2012 CCIM Chapter Annual Report and President`s
2012 CCIM Chapter Annual Report and President`s
2012 CCIM Chapter Annual Report and President's Cup Submission Workbook Chapter Name: NC-CCIM Submitted by: Chapter Position: Chapter Coordinator: Ashley Boykin, President: Steve Rich, CCIM , Vice President: Drew Showfety, CCIM , Secretary: Marlene Sprtizer , CCIM, Treasurer: Mark Howe, CCIM ,Immedidate Past President: Jane Doggett, CCIM Chapter Coordinator and 2012 Executive Committee Phone: 336-854-5868 E-mail: Submission Date: Introduction: aboykin@nc-ccim.org 1/30/2013 The Chapter Activities Subcommittee, responsible for the President's Cup Awards Program, presents the 2012 Annual Activity Report and President's Cup Award Submission workbook. There are two sections of the workbook: 1) Annual Activity Report and the 2) President’s Cup Submission. Each section contains a list of tasks. The Annual Activity Report lists the tasks needed to meet the minimum compliance requirements in order to maintain a chapter. The President’s Cup Submission contains tasks reflecting the characteristics of a successful and effective chapter. Each chapter will be responsible for completing the workbook. Completing the Annual Activity Report section is a requirement. The President's Cup submission section is optional. The 2012 President’s Cup Workbook has been revised to include a new section on Strategic Planning. While this information is required, because this is a new section, no points are allocated for the 2012 submissions. However, beginning in 2014, points will be allocated to be included in the overall score. Chapters that complete both sections will be recognized as a Chapter of Excellence and acknowledged at the 2013 CCIM Mid Year Meetings. The workbook has been designed for chapters to use as a tool for what tasks need to be accomplished throughout the year. The winners will be those Chapters that exemplified the top Best Practices. This way, the winners will be awarded for not just following the typical protocol of being a Chapter, but rather those that have chosen to go above and beyond the normal standards. Use this updated workbook as a roadmap for what your chapter needs to accomplish to ensure the highest level of benefits are received by your members. 2012 Annual Activity Report Overview: The requirements of the Annual Activity report remain the same. The mandatory annual activity report was developed by the Regional Activities Subcommittee to verify annual compliance by CCIM Chapters with minimum standards. A Chapter's charter may be revoked if the chapter is found to be in violation of the terms in Article 2, Section 3 of the Chapter bylaws. The first section of the workbook outlines the task of the Annual Activity Report and is required to be completed by each chapter. 2012 President's Cup Program Submission Overview: The goal of the President's Cup program is to recognize chapters for their accomplishments and reward them for accomplishing the tasks necessary to be a successful and effective chapter. The program is designed to objectively recognize and reward achievements and member programs by CCIM chapters demonstrating the highest degree of skill, ingenuity and innovation in promoting the membership benefits of the CCIM Institute. President's Cup Awards will be presented in April at the 2013 CCIM Midyear Meetings. Rating System: Each chapter will get a rating from zero to five in each of the four categories. The scales is as follows: 0=Did not achieve 1= Poor 2=Fair 3=Good 4=Very Good 5=Excellent Within the 4 categories, there are suggested activities that represent what a chapter should be doing. This is not an exhaustive list. Chapters are encouraged to go above and beyond the items listed. Additionally, in some situations a particular activity may not be relevant to a chapter. The evaluator will take all of this into account when giving a score for the given category. Chapters should provide examples and/or explanations of various activities where applicable. Informational Items- Within the President's Cup Submission, some information is being requested for informational purposes only. Points will not be assigned in these areas. Informational Items will be indicated by the following symbol "●" Tier 1: Large Size Chapters Alabama, Central Arizona, Central Texas, Colorado/Wyoming, Florida, Georgia, Houston/Gulf Coast, Illinois, Los Angeles, Mid Atlantic, Minnesota/Dakotas, North Carolina, North Texas, Northern California, Ohio, PA/DE/NJ, South Carolina, Washington State Tier 2: Medium Size Chapters East Tennessee, Greater Southern CA, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas City, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Middle Tennessee, New England, New York Metro, Oklahoma, Oregon/SW Washington, San Antonio/South Texas, San Diego, St. Louis Metro, Wisconsin Tier 3: Small Size Chapters Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, El Paso, Idaho, Inland Northwest, Kansas, Memphis Metro, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, Northern Nevada, Northwest Arkansas, Puerto Rico, Southern Arizona, Southern Nevada, Upstate New York, Utah Awards and Recognition: Chapter of Excellence Awards will be awarded to all Chapters who submit a complete workbook with both the Annual Activity Report section and the President's Cup Submission section completed and meet all chapter charter requirements by the deadline. Podium banners will be awarded to all Chapter of Excellence winners, which may be used at local meetings and events throughout the year. • 1st Place Winners in each tier will receive $500 toward a networking Chapter event, $500 toward a local advertising campaign*, complimentary recognition ad in the award winning CIRE Magazine, an award plaque and a web banner for their Chapter website. • 2nd Place Winners in each tier will receive $250 toward a local advertising campaign*, complimentary recognition ad in the award winning CIRE Magazine, an award plaque, and a web banner for their Chapter website. • 3rd Place Winners in each tier will receive a complimentary recognition ad in the award winning CIRE Magazine, an award plaque and a web banner for their Chapter website. *The ad will be designed by the Institute’s marketing team and will be placed in a local publication of the Chapter’s choice. Instructions and Guidelines: The workbook covers all activities completed from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. The 2012 Chapter Officers are responsible for completing and submitting the Workbook. When requested, supporting documentation must be submitted. All documents are due in an electronic format and must be placed into one pdf and submitted with the workbook. The following symbol "" indicates supporting documentation is needed. All supporting documentation for the Annual Report is required. The Workbooks will be reviewed by the Institute staff and the Chapter Activities Subcommittee. The Chapter Activities Subcommittee will be responsible for evaluating and verifying the winners. Each chapter is responsible for selecting and indicating which tasks they have accomplished