2015 October - James Hargest College
2015 October - James Hargest College
16 October 2015 1 Principal’s Report Andrew Wood Principal Principal back from sabbatical Kia ora koutou - hello everyone! It’s great to be back. Whilst on leave last term, I carried out research into the area of succession planning, particularly in relation to all levels of leadership. As an organisation with just under 200 employees, human resourse issues are significant for us and I feel this was a fruitful and useful area of focus. Any organisation is only as effective as its people - but its obvious how clearly this applies to schools! I will be reporting to the Board of Trustees, the staff and the Ministry of Education in due course, and I think my findings have direct benefit for the leadership and management of James Hargest College. I also had the opportunity for some personal refreshment time and return, well rested to rejoin our marvelous team. Finally, I want to express my personal appreciation and best wishes to Mrs Jane Pearce, my PA for her sterling work over many years. All the best Jane! Andy Wood Principal Board of Trustees’ Report Anne Henderson Chairperson Welcome back to Mr Wood from his sabbatical! I would like to acknowledge and thank Mrs Nadia Rose, Acting Principal last term for leading the school so ably and smoothly while Mr Wood was on his sabbatical leave. A number of other staff also stepped up - in particular Mr Simon Richardson, who carried out the role of Acting Deputy Principal. Thank you to the support of all involved, in making it possible for our Principal to take leave from his post with full confidence that the school would be in good hands. The smooth running of the school in Mr Wood’s absence was a testament to the depth of leadership we are privileged to have here at Hargest. I’d like to invite all parents and caregivers to the PTA meeting on 3 November at 7.30pm in the Junior Campus library. You do not need to be a member to attend any of the meetings. At meetings you will hear from senior school management at both campuses about recent activities at both campuses and school wide developments. PTA meetings are also, at times, used as a forum for parents to provide feedback to school management on a range of issues thereby giving parents an opportunity to have some input into their children’s education. I look forward to seeing you there. Te Mangai Paho Kei ia tāngata, ia tāngata te kanaku kanapu – In each and every one of us an eager fire burns. have supported our students throughout the year. Remember to check out the tutorial timetable for tutorials to give your child the best chance at succeeding. Also, as always you can contact me at ntane@jameshargest.school.nz , phone into the school and leave your details or text /phone me on 021 191 0943. Mauri Ora! Anne Henderson Chairperson PTA Report Anne Allen Chairperson Anne Allen Chairperson Whanau Report Matua Neitana Tane Ngā mihi o te wā nei ki a koutou katoa, Preparations for the of end year examinations are underway as we review and digest all that our students have done which has contributed to what has been for many, an already successful year. Once again a huge mihi and thanks must go to our many friends and whānau who Neitana (Nathan) Tane Kaiako Māori 2 Staff News Photoboard Awards Term 3 - Junior Campus Congratulations to the following students, one from each class, who were nominated for Outstanding Effort: Year 7 Lena Huia, Kenton De Clerk, Mia Pritchard, Ethan Collins, Tessa Wells, Madison Grieve, Daniel McKenzie, Jack Robson and Mia Harvey. Year 8 Brianna Hartley, Xavier Greenwood-Black, Forde McLachlan, Rebecca Webber, Jessica Lake, Jayda Edwards, Jayden Prattley, Jacob Leighton and Anthony Kuan. Farewell to Jane Pearce our BOT Secretary, Assistant to the Principal and International Secretary and Homestay Co-ordinator. Jane is retiring from these positions after almost 17 years of loyal service to Hargest. She has been known to many and will be missed for her friendly smile and efficient service. We wish her all the best for her change in lifestyle. Congratulations to the following students, one from each class, who were nominated for their Positive Contribution: Year 7 Kate McNaughton, Nicole Anderson, Tess Ruwhiu, Kate Johnstone, Chandler Goomes, Katie Paskell, Florence McKenzie, Ishika Boon and Lucy Drain. Year 8 Lachlan Burgess, Shaun Bennett, Hannah Dawson, Logan Maxwell, Geoffrey Perriam, Ashleigh McIntosh, Te Aira Te Uri-Karaka-Lapworth, Katelyn Nicoll and Georgina Sunshine. Congratulations to the overall winners: Effort: Tessa Wells (below left) and Xavier Greenwood-Black (below middle left) Positive: Contribution Tess Ruwhiu (below middle right) and Shaun Bennett (below right) Ex-Hargest Medal Winners! Special Olympians Special Olympian ex- students Grant McKenzie and Sheryl Saunders visited school recently to talk about their successes on the world stage. Grant (McKenzie) is the “Global Messenger for Special Olympics, New Zealand” and he has this role for life. He has had speaking engagements all over NZ. Recently both Grant and Sheryl competed in the ‘Special Olympics World Summer Games, L.A., 2015’. Grant competed in the top division of the Weightlifting and won: Silver for the Squat Silver for the bench press Gold for the dead lift Gold overall for a total of 405kg Sheryl won: Gold in the Breaststroke 4th in the Backstroke 4th in the relays We are very proud of their achievements and also the way they represent the Special Olympics movement. As Grant said, he never dreamt he would be coming back to talk to his old school about his achievements on the world stage. 