Semper Paratus - James Sheahan Catholic High School


Semper Paratus - James Sheahan Catholic High School
Semper Paratus
Newsletter of
James Sheahan Catholic High
Volume 31 Number 1
12 February 2016
Monday 15 February
SRC Valentine's Day
Thursday 18 February
Canberra Raiders visit (Yr8)
Friday 19 February
Sunday 21 February
PCRC Markets
Wednesday 2 March
School Disco
Friday 4 March
Year 7 Retreat
Thursday 10 March
School Athletics Carnival
Wednesday 16 March
2017 Yr7 Information Evening
Monday 21 March
Staff Development Day
(Student free Day)
Friday 8 April
Tuesday 26 April
Staff Development Day
(Student free Day)
Wednesday 27 April
Students return to school
Term 2 Week A
School Office hours
Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fri 8:00 to 4:00
Tues 8:30 to 4:00
Let everything we do in this season of Lent
come from you
be inspired by you.
Let us be aware of
the many ways you reach out to help us
and let us stand in awe of the power
that you use in such loving ways.
Help us to use your love as a way
to persevere in our Lenten intentions.
St John Baptist de la Salle – Pray for us
Venerable Catherine McAuley – Pray for us
Mercy given – Mercy received
Live Jesus in our Hearts – Forever.
We are now entering the Church’s season of Lent where we are
reminded that this is a time for almsgiving, prayer and fasting.
Almsgiving, it needs to be noted, is not just the giving of money and
goods but also, the giving of oneself and one’s time.
As I walk through the school and see our students studying, talking,
laughing, singing, many already working on projects, eating together
in the playground – I have to smile and thank God for each child He
has placed in our school. In this Year of Mercy, it is so exciting to see
how God is using these lives to show us His mercy in action through
Since the start of the year, our Year 11 Peer Support Team have
been sharing their time, gifts and talents with our incoming Year 7
students to ensure that their transition into high school is both
smooth and anxiety-free.
Last week, our Mission Team’s initiative in raising over $2000 will
enable the school to sponsor three children and their families
overseas and this week, together with the House Teams, will begin
raising money for the Missions during this time of Lent.
Our SRC have also begun raising funds for local, national and
international causes with their St Valentine’s Day venture which
allows our students the opportunity to show a friend they care.
The Sri Lankan Mission Team, too, with their new (for want of a
better word) uniforms, are preparing to raise much needed funds and
resources for the Lasallian schools in Mannar in the north of Sri
We are indeed blessed with the generosity of our students in giving
of themselves to others. May God bless them and keep this Spirit
within them, well beyond their time here at school.
Mr Mark Pauschmann
YEAR 7 2016
It is with great honour that I write in the first newsletter of 2016 as the Year 7 Coordinator. It has been wonderful
to watch the nervous smiles and tears turn into smiles of joy and wonder as the new students relax into their
new surroundings and start to enjoy everything we have to offer here at James Sheahan. At our Year Meeting
the students would have probably told you about my woeful attempt to play the bagpipes and how amusing it
was. Hopefully they also told you the message behind the cacophony the idea that we will grow and develop
over the years and the person they are today will not be the person they will be in six years’ time. It is an important
point to make and one that is often lost in our busy times, that we do all make mistakes, that no one is perfect
and the end result is yet to be seen. So as I continue to learn the bagpipes, through YouTube videos, so will our
precious new Year 7 students grow and develop their skills and understanding through their own trials and
tribulations and together we will embark on a journey that hopefully ends in perfect pitch.
Mr David Wickham
Year 7 Co-ordinator
Hi my name is Emily Irwin, and so far my experience
at James Sheahan has been pretty good. It was way
above my expectations! My first ever visit to James
Sheahan was my Orientation Day. We met our Year
Co-ordinator Mr Wickham who set my mind at ease
about coming to High School.
The very first morning I arrived I was feeling very
nervous and excited. But when I saw my friends it
was ok. Mr Wickham and the other teachers were
there on the first day to help us get organised and set
up our iPads. The first two days (Thursday & Friday)
were just about getting settled into High School,
reading our time table, getting to know where our
classrooms were, and meeting some of the teachers.
On Monday our first official week, we started doing
proper classes. Also we started meeting our new
teachers. The thing I find different from Primary
School is that I'm carrying my school bag all the time,
which sometimes can get heavy, however on the
upside I get to study different subjects everyday.
