September 2013 Slopes and trails
September 2013 Slopes and trails
Slopes & Trails September 20132008 March CLUB NEWS & NOTES Our 2013 Summer Board Meeting at Mary Ann Popm a’s was quite enjoyable. There was a good turnout of both board and club mem bers. MAP’s pool was a welcome place to be during this summer’s endless r ound of he at-waves and rainy spells. www.buckr idges www.buckr idges kiclub.or g L ODG E UP DAT E State of the Lodge Revisited Thanks to all who responded to our last newsletter a rti cle – the comments recei ved represented a good cross section of club membership and lodge usage. The issue before us is one of i ncreased lodge expenses (ta xes , insurance, utilities) wi th fla t usa ge. The Lodge was intended to be a self-sustaining enterprise. The s teps outlined below, approved at the summer Boa rd Meeting, are intended to increase both income and usage wi thout putting these costs onto members who ma y ha ve little use of the Lodge. (Continued on page 5) Don’t Forget… It’s Time to Renew!! Buck Ridge Ski Club renewal form - p. 9 U can save $5.00 w ith early-bird renew al! The ski schedule for the coming year was finalized; a hoped for return to Jay Peak did not come together. See the full schedule on page 6. One trend that was noted for western trips is that lodging is becoming an issue . Many places now require commitments in advance of airlines! This is most evident on the EPSC melting pot trip to Aspen for the Winter Carnival - the de adline for that will have passed by the time you read this, so if you were thinking of joining that group you may nee d to look at what other EPSC clubs are offering. It was also decided to return to Riverwinds Restaurant on the Delaware River in West Deptford, NJ for our Holiday Social. More details will be forthcoming. The big news is with the Woodbridge Lodge; it was de(Continued on page 4) Canoeing Kayaking The early bird gets the snow! Renew today! Individual and Family memberships Dow nhill and Cross Country Ski Trips Good Friendships Early Bird Special until September 30th Really fun hiking and biking Send in enclosed renewal form today!! Thanks! Mary Ann Popma, Membership Chair 610-692-5928 / Slopes & Trails Page 2 OFFICERS OF THE BUCK RIDGE SKI CLUB Deadline for articles for the Slopes and Trails is the 15th of the month. Send submissions to: Mike Fernandez 1118 Kings Highway Swedesboro, NJ 08085 Phone: 609-254-8461 Email: For a paper copy of the monthly newsletter, please contact Bill Raney at 610-356-5199 to be placed on the mailing list, or download from the web site. President Dan Aronson 215-643-7252 Vice-President John Theodore Pat Beccia 610-623-3737 Linda Bailey 610-789-6823 Secretary Treasurer 610-664-9506 COMMITTEE CHAIRS Activity Treasurer Dave Singer 856-261- 7187 Biking Chair John Theodore 610-623-3737 Paddling Chair M ichael Fernandez 609-254-8461 Hiking Chair Mel Stiles 609-230-5046 Lodge Chair M ike Fernandez 609-254-8461 Program Chair M aryAnn Thomas Ski Chair Dan Aronson EPSC Council Rep. M aryAnn Thomas 610-648-0249 215-643-7252 610-648-0249 W O O D B R I D G E LODGE Lodge Reservation Chair Lydia Hill, 1701 School House Lane, Ambler, PA 19002 Ph: 215-760-3322 / eMail: Lodge Telephone Number 802-464-6591 Only if you have been repeatedly unsuccessful contacting the reservation chair for a key should you Contact the following people: Mel Stiles 609-230-5046 / M ike Fernandez 609-254-8461 / Glenn Weisel 570-257-0271 ME MBE RSHIP C H A N G E O F A D DR E SS BRSC is an outdoor club for people of all ages wh o If you are moving or changing your email address and want to keep Slopes & Tra ils in your mailbox enjoy companionship in outdoor activities. For a membership application and procedures for joining, visit our website ( or contact: Mary Ann Popma, Membership Chair 1037 Warren Road, West Chester, PA 19382 email: / ph. 610-692-5928 or inbox, pleas e notify: Merle Roemer 4 Anser Lane Lewes, DE 19958 E-mail: R EGULAR ME ET IN GS AR E T HE SE C OND W E DNE SDA Y O F T HE MO