3 HETTANZ Southland Fashion, Design and Craft Awards 2015 Year 8 Craft Section 1st Emma Tuckey 2nd= Sophie Jungenn 2nd= Briar McKenzie Year 9 Garment Section 2nd Miakkae Henderson Year 10 Garment Section 1st Samantha Nally 2nd Heidi Wilkinson Senior Wearable Arts Section 1st Emily Hamill and Simone Robson Congratulations everyone! NCEA Level 1 Garment Section 2nd Ella Gilroy 3rd Bjarnee Dunn 4th Hayley Flett 5th Grace Dudfield Excellence Award for Best Garment Entry Overall Hannah Grantham Supreme Winner Hannah Grantham (right) Service Awards Junior Campus Congratulations to the following students who received Service Awards: Road Patrol Grace Chilton Porsche Roderique Character Awards Junior Campus (drawn in Assembly each week) Harrison Drain Jorja Aitken James Adcock C J Pearce Lucy Nind Madison Grieve Corban Evans Amelia McEwen Room 2 Room 6 x 2 Room 6 Room 7 Room 10 x 2 Room 10 Room 15 Room 15 Above: 9EF had a shared lunch where everyone had to bring some Asian food to tie in with their topic on Chinese goldminers. Right: 9EF went to Riverton museum to look at the history of Chinese goldminers in the area. 4 Huhu Hunting Student Support Centre At the crack of dawn our intrepid team of explorers were debriefed by Lindsay Hazely, a very experienced and knowledgeable consultant, on the urgent needs of our iconic Southland Tuataras. Megan Martin of Seven Sharp joined our team as we launched our expedition into the misty wilds of Daffodil Bay. Axes in hand we attacked dead rotten logs with great gusto in our search for pale, plump huhu grubs. These slippery larvae were cunningly hidden and extremely elusive. With persistence and determination we procured thirteen larvae of questionable parentage? The wetas collected were a bonus! The hundred, hungry hatchlings back at the museum still enjoyed our catch. The wetas were destined to a life of hardship in their new, shared habitat with their deadly enemy, the adult Tuatara. Volleyball ICAS Results Junior Youth Development Year 7 Minds Alive Shanty Towns MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Congratulations Reading Competition Well done to all those who participated. Major awards: Junior: Distinction Awards (Top 10%) Declan Cruickshank Shea Smith Senior: Distinction Awards Matthew Fraser (Year 11) Jack Cowie (Year 13) - Top 7% Absences Jamie McIntyre member of the New Zealand Junior Youth Development Team competed in the Australian Champs in Canberra and they came away with a bronze medal. On returning from our expedition we had: • 100 hungry tuataras fed and satisfied • Students happy after a wonderful day of foraging in the undergrowth • Our story told to Megan on National TV • Seven Sharp was a Bonus! When you ring in and leave a message that your child is going to be absent from school, please give the reason why, so it can be coded correctly. If no reason is given it will be recorded as an unjustified absence. Congratulations to Kirsty Adam, Library Manager, who at the recent SLANZA Conference in Christchurch received an Award for the Promotion of Literacy and Enjoyment of Reading. Kirsty fosters an enjoyment of reading and development literacy at James Hargest College and is part of the Learning Response Committee working with the SENCO, Literacy Coordinator and RTLB’s to help students with learning difficulties Dan Davin Using “The Art of Tinkering” By Wikinson and Petrich for inspiration, Year 7 Minds Alive students have made ‘Shanty towns’. This will lead us into discussions about the crisis in Syria and refugees. Writing Competition Congratulations to the following students who were successful in gaining awards at the recent Dan Davin Writing Competition. Senior Competition: 1st James Eunson 2nd Samantha Stephens 3rd Symone Robson Junior Competition: 2nd Andrew Fleming 5 Tutorials Science Tutorials before Seniors leave It is expected that students will come along with questions these are not re-teaching sessions. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday Lunchtime: Before School: Period 5: Lunchtime: Before School: 3pm Science L1 in B10 Physics Schol in B13 Physics L2&3 in B13 Physics L2 in B13 Ag/H Schol in E6 L2 Chem in N2 Lunchtime: After School : After School : Chem Schol in B12 4pm Physics L2&3 in B13 Bio Schol in B9 Bio L2 & L3 in B8 Lunchtime: L3 Chem in N2 Chemistry L2&3 in B12 Chemistry L2&3 in B12 Ag/H L1 in E7 Science L1 in B10 Science L1 in B10 After School: Study Centre: Bio L2&3 in B8 All Sciences in Library Accounting Level 3 and Scholarship: All Mondays (last 23rd November) 7pm-9pm - General in F7 Friday 20 November 9.30am-11.30am - Scholarship Friday 27 November 9.30am-11.30am - General Te Reo Māori Tutorials will be after school on Thursdays from 3.30pm to 5.00pm Level 2: Saturday 17 October 9.30am-11.30am - 2.3 Journal/Ledgers in F6/F7 Saturday 31 October 9.30am-11.30am - 2.5 A & I in F6/F7 Saturday 7 November 9.30am-11.30am - 2.1 Concepts in F6/F7 Saturday 14 November 9.30am-11.30am - 2.3 Statements in F6/F7 Wednesday 18 November 10.00am-12.00pm - General in F7 Thursday 19 November 1.00pm-3.00pm - General in F7 Music Music tutorials for all three levels will take place during normal Music lesson times in Term 4. Level 1: Saturday 17 October 9.30am-11.00am - 1.5 A & I in F6/F7 Saturday 31 October 9.30am-11.00am - 1.5 A & I in F6/F7 Saturday 7 November 9.30am-11.00am - 1.3 Statements in F6/F7 Saturday 14 November 9.30am-11.00am - 1.5 and General in F6/F7 Saturday 21 November 9.30am-11.00am - 1.1 and General in F6/7 Saturday 28 November 9.30am-11.00am - 1.3 and General in F7 Monday 30 November 9.30am-11.00am - General Mathematics November Level 1 Level 2 Wednesday 4 2.00 - 3.00 2.00 – 3.00 Thursday 5 11.30 – 1.00 9.30 – 11.00 Friday 6 1.30 – 3.00 9.30 – 11.00 Monday 9 Level 1 NCEA Exam Tuesday 10 Level 3 Food and Nutrition