po la`ila`i sunset
po la`ila`i sunset
'1 4:15 p.m. :- - Maka'ala Lanai Join your Aulanibhana to learn more about all the wonderful options you have while staying in your new hale. Uncle will introduce you to Hawaiian navigation and the legend of the Compass Rose to show you everything Aulani has to offer ... and make a few new friends too! Everyone is waiting to say,'Aloha, welcome to Aulani!" .OHANA DISNEY MOVIE NIGHTS 7:15 p.m. - Makaloa Garden September 9,2071 Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean: Sunrise:6:12 a.m. The Curse ofthe Black Pearl Weather: Sunny/ lsolated Showers Roted PG-13 2:23 Min. H:90'F I L:84"F Grab a lauhala mat and find the perfect spot on the Makaloa Garden under I Sunset: 6:59 P.m. Tides: L:8:05 a.m. I H: 2:51 p.m. a glimmering starry O'ahu moonlit sky to enjoy our featured Disney Film. 9:00 a.m.. 1l:O0 p.m. MO'OLELO FIREPIT STORYTELLING Fish Are Friends* 5:15 p.m., 7:45 p.m.,9:00 p.m. & 9:45 p.m. - The Circle of 'Alae'Ula lgnited by the warmth of the fire, the rich and colorful story of Aulani is brought to life by Uncle. Enjoy the age old stories and traditions that have lived on as they are handed down from generation to generation... and now to you. 11:O0 a.m. Get an inside look at how our Animal Programs train, feed and care for our Aulani marine life. Not only willyou see them first hand, you'll get to make fish food and feed it to them. Stitclfs Space Goo DISNEY FRIENDS MEET AND GREETS Stitch 10:15a.m.&11:15a.m. 'Ewa of Waikolohe Valley Chip and Dale 4:15 p.m. PO LA'ILA'I SUNSET GATHERING 6:45 p.m. - Makaloa Garden Gather at sunset on the lawn where 5:00 p.m. & 7:45 p.m. Uncle and his kokua, assistants, perform a 'Ewa of Waikolohe Valley Hawaiian chant to welcome the night and the special magic that evening brings to Stitch has taught the Professor how to make his super secret super messy space goo and he wants to teach YOU too! Eruption Disrrrption! Volcanic Island Science 5:00 p.m. Become part of a Volcanic experiment! Aulani. *pArMtUttt eXpERtENCE AT ADDTTTONAL CHARGE AND RESERyAllOA/S REQUIRED LNXIVAI ISLAND EXPERIENCE 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Holoholo Tours & Travels Desk Excursions are a fantastic way to open the door to all that's magical about Hawaii. At Aulani, we offer exclusive Adventures by Disney Excursions and multi-day Adventures by Disney Explorer packages. Families will enjoy outings specially designed to engage both adults and children. Visit the Holoholo DINING RRI]AKITAST Buffet The'Olelo Room 7:00 a.m. Makahiki 6:00 a.m. - 1 1:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast onlY I-UNCH AMAAMA One Paddle, - 3:00 P.m. 1 1:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 11:30 a.m. Makahiki Lanai 1 1:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Sigr-rature Therapies, massage tl-rerapies, the Holoholo desk by dialing 6320 from any hertral body remedies, skin care, the Aulani telephone. Book today! salon, our stateof-the-art fitness center and so mttch more. Teens can eten KALEPA'S SPECIAL PURCHASE OFFER excltsirely for thern. And our separate Receive an Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa Family Srrites irx'ite everyor)e to enjoy S enjoy Painted Sky l-otrnge, resened 19.95 with any merchandise Laniu'ai. It's all here. purchase of $60 or more and/or an Aulani, DINNER 529.95 with any merchandise purchase AMAAMA 5:30p.m. 5:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30p.m. SNACK & OTHER OPTIONS Private Dining 6:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. Service 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Papalua Shave lce 1 1:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Poolside Rip SwirlYogurt l1:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. LOUNGES