NT H, 8 pm AT S PRINGFIEL D MAS ONIC HA LL ON RT 4 2 0 , S PRIN GFIEL D (D EL AWAR E CO.) PA. NO MEET IN G IN J UN E, J UL Y, OR A UGUS T. Page 3 Slopes & Trails ACTIVITIES & TRIPS HIKING SKIING We hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable summer. While ski season is not yet here, it is time to start making your plans. Many western trips are requiring early commitments for lodging, something that has not been that much of an issue in past years. The full schedule in on page 6; her e’s the highlights: TAOS!!! The BRSC Western Trip from Feb 22 to March 1, 2014 will be to Taos, New Mexico. This is a beautiful area known for its powder snow and Native American culture. While Taos has a reputation for expert terrain, don’t let that deceive you. A lot of their double black slopes are in hike-to territory; they have a good amount of gr een and blue trails hidden from the town below in a high mountain valley. See page 6 for the trip sign up - while it is a little pricier than some past trips (last year at Mt Bachelor was hard to beat!) that is the trend for all trips. And we will be staying SLOPESIDE! This trip requires an early commitment, as our accommodations at the Snakedance are in demand and have an October reservation deadline. The reservation form in on page 7. EPSC WIN TER CARN IVAL AT ASPEN! January 18-25 2014. Club members can sign on with the EPSC Melting Pot trip ($1695 pp) or with another reciprocal club. However, due to lodging limitations the melting pot may be full. Check the EPSC web site for details ( or contact Dave Schoneker ( or Bob Smith ( Closer to home, in addition to TWO Hunt-for-Snows we will have a Cross-Country Weekend and a mid-week Vermont Ramble at the Woodbridge Lodge. Along with Mount Snow, the Stratton, Bromley, Magic, and Okemo ski areas are all easy day trips from the Lodge. If you did not make it to the Lodge last year, be sure to get up in the coming season! E P S C NE W S Fall 2013 Short Hike Schedule BRSC Wednesday hikes will start earlier this year on September 4, right after Labor Day, and will continue later into the season. This way we will have a few more warm days for ice cream! Schedule is subject to change at the whim of the group. The meeting place is at Granite Run Mall, Route 1 entrance traffic light, next to the McDonalds Restaurant. Drive in the entrance street, and park on the back side of the curb in the mall lot. Meeting time is 9:15 am to arrange car pools and parking, leaving promptly at 9:30 am. Please bring lunch, dress in layers w/small back pack and $ for driver(s)! Hikes are approximately 5-7 miles and easy to moderate in difficulty. Consider wearing comfortable hiking shoes and bringing extra shoes since some hikes can be muddy. Questions? Mel Stiles phone: 609-230-5046. Email: • • September 4 September 11 September 18 September 25 October 2 October 9 October 16 October 23 October 30 November 6 November 13 November 20 November 27 December 4 December 11 Green Lane Park (Montgomery Co Fort Washington SP Wenonah Woods & Tea House (NJ) Wissahickon w/Valley green Lunch Marsh Creek SP Brandywine Creek SP (Del) Hibernia Co Park (Chester Co) Wolf Hollow Co. Park (Chester Co) Marsh Creek SP Ridley Creek SP Delaware and Raritan Canal SP (NJ) French creek SP Maurice River Bluffs (NJ) Evansburg SP Schuylkill Canal Park • December 18 White Clay Creek SP • • • • • • • • • • • • • Philly Winter Expo & Eastern PA Ski Council Auction Sunday November 3, 2013 Crown Plaza - Valley Forge 260 Mall Boulevard, King of Prussia Show Hours: 2:00 – 5:30 PM The Philly Winter Expo & EPSC Auction is the annual kick off to the ski season – it’s a combination tradeshow, and Auction. As such, it is a great chance for skiers to meet and talk with the Ski Mountains. We will have tons of cool items to auction off in our LIVE & SILENT AUCTION including vacation packages, lift tickets, and gear. This is your chance to meet with resorts from all over the world, local ski shops, and tour operators. There will be door