Comp puter Mod dels Design n for Teac ching and L Learning u
Comp puter Mod dels Design n for Teac ching and L Learning u
Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 Compputer Moddels Designn for Teacching and L Learning uusing Easyy Java Sim mulation Looo Kang Law wrence WEE1, Ai Phing L LIM2, Khoonn Song Aloysius GOH5 , S Sze Yee LYE E1, Tat Leongg LEE E2, Weimingg XU2, Giam Hwee Jimmyy Goh3, Cheee Wah ONG4, Soo Kok NG N 4, Ee-Peow w LIM5, Chew w 6 6 1 7 L Ling LIM , W Wee Leng Jooshua YEO , Matthew ON NG ,Kennethh Y T LIM 1 Ministry of Education, Eduucation Technoloogy Division (ETD D), Singapore 2 Ministrry of Education, R River Valley Highh School (RVHS)), Singapore 3 Minnistry of Educationn, Yishun Junior C College (YJC), Siingapore 4 Minnistry of Educatioon, Innova Junior College (IJC), Sinngapore 5 Minisstry of Education,, Anderson Juniorr College (AJC), S Singapore 6 Ministtry of Education, S Serangoon Juniorr College (SRJC),, Singapore 7 National Innstitute of Educattion, Nanyang Teechnological Univversity, Singaporee,,,,, lee_tat_leong@, xu_w,,,, , lim_eepeow@,,, kenneth.lim@ A Abstract: We are teachers w who have beneefited from thee Open Sourcee Physics (Broown, 2012; Chhristian, 2010; Esquembre, 22012) commuunity's work annd we would llike to share some of the computer modells and lesson ppackages that w we have ddesigned and implemented in five schools grade 11 to 12 classes. IIn a ground-upp teacher-leaddership (MOE,, 2010) approaach, we came ttogether to leaarn, advancingg the professioonalism (MOE E, 22009) of physsics educators and improve sstudents' learnning experiences through suiitable blend (JJaakkola, 20122) of real eequipment andd computer m models where aappropriate . W We will share ccomputer moddels that we haave remixed frrom existing llibrary of com mputer models into suitable learning l envirronments for innquiry of physsics customizeed (Wee & Maak, 2009) for tthe A Advanced Levvel Physics syyllabus (SEAB B, 2010, 2012). W We hope otheer teachers wouuld find these computer models useful annd remix them to suit their ow wn context, deesign better llearning activiities and sharee them to beneefit all humankkind, becominng citizens for the world. T This is an eduuLab (MOE, 20012b; Wee, 20010) project fuunded by the N National Research Fund (NR RF) Singaporee and Ministryy oof Education (MOE) ( Singappore. Keyword: Bleended Learning, S Simulations, Com mputer Models, Oppen Source Physics, Teacher Education, teacher proofessional developpment, Easy Java Sim mulations active leearning, educationn, e-learning, appplet, design, GCE Advance Level pphysics PACS S: 01.50.H- 91 1.10.-v 96.20.JJz 04.80.-y 996.20.Jz Table 1: Sum mmary of schoolss leading in the research r and imp plementation of tthe lessons with computer c modell Lead school Customizeed computer moodel RVHS Collision ccarts (ideal) AJC Collision caarts (realistic) AJC Falling maggnet through soleenoid IJC Ripplle tank Geostatioonary orbit YJC Field strengtth & potential Earth--Moon Kepler’s 3 law rd SRJC Superposition waves Originaal model author andd sub-author coddes* Francisco Esquembre Fu-Kwunn Hwang* Andrew w Duffy* Francisco Esquembre Fu-Kwunn Hwang* Andrew w Duffy* Francisco Esquembre Andrew w Duffy Juan Aguirregabiria* Fu-Kwunn Hwang* Francisco Esquembre Fu-Kwunn Hwang* Andrew w Duffy Fu-Kwunn Hwang* Andrew w Duffy Fu-Kwunn Hwang* Todd Tim mberlake Wolfgangg Christian Fu-Kwunn Hwang* Figure Number of teachers Number off students Scaling upp in other schoolss 1 3 242 SRJC IJC 2 3 67 On goingg 3 8 198 RVHS, SRJC 4 5 77 YJC RVHS 6 250 On goingg 7 145 On goingg 5 6 7 8 9 Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 1/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 I.. INTRODUC CTION We use a free authoringg toolkit calleed Easy Java Simulation (E EJS) (Esquem mbre, 2012) thaat allows ordiinary teacherss to ccreate computter models as ttools for interaactive engagem ment (Adegokee, 2012; Hake,, 1998) in physics educationn. Building oon open sourcce codes sharred by the Oppen Source Phhysics (OSP) community, and with helpp from the O OSP ccommunity suuch as Fu-Kw wun’s NTNUJA AVA Virtual Physics Laborratory (Hwangg, 2010), we customized seeveral Easy Jaava Simulation (E EJS) computer models (Figurre 1 to 9) that we hope manyy teachers will find useful. T They are all doownloadable aand ffree to redistriibute and use uunder creativee commons atttribution licennses from Digiital Library in NTNUJAVA A Virtual Physsics L Laboratory (H Hwang, 2010) and a our workinng Google sitee In chronollogical order of o implementaation of the lesssons, these arre the lessons with computeer models that we have usedd to iinteractively engage e (Hake, 1998) our studdents, makingg physics comee ‘alive’ and leearn through m meaningful plaay (Lee, 2012).. Aligned too our goal of sscaling up (Deede, 2007) meaaningful use of o information and communications technnology (ICT) innto ccurriculum, asssessment and pedagogy (M MOE, 2008) wee would brieflyy describe Figgure 1 to 9 on these computeer models. Theese ccomputer moddels can be ussed and furtheer customized (Wee & Makk, 2009) as sciientific inquiryy tools, suitinng teachers’ ow wn ““particular intterests and eduucational poinnts of view, annd combine thee use of a corrrect pedagogiccal approach w with the sensee of ggiving to it theeir own flavor”” (Esquembre, 2002). Figure 1. Coollision carts (ideal) model (Wee, 2012b; 2 Wee & Essquembre, 2008) dderived from Franncisco’s original w work (Esquembree, 2009) showing mathematiccal representations to illicit predictiive thinking abouut the concepts. Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 2/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 Lye, 2012) derived from Francisco’s original work ((Esquembre, 20099) with 3 scientifiic Figure 2. Colllision carts (realisstic) model (Wee, Esquembre, & L grraphs showing reaalistic spring moddelled during colliisions Figure 3. Fallinng magnet througgh solenoid modell (Wee, Esquembrre, & Lee, 2012) dderived from Franncisco’s original w work (Esquembree, 2010b) showingg a loong solenoid show w and the resultannt induced voltagee as the short bar magnet falls throough. Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 3/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 H 2012) deriived from Andrew w’s original work (Duffy, 2010) shhowing pen paper Figure 4. Riipple tank model (Wee, Duffy, Aguuirregabiria, & Hwang, representtation of crest andd scalar field display of the interferrence pattern due to 2 point sources S1 and S2. Figure 5. Geeostationary orbitt model (Wee, 20112a; Wee & Esquuembre, 2010) derrived from Franciisco’s original woork (Esquembre, 22010a) showing a geostationary oorbit (red) and a ppolar orbit (white)) Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 4/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 Figure 6. Two mass modell (Wee, Duffy, & Hwang, 2012a) dderived from Anddrew’s original woork (Duffy, 2009)) showing a 2 masss system with gravitational and potential linees in 1 dimension Figure 7. Earth--Moon model (W Wee, Duffy, & Hw wang, 2012b) derivved from Andrew w’s original work (Duffy, ( 2009) shoowing a 1 dimensional realistic moodel of the mooon and earth systeem useful for explloring escape veloocity concept. Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 5/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 w (Timberlakee, 2010) showing earth and mars annd Figure 8. Kepller’s 3rd Law systeem model (Timbeerlake & Wee, 2011) derived from Todd’s original work thheir orbital trails ffor data collectionn of periods of plaanets. Figure 9. Supeerposition of waves model (Wee, C Christian, & Hwanng, 2009) derivedd from Christian’ss original work (C Christian, 2008) shhowing 2 functionns annd their resultant (red) Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 6/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 II. METHO ODS T Table 2: Researcch methods used by school River Valley High School (RVHS) and Anderson Junioor College (AJC) School RVHS AJC Researrch Method Lesson study Expeerimental withh pre-post test analysis Stuudents in experrimental groupp 2422 677 Students inn control groupp 0 62 Teachers 3 3 A A. RVHS 1) Setup The studennts are seated in groups of 3 to 4 and are equipped with the workshheet and a lapptop loaded with the compuuter m model (Wee, 2012b; Wee & Esquembree, 2008). The questions in the worksheeet were adapteed from the N Newtonian Tassks IInspired by Phhysics Education Research by Curtis J. H Hieggelke, to ssuit the particuular interest oof the teachers, curriculum aand tthe language oof local studennts. 2) Workshheet The workssheet (VI Apppendix A) usess open ended scenarios of thhe 3 different collisions witth lesson desiggn influenced by ppredict-observve-explain (Lieew & Treagusst, 1995) strateegy, to allow sstudents to disscuss and collaaboratively decide on the m most aappropriate annswers to consolidate and exxtend their undderstanding thaat can be simulated using thee computer moodel. 3) Limitattion of study Using the lesson studyy approach, liimitations of the study innclude reliancee on teacherss’ subjective observation aand ddifficulties in reviewing the large amount of video footaage of the lessoon. B B. AJC 1) Setup Figure 10. Lessoon classroom seatiing arrangement in i AJC. Each studdent uses a personnal laptop with thee Collision carts (realistic) ( computter model aided w with inquiry worksheet w questioons modified from m Physics by Inquiry (McDermott, Shaffer, & Rosennquist, 1995) The studennts are seated in i groups of fiive and are equuipped with thhe worksheet and a a laptop looaded with the computer model ((Wee, Esquem mbre, & Lye, 2012). The innquiry questioons in the worrksheet were adapted from the Physics bby Inquiry (PB BI) qquestions (MccDermott, et all., 1995), to suuit the content of local curricculum and langguage. 2) Workshheet The workssheet (VII Apppendix B) conntext of 2 glideers aims to prromote concepptualization off Newton’s Firrst Law (unifoorm m motion in fricttionless surfacces) and Newtoon’s Third Law w of Motion (varying contacct forces preseent during colllision only, equ qual aand opposite aand on differennt bodies). Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 7/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 The workssheet focuses oonly on the exxample of colliision of gliderrs and pre-postt test questions are designedd to lead studeents tto conceptualiize the same N Newton’s Thrree Laws in m multiple repressentations (Wong, Sng, Ng, & Wee, 20111). Students are aasked to interrpret the f-t annd p-t graph. They are alsoo required to draw vector ddiagrams of fforces acting oon the gliderss at ddifferent instaants. The questtions in the woorksheet aim tto improve stuudent’s mentall construction of concepts annd the processs of kknowledge construction is thhe focus of thee lesson, guideed by teacher ffacilitated disccussion. 