Slopes - Buck Ridge Ski Club
Slopes - Buck Ridge Ski Club
Slopes & Trails November 20132008 March CLUB NEWS & NOTES Members attending the October meeting received a Me diterranean Tour with Ed Sobelewski as he sailed around Italy this past summer. In November look forward t o trekking the Tibetan highlands with Paula Kram p. Our Holiday Social has been confirmed for a return to Riverwinds on the Delaware River in West Deptford, New Jersey this ye ar. Mark your calendar for December 11 (the usual meeting night); see the reservation form on page 4. The response to the lodge privilege option on your membership renewal form has exceeded expectations. For the full lodge report on the fall work party and improvements see the full story in column 2. There was also a little added excitement when two sort-of -elderly members arrived late, escorted in by a somewhat disbelieving police officer after a minor traffic incident. Although there were no injuries cars were towe d. Where else would a long time Buck RIdger be expected to go? Their names are being withheld pending a full police inve stigation, but Mary Ann Popm a’s grandson Joey O’har a’s account of the incident below may provide some clue s... Where do ski club members ask to be taken after a run-in with the law? www.buckr idges www.buckr idges kiclub.or g STATE OF THE LODGE Thanks to all the club members who included the lodge privilege option when renewing their membership. Over 55% of renewals to date have included the lodge option. This has exceeded our expectations and should help put the Lodge on a firmer financial footing going into the season. To help keep this in perspective, most clubs with a lodge have membership fees in the hundreds of dollars! With a turnout of 11, our fall work party was a big success. In addition t o the usual chores, the living area thermostat s were re-wired to m ake it e asier to ensure the he at is turned off; the emergency exit ladder from the upstairs bunkroom was replaced with a metal ladder and supports (whoever heard of a wooden fire escape?!?); the upstairs bunkroom was completely taped, spackled, and repainted; and the lodge signpost , which had been listing at a 45degree angle t owards the r oad, was re-set and the lighting re-worked. We were lucky to get to the sign before it ended up in the road! With a nod to Joe Sheffer and his wife on past wor k parties, Lydia and George Fitz made a fine pair as “chefs d’cuisine*”. Lydia was also an unst oppable cleaning machine, finding places I never knew existed to scrub down. Plus Bob Thom pson staged a one -man (Continued on page 6) Slopes & Trails Page 2 OFFICERS OF THE BUCK RIDGE SKI CLUB Deadline for articles for the Slopes and Trai ls is the 15th of the month. Send submissions to: Mike Fernandez 1118 Kings Highway Swedesboro, NJ 08085 Phone: 609-254-8461 Email: For a paper copy of the monthly newsletter, please contact Bi ll Raney at 610-356-5199 to be placed on the mailing list, or download from the web site. President Dan Aronson 215-643-7252 Vice-President John Theodore 610-623-3737 Secretary Pat Beccia 610-664-9506 Treasurer Linda Bailey 610-789-6823 COMMITTEE CHAIRS Activity Treasurer Dave Singer Biking Chair 856-261-7187 vacant Paddling Chair M ichael Fernandez Hiking Chair Mel Stiles Lodge Chair M ike Fernandez Program Chair M aryAnn Thomas Ski Chair Dan Aronson EPSC Council Rep. M aryAnn Thomas 609-254-8461 609-230-5046 609-254-8461 610-648-0249 215-643-7252 610-648-0249 W O O D B R I D G E LODGE Lodge Reservation Chair Lydia Hill, 1701 School House Lane, Ambler, PA 19002 Ph: 215-760-3322 / eMail: Lodge Telephone Number 802-464-6591 Only if you have been repeatedly unsuccessful contacting the reservation chair for a key should you Contact the following people: Mel Stiles 609-230-5046 / M ike Fernandez 609-254-8461 / Glenn Weisel 570-257-0271 ME MBE RSHIP C H A N G E O F A D DR E SS BRSC is an outdoor club for people of all ages wh o If you are moving or changing your email address and want to keep Slopes & Tra ils in your mailbox enjoy companionship in outdoor activities. For a membership appli cation and procedures for joining, visit our website ( or contact: Mary Ann Popma, Membership Chair 1037 Warren Road, West Chester, PA 19382 email: mapopma@veri / ph. 610-692-5928 or inbox, pleas e