throughout the year. Please make a true assessment of your chapter's accomplishments. Make sure to use the workbook as a tool to guide your chapter in evaluating the year and the chapter's accomplishments. When a task has been accomplished a "Yes" should be placed in the completed activity column. If the task has not been accomplished than a "No" should be placed in the in the completed activity column. For those chapters that have Districts, a completed activity for the District is a completed activity for the Chapter overall. Please use the space provided within the cells to provide additional details. Details may be brief to fit within the cell size. You may increase the size of the cell if more space is needed. Please limit additional information to the size of the cell. The goal is to keep comments and information brief for an efficient review process. Questions? If you have any questions, please contact the Region/Chapter Services Department at chaptercoordinator@cciminstitute.com or 312-3214524 DEADLINE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2013 - Please submit the completed copy, along with the supporting documentation .pdf to chaptercoordinator@ccim.com. 2012 Annual Activity Report - Minimum CCIM Chapter Requirements - Must be completed by all Chapters Annual Activity Report Requirements Maintain a minimum membership of 15 Designees and 10 Candidate members Total Membership Number as of 12/31/11 Total Membership Number as of 12/31/12 Number of Newly Pinned Designees in 2012 Held chapter meetings a minimum of four times a year Officer Elections - elected chapter officers in 2012 Completed Activity Yes/No List chapter membership totals for 2012: Total number of chapter members: 585 Total number of Designees: 316 Total number of Candidates: 125 Total number of associates/affiliates: 144 ¨Provide a final chapter membership roster for 2012 with updated contact information List number: 598 List number: 585 List number: 15 New Designees List the number of chapter meetings held in 2012: (month & number of attendees) NC-CCIM Chapter held 73 chapter meetings in 2012. Our Free Commercial CE classes in Greensboro on 2/2/12 (Mandatory Update and Ethics) had 101 attendees and on 10/4/12 (BICAR and Mandatory) we had 151 attendees. NC-CCIM Commercial Real Estate Market Forecast: 3/7/12 in Greensboro (238 Paid Registrants), 3/21/12 in Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill (268 Paid Registrants), 3/27/12 in Charlotte (298 Paid Registrants), NC-CCIM State Conference: 10/4/12 – 10/5/12 in Greensboro included Evening Networking Event with Heavy Hors D’oeuvres at Starmount Country Club, Hot Breakfast, Lunch and Presentations "Risk That Goes Beyond Real Estate" by Buck Moody, CCIM; "Update on NC Legislative Matters” by Cady Thomas- Director of Governmental Affairs with NCAR; “30 Commercial Real Estate Apps in 60 Minutes” by Greg Stinton; “Eight Plus Ten Equals Twelve: How the Political Lessons of 2008 Plus those of 2010 Suggest the Likely Winners of 2012” by John Davis II. Haves & Wants with Raffle for iPAD (83 Attendees for $29/person). Virtual Dealmaking: 1/10/2012 9 Attendees, 2/14/2012 10 Attendees, 3/13/2012 11 Attendees, 4/10/2012 15 Attendees, 8/14/2012 7 Attendees, 9/11/2012 8 Attendees, 10/9/2012 12 Attendees. STDB Training: Raleigh STDB Training 8/14/2012 39 Attendees, Wilmington STDB Training 8/15/2012 4 Attendees, Charlotte STDB Training 8/21/2012 24 Attendees, Greensboro STDB Training, 8/22/2012, 17 Attendees. Community Caring in Motion: Asheville Food Bank Work Day 9/19/2012 2 Attendees, Charlotte Food Bank Work Day 9/19/2012 18 Attendees, Triangle Food Bank Work Day 9/20/2012 18 Attendees, Triad Food Bank Work Day 9/20/2012 3 Attendees, Wilmington Food Bank Work Day 9/21/2012 2 Attendees. Portfolio Workshops: Charlotte Portfolio Workshop 6/1/2012 3 Attendees, Triangle Portfolio Workshop 6/6/2012 2 Attendees. Triangle Portfolio Workshop 12/5/2012 1 Attendees, Charlotte Portfolio Workshop 12/7/2012 2 Attendees. Calculator Class: Raleigh 1/5/2012 15 Attendees. Creative Solutions with Kenneth M. Vidar, S.E.C., CCIM: 5/10/2012 50 Attendees. Joint Networking: Alphabet Soup with Crew Charlotte, IREM, BOMA 1/16/2012 200 Attendees, CREW Charlotte Casino Night 4/19/2012 150 Attendees, FIRST ANNUAL JOINT NC-CCIM AND RCASENC COASTAL COMMERCIAL EDUCATION AND NETWORKING SUMMIT 8/24/2012 25 Attendees, WNC Monthly CCIM Networking BREAKFAST 8/28/2012 15 Attendees, Triad Commercial Casino Night 9/27/2012 61 Attendees. Charlotte Monthly Networking Events: 1/5/12 “Financing” w/ Thad Walton of Regions Bank (41 Attendees); 2/2/12 “Annual Real Estate Recap/Forecast” featuring Fitzhugh Stout from Integra (40 Attendees); 3/1/12 “Social Media Networking for the Commercial Practitioner” w/ Mike Barr of Greensboro Regional Realtor Association (45 Attendees); 4/5/12 “Charlotte’s National Star Power w/ Jeff Edge of Charlotte Chamber of Commerce (30 Attendees); 5/3/12 “Commercial Real Estate Courses” w/ Dr. Dustin Read of UNC-Charlotte (39 Attendees); 6/7/12 “Tax Pitfalls in Commercial Real Estate” w/ Jonathan McLester of Greer and Walker CPA (44 Attendees); 7/12/12 “Update on Charlotte Metro Highways” w/ Barry Moose NCDOT (37 Attendees); 8/2/12 “Effects of the DNC on Charlotte- Short Term and Long Term” w/ Mary Tribble – Executive Director for Hospitality and Events (30 Attendees); 9/13/12 “Avoiding Rezoning Pitfalls” w/ Keith MacVean –King & Spalding (31 Attendees); 10/30/12 After Hours Networking Event (40 Attendees); 11/1/12 “Commercial Real Estate Legislative Issues” w/ Cindy Chandler – The Chandler Group (30 Attendees) and 12/6/12 Holiday Networking Event (50 Attendees). Charlotte Networking Events: 4/30/12 After Hours in Conjunction w/ CI-104 Class (21 Attendees); 7/10/12 After Hours in Conjunction w/ CI-101 Class (18 Attendees); 9/24/12 After Hours in Conjunction with CI-103 Class (23 Attendees) and 10/30/12 After Hours in Conjunction with CI-102 Class and Monthly Meetings (40 Attendees). CI Core Classes: CI Intro 1/19/2012-1/20/2012 11 Attendees, CI 104 4/30/2012/5/3/2012 31 Attendees, CI 101 7/9/2012-7/12/2012 46 Attendees, CI 103 9/24/2012-9/27/2012 6 Attendees, CI 102 10/29/2012-11/1/2012 32 Attendees. Asheville Networking Events: 1/31/2012 8 Attendees, 2/29/2012 9 Attendees, 4/24/2012 10 Attendees, 5/22/2012 14 Attendees, 6/20/2012 12 Attendees, 8/28/2012 11 Attendees. Triangle Networking Events: Triangle Networking "Meet the New Candidates" 1/19/2012 21 Attendees, Triangle Networking: "Trends with Title Insurance" w/ Tabatha Cruden 2/15/2012 16 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Downtown Raleigh Economic Update" 4/18/2012 20 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Hillsborough Street Alliance" 4/26/2012 28 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Building Showcase" 5/17/2012 29 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Durham Bulls Game " 6/6/2012 52 Attendees, Triangle Networking "LinkedIn Training " w/ Martin Brossman 7/19/2012 33 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Research Triangle Regional Partnership" w/ Lee Ann Nance 11/15/2012 