Level 2: Wednesday 11 November at 10.00am in C5 Level 1: Wednesday 18 November at 1.00pm in C5 Level 2 NCEA Wednesday 11 Thursday 12 11.30- 1.00 Stats Friday 13 11.30 – 1.00 Calc Monday 16 Tuesday 17 11.30 – 1.00 Stats Wednesday 18 11.30 – 1.00 Stats Thursday 19 Level 3 NCEA Stats Exam Friday 20 11.30- 1.00 Calc Monday 23 11.30- 1.00 Calc Tuesday 24 9.30 – 11.00 Calc Wednesday 25 Level 3 NCEA Calc Exam Economics Economics tutorials will be held Saturday afternoons from the beginning of term until the NCEA exams. They are open to all levels and will run from 1.30pm until 3pm. 6 Tutorials Science Tutorials after Seniors leave It is expected that students will come along with questions these are not re-teaching sessions. Week 4 Thursday 5 November Friday 6 November Period 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday L1 Science in B8 B10 L1 Science in E7 Biology Scholarship in B9 Period 2 L1 Science in B8 B10 Period 3 L1 Science in B10 Biology Scholarship in B9 L1 Science in B8 B10 Period 4 L1 Science in B8 B10 L1 Science in B8 B10 Period 5 L1 Science in E7 L1 Science in E6 L3 Chemistry in B13 Thursday 12 November Friday 13 November Sunday 8 November 3pm L2 Chemistry in N2 4pm L3 Chemistry in N2 Week 5 Monday 9 November Tuesday 10 November Period 1 Ag/Hort Scholarship in E6 L2 Ag/Hort in E6 L2 Biology in B8 L2 Physics in B13 L2 Biology in B9 L2 Physics in B13 Period 2 L3 Chemistry in B13 Ag/Hort Scholarship in E6 L2 Biology in B8 L2 Physics in B13 L2 Biology in B9 L2 Physics in B13 Period 3 Wednesday 11 November L3 Chemistry in B12 Sunday 15 November L2 Biology in B8 L2 Physics in B13 Period 4 L1 Science in B8 B9 L3 Ag/Hort in E7 Period 5 L1 Science in B8 L3 Chemistry in B12 Biology Scholarship in B9 L3 Chemistry in B13 Monday 16 November Tuesday 17 November Wednesday 18 November Period 1 L2 Physics in B13 Ag/Hort Scholarship in E6 L2 Ag/Hort in E6 L3 Biology in B8 Period 2 L2 Physics in B10 L2 Biology in B8 L3 Biology in E6 3pm L2 Chemistry in N2 4pm L3 Chemistry in N2 Thursday 19 November Friday 20 November Sunday 22 November L2 Chemistry in B13 L3 Physics in B10 L1 Chemistry in E7 L2 Physics in B13 Ag/Hort Scholarship in E6 L2 Chemistry in B13 L3 Physics in B10 L1 Chemistry in E7 Period 3 L2 Physics in B13 L3 Biology in B8 L3 Physics in B10 L2 Chemistry in B13 Period 4 L2 Physics in B13 L3 Biology in B8 L2 Chemistry in B12 L2 Chemistry in B13 L3 Biology in B8 Period 5 L2 Physics in B13 L2 Chemistry in B12 L2 Physics in B10 Week 6 3pm L2 Chemistry in N2 4pm L3 Chemistry in N2 Week 7 Monday 23 November Tuesday 24 November Wednesday 25 November Thursday 26 November Period 1 L1 Chemistry in B13 Ag/Hort Scholarship in E6 Chemistry Scholarship in B12 Period 2 Ag/Hort Scholarship in E6 Chemistry Scholarship in B12 Period 3 L1 Ag/Hort in E6 Period 4 Period 5 Friday 27 November Chemistry Scholarship in B13 L1 Chemistry in B13 Chemistry Scholarship in B13 Monday 30 November Tuesday 1 December L3 Ag/Hort in E7 L1 Ag/Hort in E6 L1 Ag/Hort in E6 Week 8 Period 1 Ag/Hort Scholarship in E6 Period 2 Ag/Hort Scholarship in E6 Wednesday 2 December 7 Tutorials History Level 3: Wednesday 11 November 10.00am-11.00am in F3 with Mr Abercrombie Monday 16 November 12.30pm-2.30pm in F3 with Mr Abercrombie Wednesday 18 November 10.00am-11.00am in F3 with Mr Abercrombie Your exam is on Friday 20 November at 2.00pm Level 2: Friday 13 November 10.00am-12.00pm in F9 with Ms Spencer Monday 16 November 12.30pm-2.30pm in F9 with Ms Spencer Wednesday 18 November 1.30pm-3.30pm in F9 with Ms Spencer Thursday 19 November 10.00am-12.00pm in F9 with Ms Spencer Your exam is on Friday 20 November at 9.30am Level 1: Wednesday 11 November 10.00am-11.00am in F3 with Mr Abercrombie Tuesday 17 November 12.30pm-2.30pm in F9 with Ms Spencer Wednesday 18 November 10.00am-12.00pm in F9 with Ms Spencer Wednesday 18 November 10.00am-11.00am in F3 with Mr Abercrombie Friday 20 November 10.00am-12.00pm in F9 with Ms Spencer Monday 23 November 12.30pm-2.30pm in F9 with Ms Spencer Monday 23 November 12.30pm-2.30pm in F3 with Mr Abercrombie Your exam is on Tuesday 24 November at 2.00pm Classical Studies Level 3 Classics: Tutorial times with Mrs Webber will be: Thursday 12 November @ 1pm (Library) Friday 13 November @ 1pm (Library) Sunday 14 November @ 11am (in F5) Your exam is to be held at 9.30am on Tuesday 17 November. Level 2 Classics: Tutorial times with Mrs Webber will be: Thursday 19 November @ 1pm (Library) Friday 20 November @ 1pm (Library) Sunday 21 November @ 11am (in F5) Your exam is to be held at 9.30am on Tuesday 24 November. English Students are encouraged to be writing literary essays and submitting them for assessment and guidance. For Unfamiliar Text they are advised to access interactive language games to improve their language knowledge. The following tutorials are offered for more specialist guidance. Level One. Miscellaneous Visual Text Unfamiliar text Unfamiliar Text Essay Writing Novel Any topic or issue requiring guidance. Remember the Titans. Excellence Non fiction texts Poetic text Choosing the right question, structure and content Adding Excellence Period 5: Every Wednesday Week 2 - 6 Tuesday 20th October . 3.20 – 4.00 Wednesday 21 October. 3.30 -4.30 Thursday 22 October. 3.30 – 4.30 E13 E12 E14 E15 Mrs Shaw Ms Ford Mrs Swan Miss Paulin Tuesday 27th October . 