AUTHOR’S SYNOPSES UDK 316.775.4(497.4) Breda LUTHAR, Tanja OBLAK ČRNIČ: MEDIA REPERTOIRES AND DISCURSIVE COMMUNITIES Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2015, Vol. LII, No. 1–2, pg. 7–30 302 Due to radical changes in media consumption, manifested in the widespread mediatization and proliferation of the uses of personal media in everyday life, research about media audiences can no longer focus on a single medium. In order to identify ideal-typical combinations of media platforms and aesthetic cultures in the population of the two largest Slovenian cities, the concept of media repertoires was used. The study shows that the media consumption of our respondents is structured into four typical media repertoires: the digital elite, digital natives, television viewers and newspaper readers. These four repertoires represent also distinct socio-cultural formations. In social terms, digital audiences therefore do not constitute a homogenous social community, but should be understood as class-differentiated discursive cultures or “meaning systems”. Keywords: audience, media repertoires, discursive communities, new media, Slovenia UDK 16:28-184.3 Peter ROŽIČ: DE FIDE ET RE PUBLICA – THE EPISTEMOLOGY OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2015, Vol. LII, No. 1–2, pg. 31–47 Can faith and science about things political ever be connected and, if so, how? Despite several scholarly objections, this study argues in favour of this possibility. The rational link between faith and politics is mutually possible insofar as their connection and difference are defined in a philosophicotheoretical framework and in a socio-political context. The study shows that faith may be connected with politics in general and political thought in particular because faith and politics maintain a broader non-contradictory relationship with science. The analysis of Western political thought and religions tradition emphasises the role of rational demonstrability and shows that this role is possible for both faith and politics, ultimately corroborating the possibility of their relationship. The study sheds light on this role through the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli and Hobbes as well as through an analysis of the epistemological underpinnings of faith and politics. Keywords: faith, politics, reason, political philosophy, epistemology TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 52, 1–2/2015 UDK 364-783.44:364-22 Valentina HLEBEC, Maša FILIPOVIČ HRAST: EVALUATION OF ACCESS TO SOCIAL HOME CARE: USERS’ PERSPECTIVE Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2015, Vol. LII, No. 1–2, pg. 48–66 Due to demographic change, Slovenia is facing the important challenge of how to provide care for the elderly and ensure their quality of life. Social home care is a service for elderly people who wish to remain in their home for as long as possible. In this article, we analyse the quality of social home care as perceived by the users of social home care. We applied the model for evaluating access to services developed by Penchansky and Thomas (1981; 1984). The analysis is based on the first representative survey of users of social home care (2013). Employing the hierarchical clustering method we identified three groups of users who have different perceptions of the quality of social home care, namely those very satisfied with care, those dissatisfied with the price of social home care, and those dissatisfied with social home care. Through multinomial regression analysis we discovered that very satisfied users differ from dissatisfied ones (with price) in their income, the price of the care they are paying, and unfulfilled needs. Dissatisfied users are those with intensive use of social home care, high levels of need, health problems and receiving care from large organisations. Keywords: social home care, evaluation, access, survey, clustering, multinomial regression analysis UDK 352.075.2(497.4) Simona KUKOVIČ, Marjan BREZOVŠEK: FROM PARLIAMENTARISATION TOWARDS PRESIDENTIALISATION: INSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS OF LOCAL POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN SLOVENIA Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2015, Vol. LII, No. 1–2, pg. 67–82 In this paper, the authors analyse the institutional aspects of local governance. Following the reforms, two main currents of change were created among European countries, namely the (quasi-)parliamentarisation administration system committees, and (quasi-) presidentialisation through the form of elected mayors. After overviewing the changes in Slovenian local self-government in the last two decades, the authors determine a gradual transition from parliamentarism (with a relatively strong legislative body, municipal council) to the strengthening of an individual executive body (mayor), e.g. presidentialisation. By calculating an index of mayoral TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 52, 1–2/2015 303 strength, the