2Mb - Torridge District Council


2Mb - Torridge District Council
Big Tidy Up
at Westward Ho!
Sixty children and teachers from
St Margaret’s Junior School in
Northam clean up the ridge...
pages 8 - 9
Crime down, confidence up
We live in one of the safest areas
Community Speedwatch
Volunteers needed
Mrs Recycle’s World Tour
Cathy Karniewicz loves talking rubbish!
Annual Schools Exhibition
Showcasing creative and inventive artwork
Issue 16 • Spring 2010
page 4
page 6
page 10
page 13
could this be you?
flooding disrupts lives
Flooding can be a real risk contact us: 0845 988 1188 or www.environment-agency.gov.uk
Issue 16 • Spring 2010
Crime down, confidence up 4
Community Speedwatch 5
What to do if you smell gas 6
Real Nappy Week 6
Councillor’s Soapbox 7
Pebble Ridge Big Tidy Up 8-9
Mrs Recycle’s World Tour 10
Happy 18th Birthday 10
5 x 30 Fitness Activities 11
Councillor Community Grants Scheme 11
Putting Wrongs - Right! 12
Safe Surfing 12
Getting empty homes back into use 12
Annual Schools Exhibition at the Burton Art Gallery & Museum 13
Ashwater Parish Hall 14
Torridge’s A-Z 15
How to contact us...
Editorial queries should be directed to Ian Hayter, Communications Officer
on 01237 428749 or email: ian.hayter@torridge.gov.uk
Advertising queries should be directed to: 01237 452333
Torridge District Council Main Offices
Riverbank House EX39 2QG
Tel: 01237 428700
Opening hours
Monday - Thursday: 8.45am - 5.15pm
Friday: 8.45am - 4.45pm
Bridge Buildings
Bridge Street EX39 2HT
Tel: 01237 428700
Opening hours
9.00am - 4.30pm
Town Hall
Bridge Street EX39 2HS
Tel: 01237 428858/428859
Opening hours
9.00am - 12.30pm, 1.30pm - 4.00pm
Caddsdown Business Centre
Caddsdown Industrial Park EX39 3DX
Tel: 01237 424244
Opening hours
9.00am - 5.00pm
Manor Offices
North Road EX22 6DU
Tel: 01409 253336
Opening hours
Tuesdays 9.30am - 1.30pm
Wednesdays 9.30am - 2.30pm
Castle Hill
South Street EX38 8AA
Tel: 01805 626130
Opening hours
Thursdays 9.30am - 2.30pm
Fridays 9.30am - 1.30pm
A Message from
James Morrish
Leader of the Council
I am very proud that staff at Torridge have
voted the council the best local authority
employer in the south-west. I think this
speaks volumes about how far we have
come in the last few years.
Since 2007 we have improved our services
to our public, we have become the highest
rated authority in Devon and probably most
importantly of all kept the council tax as low
as possible. In fact we were one of only a
handful of councils in the country that kept
council tax to a 0% increase last year. A
council tax increase of 2% for this year
is still considerably less than some other
Most of you will have heard by now that
Exeter City Council has been given unitary
status – against the advice of the Boundary
Committee. To me this shows nothing but
utter contempt for the wishes of local people.
In the long term - if it all goes ahead, and it is
still a big ‘if’ - this could mean that those of us
other than Exeter, Torbay and Plymouth, will
be left to pick up all of the costs of running a
county and district council system which now
has a big reduction in population to attract a
fair slice of government money coming down
from London.
But take a look through the magazine to see
what we’ve been doing in the meantime to
ensure Torridge remains a great place to live,
work and visit. Beach clean ups, recycling
activities, schools art exhibitions - just a few
of the things we have been doing recently.
I wish you all a very happy Easter holiday.
Email: info@torridge.gov.uk
James Morrish
March 2010
You can call me on 07812 730896
Crime down, confidence up
Northern Devon is one of the safest places in the country to
live. Crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB) are still reducing
and the risk of becoming a victim is very low.