3.20 – 4.00 Wednesday 28 October lunch time E13 E8 Mrs Shaw Mrs Benjamin Level Two Macbeth Macbeth Unfamiliar Text Macbeth Conflict Setting Poetic text Symbolism and soliloquy Thursday 22 October lunchtime Tuesday 27th October 3.20 – 4.00 Thursday 29th October lunchtime Thursday 29th October 3.30 – 4.00 P7 E12 E14 E14 Mrs Horner Ms Ford Mrs Swan Mrs Swan Level Three 1984 Othello Turtles can Fly Context Juxtaposition, Opposition and Contrast Excellence Friday 30th October lunchtime Thursday 29th October 3.00 – 4.00 Friday 30th October 3 .00- 4.00 E9 E9 E12 Miss Kerr Mrs Horner Ms Ford 8 Citizens of the World Junior Campus ICAS Assessment Results Well done to all students who took part in the international assessments. Please check that your child has brought their certificate home. High Distinction places students in the top 1% of entrants and Distinction places them in the next 10% of entrants. ICAS Spelling Year 7 Distinction: Finn Cruickshank Year 8 Distinction: Madeleine Doherty ICAS Writing Year 8 Distinction: Isabella Fahey, Madeleine Doherty, Nina Nakano-Broers and Brianna Hartley Hosting and Ambassadors Information Night Tuesday 20 October at 6.30pm in the Junior Campus Library “Citizens of the World” is an exciting opportunity for our students to experience another culture. In February we host a group of students and adults from Tacoma, USA and later on in the year a group of our Year 8 students will travel to the USA. Please come along to the information night to find out more. Pictured above: 2015 Citizens of the World Ambassadors The Human Machine Fitter, Faster, Stronger! During Term Three, Year 7 students have been learning about the human body. This unit included learning about pubertal change, human anatomy and how we can train our body to become fitter, faster, stronger and more skilful. Earlier in the term, Year 7 students completed a range of fitness related challenges, such as; the prone hold, hexagon agility test, 20 metre speed test, and a one minute burpee or skipping challenge. From their results in this challenge, students identified S.M.A.R.T goals relating to their fitness and then researched, designed and implemented their own training programmes. A key understanding of this topic was that ‘With a goal focused approach and commitment, we can achieve our goals.’ The enthusiasm and commitment students put into their training was inspirational (motivating some teachers to reflect on their physical activity levels) and resulted in almost all students achieving their goals when they were ‘Re-Challenged’ at the end of the term. A special thanks to Misty, Shane and the other fitness instructors from SNAP Fitness, who kindly donated their time to take fitness classes with the Year 7 students. Problem Solving Challenge Throughout the year, some of the Junior Campus maths classes took part in the Otago Problem Solving Challenge run by the University of Otago. Well done to the following students who gained an Excellence award for this competition: Year 7 Excellence Regan Cross and Daniel Hartley Year 8 Excellence Emma Tuckey, Jake Meikle, Anna O’Connor, Jamie Derbidge, Katie Heads, Blake Prattley, Jack Irvine, Bradley Hay, Logan Dennis, Thomas Fleming and Arielle Wilkes. GATE Journalism 101 “Did you know that 98% of captions in newspapers are read?” Southland Times journalist Daryl Holden came to visit us and tell us some information about journalism. He described to us what it was like, how to keep an article interesting and simple and how to use your senses to write a story, just to name a few. He even described to us the most interesting article he’s done (it was about a former New Zealand cricketer). We consulted Daryl as an expert for our Journalism 101 GATE programme. This gave us a hint into what it’s like being a journalist and I’m pretty sure I want to be a journalist like him. Jayden Prattley Photo left: Daryl Holden with Finn Holden, Jayden Prattley and Shaun Bennett 9 Gateway Profile Cups and Trophies It is time to return any cups and trophies that you may have at home. Please leave them at the Senior Campus Main Office or give to Mrs Anderson in the Gym Office. Name: Matthew Jenkins Position: Dairy worker – Bushwood Farms Limited. Duties include: Milking cows/feeding out on the tractor/feeding calves/general farm duties. Future Ambitions: To be either a High Country famer or a Dairy Farmer. Highlights: Looking after the calves, milking, tractor driving, riding the motorbikes around the farm. Recommended subjects: Agriculture/Horticulture. What interested you in Gateway?: Getting experience working on a farm/learning firsthand what goes on. Matt has also had the opportunity to study papers related to dairy farming through Telford as part of his Gateway class. These papers include Dairy farming/dairy health, Demonstrating knowledge of safe handling and health problems of dairy cattle associated with milking and demonstrating knowledge of how cows produce milk. Science Roadshow Junior Campus Once again the Junior Campus has the opportunity to host this wonderful Science exhibition. There are many fantastic experiments demonstrated and many hands on tasks for students to participate in. The Roadshow will be here on Wednesday November 4 and students from all over Invercargill will visit the exhibition. James Hargest has booked 100 spaces for any Year 7 and 8 students who wish to attend. The cost is $7.00 per student. Notices with details will go out early in Term 4. Year 9 and 10 Production “With a Little Help” SMAC Maths Maths Competition Year 7 Competition 1st JHC1 (Finn Cruickshank, Teegan Strudwicke, Daniel Harley, Regan Cross) 2nd JHC2 (Tessa Wells, Kenton de Klerk, Charlie Samson, Olivia Horton) Year 8 Competition 3rd JHC4 (Jacob Sullivan, Georgie Sunshine, Joel Skerrett, Max Nally) Year 9 Competition 1st JHC4 (Kate Loan, Joshua Thomas, Stephen Potter, Joshua Han) Year 10 Competition 1st JHC1 (Manfrid Siegruhn, Hamish Muhl, Andrew Fleming, Caleb Duffy) 3rd JHC3 (Finn Rogers, Chsitina Scott, Emma Mitchell, Damian Mitchell) Well done Hargest Mathematicians! After the success of the first Year 9 and 10 play in 2014 the students yet again embraced the opportunity to perform in a non-singing production. While many students had performed in the musical earlier in the year, the play saw some great performances from less confident singers with considerable acting talent. There were also several students who undertook roles with less visible profiles – the puppeteers, voice actors and the ever cheerful Tian trapped in the Dalek’s body. The audiences were very appreciative and the cast thoroughly enjoyed themselves – which is what it is all about. The play was once again supported by senior students undertaking responsibility for production roles – their input was invaluable. 