LHS Appendix 10 - Aberdeen City Council
LHS Appendix 10 - Aberdeen City Council
The Citylets Report | Issue 22 | Q2 2012 Scottish Private Rented Sector This is our second quarterly report for 2012, covering the period April to the end of June. In this issue we consider the growth of the Private Rented Sector (PRS) and introduce a new ‘volume index’ which monitors the lettings advertised on the Citylets network. Our analysis shows that while the weather has been unquestionably miserable it has not put a dampener on the lettings market in Scotland which continues to expand. National & Urban Profile Trends in Scottish Rents Q2 2009 - Q2 2012 Average monthly rents in Scotland in the second quarter of 2012 reached £672, an increase of just 1.4% on the same period in 2011. This comparatively modest rise in rents is below the latest Retail Prices Index (RPI) inflation figure for June of 2.8%, and suggests that while the demand for rental property is high the market seems to be well balanced with sufficient supply to maintain stable prices. Aberdeen Average All Scotland Edinburgh Glasgow £900 £850 £800 £750 Below inflation rent increases have not been experienced everywhere though. Aberdeen continues to be the most expensive city to rent and it also experienced the biggest jump in prices of any city, with average rents rising 4.5% year-on-year to £901. The typical monthly cost for a 3 bed property in the Granite City is now £1,225, up 8.1% on the year. £700 £650 £600 £550 In Glasgow the mix adjusted average rent was up 1.3% on the year to £609, while in Edinburgh average rents rose 2.9%, a fraction over the rate of inflation, and are now £791. £500 2009 Q2 2009 Q3 2009 Q4 2010 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2011 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 Q4 Citylets Scottish Rental Volume Index (Q1 200 - Q2 2012) Volume Index As the PRS expands we felt it would be useful report the extent to which lettings volumes have increased on the Citylets network since 2008. Our ‘volume index’ is set at 100 in Q1 2008 and now stands at 198, which means that volumes are up 98% in that time. The chart also clearly illustrates the seasonality of the lettings market with the 3rd quarter invariably being the busiest. Time To Let 2012 Q1 2012 Q2 Index level (Q1 200=100) 250 200 150 100 Average time to let (TTL) for all properties across Scotland in Q2 2012 was 39 days which is one day longer than a year ago, but five days better than the figure of 44 days recorded in the previous quarter. Our detailed chart of TTL across Scotland by property size shows that larger 3 and 4 bed properties have seen the most improvement in TTL on average. In Q2 2012 3 bed properties took 41 days to let while 4 bed properties were on the market for 37 days, which is the same TTL figure as 1 bed properties. The pie chart below shows that just under a half (49%) of properties took 4 weeks or less to let during Q2 2012. 50 0 2008 Q1 2008 Q2 2008 Q3 2008 Q4 2009 Q1 2009 Q2 2009 Q3 2009 Q4 2010 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2011 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 Q4 2012 Q1 2012 Q2 Time to Let in Scotland by Property Size (Q2 2009 - Q2 2012) 4 bed 3 bed 2 bed 1 bed 60 50 40 Proportion of all Scottish properties let by TTL period Q2 2012 30 11% 9% 20 10 14% 0 15% 51% 1 week 2009 Q2 2009 Q3 2009 Q4 2010 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2011 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 Q4 2012 Q1 2012 Q2 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks >4 weeks Tenant Referencing & Nil Excess Rent Guarantee www.letalliance.co.uk Economic and Social Trends The Private Rented Sector (PRS) in Scotland is experiencing ongoing expansion and we felt it would be helpful to set