prizes and most vendors will have free items and information. Cost: FREE!! PADDLING Manayunk Paddle - September 7 10 am Leisurely to not-so-leisurely paddle on the Schuylkill River upstream from Manayunk. Meet at the boat shed to the right of and behind the Manayunk Brewpub at 10 am. All equipment supplied; pay parking available in lots along the river. Bring water, snax; food available afterwards at the brewpub. Limit of 12. Contact Mike Fernandez: 609-254-8461 / Nominal fee for equipment use ($10). Page 4 Slopes & Trails FALL PROGRAMS: PROGRAMS : Get to know your fellow Buck Ridgers! Thi s year’s programs promise to bring some interesti ng Fall presentati ons on travels to Nepal /Tibet, Rome and more. All narrated by our ow n Buck Ridgers. We will start out with our usual review of the upcoming ski trips in September and our traditi onal Wick’s Fashi on show during our H oliday Dinner in December. Spring bring s kayaking on Canad a’s Georgian Bay and maybe biking or past ski trips. We need your participation in May as we talk about all the great times at the lodge (so bring those pictures and stories to share). We still meet on the SECOND WEDNESDAY of the month at 8:00 PM at the Springfield Masonic Hall, 400 W Woodland Ave, Springfield, PA 19064. Meeting s are held from September through May. I’d really l ove to hear from you if you have an interest i n sharing some of your adventures. We usually ask the presentation run about a half an hour or so to all ow for questions and discussi on. The presentation starts right after the general business meeting. We, of c ourse, will keep you informed by our website, Slopes and Trails, and an occasional email or two. But, feel free to give me a call or send an email about the programs. Can’t d o it without you! Mary Ann T homas / 610 648-0249 Club News and Notes (Continued from page 1) cided to add a separ ate fee for preferred lodge privilege. Read about it in the Lodge Update. And don’t forget - its time to renew your Buck Ridge membership! We hope you will consider renewing and take advantage of all the club has to offer. At $20 a year for e arly-bird renewal, it’s a re al bargain! See page 9 for the renewal form, and remember to check off your lodge privilege! See you at our next meeting on September 11! N ot ed in Passing... Henry J. Shields, husband of Ca rol Sigmund Shields , members of BRSC in the 60's and 70's , died Sunda y Jul y 21 a t thei r home in Wes t Grove, PA, surrounded by famil y. Ca rol a nd Henry were ma rried 42 yea rs . Henry grew up in Berwyn, PA. After gradua ting from Cones toga High School , Henry served our country for 2 tours of duty duri ng Vietnam, as a member of the 11th Armored Ca val ry and ASA. He worked as a registered representa ti ve for Vangua rd in Valley Forge for 15 yea rs . To find out more go to www.griecoca res .com. Bob and Patience Depaol Welcome to the following new members: Dave and Barb Mertz 663 Center Rd. Quarryville, PA 17566 phone ©: 717-572-5689 email:; Act: S, H New (and old) members are reminded that one of the best ways to communicate with club members is to join our Buck Ridge Yahoo Group. Just click on the Yahoo Groups icon on the Buck Ridge Ski Club Web site ( and follow the step-by-step instructions. Please join today and become an informed Buck Ridger. You will be the first to get notice when newsletters are posted and other latebreaking news. Do it today! Why wait for winter? Ladies, if you have been thinking about upgrading your skis (or want to get a pair for your daughter), here’s a great opportunity! WOMEN’S SKI SALE Rossignol B3 Dimensions: L 160; waist 83 A true all mountain, quiver-of-one ski. Good in powder, crud, & in the woods. Skis come with small bindings and have been well cared for. Although a few years old, this is still a great ski. If you are looking to take a step up from your older narrow skis, you won’t regret this! Asking $150 Salomon Scream8 Pilot Dimensions: L 160; waist 69 An older model, this is deal for someone