Fall - Portland Christian Schools


Fall - Portland Christian Schools
A PubLicAtion oF PortLAnd christiAn ALumni AssociAtion & Pc schooLs
FALL 2015
r e A c h - o u t, e n c o u r A g e , A F F i r m , L o v e , s u P P o r t
We wish our alumni and all friends and family of Portland Christian Schools
a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year
11th A nnuA l
A lumnni Appr eci Ation W eek
upcoming events
• Basketball–Go to www.
pcschools.org for all game
• 02/22: PC’s Got Talent
FEBRuARy 8-13, 2016
February 8-12: Alumni and Friends are welcome to drop by the school any day from 8:30
a.m. until 3:00 p.m. to tour the school, visit classes or share your testimony. (Please make
arrangements in advance with Mrs. Lampi if you want to speak in a class.)
February 9: Basketball–PCH vs. Clatskanie. ALL HOME GAMES will be played at the
old Portland Lutheran Gym. JV Games begin at 3:30 p.m.
February 11: Alumni Chapel 9:30 a.m. Speaker to be announced.
• 03/12: Royal GALA and
February 11: Alumni Luncheon 11:00 a.m.
• 04/13-15: Living Inside
Out ES Musical
February 13: Steven D. Beaumont Memorial Alumni Basketball Tournament 8:00 a.m.
• 04/22-24: Cinderella JH/
SH Musical
• 06/02: 8th Grade Promotion
• 06/04: HS Graduation
February 12: Basketball–PCH vs. Portland Adventist at Portland Lutheran Gym
FEBRuARy 13, 2016
This annual tournament will honor Steven Beaumont 2004 who
went to be with the Lord on August 10, 2015. Steven was an integral
player in the tournament for a number of years as well as a key
player on the ROYALS Basketball team. Doors open at 8:00 a.m.
for pre-game preliminaries, warm-ups and shirt distribution. The
tournament begins at 9:00 a.m. Family soup and salad luncheon in
the cafeteria 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
there’S A neW GYm cominG (see page 3)
portlAnD chriStiAn
SchoolS Alumni
2015-2016 Alumni
ADViSorY council
G. David Scott 1987
recording Secretary
Wendy Busby 1973 krout
karon Stoller 1957 Trommlitz,
Michelle Anfuso 1988 Osborne
Data Base manager
Tim Downing 1989
Alumni Faculty/Staff liaison
Dan Beaumont 1971
Alumni historian
Dan Beaumont 1971
Student representatives
Dylan Guild 2016
Moriah Madson 2017
karen Hall 1977 Miller
Nancy Gauntlet 1986 Austin
Michelle Dixon 1987 Hauck
Tara NaSymthe-Downing 1989
Megan Nuttelmann 2013
katherine Nugent 2014
Director of Alumni
Jeanne P. Lampi (1966–present)
Director of Development:
Laurie Fowlkes
Annette Ayers 1982 Johnson
Board of trustees chair
Steve Nagai
Christian Education
is Well Worth the Sacrifice
words from
our Alumni,
former students,
parents, etc., say
more than any one
of us could adequately express.
Following are
notes i received
from two very
different PCH students who attended school
two decades apart. i am sharing these stories
to affirm once again that Christian Education
is well worth the sacrifice families must make
to educate their children in the TRUTH of
God’s Word.
From a student who graduated in the midseventies: “Mrs. Lampi you predicted that
in 40 to 50 years our world would be a far
different place. You told us we always had to
be prepared to withstand continuous challenges to our faith because the times would
get worse. You made us learn and relearn
that chart in every science class i took from
you. You know, the one about the difference
between a Biblical world view and a humanistic world view. You made us define our set
of presuppositions based on what we believed
about the nature of God, man and the physical world. By the time we got to physics, if we
made it that far, we spent a whole week discussing futuristic implications of these views.
i wrote about a huge computer designed to
control minds and take over the entire world.
i thought that we would even remove babies
from the womb and recreate a new species of
human culture. You told us that no ideas were
too crazy or off limits. After we completed
the assignment, you asked us to examine the
implications of our fantasies based on our
own emerging presuppositions.”
editor Jeanne Lampi
Design Apostrophe Design
Volume twelve, issue One
Bible quotations come from the NIV.
From a student who attended PCH in
the mid-nineties: “You may not remember
me but i came to Portland Christian from a
troubled situation. My parents enrolled me in
PC. i remember getting into trouble while i
was there. You sat me down and saw me right
to my core. Thank you for being bold and
speaking the truth. i had many struggles as
a young lady but blossomed into a beautiful
God fearing woman. i count my days at PC as
blessed. You were a HUGE part of that. Your
grace and compassion for me will always be in
my heart. Thank you for the difference you made
in my life. i needed to see boundaries from a
strong woman. Many blessings over you!”
i am deeply grateful that Portland Christian continues to challenge our students to
think and act Biblically in a world that is
very hostile to their faith. “in the beginning
God...” Christianity begins with a personal
and infinite God who is the Creator. it goes
on to show that man is made in God’s image
and tells us that because of man’s rebellion,
an event occurred in real time and space; The
Fall. We are living in an abnormal world and
many are the days, i say, “Come quickly, Lord
Jesus.” Meanwhile, “keep the Faith.”
–Jeanne lampi
Alumni Director
Steven D. Beaumont Memorial
Alumni Basketball Tournament
reAlS contriButorS:
editorial contributors
Czanne Bruner 2016
Moriah Madson 2017
“i never dreamed that my crazy ideas could
in some way actually be realized. You always
told us that no matter how much science we
learned, the most important lesson was that
we must hold tight to our belief system. i
want to tell you how right you were. in my
field, i been challenged, questioned and even
harassed by colleagues for my faith and on
more than one occasion, my intellect has been
called into question.”
e all want to honor Steven for the life lived and for what each of
us learned from him by having the BEST Alumni Tournament
ever. We need lots of players, both men and women, and we need helpers to set up, keep score, distribute shirts, get player data, etc. Please
contact me at once for further information at cliff@ibsolutionsonline.
com or call me at 703-881-1628. Thanks, God bless and i’m looking
forward to seeing you on February 13th.
–cliff Samodurov 1984
How Many “Ks” in an “M”?
to you! i pray
your holiday is
bright and that
you are thriving!
As we look forward to 2016,
i’m excited to
share with you
our hopes and plans for a new gym in the
new year. Yes, that’s right – Lord willing, we
will break ground for a new gym in 2016!
Of course, that timing depends on many
factors, including receiving building
permits, completing architectural plans,
obtaining construction materials, contracting labor, raising funds, and more.
The process is underway in all of these
areas – we are getting close enough that we
can visualize the hole in the ground where
the foundation will be poured – and soon
the building will be raised!
When we look at the significant cost of
building a new gym ($4.5M) it can be a
little overwhelming. However, God has
put it on our hearts that this is an achievable goal. if 3,000 people give $1,000
($1k) each toward the gym, that will build
a fund of $3M towards the goal. When we
look at the thousands of alums, parents,
grandparents, students, and friends who
are walking this journey together, it
doesn’t seem so overwhelming after all!
Why is it so important that we all rally to
this call of giving $1k each for the gym?
Because Portland Christian has not been
able to host a full season of home games
since 1971 – because we don’t have a
regulation size gym! For the past 44 years,
we’ve had to rent other facilities for our
“home” games and practices. The costs in
rental fees, travel time and expense, inconvenience for athletes, families, and fans
– have all been significant. A new gym will
go a long way toward supporting Portland
Christian overall, and allowing the school
to continue to provide the next generation
of leaders with a well-rounded, dynamic
Christian education.
There are many non-profit foundations
here in the Pacific Northwest which support Christian Schools, and we will be
applying for foundation funds. However,
they need to see that constituents can raise
at least 80% before they come in and cap
the remainder of the project. One donor
has already given $1M, and we are ever
thankful! We now look forward to the
many more who will join in to help reach
the goal. The educational system starts
with a “k” for kindergarten, and we are
asking you to give a “k” ($1,000) to help
move this project toward its graduation
– the final goal of $4.5M – and the rise
of a new regulation size gymnasium on
Portland Christian’s San Rafael Campus!
in addition to the blessing of contributing
toward a much needed building which will
enhance the Christian education of future
generations, all donors who give $1k or more
will have their names featured on the “$1k+
Wall” in the new gym. i invite you to join
me in “giving a k so the teams can play”!