this within the context of the social rented sector in terms of scale, volume and revenues. Private 273,000 Local Authority 320,000 According to the most recent housing statistics published by the Scottish Government for the year 2010-11 the total stock of local authority owned dwellings was 320,000, with an average weekly rent of £54.63. This equates to an annual rental income of just over £900 million. On the other side of the social housing rental sector are the Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) such as Housing Associations (HA), and the total HA stock stood at just under 275,00 dwellings. Average weekly rents for HA tenants are slightly higher than council owned properties at £61.39, which gives an approximate total rental revenue of £878 million per annum. In the most recently published Scottish Household Survey there are estimated to be 273,000 privately rented dwellings in Scotland as of March 2010, a figure that has increased by more than 110,000 since March 2001. On this trajectory the stock of PRS property will exceed the 275,000 properties rented through housing associations and the 320,000 rented from councils within the next few years. Housing Association 275,000 Scottish Rental Stock Local Authority 0.91 To estimate the total amount of rent paid by PRS tenants across Scotland we can simply multiply the Citylets average monthly rent (£672) by the total stock. However, we are conscious that our data is predominantly urban and that some cheaper rental properties are not advertised via the internet, so have discounted this figure by 10%. Also, rental properties do have void periods so have assumed rent receipts for 11 months in the year. This results in an estimated annual rental income of £1.82 billion which matches the total rental receipts of the entire social sector (£1.78 billion). On the basis that the average tenancy in the PRS is approximately two years, the total number of new tenancies in a year is estimated to be around 100,000 (allowing for void periods). Within the social sector in 2010-11 there were 24,831 new council lets and 24,981 new HA lets respectively, which is half the volume of new lettings Ln the PRS. Private 1.82 Housing Association 0.88 Annual Scottish Rental Receipts (£billion) On the basis of these estimates we anticipate that the recently introduced tenant deposit schemes (TDS) will, when fully operational, take in approximately £60 million per annum in new rent deposits. Local Authority 24,381 Housing Association 24,981 Private 100,000 Annual Volume of New Lettings Citylets Rental Index v ONS House Price Index v ROS Index (January 2006 - May 2012) 135.0 Index level (Jan 2006=100) ONS Index ROS Index Citylets Index 130.0 In June 2012 the Citylets Rental Index stood at 113.6 which exceeds the previous high of 112.9 reported in September 2011. Meanwhile, Scottish house prices reported by both Registers of Scotland (ROS) and Office for National Statistics (ONS) can best be described as flat. 125.0 120.0 115.0 110.0 105.0 100.0 95.0 May-12 Mar-12 Jan-12 Nov-11 Sep-11 Jul-11 May-11 Mar-11 Jan-11 Nov-10 Sep-10 Jul-10 May-10 Mar-10 Jan-10 Nov-09 Sep-09 Jul-09 May-09 Mar-09 jan-09 Nov-08 Sep-08 Jul-08 May-08 Mar-08 Jan-08 Nov-07 Sep-07 Jul-07 May-07 Mar-07 jan-07 Nov-06 Sep-06 Jul-06 May-06 Mar-06 Jan-06 The Citylets Scotland Rental Report | Issue 21| Q1 2012 | p2 Aberdeen Aberdeen continues to be the most expensive city for private tenants in Scotland with a mixed adjusted average monthly rent of £901 in Q2 2012, which is up 4.5% on the figure of a year ago. However, despite this annual growth Aberdeen still experienced a small downturn in overall rents from the high reported in the previous quarter (£913). Average rents for 1 bed flats are now £576 which is up 3.6% on a year ago. 1 bed properties recorded a very short TTL figure of 17 days, and 80% of these smaller properties are being let within a month of being advertised. 