications (SBAC.O) Sprint Corp (S.N) Telephone & Data Systems (TDS.N) TELUS Corp. (T.TO) T-Mobile US, Inc. (TMUS.N) US Cellular Corporation (USM.N) Verizon Communications (VZ.N) Windstream Corp. (WIN.O) Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. (ZAYO.N) Stock Ratings are subject to change. Please see latest research for each company. * Historical prices are not split adjusted. INDUSTRY COVERAGE: Cable/Satellite COMPANY (TICKER) RATING (AS OF) PRICE* (07/31/2015) U (04/06/2011) ++ O (04/30/2015) E (11/11/2008) E (12/12/2014) O (01/15/2015) O (07/02/2014) E (01/23/2012) ++ $28.22 $185.86 $62.41 $64.61 $53.53 $52.46 $37.70 $3.96 $190.01 Swinburne CFA, Benjamin Cablevision Systems (CVC.N) Charter Communications Inc. (CHTR.O) Comcast Corporation (CMCSA.O) DISH Network (DISH.O) Liberty Broadband Corporation (LBRDK.O) Liberty Global plc (LBTYA.O) Liberty Media Corp (LMCK.O) Sirius XM Radio Inc. (SIRI.O) Time Warner Cable Inc (TWC.N) Stock Ratings are subject to change. Please see latest research for each company. * Historical prices are not split adjusted. © 2015 Morgan Stanley 38