10 NZAS Science and Technology Fair 2015 Results Student’s Name SENIOR CAMPUS Thani McLaren Thani McLaren Thani McLaren Megan Shaw Jess McDonald Commended: Madeleine Gough Jack McKenzie Benjamin Miller Connor Coatsworth Caleb Turnbull Nepia Ruwhiu Jamie McIntyre Ruby Donaldson Georgia Cleaver Andrew Fleming Jason Hall Jaydon Hunter Megan Shaw Jess McDonald Thanui McLaren Prize Title Award of Excellence – NZAS Excellence in Technology Year 9 & 10 Prize Sponsor: New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Award of Excellence – NZAS Premier Technology Award Prize Sponsor: New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Award of Excellence – Science Technology Award: Gold Prize Sponsor: New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Award of Excellence – Science Technology Award: Silver Prize Sponsor: New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Award of Excellence – Science Technology Award: Silver Prize Sponsor: New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Steering tourists in the left direction Steering tourists in the left direction Steering tourists in the left direction The best baking replacements The best baking replacements Aerodynamics track cycling Go with the flow Let there be light Portable power station Rainbow plants Stop Stop Testing sunscreen effectiveness Testing sunscreen effectiveness The power of drink Special Award – Fonterra Excellence related to the Dairy Industry J & J Gates 2015 Prize Sponsor: Fonterra Special Award – Fonterra Excellence related to the Dairy Industry J & J Gates 2015 Prize Sponsor: Fonterra Special Award First Prize – Best Exhibit related to Bread or Flour The best baking replacements Prize Sponsor: Baking Industry Research Trust Special Award First Prize – Best Exhibit related to Bread or Flour The best baking replacements Prize Sponsor: Baking Industry Research Trust Special Award First Prize – NZAS Safety Award Steering tourists in the left direction Prize Sponsor: New Zealand Aluminium Smelters JUNIOR CAMPUS Brianna Hartley Quinn Holland Logan Dennis Briar McKenzie Georgie Sunshine Brianna Hartley Award of Excellence – NZAS Excellence in Science Year 7 & 8 Prize Sponsor: New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Award of Excellence – Science and Technology Award: Bronze Prize Sponsor: New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Award of Excellence – Science and Technology Award: Bronze Prize Sponsor: New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Award of Excellence – Science and Technology Award: Bronze Prize Sponsor: New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Award of Excellence – Science and Technology Award: Bronze Prize Sponsor: New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Award of Excellence – Science and Technology Award: Gold Prize Sponsor: New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Commended: Jack Irvine Thomas Fleming Maxwell Nally Emily Williamson Auto Home Cellphone radiation Great grain How does your garden grow Potato plastic Grainatron 2000 Kindy Creepy Crawlies Sleepy sneezes Sleepy sneezes Potato plastic Congratulations to all students. We are very proud of your efforts. 11 Concert band NZ Association Festival Congratulations to the Hargest Concert Band who received a Gold Medal at the NZ Concert Band Association Festival in Rotorua last month. Also, congratulations to the following soloists who also received medals: Gold William Swan Gold Jack McKenzie Silver Cameron Hartley Silver Finn Bodkin There were only five gold medals awarded in the soloist section. Why Learn Another Language? I studied French during my time at James Hargest College as well as at Otago University, where I also picked up Spanish. Learning a language at school was one of the best decisions I made, and has led me to where I am today. In my final year of university, I went on exchange for 6 months to live in Lyon, France. Following this, I went and lived in Mexico City for 5 months. Being able to speak French and Spanish while living in these places opened up so many opportunities for me and made it easy to make local friends, read menus (very important!), and make the most of life overseas. I am now working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, where speaking foreign languages is an invaluable skill. I use my French and Spanish in an everyday work context, and one day will hopefully be working as a diplomat in a country where one of these languages is spoken. If you are thinking about working in the international sphere, or even just want to travel the world one day, learn a second (or third or fourth) language - you won’t regret it! Sarah Baillie Ex Hargest Student STANZA Results Spanish National Speech Competition Level 2: 2nd Excellent Excellent Jack Dymond Tamara Harrex Michaela Belworthy International Students Homestays Long Term Students We are always looking for families to host one of our International Students. Join our growing international family and make long term and very rewarding contacts. Call 2176129 Ext 204 for more information. International News A special welcome to ... Dohyun Whan (Tom) South Korea (Year 7) Min Hwangbo (Ryan) South Korea (Year 10) Eun Hwangbo (Jessica) South Korea (Year 8) Tran thuyen (Trinity) Vietnam (Year 8) Chanikarn Charoensuk Thailand (Year 7) Taichi Wannaying Thailand (Year 7) Xinya Chen (Cindy) China (Year 12) ....who have recently joined James Hargest College. 