To graze or not to graze?
To graze or not to graze?
AEGES To graze or not to graze? Grassland ecosystems represent an important contribution to the natural storage and recycling of carbon. Here, Drs Cornelia Rumpel and Raia Silvia Massad introduce a project attempting to uncover how management of grassland environments impacts their carbon storage capacity Dr Cornelia Rumpel Dr Raia Silvia Massad Could you begin by outlining the main aims of the AEGES project? The general aim of the project is to reduce the uncertainty associated with the prediction of greenhouse gas emissions and levels of carbon and nitrogen storage in agro-ecosystems. Close collaboration between modellers and experimental researchers shall lead to an incorporation of recent developments in the understanding of how carbon and nitrogen cycling – processes such as decomposition, nitrification and denitrification – influence greenhouse gas balance models. The project will take four different approaches to achieve its aim. The first is to improve greenhouse gas models and calibrate them using data from other ongoing long-term experiments. Then to study the effect of agricultural practices on soil functioning. 24 INTERNATIONAL INNOVATION Additionally, AEGES will evaluate the capacity of existing models to reproduce the effect of different agricultural practices on soil organic matter (SOM) storage as well as greenhouse gas emissions at the field scale. Finally, the project will propose management options for the attenuation of greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural systems. This approach will allow us to generate practical recommendations for farmers as well as decision makers in order to apply management options that lead to the attenuation of greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural systems. What types of ecosystem models are you evaluating and how do these vary? We are evaluating grassland systems in a variety of pedoclimatic contexts which vary in the way they are managed. We evaluate both permanent and temporary grasslands of varying duration and consider differences in management with respect to the nitrogen input (levels of fertilisation) and the way that grazing is managed – cutting versus grazing for temporary grassland and animal charge for permanent grassland. Could you expand on the importance of grasslands in landscapes with alternation of crop land and grazing? Temporary grasslands could be important components of integrated livestock management. Within the agricultural system they could help to protect and restore soil during the grassland phase due to the permanent vegetation cover, leading to recovery of SOM quantity and quality after the cropping phase. By increasing quality and quantity of SOM, microbial diversity and activity will be improved as well as soil structure and water infiltration and storage. Moreover, increased SOM will be beneficial for nutrient delivery to plants and as a carbon source for microorganisms. Due to carbon and nitrogen sequestration in soil, temporary grasslands may be important for the attenuation of greenhouse gas emissions within landscapes. Their presence may also make the landscape more diverse, which could lead to other important ecological benefits in terms of environmental protection such as providing habitats for animal or insect species. How is overgrazing of land threatening soils in areas of Europe? What can be done to tackle this issue? Overgrazing is threatening soils in some areas of Europe because it leads to their degradation, in particular because of reduction of their organic matter content as a consequence AEGES of plant biomass removal, trampling and compaction. This makes soils prone to erosion and desertification. The issue may be tackled by reasonable livestock management; adapting the animal charge to the soil’s capacity to sustain biomass production. Collaboration forms an important part of agricultural research. How are you working alongside other projects to ensure that your findings are shared and that you have a positive impact in the sector? We are working within the framework of the SOERE ACBB observatory on environmental research ( Under this framework, we participate in general meetings to share results obtained on the sites that we are working on. At an annual meeting organised by our funding agency ADEME, we share our findings with the people involved in the other projects funded under the framework of the REACCTIF call. We also participate regularly in national and international scientific meetings to discuss and share our results. Are there any outstanding questions that you are seeking to address in the next stages of your research? We are interested in the mechanisms leading to greenhouse gas emissions in the context of grassland ecosystems. One of the questions that we are particularly interested in is regarding the kind of relationships that exist between SOM composition, degree of stabilisation and microbial functioning of soils. The next top model The French interdisciplinary project AEGES is integrating information about soil functional diversity, carbon and nutrient storage