3) Limitattion of study Using the classical pree-test post-testt research appproach, limitaations of the study includee students nott completing the ppre/post-test tto their abilitiees and inability to randomlly divide into equivalent grroups as classses are alreadyy pre-defined by sschool practices. III. DATA AND FINDINGS A A. RVHS Some otheer teachers wennt into the classsroom to studdy the lesson annd these are soome of their obbservations. We includde excerpts off the lesson stuudy notes by the teachers too give some tthemes and innsights into thee conditions aand pprocesses duriing the laborattory lessons. 1) Need foor well scaffollded inquiry acctivities “Students have difficultyy because therre weren’t enoough info giveen, no masses,, no velocitiess. Not used to such open cases ((tutorials – all open and shuut cases). “ 2) Compuuter model cann support inquiry activities “Students are not easily convinced thaat two moving objects colliding together coome to a compplete stop.” wrong student (TH) ( was ablee to “(TH, YS and B) When faced with 2 contrasting thheories, the moore vocal or coonfident but w cconvince the oother student (Y me to the rightt conclusion.” YS) of his ansswer. After thee simulation, bboth appeared to quickly com t previous w wrong answer tto look at whyy it was wrongg. Once the annswer is revealed, students teend “They did not return to the tto just focus oon theories whiich fit the answ wers; regardlesss of their ownn feel that theyy feel somethinng is wrong.” B B. AJC proved, no change and deteriorateed in post test scoores respectivelyy. T Table 3: Experim mental and contrrol group comparrison, where ↑ 0 ↓ represents imp N No. of students participated N No. of students used in <g> No. of students w who improved Average Pre test score Max = 11 marks Average Postt test score Max = 11 marks Experiimental Groupp 62 45 44 Controll Group 677 455 41 6.003 2.31 6.74 2.10 7.660 2.26 7.69 1.83 ↑ 0 ↓ ↑ 0 ↓ 55% 25% 20% 3 32% 35% 33% % Newton’s F First law 60% 20% 20% 6 60% 300% 10% % Newton’s Third T law % of students improved 71% 61% Table 3 suuggests a higheer percentage (55%) of studdents in the exxperimental grroup improvedd in the Newtoon’s 1st Law thhan ccontrol group 32% while a fairly equivaalent number oof students im mproved in Neewton’s 3rd Laaw. Overall, thhe percentage of sstudents that im mproved is (71- 61) = 10% higher in the eexperimental ggroup compareed to the contrrol group. The increase in poostppre test scoress is higher (1.556 2.93 vs 0.995 1.78) but the post scorees are fairly eqquivalent (7.600 2.26 and 77.69 1.83). T The . . sstandardized m mean differencce of the experrimental over the t control grooup is 0.21 which is medium inn effect. . The averagge test scores in i percentage (Figure 11) suuggest higher sscore in Newtoon’s 1st Law ass well. Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 8/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 80% Average Score Average tes st scores in Pe ercentage E Experimental C Control 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% Pre N1L Post N1L N Pre N3L Post P N3L Pre-to otal Post Total Figure 11. Averaage test scores in percentage of thee 11 marks pre-poost test with newtoon 1st law and 3rd law and total scores Using pree-test scores plotted versuus normalizedd gains (Figuure 12), the trend t of highher normalizeed gains <g> > = % across 0 too 7 out of maxximum 11 maarks range of ppre-test scoress for the experrimental groupp the emergedd as % w well. % 100% hake's 90% gain Experimen ntal Control Linear (Exp perimental) Linear (Control) 80% 70% 60% 50% y = ‐0.0513x + 0.6583 40% 30% 20% y == ‐0.0516x + 0.55 10% 0% 0 1 2 3 pre‐test scores 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Figure 12. Grraph of pre-test sccores of both expeerimental (N=45) and control (N=445) groups versus hake’s normalizzed gain <g> = % 100 % % off students for thhe maximum scorees of 11 marks w with marks 8 to 111 omitted from annalysis due to negaative hake’s gain but it does not addversely affect thee overall trend. IV V. DISCUSSSIONS A A. RVHS We includde excerpts from the qualitattive survey ressults and inform mal interview ws with the studdents to give ssome themes aand iinsights into the t conditionss and processees during the laboratory lessons. Words in brackets < > are addedd to improve tthe rreadability of the qualitativee interviews. i key to learnning 1) Active aand interactivve engagment is “I felt good learning thiss way because it facilitated aand encourageed discussion inn groups, and ultimately alloowing us to haave ddeeper impresssion of certainn concepts. It was a good eexperience andd I feel I gainned more from m this lesson thhan from reguular < <less interactive> classes. I feel that studeents should be given the linkk to download the tool after llessons for intteractive learniing eeven at home, because this ggives students a more interessting way to reevise certain toopics”. “The lessoon was one off the best methhods to actuallly be able to experiment aand witness firrsthand the ressults of differrent kkinds of collission and is thuss pretty good.”” Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 9/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 “I think we need more demonstration d videos or javaa programs beecause people llike me are visual learners aand an animatiion w will make learrning clearer.”” g computerr model designn 2) Need good “The compputer model deesign was brillliant and I enjooyed and undeerstood the conncept better wiith it.” “The appleet provided ann easy to underrstand interface and allowedd for immediatee understandinng. 