2 bed properties saw rents rise by a similar amount, 3.4% over the year to £827 but their TTL has improved dramatically by 13 days and a typical 2 bed property now takes just three weeks to let. Rents for 3 bed property in Q2 were up by 8.1% on the year and TTL improved by 6 days over the year. £1400 £1200 £1000 £800 Aberdeen Analysis Q2 2012 Average Growth Average Change Let Let Rent Q2 2011 TTL (days) Q2 ‘11 - within within Q2 2012 Q2 2012 Q2 2012 Q2 ‘12 a week a month Beds £576 3.6% 17 -12 37% 80% 2 bed £827 3.4% 21 -13 32% 74% 3 bed £1,225 8.1% 26 -6 30% 66% 1 bed 3 bed 2 bed 1 bed Average Monthly Rent by Number of Bedrooms Q2 2009 - Q2 2012 £600 £400 £200 ‘09 Q2 ‘09 Q3 ‘09 Q4 ‘10 Q1 ‘10 Q2 ‘10 Q3 ‘10 Q4 ‘11 Q1 ‘11 Q2 ‘11 Q3 ‘11 Q4 ‘12 Q1 ‘12 Q2 Aberdeen Average Monthly Rents Q1 2012 Time to Let in Aberdeen by Property Size (Q2 2009 - Q2 2012) Days 3 bed 2 bed 1 bed 70 postcode 1 bed 2 bed 3 bed TTL 4 bed days 60 AB10 £591 £841 £1,083 22 AB11 £564 £794 £1,240 20 AB15 £685 £1,009 £1,396 AB24 £565 £793 £1,073 22 AB25 £559 £790 £1,148 22 50 40 30 £1,782 39 20 10 0 ‘09 Q2 ‘09 Q3 ‘09 Q4 Dundee ‘10 Q1 ‘10 Q2 ‘10 Q3 ‘10 Q4 ‘11 Q1 ‘11 Q2 ‘11 Q3 ‘11 Q4 ‘12 Q1 ‘12 Q2 Dundee remains the most affordable city in Scotland with rents for 2 bed properties standing at £522, down by 0.8% on the same quarter in 2011. Smaller 1 bed properties let for an average £374 per month which is 5.6% down on the figure from last year. In Q2 2012 Citylets increased the volume of Dundee lets it advertised by 55% over the year, though there was a slight drop in volumes from the previous quarter. The annual increase in volumes is the result of the growing use of Citylets by agents and landlords as well as the expansion of the PRS as a housing tenure within the city. £600 2 bed 1 bed Average Monthly Rent by Number of Bedrooms Q1 2010 - Q2 2012 £500 £400 £300 Dundee Analysis Q2 2012 £200 Average Growth Average Change Let Let Rent Q2 2011 TTL (days) Q2 ‘11 - within within Q2 ‘12 a week a month Q2 2012 Q2 2012 Q2 2012 Beds 1 bed £374 -5.6% 36 -1 10% 52% 2 bed £522 -0.8% 46 1 6% 36% £100 £0 ‘10 Q1 Time to Let in Dundee by Property Size (Q2 2010 - Q2 2012) Days 50 2 bed 1 bed 45 ‘10 Q2 ‘10 Q3 ‘10 Q4 ‘11 Q1 ‘11 Q2 ‘11 Q3 ‘11 Q4 ‘12 Q1 ‘12 Q2 TTL figures for Q2 2012 have changed very little since last year and 1 bed flats now have a TTL of 36 days which is a 1 day improvement from Q2 2011 while 2 bed properties have a more considerable TTL of 46 days which is 1 day worse than Q2 2011. 2 bed flats in Dundee make up 48% of the rental transactions analysed in Q2 2012 and 1 bed flats represented 29%. These proportions are somewhat higher than the equivalent figures for Scotland which are 41% and 26% respectively. Currently the proportion of larger houses (3,4 and 5 bed) rented in Dundee (4%) is lower than for Scotland as a whole (12%). 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 ‘10 Q1 ‘10 Q2 ‘10 Q3 ‘10 Q4 ‘11 Q1 ‘11 Q2 ‘11 Q3 ‘11 Q4 ‘12 Q1 ‘12 Q2 The Citylets Scotland Rental Report | Issue 22| Q2 2012 | p3 In the second quarter of 2012 the average rent for a 2 bed property in Edinburgh was £718 which is 2.9% up on the figure last year. In the same period 3 bed properties experienced an identical annual increase of 2.9% and average rents now stand at £1,031. Typical 1 bed properties had an average monthly rental of £538 which equates to an annual growth of just 0.2%. Edinburgh It is evident from agent feedback that there is a wave of new landlords in the capital who are recognising that the sales market is still very slow and are choosing to rent out their property to get some much needed income at the