This year, as we move toward building the
new gym, our home basketball games will
take place at the former Portland Lutheran
location (now knova Learning Center)
at 740 SE 182nd Ave. The season starts
December 2nd – check our website for the
schedule (www.pcschools.org), then come
on out and root the Royals on!
Merry Christmas to you and yours – may
the Lord richly bless you and your family
in the coming year.
–Annette Ayers (1982) Johnson
There’s a New Gym Coming
ast Spring, the Board of Trustees voted
to build a new Athletic Complex on
the High School campus- ground breaking
to begin in the spring of 2016. For many,
many years, PCS staff, students, parents,
Alumni have talked about building an athletic complex. FiNALLY, this is a REALiTY. The wheels are turning fast and this
is one train you won’t want to miss. keep
your eye on the destination and start now
to consider any one of the many ways you
can become involved. Contact our Development Director Laurie Fowlkes to become
involved. 503-256-3960 ext. 255
Mission Statement
It is the mission of Portland Christian Schools to educate
students in the truth of God’s word in every area of instruction and activity so that their lives may be transformed by the
renewing of their minds.
V ision Statement
Growing leaders in mind and spirit since 1947
requests for
❤ matt kolenski 2012 Army
Graduates of Portland Christian are serving in
many areas of the world. Please send names to
PCS for inclusion in the next REALS edition.
❤ Diane Sievers 1953 PREP 4kids, Ptld.
❤ Sylvia Lambert (husband, russ 1954, died
06/14) is continuing their work with OCi.
❤ Dr. camille Jamison 1954 SiM USA
❤ John and Jean Sealy 1957 krugers,
international Fellowship, Africa
❤ Jim and lanita Smith 1958 Sweeney,
Sweeney Consulting Ministries
❤ Jaunita phillips 1959 Schiewek, Hawaii
❤ neno Atkinson 1960 Love Thy Neighbor
Ministry to nursing home patients
❤ chuck 1961 and Sally keller, Wycliffe
❤ David Smith 1961, New Zealand
❤ Birch Community Services, founded by
Barry Birch 1961, Suzanne will continue as
executive director
❤ Virginia Bradley 1961 Cameroon, Africa
❤ Bob and Joyce lander 1966 carlson,
❤ Jerry Glass 1967 Uruguay, Biblical
Ministries Worldwide
❤ mike rice 1969 Emmaus Prison Ministries
❤ Don and Gretchen Barter 1970 cheney
and family, Wycliffe Bible Translators
❤ Dr. carl 1971 and cindy reed, indonesia
❤ Dr. Scott Walt 1976 and family, Austria
❤ pastor mark turansky 1977 and
family, Hawaii
❤ Dr. lori marvel 1978 Saliernomaldonado, Celebrate Life int’l.
❤ Pastor Jon Gleason 1978 and family,
❤ Debbie Driesner 1978, Mustangs and
❤ Brent ralston 1979 and family return to
the Philippines May, 2015
❤ Dan Brose 1979 and family, World
Relief Ministries
❤ kari keiser 1980 carrico and family, Japan
❤ mike and connie patrick 1980,
Stillwater Stables Ministry, Ohio
❤ ron lockwood 1982 and family,
Wycliffe, Germany
❤ Bob lockwood 1984 and family, Luis
Palau Ministries
❤ Aron and Yvonne Dick 1991 noll and
family, Campus Crusade for Christ
❤ karen Brewster 1992 Fangrad and family,
Creation Ministries, int’l.
❤ Jason oversteet 1992, RESCUE Music
❤ heidi Arnold 1992 Gil and family serving in Brazil
❤ Duan Walker 1995, director of MidValley Fellowship
❤ micah 1995 and Amy Stellar 1995
tuttle and family, Peru
❤ Janell engeman 1995 hartley, Magezi
Ministries South Africa & Zambia
❤ Julie engeman 1997, Overland Missions,
Democratic Republic of Congo & Zambia
❤ Dan and marta lewis, Hungary &
❤ Dr. John Schneider, Nursing-Home
❤ eric Swanson-Dexel and family, Camp
Hammer Christian Ministries, CA
❤ Joe and karin Anfuso, Forward Edge
❤ The Gatlin Family, octavia 1992 and
toni 1990, Love By Example Ministry to
street kids and homeless.
Thank you for keeping us updated on the status, names and ranks of our men and women
in the military. Unless we hear differently,
names will be kept on this prayer list.
❤ mark rummell 1998 Navy Blue Angels
❤ matt Strange 1999 Naval Marine Corpsman
❤ Sgt. Andrew haehlen 2000 Army
❤ Brian poling 2001 Navy
❤ Capt. Alex esson 2002 Air Force Pilot
❤ Jonathan rowlett 2003 Navy
❤ Jon lackey 2003 Navy
❤ ryan Dewey 2003 Air Force
❤ Jonathan rogers 2004 Navy
❤ Aaron Wolf 2004 Army
❤ mike manus 2005 Army
❤ Capt. kyle Durant 2005 Marines
❤ nick Vago 2005 Army
❤ Capt. Steven parker 2006 Marines
❤ michael Garrison 2006 Air Force
❤ Josh manus 2007 Marines
❤ Cpt. J.c. russell 2009 Marines Pilot
❤ Jordan Forney 2011 Air Force
❤ Zach nicholson 2011 USAF Security Forces
❤ connor oien 2011 USAF Security Forces
Please uphold the following in prayer:
❤ neno Atkinson 1960 endurance and
strength as she ministers in Nursing Homes.
❤ kirsten lampi 1980 healing from Lymphoma and healing for her children, both of
whom have a rare genetic disorder.
❤ Yvonne Dick 1991 noll’s daughter Maleena’s leukemia to remain in remission.
❤ Jason mckenney 1992 for cancer to
remain in remission. See Caring Bridge.
❤ luke Bader 1996 to remain free from
cancer that caused leg amputation several
years ago.
❤ Danielle maxwell 2010 complete healing from brain tumor. See Caring Bridge.
❤ tracy Fulps, ES Teacher and mother of
kate 2014 and Josh, that her cancer goes
into remission.
❤ Bill Buck (former PCES principal and
director of community relations) living with
non-arteric ischemic retinopathy.
❤ Becky coulson (former PCS counselor) is
back in chemo. Pray treatments lead to remission.
❤ Debi himes (former PCH math teacher)
that her cancer remains in remission.
❤ rebecca Smillie (PCS receptionist) that
her cancer goes into remission.
❤ lisa hotchkiss (ES Teacher) that her
cancer treatments lead to remission
❤ Sharon hotchkiss 1960 (Lisa’s motherin-law) that her cancer treatments lead to
❤ lyle Dick 1961 that the doctors prescribe
the correct treatment for his recently diagnosed lung cancer.
❤ Haelen Family. Andy 2000, Jaime 2004.
Joyce went to be with the Lord in November.
❤ christine 1964 Greene and family.
herm 1964 went to be with the Lord on
October 9, 2015.
❤ Families new to Portland Christian.
❤ Several children at both campuses are
living with serious illnesses.
❤ The Beaumont Family
Praise for:
❤ Praise for a wonderful 1st quarter.
❤ Prayer and praise for our Capital Campaign to fund the new Athletic Complex.
❤ 2016 School Accreditation preparation
and visit.
But just as you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love
for us – see that you also excel in this grace of giving. II Cor. 8:7 NIV
Merry Christmas, Alumni!
When we look at the verse above, it is such a beautiful demonstration of what happens here at Portland Christian Schools: Our school
excels in growing the hearts and minds of our students, supporting them in a nurturing atmosphere of love; and our donors excel in the
grace of giving.
Last year’s total gifting brought in more than $229,000 – all praise to God for the generous hearts of his faithful stewards! When people
ask where the money goes, the answer is clear: The Annual Fund. From this fund flows the dollars needed for financial aid, building and
grounds improvements, technology and learning software, and retention of our highly qualified teachers. PCS sees digital citizenship an
essential preparation of our students to enter a world that demands their wise navigation in an electronic world. Our Junior High students
each received Google Chromebook laptops this year, and have enjoyed implementing their classwork in a digital format. Our High School
students need to receive their own Chromebooks as well.
As we embark on a tremendous season of growth, we are asking you to excel in
the grace of giving – for the Annual Fund, the PCS Foundation and for the Gym.