3) Need sttronger scaffoolds at the begiinning of lessoon “The teachhers should usse the program m to demonstrrate and explaain at the samee time. Not leetting us exploore, and "wondder aaround". “Explain thhe concepts firrst.” “It only feels good whenn our predictioon and observaations matchedd. Otherwise w we were most oof the time connfused.” B B. AJC 1) Hake’s Gain and thee rationale for removing datta with high prre-test Hake’s gain scored lowerr in the post teest. We removeed these studeents Several stuudents in both groups obtainned negative H ffrom the Hakee’s gain analyssis because of several reasonns. a) increaased Hake’s gaain senstivity aat higher pre-test scores We specullate the increaased sensitivitty at higher prre-test scores say 8 marks, to score say lower say, 6 marks, whichh is ccomputed as = 200% , raised cooncerns about the validity of o the test quuestions and students attituddes ttowards comppleting the testss. b) Studennts making willd guesses durring post test We specullate some studdents are makinng wild guess during the poost tests suggessted from interrviews and absurdly short quuiz ttime clocked oonline and perh rhaps also the llack of challennge from samee questions in pre-post p test. Thus, markks 8 to 11 (Figgure 12) were omitted from analysis resultting in our Hakke’s gain <g> analysis from m 0 to 7 marks. Although tthe Hake’s gaains <g> for thhe various pree test scores arre plotted and a general trennd emerged frrom the data tthat ssuggests Hakee’s gains of thhe students in tthe Experimenntal group are higher than thhe control grooup, from the linear fit (Figuure 12) line. m effect standaardized mean ddifference of 00.21 from expeerimental (N=662) and controol (N=67) grouups Thus, withh both medium aand the norm malized gain annalysis of the trend lines exxperimental (N N=45) and coontrol (N=45) groups and ttriangulated with w iinterviews witth students annd teachers, the evidences suuggest studentts did benefit from the expeerimental inquuiry based lessson aachieving deepper learning thhan their peerss in traditional less interactivve classrooms. V V. CONCLUSSIONS The 9 com mputer models derived from m the Open S Source Physiccs digital libraary are sharedd briefly givinng credits to the ooriginal authoors and sub-autthors, so that ordinary teachhers like us arre able to standd on the shoullder of OSP ggiants and furthher ccustomize ourr computer moodels to suit ow wn syllabus annd learning conntext. A A. RVHS s and teeachers has beeen relatively ppositive, thus the teachers w will be scaling up (Dede, 20007) General feeedback from students tthe use of otheer computer m models with souund pedagogiccal approach. B B. AJC m effect of stanndardized mean difference of 0.21 from experimental (N=62) and ccontrol (N=677) and the highher A medium nnormalized gaain analysis froom experimenntal (N=45) annd control (N=45) across pree-test scores suuggests that stuudents who haave bbenefitted from m the inquiryy based lessonn can achieve deeper learninng than their peers p in tradittional classroooms. In additioon, Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 10/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 ggeneral feedbaack from the students s has beeen relatively ppositive, trianggulated from sstudents’ surveey and focus ggroup interview ws, rreflections by teachers. more teachers will find the simulation s useeful in their ow wn classes andd further custoomized them so s that others ccan We hope m aact more intellligible (Juuti & Lavonen, 20006) with them m, benefiting aall humankind, becoming citiizens for the w world. ACKNOWLEDGEM C MENT We wish tto acknowledgge the passionnate contributtions of Franccisco Esquembbre, Fu-Kwunn Hwang, Wollfgang Christian, A Andrew Dufffy, Todd Tim mberlake and JJuan Aguirreggabiria for thheir ideas andd insights in tthe co-creatioon of interacttive ssimulation andd curriculum materials. m This reseaarch is made possible thannks to the eduuLab project NRF2011-ED DU001-EL0011 Java Simulaation Design for T Teaching and Learning, (MOE, 2012b) aw warded by thee National Ressearch Foundaation (NRF), S Singapore in coollaboration w with N National Instittute of Educatiion (NIE), Sinngapore and thhe Ministry of E Education (MOE), Singaporre. We also thhank MOE foor the recognittion of our ressearch on com mputer model lessons as a significant s innnovation in 20012 M MOE Innergyy (HQ) GOLD Awards (MOE E, 2012a) by E Educational Teechnology Divvision and Acaademy of Singgapore Teacherrs. 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Ejs Oppen Source Loong Magnet Falling Througgh solenoid Moodel Java Appplet by LT TL, from W Wee, L. K., Esquembre, F., & Lye, S. Y. (2012). Ejs oppen source javva applet 1D ccollision carts w with realistic ccollision from m http:/// W Wee, L. K., & Mak, W. K. (2009, 02 June). Leveragingg on Easy Javaa Simulation ttool and open source compuuter simulationn library to create innteractive digiital media for mass customizzation of high school physiccs curriculum. Paper presentted at thee 3rd Redesignning Pedagogyy International Conference, Singapore. W Wong, D., Sngg, P. P., Ng, E E. H., & Wee, L. K. (2011). Learning withh multiple reprresentations: aan example off a revision lessoon in mechaniccs. Physics Edducation, 46(2)), 178. AUTHOR Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 12/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 L Loo Kang Lawrence WEE iss currently an educational e technology speccialist at the Ministry M of E Education, Singgapore. He waas a junior colllege physics leecturer and hiss research inteerest is in Opeen Source Physicss tools like Eassy Java