12 Sheilah Winn Shakespeare London bound! Congratulations to Dryw McArthur on his selection to join about 20 other young Shakespeare buffs to travel to and perform at The Globe, London In 2016. He also warranted special comment in the review of the performances given by the students who attended workshops in Wellington these holidays. “Amid a uniformly strong cast it may be unfair to single one out but I feel bound to say this will not be the last we see of Dryw McArthur (from James Hargest College, Invercargill).” John Smythe Theatre Review 5 Oct 2015 Southland Secondary Schools Multisport Champs Sandy Point 27th September Congratulations to Josh Taylor who won the Senior Duathlon and Conor Shearing who got second in the Year 9-10 grade. Speech Winners Year 7 and 8 A big congratulations to our Year 7 and 8 speech winners. Scan the QR codes to view their speeches Year 8, Room 6 Wilson Ludlow Year 7, Room 4 Dean Stewart 13 Girls’ Football Southland Football 2015 Senior Awards Bowls Indoor and Outdoor Lawn Bowls Southland Secondary Schools’ Boys’ Individual Champion: Caleb Hope (pictured left) Indoor Bowls Southland Secondary Schools’ Senior Grade Champions: Caleb Hope and Ethan Batt Bronze medal at the National Secondary Schools’ Championships: Caleb Hope Football Niamh Shirley (Oldboys AFC), Deborah Kazadi (Southend Unite) and Jessica Watt (Waihopi AFC & former JHC pupil), (along with Lauren Christie SGHS) were nominated for Young Player of the Year. Deborah Kazadi was this years winner. Niamh Shirley won the Silver Boot award for Div 1 (30 goals for the season), and Jessica Watts the Golden Boot award for Premier & Kolk Cup (40 goals). Tournament Week Girls’ Football Linwood Cup The 1st XI Boys Football team travelled to Dunedin to compete in the Linwood Cup. They made life difficult for themselves by losing to Otago Boys’ 2nd XI 2-1. They should have won after hitting the post and crossbar! They then beat Mount Hutt 3-0 but lost to Kavanagh 5-2. This left them in the bottom half of the tournament. Wins against Gore and Taieri set up a 9-10th playoff game against Linwood. Unfortunately they lost 5-4 and ended the tournament 10th. Squash Southland Secondary Schools’ Tournament Congratulations to the following teams on their success in this competition. 1st - JHC Girls’ Team: Jasmine Demchy Samantha Taplin Hayley Flett 2nd - JHC Boys Team: Lachlan Thwaites Sam Christie Jayden Muir The girls achieved their best result in 6 years by coming 5th place in the Lotto Sportswear Invercargill Tournament. They had a slow start to the tournament against Mt Aspiring but picked up their performance to beat Kavanagh College 9 - 0, Menzies 2-1 and Buller 4-0. In the 5th/6th final playoff, they were 1-0 behind at half time but rallied in the second half with a tenacious performance. Captain Niamh Shirley delivered two exquisite corners for Aimee Stubbs to score with not one, but two spectacular headers in the top corner of the goal. Thank you to Mrs Weaver for being team manager and Mrs Michelle for her support. Speech Year 11 Speech Competition Congratulations to Samantha Wilcox who gained first place, Sarah Boniface second and third equal to Levi Dick and Brendan Tancredi. Hockey news Congratulations to the Girls’ Hockey team who came 1st in the Jenny McDonald Cup recently. Well done. Summer Sun To protect faces against the summer sun, students may wear plain white caps or hats when outside during summer. They are not to be worn in class and must have the name written on the inside. Junior Campus: Sun screen is available at the office. 14 Swimming Championships School Swim Sports Results Senior Boys’: 1st Tom Wylie 2nd Josh Hamilton 3rd Josh Taylor Junior Boys’: 1st Jacob Blomfield 2nd Clayton Gerrard 3rd Jacob Elder Senior Girls’: 1st Hannah Morgan 2nd Anastasia Wilkes 3rd Kelsey Acker Junior Girls’: 1st Caitlin Kingsland 2nd Elly Koehler 3rd Anna Kura Senior Boys’ Dive: 1st Kane Findlay Senior Girls’ Dive: 1st Kelsey Acker Junior Boys’: 1st Liam Hewitt Junior Girls’ Dive: 1st Elly Koehler Inter-house Relay: 1st Thomson 2nd Watson 3rd Hamilton 4th Menzies Total House Result: 1st Thomson (135 points) 2nd Watson (78 points) 3rd Hamilton (63 points) 4th Menzies (45 points) GymSport Festival Junior Campus Table Tennis Southland Junior Champs James Hargest students dominated the 13 years and under division at the recent Southland Table Tennis Tournament. Finn Holden and Maia Cavanagh both serving up a hat-trick taking out their respective Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles titles. Hayden Wu partnered Finn in the Doubles success and was runner up in the singles, with Jordan Cruickshank taking the Doubles with Maia and finishing runner up in the singles. Quinn Hartley and Charlie Samson took the under 11 Doubles title with Charlie finishing second in the singles. Congratulations to all the competitors. Back from left: Maia Cavanagh, Jordan Cruickshank and Hayden Wu Front from Left: Finn Holden, Charlie Samson and Quinn Hartley The annual Southland GymSport Festival was held recently in the Senior Campus Gymnasium. Our strong group of 35 participants had an awesome time and came away with positive results. JHC Black, Gold and Silver were awarded an Elite Grade and JHC Red, White, Bronze and Yellow were awarded an A Grade. Congratulations to all