33 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Triangle Annual Holiday Networking Social" 12/13/2012 40 Attendees, CI Intro Networking Event 1/19/2012 25 Attendees. Triad Networking Events: Triad Speed Dealmaking 3/28/2012 25 Attendees, Triad CCIM Chapter Lunch and Learn 6/20/2012 57 Attendees, Triad Holiday Social 12/6/2012 23 Attendees. Please list your 2012 chapter officers below: President: Steve Rich, CCIM Vice President & President Elect: Drew Showfety, CCIM Treasurer: Mark Howe, CCIM Secretary: Marlene Spritzer, CCIM Immediate Past President: Jane Doggett, CCIM Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Appointed committee chair persons for major chapter committees List the committee chair positions and the name of the representatives appointed in 2012: Programs Committee: Charlotte- Kent Wood, CCIM, Triangle- Beverly Keith, CCIM , Triad- JJ Joubran,, Asheville- Austin Walker, CCIM , Wilmington - Pete Fandano, CCIM , Fayetteville - Patrick Murray, CCIM, Forecast Committees: Brian Carr, CCIM , Sponsorship & Sponsorship Retention Committee: Marlene Spritzer, CCIM, State Conference Committee: Drew Showfety, CCIM, Education Committee for CCIM Core Courses: Sam DiFranco, CCIM, Mark Howe, CCIM, Advanced Education, Designation Education and Free CE Committee: Sam DiFranco, Member Retention and Promotion Committee: Austin Walker, CCIM, NC-CCIM Insider: Brooke Gibson, CCIM, Legislative Committee: Pete Frandano, CCIM, Community Involvement Committee: Jane Doggett, CCIM, IT/Website Committee: Carolyn Kellogg, CCIM, Virtual Dealmaking Committee: Jay Taylor, CCIM Yes Established active Chapter Designation Promotion, Candidate Guidance and Membership Committees List activities and accomplishments in 2012 of each committee: Designation Promotion: We have a committee that focuses on finding new ways to promote the designation of both earning your designation as well as promoting the value of what a CCIM is and why hire a CCIM. We ran ads to promote NC-CCIM 2012 Forecast Events in 3 area Business Journals (Charlotte, Greensboro & Raleigh), and had Successful Market Forecast Events in all 3 markets with over 800 attendees cumulative in which we strive to promote the CCIM Designation. We partnered with other real estate organizations (CREW, GRRA, CRCBR, TCAR) to brand the CCIM designation at events in Charlotte, Greensboro and Raleigh. We elevated our Social networking for NC CCIM , Focused strategy for implementation of a significant upgrade to our website for 2012 to increase the visibility of the designation and what deals our members are doing in the market. We provide 9 scholarships to help people get into and complete the designation process. Education Committee: works with the designation promotion committee to schedule the education classes and work to drive attendance to these classes as well as get to know the students and get them involved with the chapter. We Held 5 Networking Sessions in conjunction with each course. We Implemented 4 Site To Do Business full day training sessions (Wilmington, Charlotte, Greensboro & Raleigh) for our members and Continued our tradition of Free CE with a commercial focus. Legislative Committee: Attended State Legislative Day (Raleigh), Attended National Legislative Day (Washington, DC), and ensured that we communicated with membership on any relevant legislative issues at our State Conference (had Cady Thomas- Director of Governmental Affairs with NCAR speak), Charlotte Monthly Breakfast Meeting (had Cindy Chandler of The Chandler Group speak on local and national issues) and via email and website. Candidate Guidance: The chapter offered one on one connectivity to chapter members who answered questions about the submittal process and provided positive support to encourage completion. We provided Chapter recommendations and interaction to get to know these new potential designees. 4 Portfolio workshops were held. We also have networking gatherings in conjunction with the Core CCIM classes in NC. Membership Services: Our membership services committee made sure our members were taking advantages of the benefit of their membership, encouraging attendance at our networking programs and events and actively calling on people to remind them to renew and to gain feedback on what they would like to see from their NC CCIM chapter. The chapter continued a program in the Triangle where we divided up our membership into regions and then into sections of 10 to 15 members and each committee member was responsible for developing a relationship with those 10 to 15 members or potential members during the year, reminding them to renew, talking about upcoming events, asking for feedback on membership and programs etc. Improved our communication via personal outreach/website/email and quarterly CCIM Communicator newsletter, continuing a weekly digest communicator email edition to help reduce and create more effective emails from NC CCIM. Sponsorship Committee: We have a sponsorship committee with members from across the state to help secure our annual sponsors as well as local sponsors in the specific region to host networking events. We raised $56,500 in sponsorship money. Program/Networking committees: across NC we have committees with a committee chair established in Wilmington, Triangle Area, Triad Area), Charlotte and Asheville markets which put together programs and gatherings for the CCIM’s in their surrounding areas. We have one main Chair who oversees all the Committee Chairs in each region to help share ideas and continue to grow this Networking and Programming to keep our members active and engaged. Website Committee: This committee makes sure the content on our website is kept current and informative. In 2011 the committee specifically focused on researching website upgrades and provided a recommendation of a new website platform and this was presented and voted on in 2012 and was implemented in 2012. Market Forecast Committee: The 3 Market forecast events are our main event and we have a large committee that works on the details of putting these programs together. We have over 800 attendees cumulative each year. Infrastructure committee: We have an infrastructure committee that reviews anything related to our bylaws and provides recommendations to the board. Yes Prepared an annual chapter budget Prepared an annual directory of chapter members ¨Provide a copy of the chapter's annual budget for 2012 Provide a copy of the annual directory Yes Yes Arranged for chapter representation at one national Indicate which national meetings or events your chapter attended: meeting in 2012 x Attended the Mid-Year Business Meetings in Kansas City, MO in April 2012: Steve Rich, CCIM; Mark Howe, CCIM; Eddie Blanton, CCIM; Joe Larkin, CCIM; Jay Verro, CCIM; Stan Armstrong, CCIM x Attended the Annual Business Meetings in Las Vegas, NV in October 2012: Steve Rich, CCIM; Drew Showfety, CCIM; Mark Howe, CCIM; Eddie Blanton, CCIM; Joe Larkin, CCIM; Jay Verro, CCIM; Mike Barr, CAE & Stan Armstrong, CCIM; Heidi Burgess, CCIM & Gary Hill, CCIM x Attended Chapter Officer Training in Chicago in August 2012: Drew