authors conclude that according to mayoral institutional power the Slovenian system of local self-government is closer to countries with a (post)Napoleonic administrative tradition than to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Keywords: local political leadership, power, division of power, reforms, mayor, municipal council, Slovenia UDK 316.647.5:33.021 Mitja SARDOČ, Vladimir PREBILIČ: THE PARADOX(ES) OF ZERO TOLERANCE Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2015, Vol. LII, No. 1–2, pg. 83–96 304 This article addresses the zero-tolerance policy approach recently introduced as one of the hallmarks of EU public policy dealing a wide range of social problems. Despite the high profile normally given to different pleas for zero tolerance, there has been no analysis of the moral value and status of the zero-tolerance policy approach. This article aims to advance analysis of the different problems and shortcomings any such policy faces. The introductory part of the paper presents the ‘genealogy’ of zero tolerance, i.e. the very origin of these policies, and areas that have been the subject of its application in the past few decades. This is followed by a presentation of the ‘anatomy’ of zero tolerance. The fourth part of the paper outlines the most pressing objections against these policies. The final section identifies the so-called ‘paradox’ of zero tolerance. Keywords: zero tolerance, toleration, public policy, the paradox(es) of zero tolerance, selective intolerance UDK 37:316.73 Borut MIKULEC: EDUCATION – A MAGIC PILL OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY? Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2015, Vol. LII, No. 1–2, pg. 97–112 In this paper, we analyse the assumption that multiculturalism is an empirical fact of modern societies, or that they are moving in that direction. Having stated this, within this context we are interested in the role and contribution of education in organising the multicultural society since education is seen as a driving force of the establishment of a new intercultural discourse. We emphasise the importance of intercultural education and show TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 52, 1–2/2015 that it is one of the most valuable educational initiatives that may be used to address the problem of inequality in education. By analysing the possible theoretical framework of intercultural education, we draw attention to danger of mythologising education as a »magic pill« discourse for solving the problems of contemporary society. Keywords: education, interculturality, multiculturality, multiculturalism, society UDK 331.109.321:355.3 Ljubo ŠTAMPAR: THE RIGHT TO STRIKE IN MILITARY ORGANISATION Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2015, letn. LII, št. 1–2, str. 113–132 The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia adopted a requirement for a constitutional review with respect to the prohibition on the right to strike for the Slovenian Armed Forces. In most EU member states, the right to strike in the army is denied due to issues of efficiency and alternative loyalty. Through analysis, we find that the trend of the increasing similarity of military and civilian professions also requires a similar regulation of relations between the army and soldiers in connection with the work, as is the case in civil society. The analysis shows that the EU takes three different approaches to the coordination of relations between the army and soldiers in connection with work. Only one of them includes the right to strike, and four members of the EU successfully practise it. European institutions defend the concept that the soldier is a ‘citizen in uniform’ and enjoys all the rights enjoyed by other citizens. In conclusion, we are opening up a debate on whether the request for the review of constitutionality has any chances of success in the circumstances under study. Keywords: strike, military organisation, fundamental rights and freedoms, military union UDK 316.334.56(497.4=214.58) Miran KOMAC: UMEŠČANJE ROMOV V PROSTOR Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2015, letn. LII, št. 1–2, str. 133–149 Romska narodna manjšina je skupnost splošnega pomanjkanja. Primanjkuje jim vsega: prostora, komunalno urejenega prostora, kapitalov vseh vrst (socialnega, kulturnega, finančnega itd.), strpnosti Neromov. Nimajo nosilcev eksplozij, ki bi jih ponesli iz družbenega obrobja bližje TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 52, 1–2/2015 305 vzvodom upravljanja z javnim dobrim. Skratka, Romi so devastirana skupnost. V zadnjih 20. letih je slovenska država namenila znatna finančna sredstva za urejanje romske problematike, tudi prostorske. Kljub temu so uspehi še vedno skromni. Kje je bila storjena napaka? Zdi se, da je eden izmed pomembnih razlogov v tem, da so snovalci prostorskega načrtovanja ostali na polovici poti. Uspeli so vrisati romska naselja na karte, pozabili pa so na načrtovanje družbenih sider, ki dajejo naselju