Yet More Change!


Yet More Change!
The Green Park Hotel Newsletter
Yet More Change!
ome ideas simply will not go away. They persist; they haunt the memory and stalk the
consciousness. Some time ago this Newsletter touched lightly on the matter of change and,
having done so, passed on, in the following edition, to what seemed to be the next item of
amusing and topical interest. Yet change and development have continued to be relentless
in coming before our attention and persistent in presenting us with both problems and
opportunities. Tempting as it may be, we are not going to indulge in philosophical considerations
but are looking to commercial realities and the operation of the Green Park Hotel.
You will have seen yourselves and will have observed us to impress with formality and decorum as in the days of
frequently reporting that our style of operation and level their ambitious youth.
of service has attracted a mature clientele. We had felt
that this was a fairly stable state of affairs which required Not only are they coming in increasing numbers, they
no further comment. Yet even here, development or are demanding accommodation and good cheer at times
change is evident in the ever increasing numbers who of the year previously thought to be unseasonable and fit
are coming to us. They are appearing in droves and we only for hibernation. Where the end of September used
are delighted to see them. We
to be the last time for holiday breaks,
observe and wish you to know “…change is evident in the we are now seeing full houses
that, despite their years, they
for October and November. Even
are clearly in decent health and ever increasing numbers
December is filling up nicely. What
obviously have enough energy who are coming to us.”
are we to do in response to these
and ambition to get about
incremental changes in habit? We
the place. The ladies are increasingly given to sporting had thought of following the trend set by other hotels
bright and attractive clothes, while the gentlemen have, and so, put in a swimming pool or fitness centre, though
at breakfast, open-necked check shirts and do their these are never mentioned by our visitors. Perhaps the
best to cut a dash with jeans or moleskin trousers. For thought of what would be presented to the critical eyes
these chaps, at the evening meal, anything seems to go, of others would, in the very least, be humbling. We find
though some, remembering the days when their wives no firm evidence of a demand here, but please speak up
were then their nubile girl friends come down dressed if you feel there is a need.
Continued overleaf >
Yet More Change!
Changes in the composition of
households is also becoming
apparent and requires attention.
We learn from decent sources that a high percentage
of households in the UK is now represented by single
occupancy. Inevitably, when on holiday, these good
people want single accommodation. This presents us
with a problem for we, like other hotels which were
designed to fit a different social model, simply do not
have sufficient single rooms to satisfy this ever-growing
demand. At the present time i.e. anno Domini 2015, we
are able to deal with the issue while still remaining on
decent terms with all concerned. The future is less certain.
On a lighter, though increasingly persistent note, we
are having to recognise the behavioural aspects of this
situation. Many of these now-single visitors are very
sociable, while others, not completely broken on the
wheel of life, are nervous and hesitant about their probably
new situation. Rightly or wrongly, we feel that there is
a responsibility on us here to come up with some sort
of method for dealing with their different expectations.
One case in point is that of a gentleman who has been
a regular visitor for many years. Now on his own, he
continues to be of a sociable and chatty disposition. He
likes people and enjoys talking to them. He even claims
that food doesn’t taste as nice when he is eating on his
own. A conversation and chuckle apparently do wonders
for the digestive process. Having previously taught
philosophy, he is able to produce some heavy guns to
support his view and even quotes the Greek philosopher
Epicurus who, we are told, wrote “Before you eat or drink
anything, carefully consider with whom you eat or drink
rather than what you eat or drink, because eating without
a friend is the life of the lion or the wolf.” He maintains
that Montaigne also supported this view. Ourselves, we
think that the essence of Norman’s approach is that at
the age of 94 has no predatory intention; moreover he
has no predatory capacity. Once again, your views on
this growing issue would help us.
Turning now to the supply side i.e. ourselves and what
we have to provide for you. What changes are afoot?
First, the main road north i.e. the
A9 is going to be converted to
dual carriage-way all the way from
Perth to Inverness. This investment in infrastructure will
help the whole of the country but, in widening the bridge
visible from our silvan setting, how will it affect the
Green Park? This, unfortunately is outwith our control.
Further, the Pitlochry Festival Theatre, ever ambitious
and outgoing, wants to enlarge and increase its appeal.
While development is taking place, the present premises
will close and a substitute will become available in a
reincarnation of the original marquee set up by John
Stewart in 1952. While that will tug at a few heart strings
and bring back pleasant memories, how will it affect our
Yet again, our decision to convert a few bathrooms into
wet rooms with walk-in showers has, so far, gone well
so we will try a few more. A simple observation that the
showers on the top floor do not work as well as we would
like, has developed into an industry and assumed a vitality
on its own. To remedy this deficiency we are advised to
renew some of the plumbing which survives since the
original country house was built together with bringing
up to date the central heating system in the older part of
the premises. Then to heck with it, we have given in to
the special pleading of the local plumbing establishment
and are going to pressurise the whole system while we
are at it. This is going to be done at an eye-watering cost
and yet none of it will be visible on the surface.
What else is there to tell you besides the fact that we
have to contend with an incessant growth of regulation
and legislation. This comes from statutory instruments,
private members bills, EU pronouncements, and local
authorities who pursue their sincere but narrow interests
for health and safety, hygiene, food standards, licensing,
fire regulations and anything else which engages their
We are told that we put up with it all because we like
what we do.
For the past few years there has been something of interest
to tell you under this heading. Members of family or staff
have been adding babies of quality to the local community.