Showfety, CCIM; Mark Howe, CCIM; Eddie Blanton, CCIM & Ashley Boykin (staff administrator) Yes List Educational Program dates/titles and locations: CI Core Classes: CI Intro 1/19/2012-1/20/2012 11 Attendees, CI 104 4/30/2012/5/3/2012 31 Attendees, CI 101 7/9/2012-7/12/2012 46 Attendees, CI 103 9/24/2012-9/27/2012 6 Attendees, CI 102 10/29/201211/1/2012 32 Attendees. Our Free Commercial CE classes in Greensboro on 2/2/12 (Mandatory Update and Ethics) had 101 attendees and on 10/4/12 (BICAR and Mandatory) we had 151 attendees. NC-CCIM Commercial Real Estate Market Forecast: 3/7/12 in Greensboro (238 Paid Registrants), 3/21/12 in Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill (268 Paid Registrants), 3/27/12 in Charlotte (298 Paid Registrants), NC-CCIM State Conference: 10/4/12 – 10/5/12 in Greensboro included Evening Networking Event with Heavy Hors D’oeuvres at Starmount Country Club, Hot Breakfast, Lunch and Presentations "Risk That Goes Beyond Real Estate" by Buck Moody, CCIM; "Update on NC Legislative Matters” by Cady Thomas- Director of Governmental Affairs with NCAR; “30 Commercial Real Estate Apps in 60 Minutes” by Greg Stinton; “Eight Plus Ten Equals Twelve: How the Political Lessons of 2008 Plus those of 2010 Suggest the Likely Winners of 2012” by John Davis II. Haves & Wants with Raffle for iPAD (83 Attendees for $29/person). STDB Training: Raleigh STDB Training 8/14/2012 39 Attendees, Wilmington STDB Training 8/15/2012 4 Attendees, Charlotte STDB Training 8/21/2012 24 Attendees, Greensboro STDB Training, 8/22/2012, 17 Attendees. Portfolio Workshops: Charlotte Portfolio Workshop 6/1/2012 3 Attendees, Triangle Portfolio Workshop 6/6/2012 2 Attendees. Triangle Portfolio Workshop 12/5/2012 1 Attendees, Charlotte Portfolio Workshop 12/7/2012 2 Attendees. Calculator Class: Raleigh 1/5/2012 15 Attendees. Creative Solutions with Kenneth M. Vidar, S.E.C., CCIM: 5/10/2012 50 Attendees. Charlotte Monthly Educational Breakfast Meetings: 1/5/12 “Financing” w/ Thad Walton of Regions Bank (41 Attendees); 2/2/12 “Annual Real Estate Recap/Forecast” featuring Fitzhugh Stout from Integra (40 Attendees); 3/1/12 “Social Media Networking for the Commercial Practitioner” w/ Mike Barr of Greensboro Regional Realtor Association (45 Attendees); 4/5/12 “Charlotte’s National Star Power w/ Jeff Edge of Charlotte Chamber of Commerce (30 Attendees); 5/3/12 “Commercial Real Estate Courses” w/ Dr. Dustin Read of UNC-Charlotte (39 Attendees); 6/7/12 “Tax Pitfalls in Commercial Real Estate” w/ Jonathan McLester of Greer and Walker CPA (44 Attendees); 7/12/12 “Update on Charlotte Metro Highways” w/ Barry Moose NCDOT (37 Attendees); 8/2/12 “Effects of the DNC on Charlotte- Short Term and Long Term” w/ Mary Tribble – Executive Director for Hospitality and Events (30 Attendees); 9/13/12 “Avoiding Rezoning Pitfalls” w/ Keith MacVean –King & Spalding (31 Attendees); 10/30/12 After Hours Networking Event (40 Attendees); 11/1/12 “Commercial Real Estate Legislative Issues” w/ Cindy Chandler – The Chandler Group (30 Attendees). Triangle Monthly Educational Events: Triangle Networking "Meet the New Candidates" 1/19/2012 21 Attendees, Triangle Networking: "Trends with Title Insurance" w/ Tabatha Cruden 2/15/2012 16 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Downtown Raleigh Economic Update" 4/18/2012 20 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Hillsborough Street Alliance" 4/26/2012 28 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Building Showcase" 5/17/2012 29 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Durham Bulls Game " 6/6/2012 52 Attendees, Triangle Networking "LinkedIn Training " w/ Martin Brossman 7/19/2012 33 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Research Triangle Regional Partnership" w/ Lee Ann Nance 11/15/2012 33 Attendees Yes Offered two educational programs per year Offered at least one chapter event per year where the primary purpose is networking List Networking Program date/location: NC-CCIM State Conference: 10/4/12 – 10/5/12 in Greensboro included Evening Networking Event with Heavy Hors D’oeuvres at Starmount Country Club, Hot Breakfast, Lunch and Presentations "Risk That Goes Beyond Real Estate" by Buck Moody, CCIM; "Update on NC Legislative Matters” by Cady Thomas- Director of Governmental Affairs with NCAR; “30 Commercial Real Estate Apps in 60 Minutes” by Greg Stinton; “Eight Plus Ten Equals Twelve: How the Political Lessons of 2008 Plus those of 2010 Suggest the Likely Winners of 2012” by John Davis II. Haves & Wants with Raffle for iPAD (83 Attendees for $29/person). Joint Networking: Alphabet Soup with Crew Charlotte, IREM, BOMA 1/16/2012 200 Attendees, CREW Charlotte Casino Night 4/19/2012 150 Attendees, FIRST ANNUAL JOINT NC-CCIM AND RCASENC COASTAL COMMERCIAL EDUCATION AND NETWORKING SUMMIT 8/24/2012 25 Attendees, WNC Monthly CCIM Networking BREAKFAST 8/28/2012 15 Attendees, Triad Commercial Casino Night 9/27/2012 61 Attendees. Charlotte Monthly Networking Breakfast Meetings: 1/5/12 “Financing” w/ Thad Walton of Regions Bank (41 Attendees); 2/2/12 “Annual Real Estate Recap/Forecast” featuring Fitzhugh Stout from Integra (40 Attendees); 3/1/12 “Social Media Networking for the Commercial Practitioner” w/ Mike Barr of Greensboro Regional Realtor Association (45 Attendees); 4/5/12 “Charlotte’s National Star Power w/ Jeff Edge of Charlotte Chamber of Commerce (30 Attendees); 5/3/12 “Commercial Real Estate Courses” w/ Dr. Dustin Read of UNC-Charlotte (39 Attendees); 6/7/12 “Tax Pitfalls in Commercial Real Estate” w/ Jonathan McLester of Greer and Walker CPA (44 Attendees); 7/12/12 “Update on Charlotte Metro Highways” w/ Barry Moose NCDOT (37 Attendees); 8/2/12 “Effects of the DNC on Charlotte- Short Term and Long Term” w/ Mary Tribble – Executive Director for Hospitality and Events (30 Attendees); 9/13/12 “Avoiding Rezoning Pitfalls” w/ Keith MacVean –King & Spalding (31 Attendees); 10/30/12 After Hours Networking Event (40 Attendees); 11/1/12 “Commercial Real Estate Legislative Issues” w/ Cindy Chandler – The Chandler Group (30 Attendees) and 12/6/12 Holiday Networking Event (50 Attendees). Charlotte Networking Events: 4/30/12 After Hours in Conjunction w/ CI-104 Class (21 Attendees); 7/10/12 After Hours in Conjunction w/ CI-101 Class (18 Attendees); 9/24/12 After Hours in Conjunction with CI-103 Class (23 Attendees) and 10/30/12 After Hours in Conjunction with CI-102 Class and Monthly Meetings (40 Attendees). CI Core Classes: CI Intro 1/19/2012-1/20/2012 11 Attendees, CI 104 4/30/2012-/5/3/2012 31 Attendees, CI 101 7/9/20127/12/2012 46 Attendees, CI 103 9/24/2012-9/27/2012 6 Attendees, CI 102 10/29/2012-11/1/2012 32 Attendees. Asheville Networking Events: 1/31/2012 8 Attendees, 2/29/2012 9 Attendees, 4/24/2012 10 Attendees, 5/22/2012 14 Attendees, 6/20/2012 12 Attendees, 8/28/2012 11 Attendees. Triangle Networking Events: Triangle Networking "Meet the New Candidates" 1/19/2012 21 Attendees, Triangle Networking: "Trends with Title Insurance" w/ Tabatha Cruden 2/15/2012 16 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Downtown Raleigh Economic Update" 4/18/2012 20 