At the end of 2009 crime was 15% lower than the year before,
which means there were over 1,000 less victims. This makes
it the 10th year in a row that crime has fallen.
There is more good news, during Christmas and New Year
reported crime reduced significantly in our main towns
compared to the year before. Bideford saw a 36% reduction
(62 less victims), Holsworthy 22% (5 less victims) and
Torrington saw a 62% reduction with 37 less victims.
ASB incidents reported to the police are also reducing with an
anticipated 12% less in North Devon and 22% less in Torridge
by the end of April this year.
How do we do this?
The council and police work with other partners through Safer
North Devon (SND) to provide solutions to reduce crime and
tackle anti-social behaviour.
Public confidence that this is being achieved has grown. A
survey at the end of last year shows 79% of residents were
confident in this partnership.
When asked: “Are the police dealing with the things that
matter to people in this community?” 93% of northern
Devon residents agreed. This is the highest level of police
confidence throughout the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary.
Future plans
Despite the continued reduction in ASB and crime, SND has
new plans for the future.
Managing our night time economy
The night time economy includes everything that happens
in our town centres between 6pm and 6am. Alcohol misuse
remains an issue so SND is working to prevent it having an
impact on local people and businesses. This can be as simple
as highlighting the use of CCTV, improving lighting to make
people feel safer and listening to locals about what will make
them feel safer and more confident.
Rowdy drinkers shown the red card
A new solution to tackle alcohol misuse, led by the police,
is “Three Strikes and you are out”. The scheme uses
football-style referee red and yellow cards to warn late night
troublemakers of the consequences of their behaviour.
Anyone committing more than one alcohol-related anti-social
crime, in or outside pubs and clubs between 6pm and 6am,
can be excluded from participating pubs and clubs in northern
4 • Crime down, confidence up
A yellow card will be issued following a first offence with
a warning letter from the police. This will spell out the
consequences of further anti-social behaviour and provide
details of agencies that can help with alcohol problems.
A red card will be issued if anyone re-offends within a year
along with a 12-month ban from pubs or clubs taking part in
the scheme. Anyone committing a third offence within a year
faces an Anti-Social Behaviour Order or Drink Banning Order,
banning them from town centres in the evening.
Our local licensees are behind this scheme and working
together with the police and councils to ensure its success.
For more information visit www.three-strikes.co.uk/northdevon
If you would like to know more about Safer North Devon visit
www.safernorthdevon.co.uk or call 01271 335241
Community Speedwatch – Volunteers Needed
The busy Neighbourhood Beat Team at Holsworthy is working
closely with local communities, and listening to what they
have to say.
The team covers the largest town and rural beat area in
Torridge - 26 Parishes over approximately 350 square miles,
from Bradworthy to St Giles on the Heath, Bridgerule to
Beat manager Sgt Pennie Channing said, “The Holsworthy
area is one of the safest places to live in the country with
the likelihood of being a victim of crime being below the
national average. It is on the whole a peaceful place to live
with very little serious crime. Despite this we recognise
that there are issues of concern for the community and
we strive to work in partnership with other agencies and
the community to tackle them. One of those constantly
highlighted is speeding in rural villages.”
As a result of this, a new initiative called Community
Speedwatch has been set up. Officers are able to concentrate
on other policing duties while working in partnership with
trained and vetted volunteers, who wear high visibility jackets
and record speeding vehicles at strategic locations using
high-tech laser equipment.
PC Andy Moakes, who is often out and about on Speedwatch
duties with PCSO Beverley Harvey, said, “It’s not so much
about prosecuting people who are speeding, more about
educating them to the dangers of speeding. Those caught
initially receive a letter asking them to be more aware of
their speed and if they are caught again, they will get a
PCSO Harvey takes Road Safety Awareness sessions in local
primary schools, and speeding outside schools is always a
hot topic. “School children as young as five years old
are aware of the dangers of speeding – we just need to
educate the adults now!”
