winch drives
winch drives WINCH DRIVES > P L A N E TA RY PA R T N E R > P O W E R T R A N S M I S S I O N > F LU I D P O W E R >>> > T H I N K G L O B A L LY - A C T L O C A L LY Brevini is one of the world’s leading producers of planet gears, commercial gears, winches as well as hydraulic motors and equipment. We are represented all over the world with subsidiaries in 27 countries. Brevini is a strongly committed team with high level of professional qualification and long experience inside both Fluid Power, PowerTransmission and Service. We stretch to give you the support you request - either by phone or at your site. We offer quick and efficient technical support and by discussing the various options we find the optimal solution together. We have all the expertise and tools required to provide you a quick and well prepared reply – complete with CAD drawings as well as printed lifetime calculations according to ISO, FEM , DNV or similar. We provide complete solutions, gear-units, hydraulic- or electric motors as well as control valves and powerpacks – all according to your needs. We have our own engineering department available at your disposal. We can perform tests of units according to your specifications and provide the requested certificates and approvals needed. Try us and feel the difference. Samhydraulik* Brevini Riduttori Brevini Hydraulics** PIV Drives V.P.S. Brevini Brevini Winches Hydr-app** Subsidiaries >Aron >Oleodinamica Reggiana Service Centre *Distributed by Brevini Norge/E. Eng **Distribuert av E. Eng WINCH DRIVES This range of high-efficiency planetary units are specially designed for winch drives. The compact PWD series is suitable for applications from 3 to 12 tons and the SLW series for line pulls in excess of 12 tons. Both types are designed for easy integration into winch drums and offer the ability to work in aggressive environments like for example marine applications (with double sealing and optional epoxy paint finish). spigots for drum fitting, and also higher levels of transmittable torque, because the design utilises planet assemblies with 4-5 satellites . Users of the PWD units and of the higher capacity SLW series - also benefit from the convenience of drum fitting via bolts from the motor side, and easy, drive-end access to the filling, level and drain plugs for maintenance. The planetary design of the PWD and SLW series allows engineers to simplify winch arrangements and reduce the overall size and weight of the assembly. All ratings are listed according to FEM M5 with an output speed of 15 rpm. Utilising the ISO BreCal program we are able to make the optimal selection at any torque and speed given. Finally, the units are protected against adverse environments by “ caterpillar” seals, which have been tested over long periods in the demanding marine sector. The universal input version offers users the alternative of external brakes with a backstop device, which effectively provides one-way operation by preventing back drive through the gearbox during hoisting, for better winch control. The combination of a universal input and a dedicated adapter assembly enables this version to accommodate any