
-l I
grccec nd prctse
FollowingHas lts Rewards
St.Stephenlutherqn Church
1965EoslCounty Rood E WhiteBeor[oke, MN 551l0
PoslorJqmes Woodruff
GAP WorshipDirectorJuslinWoodruff
Wednesdoy EveningWorship
October 24,2012- 6:00pm
A Cbristian community bringing God's looe to tbe uorld.
('?Indicateswbento stand)
"EveryMove I Moke/BlessedBe/
[ord, I titl Your Nome On High"
ShoringGod's Peoce
Opening Proyer
Mork l0:28-30
zePeterbegon to soy to him, "Look,we hove left everythingond followed
you."zeJesussoid,"TrulyI tellyou, there is no one who hos left houseor brothor motheror fother or childrenor fields,for my sokeond for the
ersor sisters
sokeof the good news,30who willnot receiveo hundredfoldnow in thisoge
mothersond children,ond fields,with persecubrothersond sisters,
tions--ondin the oge to come eternollife.
"light The Fire"
"FollowingHos lls Rewords"
PostorJim Woodruff
"Come ThouFount"
"LighfOf TheWorld"
in Tor[ght'sWorship
Mike Dignin
Steve Holtz
Deb Nelson
Gaby Whaley
Jim Woodruff
The NominatingCommitteeis looking for people
willing to serveon the 2013 ChurchCouncil.
W e h a v e5 s p o t so p e ni n J a n u a r tyh a t n e e dt o b e f i l l e d . C h u r c hC o u n c im
l e e t st h e
2 n d M o n d a yo f e v e r ym o n t ha t 7 . 0 0 p . m .a n d a c o u n c itl e r m r u n s3 y e a r s . l f y o u
are interestedin or would like more informationaboutone of thesepositions
pleasecontactone of the committeemembers;MaryBethSkunes,PaulSchultz,
C h e r yS
l k r y p e kV, i n c eM o n s o no r B i l lK n e i p .
The Sundayand WednesdayChurchSchoolchildrenwould
like to invite you to join with them in touchingthe lives of
childrenin a specialway through
OperationChristmas Child.
Pleaseseethe bulletininsertfor informationon howyou can donatea shoebox full of
g i f t st h a t w i l l b e d i s t r i b u t e d
t o c h i l d r e na r o u n dt h e w o r l d .
T h i sy e a r ,w e c a n h e l pO p e r a t i o n
C h r i s t m aC
s h i l ds u r p a s s1 0 0 m i l l i o ns h o eb o x g i f t s
p a c k e da n d d i s t r i b u t e d
s i n c e1 9 9 3 ! P l e a s en o t e t h a t s h o eb o x g i f t s m u s tb e d r o p p e d
off hereat churchno later than Sunday.Novemberl8'h.
Pleaselook for the tablein the narthexwhereyou can pick up extra
l a b e l sa n d d e l i v e yr o u r p a c k e ds h o eb o x . l f y o u h a v ea n yq u e s t i o n s ,
Let'shelp reach 100 million childrenfor Christ!
Every Move I Make
Lord, I Lift Your Name on High
Everymove I moke I moke in You,
Youmoke me move,Jesus
EverybreothI toke I breothein You,
Everystep I toke I toke in You
Youore my woy, Jesus
EverybreothI toke I breothein You
Lord,I liftYournome on high
Lord,I love to singYourproises.
I ' m s o g l o d Y o u ' r ei n m y l i f e .
I'm so glod Youcome to soveus.
Wovesof mercy,wovesof groce
I look,I seeYourfoce
Yourlove hoscoptured me
Oh my God, Yourlove,how con it be?!
be the Lord,the God of lsroel
to everlosting
from everlosting,
be the Lord,the God of lsroel
to everlosting
from everlosting,
A n d o l l G o d ' sp e o p l eA m e n ! A m e n !
A n d o l l G o d ' sp e o p l es o i dA m e n ! A m e n l
A n d o l l G o d ' sp e o p l es o i dA m e n .
Now proisethe Lord.
(Whoop,whoop, herewe go herewe go)
(Whoop,whoop,one moretime)
Youcome from heovento eorth
to showthe woy.
Fromthe eorth to the cross
my debt to poy.
Fromthe crossto the grove.
Fromthe grove to the sky,
Lord,I liftYournome on high
Lord,I liftYournome on high
Lord,I love to singYourproises.
I ' m s o g l o d Y o u ' r ei n m y l i f e .
I ' m s o g l o d Y o uc o m e t o s o v eu s .
Lord,I liftYournome on high
Youcome from heovento eorth
to showthe woy.
Fromthe eorthto the cross
my debt to poy.
Fromthe crossto the grove.
Fromthe grove to the sky,
Lord,I liftYournome on high.
Lord,I liftYournome on high.
Used with permissionCCLI License1142899
"DVD'sand Conversatioll"
H i g hS c h o oM
l i n i s t r yG r o u pT O N I G H Tb e p r e p a r e d
f o r a j o u r n e yt h a t w i l l r o c ky o u r
f o u n d a t i o n . R o bB e l tl a k e su s o n a t r i p i n h i s D V De n t i t l e dL U G C A C S
E o. c o m er e a d y
t o m e e t J e s uisn a w h o l eN E Ww a y ! ! T h ee v e n i n gw i l l b e g i nw i t h l c eC r e a mS u n d a e s
at 6:45 tn the Libraryfollowedby fellowshipand amazingconversation!!