notify: Merle Roemer 4 Anser Lane Lewes, DE 19958 E-mail: R EGULAR ME ET IN GS AR E T HE SE C OND W E DNE SDA Y O F T HE MO NT H, 8 pm AT S PRINGFIEL D MAS ONIC HA LL ON RT 4 2 0 , S PRIN GFIEL D (D EL AWAR E CO.) PA. NO MEET IN G IN J UN E, J UL Y, OR A UGUS T. Slopes & Trails Page 3 ACTIVITIES & TRIPS HIKING S K I I N G - ON THE CHEAP!! For folks not joining us or otherwise getting out west this coming season, why not spend some time at the Woodbridge Lodge? Everyone likes to save a little green for more après-ski enjoyment! Our Lodge will help hold your nightly costs down, and ther e are plenty of options for discounted lift tickets to area resorts. Many areas now sell frequent skier cards that provide discounted tickets either at the ticket window or, as at Stratton, by scanning in the lift line. In addition, both Stratton and Mt Snow now offer discounted advance ticket sales through their web sites. These advance ticket sales are a lot like buying an airline ticket - you never know what the cost will be until you visit the site. Some days you may get a discount of over 60% off window rates - other days maybe $5. You won’t know until you visit the website. The Eastern Pennsylvania Ski Council offers advance purchase ticket vouchers for discounted tickets to a number of ski areas in Pennsylvania, New York, and New England. These must be purchased on line thru the EPSC. Visit their website at, click “read more” under discount lift tickets, then “list all products” under order discount tickets. Be sure to read the restrictions on use and returns. In addition to the advance purchase ticket vouchers, the EPSC Council Awareness Days offers discounted tickets at Mt Snow. For 2014 the dates are Jan 10-12 (Fr/Sa/Su); Feb 21-23 (Fr/Sa/Su); and Mar 14-16 (Fr/Sa/Su). Tickets, purchased in person from the group sales office, are $45/$53/$49 (Fr/Sa/ Su). See the EPSC web site for more details. You must show your EPSC club membership card at the time of purchase to get this pricing. Another alternative for discounted tickets is through one of the Connecticut Ski Council clubs. The CSC has negotiated the greatest number of discount days and the biggest discounts at most Vermont and some New Hampshire ski areas. The cheapest and easiest way to join a CSC club is the CAST (Connecticut Après Ski Team) club, a “virtual” ski club that exists only on the internet. CAST membership is $10 single / $15 family, and your membership card will get you the CSC Awareness Day discounts. See page 9 in this newsletter for information on CAST membership and lift ticket discounts. And finally, don’t forget some of the smaller ski areas. Bromley and Magic both offer affordable mid-week tickets. Magic is only open Thursday thru Sunday, but Thursday pricing is set to “throw you back” to the seventies & eighties in terms of cost. What a deal! See you there! Fall 2013 Short Hike Schedule BRSC Wednesday hikes are in high gear and will continue later into the season this year with some new destinations. The meeting place is at Granite Run Mall, Route 1 entrance traffic light, next to the McDonalds Restaurant. Drive in the entrance street, and park on the back side of the curb in the mall lot. Meeting time is 9:15 am to arrange car pools and parking, leaving promptly at 9:30 am. Please bring lunch, dress in layers w/small back pack and $ for driver(s)! Be sure to contact the trip leader in advance, as the schedule is subject to change at the whim of the group! Hikes are approximately 5-7 miles and easy to moderate in difficulty. Consider wearing comfortable hiking shoes and bringing extra shoes since some hikes can be muddy. Questions? Mel Stiles phone: 609-230-5046. Email: • • November 6 November 13 November 20 November 27 December 4 December 11 Ridley Creek SP Delaware and Raritan Canal SP (NJ) French creek SP Maurice River Bluffs (NJ) Evansburg SP Schuylkill Canal Park • December 18 White Clay Creek SP • • • • Brandywine Creek Park hike Slopes & Trails Page 4 Please join us at River Winds Restaurant for the Buck Ridge Ski Club Holiday Social Our club had such a great time last year at RiverWinds* we decided to do it again! Date: Wednesday, 12/11/13 Address: 1075 Riverwinds Drive, West Deptford, NJ 08096 Cost: $34.95 per person for dinner Times: 6:00-7:00pm cocktail hour (cash bar with mixed drinks, beer and wine); 7:00pm to 10:30pm dinner and program. Dinner: Join members and guests in Riverwinds banquet room, overlooking the Delaware River waterfront, for the Riverwin ds Banquet Dinner, with 3 choices (pick one) consisting of: Parmesan Crusted Chicken sea red chicken b reast in parmesan panko bread cru mbs topped with a tomato cream sau ce; Pesto Crusted Salmon Atlantic Salmon en crusted with herb pesto & panko bread cru mbs topped with a roasted garlic crea m sauce; Grilled Filet Mignon 8oz grilled to perfection topped with a demi-glaze. Each entre will be served with a choice of fr esh seasonal garden vegetable and a starch. Also included is a Mesclun salad tossed in our homemade balsamic vinaigrette dressing, assorted breads & butter, unlimited soft drinks and assorted deserts. Program: Nancy Wick Beard will be showing all of the latest in skis and skiwear with a fashion show. Again this year we will be having our award presentations, so come out and recognize those individuals who have made major contributions to our club. Transportation: Please call number below if you are interested in participating in carpooling and/or helping some of our members get to the event and call if you are in need of assistance to get to River Winds. *Riverwinds Riverfront Restaurant is located in the “Riverwinds” complex, a West Deptford Community Center extraordinaire. It is part of the sprawing facility consisting of a fitness/community center, golf and tennis center and an 18 hole golf course. There are paved walking trails throughout the facility as well as a beautiful waterfront viewing area right on the shore of the Delaware, which is lighted for evening strolls and relaxing. Please complete form below with entrée choices cir cled for each person and send to: Mel Stiles - 435 Country Way - Mickleton, NJ 08056-1251. DEADLIN E IS 12/01/2013. Questions: 609-230-5046. Please make check payable to: Buck Ridge Ski Club Name ___________________________________________ Choice: Fish Chicken Beef Phone: ____________________________ Email ____________________________________ Name ___________________________________________ Choice: Fish Chicken Beef Phone: ____________________________ Email ____________________________________ Name ___________________________________________ Choice: Fish Chicken Beef Phone: ____________________________ Email ____________________________________ Name ___________________________________________ Choice: Fish Chicken Beef Phone: ____________________________ Email ____________________________________ Name ___________________________________________ Choice: Fish Chicken Phone: ____________________________ Email ____________________________________ Beef Slopes & Trails Page 5 ODDS ‘N ENDS UPCOMING PROGRAMS: PROGRAMS : Get to know your fellow Buck Ridgers! November 13 - Travels to Tibet with w orld traveler Paula Kramp December 11 - Holiday Social at Riverwind s January 8 - Winter Board Meeting February - T BD March - TBD April 9 - Paddling the Georgian Bay of Ontario with Mike Fernandez May 14 - Ski Season Highlights - bring your pictures and stories to share. We meet on the SECOND WEDNESDAY of the month at 8:00 PM at the Springfield Masonic H al l, 400 W W oodl and Ave, Springfield, PA 19064. Meeting s are held from September through May. I’d really l ove to hear from you if you have an interest i n sharing some of your adventures. We usually ask the presentation run about a half an hour or so to all ow for questions and discussi on. The presentation starts right after the general business meeting. We, of c ourse, will keep you inf ormed by our website, Slopes and Trails, and an occasional email or two. But feel free to give me a call or send an email about the programs. Can’t d o it without you! Mary Ann T homas 610--648 648--0249 / 610 Is this your problem? I can’t ski because (circle one or more): My feet are: cold / hurt me / odd sizes My skis are: too old / too stiff / too soft / too long / too short Stop making excuses! Here’s some good independent reviews if you are wondering what skis or boots to buy. A good independent site with ski and boot reviews: And for just good detailed boot reviews: No more excuses!! Get out and ski!! Membershi p Updates ... Christopher Valentinuzzi, husband of