Sgt Channing added, “Speeding is just one of the
concerns being addressed by the Neighbourhood Beat
Team in partnership with Parish Councils, the Town
Council, Torridge District Council and the other agencies
and organisations responsible for this area. Community
Speedwatch was set up as a direct result of listening
to our local communities and setting our priorities
accordingly, and is an important step in safeguarding
our communities. So if you feel you could spare the time
to volunteer and want to make a difference in your local
community, please contact me on 01409 259461 or via
holsworthy@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk for more
Holsworthy Police Station is currently open on Mondays and
Fridays from 8am – 1pm, and Wednesdays from 8am -2pm.
PC Andy Moakes and PCSO Beverley Harvey on location in St Giles on the Heath
Community Speedwatch – Volunteers Needed • 5
Smell Gas? Call 0800 111 999 Real Nappy Week begins April 26th
Wales & West Utilities (WWU) has launched a new campaign
to give people in Torridge vital information on what to do if
they smell gas.
The ‘Smell Gas?’ initiative warns of the dangers of leaking
gas, how to stay safe and who to call for help.
Each year WWU deals with around 80,000 calls from people
who detect potential gas leaks from their own gas appliances
or gas connections. Failure to take the right action and to
contact the national gas emergency service on 0800 111 999
can put people and property in danger.
To promote the emergency number Wales & West Utilities
has recruited ‘Clive the Bloodhound’ as its campaign icon a breed renowned for its excellent sense of smell.
WWU director of operations Andrew Hopkins said: “We’ve
launched this campaign to target people in Torridge and
help keep them safe, our number one priority. Engineers
attend all reported gas escapes. It’s important that people
follow a few simple steps to keep safe and help us with
information to investigate thoroughly and deal with the
situation. Through this campaign we are urging people
to remember the national gas emergency service number
- 0800 111 999.”
Wales & West Utilities has issued a check-list for people who
believe they may have a gas leak:
Using reusable nappies instead of disposables can make a real
difference to the environment - and save you money!
Did you know ….
• Most disposables are made largely of plastic with a super
absorbent chemical centre.
• Paediatricians agree babies develop stronger hips when
kept in the ‘frog’ position, washable nappies are regularly
recommended for this reason.
• You can save hundreds of pounds using washable nappies –
and that includes the cost of washing.
• A baby typically goes through 4-6,000 nappy changes! If those
nappies are disposable, this creates a serious waste issue.
The larger part of conventional disposables are synthetic and
not biodegradable.
Amanda Wycherley is Torridge’s Sustainability Officer, and part
of her role is to promote the benefits of real nappies. She said,
“Like babies, modern washable nappies come in many
shapes and styles. They’re comfortable and secure. You
don’t need to use pins anymore – most use poppers or
velcro and come in a wide variety of colours and patterns to
coordinate with your baby’s clothes! It’s never been simpler
to use real nappies.”
Amanda will be holding a series of events throughout Real
Nappy Week starting on April 26th. For more information, and
a free trial kit, contact Amanda on 01237 428919 or email
amanda.wycherley@torridge.gov.uk or have a look at:
www.goreal.org.uk or
• If you smell gas or think that you may have a gas
leak somewhere then you should call the national gas
emergency service straightaway on 0800 111 999.
• Open windows and doors to let air in, make sure all gas
appliances are turned off and turn off the gas at the mains
if possible.
• Do not turn lights on or off and avoid using other electrical
switches and appliances.
• Extinguish all naked flames, do not smoke or light a match.
For further information call Wales & West Utilities on
029 2055 6147 or see their website www.wwutilities.co.uk
18 month old Zach Hallman inspects his real nappy
6 • Smell Gas? • Real Nappy Week
Councillor’s Soapbox – Pam Johns, Holsworthy
I am Torridge’s newest District Councillor winning the election
in the Holsworthy Ward last summer as an Independent.
The seat become vacant following the untimely death of Des
Shadrick. I cannot hope to fill Des’ shoes but I will work hard
to try and ensure that some of his projects come to fruition,
such as the Agri-Business Park, particularly the land-based
skills element of it, the Deer Valley footpath and other
walkways around the town and the completion
of the cycle track from Hatherleigh to Bude
with facilities for walkers and horse
riders too.