May God richly bless you this Christmas and all through 2016. Thank you in
advance for your generosity of prayers and gifts. We never know how the seeds
sown today will impact the community we live in tomorrow.
With Appreciation,
Laurie Fowlkes
Development Director
Portland Christian Schools
12425 NE San Rafael Street
Portland, OR 97230
503-256-3960 x255
PCS Jog-A-Thon
This year’s Jog-A-Thon brought in
more than $21K, and you will see
many of these donors on the following pages. Our smallest students
(pre-school through 5th grade)
ran to purchase a new playground
structure and to have a traveling set
of iPads for use in the Elementary
classrooms. Thank you to all who
supported and cheered on these
precious children!
PCS Foundation
I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw
something back. – Maya Angelou
Portland Christian Schools is in progressive stages of forming a
Foundation – a distinctive entity with a separate Board of Directors – whose sole mission will be to raise funds for Portland
Christian Schools. The purpose of the Foundation is to establish
a gift that keeps on giving. The Foundation’s base will grow
into the millions, distributing only the interest back toward the
provides the school an opportunity to reach the hearts of as
many children as possible as we glorify God together.
Please consider being an instrument of God’s ministry for
eternity. Your generous inclusion of PCS in your will, trust, life
insurance policy, family foundation and charitable gift annuities
Have you considered a gift to PCS in your will? If so, please call
our Office of Development to let us know, so we can properly
acknowledge our gratitude. (503) 256-3960 x255
It is imperative that the financial aid for families and students
come from the strength of the Foundation. Make PCS the
beneficiary of your IRA or life insurance policy… designate a
Foundation gift that keeps on giving.
ThANk you To our FAIThFuL DoNorS
Aboveground Maintenance LLC
Adams, Jeffrey A
AkT Benefit Advisors LP
Altman, Jason L
American Endowment
Anderson Family Dental, PC
Anderson, Harvey G
Antonov, Anna
Armstrong, Michelle C
Arnhart, Greg W
Ayers, Larry
Azar, Nabiel
Bakke, Sarah J
Barber, Richard
Bartlett, Faenell
Baughman, Bryan L
Bautista, Hildeberto
Beaumont, Trina
Beissinger, MD, Stephen F
Beissinger, Pearce
Beissinger, Ph.D., Tina P
Bell, Shalene C
Blackman, Harry E
Blashishin, Andrey A
Borders Construction LLC
Bradley, Sylvia
Brodahl, Amanda
Brooks, Jonathan C
Brown, Joyce M
Brown, Timothy P
Brumbaugh, Chantel M
Brumbaugh, kindi E
Brumbaugh, Marc A
Buckland, Michael
Bunch, Bev
Burandt, Robert L
Burniston, Nacole
Cairn investment Group
Campbell, Gordon J
Carlston, Anthony
Carr, Josh
Castle, Patrick J
Chan, Shuet Ping
Chavez, Fidel
Chiapuzio, kurt
Chipman, Della Lee
Choi, Grace
Chu, Donna
Clinical Biologix LLC
Conklin, Darrell L
Coronado, David
Covey, Paul
Cowan, keith
Cox, James N
Craber, Sally A
Crary Shoe Manufacturing
Crawford - Webb, Rebekah
Dagel, Randy
Dance With Laney Price
Danilyuk, Ruslan
Davies, James E
Dearing, Lorie B
DePeralta, Carrie
Dezellem, Susan
Dienberg, Eric R
Diesel, Robert
Dixon, David P
Dochow, Philip N
Domin, ingrid A
Domin, Jennifer D
Downing, James T
Downing, James T
Dragucean, Daniel P
Dykema, Harley E
Ensminger, Steven A
Ernst, Eric
Espinor, Judas
Ezell, Patrick
Farnsworth, Stuart
Felema, Moti
Felton, Charles
Felton, Robert
Fontenette, Vanette
Fowlkes, Alma
Fowlkes, Laurie
Frank, Gregg A
Frank, Richard L
Frazer, Daniel S
Friday, Jeff A
Frye, Lisa M
Frye, Michael R
Ge, Haitao
Gentry, Robert T
Gierke, Del Paul
Gilbert, David A
Gilbert, Marvin E
Gillum, Doug
Gnos, Dawna
Goldhammer, Scott
Gomez, Elizabeth S
Griffith, Michael
Griffith, Michael A
Groce, Sylvia
Guild, David
Hallberg, Dianne
Halsne, Lynelle
Happy Valley Children’s
Hay, David B
Herpst, Deeann
Hibbard, Dick
Hill, Tim
Hobizal, Marty H
Hoffart, Joseph P
Hoffert, Jerry
Holland, Susan M
Holmstedt, Angie
Huang, Yuwen
Hubbard, Doyle
Hughes, Christopher
Hughes, Robert B
Jackson Benefit Services, inc
Jantz, Ron
Jantz, Ron
Johanson, Jason B
Johnson, Cory
Jones, Brendan
Jones, Terry
kalk, kelly
kassaye, Ephrem
keegan, Chris B
keehn, kevin
kelaye Concrete, LLC
kempenich, Gerald E
kempenich, Theresa A
kittleson, Edward J
kollman, Tom
korotkih, Michael
LaCroix, Ron J
Lane, Susan L
Laurelhurst Operations, LLC
Lebel, Robert R
Lee, Paul S
Lee, Samantha
Leet, Robert E
Levy, James M
Lewis, Robert R
Lincoln Financial Group
Lindquist, Wayne A
Lloyd, Elizabeth A
Lockhart, Lane
Loffink, James R
Loffink, Robert
Long, Loyd
Loving, kelly
Lowe, Jeffrey
Lucas, Dale
Lund, Oliver
Lutu, Fanuae’e A
Mack, John L
Mack, Jonathan
Manning, David
Manus, David
Marine, Alexandria R
Marshall, Anne
Martinez, Juan J
Matz, Glenn
Maybelle Clark Macdonald
Mazurowski, kris
Mead, inga
Metcalf, Jamie M
Milazzo, Alice
Miller, James D
Mitchell, David C
Mitchell, Sean D
Moc, kevin R
Moceri, Stephen P
Montani, Stephen G
Moore, James M
Moore, Mary Ellen
Moxley, ian
Mullen, Jonathan P
Mulvihill, Brett
Nealey, Tedd R
Newman, John
Nguyen, Daniel Tri
Nguyen, Ngoc Diep Thi
Nova Casework LLC
Nyhof, Gordon
O’Berg, Michelle
Offe, Martin R
Olander, Robert M
Olsen, Emily M
O’Sullivan, Dennis
O’Sullivan, Dustin
O’Sullivan, Tammara M
Otto, Justin M
Painter, Gregory W
Parker, Shawn
Parklane Christian Reformed
Parnell, Ashley J
Paynter, DMD, Mitchell
Pearson, Marion L
Perkins, Buckley
Peterson, Maria E
Peterson, Robert
Phillips & Company
Piekarski, Christopher
Pierson, Charles
Platinum Elite Distribution LLC
Poletiek, Jay
Poletiek, William A
Poli, Jerry D
Polley, Johnathon
Price, Berry
Priest, Dale J
Pritchard, Gordon
Pumpkin Patch, The
Ra, Sang Young
Rabe, Troy
Radcomp Technologies
Roberts, Justin M
Roberts, William W
Rogers, Walter
Rosenbaum, Michael L
Roth, Preston
Ruiz, Daniel
Sanchez, Lenard (Len)
Schenk, Marvin R
Schmidtke, Shawn
Schmurr, Ron
Semke, Jon A
Shelburne, Lila
Shim, kevin k
Shin, Yong Han
Singleterry, Matt
Smith, Gregory T
Somera, kahlil John
Starling, Larry A
Sulages, Chris
Sutton, Michael B
Swift, Dan
Taylor Group Realty
The Standard Employee
Giving Campaign
Three Dog Electric
Thurber, Jean A
Tonkin, Jack R
Tortilleria Y Tienda De Leon’s
Tran, Phong D
United Way of the ColumbiaWillamette
Valkenaar, John J
Van Lierop, Jr., John
Virnig, Doug
Walker, Richard
Wells Fargo Community
Wells Fargo
Wersch, Brenda G
West, Amy
West, Tom
WFJ Janitorial Service inc.
Win-Chip Property
Winters, Ryan
Woods, Amber
Woods, Gerard E
Workman, Carol
Zallee, Val A
Zallee, Van
Zimmerman, Laura
Portland Christian Schools is a registered non-profit organization
under the IRS 501(c)3 requirement taxpayer ID 93-0401248.