Masses and Assembly's are very welcoming, when
we had our first Assembly to welcome us into James
Sheahan, we met and heard more about Mr
Wickham, Mr Pauschmann, Mr Meers and other
Staff. Our first official Mass as one big school was
great. Seeing all the Seniors show us how to act.
They were our role models. The masses have lot of
enthusiasm. We had lots of rehearsals leading up to
the Mass which was good.
One of my main concerns starting High School was
not being able to find my classrooms and whilst I
have got lost a few times, all I had to do was ask an
older student and they were more than happy to help
me, and walked me to my classroom. All the staff and
older students have made settling in very easy.
Overall my experience starting High School has been
nerve-racking, exciting, comforting and very
welcoming. Hopefully in the years to come I can
follow the example I have been set and make it just
as easy to come to High School as my peers did for
Hi I'm Elizabeth Gibson and I went to Catherine
McAuley before attending James Sheahan.
I was a little nervous but most of all excited about
starting high school. For the first two days we did
boot camp. During boot camp we set up our iPads
with Mr Preston and Mr Giumelli, we did the
AMAZING RACE to get to know our way around the
school and we also played games in our Peer
Support groups to help us begin getting to know each
other. We met Mrs Jordon and she spoke to us about
the sports we can try out for and what sports we are
doing this term. To finish off our boot camp we met
our SLIP teachers.
As week 2 began, we were still huddled little
friendship groups but slowly relaxing into the new
routines of high school. We had school photos on
Monday, house meetings for the upcoming swimming
carnival on Wednesday and on Friday we had our
Opening School Mass. All of year 7 and any other
new students processed into the Mass each holding a
candle we had decorated, symbolising our hope to
"Let Our Light Shine". All the new staff also
processed in and set the Altar for Mass. The Mass
gave us all a great welcome to high school.
I'm looking forward to the many new, fun, exciting and
interesting experiences to come in the future.
Year 7
2015 HSC Highlights
James Sheahan Catholic High School Year 12 students achieved excellent success in the 2015 Higher School
Katherine Lindsay gained the honour of being School Dux with an amazing ATAR of 98.65. Katherine Howarth
(95.3), Abbey Dean (95.1), Payton Gregor (94.65), Emily Holmes (93.3), Alexandra Wratten (92.05), Paige
Wallace (91.85), and Sarah Marriott (91.05) also achieved noteworthy ATAR results in the 90s, with many
students scoring impressive ATARs in the 80s. Emily Holmes, Paige Wallace and Alexandra Wratten shared
the honour of achieving the highest Studies of Religion 2 result in the school (89), with Katherine Lindsay
achieving the equivalent highest result in Studies of Religion 1 (47).
The School achieved a total of 50 Band 6s (or E4 equivalent), with thirty-two Year 12 students received Band
6s (or E4 equivalent).
Alice Bowmer
Dominic Brown
Jack Carroll
Tyler Carroll
Emily Colla
Kaitlyn Cowden
Laura Cunial
Abbey Dean
Anna Maree Evans
Taine Fredericksen
Andrew Giumelli
Maggie Gorham
Mikahlia Grant
Payton Gregor
Modern History
Industrial Technology
Industrial Technology
Industrial Technology
Industrial Technology
Senior Science
Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1
Ancient History, Biology, Studies of Religion 1
Mathematics General 2
Industrial Technology
Hospitality Examination
Visual Arts
Ancient History, Community and Family Studies, Mathematics General 2,
Studies of Religion 1
Alicia Hargraves
Hospitality Examination
Thomas Higgins
Industrial Technology
Emily Holmes
Modern History
Katherine Howarth
English Extension 1, Music 2, Music Extension, Studies of Religion I
Laura Jaques
Geography, Studies of Religion I, Visual Arts
Katherine Lindsay
Chemistry, English Advanced, Mathematics,
Mathematics Extension 1,
Studies of Religion I
Sarah Marriott
Studies of Religion I
Jessica McLean
PDHPE, Studies of Religion I
Renae Nash
Industrial Technology
Kaitlyn Phillips
Community and Family Studies
Francis Pike
Daniel Schuler
Michael Shambira
Troy Stuart
Industrial Technology
Paige Wallace
English Extension 1, PDHPE
Ainsley Watson
Community and Family Studies
Bailey Wenban-Murphy Community and Family Studies
Alexandra Wratten
Mathematics General 2, Modern History
Over the range of HSC courses offered in 2015 James Sheahan students received Band 5/6 results that
compared very favourably with state averages. The following courses achieved Band 5/6 results equal to or
above state average: Ancient History, Biology, Community and Family Studies, English Extension 1, English
Extension 2, Food Technology, History Extension, Hospitality Examination, Industrial Technology,
Mathematics, Mathematics General 2, Metal and Engineering Examination, Modern History, Music 2, Music
Extension, Senior Science, Studies of Religion 2, Visual Arts.