I am a Solicitor in the firm of
Coodes, and as a Holsworthy
girl born and bred, I am very
proud to have established the
firm’s only Devon office in
Holsworthy in 1998.
I am a Town Councillor and in
July will become the first lady
president of the Holsworthy
Rotary Club. Holsworthy has
once again shown what a big
heart it has despite predominantly
low incomes, by raising enough money
in the town and surrounding parishes to
enable the Rotary Club to send seven shelter
boxes to the people of Haiti.
I am Secretary of the Holsworthy Chamber of Trade &
Commerce which has established the ‘HolsCard’, a loyalty
card to encourage people to shop locally, and although we
have stopped the threat of parking meters in the town square,
there is still a great deal of work to do enhancing and improving
the town centre, reducing the number of charity shops, the
ever increasing business rates and car parking problems.
I am a founding Trustee and the current Chair and Company
Secretary of the Holsworthy Community Property Trust,
established to provide housing that is affordable for local
people. We have provided nine homes in Holsworthy and are
currently developing two sites, one in Sheepwash
and one in Bridgerule for a further six homes.
The Trust was also recently involved
in an Enquiry by Design at Tetcott
and is involved nationally in the
establishment of a National body
for Community Land Trusts and
locally working with Torridge’s
produce a Planning Policy for
Community Land Trusts. This
should see Torridge at the
cutting edge of this growing
alternative to some of the
housing problems in rural areas.
Finally, in November last year
my husband, Robert, myself and
our daughter, Robyn, purchased the
Bradworthy Inn in Bradworthy and as
Robyn’s husband Gareth is a dairy farmer just
outside Bradworthy it is my husband, myself and our
12 year old son, Toby, who have moved in “above the shop”
so to speak. So my licensing training recently stood me in
very good stead for both my work on the Licensing Committee
and back in the pub!
Life is full but fulfilling and what could be better than that?
Westward Ho! Potwalloping Festival
The Westward Ho! Potwalloping Festival will be taking place this year
from Saturday 29th – Monday 31st May. It is a 3-day community event
run by the community for the benefit of the community held annually
over the Whitsun Bank Holiday weekend in celebration of the old
Potwalloping tradition dating back to the late 1800’s.
Behind the two miles of sandy beach at Westward Ho! is the famous Pebble Ridge
where each year the historic Potwalloping festival takes place. The idea is to throw
the pebbles that have been taken from the ridge during the high tides back on to the
sea shore.
The aim of the festival these days is also to provide a variety of attractions and
entertainments to suit all throughout the day and night for the enjoyment of locals
and visitors alike. It attracts large numbers of visitors and is a vital boost to the local
economy - we look forward to seeing you there!
For more information look at www.potwalloping.co.uk
Councillor’s Soapbox • Potwalloping • 7
Community Tidy Up on
Sixty children and teachers from St
Margaret’s Junior School in Northam took
part in an organised beach and Pebble
Ridge ‘Big Tidy Up’ at Westward Ho!
Organised by Recreation Officer James Jarroudi,
the year six students were joined by members of the
public who volunteered to come along and help out too!
Councillors Redwood, Tisdale and Eastman put their
wellies on and rolled up their sleeves, and Mrs Recycle
- Cathy Karniewicz - was also there.
Westward Ho! is often referred to as the jewel in
Torridge’s crown. For six years in a row, it has attained
the standards necessary for the Blue Flag beach
distinction award. In spite of the number of Blue Flags
given out to beaches in England falling by 11 on last
year’s figure of 82, Westward Ho! maintained its status
because of its consistently clean water, litter-free shores,
good facilities and safety.
We’d all like to keep it that way.
In total, the children and volunteers picked up around
80 bags of rubbish which they collected into two piles –
that which could be recycled, and that which could not.
Deputy Head of St Margaret’s Junior School, Claire Cole,
said, “It’s fantastic that the children can get involved
with cleaning up the beach and pebble ridge as they
are often down here for their coursework.”