students who participated, you represented your school with pride. Special thanks to Tracey MacLennan and Mrs Blair who helped organise and guide the teams. Right: Poppy Jubb Below: Georgia Sunshine 15 NZPPTA Paid Union Meeting Geography Cake Decorating! Top: Keely Hughes, Tom Wylie, Sarah Snoep, Andrew Taylor, Leigh Sanson with an impression of a Fergburger from Queenstown Below: Rebecca Howard, Maddie O’Connor and Kelsey Acker with their impression of a diamond mine. Thursday 22 October 2015 School (both campuses) will finish at 1.00pm on Thursday 22 October due to a NZPPTA meeting being held under the terms of the Employment Relations Act 2000. This means the last period of the day will not run as normal after the lunch hour. School buses will run at the normal times with the exception of the “Otatara Direct” and Bluff buses which will leave the school at 1.00pm. The school libraries on each campus provide a secure and supervised environment for all students who remain at school until the normal time. Sporting and Cultural Blues Awards 2015 Thursday 22 October at 7.00pm in the Senior Campus Hall School Accounts All school accounts for Junior and Senior Campuses have now been emailed. If you have not received an account, please contact the Junior Campus on 2179250 or the Senior Campus on 2176129. Payments can be made to the school offices by cash, cheque, Eftpos or internet banking. The Junior Campus bank account number is BNZ 0924-0408612-001. The Senior Campus bank account number is BNZ 0924-0408612-002. Cycling Oceania Track Cycling Champs Congratulations to the following cyclists who competed in the above event held in Invercargill last week. Tom Sexton: Gold Team Pursuit Silver Omnium Bronze Madison Hamish Beadle: Gold Team Sprint Silver Keirin Magnus Trixen Rosing: Silver Points Race Samuel Miller: Gold Team Pursuit Jack Pedler: Bronze Team Pursuit 16 Teaching and Learning Year 11-13 Reports Reports for all Year 11-13 students will be issued on Friday 23 October at 3.00pm. Teachers have clearly documented where students are at and what they need to do to ensure they get the grades of which they are capable in their external examinations in November. Please take the time to discuss your son’s/daughter’s report, subject by subject, and help them plan a study programme for the next few weeks. How their time is used during this period is paramount for success. Remind them that tutorials are available in most subjects. Hargest teachers are renowned for the generosity of their time and extra effort they make to help students. It is important to keep all reports on file at home as they are often required to accompany scholarship applications etc. Alternatively, copies of reports can be downloaded via the parent login page on www.jameshargest.school.nz All families have been issued with passwords. Endorsements Year 9 & 10 Work Day We want all students to do the very best they can to achieve personal Excellence. In the end, your son/daughter will be disappointed if they do not achieve the results of which they are capable. Students should strive to meet the criteria to have their NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3 endorsed with Merit or Excellence and get subject endorsements. For an Excellence endorsement, students need 50 Excellence credits and for a Merit endorsement they need a combination of 50 Merit/Excellence credits. For a subject endorsement students must have 14 Excellence or Merit credits with at least one standard Achieved with Excellence/Merit internally and externally. Year 13 students should be mindful of the Community Trust of Southland Scholarship available to anyone who gets Level 3 endorsed with Excellence. (See Thank you to all businesses, family, neighbours and friends who supported our Year 9 and 10 Work Day. A minimum of $25.00 is expected from all students. The project is for ipads for the Library. All students will benefit from this project. Please check your son or daughter has returned their earnings to the school office. Congratulations to all students who raised over $50.00 each: • Simon Gray • Emma Cornhill • Jemima Reid • Hannah Beckley • Ethan Hellyer • Jake Halford • Jessica Shand • William Howie Page 18). Study Centre Every Tuesday 3.30-5.00pm in the Senior Campus Library Afternoon tea supplied by PTA Year 9 & 10 Exams Year 9 and 10 students have exams scheduled from Friday 6 November to Friday 13 November. The timetable for core exams is available on the Hargest web site www. jameshargest.school.nz under General Info and then Exam Timetable. Please support your son/daughter by helping them plan their study time, monitoring distractions and seeing they have a suitable desk with adequate lighting. For many students this is the first time they have had a test of this length. They must be well prepared. Dates for 2015 Term 4: Ends on Tuesday 15 December Dates for 2016 “It’s fantastic to come in and grab a snack and sit down with the teachers and get your work done.” Aleisha Elliotte, Year 9. “ Perfect opportunity to network with others and ask questions in a social environment. Tutoring is also an option adding to the buzzing atmosphere.” Polly Hanson-Friend, Year 12 “The Teachers there are always more than willing to help” Bella Phillips, Year 9. Study Centre is a very popular place prior to NCEA school exams. Term 1: Starts Tuesday 2 February Ends Friday 15 April Term 2: Starts Monday 2 May Ends on Friday 8 July Term 3: Starts on Monday 25 July Ends on Friday 23 September Term 4: Starts on Monday 10 October Ends on Wednesday 14 December 17 End of Year Arrangements for Years 11-13 • • • • • • Careers News Uniform Update Tertiary Scholarships Sandals are optional in terms 1 and 4. Flat