FALL 2015 7
Exciting First Quarter
n the last edition of the REALS, it was
reported that that everything was in
readiness for the beginning of the school
year. Enrollment exploded this summer,
new teachers were hired and assigned,
classrooms rearranged, the community
center moved to the white house and the
doors opened to over 325 students in
grades Pk-5. Every event this fall went
beautifully from a record Jog-a-thon
raising over $21,000, field trips to the
Pumpkin Patch, to safety drills all done to
near perfection, to school inspections with
perfect scores, to a pastor’s appreciation
competition sports. As an example our 3rd
grade girls took first in their end of season
tournament! They played so well and really represented PC! Go Royals!
day with a record number of pastors in
attendance and BizTown for our 5th graders. What an explosive start to a promising
record school year. Just as a side light here,
BizTown is a mock-up business community sponsored by the Junior Achievement
program. 5th grade students spend days
learning and planning in the classroom
and then are bused to the JA Facility in
Portland to “run” Biztown for an entire
Below are a few pictures to show you just
what an exciting first quarter our school
had. And now, we are very busily preparing for our Christmas Program. With all
the activities, you just might ask, “How
about the academic side of things?” “Well,
if receiving some of the highest scores in
the nation as a school is any indication, we
can with confidence say, “Our students are
doing very, very well academically.” Young
Hearts, Young Minds being prepared to
lead the next generation.
And of course, our coaches are working
hard along with the students to do well in
–Rhonda Rogers
Elementary School Principal
Junior high
Great Start to a New School year
n God’s Green Pastures, the theme for
this year’s students, grades 6-12 was the
focus of Spiritual Emphasis Week. The
Junior High gathered daily in chapel to
hear a number of speakers challenge and
encourage them to closely follow their
Shepherd as He leads them in the Green
Pastures of daily living. The year is off to a
very good start with a terrific group of students. They quickly learned their schedules, their locker combinations and their
new schedules. One student expressed
their enthusiasm when asked how the year
was going so far. “Great. i’ve got the coolest teachers and i’ve made lots of friends. i
really like the freedom to go from class to
class and to the bathroom when i want to.
AND, i haven’t gotten into trouble so far
this year.”
“All the kids in the junior high got
Chrome Books this year. This is really
cool because we all have our own email
and our teachers can put all our assignments on line and we can do our homework on line as well”, commented another
The highlight of the 6th grade is always
the great time everyone has at Outdoor
School. This year was no exception. As
one can see from the pictures below, the
students learned so much about living and
working together as well as testing their
own strength. Several confessed they were
able to overcome fears they had about
climbing ropes and even canoeing.
Everyone is looking forward to the Christmas season. There are the classroom parties everyone looks forward to along with
the annual Junior High party put on by
the parents. The band and choir are getting ready for the annual program and of
course basketball practice is in full swing.
Following vacation, basketball games
begin (we’re looking good) and with lots of
snow in the mountains, comes ski club. it
doesn’t seem possible that this school year
will be halfway over.
–Moriah Madson
Grade 11
FALL 2015 9
high School
High School
rs. Lampi asked me to write this article for the REALS. i have a few comments that i think reflect from a student’s
perspective, how this school year is going.
students, parents, committed faculty, (as an
example the Caldwell’s have been here since
i was in 8th grade), a wonderful administration and caring people in the offices.
“So far it has been a great year for me, i
love all my classes and for the first time, i
really believe i have an idea of what i want
to do after i graduate. This year is a real
turning point in my high school career.”
Another girl commented that PCH is the
best school ever. “i am a senior and this is
my 3rd school.”
Mr. Jon Roberts, senior Bible teacher, has
also assumed the role of Campus Pastor. A
consistent thread is running through both
junior and senior high; Green Pastures.
This is also the theme chosen by student
council. The Lord leads and when we let
Him, He makes us to lie down and rest
in His pastures beside calm waters. There
is an entirely new format for chapels,
designed to bring all students and faculty
together. Spiritual Emphasis Week was a
great and calming way to begin our year.
Talking to students, teachers, and staff
members, you come away with the same
feeling. This is shaping up to be one of
the best years in many. We have great
While there is a new calm and peace over
the school this fall, there is still much
hustle and bustle as the many activities go
on around us. Fall sports went well, the
recent drama production of one-act plays,
Through Life’s Windows, was a great
showcase of our talent, the Barn Bash,
Homecoming and the black light dance in
the gym, the Powder Puff football game,
the Thanksgiving Feast where we ate and
gave thanks together, were just a few of the
many activities students at our school are
involved in.
As we look forward to Christmas, many
activities are coming up from the Christmas concert on December 11 and the
Grotto on December 7 to the annual
Christmas party sponsored by students in
the international community. Good things
are happening at PCH.
–Moriah Madson
Grade 11
2016 Accreditation
any years
ago a
pioneer in
Christian Education, Jeanne
Lampi made it
a priority that
Portland Christian Schools
become accredited. Mrs.
Lampi worked many long hours on behalf
of Portland Christian and also for several
schools around the Northwest. Her work?
Convincing Christian Schools that Accreditation was important. Accreditation
would mean meeting all the standards of
public schools and beyond. Accreditation
validates a school’s program.
Today we enjoy knowing that some of the
best schools in the Northwest are Christian Schools and it is a common thought
among educators, parents and students
that the best educational processes happen
at the Christian School.
During the 1970’s and 80’s it became
evident that not all Christian schools were
created equal and public perception began
to change as public schools and universities
began to question the validity of Christian
educational institutions. Many colleges rejected academic credits earned at Christian
schools, which caused families to question
whether their local Christian school was
the best education for their students.
Jeanne Lampi and other pioneers of Christian Education began to fight back. A
push to have all Christian schools become
accredited was their mantra and they
traveled the northwest talking to many
educators in Christian schools of all sizes
and denominational persuasion.
cal integration, Philosophy and Mission
paramount to the organizational philosophy. Of utmost importance to ACSi, are
annual district conventions held nationally
and internationally for training teachers
and administrators in Biblical integration,
academic excellence and teaching methods.
The ACSi accreditation process was
deemed so significant that in 1992, the regional accreditation body which accredited
colleges, universities and public schools, accepted the accreditation process of ACSi on
a par with the regional bodies. The acceptance of ACSi by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges (NASC) was
major as this validated our students’ work
and the quality of our Christian schools.
in 1987, Portland Christian Jr./Sr. High
was one of the first Christian schools in
the Northwest to become accredited by
ACSi. This was a milestone for everyone
at PCS. in 1993 it was the first Christian
School in the 7state- Northwest Region to
become dually accredited by both ACSi
and NASC. in 2003, Portland Christian
hit another milestone when it became the
second school in the nation to become
accredited using the Accreditation by
School Progress Model. in 2010, Portland
Christian, grades Pk through 12, reached
another milestone when the entire school
went through the process together.
Perhaps this was the most significant
period for our school accreditation. ALL
teachers, administrators, staff, parents,
alumni, etc., worked together on the accreditation process, producing one single
document identifying us as one single
school with one single purpose; that of
educating students in the Truth of the
Word. The Mission of the school became
clear to all Portland Christian stakeholders
as we continued to be a model for other
schools to follow.
Over the years, Jeanne Lampi put together
an outstanding program at PCS and
invited teams of administrators to come
and see what a quality program could look
like. Jeanne shared her knowledge and
passion for school accreditation with other
schools and served on or chaired school
accreditation committees in all the Northwest regional states. For many years, she
also served as a member of the NWACSi
Accreditation Commission.
Today, being ACSi accredited provides
PCS with both NASC and AdvancED accreditation. PCS has the highest accreditation standards in the educational arena.
This school year we will be going through
a review of our accreditation with ACSi.
it takes many hours of hard work by our
Board of Trustees, staff, faculty, administration, parents and alumni. The amount
of work done and outcome are all worth it
in order that PCS continues to be a leader
in the Northwest and the nation for quality education.
it is my pleasure to carry on the fine work
done by Jeanne Lampi. Accreditation
holds us accountable to high expectations
and gives us the credibility to continue
to display proudly our ACSi credentials.
Our families can rest assured that their
students will be taught with excellence
from a Biblical perspective. Our graduates
number, both nationally and internationally, among the finest educated students in
the world.