Westward Ho! Councillor Roger Tisdale was delighted to
see the commitment shown by the children. “It’s a great
pleasure to see so many people here supporting
the council in our aim to keep the village’s most
famous features - the beach and pebble ridge clean,” he said.
Lead Member for Northam Burrows, Councillor Andrew
Eastman was also thrilled. “What a delight it was to
see so many young people and other volunteers
down here. These kind of community events need
to be encouraged.”
Dr Amanda Yates, of Westward Ho!, one of the volunteer
helpers, remarked, “I’ve found some very strange
things - even a pair of socks!”
Our thanks to everyone who took part.
8 • Pebble Ridge Tidy Up
n the Pebble Ridge
Year 6 children from St. Margaret’s, Northam,
enjoying the Big Tidy Up
Pebble Ridge Tidy Up • 9
Mrs Recycle’s World Tour – of Torridge
Cathy Karniewicz – aka Mrs Recycle – loves nothing better
than talking rubbish!
Part-funded by Torridge District Council, she provides free
Waste Awareness educational presentations to all schools in
our area, including pre-school under 5’s.
Learning about “rubbish” requires an interactive approach
to raise the issues of waste and its consequences for the
environment, and children relish the hands-on activities she
Mrs Recycle said, “The children I meet are wonderfully
receptive to the three ‘R’s’. It’s so important that they
grow up with recycling so that they do it instinctively.
Torridge District Council currently collects around 900
tonnes of recycling material a month – let’s work together
to increase that.”
Mrs Recycle’s top three tips are:
the amount of rubbish you make. Try and only put out one (or
less) black plastic bag of rubbish a week. Take a fresh look at
what you buy and find new ways to reduce waste.
items again and again (drinks bottles for pack lunches, yogurt
pots for growing plants, etc).
Happy Birthday –
from the council!
Congratulations - you’re 18 - that means you can have the
key of the door – and are now eligible to vote in elections.
Our elections office is sending out birthday cards to those
who turn 18 this year, reminding them that they are able to
vote in elections now.
The birthday cards are part of a long-term initiative to increase
voter turnout for the younger generation and to try and
persuade them to take an interest in the politics that affect
their everyday lives.
For more information please
contact Paula Hunter,
Electoral Services
01237 428702
p a u l a .
as much as possible (glass, paper, cardboard, metals, fabrics)
and compost all your kitchen waste.
Mrs Recycle has a timetabled rotation for all the schools
in the Torridge District area. However if you are currently
covering the Environment, Materials or Waste or would like
an unscheduled visit - please contact her on 01271 345806
or Torridge District Council’s Waste Management team on
01237 428734.
Mrs Recycle at Dolton Church Primary School
10 • Mrs Recycle’s World Tour • Happy Birthday
...and at Torrington Blue Coats
5 x 30
Help kick start a healthier fitter you in 2010 by being
More Active, More Often and participating in 5
sessions of 30 minutes a week activity.
5x30 Devonwide is an exciting physical activity for
health project. There are Community Activators in place
across Devon to help individuals and communities
to access physical activity opportunities and provide
support and information on all aspects of setting up a
physical activity club, class or group, whether this be
locating an instructor or finding suitable funding to get
up and running.
Councillor Community
Grants Scheme
Voluntary or community groups serving residents
in the Torridge District area are eligible and are
encouraged to apply for this grant.
The Scheme enables Councillors to support projects
benefiting residents in their ward, and each Councillor
has been allocated a budget of £2,000.
Health, Lifestyles and Volunteering
If you are interested in changing your lifestyle and doing
more physical activity the 5x30 Devonwide Project may
be able to help you.
Please contact Jessica Christie on 07837 663628 or
01237 428781, or email jess.christie@torridge.gov.uk
Fit as a Fiddle Project
A social fitness morning for over 50’s at Torridge Leisure
Centre, every Tuesday during school term time, is
available to the residents of Torridge and surrounding
We aim to introduce a range of activities which include:
assisted swimming, aqua aerobics, use of the gym,
seated exercise, yoga, Tai Chi, salsa and other innovative
forms of exercise. The activity morning session, from 10
to 1, costs £3.50 per person including refreshments with
free admission to carers.