Erica (Govan) Valentinuzzi. Same address as last year. Linda Scaffidi, significant other of long time member George Fritz. Joseph Bernardo 204 Mohegan Street, New Britain, PA 18901 ph: 215-345-4193; email: Act: S Kevin Buckwalter 410 E. Ninth Avenue, Collegeville, PA 19426 ph: 610-213-5568 (c); Act: S K H B; email: New (and old) members are reminded that one of the best ways to communicate with club members is to join our Buck Ridge Yahoo Group. Just click on the Yahoo Groups icon on the Buck Ridge Ski Club Web site ( and follow the step-by-step instructions. Please join today and become an informed Buck Ridger. You will be the first to get notice when newsletters are posted and other late-breaking news. Do it today! Why wait for winter? Ladies, if you have been thinking about upgrading your skis (or want to get a pair for your daughter), here’s a great opportunity! WOMEN’S SKI SALE Rossignol B3 Dimensions: L 160; waist 83 A true all mountain, quiver-of-one ski. Good in powder, crud, & in the woods. Skis come with small bindings and have been well cared for. Although a few years old, this is still a great ski. If you are looking to take a step up from your older narrow skis, you won’t regret this! Asking $150 Salomon Scream8 Pilot Dimensions: L 160; waist 69 An older model, this is deal for someone looking to move up from an entry level ski. A good ski for eastern carving. Comes with small bindings. Good condition. Asking $75 Pictures can emailed or skis can be inspected at a club meeting with prior notice. Contact Mike Fernandez ( Proceeds benefit Woodbridge Lodge. Slopes & Trails Page 6 MANAYUNK PADDLE Ten Buck Ridgers & friends showed up on the riverbank in Manayunk for a glorious day paddling the Schuylkill on September 7. After some brief introductory paddling instructi on for a few folks with minimal experience, we paddled upriver to the ledges just above the Green Lane Bridge for some snacking and basking on the rocks. Although water levels were markedly lower than last year - we were unable to body float thru the zigzag channel on the west end of the ledges - the current still provided a challenge. As we continued upriver towards the foot of the Flat Rock rapids, we had one paddler take an unplanned swim. After making it upstream as far as we could, we turned around for an easy float back to the launch. We debated paddling downstream towards the Phila Canoe Club, but the lure of the Manayunk Brew Pub proved too strong to resist. Thanks to Hi dden River Outfitters for making the boats and equipment available. Lo d g e Up d a te (Co n tin u ed fro m p a g e 1) blitzkrieg on the mouse population! Thanks to Terry McGinn for organizing the work party and to Lydia Hill, Ge orge Fitzgerald, Bob and Nancy Thomspon, Bernie Kline, Dave Hudson, Laura Harvey and her sons Brandon and Alexander (who re ally pitched in!) for all their hard wor k, and to Marj Coar for being there in spirit. Marj was supposed to join us but had a serious fall - we hope she get s well soon! I do think she would have been hard pressed to find things for us to do on this work party as she has in the past. As a side note, Bob and Nancy did the laundry chores in Manche ster where they were able to located a laundry with high capacity machines. While it certainly is a longer drive than Wilmington, it offer s more leisure activities while waiting for the laundry and the higher capacity machines saved the club about $50 com pared to Wilmington! Lets remember that for next season... I’m sure you will appreciate the improvements when you get up t o the Lodge this season. The gas fireplace insert provide s the am bience of a wood fire without the need to haul wood or ashe s, plus it is very efficient. The re-wiring of the thermostats has made a few changes to the opening and closing procedure s during your stay; we’ll get these posted up there. Until then here’s the important things to note: There are now TWO master on-off switche s, located above each living area thermost at. When you arrive for your stay turn these to ON, then use the thermost at to set the heat. Whe n you leave for your activities during the day lower the thermostat s as has been past practice. When you le ave to go home at the end of your stay, remember to turn the master on-off switches to OFF; this