type of hydraulic motor. (pneumatic motors can also be fitted.) The robust design of the PWD gearbox means that they are suitable for use with winches which have drum support bearings opposite to the drive side, and also with free hanging or cantilever drums. In either of these configurations, the PWD units provide smaller Complementing the PWD series in the higher capacity range of 12 tons and above, is Brevini’s SLW series of winch drives. These units are based on the Brevini “S” Series gearboxes, which feature a revolutionary new epicyclic gear design that increases the power available from the unit without affecting the overall weight of the design. As a result, the “S” series provides up to 60% more torque output than other gearbox designs of equivalent size and weight. The SLW drives are designed for use with hydraulic motor drives incorporating a hydraulic brake assembly .The input can also be split to allow the facility of 2 smaller motors to drive; with flexibility in mind. The input can also be driven via electric or pneumatic motors. Other options include double grease-packed seals and an epoxy paint finish, both designed to provide high levels of protection in arduous and corrosive marine environments. > Q U A L I T Y is an important element to satisfy your demands – on products as well as on the service we provide. Therefore we have chosen to TypeApprove all our standard series, slewdrives and winchdrives as well as some complete winches. The approval is valid worldwide. Together with our knowledge -we guarantee your safety. Our production is ISO certified and we also have a complete quality-system locally. This assure your interests in the best possible way. Regular audit and changes are done as needed. *Type-Approval acc. to Det Norske Veritas’ rules for Certification of Lifting Appliancies, IMO SOLAS 1974 convention. >>> >THE BEST GEARS GOING AROUND PWD-RL PWD SLW DIMENSIONS Gear box sizes Output Torque Ratio i T2 (Nm) (1) Speed T2 max n1max (Nm) (rpm) (2) PWD ØA1 ØB1 ØC1 K1 ØF1 h8 PWD-RL F1 G1 Bolt dim Bolt dim ØD1 Qual 8.8 Qual 8.8 h8 ØM1 ØE1 I1 H1 ØA2 ØB2 ØC2 K2 ØF2 SLW F2 G2 Bolt dim Bolt dim ØD2 Qual 8.8 Qual 8.8 ØM2 ØE2 I2 H2 L2 ØA3 ØB3 ØC3 ØD3 h8 K3 h7 F3 G3 F3 Bolt dim Bolt dim ØE3 ØM3 ØP3 Ø (3) 22-38 5300-6100 10000 3500 300 270 220 22 15,5 49,5 3600 10000 3500 300 270 220 22 15,5 65-112 9700 20000 3500 370 340 280 26 15,5 141,2 6900 20000 3500 370 340 280 26 15,5 PWD3200 67-144 12800 25000 3500 442 412 320 25 17,5 PWD3300 66-145 18500 36000 3500 442 412 350 25 87-139 22200 45000 3500 460 428 360 169 22200 45000 3500 460 428 PWD3700 98-190 34900 70000 3500 490 450 SLW4003 56-125 60600 105000 3300 560 520 470 450 40 26 SLW6003 63-180 62200-79400 165000 2500 630 590 550 510 39 24 SLW8503 63-180 103700-111500 190000 2500 680 630 580 565 45 26 PWD2100 PWD3150 M14, N16x22° M14, N16x22° M14, N18x20° M14, N18x20° M16, N12x30° M16, N12x30° M16, N18x20° M16, N18x20° 190 230 260 209 281 190 230 260 209 281 270 300 330 199 314 370 340 280 26 15,5 270 300 330 199 314 370 340 280 26 15,5 M20, M16, N20x18° N17x18° 240 285 382 240 322 442 412 320 25 17,5 17,5 M20 M16, N20x18° N17x18° 240 285 382 248 339 442 412 350 