W e ' l la l s ob e t a l k i n ga b o u ts o m ei d e a sf o r s e r u i c e
o p p o r t u n i t i eisn t h e c o m m u n i t yS! o
be thinkingabouthowwe can makea differencefor others!
Light the Fire
Come Thou Fount
I stondto proiseYou,
ButI foll down on my knees.
My spiritiswilling,
Butmy fleshisso weok.
Come,ThouFountof everyblessing
Tunemy heortto singThygroce
Streomsof mercy,neverceosing
Coll for songsof loudestproise.
Teochme somemelodious
Sungby flomingtonguesobove
Proisethe mount!I'm fixedupon it
Mountof Thyredeeminglove
So lightthe fire,In my soul,
Fonthe flome moke me whole,
Lord,you know,where I've been,
So,lightthe firein my heortogoin.
I feel your ormsoroundme
os the pow'r of yourheolingbegins.
likeo mightyrushingwind.
Chorusx 2
Used with permissionCCLI License1142899
SundayChurch School
First of Month Food
JesusSoughtme when o stronger
Wonderingfrom the fold of God
He to rescueme from donger
yet pursuesme
How Hiskindness
Mortoltongue con nevertell
Clothedin fleshtilldeoth sholllooseme
I connot procloimit well
O to groce how greot o debtor
DoilyI'm constroined
to be!
likeo fetter
Bindmy wonderingheqrtto Thee
Proneto Wonder,LordI feel it
Proneto leove the God I love
Here'smy heort,O toke ond seolit,
Seolit for Thycourtsobove
Used with permissionCCLI License1142899
NeighborsHelping Neighborsare in needof kids clothes
infant to size10. Pleasecheckvour closets!
: "sundayChurchSchoolis in need of a co-teacherforour
3 classgroupingof 3'0,4'n& 5'hgraders.Please
contactKathyJordan: Allickson
i f y o u c a nh e l p ! "
Light of the World
You ore the light of the world.
You ore the lightof the world.
So shine,shine,shinewhere you ore.
You ore the light of the world.
M a r ky o u r c a l e n d a r sf o r a f u n l u n c h
and afternoon.
Wewill be having
lunch on October
3oth at Lecordon
Y o uo r e o c i t y o n o h i | 1 . . . . . .
Y o uo r e o c o n d l e i n t h e d o r k . . . . .
Y o u o r e o s t o ri n t h e n i g h t . . . . .
Y o u o r e t h e l i g h to f t h e w o r l d . . . .
So shine,shine,shinewhere you ore.
You ore the lightof the world.
C a r p o o l i n is
g availablePleaseRSVP
t o L o i sB r o s i .
h l a r t r r r t t t r t t t t r a r l r l a a a l a a a a a a a a a a a l t l a r r r a a l l a l a t l l a l l a a a a a l l a
St Stephen's
ghll7 gisurirye [" g]qftpSqIp
+ {!:ffiw,ffii.ln:i"xil?fiTlHil::fiil'
We invite everyoneto come and get a jump on your Christmasshopping with wonderful handcrafteditems and deliciousbakedgoods.
P l e a s tea k et l m e f o r l u n c hw i t h h o m e m a d e
s o u p sa n d g o o d i e s .
you may start droppingoff your craft itemsstartingSunday,
p i c ku p a n u m b e r e dc o n t r i b u N o v e m b e4r t h i n t h e c h u r c ho f f i c e . P l e a s e
tion sheet(in the churchoffice)and fill it out with your nameand your
i t e m sa n d a s u g g e s t e p
d r i c e . T h e n u m b e ro n t h e s h e e tw i l l i d e n t i f yy o u r *
maydrop off
craftand enableus to returnif it doesnot sell. BAKERS
t h e i r b a k e dg o o d so n F r i d a ya n d S a t u r d a yN, o v e m b e9r t h a n d l 0 t h .
lf you haveany questions,pleasecallKathyAndersonat 651-484-0563.
rtl *aa*{
isa Flee,FUN
Fot tHe
ttnole F?MIL!.
is welcometo help bake
cookieson Wednesday,
7th. Wewill meetin the kitchenat
churchat 9:00amand start baking!
. he
M i n i m u ms t a n d i n gi n v o l v e d T
cookieswe bakewill be soldat the
HollyBoutiqueand BakeSaleon
NovemberI Oth. - Pleasemarkyour
calendarfor November7th for this
is welcome!
fun morning. Everyone
On Soturdoy,October27th f rom
2-4pm5t StephanLutheronChurch
will openup our porkinglot qndinvite
fomifies to enjoya sofe setting to
dress up and receivetreots
for Holloween.
For guestionsqbout the event
or to volunteerto decoroteyour cor
trunk, helpwith porking,food, gomes,
etc. pleosecontoctBryonor Cori
Formerot 651-797-2457
or vio emqil
H illaft$..gfl -W..s drT'gs
d^!, $ctob'$ r 3lst
NO EveningActivities,Community
Meal or GAPWorship !
to GAP?
New to GAP? Don't worry, you are not the only one! We're glad you're
here! Relax and feel free to participate in worship as much or as liffle as
you want to. If this is your first time at GAP pleasetake a momentto fill
out a GAP Welcomecard locatednext to the bulletins.
Thankyou for sharingyour eveningwith us, andGodbless!
St.Stephenlutherqn Church
1965EqslCountyRoodE . WhileBeor[oke, MN 55110
Phone(651) 777-1'aO7' Fox(651) 777-0755