will eliminate the problem we had with folks turning the thermostat s all the way down and thinking they were set to off. Winter heating is one of our biggest expenses, and we need to do all we can to keep it down. The procedures to set the lower kitchen thermostat and close all doors to the be droom s and lower kitchen when leaving remain the same. And remember, you now have the option of using the gas fireplace or the north wall heater by using the switch above the north wall thermostat. If the fireplace goe s out it is most likely because the temperature set at the thermostat has been reached. One way to reduce the likelihood of this happening is to turn the south wall thermostat down if you will be using the fireplace. So plan a trip and enjoy the lodge this se ason. If you have any recommendations or suggestions ple ase let us know. Think snow! *For extra credit, can you find Chef George’s Bumbleberry Pie recipe on the home page of the BRSC web site? Mike Fernandez, Lodge Chair Page 7 Slopes & Trails BUCK RIDGE SKI SCHEDULE 2013-2014 Dan Aronson, Ski Chair 215-643-7252 DEPO SITS * DATE TRIP NAME LO CATIO N LEADER LO DGE PRIVILEG E RATE REGULAR MEMB ER & GUES T RATE Dec 13-15 Fri-Sun Hunt for Snow I Vermont Lodge Mel Stiles 609-230-5046 $40 $60 Jan 24 -26 Fri-Sun Cross Country Weekend Vermont Lodge Mike Fernandez 609-254-8461 $40 $60 Jan 25-Feb 1 Sat - Sat ESPC Winter Carnival Aspen, CO See EPSC web site app $1695 pp Dave Schoneker 215-822-2179 Jan 29- Feb 2 Family Weekend Wed - Sun Vermont Lodge Feb 2-7 Sun-Fri Vermont Mid Week Ramble Vermont Lodge Feb 21-23 Fri-Sun Paddlers’ Weekend $80 $120 T BA $100 $150 Vermont Lodge Lev Barinov H: 610-668-8996 C: 215-287-9855 $40 $60 Feb 22-Mar-1 Taos Ski Resort Sat-Sat Taos, NM Dan Aronson See Flyer Approx. $1670 per person Mar 14 -16 Fri -Sun Vermont Lodge $40 $60 Hunt for Snow II Woodbridge Lodge 2013-2014 Season Jerry Crowe 717-786-3248 215-643-7252 T BA * Lodge Privilege Rate $ 20.00 Per Night Winter * Regular Member & Guest Rate $ 30.00 Per Night Winter Lodge Privilege Rate for Family of three or more is $60 Per Night Winter To sign up for ski trips, please send a (signed) release form to the trip leader along with your registration form and deposit for each Buck Ridge ski trip. NOTE: Above deposits are based on the lodge fee times the maximum number of days in the trip. Please adjust deposit to account for the number nights that you will be staying. There is no deposit required for children six years of age and under, but the trip leader needs to know his/her name. REGISTRATION FORM TRIP NAM E: DATE OF TRIP: NAME(S): ADDRESS: CONTA CT EMAIL / TELEPHONE # : OPTIONA L: Please indicate your roo mmate preference (s): RELEAS E FORM In consideration of the benefits derived by me from membership in the Buck Ridge Ski Club and the use of its facilities, I release said club and its members from all responsibility on account of personal injury to me or my minor children, or damage to my personal property which may occur by reason of my/our participation in the activities of the club. SIGNATURE(S): SPOUSE (o r Guardian) SIGNATURE: DATE: Slopes & Trails Page 8 WOODBRIDGE LODGE – RESERVATION FORM Note: Ski season reservations may only be made after October 1. USAGE RATES (effective 11/1/2013) Season Nov 1 – Apr 30 May 1 – Oct 31 Members wi th Lodge Pri vilege $20.00 $10.00 Regular Members & Guests $30.00 $15.00 Rates are the same on weekends and weekdays. Child ren 6 and under are free. A family of three or mo re with Lodge Privileges pays a maximu m of $60 per night, but all family members must be listed.. Member’s Name Date: (nights) COST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TOTAL: ________________________ GUESTS are welco me when acco mpanied by a member. Maximu m three (3) guests per member. Inviting member is responsible for guests complying with the Lodge rules and regulations. Guest’s Name Accompanyi ng Member Dates: (nights) COST 1. 2. 