In addition, three James Sheahan students received prestigious InTech nominations in recognition of the
exemplary quality of their Industrial Technology projects. These students were Jack Carroll, Emily Colla and
Taine Fredericksen.
The School would take the opportunity to congratulate the class of 2015 for their excellent results. The above
students, together with other high achievers from the Bathurst Diocese, were recognised for their
commendable results at the Bathurst Catholic Education Office Awards Night, held on Wednesday February 3
in Orange.
Mr Peter Meers
Assistant Principal
James Sheahan Catholic High School is very keen to work closely with parents to maximise their child’s
learning and to ensure that every child’s schooling at James Sheahan is productive and positive. Under our
banner of WEALTH (We Allow Learning To Happen) we encourage students to become responsible learners,
challenging themselves to succeed and taking responsibility for their own actions.
In general, if a parent calls the school to discuss a classroom based matter they will be directed in the first
instance to the classroom teacher. The relevant Subject Coordinator will also be notified of the parent contact.
The teacher will contact the parent as soon as possible, recognising their teaching, supervisory and
administrative obligations. The teacher will let the Subject Coordinator know whether the issue has been
resolved at this level.
If the issue has not been resolved, the relevant Subject Coordinator would be the next point of contact for a
parent. If the issue has still not been resolved, the Student Wellbeing Coordinator, Mrs Michelle Whiteley,
would become involved if the matter was of a classroom interaction nature or the Curriculum Coordinator, Mr
Michael Tilston, if the matter was a curriculum or assessment issue.
The primary role of Year Coordinators is one of a pastoral and welfare nature. Year Coordinators are also able
to provide an overall picture of a student, whilst not having responsibility to resolve subject based classroom
issues which are the primary responsibility of the teacher and, if required, the relevant Subject Coordinator.
Where issues cross subjects, then generally the Year Coordinator will be involved with teachers and Subject
Coordinators in working with the student and parents to resolve the matter, with the support and direction of
the Student Welfare Coordinator and Welfare/ Learning support staff if applicable (e.g. Counsellor, Learning
Support Team).
Where parents have a concern, the School will follow its FAIR principles in responding to the matter, issue or
incident raised
 Find out the facts
 Ascertain and acknowledge the situation
 Initiate appropriate actions
 Restore Respect and Responsibility
Parents wishing to go immediately to the Principal or Assistant Principal regarding a classroom or playground
matter will be asked to follow the above pathway. Following the FAIR process may involve delaying a
response until all the evidence can be gathered and a balanced, considered and appropriate response
Of courses, matters that are determined to be of a Child Protection nature under government and system
guidelines will be dealt with as a matter of urgency and confidentiality in accordance with relevant statutory
Mr Peter Meers
Assistant Principal
Absence from School and Formal Exams and/or Formal Assessment Tasks due to Travel
(Family Holidays, Family Reunions, Spectator Events)
Under the School’s assessment guidelines the taking of leave during school terms for the purpose of family
holidays or family reunions does not constitute a valid reason for being absent from scheduled examinations or
Formal Assessment Tasks. Likewise, absence due to spectator attendance at a leisure or recreational event,
such as a music concert or sporting match, is not considered valid grounds for an extension or rescheduling of
an examination or Formal Assessment Task. Students who miss an examination or Formal Assessment Task
due to the above reasons will receive a “0” mark.
Naturally, the school recognises and understands absence from a task or exam due to sickness, family crisis
or tragedy, and variations beyond the control of a student, including school organised excursions. In cases
other than excursions, students need to provide a written explanation (including a medical certificate for
illness, in the case of Years 10 to 12) and alternative arrangements would be made.
Students attending excursions need to inform their relevant teacher in advance of a missed task or exam
(Years 7-9) or complete an Illness/ Misadventure form before the day of the task or exam and submit to the
relevant Subject Coordinator for Years 10-12. Representation at an elite level in sport or a cultural endeavour
is recognised as a valid reason for being absent from an examination or task.
These policy guidelines reinforce to students the importance of their school education, help provide a level
playing field for all students, minimise the opportunity for unfair advantage and safeguard the integrity of
examination papers and Formal Assessment Tasks.