looking to move up from an entry level ski. A good ski for eastern carving. Comes with small bindings. Good condition. Asking $75 Pictures can emailed or skis can be inspected at a club meeting with prior notice. Contact Mike Fernandez ( Proceeds benefit Woodbridge Lodge. Slopes & Trails Page 5 State of the Lodge Revisited (Continued from page 1) IIf you read the last newsletter, you know we have been trying to make the Woodbridge Lodge self-sustaining without increasing dues or nightly rates. We have listened to a number of members, and feel the new dues structure will help us meet this goal. As you will see on the renewal form, basic membership dues are unchanged. However, we have added a “lodge privilege” option as a membership add-on at $20 individual or $30 family. This add-on is similar to that used by other ski clubs that maintain lodges. What the Lodge Privilege will give you is the preferred nightly rate of $20 per person in ski season, with a cap of $60 per night for families. Club members who do NOT select the Lodge Privilege add-on will pay what has been the guest rate of $30 per person per night and will still have access to the Lodge at any time as at present, depending on availability. Lodge privilege does not carry preferred access for reservations. Guest rates will be unchanged, and guests will still require a club member to sponsor and be with them. Thus, if you use the Lodge for more than two nights during the ski season you will save money by adding on the Lodge Privilege to your membership. If you never use the Lodge your membership will remain the same, but we would certainly appreciate if you chose to include Lodge Privileges to support what has been an integral part of Buck Ridge tradition! Lifetime membership will include lodge privileges, and all workers at Work Parties will continue to receive two chits per day of work. And remember... you can use the Lodge year round. When it’s 95 degrees and 95% humidity in Philadelphia, you will be lucky to see 80 degrees at the Lodge! Hiking, biking, paddling… its more better in Vermont! Speaking of using the Lodge, there have been a lot of improvements. The drafty and inefficient wood-burning fireplace has been replaced with a gas fireplace that provides flame-flickering ambience with a lot more efficiency and without the coals to carry out. We have also started installation of an outdoor fire-pit. While it’s great in summer, it still needs some work to have it usable in deep winter snows! With that said, remember we always need helping hands at the Lodge Work Parties. At two chits per day of work, how can you afford not to lend a hand? Our Fall Work Party is scheduled for the weekend of October 25-27. Mark your calendar now! - Mike Fernandez, lodge chair FALL 2013 WOODBRIDGE LODGE WORK / CLEANING PARTY: OCTOBER 25-27 Space is limited—contact Terry McGinn to confirm your attendance! We will arrive on Friday, Depart Sunday. Everyone gets 2 chits per full day worked. Each chit is worth one nights lodging good thru the 2014 ski season. Work party starts Saturday morning and ends Sunday afternoon. Anyone extending their stay past two nights may do so with a reservation or chits from previous work parties. Plan to bring along cereal or whatever you want for breakfast. Either we will have a cook or we will do our own food prep while working. More info will be provided later. We will be dividing the food costs among the adult members of our work party as in previous years. Please mail your completed reservation form to Terry McGinn, 6511 Shalkop St., Phila PA 19128. Questions? Contact Terry at 215-487-3438. The General “To Do” List: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Yard clean up Wash all windows inside and out Install clear polyethylene plastic sheeting stretched over outside of two kit chen windows. Replace batteries in ALL smoke alarms and CO2 alarms, check basement gas alarm, replace light bulbs as needed Remove all mattress covers, take to Laundromat in Wilmington, wash, dry, return