3. TOTAL: ________________________ Name, phone number, or Email where you can be reached: _______________________________________________________________ Make checks payable to “B RSC LODGE”. Mail reservation form and payment to: Lydia Hill, 1701 School House Lane, A mbler, PA 19002 Key Deposit - $75. Issue a SEPARATE CHECK and send with reservation form & payment. Enclosed is my check for $75. I understand that this key is due back within 2 weeks after my planned tri p or my deposit check will be cashed. My check will also be cashed if key is lost in the mail. Signed: ___________________________________________ Any questions, email Lyd ia at: brsc_lodge_lmh@co RESERVATIONS will be CONFIRMED after payment In full is received. PLEASE USE THIS FORM FOR A LL RESERVATION REQUESTS Page 11 Slopes & Trails Buck Ridge S ki C lub Me mber s hi p Renewa l For m For renewing members only, not for new applicants. The bylaws of BRSC provi de for a fiscal yea r renewal of dues by October 3l st. If you renew by September 30th, you qualify for an “Ea rl y Bi rd Special .” Renewal is a t the regula r ra te between October 1st and October 31st. Af ter November 30, dues are delinquent and membership is terminated. Delinquent members ha ve one yea r from November 30 for reins ta tement by adding a $4.00 reins tatement fee along wi th the regular renewal ra te. NOTE:The deadline for renewal in order for your name to be printed in the membership directory is October 31st.You will not be listed in the directory if dues are not paid by that date. NAME: _________________________________________SPOUSE NAME (i f famil y membership) _____________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ CHILDREN (if famil y membership - incl ude yea r of bi rth): _______________________________________________________ PHONE (H) ________________________ (W) ___________________________ (C) ___________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________________________________________________________________ INTERESTS (Check boxes): Ski XC Ski Canoe Hike Membership Category: Ea rl y bi rd Ra te Ple a s e che ck a s a ppro pria te Be fo r e 1 0 /1 Indi vi dual membership – Sail Bi ke Regula r Ra te 1 0 /1 - 1 1 /3 0 Ska te Other_____________ Reins ta tement Rate A f t e r 1 1 /3 0 $20.00 $25.00 $29.00 $25.00 $30.00 $34.00 Lodge Pri vileges -Indi vidual $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 Lodge Pri vileges - Famil y $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 Newsletter via US Mail $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 _________ _________ _________ Electronic newsletter access Fa mil y membership – Electronic newsletter access Optional: Total of che cked boxe s: Note: To recei ve preferred nightly rates ($20 vs $30 indi vidual) a t the Woodbri dge Lodge, you MUST check the appropria te Lodge Pri vilege box. For electronic newsletter access, please subs cribe to the list serve for email notifi ca tion or visit the website ( where the newsletter is typi call y pos ted by the fi rs t week of the month. Ins tructions on how to sign up for the list serve for email noti fica tion ma y also be found on the web site IMPORTANT All adult members (including spouse for family membership) are required to sign the follow ing liability release . In considerati on of the benefits deri ved by me from membership in the Buck Ridge Ski Cl ub and the use of i ts fa cilities , I release said club a nd i ts members from all responsibility on a ccount of pers onal injury to me or my minor children or of damage to my personal property whi ch ma y occur by reason of my/our pa rticipa ting in the a cti vi ties of the club. Da te _____________ Si gna ture _________________________________ Spouse _________________________________ Mail completed form wi th your check (your cancelled check is your receipt) pa ya ble to: Buck Ridge Ski Club, c/o Ma ry Ann Popma , 1037 Wa rren Rd., West Chester, PA 19382 NOTE: Send a self-addressed st amped envelope for (ple ase check): New membership ca rd BRSC decal (or you may pick them up at a meeting) Slopes & Trails Page 12 In this issue: Club New & Notes - p. 1 State of the Lodge Activities & Trips - p. 3 Skiing on the Cheap / Fall Hikes Holiday Social - p. 4 Odds ‘n Ends - p. 5 Programs, membership updat es, and more Ski Schedule - 2013/14 - p. 7 CAST Ski Club info - p. 9 Membership Renewal - p. 11 Don’t Forget to Renew!! Thoughts of Winter... Buck Ridge Ski Club c/o M Fernandez 1118 Kings Hwy, Swedesboro, NJ 08085 There’s still time to renew at the regular rate! Renew now to avoid reinstatement fees after November 30. See the renew al form on p. 9