25 30 21,5 M20, M20, N16x22° N21x15° 270 310 395 282 373 460 428 360 360 30 21,5 M20, M20, N16x22° N21x15° 270 310 395 282 373 460 428 400 22 21,5 M20, M20, N20x18° N20x18° 330 370 410 306 396 490 450 M14, N18x20° M14, N18x20° M16, N18x20° M16, N18x20° 270 300 330 199 314 490 270 300 330 199 314 490 M16, M20, N20x18° N20x18° 240 285 382 240 322 502 17,5 M16, M20 N20x18° N17x18° 240 285 382 248 339 521 30 21,5 M20, M20, N16x22° N21x15° 270 310 395 282 373 549 360 30 21,5 M20, M20, N16x22° N21x15° 270 310 395 282 373 400 22 21,5 M20, M20, N20x18° N20x18° 330 370 410 306 396 I3 H3 L3 h7 PWD3500 585 M24 M24, N18x20° N22x15° M22 24x15° M24, 22x15° M24 M24, N24x15° N22x15° 325 380 474 453 543 666 370 430 548 519 616 754 420 470 576 632 831 722 1) M5 (T5, L2), n2=15 rpm, according to F.E.M.,1.001 3rd edition revised 1998.10.01 2) Indicative values, depending on ratio and duration of max speed. 3) Higher ratios are available on request >>> >YOUR SAFET Y - OUR RESPONSIBILIT Y CO N V E R S I O N FAC TO R TA B L E M U LT I D I S C B R A K E S T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 400 < T2 800 800 < T3 1600 1600 < T4 3200 3200 < T5 6300 T7 T8 Y Classes of utilization ( Table T. ) Spectrum classes ( Table T. ) Universal input 6300 < T6 12500 12500 < T7 25000 25000 < T7 50000 Mechanism groups ( Table T. ) 0 < Km 0,125 M2 1,40 M3 1,24 M4 1,07 M5 0,95 M6 0,83 M7 0,69 L2 0,125 < Km 0,250 M2 1,44 M3 1,28 M4 1,08 M5 1,00 M6 0,86 M7 0,72 M8 0,60 L3 0,250 < Km 0,500 M3 1,24 M4 1,07 M5 0,94 M6 0,82 M7 0,69 M8 0,57 L4 0,500 < Km 1,000 M4 1,07 M5 0,94 M6 0,80 M7 0,68 M8 0,57 øP L1 To switch from M5 ( T5 - L2) ratings to other FEM classification. i.e. PDW3300 i=80 torque rating according to FEM M5 ( T5 - L2) = 18500 Nm - PDW3300 i=80 torque rating according to FEM M4 ( T3 - L3) = 18500 x 1,07 = 19795 Nm Actual torque ratings calculated by the use of the Conversion Factor Table , must always be lower than T2 Max for the relevant G'box i.e. PDW3300 i=80 torque rating according to FEM M4 ( T3 - L3) = 19795 Nm < 36000 Nm = T2 Max O U T P U T TO R Q U E VA R I AT I O N S F O R E AC H S I Z E A N D R AT I O "Nominal" Ratio 22,6 26,4 31,5 38,2 50 65 72 80 95 100 110 120 130 140 160 170 190 PWD2100 00 PWD3150 PWD3200 PWD3300 PWD3500 PWD3700 SLW4003 SLW6003 A BRAKE RELEASING B DRAIN PLUG C OIL LEVEL PLUG D SLW8503 6100 PLUG BRAKEAND RELEASING PLUG ABREATHER FILLING PLUG B DRAIN PLUG C OIL LEVEL PLUG D BREATHER AND FILLING PLUG 5300 3600 9700 12800 18500 78900 22200 9700 60600 FL350 76200 79400 34900 22200 12800 18500 6900 111000 FL250 111500 34900 79400 62200 111500 103700 111500 34900 69000 105000 22200 FL450 FL650 FL750 22200 Output Torque ratings according to FEM 1.001 3rd edition revised 1998.10.01 M5 ( T5 - L2 ) - Amplifying coefficient m= 1,16 FL960 CO N T R A B E A R I N G CONTRA BEARING Gear box sizes ØA4 ØB4 ØC4 ØP4 ØE4 h8 ØF4 ØG4 ØH4 L4 h8 PWD2100 300 230 260 190 270 220 M16, N12x30° 15,5 72 PWD3150 370 300 330 270 340 280 M16, N18x20° 15,5 115 PWD3200 442 285 382 240 412 320 M20, N17x18° 17,5 82 FL250 442 285 382 240 412 350 M20 N17x18° 17,5 91 PWD3500 460 310 395 270 428 360 M20, N21x15° 21,5 91 400 M20, N20x18° 21,5 90 490 370 410 