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Hillsborough Street Alliance" 4/26/2012 28 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Building Showcase" 5/17/2012 29 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Durham Bulls Game " 6/6/2012 52 Attendees, Triangle Networking "LinkedIn Training " w/ Martin Brossman 7/19/2012 33 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Research Triangle Regional Partnership" w/ Lee Ann Nance 11/15/2012 33 Attendees, Triangle Networking "Triangle Annual Holiday Networking Social" 12/13/2012 40 Attendees, CI Intro Networking Event 1/19/2012 25 Attendees. Triad Networking Events: Triad Speed Dealmaking 3/28/2012 25 Attendees, Triad CCIM Chapter Lunch and Learn 6/20/2012 57 Attendees, Triad Holiday Social 12/6/2012 23 Attendees Yes Participated in Regional Meetings & Activities Kansas City Mid-Year Business Meeting: Steve Rich, CCIM, Mark Howe, CCIM, Eddie Blanton, CCIM, Joe Larkin, CCIM, Jay Verro, CCIM, Stan Armstrong, CCIM, Region 9 Dinner Meeting (Kansas City): Steve Rich, CCIM, Mark Howe, CCIM, Eddie Blanton, CCIM, Chapter Officer Training: Drew Showfety, CCIM, Mark Howe, CCIM, Ashley Boykin, Eddie Blanton, CCIM (Networking Reception only as 2012 CCIM Member Services Chair) Las Vegas Fall Conference & Business Meeting: Steve Rich, CCIM, Drew Showfety, CCIM, Mark Howe, CCIM, Eddie Blanton, CCIM, Joe Larkin, CCIM, Jay Verro, CCIM. Mike Barr, CAE, Stan Armstrong, CCIM, Region 9 Dinner Meeting (Las Vegas): Steve Rich, CCIM, Drew Showfety, CCIM, Mark Howe, CCIM, Mike Barr, CAE, Region 9 Conference Calls Yes Maintained an Active Chapter Executive Committee Please provide a list of the positions and names of the representatives: NC CCIM Chapter 2012 Board of Directors: and/or Board of Directors Executive Committee- President: Steve Rich, CCIM (Charlotte), Vice President: Drew Showfety, CCIM (Greensboro), Treasurer: Mark Howe, CCIM (Raleigh), Secretary: Marlene Spritzer, CCIM (Raleigh), Immediate Past President: Jane Doggett, CCIM (Raleigh), Board of Directors: Three Year Term Ending 2014:, Brooke Gibson, CCIM (Charlotte) , Pete Frandano, CCIM (Wilmington), Carolyn Kellogg, CCIM (Charlotte), Jeff Yetter, CCIM (Greensboro), Two Year Director Term ending 2013: Austin Walker, CCIM (Asheville) , Rob Vaughn, CCIM (Charlotte) , Sam DiFranco, CCIM, SIOR (Raleigh), Brian Carr, CCIM (Raleigh), One Year Term Ending 2012: Gina Hensley, CCIM (Greensboro), Bob Lewis, CCIM (Burlington), Richard Mossman, CCIM (Greensboro), Jay Taylor, CCIM (Raleigh), Ex-Officio Board Members: Robin Boylan, CCIM (Asheville), Skip Hill, CCIM (Raleigh) John Daniel, CCIM (Sanford), Garth Dunklin, CCIM (Charlotte), Bob Lewis, CCIM (Burlington), Arthur Samet, CCIM (Greensboro), H.P. “Smitty” Smith, CCIM (Charlotte), Phil Warlick, CCIM (Raleigh), Dodson Schenck, CCIM (Greensboro), Diane Carter, CCIM (Charlotte), Chris Ramm, CCIM (Winston-Salem), Gary Lyons, CCIM (Raleigh), Eddie Blanton, CCIM (Charlotte) Yes 2012 CCIM President's Cup Submission - Optional Best Practices Membership - 30% of overall score Performed recruitment/retention activities Completed Activity (Yes/No) Including mailings, e-mails and telemarketing. Describe activities: The NC-CCIM Chapter President spoke to students attending the four CCIM Core classes held in North Carolina about the many benefits of CCIM and being a member of the NC-CCIM Chapter. The students were also treated to a Networking Event with other Chapter members that included free drinks and heavy hors d' oeuvres. At our three Market Forecast, the Chapter President was able to speak to over 800 people about CCIM and the benefits of being a NC-CCIM Chapter member. In Wilmington, NC the NC-CCIM Chapter partnered with the Wilmington Regional Assocation of Realtors (RCASENC) on a local event educational and networking event. One of our Board Members attended and spoke about CCIM and the NC-CCIM Chapter. In the Triangle area (Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill) of our state, they continue to divide the area into sections of 10 to 15 members with a local committee member (Triangle Monthly Meeting Committee) responsible for developing a relationship/communication with those 10 to 15 members or potential members during the year, reminding them to renew, talking about upcoming events, asking for feedback on membership and programs etc. This resulted in increased particpation from our chapter. Sponsored numberous joint networking events across the state (CRCBR, CREW, RCASENC, Sent press releases to local media contacts Our Chapter sent press releases regarding new Designees, on winning the 2011 President's Cup (Tier 1), on our Market regarding recruitment/retention/networking events Forecast, for the newly elected Board of Directors. Yes Conducted chapter membership survey The NC-CCIM Chapter conducted membership surveys in conjunction with our Free CE Day, three Market Forecasts and NC-CCIM State Gathering. Our surveys also addressed Networking and Programs. Our Chapter sent out press releases regarding new Designees and we recognized some of our members business and personal achievements in our Quarterly Newsletter and on our website. Yes Designation Promo Chapter or its officers appeared in print as a result of media efforts. List the publications. The Triad Business Journal (March 2012 Issue), Charlotte Business Journal (March 2012 Issue), Triangle Business Journal (March 2012 Issue) Yes Designation Promo Participated in local events/tradeshows. List the events/tradeshows. Alphabet Soup Networking Event in Charlotte with several commercial real estate organizations (CCIM, CREW, IREM, CRCBR, SIOR) Triangle Commercial Joint Networking Event with GRRA, NC-CCIM Joint Commercial Networking Event TCAR and in Wilmington with RCASENC. Yes Designation Promo Created new initiatives in 2012 to support Designation promotion. Describe the initiatives. We established a new endowed CI-102 Scholarship (Robert Lewis Scholarship) with the CCIM Foundation in an effort to assist more people in taking the CI-101 class so they can see first hand the benefits of a CCIM education and networking power. We teamed up with two of our Region 9 Chapters (South Carolina and Gerogia) in promoting CCIM by obtaining a booth at the NC & SC NAR Conference in Savannah, GA. The NC-CCIM Chapter also sponsored our first student (provided a scholarship with a 5 year commitment) to UNC-Charlotte's Masters of Real Estate Program. Yes New Chapter Members/Candidates Provided new members with information on the benefits of the chapter. In 2012 we created a Committees Descriptions page for our website so our new members can not only view the different committees but also see how easy it is to get involved. In the three largest cities in NC (Charlotte, Raleigh & Greensboro) we asked three new members (CCIM Designees for less than 2 years) to lead our Community Caring in Motion campaign in thoses markets. Yes Designation Promo Yes Yes New Chapter Members/Candidates Communicated on a monthly basis with candidates to assist them with designation process. At our monthly meetings in Charlotte and Raleigh we