Simulaation for desiggning computeer models and use of Trackeer. A Ai Phing LIM iis currently a teacher t in Rivver Valley High School, Singgapore. She haas over 14 yeaars off teaching gradde 11 and 12 experience e andd has Masters in Science Edducation. K Khoon Song Alloysius GOH is currently a pphysics teacheer in Andersonn Junior Colleege. His accademic and professional p innterests includee the appropriiate use of ICT T to enhance leearning and feeasibility of orrganization maanagement theeories in Singaapore’s public school system m. Szze Yee is currrently an educaational technoology officer inn Ministry of Education, E Sinngapore. She iis a trained Physiccs Teacher andd had taught both b Physics annd science in secondary andd primary Simulations foor physicsscchools. She is now working on modifyingg the Open Souurce Physics S reelated topics inn primary schoool. T Tat Leong LEE E is currently tthe Head of Deepartment for Education Technology in R River Valley H High School, Singapore. He is a high school Physics teaacher, with 10 years of teachhing experiencce. H He has been using Open Souurce Physics (O OSP) tools as early e as 2006 (Tracker and E Easy Java Siimulations). W Weiming XU iss currently thee Acting Subjeect Head for Educational E Teechnology in R River Valley H High School, Singapore. He is a high school Physics teaacher with a paassion and inteerest in inntegrating mulltiple modes of representatioon of informattion in the teacching of Physiics to provide auuthentic and m meaningful leaarning experiennces. . G Giam Hwee Jim mmy GOH is ccurrently the H Head of Sciencce Departmennt in Yishun Juunior College, Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 13/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 Siingapore. He tteaches Physiccs to both yearr 1 and 2 studeents at the college and advoocates inquiry-baased science teeaching and leearning througgh effective annd efficient meeans. C Chee Wah ONG G is currently a senior teachher teaching inn Innova Junioor College, Sinngapore. He haas ovver 16 years oof experience tteaching gradee 11 and 12 annd has a Masteer degree in Sccience. Soo Kok, NG iss currently teaaching in Innova Junior Colllege. He has 23 2 years of teaaching exxperience and a keen advocate of experienntial learning. E Ee Peow LIM iis currently teaaching in Andderson Junior C College, Singaapore. He is leeading a Physics IC CT Resource T Team of teachhers. Before that, he obtainedd a distinctionn in pre-servicee teaching prracticum with his creative teeach methods.. C Chew Ling LIM M is currently teaching Physsics in Serangooon Junior Coollege, Singapoore. She has 7 yeears of teachinng experience.. W Wee Leng Joshhua YEO is cuurrently teachinng Physics in Serangoon Junnior College, Singapore. Hee is allso one of the College’s ICT T Mentor speaarheading the iinitiative to creeate a critical mass of teeacher advocattes or champioons to developp and cascade effective ICT practices. Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 14/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 M Matthew ONG is currently ann educational technology offficer in Minisstrhy of Educaation, Singaporre. H He has experiennce teaching inn the grade 1 tto 6. K Kenneth Y T L LIM is a Reseaarch Scientist aat the Office oof Education R Research, Natioonal Institute of E Education. His present researrch interests arre in the affordances for leaarning that imm mersive ennvironments ooffer. Throughh his research, he is developiing a theory of learning arouund the conceppt off Disciplinary Intuitions. VI. Subject: Level: Worksheet Title: T APPEND DIX A: WORKS SHEET WITH SU UGGESTED ANS SWERS BY RV VHS Physics Time: 1h 15 min A-Level Virtual Laboraatory P06 – Collisiions between ttwo bodies – V Apparatus List 01 × laptop In this practtical you will investigate thhe dynamics of collisions with TIPERs w worksheets usinng the easy Jaava simulationn ejjs_users_sgeduucation_lookaang_Momentum m1D2010webb02.jar. The followiing sections coonsist of variouus collision scenarios. Read througgh the context carefully befoore making an educated guesss as to the outtcome. Explaiin your reasonning. Finally, runn the simulationn to verify youur prediction. me and the sim mulated outcom me identical? If they are nott, explain the ddiscrepancy. Are your prredicted outcom How to use the Virtual Laaboratory Select the tyype of collisionn by clicking the t radiobuttonn . Key in the m masses of the ccart 1 and presss the enter keyy. Repeat for ccart 2 Key in the iinitial velocityy of cart 1 and press the enterr key. Repeat ffor cart 2. Click the play button to start the simulation. mulation by cllicking on Reset the sim reset buttoon. You may w wish to explore other featuress such as graphhs in your ownn free time. E.g.: e is thhe coefficient of restitution and it is the raatio of speeds after and befo fore an impact,, taken along the t line of thee im mpact (i.e. a m measure of how w much kineticc energy is lostt). Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 15/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 (a) Carts A and B are shown juust before theyy collide. No other info formation is giiven. Don’t Assk. wing contentionns: Four studentss discussing thhis situation maake the follow off to the left. Cart C B has moore speed, andd Eugene: “Afteer the collisionn, the carts wiill stick togetheer and move of its speed is goingg to determine which cart doominates in thee collision.” Sean: “I thinnk they’ll stickk together andd move off to the right becaause Cart A iss heavier. It’’s like when a j because itt’s heavier.” heaavy truck hits a car: The trucck is going to win no matterr which one’s ggoing fastest, just mass compensate, and the carts are goiing to be at rest after thee Thomas: “I think the speed and the m colllision.” Meili: “The ccarts must havve the same moomentum afterr the collision as before the collision, andd the only wayy thiss is going to happen h is if they keep the saame speeds. All A the collisioon does is channge their direcctions, so thatt Cart A will be mooving to the lef eft at 3 m/s andd Cart B will be b moving to thhe right at 4 m/s.” m Which, if anyy, of these fourr students do yyou agree withh? Thomas ______ Meili ______ None of them m______ Eugene______ Sean _____ T Explain. Answer: N……………… one of thes ………………… se contentio……………… ns is correc ………………… ct. We do no ot ……………… have eno ………………… ugh informa ation ……. to ……………… of either ca……………… d determine t……………… he velocity………………… rt after the………………… ccollision. Mo omentum w will be conse erved ……………… ………………… ……. for ……………… ion, but this s could happ pen in a num mber of wayys, such as………………… tthe carts sti……. icking the collisi……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ……………… together a and remainin ng at rest, or o……………… the carts………………… bouncing of……………… ff one anoth her. What ac ctually ……………… ………………… ………………… ……. ……………… ction of the………………… happens d……………… epends on………………… the construc carts and o on the mater rial of the su urfaces ……………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 16/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 (b) Two identicaal carts travelling in opposiite directions are shown juust before theyy collide. Thee carts carry diff fferent loads annd are initiallyy travelling at ddifferent speedds. The carts sttick together aafter the collisiion. Three physicss students disccussing this sittuation make tthe following ccontentions: Sherwin: “Thhese carts will both be at resst after the colllision since thee initial momeentum of the syystem is zero, mentum has too be zero also.”” andd the final mom k energy after the collission and that Sunny: “If thaat were true itt would mean that they woulld have zero kinetic would violate connservation of energy. e Since the right-handd cart has morre kinetic energgy, the combinned carts will be moving slowlyy to the left aftter the collision.” Steven: “I thhink that afteer the collisioon the pair off carts will bbe traveling leeft at 20 cm//s. That way connservation of m momentum andd conservationn of energy aree both satisfiedd.” Which, if anyy, of these threee students do you think is coorrect? Sherwin ______ Sunny ______ Steven ______ None of thhem______ Please explain your reasoniing. Answer: S Sherwin is………………… c correct. The e……………… momentum m of the two o……………… carts are ………………… e equal and op pposite ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… mentum before the……………… collision, so o the total in nitial momen ntum is zero o……………… and the to otal final mo……. ………………… ……………… ………………… ………………… ……………… has to be ………………… zero also. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 17/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 (c) In Case A, a m metal bullet peenetrates a woooden block. In Case B, a rubber r bullet w with the same initial speed aand mass bounnces off an idenntical woodenn block. No other info formation is giiven. Don’t Assk. Case A, greateer in Case B, oor the same in Will the speeed of the woodden block afterr the collision bbe greater in C botth cases? Explain. A Answer: Gre eater for B.………………… The initial m momentum in both case es is the sa ame and poiints ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… …….to the ……………… bullet point right. The fin nal momen tum of the ……………… ts to the rig ght in Case e A and to ……. tthe left in ……………… ………………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ce the final momentum e block is C Case B. Sin……………… m……………… of the syst tem consistting of the ………………… b bullet and th……. ………………… ………………… ……………… ……………… th he same as s the initial momentum m, and this………………… final mome entum is th he vector su um ……………… ………………… ……………… ……………… ………………… …….of the ……………… of the bulle momentum the block m momentum et and the ……………… of the blocck, the mom mentum of ……. ……………… ………………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… m must be grea ater in Case e B. ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… Will the speeed of the bulleet in Case B affter the collisioon be greater than, less thann, or the same as the speed of the t bullet just before the colllision? Explain. A…………… Lesss than. The e…………… energy of the containing both block ccannot be system …………… and bullet……………. …Answer: …………… …………… ……………… ……………… g…………… afterr…………… the collision ore. The initial c energy of……………. tthe bullet, than befo energy……………… iss the kinetic …greater …………… ……………… …………… …………… the kinetic energies a…………… the finall…………… energy is tthe sum of …………… off the bullet……………… a and the blo ock. Since …and …………… ……………… ……………. …………… he block hass…………… a non-zerro final kinettic energy, tthe final kine etic energy of the bulle et must be …th …………… ……………… ……………… ……………. …………… …………… …………… le ess than the e initial kinettic energy o of the bullet. Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 18/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 Half Way Check Point For each of thhe earlier situaations (a) to (c), answer the ffollowing quesstions. e on thee system. List all the exxternal forces exerted Does the systtem have an innitial momentuum? Describe any changes iin its total mom mentum. Does the systtem experiencee a net impulse during the sppecified time pperiod? Explaain. (a) 1. Assume friction is gligible. neg weight of sy ystem ction normal reac force on sysstem 2. Initially, the system has zero m momentum. The total m momentum d does not change …………………………………………………………………… ……………… ……………… ……………. with time e. Or rather, the chang ge in momentum is zero o. …………………………………………………………………… ……………… ……………… ……………. 3. There is s no net imp pulse deliverred to the syystem. The e gravitational and norm mal forces …………………………………………………………………… ……………… ……………… ……………. balance. …………………………………………………………………… ……………… ……………… ……………. (b) 1. Assume friction is gligible. neg weight of s system normal rea action force of sysstem does not cha . Initially, tthe system has zero mo omentum. The total ……………… momentum……………… ange with …………… …………… ……………T …2…………… …………… ……………. is zero. ……………… time. Orr…………… rather, the …………… change in m momentum ……………… ……………… ……………. ………………………… gravitationa no net impu . There is …………… ulse delivere ed to the syystem. The al and norm mal forces …3…………… …………… ……………… ……………… ……………. …………… …………… balance.…………………………………………………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………. w weight of wo ooden b block n normal reacction fforce on wooden b block w weight of bu ullet Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 19/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 (c) 1. Assume friction is gligible. neg 2. Initially, th he system has momenttum. The to otal momenttum does no ot change with w …………………………………………………………………… ……………… ……………… ……………. time. Or rrather, the change c in momentum m iss zero. …………………………………………………………………… ……………… ……………… ……………. no net impullse delivered d to the sysstem. The g gravitationall force on th he bullet 3. There is n …………………………………………………………………… ……………… ……………… ……………. causes a small verticcal downwarrd change in n momentum m of the bullet, which iss …………………………………………………………………… ……………… ……………… ……………. negligible. Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 20/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 Extendingg Your Underrstanding (e) Two identicaal steel balls, P and Q, are shhown at the innstant that theyy colllide. The paths annd velocities of the two balls before and after thee colllision are indiicated by the ddashed lines annd arrows. The speeds of the balls are same before and a after collission. For the questtions below, uuse the directioons indicated by the arrowss in tthe direction rrosette, or use J for no direcction, K for innto the page, L forr out of the pagge, or M if nonne of these are correct. m for ball Q? Which letter bbest represents the directionn of the changee in momentum Explain. A Answer: A. ……………… e in velocityy……………… of ball Q………………… is its final vvelocity min nus its initia……. l velocity, The change ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… a and is found d……………… by subtrac cting vectorss……………… as shown. ……………… ………………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. m for ball P? Which letter bbest represents the directionn of the changee in momentum Explain. l velocity, A Answer: E. ……………… The change e in velocityy……………… of ball P………………… is its final vvelocity min nus its initia……. ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… a and is found d……………… by subtrac cting vectorss……………… as shown. ………………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… …………………………………………………………………… ……………… ……………… ……………. Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 21/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 Choose the leetter that best rrepresents the direction of thhe initial mom mentum for the system of botth balls P and Q bbefore collision. Explain. A Answer: C C. The initia al moment……………… system is……………… the vecto or sum of ……. tthe initial um of the………………… ……………… ………………… ………………… ……………… ed togetherr, m momentum of the indiv vidual balls.……………… these mo omentum po oint When add ……………… ………………… ………………… ……………… ………………… …….to the ……………… as show right wn. ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… Choose the leetter that best rrepresents the direction of thhe final momeentum for the system of bothh balls P and Q aafter collision. Explain. A Answer: C.……………… The final ………………… m momentum o of the syste m is the ve……………… ctor sum of f the final m momentum ……………… ………………… ………………… ……. ……………… o of……………… the indivi……………… idual balls. When add ded togethe er, these momentum m……………… p point to the e……. right as ………………… ……………… ………………… ………………… sshown. Note e……………… that since e momentum m is conserv ved for this……………… system, th e final mom mentum is ………………… ……………… ………………… ………………… ……. ……………… initial mome e equal to the……………… entum. ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. ……………… Choose the leetter that bestt represents the direction off the impulse during d this intteraction for thhe system of botth balls P and Q. Explain. e is no imp A Answer: J.……………… There is ………………… n no direction……………… since ther pulse on th e system d during ………………… ……………… ………………… ……. the ……………… no extern nteraction. There are …………… nal forces, …………… and so ……………… no impulse and no ……………. c change in …in ………………………… …………… ……………… momentum the syste em. …m ……………… ……………… ……………. ……………ffor …………… ……………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… ……………… ……………… ……………. Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 22/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 VII. APPEN NDIX B: WORK KSHEET WITH S SUGGESTED AN NSWERS BY AJJC Experimennt 1 Glider A iis launched towards and colllides inelasticcally with a sttationary glideer B on a smoooth plane. Affter the collisioon, gglider A reverrses direction. The mass of gglider A, m is oone fifth the mass m of glider B B. Given the conditions aboove, attempt thhe Java simulaation with diffe ferent values off initial velocities. v Bi 0 v Ai B A A A v Bf ? v Af B A A f diaggrams for each glider and forr the system S of the two gliders at an instant In the spacce provided, drraw separate free-body dduring the colllision. F Free-body diaagram for glideer A F Free-body diaggram for gliderr B R FA R A Freee-body diagraam for system m S R FB B MBg MAg S MSg (B) How w does the net force on glideer A, FA, com mpare to the neet force on gliider B, FB, at this instant? D Discuss both tthe m magnitude andd direction of tthe net force. The magniitude of FA is greater than / equal to / smaaller than the magnitude m of FB. F The directiion of FA is saame as / oppossite to the direection of FB. F-t graph (Figuure 1) below sshows the net force f FA actinng on glider A during the colllision. On Figgure 1, sketch tthe (C) The F vvariation with time t of net fforce FB actinng on glider B. F/N t/s Figure 1 at can you sa ay about the n net force actiing on glider B (A) Wha (i) before collission zero FB (eq qual to FA) (ii) during collission on zero (iii) after collisio Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 23/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 Now, conssider the time interval whilee the gliders arre still in contaact during the collision to bee Δt. How doees the product FA Δ Δt compare too the product FB Δt? Discuss this in terms of o the magnituude and directiion. e to FB inn magnitude aand opposite iin direction, FA Δt and FB Δt are equal in magnitude and oppositee in Since FA equal ddirection. ∆ wton’s secondd law (for connstant mass) m to each of the glliders to comppare the changge in momentuum Apply New ∆ ((Δp=mΔv) of gliders A and B during the collision. c Disccuss both the m magnitude andd direction of thhe change in momentum. m The magniitude of the chhange in momeentum of glideer A is greater than / equal too / smaller thaan the magnituude of the channge iin momentum m of glider B. m of The direction of the chaange in momenntum of gliderr A is same as / opposite to tthe direction oof the change in momentum gglider B. The area uunder an F-t ggraph represennts the changee in momentuum of a body. Hence, on Figure F 2, sketcch correspondiing m momentum-tim me graphs for glider A glider B m momentum/N s B time/ss A Figure 2 um-time grap ph for glider B after the co ollision. Describe the momentu mentum-time g graph for glid der B after co ollision is a straight horizon ntal line. The mom ur answers to o D (iii) and H H, what can yyou say about the velocityy of glider B d during this pe eriod? Using you nstant. (No ne et force, no change c in mo omentum) The veloccity of glider B during this period is con Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 24/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 E Experiment 2 v Ci v Ai v Cf ? v Af C A A C A A G Glider A is noow launched w with a momenttum of 200 kgg m s-1 towardds glider C whhich is movingg in the opposiite direction w with a momentum of 50 kg m s¬ ¬-1. After the iinelastic collission, glider A reverses direcction. The masss of glider A is 25 kg and tthe m mass of gliderr C is 40 kg. T The coefficientt of restitutionn e for this colllision is 0.8977. ((A) In thee space providded, draw sepaarate free-body dy diagrams foor each glider and a for the sysstem S of the ttwo gliders at an iinstant during the collision. Free-bodyy diagram for gglider A Free-body diaagram for glidder C R FA A MAg R Freee-body diagram m for system S R FC C MCg S MSg A, FA, comparre to the net force on glideer C, FC, at tthis instant? D Discuss both tthe How doess the net forcee on glider A m magnitude andd direction of tthe net force. The magniitude of FA is greater g than / equal e to / smalller than the m magnitude of FC. The directiion of FA is sam me as / opposiite to the direcction of FC. Discuss thhe magnitude aand direction oof the change inn momentum. The magnnitude of changge in momenttum of glider A is greater thhan / equal too / smaller thaan the magnituude of changee in m momentum off glider C. The directiion of change in momentum m of glider A iss same as / oppposite to the diirection of chaange in momenntum of gliderr C. from the Java simulation, s filll in the final m momentum off glider A and complete the momentum-tim me Using valuues obtained fr ggraph of glider C with an apppropriate valuue. Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) 25/26 Oral Preseentation [PS.02.099.a] The World C Conference on Phyysics Education 1-6 July 2012 momentum m/kg m s-1 20 00 10 00 0 gliderr C -10 00 -5 5 final momen ntum of A = _-70_ _ kg m s-1_ glider A 0 time/ms 5 Mome entum/kg m s-1 220 200 2 200 100 100 1 0 0 -100 200 --100 100 g glider C -1 glider A 0 1 -70 ttime/ms Thinking Questions Commentt on the veloccities of the bodies b after th hey collide elastically for tthe following situations: 1. 2 identical masses colliding. ennis ball inciident on a wa all 2. A te 3. A bo owling ball in ncident on a stationary s tab ble tennis ball. Use the JJava simulatio on to confirm m your results. Adapted frrom Tutorials in Introductorry Physics Mc Dermoott, Shaffer, & P.E.G., U. Wash. W ©Prenntice Hall, Incc. Parallel Session 02.09|Date & Tim me: 02.07.2012 / 13:00 - 14:30|Halll: D403 (3rd Flooor) First Edition, 20022 26/26