–Jim hill
Jr./Sr. High School Principal
ACSi or Association of Christian Schools
international, which grew out of the
National Association of Christian Schools,
was organized. The newly reorganized international body, developed standards far
above the expectations of public schools
and encouraged all Christian schools to
become members. ACSi schools were
to be distinctively Christian with Bibli-
FALL 2015 11
News from the International Front
he international
Student Program (iSP) had
a strong start to
the 2015-2016
school year! 48
strong, students
come from
6 countriesSouth korea,
Vietnam, China, Japan, Hong kong, and
Taiwan. in addition to students attending
PCHS in a regular program, we have the
privilege every fall of hosting about 40 girls
from Shukutoku High School in Tokyo.
in the fall, we welcomed 39 Host Families
who are hosting the international students
this year. Please contact kathy Nyone,
host family coordinator, at kathy.nyone@
pcschools.org, if you are interested in hosting a PCHS an international student.
James, Dean of Students, has been meeting with all seniors to assist them in their
college and career planning. She is a wonderful resource for all seniors at PCHS!
international students will join with their
own grade levels for all school events this
year and are eager to make new friends
in America and at PCHS. FAB (Friends
Across Borders) will be a joint effort of all
our student leaders to make events open
to everyone! FAB leaders are reaching out
to the PC student community through
social media via a FaceBook group where
students can share ideas and comments
about FAB events. Please contact me,
Sheila Tretter, at sheila.tretter@pcschools.
org with suggestions for the FAB activities. We will have our first FAB afterschool
event in mid-November.
Upcoming iSP events include The international Student Christmas Party on
December 10, 2015. FAB Events include
Snow Day on February 4, 2016 at Jeanne
Lampi’s Government Camp home. The famous and highly anticipated international
Food Night is March 7, 2016 in the PC
high school cafeteria. Mark your calendar
and join us for international Food Nighta wonderful celebration of food and activities from around the world!
Seniors are avidly studying for their
upcoming TOEFL (an English test) and
SAT (an academic test) as they consider
their college and university options. Sherri
Thanks to all PC alumnae, administration, staff, and host families working
together to contribute to the success of the
iSP program.
–Sheila tretter
Director of Admissions and
the international Student Program
From the Student Body President
his year
Council has
been doing a
fabulous job
and getting
President Cezanne
the word
Brunner in Through
out about
Life’s Windows
all our
events. Attendance and enthusiasm is at an
all time high; in fact we haven’t had this
amount of support in many years. There is
a level of excitement among the kids that’s
contagious and everybody seems to want
to get involved.
in September we held our annual Barn
Bash, a fun event to kick off the school
year. More than two thirds of the student
body plus many faculty and parents came
to this event dressed in cowboy boots and
flannels to have one of the best nights of
their lives. We are blessed to be hosted by
Sauvie island Farms.
After Barn Bash came Homecoming. The
Homecoming football game and dance
were both a massive success. Class floats
were creative and very neatly done, and
the Homecoming Court was absolutely
gorgeous. it was a beautiful evening for
a half-time parade with a grand marshal
from the 1950’s leading the amazing class
floats around the track followed by former
queens from 1977 to our reigning 20142015 Queen, Queen Megan Flikkema.
Our princesses, all riding in convertibles,
followed. Finally the moment all had been
waiting for; the crowning of our 2015-16
Homecoming Queen. Congratulations
to Queen Hannah Antal. Homecoming
wasn’t over yet, however as the students
headed straight for the gym and the black
light Homecoming Dance. What an
amazing evening.
Our next event is Powder Puff; time for
the girls to get muddy and play some
football. The prize is bragging rights for
all of high school. And the winning class?
THE SENiORS. Following right on the
heels of the “football” game, was our Fall
Drama production, a series of one act plays
entitled “Through Life’s Windows”.
The theme chosen by Student Council
this year is With Me, from Psalm 23: 4a“Even though i walk through the valley
of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil,
for you are with me.” Our theme, in our
words, means that we want our community to come with us; as Student Council, we
want to lead the student body to events.
We want to join together as a community
and love one another. God is always with
us no matter what our circumstances
might be. He is also with us at our school
events, and sports games. Attendance at
our events and keeping God number one
in our events is how we want to implement
our theme.
–cezanne Brunner 2016
Student Body President
News from the Bleachers
e had
a great
Fall season as
we continue to
grow competitively in all of
our programs.
it was wonderful having
football back
this year, which
brought back Friday nights, homecoming,
and some great football. The team finished
2-7 overall, but had a great first year back
playing football at Portland Christian.
A number of our players were honored at
the District level. Junior Hunter Endresen
was named 1st team quarterback & punter, senior Michael Moultrie was named
1st team running back, and junior Levi
Dalzell was named 1st team defensive line
& 2nd team offensive line. Senior Patrick
Leon-Guerrero was named 2nd team running back, kaleb Osborne was named 2nd
team defensive line, Zuriel Hammond was
named 2nd team defensive line, Andrew
Salar was named 2nd team linebacker, and
Jensyn Lown was named 2nd team kicker.
Girls and boys soccer competed very well
this year. The girls were 1 win away from
a league championship in their very last
contest of the season. senior kelsey Wha-
len was named 1st team all-league, junior
Jensyn Lown, and sophomores Michaelyn
Allen and Bailey Martes were named 2nd
team all-league, and Nellie Ernst was
Honorable Mention.
the boys competed in a very tough
conference that featured the #1, 2, 4, 5,
& 9 ranked teams in the state. Portland
Christian, ranked #13, was just a couple
points away from qualifying for the state
tournament. Sophomores Nico Aguilar
and kaito kitazawa were named 1st and
2nd team respectively, and junior Tiholo
Moraka was named to honorable mention
the volleyball team improved tremendously under new head coach Bill Berry.
They finished 2nd in the Lewis and Clark
West region and lost to Warrenton in the
league playoffs. Senior Hannah Antal was
named 1st team all-conference, freshman
Simone Gordon was named 2nd team
all-league, and juniors krystian Brownell
and Demi Guild were honorable mention
Winter sports are upon us and we are
thrilled to have the opportunity to use
kNOVA Learning Center (formerly
Portland Lutheran School) for all of our
home games and practices this season. We
are also extremely excited to announce the
return of Coach Rich Remsburg as an assistant coach for the varsity boys basketball team. Head BB Coaching and AD for
over 38 years at PCH, Rich will bring a
wealth of experience, understanding and
historical perspective as he joins Head
Coach kyle Cowan.
the girls will build upon their success
from last season with their goal to again
represent the Lewis and Clark League at
the State Tournament in Coos Bay. The
2015-16 season will see all our Lady Royals
return with the exception of Megan Flikkema who is now playing for Multnomah
University. Our 2014-2015 Coach of the
Year, Jim Hill, is cautiously optimistic
that his ladies will not just get to State but
could very well become the new 3A OR
State Champions.
AnD finally our BiG neWS is: We are
committed to building an athletic complex
at Portland Christian. Our new gym will
finally mean PCH will be able to schedule
all our games in our very own facilities.
This is a vision Rich Remsburg, Jeanne
Lampi and many others have had since the
early 1970’s.
–kyle cowen, AD
and Wendy Griffin Asst. AD
FALL 2015 13
Alumni Celebrate
t was a perfect evening for a football
game, clear and not too warm; a perfect
temperature. 14 Alumni arrived at 4:30
and went to the track to observe and judge
the class floats which were beautifully
done all on the theme of Disney’s Pixar
films. The seniors were proud to take
home the trophy this year. As the judges
returned to the cafeteria, they were greeted
by scores of other alumni all gathered
to sign in, get the game family and the
Alumnus season passes. Thanks to karen
hall 1977 miller, ruth larson 1968
case, John larson 1973 and michelle
Anfuso 1988 osborne, the dining room
was beautifully decorated with fall and
PCH colors. Approximately 150 people en-
joyed a Lasagna meal and great fellowship
together. Well after kickoff at 7:00 p.m.,
Alumni were still sitting around visiting.
lumni from all decades attended the
event, rivaling the numbers of regular
spectators for seats in the stands. in fact
many simply stood around the fence and
watched from wherever the view was best.
At half-time fans were treated to a great
procession of floats, Alumni Queens,
karen hall 1977, kari Schneider 1995,
Amy Beaumont 1999 and reigning Queen
megan Flikkema 2015. The entire procession was led by Grand Marshall, karon
Stoller 1957 trommlitz. it was exciting to witness the crowning of our new
2015-2016 Queen, Queen hannah Antal,
daughter of Alumnus charles Antal 1987.