black, plain, with a heel strap and one ankle strap, and are worn without socks. Thong styles are not permitted. For safety reasons, sandals are not to be worn in laboratories and technology rooms. Students are reminded not to write on any school uniform. Uniform cannot be worn at school with writing on it. Last day of classes is Wednesday 4 November. Students should return school resources, that are not required for study, prior to Wednesday 4 November. Students are encouraged to attend tutorials (advertised in this newsletter), meet their teachers for additional help or study quietly in the school library. Year 11-12 students must continue to wear school uniform whenever they come to school. Year 13 students may wear tidy mufti after Wednesday 4 November. NCEA exams start on Monday 9 November. Note: the morning exams start at 9.30am and the afternoon exams start at 2.00pm. Students should always plan to be at school at least 20 minutes prior to these times. Dates for 2016 Term 1: Friday 29 January Monday 1 February Tuesday 2 February Wednesday 3 February Monday 8 February Friday 25th March Monday 29th March Tuesday 30th March Thursday 15 April Term 2: Starts on Monday 2 May Ends on Friday 8 July Course Consultation for Years 12 and 13 students as contacted Teacher Only Day Year 7, 8 and 9 start All students at school Waitangi Day Holiday Good Friday Easter Monday Easter Tuesday (Southland Anniversay) Term One Ends Term 3: Starts on Monday 25 July Ends on Friday 23 September Term 4: Starts on Monday 10 October Ends on Wednesday 14 December (to be confirmed) On-site Physiotherapy A Sportsmed Southern Physiotherapist is available at the Senior Campus for Junior and Senior Campus students and teachers on Wednesdays and Fridays. There is no charge if you are covered by ACC (normally $15 adults and $10 students). Students must have a consent form signed by a parent/ caregiver before making an appointment. Consent forms and bookings are available at the Senior Campus sick bay office. Jazz Fest SOUTHLAND SECONDARY SCHOOLS’ JAZZ FESTIVAL Friday 16 October at 7.00pm Ascot Park Hotel Entry: Adults $10 Students $5 Proudly supported 18 Coming Events for 2015 Parent, Caregiver, Whanau and Community Engagement Senior Campus October 2015 Fri 16 Tues 20 Thurs 22 Fri 23 Mon 26 Thurs 29 7.00pm: Jazz Fest at Ascot Park Hotel Media Studies Evening 1.00pm: School finishes 2.00pm: NZPPTA Union Meeting 7.00pm: Sporting and Cultural Blues Awards Report issued to Years 11-13 LABOUR DAY - School closed Year 13 Drama Evening 5.15pm: BOT Meeting November 2015 Tues 3 Wed 4 Fri 6 Mon 9 7.30pm: PTA Meeting at the Junior Campus Last Day for Seniors Newsletter issued Orientation Morning for Year 8 at Senior Campus Southland Secondary Schools’ Sports Awards Year 9 and 10 Exams Start NCEA exams start At James Hargest College we are always interested in engaging with our community and listening to parents, whanau and the wider community. If you have any good ideas or there is something special that has happened regarding Hargest, or there are issues, concerns or complaints we should be aware of, please contact the school office Senior Campus (2176129) or Junior Campus (2179250) or via email, office@ jameshargest.school.nz You will be put in contact with an appropriate staff member. E-mail Newsletters If you do not already receive the newsletter link via e-mail, and wish to do so, could you please e-mail lmcdonald@jameshargest.school.nz stating which year level your son/daughter is in. The next newsletter will be issued on Wednesday 4 November 2015. Hard copies of the newsletter are issued to the youngest child in each family. Newsletters are easily available on the Hargest web site www.jameshargest.school.nz. All families with home email addresses will be sent a link the day the newsletter is distributed. Junior Campus October 2015 Mon 26 Fri 30 Labour Day Rippa Rugby World Cup November 2015 Wed 4 Thur 5 Fri 6 Tues 17 Science Roadshow Rippa Rugby World Cup Final Orientation Morning Orange Parade James Hargest College PTA Meetings Term 4 • Tuesday 3 November (Junior Campus) Health Nurse Junior Campus Information Updates The Health Nurse, Mrs Lyn Sanderson, is available at the Junior Campus in Term 4. If you have any concerns please phone the school office and we will arrange for Mrs Sanderson to contact you. If students wish to see the Health Nurse they are able to make an appointment by placing a request in the green post box in the office foyer. If you have any changes to your details (e.g. address, phone numbers, medical details, emergency contacts, etc), please let the school know as soon as possible in order to keep our records up-to-date. Please email Mrs France (Senior Campus) with any changes at office@jameshargest.school.nz or phone 2176129 or Mrs Dimond (Junior Campus) at mdimond@jameshargest.school.nz or phone 2179250 Junior Campus 6 Layard Street, Invercargill Phone 03 2179250, Fax 03 2173152 Email: juniorcampus@jameshargest.school.nz Senior Campus 288 Layard Street, Invercargill Phone 03 2176129, Fax 03 2170351 Email: office@jameshargest.school.nz Website: www.jameshargest.school.nz 19 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS 68 Don Street, Invercargill. www.martinandlobb.co.nz (03) 218 9621 Catch up, Get ahead, Stay ahead! • Preschool to Y13 NCEA • 80 minute lessons • Trained teachers Call Clayton Riley 03 214 4181 for a free assessment. 1454310 HOLMWOOD REAL ESTATE LTD MREINZ Melanie Brierley Licensed Sales Consultant M: 021 256 4443 P: 03 214 4080 F: 03 214 1155 E: melanie@harcourtsinv.co.nz 182 Dee Street, Invercargill 9810 PO Box 138, Invercargill 9840 www.invercargill.harcourts.co.nz erve... 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