330 450 P Pmax (bar) (bar) horizontal Vo (l) vertical Va (cm3) new discs 181 278 417 571 540 737 642 792 949 834 1027 1229 1528 1783 2038 2293 13 13 20 20 26 26 20 20 20 26 26 26 22 22 22 22 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 22 22 22 22 Y 67 67 67 67 72,5 72,5 A M12X1,5 M12X1,5 M12X1,5 M12X1,5 M12X1,5 M12X1,5 B R 1/4" R 1/4" R 1/4" R 1/4" R 1/4" R 1/4" C R 1/4" R 1/4" R 1/4" R 1/4" R 1/4" R 1/4" D kg R 1/4" R 1/4" R 1/4" R 1/4" R 1/4" R 1/4" 24 24 26 36 37 42 Medium static torque Brake release pressure Max Pressure Oil quantity Oil quantity for brake release control Plugs PWD3300 PWD3700 T: P: Pmax: Vo: Va: FL250.4C FL250.6C FL350.6C FL350.8C FL450.6C FL450.8C FL650.10C FL650.12C FL650.14C FL750.10C FL750.12C FL750.14C FL960.12C FL960.14C FL960.16C FL960.18C T (Nm) FL350 FL450 FL650 FL750 FL960 P 195 195 195 195 225 225 >>> > O N E T E C H N O L O G Y - A T H O U S A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S A D A P TO R S F O R M OTO R S - S A E J 7 4 4 C 1 CYLINDRICAL SHAFT 2 SPLINED SHAFT 3 2 B O LT T Y P E 4 4 B O LT T Y P E d1=metric thread d2=inch thread mm (inch) SPLINED SHAFT SAE ØA W A 82,55 (3,250) ØX MIN. K BASIC ØM S BASIC 6,35 (0,25) - 106,4 (4,188) 13,0 (0,438) 75,22 (2,96) - 101,6 (4,00) 101,6 (4,00) 9,65 (0,38) 9,65 (0,38) 50,8 (2,00) 50,8 (2,00) 146 (5,75) 146 (5,75) 14,3 (0,562) 14,3 (0,562) 89,8 (3,536) 89,8 (3,536) 14,3 (0,562) 14,3 (0,562) C 127 (5,00) 12,7 (0,50) 63,5 (2,50) 181 (7,125) 17,5 (0,688) 114,5 (4,508) C-C 127 (5,00) 12,7 (0,50) 63,5 (2,50) 181 (7,125) 17,5 (0,688) D 152,4 (6,00) 12,7 (0,50) 70 (2,75) 228,6 (9,00) E 165,1 (6,50) 15,87 (0,625) 70 (2,75) 317,5 (12,50) B B-B SAE Y No. BOLT ØR o CYLINDRICAL SHAFT DS2 LS LA MIN. ØDSC LSC F E 15,875 (0,625) 24 (0,938) 7,6 (0,30) 15,875 (0,625) 24 (0,938) 17,6 (0,693) 4 (0,1563) 22,22 (0,875) 25,4 (1,00) 33,3 (1,312) 38,1 (1,50) 10,2 (0,40) 12,7 (0,50) 22,22 (0,875) 25,4 (1,00) 33,3 (1,312) 38,1 (1,50) 24,95 (0,982) 28,1 (1,106) 6,35 (0,25) 6,35 (0,25) 12/24 31,75 (1,25) 47,6 (1,875) 15,2 (0,60) 31,75 (1,25) 47,6 (1,875) 35,2 (1,386) 7,8 (0,3125) 17 12/24 38,1 (1,50) 54 (2,125) 17,8 (0,70) 38,1 (1,50) 54 (2,125) 42,25 (1,662) 9,525 (0,375) 20,6 (0,812) 13 8/16 44,45 (1,75) 66,67 (2,625) 20,3 (0,80) 44,45 (1,75) 66,67 (2,625) 49,3 (1,941) 11,1 (0,4375) 20,6 (0,812) 13 8/16 44,45 (1,75) 66,67 (2,625) 20,3 (0,80) 44,45 (1,75) 66,67 (2,625) 49,3 (1,941) 11,1 (0,4375) No. TEETH 30 D.P. 9 16/32 13 16/32 15 16/32 14,3 (0,572) 14 114,5 (4,508) 14,3 (0,562) 20,6 (0,812) 161,6 (6,364) 27 (1,062) 224,5 (8,839) ORDERING CODE ORDERING CODE Flange with d1 Flange with d2 d1 Metric Splined shaft Cylindrical shaft d2 Inch Splined shaft Cylindrical shaft A 25 (0,984) 2-4 M10 T.U. 15 611.2550.2680 611.2550.0900 3/8 0,59 Min Full Thread 611.4770.2680 611.4770.0900 B 25 (0,984) 2-4 M12 T.U. 25 611.2570.0580 611.2570.0460 1/2 13 1,00 Min Full Thread 611.4390.0580 611.4390.0460 B-B 25 (0,984) 2-4 M12 T.U. 25 611.2570.1940 611.2570.0500 1/2 13 1,00 Min Full Thread 611.4390.1940 611.4390.0460 C 28 (1,102) 611.0180.0510 611.4530.1480 611.4530.0510 79 (3,110) M16 T.U. 20 M14 T.U. 20 M16 T.U. 20 M14 T.U. 20 611.0180.1480 C-C 2 4 2 4 611.0180.2540 