provide everyone, including candidates, with a list of upcoming events (both national and Chapter) and the leadership with the NC-CCIM Chapter. Our Chapter sends out a weekly newsletter to all NC-CCIM members which includes candidate members and, upon request, we will provide one-on-one mentoring for a candidate with a local Board Member. Scheduled portfolio workshops: Charlotte – 6/01/12 (3 Attendees); Triangle – 6/06/12 (2 Attendees); Charlotte – 12/07/ 12 (2 Attendees); Triangle – 12/05/12 (1 Attendee) Yes New Chapter Members/Candidates Created study sessions for candidates. Study sessions were held in conjunction with four portfolio workshops and our chapter offers one on one mentoring, if requested. Yes New Chapter Members/Candidates Appointed a chapter representative to assist with portfolio recommendation process. Our chapter appointed a Board Member in five cities (Steve Rich- Charlotte; Drew Showfety- Greensboro; Mark Howe- Raleigh; Austin Walker- Asheville and Pete Frandano- Wilmington) to assist with the portfolio recommendation process. Yes New Chapter Members/Candidates Yes Best Practices Events & Programming - 30% of overall score Events Held recruitment/retention/networking events. Please provide examples. For students attending the four CORE CCIM classes in Charlotte, our Chapter President made a presentation regarding the many benefits of Chapter membership and the students were invited to attend a Networking event with other Chapter members. Our President also made a presentation at our three Market Forecast (attended by over 800 people) about CCIM and the many benefits to being a Chapter member. Twice a year the NC-CCIM Chapter holds a Free CE Day which provides our members with the annual mandatory update class, BICAR class and the required annual elective class. All of the classes are commercial in content (not residential) and all are included with your $95/year dues. We are constantly reminding our current members and new members of these classes because you cannot take two of the classes anywhere in the state for less than $95. We have over 40 networking events a year throughout the year (Monthly Meetings, Forecast, State Conference, CE Classes, STDB Classes, Holiday & After Hours Events). Yes Events Held a chapter meeting at least every other month: Board of Directors Meetings (Greensboro) 2/3/12; 5/4/12; 9/6/12; Board Retreat 11/1/12 - 11/2/12; General Meeting w/ Free CE Day 11/4/12; Monthly Meetings in Charlotte 1/5/12, 2/2/12, 3/1/12, 4/5/12, 5/3/12, 6/7/12, 7/12/12, 8/2/12, 9/13/12, 10/30/12, 11/1/12, 12/6/12; Triangle Monthly Meetings 1/19/2012, 2/15/2012, 4/18/2012, 4/26/2012, 5/17/2012, 6/6/2012, 7/19/2012, 11/15/2012, 12/13/2012; Greensboro Meetings 3/28/2012, 6/20/2012, 12/6/2012; Asheville Meetings 1/31/2012, 2/29/2012, 4/24/2012, 5/22/2012, 6/20/, 8/28/2012; Wilmington Meetings 8/24/2012 Yes Events Held a training for CCIM Tech: (4 Courses) Raleigh – August 14, 2012 (39 Attendees); Wilmington August 15, 2012 (4 Attendees); Charlotte– August 21, 2012 (24 Attendees); Greensboro – August 22, 2012 (17 Attendees) Yes Events Participated in community service programming. Please provide examples. Held canned food/money drive and volunteered at local food banks throughout North Carolina in conjunction with the Community Caring in Motion event. We raised over $5,000 for local food banks and had over 95 hours of combined volunteer time from our members. Yes Programming Managed a chapter mentor program. Please describe. At our monthly meetings in Charlotte and Raleigh we provide everyone, including candidates, with a list of upcoming events (both national and Chapter) and the leadership with the NCCCIM Chapter. Our Chapter sends out a weekly newsletter to all NC-CCIM members which includes candidate members and, upon request, we will provide one-on-one mentoring for a candidate with a local Board Member. Yes Programming Supported the cultural diversity program. Please provide examples of how the Chapter did this. Our NC-CCIM Chapter President activily recruited minority Candidates and Designees to become regular attendees at the Charlotte Monthly Meetings and he appointed a minority Designee to Chair the Community Caring in Motion campaign for the Charlotte Region. Because of the relationship the NC-CCIM Chapter has created with the UNC-Charlotte Belk School of Business Master of Real Estate Program in Charlotte (our Chapter committed to provide one scholarship for 5 years) our Chapter has been exposed to all of the students in the program. Several students have attended one of our Monthly Meetings and After Hours Networking Events. One of the students even volunteered their time with our Community Caring in Motion event in Charlotte. Yes Coordinated activities to support recruiting young members Completed Activity (Yes/No) Yes Collaborated with other industry association on joint events & programs Please describe activities. Alphabet Soup Networking Event in Charlotte with several commercial real estate organizations (CCIM, CREW, IREM, CRCBR, SIOR) Triangle Commercial Joint Networking Event with GRRA, NC-CCIM Joint Commercial Networking Event TICAR and in Wilmington with RCASENC. Yes Collaborated with other CCIM chapters for joint events/programs. The NC-CCIM Chapter joined the South Carolina and Georgia chapters in paying for a booth at the NC & SC NAR Conference in Savannah, GA for the purpose of promoting CCIM and our chapters. Several Chapter Members (Steve Rich, Mark Howe, Eddie Blanton) attended Region 9 Dinner Meeting at the Mid-Year Meeting in Kansas City and in Las Vegas (Steve Rich, Mark Howe, Drew Showfety); At Officer Training in Chicago several members (Drew Showfety, Mark Howe, Eddie Blanton and Ashley Boykin- Administrator) joined Region 9 members at a dinner event. Our Chapter also participated in all of the Region 9 Conference Calls. Yes Advertised in local print media about events and programming Provide examples if possible: Advertised our annual NC-CCIM Commercial Market Real Estate Forecasts in each respective Business Journal (Triad, Charlotte, Triangle). Yes Best Practices Other (Legislative Affairs, Licensed Courses, etc) - 30% of overall score General Chapter Governance Held four or more Chapter Board of Director meetings: Yes- 2/3/12; 5/4/12; 9/6/12; 10/4/12 & 11/1/12 - 11/2/12 Yes General Chapter Governance Committees submitted business plans for implementing chapter projects. Committee busienss plans submitted at out annual board retreat. Yes General Chapter Governance Established chapter goals. Chapter goals put together at annual board retreat. Yes Volunteer recognition Would include things such as an awards program/mention in chapter communications, etc. Committee Member of the Year Award, President's Award, President's Cup & Community Caring in Motion were all mentioned in one of our Quarterly Communicators. Yes Chapter member participation with national committees Eddie Blanton: Member Services Committee-2012 Chair (Oversaw MS Committee & MS Task Forces; also oversaw Chapter Activities Subcommittee, Regional Activities Subcommittee, Legislative Activities Subcommittee & Networking Advisory Board as part of my Chair position), Fall 2012 Conference Planning Committee (assisted in developing the program, invited speakers, moderated session, etc.), CCIM TECH BOD – 2012 Secretary & Treasurer, Jay W. Levine Leadership Development Academy – 2012 Mentor to Ricardo Rubiano, CCIM. Joe Larkin: 2012 Chair of Chapter Activities Subcommittee. Jay Verro: 2012 CCIM Board of Directors Member At Large Yes Licensed Courses Provided incentives to drive course attendance. 