and reinstall. General cleaning of lodge interior includes pulling appliances out, cleaning and resetting units. Cleaning of range hoods, filters, bath and shower fans, shower drain traps Clean and check operation of sump pump Assess condition of front outdoor stairway and make plans for future replacement -- prefab stairway at home and haul up to the lodge, assemble and install at a future work party 10. Paint upstairs bedroom, front door 11. New roof on woodshed —————————————————————————————————— FALL WOODBRIDGE LODGE WORK PARTY REGISTRATION FORM In recognition of the benefits accrued to me by participation in this activity , I hereby acknowledge the risks that may be associated with travel to and working at the Woodbridge Lodge and hold blame less the Buck Ridge Ski Club and event coordinators for any injuries , accidents , and lost , damaged or stolen equipment as a result of participation in this club event . SIGNATURE:_________________________________________ DATE: ________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________ PHONE #(s):__________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: ______________________________________________________________________________ JOB PREFERENCE (s): _________________________________________________________________ Slopes & Trails Page 6 BUCK RIDGE SKI SCHEDULE 2013-2014 Dan Aronson, Ski Chair 215-643-7252 DEPO SITS * DATE TRIP NAME LO CATIO N LEADER LO DGE PRIVILEG E RATE REGULAR MEMB ER & GUES T RATE Dec 13-15 Fri-Sun Hunt for Snow I Vermont Lodge Mel Stiles 609-230-5046 $40 $60 Jan 24 -26 Fri-Sun Cross Country Weekend Vermont Lodge Mike Fernandez 609-254-8461 $40 $60 Jan 18-25 Sat - Sat ESPC Winter Carnival Aspen, CO Jan 29- Feb 2 Family Weekend Wed - Sun See EPSC web site app $1695 pp Dave Schoneker 215-822-2179 Jerry Crowe Vermont Lodge 717-786-3248 $80 $120 Feb 2-7 Sun-Fri Vermont Mid Week Ramble Vermont Lodge T BA $100 $150 Feb 21-23 Fri-Sun Paddlers’ Weekend Vermont Lodge Lev Barinov H: 610-668-8996 C: 215-287-9855 $40 $60 Feb 22-Mar-1 Taos Ski Resort Sat-Sat Taos, NM Dan Aronson See Flyer Approx. $1670 per person Mar 14 -16 Fri -Sun Vermont Lodge $40 $60 Hunt for Snow II Woodbridge Lodge 2013-2014 Season 215-643-7252 T BA * Lodge Privilege Rate $ 20.00 Per Night Winter * Regular Member & Guest Rate $ 30.00 Per Night Winter Lodge Privilege Rate for Family of three or more is $60 Per Night Winter To sign up for ski trips, please send a (signed) release form to the trip leader along with your registration form and deposit for each Buck Ridge ski trip. NOTE: Above deposits are based on the lodge fee times the maximum number of days in the trip. Please adjust deposit to account for the number nights that you will be staying. There is no deposit required for children six years of age and under, but the trip leader needs to know his/her name. REGISTRATION FORM TRIP NAM E: DATE OF TRIP: NAME(S): ADDRESS: CONTA CT EMAIL / TELEPHONE # : OPTIONA L: Please indicate your roo mmate preference (s): RELEAS E FORM In consideration of the benefits derived by me from membership in the Buck Ridge Ski Club and the use of its facilities, I release said club and its members from all responsibility on account of personal injury to me or my minor children, or damage to my personal property which may occur by reason of my/our participation in the activities of the club. SIGNATURE(S): SPOUSE (o r Guardian) SIGNATURE: DATE: Page 7 Slopes & Trails Taos Ski Resort, New Mexico Saturday, February 22 to Saturday March 1, 2014 $1,670.00 pp Join Buck Ridge Ski Club on our Western Ski Trip to Taos, New Mexico. Taos offers skiing terrain for all levels with a total of 113 trails, 24% Beginner, 25%, Intermediate and 51% Expert. Fourteen lifts with 4 Quads, 2 Triples, 5 Doubles and 3 Surface. The Base Elevation is 9,207 feet and the top of the highest lift is at 11,819 feet. Hike-to terrain on Kachina Peak tops out at 12,481’. Average Annual Snowfall is 305 inches and average annual days of sunshine is 