Bar 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. OfftheHook 11:00a.m. - 12:00a.m. The'Olelo Room 5:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Wailana Pool 1 GUEST SERVICES Front Desk Concierge of Laniwai available at ext.6300 5100 or more. ,, , , '"; '' . ,i,'', i B:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. i 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Vacation around the world, year after yearl Visit the Preview center in the Wai'anae Tower. You can also reach a representative at ext.6400 from any Aulani telephone. XATNPXS STORE 7:00 a.m. - 11:@ p.m. Clothing, lsland Treasuret sundriet snacks and Aulaniexclusive Pin trading. THE LAVA SHACK 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Grab & Go food and beverages, pool and sun essentials. KO'OLINA INTRA RESORT SHUTTLE 6:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Available for pick up on the outside lane of the Aulani porte cochere. CABANAS Valley 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. - Waikolohe ; Please stop by our concierge desk to learn more about our services. MAKIKI JOE'S BEACH RENTALS 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. PAU HANA ROOM - 10:00 p.m. Guest Services is also available by dialing "0" from your in-room telephone 24 hours a day. I)l\)..1.'l' Totrrs of the Spa are avirilable at 24hours 7:00 a.m. things like Vitality Baths. Herbal Pools and six unique Waterfall Rain Shou'ers. Experience one of ortr immersire a Disney Resort & Spa Woven Throw for Buffet u'ith island cttlttrre. We invite yotl to indulge in Ktrla'Wai, a 5,000-sqtrarefoot outdoor hyclrothearapy garden that's y'otrrs to enjoy before or after yottr spir services. Here, 1'or-r'11 ltxuriate in to book your adventure.You can also reach GrillOut Makahiki ffi* \Thatever services yott choose, 1'otr'll experience a jotrrney that connects you Desk for a complete list of excursions and Tote for Two Paddle 8:00 a.m. - A:OO WAIKOLOHE VALLEY - 7:00 a.m. - l1:00 p.m. Wailana Pool - 9:00 p.m.- 't 1:00 p.m. Life guards on dury 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. All Pools - 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Enjoy board games arts and crafts, books and Disney Family Movies together. DVD rentals available. . A DAYFULL OF AULANI EXPERIENCES .OHANA HANA Activities Youth Children Ianily Parental consent is required for teens and tweens to ParticiPate. Parental supervision is required during all 'ohana activities 7:0tr ANI HO IKAIKAWALK /:1 5 ,OPIO KEIKI .,iicrrir ]oe.; Bgrr:l Rrnlirls 7:30 1:45 U:(lt) ANI 8 i:..i1\ts t5 8:30 TIENS CHILLAX 8 45 9:trO Al!{ BEACH BODY ROOT CAN{P ,\'irl,{;,r.:e 9:15 s Beoc| {'erio/.; 9:30 AUNTY'S BEACH 9:45 HOUSE TUN lO:00 ANI It inl ( 5E J:t lalir XBOX ZUNTBA FITNISS MEETAND GREET STITCH l0rl5 'Ewo l0rl0 ;l: c{ w*akolohe \hliey ,.r . I :i .. )fa; l0:45 I l:tl0 AII A1 30 $ttctr lr*f,,,ri*ir'<lR$t* WET AND WILD \ITORKOUI' Il:15 rlrl, l rt r !c.j.:i-. i.-rriririj r:..:.r. TEEN TEMI'ORARY TATI'OOS i,--;';..11 $&iiiwq4.i'i0i{a:rAlia*'.,.' 2:tltl PM FISHARDFRIENDS ti 1,..,;. lo * r,irrr_- -i.. '1t ]ASTY HEALTHY TRIATS ::r ' .) .:1, \:i ; .15 :0[) PN{ HAWAIIAN CRAFT : ,.-. j i. PIl .OHANAKULA l:30 , &lirqroo Go.cer TIEN I)OIVNLOAI) AUNTY'S BEACH HOUSE FUN 45 PT{ t5 i';:;it:'?;:!:ir,,!1i: l0 . +5 .l:0{.1 P}{ .!,;rrl s Seir;i ..:. TEATtrERWORKWII1I t7W::'l:.' ": iaunonaboi: .:-: " ALOHA. WELCOME TO AULANI \ c; 4:'15 lor::' : 4r3 0 tJ !r I l.l' -- S]'ITCH'S SPACE GOO: .i.,,.!i,|!, .., MEET AND GREET CHIP AND DALE f.rr; .r l'rtr i:lc;;; I i;liei, 5,1 5 f GF.FIT STOAYTELLING MO'OTTLO the Cicie cr/ aioe Ltlc. lue o.r AUNTY'S BEACH HOUSEFUN Ai,;ry. Eerrcr i;rr,'sr, 5r45 6:0Ll I'\YEEN MENIHUNE AI)VfNTURE TRAIL . 