same time as having the property on the market for sale. Keeping both landlords and tenants happy in this situation requires some experienced management by the sales & letting agent. If all parties are fully aware of their obligations it can be a mutually beneficial arrangement. Edinburgh Analysis Q2 2012 Average Rent Q2 2012 Beds Growth Q2 2011 Q2 2012 Edinburgh Average Monthly Rents Q2 2012 Average TTL (days) Q2 2012 Change Let Q2 ‘11 - within Q2 ‘12 a week Let within a month 1 bed £538 0.2% 35 5 16% 54% 2 bed £718 2.9% 35 4 14% 53% 3 bed 4 bed £1,031 £1,436 2.9% 41 3.2% 6 31 12% -4 44% 20% 57% Average rents for larger 4 bed properties experienced the most growth over the last year with an increase of 3.2% to £1,436. These larger 4 and 5 bed properties account for just 12% of the volume of rentals in Edinburgh while 3 bed properties make up 19% of the total. However, 4 bed properties were the only type to see an improvement in TTL, down 4 days to 31 days, a total that unusually is less than the TTL for smaller sized properties. Volumes of lets for Q2 2012 in Edinburgh were up 6.9% on a year ago which shows that the PRS is continuing to expand in the capital. 1,2,3 Bed Flat Rent Trends 2 bed 3 bed 4 bed 5 bed TTL(days) £588 £808 £1,123 £1,569 £1,892 32 £645 £1,012 £1,279 £1,982 EH3 £603 £872 £1,236 £1,441 EH4 £583 £735 £924 £1,581 EH5 £504 £623 £849 £1,443 EH6 £517 £657 £859 £1,137 £1,295 40 EH7 £516 £681 £946 £1,239 £1,742 38 EH8 £535 £682 £1,005 £1,357 £1,784 31 EH9 £570 £749 £1,097 £1,518 £1,954 26 EH10 £564 £758 £1,036 £1,390 £1,819 39 EH11 £502 £657 £912 £1,259 £1,648 39 EH12 £547 £715 £1,062 £1,439 £2,074 40 postcode 1 bed EH1 EH2 38 £1,969 33 40 36 2,3,4 Bed House Rent Trends Average Monthly Rent by Number of Bedrooms Q2 2009 - Q2 2012 Average Monthly Rent by Number of Bedrooms Q2 2009 - Q2 2012 £1600 £1400 £1200 £1000 £800 £600 £400 £0 4 bed 3 bed 2 bed 3 bed 2 bed 1 bed £200 ‘09 Q2 ‘09 Q3 ‘09 Q4 ‘10 Q1 ‘10 Q2 ‘10 Q3 ‘10 Q4 ‘11 Q1 ‘11 Q2 ‘11 Q3 ‘11 Q4 ‘12 Q1 ‘12 Q2 ‘09 Q2 ‘09 Q3 ‘09 Q4 ‘10 Q1 ‘10 Q2 ‘10 Q3 ‘10 Q4 ‘11 Q1 ‘11 Q2 ‘11 Q3 ‘11 Q4 ‘12 Q1 Time to Let in Edinburgh by Property Size (Q2 2009 - Q2 2012) Our detailed TTL chart for Edinburgh highlights the improvement seen in TTL numbers for 3 and 4 bed properties since the second half of 2011. However, these improvements contrast with the somewhat longer average TTL figures for smaller properties in Q2. Anecdotal evidence from agents suggests inexperienced new landlords are trying to achieve unrealistically high rents for smaller properties which is leading to longer void periods and hence longer TTL. Days It is good to see that the TTL for the larger 4 bed properties has settled down and is currently well below the long run average TTL of 40 days. 10 4 bed 3 bed 2 bed 1 bed 60 50 40 30 20 0 The Citylets Scotland Rental Report | Issue 22 | Q2 2012 | p4 ‘09 Q2 ‘09 Q3 ‘09 Q4 ‘10 Q1 ‘10 Q2 ‘10 Q3 ‘10 Q4 ‘11 Q1 ‘11 Q2 ‘11 Q3 ‘11 Q4 ‘12 Q1 ‘12 Q2 ‘12 Q2 Average Monthly Rents for 2 Bed Flats in Edinburgh (all figures in pounds) In Q2 2012 the Grange (£973) was the most expensive area to rent a 2 bed flat in Edinburgh, ahead of West End (£941) and the New Town (£818) though it is worth highlighting that the volume of 2 bed flats let in the Grange is far smaller than any of the other top 5 areas. This quarter Barnton & Cramond made it to No4 spot (£817) just ahead of Hillside & Calton at No5 (£795). Granton 620 620 Leith 668 668 Trinity 641 641 5 Most Expensive Areas in Edinburgh Neighbourhood Average Monthly Rent for 2 bed flat 1 Grange £973 2 West End £941 3 New Town £928 4 Barnton & Cramond £818 Hillside & Calton 5 Silverknowes & Davidsons MainsDrylaw & Pilton £795 592 592 Barnton & Cramond 614 614 Fettes & Inverleith Leith Walk 818 818 670 670 692 692 Broughton & Canonmills Easter Road Restalrig 738 738 639 639 595 595 Stockbridge Abbeyhill and Meadowbank 782 782 New Town Hillside & Calton 635 635 Blackhall & Craigleith 928 928 795 795 680 680 Portobello & Joppa 615 615 West End Corstorphine 941 941 665 665 Old Town & Holyrood Murrayfield Duddingston & Willowbrae 757 757 766 766 628 628 Tollcross Dalry 779 779 664 664 Polwarth Brunstane & Newcraighall Gorgie Marchmont and Sciennes 697 697 Bruntsfield 653 581 581 771 771 Balgreen, Carrick Knowe and Stenhouse 653 773 773 Newington 604 604 751 751 South Gyle Grange Slateford 609 609 973 973 676 676 Average Monthly Rent (£) Morningside Craiglockhart & Merchiston 712 712 753 753 2 Bed Flat Q2 2012 Niddrie Wester Hailes & Sighthill 603 603 569 569 380 500 580 610 680 710 790 Colinton and Kingsknowe 685 685 Comiston, Fairmilhead & Oxgangs 648 648 Liberton & Mortonhall 620 620 to to to to to to to 500 580 610 680 710 790 1,100 Average Time to Let (days) 2 Bed Flat Q2 2012 The TTL map of Edinburgh highlights the speed with which 2 bed flats are being let across the City. In most of the neighbourhoods TTL figures are in the 35 to 42 days range. The Grange achieved a TTL of 20 days in Q2 2012 while 2 bed flats in South Gyle took 21 days to let on average. Other locations with short TTL figures in the quarter include Granton (30 days), and Marchmont & Sciennes (30 days). Granton 30 30 5 Shortest Time to Let in Edinburgh Neighbourhood Leith 40 40 Trinity 38 38 Silverknowes & Davidsons Mains Drylaw & Pilton 46 46 Barnton & Cramond 42 42 Fettes & Inverleith Leith Walk 73 73 38 38 36 36 Broughton & Canonmills Easter Road Restalrig 40 40 34 34 42 42 Blackhall & Craigleith 38 38 Stockbridge New Town 32 32 36 36 1 Grange 20 2 South Gyle 21 3 Granton 30 4 Marchmont & Sciennes 30 5 Wester Hailes & Sighthill 31 Abbeyhill and Meadowbank Hillside & Calton 39 39 50 50 Portobello & Joppa 49 49 West End 40 40 Corstorphine 38 38 Old Town & Holyrood 37 37 Murrayfield 37 37 Balgreen, Carrick Knowe and Stenhouse 38 38 South Gyle 21 21 Gorgie 37 37 Slateford 32 32 Tollcross Dalry 33 33 34 34 Polwarth 39 39 Marchmont and Sciennes Bruntsfield 30 30 37 37 Newington 34 34 Grange 20 20 Morningside 42 Craiglockhart & Merchiston42 44 44 Wester Hailes & Sighthill 31 31 Duddingston & Willowbrae 48 48 Brunstane & Newcraighall 56 56 Average Time to Let (days) 2 Bed Flat Q2 2012 Niddrie 37 37 Colinton and Kingsknowe 45 45 Comiston, Fairmilhead & Oxgangs 42 42 TTL (days) 2 Bed Flats Liberton & Mortonhall 45 45 Under 21 21 to 28 28 to 35 35 to 42 42 to 49 49 to 56 56 and over The Citylets Scotland Rental Report | Issue 22| Q2 2012 | p5 Glasgow Glasgow’s mix adjusted average rent in Q2 2012 was £609, while this figure is up just 1.3% from Q2 2011, it is still the highest figure we have recorded. In direct contrast to Edinburgh it isthe smaller properties (1 beds) that had the largest annual rise of 2.4% to £468, while 2 bed properties were up 2.0% on the year to £614. The average monthly rent for 3 bed properties was up by just 0.4% to £847. Glasgow Analysis Q2 2012 Glasgow Average Monthly Rents Q2 2012 Average Rent Q2 2012 Growth Q2 2011 Q2 2012 1 bed £468 2.4% 41 5 13% 44% 2 bed £614 2.0% 40 1 15% 47% 3 bed £847 0.4% 40 6 16 49% Beds Average Change Let TTL (days) Q2 2011 - within Q2 2012 Q2 2012 a week Let within a month Our analysis of the type of properties privately rented in Glasgow during Q2 2012 shows the very high proportion of property which is 1 or 2 bed flats (83%) while houses make up just 2% of lets. This predominance of smaller flatted property in the city suggests there might be an under supply of larger family sized dwellings in the PRS within Glasgow. TTL(days) 4 bed postcode 1 bed 2 bed 3 bed G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G11 G12 G20 G31 