300 days. Trip Includes: Round-Trip air on a Major US Carrier between Philadelphia and Albuquerque, NM (1 change of planes each way) & Ground Transfers between Albuquerque and Taos Ski Resort, seven (7) nights SLOPESIDE lodging at The Snakedance Condos & Spa ( and a 5-of-6-day Lift Ticket. The Snakedance Condos & Spa: The Snakedance Condos & Spa is ski-out/ski-in. The Snakedance Package includes one Group Dinner Party hosted by the General Manager at his house on Monday night, a Group Welcome Party upon arrival, Baggage Handling, Souvenir Fleece Vest, ski storage with boot dryers and shuttle trips to the Town of Taos on 2 nights during our stay. Options: No lift tickets -- deduct $246; 4 of 6 Day lift ticket -- deduct $50, No Airfare -- deduct $509. Senior between 65 and 78 – deduct $20, 79 and over – deduct $246. 6 of 6 Day lift ticket – add $52. Single Supplement -- add $390 per individual and only one single bedroom is allowed per Condo. Optional upgrade to a private one bedroom Condo with two people -- add $100 per person. Optional daily morning group lessons for 2.5 hours with video analysis and a NASTAR race – add $110. Important Trip Deadline: The lodging contract requires a commitment on the Condo Rooms by10/1/2013! Get your reservation in early! Payment Information: $500 by 9/15/13; $550 2nd deposit by10/15/13; $620 3rd deposit by 11/15/13. Cancellation Policy: $300 for cancellations between 10/15/13 and 12/15/13, $900 for cancellations between 12/15/13 and 1/15/2014. We will do our best to get whatever money back that we can after 1/15/2014. Reservations & Questions: Send reservation form and payments to Dan Aronson, 707 Beverly Road, Ambler, PA 19002-1804 Questions? phone number: 215-643-7252; email address: ****************************************************************************** RESERVATION FORM Complete this reservation form (one for each person) and return it with your reservation payment. Make checks/money orders payable to: Buck Ridge Ski Club. Name: _____________________________________________________________ (mus t be as i t appea rs of gov’t issued ID) Home Address: _________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________ Home Telephone: ____________________________ Email: ___________________________________ Roommate Requested: ____________________________________________________ Options (circle as applicable): No lifts or over 79 (-$246) / No air (-$509) / Sr lifts (-$20) / 6 day lift (+$52) 4 day lift (-$50) / Single supplement (+$390) / Private condo with 2 people (+$100 pp) / Daily group lesson (+$110) Taos Trip, February 22 – March 1, 2014 # of Reservations __________ x $500.00 = $____________ Slopes & Trails Page 8 WOODBRIDGE LODGE – RESERVATION FORM Note: Ski season reservations may only be made after October 1. USAGE RATES (effective 11/1/2013) Season Nov 1 – Apr 30 May 1 – Oct 31 Members wi th Lodge Pri vilege $20.00 $10.00 Regular Members & Guests $30.00 $15.00 Rates are the same on weekends and weekdays. Child ren 6 and under are free. A family of three or mo re with Lodge Privileges pays a maximu m of $60 per night, but all family members must be listed.. Member’s Name Date: (nights) COST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TOTAL: ________________________ GUESTS are welco me when acco mpanied by a member. Maximu m three (3) guests per member. Inviting member is responsible for guests complying with the Lodge rules and regulations. Guest’s Name Accompanyi ng Member Dates: (nights) COST 1. 2. 