Parkham Under 5’s get £300 from Cllr Tony Collins
If you are interested in applying to the Councillor
Community Grants scheme please contact your
Ward Councillor in the first instance. If you are
unsure which Councillor represents your area please
contact Torridge’s Community Development Team on
01237 428871 or e-mail
There is no need to book, so just turn up. For more info
call the pool on 01237 471794 or 07837 663628.
Cllr Church presents £2k on behalf of Torridge District Council
to the Store Homelessness Project in Bideford
5 x 30 • Councillor Community Grants Scheme • 11
Putting Wrongs - Right!
Did you know the council has a formal complaints procedure
in place?
There may be occasions when you feel we might have acted
improperly. Or it may be that our processes need amending.
Sometimes an explanation or an apology is all that is required
to put the record straight.
Whatever the reason, communication is key. We would like
the opportunity to put a wrong - right. Our complaints officer
will be pleased to look into any complaint you may have, in
accordance with our approved complaints procedure, details
of which can be found on our website at www.torridge.gov.uk
or can be obtained in any of the Council’s reception areas.
Over the last couple of years the time taken to resolve
complaints has been reduced and most complainants receive
a substantive response in less than 15 days. The number of
complaints referred to the Local Government Ombudsman is
reducing year on year –only 10 were investigated last year and
no or insufficient fault on the part of the Council was found.
Some areas sit outside the complaints process, like an appeals
procedure that incorporates an independent tribunal, a legal remedy
like planning appeals, or reviews of homelessness decisions.
Your views are important to us. Don’t suffer in silence – let us
know if there is a problem.
Safe Surfing
Torridge District Council’s Lead Member for Youth, Councillor
Roger Johnson, has been trying to raise awareness on
the safer use of computers and the Internet as part of the
international Safer Internet Day (SID) initiative.
SID is supported by countries throughout Europe and the
theme for SID10 was ‘Think Before You Post’, focusing on
online privacy and NOT telling everyone online everything
about yourself.
Have your say!
Did you know we have a Citizens’ Panel made up of a selection
of local residents? If not, would you like to know more?
As a Council, we provide a wide range of services and we
need to find out what our customers think about the work we
do and the services we provide.
That’s why we have a Citizens’ Panel.
Panellists are all volunteers and take part in up to four postal
or electronic surveys a year. Some members also take part in
telephone or face-to-face interviews and attend focus groups.
And others take part in consultation work focused on a specific
area or an age group for instance.
If you are interested in joining the Panel and taking part in
the Council’s consultation programme or would just like more
information, contact Kathy McCormack on 01237 428772 or
email kathy.mccormack@torridge.gov.uk
The complaints officer Judy Phillips can be contacted on
01237 428789 during office hours, or email
PS. We also appreciate suggestions for service improvement
and, of course, a compliment is always appreciated!
Councillor Johnson said, “Young people and children are
today amongst the biggest user groups of online and
mobile technologies in Europe, and those in Torridge
are no different. The Safer Internet Programme aims at
empowering and protecting children and young people
online by awareness raising initiatives and by fighting
illegal and harmful online content and conduct.”
For more information, look at www.saferinternet.org or
Getting empty homes back into use
Torridge District Council’s Lead Member for Housing,
Councillor David Lausen, is on the look out for empty homes.
The Empty Homes Agency is an independent charity aiming
to raise awareness of the potential of empty homes to meet
housing need as well as devise and promote sustainable
solutions that will bring empty homes back into use.
The agency estimates that there are almost 60,000 empty
homes in the south-west alone.
A number of these are within Torridge and many could be
made into habitable properties. Getting empty properties
back into use can benefit us all.