of grassland ecosystems into greenhouse gas emission models to inform stakeholders about land management strategies GRASSLAND IS DEFINED as an area of open land where the vegetation is dominated by species from the Poaceae family – the ‘true grasses’. It covers roughly one-third of the Earth’s surface and can be found naturally on all continents with the exception of Antarctica. Grasslands are of great economic consequence as they are routinely used for grazing and raising livestock, on which the human population are dependent for meat, milk and other dairy products. The integrity of the grassland ecosystem can be maintained in particular areas by human activity; grazing by reared animals, grass cutting or manmade fires all discourage colonisation of the grassland ecosystem by nongrass species such as trees and shrubs. The soil found in grassland ecosystems can be up to 6 m deep and some of the richest in the world in terms of soil organic matter (SOM) content and species diversity. The invertebrates, microorganisms and fungi within the soil carry out important ecosystem functions such as improving soil structure, decomposing dead organic matter to release nutrients, trapping minerals and preserving soil moisture. As a consequence of this biological activity, nutrient cycling and the large-scale storage of organic carbon in the soil, grassland ecosystems are an important contributor to greenhouse gas emissions when human-mediated management strategies, such as overgrazing, and their conversion into agricultural land result in the release of this carbon store into the atmosphere. In the context of increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and consequential intensification of the greenhouse effect, it is important that grasslands can be effectively managed to maintain, and perhaps even increase, their soils’ carbon storage potential. In order to understand how this can be achieved, it is necessary to develop methods for the accurate and reliable quantification of carbon and nitrogen fluxes within grassland ecosystems, and to comprehend the effect that agricultural practices have on the levels of these emissions. This is the context of the multidisciplinary research project ‘AEGES: Attenuation of greenhouse gas emissions in grasslands’, that is coordinated by Dr Cornelia Rumpel, a research director at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France, and Dr Raia Sylvia Massad, a research scientist at the Institut National de Recherche Scientifique (INRA) – both based at INRA Versailles-Grignon. The project will use an integrated modelling approach of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, carbon storage and ecosystem functioning to reduce uncertainties around the prediction of these processes to improve the accuracy of three models: CERES-EGC, PaSim and ORCHIDEE. The improved models will be used for nationwide predictions of GHG emissions under different land-management scenarios. MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER Permanent grasslands are under threat from the expansion of intensive agriculture as populations continue to expand and the need for food increases. The loss of these ecosystems causes disruption to the soil and can lead to depletion of the carbon store and the release of GHG into the atmosphere. On the other hand, their introduction into cropping cycles as temperate or ley grasslands can have positive outcomes; the permanent soil cover will lead to increasing SOM contents manure from grazing animals is high in nitrogen which can facilitate nutrient cycling and provide natural fertiliser for the soil. In such a system, the various land uses need to be carefully managed as, during periods where crops are grown, soil erosion increases – at the detriment of SOM content – and the practice of monoculture and use of inorganic fertilisers can reduce soil functional biodiversity and thus restrict nutrient cycling. WWW.RESEARCHMEDIA.EU 25 INTELLIGENCE AEGES OBJECTIVES To analyse the effects of grasslands on soil organic matter dynamics and greenhouse gas emissions. PARTNERS The aim of the project is to collect experimental data on how soil microbial activity; nitrogen and carbon content and composition; and nutrient cycling are influenced by different management strategies of grasslands, and use this to inform existing greenhouse gas emissions and climate models INRA, Unité de Recherche sur l’Ecosystème Prairial INRA-CNRS, Laboratoire d’Ecologie Microbienne, Lyon CNRS, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement INRA, Unité de Recherche Pluridisciplinaire, Prairie et Plantes Fourragères Centre INRA Poitou-Charentes, Lusignan FUNDING French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) CONTACT Dr Cornelia Rumpel Project Coordinator CNRS UMR 7618 Laboratoire de Biogéochimie et Ecologie des Milieux Continentaux (BIOEMCO) Campus AgroParisTech Bâtiment EGER 78850 Thiverval-Grignon France T +33 130815479 E Raia Silvia Massad Project Coordinator INRA UMR 1091 Environnement et Grandes Cultures (EGC) 78850 Thiverval-Grignon, France E CORNELIA RUMPEL received a Habilitation in Geochemistry from Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France in 2006. She leads the ‘Soil organic matter’ group (six permanent research scientists, four permanent technicians/ engineers) at the BIOEMCO laboratory, Thiverval-Grignon, France. She is also a Director of Research at the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). RAIA SILVIA MASSAD received her PhD from Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France in 2008. She is currently a researcher at the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA). Her research interests include modelling the exchange of reactive nitrogen between the land surface and the atmosphere with a focus on agricultural ecosystems; upscaling from plot to landscape and regional scales; and coupling with chemistry and transport models. 26 INTERNATIONAL INNOVATION The periods where grasslands are left to develop facilitates the recovery of SOM contents as well as microbial and faunal diversity. The soil microbial community is of vital importance for determining nutrient availability, physical soil properties as well as the soil’s susceptibility to emit GHG. They decompose SOM, can generate longer term stores of carbon and can improve soil structure so it is more resistant to erosion and loss of nutrients. Long-term establishment of grassland encourages the soil layer to increase in depth, improving its carbon storage capacity. Furthermore, the benefits that arise from a functionally diverse microbial community can persist for years after the grassland is converted for crop growth. This emphasises the potential gains of interspersing a grassland growth phase into periods of intensive crop cultivation, as Rumpel explains: “The environmental benefits and ecosystem services of grasslands have, up to now, been analysed at a local scale; however they may have global effects in terms of carbon storage and GHG emissions depending on their management and cropping cycle.” As a result, the aim of this project is to collect experimental data on how soil microbial activity; nitrogen and carbon content and composition; and nutrient cycling are influenced by different management strategies of grasslands, and use this to inform existing GHG emission and climate models at a variety of scales from local and national, to global. IMPROVING THE MODELS In France, 21 per cent of total GHG emissions are from agriculture, and the grassland ecosystem has a significant role to play in this picture because it is characterised by large stores of carbon in the soil. The integrity of these stores and the extent to which carbon is released into the atmosphere is dependent on variables such as the age of the grassland, load of livestock, grass cutting strategies and extent of fertilisation. To understand how these variables interact to determine differential GHG emissions over space and time, a combined modelling and experimental approach will be used by the team who focuses on the sites of the SOERE ACBB environmental observatory. By explaining carbon and nitrogen fluxes and identifying indicators for the regulation of SOM, detailed molecular information on SOM and microbial community composition can be incorporated into GHG and climate models to test different land use scenarios involving temperate and permanent grasslands. Furthermore, the TREATMENT PLOTS AT SOERE ACBB, LUSIGNAN SITE existing models will be integrated with new data to develop a new model that is able to predict GHG emissions across France according to the chosen management practices and ecosystem characteristics. Massad explains her hopes for the project: “We expect to offer advice on the possibility of introducing temporary grasslands into crop cycles, and provide grassland management guidelines, to attenuate GHG emissions and increase soil carbon storage”. By bringing together modellers, soil microbiologists, soil chemists and ecologists, this interdisciplinary project will enable, for the first time, the comparison between GHG flux and soil processes over a period of several years. FINDINGS TO DATE Although the project is in its early stages, initial results have been interesting and significant. Firstly, in consideration of the stability of the SOM content, the team has demonstrated a certain resistance to disturbance caused by grassland removal. Whilst this stress causes an immediate change to SOM composition, its integrity can recover over a two year period of cropping to be similar to grassland conditions. In a different area of investigation, it has been shown that the species composition of the grassland – for example, the introduction of legume species – can increase its carbon storage capacity as well as drought resistance. Finally, and perhaps most significantly, it is suggested that the presence of grazing animals results in less carbon emissions from the soil than a cutting regime. On completion of the project, it is hoped that the team will be able to integrate data on GHG emissions from different management practices at a national level to generate practical recommendations for farmers to enable them to limit the loss of carbon from soil stores in agricultural systems.