G32 G40 G41 G42 G44 G51 £547 £532 £509 £492 £507 £504 £566 £463 £399 £378 £401 £446 £392 £392 £382 £715 £707 £713 £644 £577 £685 £763 £575 £512 £482 £494 £552 £502 £543 £484 £946 £1,192 £1,000 £914 £761 £991 £1,086 £756 £630 36 28 36 39 48 40 36 46 41 44 49 47 46 46 51 £1,308 £1,379 £1,310 £937 £700 £672 £613 £574 Average Monthly Rent by Number of Bedrooms Q2 2009 - Q2 2012 1,2,3 Bed Flat Rent Trends £900 £800 £700 £600 £500 £400 £300 £200 3 bed 2 bed 1 bed £100 £0 ‘09 Q2 ‘09 Q3 ‘09 Q4 ‘10 Q1 ‘10 Q2 ‘10 Q3 ‘10 Q4 ‘11 Q1 ‘11 Q2 ‘11 Q3 ‘11 Q4 ‘12 Q1 ‘12 Q2 Time to Let in Glasgow by Property Size (Q2 2009 - Q2 2012) Days For Q2 2012 the TTL increased year on year across all sizes of properties. TTL for larger 3 bed properties increased by 6 days over the year and now stands at 4 days while TTL for 2 bed properties edged up by 1 day and now stand at 40 days. Smaller 1 bed properties have a similar TTL of 41 days which is 5 days up on the equivalent figure of a year ago. While Glasgow TTL figures have increased over the year the overall city TTL now stand at 39 days which is identical to the current national average. It is worth emphasising that the core city centre and West End rental markets achieve TTL figures that are well below this national average. 3 bed 2 bed 1 bed 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 The Citylets Scotland Rental Report | Issue 22 | Q2 2012 | p6 ‘09 Q2 ‘09 Q3 ‘09 Q4 ‘10 Q1 ‘10 Q2 ‘10 Q3 ‘10 Q4 ‘11 Q1 ‘11 Q2 ‘11 Q3 ‘11 Q4 ‘12 Q1 ‘12 Q2 Average Monthly Rents for 2 Bed Flats in Glasgow (all figures in pounds) Park & Woodlands again tops the list of most expensive neighbourhoods in Glasgow with an average rent for a 2 bed flat of £798, a drop of £34 on the figure reported last year. City Centre (£718) was pipped by Kelvinside & Dowanhill (£746) for second place while Charing Cross & Lancefield Quay (£715) and West End were 4th and 5th respectively. The map highlights the fact that the premium rental areas for 2 bed flats in Glasgow are still very much restricted to the centre and west end of the city. Knightswood 516 516 5 Most Expensive Areas in Glasgow Neighbourhood Average Monthly Rent for 2 bed flat 1 Park & Woodlands £798 2 Kelvinside & Dowanhill £746 3 City Centre £718 4 Charing Cross & Lancefield Quay £715 5 West End £704 Anniesland & Knightswood 569 569 Kelvindale & Maryhill 515 515 Yoker & Scotstoun & Whiteinch Jordanhill & Broomhill 493 493 616 616 Kelvinside & Dowanhill 746 746 Broomhill & Thornwood 681 681 Renfrew 499 499 Gartham Royston & Springburn 478 478 West End 704 704 St Georges Cross & Port Dundas 560 560 Partick & Glasgow Harbour 678 678 Park & Woodlands 798 798 City Centre Yorkhill & Finnieston Dennistoun 521 521 642 642 Charing Cross & Lancefield Quay Govan & Ibrox 444 444 718 718 715 715 Merchant City 688 688 Shettleston & Carntyne 457 457 Average Monthly Rent (£) Tradeston & Kinning park 560 560 2 Bed Flat Q2 2012 Glasgow Green & Bridgeton 499 499 New Gorbals 575 575 380 to to 580 to 610 to 680 to 710 to 790 to Parkhead & Tollcross 459 459 Mount Vernon & U 523 523 500 Pollokshields & Mosspark 562 562 Queens Park & Govanhill 502 502 Shawlands Barrhead & Cardonald 486 486 Battlefield & Cathcart & Mount Florida 533 533 548 548 Rutherglen & Cambuslang 483 483 500 580 610 680 710 790 1,100 Average Time to Let (days) 2 Bed Flat Q2 2012 Jordanhill & Broomhill (27 days) topped the TTL ranking of Glasgow neighbourhoods and was still the only area to have a TTL of 4 weeks or less. City Centre achieved a TTL of 29 days putting it in 2nd place ahead of the prime area of Park & Woodlands (33 days). An area south of the river (New Gorbals) made a rare appearance in the top 5 with a TTL of 36 days, which places it in 4th spot just ahead of West End with a TTL of 37 days. Knightswood 