Be on notice!!!! We want as many as possible of our former queens to be a part of
the Homecoming Festivities next season.
After all, HOMECOMiNG is just as the
name implies-coming back home.
Following are a few pictures of Alumni
at Homecoming. if anyone of our readers
would like to have the pictures identified,
please contact Jeanne Lampi at jeanne.
lampi@pcschools.org. Thanks.
Grand Marshall karon Tromlitz 1957 with husband Mike
Queens karen, Amy, kari and Megan
FALL 2015 15
ALumni sPotLight
In God’s Timing, it All Comes Together
Small Beginnings yield Huge Blessings
ditor’s note: Recently I had the privilege
of spending time with a dear saint of
God. I listened to the amazing story of her
heart passion; her love and care for our first
nation citizens. In 2007 God raised up First
Nation Ministries founded and directed by
Don Cline. Don for many years ministered
to Native American peoples throughout
North America. Even though there were
struggles with this new ministry, Don was
reminded that “When the Lord anoints a
ministry, it will succeed.” 93 year old Don
is at home, patiently waiting to join his
dear wife in Heaven, meanwhile daughter,
Debbie continues this ministry. Following is
Debbie’s testimony.
“i have the privilege of being the daughter of a preacher and have been called
to continue his life’s work. i am such an
unqualified vessel to lead this ministry but
since it is He who has called me, i must
answer the call and work until He comes.
Over 46 years ago, my Dad, Don Cline,
was gifted with an all-expense-paid moose
hunting trip to British Columbia, Canada.
Because of his “no-hunting on Sunday”
rule, he told the men that he would remain
behind in camp that day. The other hunters laughed, “We wondered what you’d do.
Why don’t you hold church?” Dad did just
that and the hunters, guides, and some of
their indian friends came for the service.
indians and white men alike were so
moved by Dad’s preaching that many confessed their sins and got right with God.
After the service, a big muscular indian
grabbed Dad in a bear hug and said, “Why
don’t you come help us?” We understand
how you talk. it is 100 miles to the nearest church and we only have horses; we
cannot go! Who will teach our children?”
That night it was clear and cold and the
moon bright. Dad walked the perimeter
of the camp fussing at God. “Why don’t
you help these children, Lord?” He knew
the answer in his heart as the Lord said to
him, “Why don’t YOU help them, Don
Cline?” Out of that experience, Frontier
Missions was born; later the work was to
continue as First Nation Ministries.
The Native American population is the
most neglected segment of our society.
These dear folks struggle with high
percentages of alcoholism, drug abuse,
physical and sexual abuse, suicide, diabetes, often leading to early deaths. Over the
years, hundreds of thousands of pounds
of food, clothing, household items, health
and beauty aids, furniture, Bibles, vehicles,
Christmas presents, homemade quilts and
baby clothes, laundry and dish detergents,
dog and cat food, toys for tiny and older
tots, bicycles, cars, trucks, etc., have been
hauled to various tribal reservations from
Alaska to Mexico and from Oregon to Pennsylvania. Dad always said, “You can’t talk
to people about the Bread of Heaven when
their bellies are hungry for a piece of bread.”
Our ministry is simple. We meet the
needs of people where they’re at. it is not
associated with any one church or denomination, but works with many. Our
sole support comes from our “Teammates”
who want to be a part of reaching Native
American people for Jesus. We appreciate
any financial donations, warm clothing,
nonperishable food items, etc. We make at
least one and if not too far, two trips each
week to various reservations. While we
used to use 18 wheelers, we have found a
one ton Dodge truck and the largest Wells
Cargo trailer work just fine and are far
cheaper and easier to operate.
Right now our greatest need is for nonperishable food items. People are hungry
and coming into winter, food gets hard to
come by. Our second most pressing need
is for bunk beds. Extended families often
try to live together under one roof with
immediate family members all sharing
the same sleeping room. Third, we need
warm clothing of all sorts. Money is also
needed to help keep our ministry solvent:
rent for our warehouse/office, fuel for the
truck, funds to cover the cost of radio
time. We’ve all heard the adage, “Little is
much when God is in it.” While we deliver
all the items to the reservations, we let the
native pastors and tribal leaders distribute
as they determine the greatest needs.
We’d love to send you our news letter with
information and pictures to give you a better idea of the work we are doing. Find us
at www.firstnationministries.org or email
us at mail@firstnationministries.org or call
our office at 503-408-2391. We also have a
radio broadcast on kPDQ. it airs Monday
through Friday at 1:00 PM on kPDQFM and on kPDQ-AM at 6:00 p.m. On
Saturday we air at 7:15 a.m. and Sunday at
7:00 p.m. on 93.9 FM.
Thanks for letting me share. i’d love to
reconnect with friends from Portland
Christian High.
Working till Jesus comes,
–Deborah cline 1970
Brian & Amy haldeman 1997
ochsner married September 12,
Marc & tina hamilton 1994
Doniger married November 5,
Connor and chloe Gillock 2011
Durr married June 20, 2015
Mr. & Mrs. Scott 2001 messinger married October 17, 2015
Eleanor Bivins
Henry Streumpf
kennedy Arntson
Louisa Blackwell
Eleanor Marie born October
9, 2015 to Jared and Becky
Smiley 1999 Bivins
Henry born November 23,
2015 to rachel curnell 1992
and Paolo Struempf
kennedy May born August 25,
2015 to Jacob 2010 and emily
Stenhouse 2010 Arntson
Louisa Jane born December
1, 2015 to Mr. and Mrs. tyler
2003 Blackwell
kim hill 2008, who was declared
the MVP in the last World Cup
Volley Ball series, heads to Rio next
summer to play in the 2016 Summer
Olympics. Meanwhile, TEAM USA
continues to “take to the road” as they
play against teams around the world.
kim was home in Vancouver this fall
and dropped by Portland Christian to
watch out girls practice and tour her
old “stomping grounds”. kim played
four years at PCH before heading to
Pepperdine where she also played and
from there was accepted as a player on
Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Criswell
(Former PCHS Science Department Head)
Daniel Burnett 1999, former
Portland Christian Schools,
Grades 6-12 Choral Director,
completed his Master of Divinity
studies at Multnomah University,
was ordained and is serving the
Lord as a pastor at Rivercrest
Community Church.
Recently Jon roberts 1994,
Bible and Social Studies teacher,
or J. Rob as he is affectionately
called, was treated to a “birthday
bash” by a number of his students.
Portland Christian is blessed to
have such Godly men and women
as Jon on staff.
We lovingly remember the following Alumni and Friends of
Portland Christian Schools who have gone on to be with the Lord.
Jacobs 1955
otice of Wray’s passing was sent for
inclusion in the REALS nearly a year
following his homegoing. Wray and his
family came to Portland from Spearfish,
SD by way of Grants Pass and entered
PCH as a junior. “He was quite a guy and
seemed to make a very positive impact
on the school and his class. He played
basketball, was in the choir, active with
Bob Barber in YFC, was the Student Body
Chaplain and a writer for the yearbook.”
Following graduation and college, Wray
joined the army. After his time of service
in the military, he joined the Multnomah
County Sherriff’s office as a deputy sheriff.”
ur dad, a master carpenter, had this
sign in his shop for many years: MY
Today dad left this earth to join his Boss
in heaven. i imagine he’s getting started on
Eilers 1961
y dear and beautiful sister, Josephine
mckinney 1961 rhods eilers
joined our parents in Heaven on November 9, 2015. She suffered with Parkinson’s
for many years until is now at peace and
at perfect rest from her illness. Following
her graduation in 1961, she married elvin
rhoads 1958. Josephine had a beautiful operatic voice. She sang in church and
in many community programs. She also
sang with the Portland Opera Company
in Madame Butterfly, La Boehme and the
king and i. She was a talented artist. She
loved farm fresh vegetables, she loved to
bake, she loved her Lord and she loved her
family. After losing her first husband, the
Lord blessed her with a second marriage to
Curtis Eilers. Your children, grandchildren,
husband and i deeply miss you, dear Josephine, and look forward to the day when
we will see you again.”