3. TOTAL: ________________________ Name, phone number, or Email where you can be reached: _______________________________________________________________ Make checks payable to “B RSC LODGE”. Mail reservation form and payment to: Lydia Hill, 1701 School House Lane, A mbler, PA 19002 Key Deposit - $75. Issue a SEPARATE CHECK and send with reservation form & payment. Enclosed is my check for $75. I understand that this key is due back within 2 weeks after my planned tri p or my deposit check will be cashed. My check will also be cashed if key is lost in the mail. Signed: ___________________________________________ Any questions, email Lyd ia at: brsc_lodge_lmh@co RESERVATIONS will be CONFIRMED after payment In full is received. PLEASE USE THIS FORM FOR A LL RESERVATION REQUESTS Page 9 Slopes & Trails Buck Ridge S ki C lub Me mber s hi p Renewa l For m For renewing members only, not for new applicants. The bylaws of BRSC provi de for a fiscal yea r renewal of dues by October 3l st. If you renew by September 30th, you qualify for an “Ea rl y Bi rd Special .” Renewal is a t the regula r ra te between October 1st and October 31st. Af ter November 30, dues are delinquent and membership is terminated. Delinquent members ha ve one yea r from November 30 for reins ta tement by adding a $4.00 reins tatement fee along wi th the regular renewal ra te. NOTE:The deadline for renewal in order for your name to be printed in the membership directory is October 31st.You will not be listed in the directory if dues are not paid by that date. NAME: _________________________________________SPOUSE NAME (i f famil y membership) _____________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ CHILDREN (if famil y membership - incl ude yea r of bi rth): _______________________________________________________ PHONE (H) ________________________ (W) ___________________________ (C) ___________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________________________________________________________________ INTERESTS (Check boxes): Ski XC Ski Canoe Hike Membership Category: Ea rl y bi rd Ra te Ple a s e che ck a s a ppro pria te Be fo r e 1 0 /1 Indi vi dual membership – Sail Bi ke Regula r Ra te 1 0 /1 - 1 1 /3 0 Ska te Other_____________ Reins ta tement Rate A f t e r 1 1 /3 0 $20.00 $25.00 $29.00 $25.00 $30.00 $34.00 Lodge Pri vileges -Indi vidual $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 Lodge Pri vileges - Famil y $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 Newsletter via US Mail $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 _________ _________ _________ Electronic newsletter access Fa mil y membership – Electronic newsletter access Optional: Total of che cked boxe s: Note: To recei ve preferred nightly rates ($20 vs $30 indi vidual) a t the Woodbri dge Lodge, you MUST check the appropria te Lodge Pri vilege box. For electronic newsletter access, please subs cribe to the list serve for email notifi ca tion or visit the website ( where the newsletter is typi call y pos ted by the fi rs t week of the month. Ins tructions on how to sign up for the list serve for email noti fica tion ma y also be found on the web site IMPORTANT All adult members (including spouse for family membership) are required to sign the follow ing liability release . In considerati on of the benefits deri ved by me from membership in the Buck Ridge Ski Cl ub and the use of i ts fa cilities , I release said club a nd i ts members from all responsibility on a ccount of pers onal injury to me or my minor children or of damage to my personal property whi ch ma y occur by reason of my/our pa rticipa ting in the a cti vi ties of the club. Da te _____________ Si gna ture _________________________________ Spouse _________________________________ Mail completed form wi th your check (your cancelled check is your receipt) pa ya ble to: Buck Ridge Ski Club, c/o Ma ry Ann Popma , 1037 Wa rren Rd., West Chester, PA 19382 NOTE: Send a self-addressed st amped envelope for (ple ase check): New membership ca rd BRSC decal (or you may pick them up at a meeting) Slopes & Trails Summers End... Page 10 In this issue: Club New & Notes - p. 1 State of the Lodge Revisited Activities & Trips - p. 3 Fall Short Hikes Manayunk Paddle Fall Programs / New Members - p. 4 Fall Lodge Work Party - p. 5 Ski Schedule - 2013/14 - p. 6 Trip Signups: Taos, NM - p. 7 Lodge Reservation Form Update - p. 8 Membership Renewal - p. 9 Buck Ridge Ski Club c/o M Fernandez 1118 Kings Hwy, Swedesboro, NJ 08085