zadovoljivo vitalnost. Sidra tvorijo socialni, človeški in kulturni kapitali; ti predstavljajo pomemben element razvoja človeških virov in tako pomemben vir razvojne uspeš nosti romske skupnosti v Sloveniji. Oba razvojna stebra, človeški viri in razvojna uspešnost, morata voditi k preseganju izključenosti pripadnikov romske narodne manjšine iz slovenske družbe. Prispevek povzema ključna spoznanja večletnega raziskovalno aplikativnega projekta z naslovom Dvig socialnega in kulturnega kapitala v okoljih, kjer živijo predstavniki romske skupnosti. Ključni pojmi: Romi, romska naselja, socialni kapital, kulturni kapital, nediskriminacija 306 UDK 339.564EU Matevž RAŠKOVIĆ, Boštjan UDOVIČ in Anja ŽNIDARŠIČ: ANALIZA OMREŽJA IZVOZNIH VZORCEV MED DRŽAVAMI EU: IMPLIKACIJE ZA MAJHNE DRŽAVE Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2015, letn. LII, št. 1–2, str. 150–174 Članek uporablja analizo omrežij za preučevanje izvoznih vzorcev med posameznimi državami EU. Uporabimo tri različne utežene mere središčnosti, s katerimi analiziramo pomembnost posamezne države v izvoznem omrežju držav EU. Pri tem se še posebej osredotočamo na pomembnost in strukturni položaj t. i. majhnih držav v omrežju. Z uporabo uteženega bločnega modeliranja identificiramo pet značilnih blokov držav v preučevanem izvoznem omrežju. Vizualni pregled preučevanega omrežja pa pokaže jasno strukturo jedra in obrobja ter hkrati tudi dve skupini držav (t. i. kliki v analizi omrežij), kjer so medsebojni izvozni tokovi močnejši kot pa s preostalimi državami v omrežju. Naši rezultati imajo pomembne implikacije za teorijo s področja izvoznih vzorcev majhnih držav, saj kažejo, da majhne države svojega izvoza ne osredotočajo bolj na sosednje trge kot velike države znotraj EU. Ključni pojmi: analiza omrežij, izvozni vzorci, države EU, uravnotežene mere središčnosti, uravnoteženo bločno modeliranje, izvozni vzorci majhnih držav TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 52, 1–2/2015 UDK 328.13:338.124.4(497.4) Drago ZAJC: OBDOBJE NARAŠČAJOČE NESTABILNOSTI KOALICIJSKIH VLAD – VPLIV GOSPODARSKE KRIZE V SLOVENIJI V OBDOBJU 2008–2014 Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2015, letn. LII, št. 1–2, str. 175–195 Raziskovanje koalicijskega obnašanja je v zadnjih letih vključilo dinamični pristop, ki omogoča ugotavljanje povezave med koalicijskim obnašanjem in različnimi zunanjimi dogodki. Z uporabo tega pristopa lahko na primeru Slovenije ugotavljamo povezanost med ekonomskimi dogodki, kot je gospodarska kriza, in destabilizacijo koalicij v obdobju 2008–2014. Vpliv ekonomskih pokazateljev je zmanjšal možnost rednih ali strateških volitev in povečal verjetnost padcev oz. zamenjav vlad na predčasnih volitvah ali celo brez volitev. Članek predstavi tudi nekaj dodatnih dejavnikov destabilizacije koalicijskih vlad, ki jih (vseh) ni mogoče ustrezno meriti, kot so spremembe v podpori strankam, konflikti med partnerskimi strankami ali znotraj posameznih strank in tudi politika nadnacionalnih organizacij. Dodatno smo ugotavljali, da so bile koalicije z večjim številom partnerskih strank izpostavljene večjim tveganjem in da je bila možnost razpustitve levosredinskih koalicij večja v primerjavi z desnosredinskimi. Takšno koalicijsko obnašanje strank v Sloveniji v obdobju gospodarske krize lahko primerjamo z destabilizacijo koalicijskih vlad v vrsti drugih demokratičnih (novih in starih) držav Srednje Evrope. Ključni pojmi: stranke, koalicijske vlade, ekonomska kriza, politični dejavniki, konflikti, destabilizacija, predčasne volitve UDK 316.485.26(470:477) Anton BEBLER: RUSKO-UKRAJINSKI KONFLIKT ZARADI KRIMA Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2015, letn. LII, št. 1–2, str. 196–219 Najnovejši rusko-ukrajinski konflikt zaradi Krima je pritegnil široko mednarodno pozornost. Pričujoči članek je namenjen osvetlitvi in razlagi njegovega zgodovinskega, demografskega, pravnega, političnega in vojaškostrateškega ozadja, podobnosti in razlik z drugimi »zamrznjenimi« konflikti na obrobju nekdanje Sovjetske zveze, položaju in vlogi treh poglavitnih strani neposredno vpletenih v krimski konflikt, njegovih povezav z odcepitvenimi prizadevanj v vzhodni in južni Ukrajini, širših mednarodnih odmevov in posledičnega poslabšanja v odnosih med Zahodom in Rusko federacijo. Ključni pojmi: Krim, Ukrajina, Rusija, EU, NATO, »zamrznjeni konflikti« TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 52, 1–2/2015 307 UDK 316.728(477) Nadiia ZARITSKA: UPOČASNITEV ŽIVLJENJSKEGA TEMPA (DOWNSHIFTING) KOT ALTERNATIVNE PRAKSE ŽIVLJENJSKEGA SLOGA IN KOT POSLEDICA INDIVIDUALNIH PROSTOVOLJNIH ŽIVLJENJSKIH STRATEGIJ: PRIMER UKRAJINSKE DRUŽBE Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2015, letn. LII, št. 1–2, str. 220–235 308 V članku so predstavljeni rezultati študije primera praks odločanja za preprostejši življenjski slog oz. upočasnitve življenjskega tempa (downshifting lifestyle practices) v Ukrajini. Rezultati temeljijo na gradivu poglobljenih intervjujev. Avtorica interpretira upočasnitev