–Donna mckinney 1968 root
oyce Haehlen went to be with her Savior on November 7, 2015 after a long
battle with cancer. Joyce’s generosity as
a volunteer and donor to PCS will never
be forgotten. Many had the privilege
of working side by side with Joyce as
volunteers in Choir and drama events
all the many years her children, Andrew
2000 and Jaime 2004 were students in
Greene 1964
erman Greene went to be with his
Lord on October 9, 2015 following a
short battle with Glioblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer. Steve Monroe, friend
and classmate to Herman Greene wrote
the following for his friend.
creating and building something amazing! 🔨🔨
We love you, dad. –cliff 1973, ron 1975,
carolyn 1976, lorraine 1982, John 1990
and wife krista 1990, phil 1994.
Note: Bob and wife, Grace, were very much a
part of the Portland Christian family for the
many years they had their children enrolled in
Portland Christian Schools. Bob could often
be found using his wonderful carpentry skills
building or repairing one project or another
for the school.
hat i remember most about Herm
was his outstanding athletic ability.
Herm’s nickname was T.D. i just learned
this last week that when he received that
nickname, it did not stand for touchdown.
When we were in high school, we boys
just assumed his nickname meant touchdown. That was before Portland Christian
had football. Every year, we wished we
could have a football team and if we did,
we knew who would be our star running
back – T.D. Greene.
When we were freshmen, we were in the
junior high school building that was on
the primary school campus. That kept us
pretty isolated from the extracurricular
things that were going on at the high
school campus. That was the first year
that Portland Christian went to state in
any sport. So there were a lot of good basketball players on the high school campus.
Some of us freshmen tried out for the J.V.
basketball team. Only one of us made the
team – Herm Greene.
the Junior-Senior high School. She always
stood firmly on the Word and spoke truth
into the lives of many students at PCH.
She lived life to its fullest as a Godly
woman. “A beautiful person, a great and
Godly woman, she loved all of us dearly
and worked tirelessly for us.” “Thank you,
Mrs. Haehlen.”
When we were sophomores, we were on
the main high school campus. Some of
us tried out for and made the J.V. basketball team. Only one of us made varsity
– Herm Greene. i finally made varsity
our senior year. Herm was the high point
man on the team. it was great being his
When we freshman, because we were
isolated from the high school campus, i
think i may have not even known there
was a baseball team. Based on what i
saw our sophomore year, i wouldn’t be
surprised if he was the star pitcher our
freshman year. in our sophomore year, i
made the baseball team. Actually, i think
anybody that tried out made the team.
Coach Barber had a special position that
fit my capabilities – i kept score. in so doing, i sat behind the backstop and got to
view Herm’s pitching. i can still remember the “thwack” of the ball as it hit the
catcher’s glove. He had a great delivery
motion and great pitches.
With Herm’s talent, we looked forward to
a great last two years of baseball. However, our junior year was rained out. Every
time we had a game scheduled, it was
raining. Then when a makeup game was
scheduled, it would rain again. Finally,
the entire season was cancelled. Our
senior year, i played first base and so i
would have had a different angle watching
his pitching, only Herm was having back
issues and therefore couldn’t pitch. He was
able to catch, and he was a great catcher.
Herm was our class president and did a
great job at that as well. He also had a
wonderful voice and sang with Bob Barber’s choir during high school. Herm married the love of his life, Christine Crum.
in our junior year, Herm and Christine
were crowned Sweetheart Serenade king
and Queen. They were married and their
family settled in Sandy where Herm had
his own business. We have all lost a good
friend and Sandy, OR has lost one of its
finest citizens.
We’ll see you again in Heaven, Herm.
Your classmate, Steve Monroe
FALL 2015 19
From our missionaries
Don & Gretchen Barter
1970 cheney
Wycliffe Bible Translators (SIL)
retchen was able to make a wonderful
trip to Portland this summer to attend her 45th Class reunion at the home of
Rich and Sue Remsburg as well as visit her
family living in Oregon. Husband Don is
a member of a Paratext development team.
Paratext is a data translation application
which can be used by those working with
indigenous peoples who have no written
form of their language and thus do not
have access to reading God’s Word.
Brent ralston 1979
VisayasMinistries, The Philippines
hroughout Home Assignment until
now, we have really struggled knowing where to put our priorities for this
next term of service. We have identified
12 areas of ministry that are vying for our
time: coaching church planters, leadership
training, Business as Mission initiatives,
short term teams, Journey Corps, antihuman trafficking, pastor’s wives, New
Life Community Church involvements,
mission leadership, short-termers & interns, new church planting initiatives, and
putting out fires.
These first four months back have helped
us to get some perspective and focus,
somewhat moving in different directions
than we thought. Although all of these
will be getting some of our attention, our
priorities we think will be in five areas:
Journey Corps, NLCC involvements,
leadership training, anti-human trafficking, and short-termers & in-terns. There
will be considerable overlap with these
five. These priorities are being set for two
primary reasons: our church is really hurting and is in need of leadership, and the
desire to see more long-term missionaries on the field within the next 10 years.
We have the Luebben family coming on
a vision trip and possibly another family
visiting next year. Matthew 9:37- 38 says,
“Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest
is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask
the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send
out workers into his harvest field.’” Would
you pray with us for more workers?
their picture for us. They would say, “this
one is for Janell/Daniel Hartleyi/Harry
van Tonder” (they didn’t know us) and it
was amazing the encouragement from the
Lord for specific situations represented
in the kid’s pictures for each of us. Once
again - i was crying! Note: The Hartley’s
started their own non-profit organization,
Megezi Ministries.
Julie engeman 1997
Overland Missions Zambia and
Dem. Republic of Congo
Dan & Janell engeman 1995
Megezi Ministries
Ministering in Zambia and S. Africa
e drove 10 hours south of Johannesburg to the small rural community
of Tarkastad in the Eastern Cape yesterday. it is quiet and beautiful and bursting
with evidence of God’s fingerprints in so
many areas.This morning we visited the
Plumtree Property and are thrilled with
the growth of the school and dormitories,
the track and field, and much more. it
was only a beautiful dream 5 years ago
and now it is coming to reality. in the first
classroom kids gave us pictures that they
had drawn for us and prayed over. Each
wrote something on the back to explain
from Julie:
“Started my
about 4ish
a beautiful
baby girl.
Had to take
the mom to
the hospital
for complications (doing good now) and then rush
back to the base to make sure my favorite
Dutch family made it to the airport on
time. Next was a group blood donation
party for our dear Zambian friend who
needs surgery on Friday. After one of us
passed out (not me) after giving blood we
decided to have another missionary drive
us home. After dinner we pass a herd of
Cape Buffalo on our way back to town
to pick up vehicles and then discovered
a red roman spider inside my jeep which
promptly starts to chase us... So we pull
over and begin the hunt for the vile creature. After it has been successfully exterminated we are back on the road. it’s been
quite the day and now i’m ready for bed.”
micah 1995 and
Amy Stellar 1995 tuttle
Serving the Lord in Peru
As a chaplain, my gentleness is to be
known to all, and so is the gentleness of
all you who share this ministry with me.
Allow the words of the Apostle Paul to
give you the peace you need and deserve to
nurture and care for your own spirit during this holiday time. When you do, you
will recognize the strength God gives and
you will come to realize that it is only in
God’s strength that you can do all things.
“Rejoice in the Lord always, again i say rejoice”, especially in this Christmas season!
Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year!
my and i celebrated our 19th anniversary on November 29th by taking
a romantic jungle tour. God has blessed
me with such a beautiful wife. We are also
excited to see the Lord moving to bring all
the pieces together for the opening of our
Bible institute on March 5, 2016. We have
our first Team in place to begin classes.
Dr. John Schneider
(Former PCH Bible Teacher)
Nursing Home Ministries
s Christmas approaches, we reflect
on warm scenes of family moments.
These scenes, reminiscent of a Norman
Rockwell painting, are imprinted on our
minds... family gathered around a dining
room table filled with food, the sounds
of warm laughter and jovial conversation
filling the air.
Reality presents another picture for most
people, however, and many care center
chaplains struggle to reconcile the Currier
and ives picture with the reality of their
daily ministry. On the best of days, being
a chaplain can be a difficult task, but the
stress of the holidays makes that task even
more imposing. We have a desire to meet
and exceed everyone’s needs and expectations... concerns of staff and family can become the overpowering force that drives us.
Dan & marta lewis
(Former PCH Teachers and Parents)
Light to the Nations
Hungary and Romania
ecently Dan and marta lewis visited
Portland to thank Portland Christian
Schools for the major part they had in
the lives of each of their family members.