Councillor Lausen said, “There are many reasons why
homes are left empty but it is vital that we all work together
to tackle this problem. Empty homes can also detract
from the local environment and can cause considerable
problems for local residents. Returning a home to
occupation plays an important part in the regeneration of
If you know of any empty homes that could be brought
back into use, please contact Rebecca Rogers in Torridge’s
Housing Renewal team on 01237 428841 or email: rebecca.
rogers@torridge.gov.uk. You can also report empty homes
anonymously through www.reportemptyhomes.com.
For more information on the Empty Homes Agency, call
020 7022 1868 or see their website www.emptyhomes.com.
12 • Putting Wrongs - Right! • Safe Surfing • Getting empty homes back into use
Burton Art Gallery & Museum Annual Schools Exhibition
The Annual Schools exhibition is one of the largest and
certainly one of the most colourful and vibrant of the Burton’s
programme. Every year it provides the opportunity to
showcase the most creative and inventive work of some of
the area’s youngest artists, aged from 5 to 18.
As in previous years, the North Devon branch of the National
Association of Decorative and Fine Art Societies (NADFAS)
has awarded prizes to schools they felt produced the most
creative and original ideas, using inventive and experimental
media as well as demonstrating a high level of skill. The
winners were:
Pynes Infant School, Bideford
Appledore Community Primary School
Bideford College
Parkham Primary School
Pynes School: Charlie Baglow, Aidan Short,
Liam Irons and Eva Jones with teacher Laura Manning
Each school received £100 from the North Devon branch
of NADFAS and Certificates of Merit were awarded to
Chulmleigh, Instow and Abbotsham schools.
The Burton Art Gallery & Museum is open Monday to Saturday
from 10am – 4pm and Sunday from 11am – 4pm.
Photos show: Gwyneth Barnes and Joan Rowland of the
North Devon branch of NADFAS with:
Appledore School: Jayke Christie, Natalie and Bryn Englehart
hot tubs, swim spas
01271 864192
Parkham School: Megan Oliver,
Timothy Heywood, Chanel Ingram
Burton Art Gallery & Museum Annual Schools Exhibition • 13
Ashwater Community Spirit sees Parish Hall completed
In 1997 a Parish Appraisal established the need for a
replacement hall in Ashwater. Now, some thirteen years later,
a new community building has been erected and is in use
thanks to dedication and money from the parishioners and
substantial sums in grant aid.
The lead backer was the Big Lottery Fund but considerable
amounts were also secured from other sources. Torridge
District Council supplied an element of match funding with the
Community Council for Devon and help was received from
funds arising from the sale of Exeter Airport.
Secretary of Ashwater Parish Hall Committee Ivan Buxton
said, “They say that where there’s a will there’s a way
and this has proved to be the case in Ashwater where
the new hall now stands as a proud monument to the
community spirit that drove the project through enough
difficulties and setbacks to create a best selling novel!
Torridge District Councillor for Ashwater, Councillor
Barry Parsons was instrumental in helping us get the
planning application right. He’s been very proactive,
very supportive and has given us almost half of his grant
allowance for the year.”
Mrs Recycle also stopped off on her World Tour of Torridge
(see page 10) to deliver food caddies and other recycling
materials to the Hall.
The Parish Hall Committee is planning to create a children’s
play area next to the Hall in the hope of encouraging families
to come along and enjoy the facilities.
Councillor Parsons officially opened the Hall on March 20th,
in a community fun type day for families and a live band and
party in the evening for adults. He said, “For this dream
to have become a reality is down to the dedication and
‘stickability’ of a team of Ashwater residents who have
demonstrated so much in terms of endeavour for over
a decade. To them, we all say, “Thank you” for a job
extremely well done, and for the many hours dedicated
to providing for a better future for the young - and those
of us not so young!”
Ashwater Parish Hall is available to hire and can accommodate
a maximum of 150 seated or 200 people standing.
The Hall is fully licensed for entertainment and the sale and
consumption of alcohol on the premises.
Call 01409 211437 for bookings and enquiries.
