HYTEC TM ROV FOR UNDERWATER MINES IDENTIFICATION e ng ra Range permits operations from 300 to 1000m >>powerful while compact in size, can operate in rough sea conditions >>high performance viewing & sonar system >>easy access to all sub-systems for maintenance >>modular and flexible design ROV FOR UNDERWATER MINES IDENTIFICATION Range permits operations from 300 to 1000m Range of solutions for the harbour surveillance activity Challenge for both applications : quality of the sensors • Identification of mines in shallow waters • Identification of mines in deep waters Identification of mines in shallow waters H1000 H300-INS will be used, H800INS being preferred in case of strong current. These ROVs will approach the mine first with aid of their sonar and low light navigation B/W camera, then with their zoom color TV camera and strong LED lights mounted on the P/T unit. A still camera will be added in case high resolution photos of the mine are required Identification of mines in deep waters Sensors (sonars and cameras) on board H1000-INS are of same generation as those that equip the H300-INS/H800-INS ROVs. But H1000-INS with its LARS + TMS (cage) system, can minimize the effect of the current on the umbilical, hence operate with accuracy at large depths e ng ra SPECIFICATIONS H300MK2 H800 System power requirements Single phase 110-220VAC - 3,9kVA Tri phase 380 to 480 VAC - 8kVA Maximum umbilical length 400 m - option 1000m up to 1500m Depth rating 300 msw 800 msw Length 900 mm 992 mm Height 470 mm 720 mm Width 600 mm 551 mm Launch weight 70 kg 99 kg Forward speed 3,5 knots 4,5 knots Thrust forward 34 kgf 59 kgf Thrust lateral 17 kgf 27 kgf Thrust vertical 17 kgf 34 kgf Number of thrusters 4 (2 horizontal + 1 lateral + 1 vertical) 6 (4 vectored horizontal + 2 vertical) Payload 8 kg with removal of ballast + 15 kg by adding buoyancy 11 kg with removal of ballast + 30 kg more by adding buoyancy 1 Black & White navigation TV camera 1 Black & White navigation TV camera Number of TV cameras 1 Pan & Tilt unit including 1 color zoom TV camera with laser scaling 1 Pan & Tilt unit including 1 color zoom TV camera with laser scaling Number of LED lights 4 (2 fixed and 2 moving on P&T unit) 4 (2 fixed and 2 moving on P&T unit) Auto functions Auto heading & auto depth / optional auto altitude Auto heading & auto depth / optional auto altitude Type of manipulator arms compliance ARM 5E MICRO (one or two units) Type of sonar compliance Any type (side scan, scanning single or double frequency, 2D multibeam, 3D imaging, echoscope…) ARM 5E MICRO (one or two units) ARM 5E MINI (one unit) Any type (side scan, scanning single or double frequency, 2D multibeam, 3D imaging, echoscope…) e ng ra SPECIFICATIONS H1000 H2000 System power requirements Tri Phase 380 to 480 VAC - 25kVA Tri phase 380 to 480 VAC - 40kVA Maximum umbilical length 1000 m 2000m Depth rating 1000 msw 2000 msw Length 992 mm 2000 mm Height 551 mm 1150 mm Width 720 mm 1240 mm Launch weight 340 kg 900 kg Forward speed 4 knots 3 knots Thrust forward 140 kgf 260 kgf Thrust lateral 90 kgf 165 kgf Thrust vertical 50 kgf 170 kgf Number of thrusters 6 (4 vectored horizontal + 2 vertical) 6 (4 vectored horizontal + 2 vertical) Payload 30 kg + more by adding buoyancy 80 kg + more by adding buoyancy 1 Pan & Tilt unit including 1 color zoom TV camera with laser scaling 1 Black & White rear TV camera 1 mobile micro TV camera mounted on manipulator arm - - 1 Pan & Tilt unit including 1 color zoom TV camera with laser scaling - 1 mobile micro TV camera mounted on manipulator arm Number of LED lights 6 (3 fixed, 2 moving on Pan & Tilt unit, 1 mounted on manipulator arm) 4 (2 fixed and 2 moving on Pan & Tilt unit) Auto functions Auto heading & auto depth / optional auto altitude Auto heading & auto depth / optional auto altitude ARM 5E MINI (one or two units) ARM 5E (one or two units) ARM 5E (one unit) ARM 7E MINI (one unit) ARM 7E MINI(one unit) ARM 5E & ARM 7E MINI Any type (side scan, scanning single or double frequency, 2D multibeam, 3D imaging, echoscope…) Any type (side scan, scanning single or double frequency, 2D multibeam, 3D imaging, echoscope…) Number of TV cameras Type of manipulator arms compliance Type of sonar compliance ASIA - PACIFIC france Other Countries ESFE Pte. Ltd. 1 Fullerton Road Singapore 04913 Phone: +65.6408.3833 - Fax: +65.6408.3801 E-mail: ECA robotics 501 rue de la Croix de Lavit - BP 4403 34197 Montpellier Cedex 5 - France Phone: +33 4 67 63 64 00 - Fax: +33 4 67 52 14 88 E-mail : ECA RSM Z.I. Toulon Est - 262, rue des frères Lumière 83130 La Garde - France Phone: +33 4 94 08 90 00 - Fax: +33 4 94 08 90 70 E-mail: Photos : ECA GROUP – 1 Black & White navigation TV camera 1 Black & White navigation TV camera