“Thank you Portland Christian High for
taking me in as part of the family, letting
me teach science, coach football and be
the Junior High Department Head. Marta
and i are so grateful that she could also
work at the school
and together we could
see our four children,
patrick 1988, rachel
1992, Jason 1990
and paige 1995,
graduate. Before
we were married,
Marta played on the
Hungarian world cup
volley ball team. One
day while on a world
tour, she secretly left
her teammates and
went into hiding. As a believer she knew
eventually she had to return to her native
land and bring the Good News that Jesus
can save them. it was in our little house
behind the grade school that a small prayer
meeting began with families from Portland Christian. From that and our start at
Portland Christian, the Lord has entrusted
us with this international ministry; Light
to the Nations.”
Upcoming Reunions
e need someone to
head up our 50 year
Class of 1966 reunion. The
Class of 1966 will be honored
at the 2016 Commencement
on June 4, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.
More details to be announced.
lso, it’s never too late
to plan a reunion for
YOUR class! Contact Jeanne
Lampi at 503-256-3960 x267,
503-880-4603 or by e-mail at:
FALL 2015 21
Class of 1957
embers of the Class of 1957
met for a reunion luncheon
at The Old Spaghetti Factory in
Clackamas on October 16, 2015. “We
chose that date,” said karon Stoller
Trommlitz, “because it also fell on
Portland Christian’s Homecoming”.
We enjoy meeting as often as possible
and usually plan something “big”
every five years or so. Our yearly
gatherings give us a chance to stay in
contact whether or not everyone can
come. in addition to the individual
pictures, Ev and Mary Lee Payton are
seated on the left closest to the photographer. Apologies for not having
their individual picture.
Class of 1960
ith gratitude, the Class of 1960
thanks Cathy Schmurr Talbott for
planning our 55th Portland Christian
Reunion. We had 11 classmates plus 7
spouses at our gathering. We thought of
those who were unable to attend and want
to send the message that they were very
much missed.
Attendees at our event were Peter Smith,
Darrell Lockwood, Dave Snyder, Cathy
Talbott, Marla Bock, Dave Talbott, Sandy
Harden, Dave West, Linda Wood, Sharon
Geist, and Sharon Hotchkiss.
We made two Memory Lane poster boards
which showed pictures of choir perfor-
mances, graduation, junior/senior banquets
and pictures of the many fun times we had
together at Portland Christian.
Although our group was small, we had
a wonderful time getting caught up
with one another. The group met at Old
Country kitchen which brought back even
more memories to some of the classmates
as a place to gather when they were much
As we shared events in our lives that have
brought us to this point in time, we realized just how precious these memories are
and how much we valued sharing these
with one another.
Class of 1962
ince our 40th reunion in 2002, the class of
‘62 has held a potluck get-together at the
home of one of our class members. This year
was no exception as we gathered at the home
of Phil and Pat Smith’s near the little community of Scots Mills, a few miles south of Molalla on Sept. 12th. We were a small class to
begin with, but this year only seven of us plus
spouses made the trek into the countryside for
an afternoon of good food and good fellowship. i personally have never met a potluck i
didn’t like and this was no exception. Potlucks
are one of the churches greatest contributions
to the world. What better way to spend a sunny afternoon than over a good plate of food
across from folks you have known for over 50
years. it it wonderful to be able to get together
with friends who don’t have to follow the lead
of the world to have fun. And it is also good
to laugh and tell stories from days gone by and
just enjoy each other’s company. i hope we can
continue to do so until Christ comes to take
us all home. Thank you, Portland Christian,
for your part in preparing us for our futures.
–Tom Porter, Class Scribe
P.S. in the group picture from left to right are:
Phil Smith, Tom Porter, Mary (kious) Brandom, Sandy (Huss) Hager, J.T.(John) Hager,
kathy (Williams) Smalley, and Jim Shields.
My wife, Alleen and i also got the privilege of
sharing our 50th Wedding Anniversary with
our class.
Class of 1985
hile this reunion, held June 26,
2015, was mentioned in the Summer edition of the REALS, more pictures
have been received for publication in the
Fall edition.
Class of 1995
he Class of 1995 held our
Reunion in late August at
a restaurant in North Portland.
Even though our group was small,
the fellowship was very sweet and
each of us was were excited to
share events in our lives with the
others. During dinner, however,
the restaurant we were at suffered
a power outage so our “excitement” had to be put on hold as
we left and moved to a different
venue. We all agreed that these
sorts of events continued to make
life interesting and our 20th a
memorable occasion.
Class of 1975
hank you for heading up the Alumni
Association and for creating the REALS
magazine. i look forward to the new copy every time it comes out. it is such a good way to
keep up with names from many years gone by
and keeping in touch with what is happening
at Portland Christian now.
Just a little background from me: i’ve been
married to my wife, Ann, for 34 years. Ann
and i met at Concordia College where we both
earned our undergraduate degree. i am in my
first year of retirement after a 34 year career
in education, the last 17 of which was serving
as an asst. principal and a principal of several
different public jr. highs and high schools here
in the Spokane and North idaho area. John
klingaman 1974 and his wife, Diane, live
about 30 miles from us, and John and i served
in the same district for eleven years. John
retired 2 years ago.
classmates. Thanks for any help you might be
able to provide in my quest.
i have made some contacts with classmates and
educators from PC during my brief retirement. i
have visited John and Ann Dunham, and Doug
Callison and i have exchanged emails. it is my
hope to make contact with all of my 32 classmates. i have also made contact over the years
with Rich Remsburg. i understand Rich is going
to help out with Royal basketball this year–that is
a great move by the school. it will be great to see
him return after all the years he put in to make
PC a state powerhouse, year in and year out. i
have also had contact with Dan Clausen.
Also, i have written a story about a great
kindergarten teacher at PC for so many years,
Mrs. Gertrude kuhlman. i was hoping that
piece might find its way into the REALS.
Beyond just making contact with my classmates of 1975, i would like to write a book
about what has happened with each student
over the past 40 years since graduation. i
would appreciate any help you might give me
as i search out names and addresses of my
Thank you, Mrs. Lampi, for your tireless
service to PC and the young lives you have
touched along the way.
–John Myers, Class of 1975.
Ed. Note: John, this is a wonderful note and
I trust you won’t mind me sharing it with our
readers. I am in process of ferreting out the names
of all current and past servants at PC and their
dates of service to the school. Gertrude Kuhlman’s
name came up as one of our pioneers, serving for
well over 30 years at the school. I would love to
honor her in this magazine.
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e are grateful for the many who give monetarily to Portland Christian
Schools. Your dollars are providing much needed financial assistance through
scholarships and tuition aid to students in grades k-12. Please go to our website and
see the many scholarships now being offered because of the generosity of our donors.
Your donations are making a difference in the education of students in the truth of
God’s Word and furthering the kingdom through Portland Christian graduates.
You are invited to use the form below to mail in your donation or to update your
contact information.
 Portland Christian Schools
 J. Robert Barber Memorial Choir Scholarship Fund
 New Gym
Year graduated or years attended or involved at PCS:
Phone Number:
Please make all checks payable to Portland Christian Schools and mail to:
Portland Christian Schools
12425 NE San Rafael Street
Portland, OR 97230
Gifts may be made using a ViSA or Master Card. To make your gift using one of
these cards, please call Lisa Helgerson at 503-256-3960 ext 229 or Rebecca Smillie at ext 200. All gifts are tax deductible and will be immediately receipted by the
business office. For further information please call Jeanne Lampi at 503-256-3960,
ext 267 or 503-880-4603. She can also be reached by e-mail at: jeanne.lampi@
check out our website at
tell your friends to look up this
edition of the REALS under the
alumni tab!
Tim Brunner
kari Egger
Scott Stumetz
Sandy Virnig
Steve Nagai, Chair
Mark Crawford
Murray Heidebrecht
Gina Tsague
Shellee Wisenbaker
Annette Johnson (1982), Superintendent
Rhonda Rogers, PCES
Jim Hill, PCHS
Sheila Tretter, iSP & Director of Admissions
Jeanne Lampi, Alumni Director
kyle Cowan, Athletics/Facilities
Laurie Fowlkes, Development Director
Portland Christian Schools is a registered non-profit organization under the IRS 501(c)3 requirement taxpayer ID 93-0401248.