Mrs Recycle delivers recycling boxes to Ivan Buxton
Ivan Buxton with Cllr Barry Parsons
Ashwater’s new Parish Hall
14 • Ashwater Community Spirit Sees Parish Hall Completed
Torridge’s A to Z
Abandoned vehicles
01237 428980/428981
Animal Welfare
01237 428855
Benefit Fraud
01237 429292
01237 428700
01237 428734
Building Control Services
01237 428724
Bulky Waste Collections
01237 428734/428890
01237 428700
Burton Art Gallery
01237 471455
Business Rates
01237 428985/428986
Caddsdown Business Support Centre 01237 424244
Freedom of Information
In the first instance contact the relevant service department.
01237 475834
Health and Safety at Work
01237 428809
Historic Sites and Buildings
01237 428709
Household waste collection
01237 428734
Housing advice
01237 428844
Housing benefit
01237 428700
Job vacancies
01237 428793
Leisure centres
Holsworthy Leisure Centre
Torridge Pool
Torrington Pool
Torrington Sports Hall
01409 254013
01237 471794
01805 623085
01805 624767
01237 428991
Noise nuisance
01237 428810
Northam Burrows Country Park
01237 479708
Pests and pest control
01237 428856
Planning applications
01237 428733
Planning policy
01237 428748
01237 428810
Car Parks and Permits
01237 428981
01237 428729
Compost bins
01237 428734
Council Meetings
01237 428703/4
Council Tax
01237 428900
Development Control
01237 428733
Disabled access
Council Housing
Council Offices
01237 428861
01237 428752
Dog warden
01237 428855
Refuse collection
01237 428734
01237 428854
Safer North Devon
01271 341200
Economic development
01237 428708
Sports and recreation
01237 428736/37
01237 428702
Street cleaning
01237 428734
Emergency planning
01237 428806/01
Suggestions and compliments
01237 428789
Environmental health
01237 428810
0845 988 1188
Fly tipping
01237 428734
Tourist Information Centres
01237 471455
01409 254185
01805 626140
Food hygiene
01237 428846
01237 428702
Fraud hotline
(24-hour fully confidential service)
01237 429292
Waste collection
01237 428734
Torridge District Council Domestic Refuse and Recycling
If your normal collection
takes place on….
Your black bag (domestic
rubbish) will be collected…
Your green wheelie bin
will be collected…
Your recycling (box & bag)
will be collected…
Friday 2nd April
Saturday 3rd April
Saturday 3rd April
W/c 5th April
One day late
One day late
W/c 3rd May
One day late
One day late
W/c 31st May
One day late
One day late
If you or someone you know would like this magazine in an alternative format, please let us know.
Torridge’s A to Z • 15
The Clinton Arms
Food served lunch time and
evenings 7 days a week
Children and dogs welcome
En-suite accommodation
Acoustic Jamming Session
Sunday 8pm-11pm
All welcome, musicians
and audience
10% off your food bill
(up to 2 people) with this advert.
Offer expires end of April.
The Clinton Arms, Frithelstock,
Torrington, North Devon EX38 8JH, 01805 623279
enquiries@clintonarms.co.uk www.clintonarms.co.uk
We are an established Removal & Storage Firm
with over 37 years experience
Estimates FREE – Fully Insured
Wheelchairs, 3 & 4 Wheeled Walkers,
Recline & Rise Chairs, Bathing Aids,
Bath Lifts, Stair Lifts
Tel : Bideford 01237 475808
Mobile: 07966 538370
Skip & Plant
Unit 2, Daddon Court, Clovelly Rd Ind Est
Bideford EX39 3HN Tel :01237 479553
Easy access & ample parking
Mon-Thurs 9.30-5.00 Fri 9.30-2.00 Sat 10.00-2.00
Builders and House
and House
and single
Skip & Plant
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Special Rates for Earth & Hardcore skips
Special Rates for Earth & Hardcore skips
House clearance
& Van
and House
skips. skips
Rates for
Earth & Hardcore
Same Day - Next Day
01837 Day
Builders and House clearance skips.
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