While this has been an uneventful year, we are becoming
aware from quiet and discrete conversation that something
is brewing and that in January or February 2016 we might
have a bit of news for you.
MATCHES (Recent)
We know that you will join us in congratulating
Wioleta Stepian and Przemyslaw Sasara who
were married on Saturday 22nd August 2,015.
Wioleta will be better known to you as she is
highly visible, dashing about the dining room,
whereas Przemyslaw (try Shamak) is kept hard at
work and out of sight in the kitchen. They were
married in Lupowo in the church of Matki Boskiej,
Czestochowskiej before a joyful congregation of
more than 100 people. The bridesmaid was her
sister Anna while Marius Syldark was best man. That
means that the whole bridal party was on the staff
of the Green Park.
One more indication that habits change is that the
honeymoon to the Dominican Republic hasn’t yet
happened but will probably do so some time in 2016.
MATCHES (Not so Recent)
On 10th November, 1990 i.e 25 years ago, you may not have noted in the society columns of the
better class of publications that Diane and Alistair were, on that very day, being married in the
church of St. Bride in Pitlochry and that a splendid reception was to follow in the Great Hall of Blair
Castle. This all did in fact take place amid a great multitude who were roaring them on.
After Alstair had completed an honours degree in Modern History and Politics at St. Andrews in 1984, he
fled south and joined Ladbrokes Hotel Group at their Dragonara
Hotel in Bristol. There he met Diane,
who having joined the Ladbrokes
Group straight from school, then knew
a lot more about hotels than he did.
Between 1984 and 1989 they moved
separately or together to the Park Plaza
in London, The Hilton in Hampstead,
the Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street, The
Clive Hotel in Hampstead and then back
to Bristol.
In 1989 there came a seminal moment.
At the invitation of Mary and John, they
followed their star and moved up-market
from Hilton Hotels to manage the then
newly purchased Castlebeigh House in
Pitlochry for McMenemie Enterprises. Most
of you know the story from then on.
They now have two children; Liam who
is in 2nd year in St Andrews University
studying pure mathematics and information
technology. Megan is still at secondary
school locally and is keeping her options
New Members of Staff
ome people say that we are in charge of our own destiny while
others hold that we are at the mercy of events. A case in point is
that, without conscious act or management decision, we have recently
recruited an unknown number of new full-time members of staff.
They have, without appointment, become the leading members
of the entertainment branch of our business.
We refer of course to the family or families of red squirrels (species Sciuridae from the genus Sciurus: it is
important to note this for the red chaps are inclined to be toffee-nosed when they are thoughtlessly grouped
with the gray fellows).
We engage your attention in this matter because the antics of these chaps is so compelling that they are turning
out to be one of the main attractions of the place. We have no evidence that anyone has actually made a
booking just to see them, but we can assure you that many a fine breakfast has gone cold on the plate while our
guests have directed their attention to the antics and bitter quarrels over food acted out before their very eyes
on the front lawn. We all used to be delighted to see the odd red chap once in a while hiding modestly from
our searching eyes. Now they are flooding before us and we learn that they have a life exectancy of three years
while individuals can reach 7 years. Two litters a year per female are possible. We tell you all this because it could
be that the remarkable increase in numbers and self confidence may well be due to our buying peanuts from a
different shop. The creatures have brushed up their image, taken a look at themselves and have, with the greater
numbers, become exhibitionists of the highest order.
Perhaps this is a swan song for we are told that the advance northwards of the gray fellows is beyond control.
We must all rejoice with our red friends while we have them.
The rates quoted are for dinner bed and breakfast, per person per day and they include V.A.T.
2016 Early Spring Rates & 2016 Late Spring Rates
From early January 2016,
to Thursday the 24th of March 2016
£92.00 per day for a one to two day stay.
£89.00 per day for a three day stay.
£87.00 per day for four days or more.
£83.00 per day for a weeks stay.
From Friday the 25th of March 2016,
to Thursday the 12th of May 2016
£99.00 per day for a one to two day stay.
£95.00 per day for a three day stay.
£93.00 per day for four days or more.
£90.00 per day for a weeks stay.
2016 Main Season Rates
From Friday the 13th of May 2016,
to Saturday the 29th of October 2016
£116.00 per day for a one day stay.
£114.00 per day for a two to three day stay.
£112.00 per day for four days or more.*
£110.00 per day for a weeks stay.*
£91.00 per day for bed and breakfast.
2016 Autumn Rates & 2016 Late Autumn-Winter Rates
From Sunday the 30th of October 2016,
to Saturday the 12th of November 2016
£106.00 per day for a one to two day stay.
£102.00 per day for a three day stay.
£100.00 per day for four days or more.
£98.00 per day for a weeks stay.
From Sunday the 13th of November 2016,
to Thursday the 26th of January 2017
(excluding New Year)
£94.00 per day for a one to two day stay.
£92.00 per day for a three day stay.
£90.00 per day for four days or more.
£87.00 per day for a weeks stay.
*Included in this tariff is a Complimentary Pitlochry Festival Theatre Show of your choice.
There are no restrictions on the date of use or the part of the auditorium preferred.
Green Park Booking Form
The Green Park is a non-smoking hotel
If you wish to travel by coach or rail we will provide free transport between Pitlochry Station and the hotel.
© The Green Park Hotel. All rights reserved. 2016
The Green Park, Clunie Bridge Road,
Pitlochry PH16 5JY
Tel: 01796 473248 Fax: 01796 473520