51 51 5 Shortest Time to Let in Glasgow Neighbourhood TTL (days) 2 Bed Flats 1 Jordanhill & Broomhill 27 2 City Centre 29 3 Park & Woodlands 33 4 New Gorbals 36 5 West End 37 Anniesland & Knightswood 41 41 Kelvindale & Maryhill 55 55 Yoker & Scotstoun & Whiteinch Jordanhill & Broomhill 51 51 27 27 Kelvinside & Dowanhill 47 47 Broomhill & Thornwood 41 41 Renfrew 51 51 Gartham Royston & Springburn 41 41 West End 37 37 St Georges Cross & Port Dundas Partick & Glasgow Harbour 41 41 43 43 Park & Woodlands 33 33 Yorkhill & Finnieston Govan & Ibrox 49 49 City Centre 39 39 Charing Cross & Lancefield Quay 29 29 42 42 Dennistoun 42 42 Merchant City 40 40 Shettleston & Carntyne 38 38 Tradeston & Kinning park 52 52 2 Bed Flat Q2 2012 Glasgow Green & Bridgeton 52 52 New Gorbals 36 36 Parkhead & Tollcross 47 47 Pollokshields & Mosspark 41 41 Queens Park & Govanhill 56 56 Barrhead & Cardonald 57 57 Shawlands 47 47 Average Time to Let (days) Battlefield & Cathcart & Mount Florida 45 45 Rutherglen & Cambuslang 47 47 Mount Vernon & U 38 38 Under 21 21 to 28 28 to 35 35 to 42 42 to 49 49 to 56 56 and over The Citylets Scotland Rental Report | Issue 22 | Q2 2012 | p7 Citylets Rent Map Aberdeenshire Aberdeenshire Aberdeenshire Average Monthly Rent 2 Bed Flats Q2 2012 698 698 698 Aberdeen Aberdeen City City Aberdeen Aberdeen City City Aberdeen Aberdeen City City 811 811 811 811 811 811 Highland Highland Highland Highland Highland Highland 420 to 470 470 to 520 520 to 560 560 to 600 600 to 710 710 to 850 598 598 598 Average Monthly Rents Q2 2012 2 Bed Flats Local Authority Region Q2-12 Q2-11 “The picture on the ground is mixed, Edinburgh is the most buoyant and certain parts of the Scottish Borders (eg Hawick), the least buoyant. Demand, and therefore rents, in Edinburgh are increasing whereas rents in the other areas are stable. Certain areas are being impacted by local circumstances - for example rents in Midlothian are being skewed by LHA as the LHA level for 2 or more bed properties are higher than market levels.” Angus Angus Angus 447 447 447 Glasgow City Highland East Dunbartonshire Midlothian Stirling Perth Perth & & Kinross Kinross Perth & Kinross & Kinross Perth & Kinross Perth Perth 505 505 505 Dundee Dundee City City Dundee City City Dundee City Dundee Dundee 521 521 521 Fife Renfrewshire North Lanarkshire North Ayrshire Stirling Stirling Stirling Robert Young Fife Fife Fife 466 466 466 Chief Executive Angus Clackmannanshire Clackmannanshire Clackmannanshire The Key Place Group, Falkirk Inverclyde East Ayrshire Clackmannanshire 433 433 433 Edinburgh, Penicuik, Bo’ness and Kelso Falkirk Falkirk Falkirk East East Dunbartonshire Dunbartonshire East Dunbartonshire Dunbartonshire East Dunbartonshire East East Scotland West Lothian West Lothian West West Lothian Lothian Glasgow Glasgow City City Glasgow City City Glasgow City Glasgow Glasgow 599 599 599 466 466 466 £811 £711 £698 £599 £599 £598 £591 £566 £547 £530 £529 £521 £505 £488 £476 £466 £466 £459 £450 £447 £447 ££793 £691 £686 £594 £591 £588 £575 £578 £541 £561 £522 £523 £534 £503 £478 £467 £467 £444 £464 £493 £462 £441 £433 £452 £440 £468 £630 £626 £445 Change (actual) Change (%) £18 £12 -£46 2.3% 2.9% 1.7% -£35 -£2 £1 £16 £5 0.8% 1.4% 1.7% 2.8% -2.1% -£31 £20 -£15 -£1 £8 1.1% -5.5% 1.3% -0.4% -5.4% £10 -£7 -£12 -£14 £15 -3.0% -0.4% -0.2% -0.2% 3.4% -£29 -3.0% -£1 -£2 -£15 £6 -9.3% -3.2% -1.5% 0.2% £7 -7.5% £4 0.6% 447 447 447 447 447 447 591 591 591 529 529 529 459 459 459 Edinburgh, Edinburgh, City City City of of of Edinburgh, East East Lothian Lothian East East Lothian Lothian East East Lothian Lothian 711 711 711 599 599 599 Midlothian Midlothian Midlothian 566 566 566 East East Renfrewshire Renfrewshire East Renfrewshire Renfrewshire East Renfrewshire East East North North Ayrshire