(Reviewed May 2015)
Mr Peter Meers
Assistant Principal
Extended Leave (Travel/ Exceptional Circumstances/ Employment in the Entertainment
Industry/ Elite Arts or Sports)
In 2015, the Bathurst Catholic Education Office released new guidelines for absence during school terms.
Parents/ carers removing students from school for the purpose of travel or other planned activities (eg
holidaying, family reunions) for less than 10 school days must provide a letter of explanation to the Roll Call
teacher. If the leave is for 10 or more school days, an Application for Exemption must be completed and
submitted to the Assistant Principal a minimum of three weeks before the intended travel where possible. The
Assistant Principal will consider the application and if accepting the explanation, will provide a Certificate for
Extended Leave application forms are located on the school website in Policies/ Guidelines/ Forms. The
Application for Extended Leave – Travel Form (A.1) covers holidays and family reunions. The Application for
Exemption from Attendance at School Form (A.2) covers exceptional circumstances (non-holidays),
employment in the entertainment industry and participation in elite arts or sports.
Under CEO Guidelines, reflecting the NSW Education Act (1990), the School is not expected to provide work
for a student during an extended period of holiday/ travel leave. As such, teachers are not required to provide
school work or assessment tasks during a student’s extended absence related to travel or holidaying. If
individual teachers wish to provide class work they can but there is no expectation of this and this may not be
feasible given that schools have largely moved away from textbooks to more authentic, collaborative 21st
century style teaching and learning approaches.
Under BOSTES Grade guidelines (Years 7 to 11), your child will receive A to E grades that are reflective of
their ability and not be penalised in this regard for missed tasks or course work. Teachers will use their
professional judgement of your child based on completed tasks and demonstrated student performance.
Your child is required to catch up all missed course work within three weeks of his/ her return and does not
receive exemption from assessment tasks due upon their return.
Mr Peter Meers
Assistant Principal
The Opening School Mass was held on Friday the 3rd of February and was a wonderful full-school and community
celebration. Many family and friends joined us as a faith-filled community, with our Mass centering on the theme of 'A
Great Light'. At this Mass we welcomed the 'great light' that came from within our new Year 7 students and new staff.
Each Year 7 student carried a candle into the prayer space, while the new staff dressed the altar. The choir very skillfully
led our music ministry in this Mass, sharing new songs for the entire school to joyfully join in singing.
We were very fortunate, in this Year of Mercy, to have special guests join our community in celebrating our Mass. We
were joined by De La Salle Brothers, Br Colin and Br Paul, and Mercy Sister, Sr Patricia and Sally Neaves, who were
presenting Charism talks to our senior students throughout the day. We were also joined from the local Sisters of Mercy
by Sr Mary Trainor, Sr Carmel Carroll and Sr Paula Smith. Vince Connor, Consultant to Schools (Central and Secondary)
also joined us.
Following the Mass we congratulated high achievers from the 2015 HSC in the artistic
and academic fields, with Katherine Lindsay receiving the Br John Corkeron Award as
Dux of the 2015 graduating class and Mikahlia Grant being awarded the Lorraine
McDonell Memorial Art Award.
To finish our school community activities on this day
all students, within their year groups, contributed to our Sponsor Child Fundraiser.
Students were asked to bring in a gold coin donation to map out the shape of the
country that their Stage's sponsor child was from. As a result, $2077.35 was raised to
help support Hellen from Guatemala, Olivia from India and Jeremy from Indonesia.
Mrs Amber Calleja
RE Mission Coordinator
Monday, 15 February
The SRC uses Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to
allow students to show a friend they care.
Valentine’s Day at Sheahan is not a romantic event
but one about caring and friendship. Students can
order balloons, a rose and felt teddy bear or a lolly
pop bouquet during the first half of lunch in the days leading up
to Valentine’s Day and then the gift is delivered on Monday, 15
February during roll call.
This is a wonderful community building event enjoyed by all. If
students wish to order an item the cost for each is outlined
Helium Balloon - $2.50
Rose and Felt Teddy - $3.00
Lollipop Bouquet - $3.50
Mr Winston West
SRC Coordinator
A big step towards achieving your goals is developing and maintaining a goal setting mindset as the attitudes you have learnt
and develop will influence the way you view goal setting. Approaching a task with a negative and self-defeating attitude makes
it much harder to actually be successful at that task.
You need to have a positive attitude when you are setting and trying to achieve your goals. A positive attitude means you are
looking for ways to succeed rather than focusing on the difficulties and obstacles that could be in your path.
To create a more positive attitude:
 Each day note down something you did towards achieving your goals.