7 Chapter NESP Funded Scholarships and 2 CCIM Foundation Scholarships were provided in 2012. One NESP Scholarship/Bob Lewis for $12,500 approved in 2012 with CCIM Foundation. Yes Licensed Courses Course marketing: Emails, mailings, telemarketing, and post cards were sent to prospective students. Classes were also promoted at the Monthly Meetings and Market Forecast. Yes Licensed Courses Took opportunity to promote the chapter at courses. The NC-CCIM Chapter President spoke to students attending the four CCIM Licensed Courses held in Charlotte about the many benefits of CCIM and being a member of the NC-CCIM Chapter. Yes Completed Activity (Yes/No) Licensed Courses Course agreement & course info sheets to Institute by 11/02/12 Yes Metrics Created metrics to help assess the success of membership/course/event marketing campaigns Yes Sponsorship Activity Please describe activities. Triangle Commercial Joint Networking Event, NC-CCIM Joint Commercial Networking Triad Event, Wilmington RCA Meeting Yes Sponsorship Activity Actively pursued sponsors for events & other chapter activities. Raised $56,500 in Sponsorship revenue in 2012. Yes Legislative Activity Involved in local & state legislative activity. Our chapter supports a Legislative Liason and Legislative Committee. Our Chapter's Legislative Liason attended the Capitol Hill visit (with IREM) and NC State Legislative Day. Yes Legislative Activity At least one chapter member participated in the Capitol Hill visit day in 2012 and the chapter plans to send at least one person in 2013. Peter Frandano, CCIM - Legislative Committie Chair attended the 2012 Capitol Hill visit and Pete will also be attending in 2013. Yes Legislative Activity Provided legislative updates to chapter members provided by the public policy page on ccim.com. Emailed blasts and website links are provided to membership with legislative updates. Yes Administrative 10% of overall score Completed Activity (Yes/No) Assisted with regional process of course scheduling Chapter Leaders (Eddie Blanton, CCIM, Mark Howe, CCIM, Sam Di Franco, CCIM, Joe Larkin, CCIM) participated with Region 9 Chapter leaders to plan course schedule. Yes Has an active scholarship program 2012 Start to the Pin: Sam DiFranco, Jr. – Cresa Partners; 2012 Push for the Pin: Kathy Anderson – First Point Associates; CI 101 Named Endowed Scholarship - Michael J. Barr: Robert Wilkinson Speir, Jr. – Colliers International & Bryan Teck Cheng Tan; CI 102 Named Endowed Scholarship - Tony Rickard: Roderick Gee – TSR Commercial; CI 104 Named Endowed Scholarship- John Daniel: James Patrick Guin, III – Tripp Commercial & Roderick Gee – TSR Commercial; NCCCIM Education Scholarship: James Patrick Guin, III – Tripp Commercial & Steve Mitchener – Lat Purser & Associates, Inc. Yes General Chapter Information Chapter Bylaws currently on file with the Institute Yes General Chapter Information Quarterly member information updates with the Institute Yes General Chapter Information Submitted annual report and President's Cup submission Yes General Chapter Information Submitted a list of 2013 chapter officers and contacts to the Institute by December 14, 2012 Yes General Chapter Information Generated meeting minutes Yes General Chapter Information Annual report sent to state to maintain incorporation status Yes General Chapter Information Chapter Administrator maintained chapter member records Yes Informational Established an annual schedule of meetings & events and communicated to members Yes Informational Maintained an active chapter newsletter. We have a Quarterly Newsletter called the Communicator. Yes Informational Developed or updated chapter membership brochure and/or application Yes Informational Chapter meeting notices sent to all chapter members Yes Website Maintained an active chapter website Yes Website Posted chapter events to website Yes Website Promoted sponsors on chapter website Yes Chapter Governance Held officer elections Yes Chapter Governance Chapter officer job descriptions exist Yes Chapter Governance Held a chapter officer training/orientation/planning retreat: Two day retreat on November 1-2, 2012 and sent three people to Chicago for Officer Training. Yes Chapter Governance Held a chapter officer installation Yes Chapter Governance Committee planning included written description of committee roles & responsibilities Yes Chapter Governance Communicated roles of committee members through and orientation or retreat Yes Chapter Governance Succession plan is in place Yes Chapter Governance Developed a chapter strategic plan Yes Chapter Governance Defined roles for chapter administrator Yes Chapter Governance Appointed a contact to be legislative liaison: Pete Frandano, CCIM (Board Member) Yes Financial & Tax reporting Completed 2011 tax returns and submitted a copy to the Institute Yes Financial & Tax reporting Maintained accurate financial records Yes Financial & Tax reporting Provided financial reports at chapter board meetings Yes Maintains a current sponsor prospective to sent to potential sponsors Maintains a current sponsor prospective to sent to potential sponsors Yes Education Foundation Scholarships Created or maintained a named endowment scholarship through the chapter. Created the Robert Lewis CI 101 Endowed Scholarship in 2012 with Education Foundation. Our Chapter also awarded CI 101 Named Endowed Scholarship - Michael J. Barr, CAE, RCE: Robert Wilkinson Speir, Jr. – Colliers International, Bryan Teck Cheng Tan, CI 102 Named Endowed Scholarship - Tony Rickard, ALC, CCIM: Roderick Gee – TSR Commercial, LLC, CI 104 Named Endowed Scholarship- John Daniel: James Patrick Guin, III – Tripp Commercial, Roderick Gee – TSR Commercial, LLC: NC-CCIM Education Scholarship: James Patrick Guin, III – Tripp Commercial, Steve Mitchener – Lat Purser & Associates, Inc. Created the CI-103 Named Endowed Scholarship- Eddie Blanton in 2011 Yes Education Foundation Scholarships Awarded CI101 course scholarships provided by Education Foundation: (1) Sam DiFranco, Jr. – Cresa Partners Yes Education Foundation Scholarships Awarded the "Life After the Pin" scholarships provided by the Education Foundation (1) Kathy Anderson – First Point Associates, LLC. Yes Assigned a chapter scholarship contact within the chatper for Institute communication Chapter Coordinator: Ashley Boykin Yes Strategic Planning Required - (Because this is a new category, no points are allocated for this category for the 2012 submissions.) Stategic Plan Strategic Plan Stategic Plan Stategic Plan Retreat Strategic Plan Submitted If Chapter does not yet have a strategic plan, has begun the process to create one. See