611.0180.1750 611.4530.2540 611.4530.1750 D 93 (3,661) 2-4 M18 T.U. 20 611.0350.1930 611.0350.1720 611.4780.1930 611.4780.1720 E 93 (3,661) 2-4 Ø22 T.U. 30 611.1820.1930 611.1820.1720 611.1820.1930 611.1820.1720 5/8-11 0,78 Min F.T. 1/2-13 0,78 Min F.T. 5/8-11 0,78 Min F.T. 1/2-13 0,78 Min F.T. 3/4 10 1,00 Min Full Thread Ø 0,875 1,11 Min Ordering Code Gear Type Gear size Example 1 PWD 3300 72 FL450-RL(back-stop) Example 2 SLW 8503 120 FL760 (normal brake) Mounting notes Reduction Ratio Input side Installing the gear unit When installing the winch unit take special care to the alignment for the centring of the structure supporting gearunit as well as the structure supporting the contrabearing. The structure must be rigid enough to prevent any deflection during operation. Back Stop All our winch drives can be provided with brake and Back Stop device if needed. The unit rotate free one direction when no pressure are applied. When pressure applied on the unit, is rotating free in both direction. Always remember to specify Free Rotation of Direction when ordering. (seen from the motor side) Surface treatment Standard Optional Hydroprimer “NR”955010 Marine painting – C5M/C5M-E/C10 (180-240 my) Sandblasting ,Metalizing, epoxy painting Norzok standard Others on request Lubrication SAE J 306 ”a” gear oil at viscosity of VG 150 (SAE 90) and with EP additives is recommended for BREVINI gear reducers. When service temperatures vary over a wide range, synthetic oil with a VG 150 or 220 viscosity class is recommended. This oil should have a minimum viscosity index of 165 and should contain EP additives. In any case, the oil selected must adequately resist oil viscosity breakdown given the particular service conditions. The scheduling of the oil changes must be consistent with the particular service conditions involved. Horizontally-mounted gearboxes must be filled half-full. After a short period of operation, a visual check must be made of the oil level. Under continuous operating conditions, the working temperature must not exceed 90°C. In application where high speed and hig power are required, please contact BREVINI Eng. Service Dept. for ass. Oil Changes The first lube oil change must be made between 50 and 100 hours of service. Subsequent oil changes must be made after 2.500 hours of service time or at least once every 12 month. However, the scheduling of oil changes should be in relationship with the actual operating conditions. No sludge should be permitted to accumulate in the unit, and oil changes should be made while the gearbox is warm. The oil level should be checked at least once a month. If the gearbox oil level decreases by more than 10%, the unit should be carefully inspected for leakage. Different types of oil should not be mixed even if they have the same trademark. It is especially important to avoid mixing mineral oil with synthetic oil. >MAIN OFFICE Brevini Norge as Elveveien 38 P.O. Box 2071 Stubberød 3255 Larvik Phone: +47 33 11 71 00 Fax: +47 33 11 70 11 >LOCAL OFFICE Brevini Norge as P.O. Box 36 Bønes 5849 Bergen Phone: +47 55 52 01 60 Fax: +47 55 52 01 61 E-mail:
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