življenjskega tempa oz. življenje v nižji prestavi (downshifting) v koordinatah teorije racionalne izbire kot prakse življenjskega sloga, ki imajo za posledice individualne prostovoljne življenjske strategije. Pri tem loči dva osnovna tipa – «delno» in «popolno» upočasnitev življenjskega tempa («partial» and «full» downshifting). Avtorica analizira prakse upočasnitve življenjskega tempa na temelju ponovnega razmisleka o vrednotah (njihove revizije), ki so izražene z zmanjšanjem dohodkov, razmerjem med delovnim in prostim časom, spremembo potrošniških vzorcev in socialnih stikov itn. Končno rezultati študije primera kažejo, da je vzrok za upočasnitev življenjskega tempa sprememba vrednot, glavni individualni razlogi zanj pa vključujejo nezadovoljstvo z življenjem/delom, pomanjkanje prostega časa in željo po večji neodvisnosti. Ključni pojmi: alternative prakse življenjskega sloga, prakse življenjskega sloga, prostovoljna mobilnost, upočasnitev življenjskega tempa (downshifting), življenjske strategije, študija primera, sprememba vrednot, individualna racionalnost UDK 316.334.56:316.342.2 Matjaž URŠIČ: HIDDEN TOUCH OF THE COUNTRYSIDE? CLASSES AND ‘URBANITY’ IN THE CASE OF LJUBLJANA AND MARIBOR Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2015, Vol. LII, No. 1–2, pg. 236–252 The article examines the impact of culture and class for the formation of residential preferences in Slovenian cities. The author’s method is based on the assumption that the process of urbanisation has close ties with certain forms of socio-cultural development and specific class patterns. The author first explains the historical particularities of the development of Slovenian towns and then, on the basis of existing research studies (e.g. culture and class, values of space and place) analyses the differences between classes in TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 52, 1–2/2015 relation to life in the city. The comparison of responses from the two largest Slovenian cities and other parts of Slovenia reveals a complex picture of class characteristics that indicates a very specific relationship towards large cities and a different process of acculturation relative to countries that have big (metropolitan) cities. In this context, it appears that, despite noticeable class distinctions among the respondents, there is a certain common value basis and a strong association with the local environment that promotes residential patterns which are characteristic of less densely populated areas. Keywords: class, culture, urban development, spatial values, residential patterns UDK 711.581:502.131.1 Primož MEDVED: AUTONOMOUS SUSTAINABLE NEIGHBOURHOOD – THE SOCIAL-RESIDENTIAL URBAN MODEL OF THE 21 CENTURY? Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2015, Vol. LII, No. 1–2, pg. 253–270 This paper analyses the possibility of genuine sustainable urban transformation at the local level. At the beginning, the concept of an autonomous sustainable neighbourhood, which could form a new sustainable balance in an urban environment, is presented. The article also presents an innovative interdisciplinary model of autonomous sustainable neighbourhoods, which provides a basis for an analysis of the Vauban district, well known as a sustainable neighbourhood. With consideration of its local specifics, Vauban could be an example of sustainable implementation for other cities. The autonomous sustainable neighbourhood is a possible model for sustainable urbanism of the 21st century. Keywords: sustainable spatial planning, autonomous sustainable neighbourhood, urban renewable energy sources, urban elements of sustainable development, heterotopia, Vauban sustainable neighbourhood UDK 316.334.56:328.124 Jernej TIRAN: URBAN vs. RURAL: A (NEW) CLEAVAGE IN THE SLOVENIAN POLITICAL ARENA? Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2015, Vol. LII, No. 1–2, pg. 271–290 Some political scientists have noted that a new type of political cleavage emerged in Slovenia in the first decade of the millennium, which runs along the ‘urban’ and ‘rural’ axis. This is surprising as urbanisation and its TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 52, 1–2/2015 309 accompanying processes in Slovenia have significantly decreased the differences between the city and the countryside and erased the division between the two in the landscape since the mid-19th century. The article attempts to determine whether the perceived urban–rural cleavage is also reflected in the present-day political map of Slovenia. A typification of the voting polls and an analysis of the parliamentary electoral results from 1996 to 2014 according to the level of urbanisation confirmed the assumption of an existing urban–rural political cleavage, which was most prominent in the 2011 elections. Keywords: political parties, political cleavages, urban–rural relations, elections, electoral behaviour, urbanisation, geography of elections 310 TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 52, 1–2/2015