Ayrshire North Ayrshire Ayrshire North Ayrshire North North East Renfrewshire West Lothian Dundee City Perth & Kinross South Lanarkshire South Ayrshire 547 547 547 Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Renfrewshire Aberdeen City Edinburgh, City of Aberdeenshire East Lothian 530 530 530 450 450 450 South South Lanarkshire Lanarkshire South South Lanarkshire Lanarkshire South South Lanarkshire Lanarkshire 488 488 488 “We have bolstered our volume of properties from a second wave of new landlords who simply can’t sell or who are not even bothering to attempt to sell. Some are put off by the upfront costs of getting a property to market and view ‘home reports’ as a total waste of money and prefer the option to rent out and actually get an income. There remains a healthy demand for quality rental properties in the capital” Steven A Currie Director: Murray & Currie Property Sales & Lettings, Edinburgh East East Ayrshire Ayrshire Ayrshire East “Whilst many clients previously aimed to buy their own homes, many consider renting as a long term option, given the current financial climate. Despite being previously reluctant to rent, many tenants now see this as a preferred option for their long term future plans, giving them flexibility, less need to commit and being more affordable with no need to save for a very large deposit” Alistair J McMurdo 441 441 441 441 441 441 South South Ayrshire Ayrshire Ayrshire South 476 476 476 Director:Castlebrae Sales and Letting Ltd; West Lothian Methodology About Citylets Enquiries Founded in 1999, Citylets is Scotland and Northern Please feel free to get in touch with us if you would like to Ireland’s original residential lettings portal & network discuss any aspect of this report or would like to consider advertising more than 50,000 properties per year on behalf advertising property on the Citylets Web site. of over 300 letting agents. Citylets Network is an exclusive The data is cleansed to remove multiple entries and other anomalies. Our cleansing process continues to guide refinements to data recording. Market Analysis group of sites for property to rent including s1homes, Dan Cookson FindaProperty, Primelocation and Globrix. Privately owned, dan@citylets.co.uk Citylets is fully independent of any estate / letting agent group, media or financial organisation and is managed by its founding team in the West End of Edinburgh. www.citylets.co.uk The statistics are based on rental properties advertised on Citylets. Rather than employ snapshot sampling our observations are recorded when a property is removed from the site as let. We believe such transaction-based observations provide a better reflection of the market. Edinburgh Averages are calculated on a monthly or quarterly basis as weighted (mixadjusted) means. Indices are constructed holding composition (property type and number of bedrooms) fixed at the average of the last three years. This ensures that changes in the index reflect rent changes and not changes in composition, which are likely to occur seasonally. Managing Director EH12 5EH Disclaimer Thomas Ashdown Tel: 0131 467 4864 thomas@citylets.co.uk Fax: 0844 507 0400 Regional Sales Manager Whilst we have made every effort to ensure information published in this report is correct Citylets gives no warranty or representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. The report does not constitute legal or other professional advice. We reserve the right to change methodology, discontinue or revise indices or other analysis at any time. Jon Clay Copyright jon@citylets.co.uk This report and all data contained within is copyright Citylets. The information contained within this report may be reproduced if the source is clearly identified. Citylets 21 Lansdowne Crescent