 Note down any changes someone else has noticed eg. your teacher says well done on your work.
 Don’t stop trying if something goes wrong, rather reassess your goals or decide you need to work harder to achieve
 Find a mentor or helper to encourage you to achieve your goals, possibly someone who is interested in the same
things or is good at the same subjects, but is a bit further ahead of you.
Other reasons why we don’t achieve our goals:
 No action plan.
 No true commitment to the goal.
 Not rewarding yourself along the way.
 Trying to focus on too many goals.
 Not preparing yourself for success.
 Fear of failure.
If you are still not achieving your goal try this:
 Clarify your goal.
 Write a list of actions.
 Analyze, prioritize and prune.
 Organise your list into a plan.
 Monitor the execution of your plan and review
your plan regularly
You can learn more about goal setting and many other topics to help you achieve your best at school at, logging in with these details:
Username: jamessheahan
Password: 75success
Apple Adapter Recall
Just a reminder that Leading Edge computers will be coming to the school - second time to
exchange any adapters that are affected by the Apple recall.
They will be set up in the QUAD 1230pm Tuesday 16/2. Stocks will be limited so get in first to
get yours exchanged
Offer available for all adapters - mums, dads, uncles brothers nephews roommates cousin......
All you need to bring is the part of your iPad adapter pictured below:
Identifying your wall plug adapter Compare your adapter to the images below. An affected wall plug adapter
has 4 or 5 characters or no characters on the inside slot where it attaches to an Apple power adapter.
Redesigned adapters have a 3-letter regional code in the slot (EUR, KOR, AUS, ARG or BRA).
Mr Preston
Computer Tech.
New Multi-purpose Building Begins.
Our builders have started on our new Multi- purpose building at the end of
the holidays in January. It is exciting to see the progress as the first sods
were turned. We may just have a hole at present but the foundations are
soon to be established. We will keep you updated on progress.
Here is our first photo of Phil Short turning that sod or rather making use of
good turf. We would like to thank our friends at Kennards Hire as the work
Mr Andrew Kent
(Acting) Bursar
Cody Burcher (Year 8) recently competed at the Australian Karting Championship in
Dubbo for the KA4 Class (12-16 years age group) and qualified 4th out of 42 entrants.
He was only 8 one-hundredths of a second off pole position which is a tremendous
effort. This is made even more remarkable of the fact that Cody competed against
much older competitors. Well Done Cody.
Please ensure that the following entry and exit points are used when dropping off students and/or picking up students.
Uppermost in our minds is the need to try and ensure the safety of parents and students at our peak hours.
Entry to Norton Park - will be by the existing gate, we have created a new drop off zone just inside the
carpark proper indicated by appropriate signage. PLEASE NOTE that students are not to be dropped-off
inside the school grounds in front of Mercy Hall, there will be barriers in place until the new changes
to entry/exits have been bedded in.
Exit from Norton Park - will be via the new exit gate and will require a left turn only. This new exit gate will be
in use from 7.30am to 4.30pm on school days. Exit from Norton Park outside these hours or on other than
school days (i.e. weekends etc) will revert to the existing original entry/exit gate.
The school, Council and the Police do monitor traffic flows to try and ensure that everything goes smoothly and safely,
particularly when our students are coming to or leaving school.
Please also remind your children that they use the correct pathways around the school. Also be aware the following are
NOT available for these morning drop off and afternoon pick ups - car park in front of the De La Salle administration
building, bus bay area or the driveways of neighbours around the school grounds.
Your cooperation is as always greatly appreciated.
Welcome PCRC
This is an opportunity for everyone to meet other
parents within the James Sheahan Catholic High
School community, the PCRC Committee members
and also meet with some members of staff on a
social level. Old & new families are invited - It is a
family event, so all are welcome.
A BBQ will be provided, please bring your own
nibbles, drinks and a chair as seating is limited.
When: Friday February 19
Time: 6.00pm
Where: Adjacent to the chapel near the office
(Mercy Hall if raining)
For those that like a well-made coffee, ice cream or
a slushy we will have Mr Whippy on site.
The tennis courts will be available for anyone
interested – equipment will be provided but feel free
to bring your own racquet. We look forward to
seeing you on the night.
I would like to take this opportunity to extend an
invitation to attend our PCRC meetings, keep an
eye out in the newsletters for our next meeting date
and for information on upcoming PCRC events.
If you would like to receive the PCRC Newsletter go
to the link
and down the bottom there is an option to
For catering purposes please either RSVP to