5r0(\ PlvI 6:l rrrrr l\b;kolohe Pcol 5 OO CILIBRITY MAKD OVER * WITH MUSIC, GAMDS & ACTIVITIES 5 r\r) SERIES 9:r 'tcro lt'crr POOLPARTY 1.3 0 PII ERUPTION DISRUPTIOIT- I VOLCANIC ISLAND SCIENCE 5 6.30 6.1 i PO LA 7:00 PN{ .UKULELE TOR TEENS ILAi 'i! ' r:'rj'i' :1 -:-' TEEN HANGOUT .,..ii.:,, SUNSET GATHERING \4akabo Gatden 7:15 OHANA DISNEY 7t10 144 ll:00 I'NI 8.15 TEEN KILO HOKU MOVIE NIGHTS MEET AND GREET CHIP AND DALE i,;'ir ci \t; (:lcrr: ',:rrley , i[r]i \l \ i -'i l:r Disney's Pirotes of the Coribbeon: The Curse of the Block Peorl 8:10 Roted PG-]3 2:23 Min 8:45 9:0t\ PM 9ri 5 MO'OT3LO FIRE.P:TT Ihe C rcrb c/ STORYT II,INC pLloe AUNTY'S BEACH HOUSE FUN y'rnryli gecch lJorre IJto hre pi: 9:10 9:1 MO'OLELO FIRDPIT STORYTELLING t0:00 I'Itt lht: Ci<:)a i 'Alt- t ilr: 10 t5 l0:10 ta -1 PREMIUM EXPERIENCE AT ADDTIANAL CHARGE AND RESERYAI/O/VS REQUIRED 'IWEEN & lEEN N{OVID NIGHT .UKULELE FOR TEENS ITEATHER WORK WITH 5:30 p.m. ARTISIAN * Calling all tweens! Time to learn how to play the 1:00 p.m. - HAWAIIAN OCEAN Pau Hana Experience at on add.itional charge 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Hawaiian featherwork through projects Makiki Joe's Beach Rentals such as lei hulu (feather lei), kahili (feather Enjoy and sail the Hawai'i seas with standard) and other hulu items along side local artisian Kuahiwi Lorenzo. Hawaiian Ocean Adventures on a sailing 1:30 p.m. -Makiki Joe's Beach Rentals A fun and dynamic interval training in the water of the beautiful lagoons of Koblina. 'ukulele for fun! B:00 p.m. - Pau Hana Room Tweens and Teens get together for a fun movie night with friends. canoe. POOL GAMESI 1:00 a.m. Pau Hana Room ADVENTURES Guests learn the traditional craft of 1 - - KILO HOKU Waikolohe Pool 7:30 p.m. Teens only Splish spash over and enjoy the fun of games and activities while under the Hawai'i sun. BJ5 p.m. Adults only- Pau Hana Room Grab some friends after the sun goes down and head to the beach, where we will show you how Hawaiians used the stars to navigate throughout the Polynesian triangle. MENEHUNE ADVENTURE TRAIL 1O:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Pau Hana Room Help Aunty discover the enchantment and mischief of the Menehune all throughout the Waikolohe Valley. Don't miss this unique, interactive experience designed just for Aulani. - Enjoy our talented Hoku Zuttermeister atThe'Olelo Room Enjoy the music of Ni Hoa atAMAAMA INTERACTIVE STING RAY EXPERIENCE * 9:00 a.m.,11:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m. Makai Preserve Reserlations DISNEY'S PHOTO PASS up a Disney's PhotoPass Card from the first Disney's PhotoPass Photographer you encounter. Simply present your card each time you encounter a Photographer throughout your stay. To view your photos and make a purchase, visit Kalepa's Store near the lobby or go online to DisneyPhotoPass.com. dre d Feed the gentle stingrays under the guidance of marine biologist hosts. Have Have your visit to Aulani captured by a Disney's PhotoPass Photographer. Pick Re r1t Departs 8:30 a.m. Additionol chcrges I - Returns 5:30 p.m. Resert,atiorrs r e 4n i,r e d a thrilling personal encounter with gentle stingrays in this amazing experience. Shop some of the finest areas on the island including Ala Moana Centre, DFS Galleria, and Waikele Center. Shuttles trips run on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. 530 per adult/ $23 per keiki (Under 3 yrs. free) To learn more about the F"ISH ITEEDING Shopping Shuttle stop by the Holoholo VIEWING Deskfrom 7:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. B:00 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. *pntutuM - Rainbow Reef ExpERtENCE AT ADDtTtoNAL oHARGE AND RESERvAfloNs REQU/RED
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