Above. Chapter Leadership held strategic planning sessions in 2012 - November 1-2, 2012 Chapter leadership has shared strategic plan with general membership. Discussed at Regional Events and membership is surveyed every year about improving chapter events and offerings. Chapter attended 2013 Chapter Officer Training held in Chicago, August 2012: Drew Showfety, CCIM, Mark Howe, CCIM, Ashley Boykin Strategic Plan Completed Activity (Yes/No) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NC CCIM Chapter 2012 Proposed Budget version - 10.26.2011 2005 Accual 2006 Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 YTD 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Budget Variance Income Dues 40,815.00 41,752.00 45,729.00 41,891.00 58,044.25 47,283.00 46,614.00 47,025.00 47,025.00 - 0% 550 memb @ $95 - 10% = 584 Education CCIM CORE COURSES CI 101 Course 26,961.00 29,246.00 50,985.00 38,272.00 28,786.63 18,201.85 13,490.06 16,500.00 13,000.00 (3,500.00) -21% CI 102 Course 25,621.00 19,392.00 28,330.00 29,191.00 17,472.11 8,000.00 11,203.64 16,500.00 13,000.00 (3,500.00) -21% CI 103 Course 19,370.00 25,132.00 27,404.00 34,724.00 12,081.63 12,200.65 12,304.20 12,000.00 13,000.00 1,000.00 CI 104 Course 18,396.00 26,240.00 29,114.00 21,465.00 13,651.59 15,785.04 8,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 - CI Intro 21,209.00 22,622.00 22,516.00 19,268.00 7,506.60 13,174.10 4,252.92 5,000.00 5,000.00 - 111,557.00 122,632.00 158,349.00 142,920.00 79,498.56 67,361.64 49,250.82 63,000.00 57,000.00 (6,000.00) -10% 0.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 620.00 805.00 535.00 9,055.00 1,445.00 1,375.00 980.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 (500.00) -33% Total CCIM CORE COURSES Chapter Rebates Continuing Education Education - Other 8% 0% 0% 0.00 1,000.00 1,660.00 2,038.00 3,100.00 7,105.00 5,225.00 3,000.00 7,500.00 4,500.00 112,177.00 124,837.00 160,544.00 154,013.00 84,043.56 75,841.64 55,455.82 67,500.00 65,500.00 (2,000.00) Charlotte Forecast 7,200.00 9,990.00 11,515.00 11,545.00 12,155.00 11,190.00 12,195.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 Forecast Sponsor 26,250.00 62,000.00 24,000.00 56,250.00 16,750.00 46,875.00 30,333.34 30,000.00 50,000.00 Triad Forecast 10,597.39 13,060.00 19,406.02 13,455.00 14,780.00 12,165.00 11,035.00 12,500.00 12,000.00 (500.00) 9,320.00 6,910.00 8,900.00 12,295.00 10,005.00 11,080.00 12,055.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 - 53,367.39 91,960.00 63,821.02 93,545.00 53,690.00 81,310.00 65,618.34 66,500.00 86,000.00 6,404.83 3,455.00 2,455.00 5,840.00 6,540.00 4,240.00 1,025.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 - 0% 6,404.83 3,455.00 2,455.00 5,840.00 6,540.00 4,240.00 1,025.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 - 0% 99,385.00 60,230.00 85,550.00 66,643.34 71,500.00 91,000.00 Total Education 150% -3% Meeting Income Forecast Meetings Triangle Forecast Total Forecast Meetings 20,000.00 19,500.00 0% 67% -4% 0% 29% State Conference Conference Income Total State Conference Total Meeting Income #REF! #REF! #REF! 19,500.00 27% Miscellaneous Income Bank Income Interest Income Total Bank Income Miscellaneous Income - Other 772.65 1,224.24 1,602.02 6,880.05 2,110.35 192.83 45.75 1,500.00 200.00 (1,300.00) -87% 772.65 1,224.24 1,602.02 6,880.05 2,110.35 192.83 45.75 1,500.00 200.00 (1,300.00) -87% 7,577.20 30.36 0.00 25.00 1,288.00 605.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 Page 1 of 5 0% NC CCIM Chapter 2012 Proposed Budget version - 10.26.2011 2005 Accual Total Miscellaneous Income 8,349.85 2006 Actual 1,254.60 2007 Actual 1,602.02 Sponsorships Total Income #REF! #REF! #REF! 2008 Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 YTD 2011 Budget 6,905.05 3,398.35 797.83 45.75 500.00 250.00 500.00 1,000.00 302,694.05 205,966.16 209,972.47 2012 Budget 500.00 500.00 169,758.91 188,025.00 204,225.00 Budget Variance - 16,200.00 0% 9% Expense Administrative Accounting 1,132.50 907.50 905.00 992.50 1,006.25 898.00 901.25 1,000.00 1,000.00 301.56 529.43 808.50 1,497.58 1,667.21 516.37 384.85 1,000.00 500.00 Gifts-Administrators 58.85 7,606.96 6,516.41 7,548.05 605.96 227.44 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Insurance Expense 356.00 356.00 356.00 275.00 275.00 275.00 375.00 300.00 400.00 163.00 77.75 0.00 69.00 100.00 100.00 20,450.00 21,630.00 22,132.50 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,750.00 19,875.00 26,500.00 27,300.00 323.00 862.75 456.45 717.32 832.45 419.65 433.91 1,000.00 500.00 (500.00) -50% 34.00 966.87 0.00 0.00 404.00 682.15 891.73 848.39 2,160.32 928.32 187.31 800.00 400.00 (400.00) -50% 1,632.93 2,006.05 1,732.39 2,025.00 1,577.32 943.75 279.97 1,600.00 1,600.00 42.65 41.44 193.55 0.00 768.53 1,661.84 80.99 750.00 100.00 (650.00) -87% -3% Copying Charges Legal Expenses Management Fees Mileage Office Equipment Office Supplies Postage Telephone Administrative - Other (500.00) - 0% 100.00 33% 800.00 - 4,700.00 50.36 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Administrative 29,401.49 34,672.64 33,993.32 39,100.84 34,937.66 31,620.37 22,587.28 34,550.00 33,400.00 (1,150.00) Advertising Expense 9,691.00 8,717.00 9,218.00 11,817.39 12,254.65 911.61 510.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 2,500.00 490.40 597.57 714.64 580.72 830.23 798.90 0.00 850.00 850.00 0.00 0.00 Credit Card Machine Fee 1,249.20 2,061.61 1,755.55 1,951.48 1,776.30 2,116.88 1,905.93 2,000.00 Banking Expense - Other 0.00 143.81 51.53 -0.80 55.74 121.49 1,249.20 2,205.42 1,807.08 1,951.48 1,775.50 2,172.62 2,027.42 Awards 0% -50% 3% 0% 250% - 0% 2,000.00 - 0% 2,000.00 2,000.00 - 0% Banking Expense National Fee - dues processing Total Banking Expense CCIM Core Courses CI 101 Instructor 15,871.00 18,406.00 31,759.00 19,717.00 17,949.00 10,000.00 9,057.00 10,000.00 7,000.00 Other 4,029.56 3,046.81 4,944.25 4,963.36 10,033.77 1,793.32 722.88 1,500.00 1,500.00 - 0% Space 2,000.00 1,200.00 5,681.25 1,250.00 3,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 0% 21,900.56 22,652.81 42,384.50 25,930.36 30,982.77 11,793.32 10,779.88 12,500.00 9,500.00 Total CI 101 (3,000.00) (3,000.00) Page 2 of 5 -30% -24% NC CCIM Chapter 2012 Proposed Budget version - 10.26.2011 2005 Accual 2006 Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 YTD 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Budget Variance CI 102 Instructor 15,884.65 14,027.00 19,008.00 19,363.00 12,094.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 Other 2,576.29 2,200.25 1,680.45 5,869.60 1,692.88 995.71 340.60 1,500.00 1,500.00 - 0% Space 2,198.00 2,500.00 1,973.13 2,583.35 1,250.00 0.00 2,250.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 0% 20,658.94 18,727.25 22,661.58 27,815.95 15,036.88 10,995.71 12,590.60 12,500.00 10,500.00 (2,000.00) -16% (2,000.00) -20% Total CI 102 (2,000.00) -20% CI 103 Instructor 14,214.00 18,076.00 19,008.00 19,674.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 7,500.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 Other 3,572.88 2,110.89 2,064.25 8,576.61 2,484.60 1,413.71 2,310.72 1,500.00 1,500.00 Space 1,881.25 4,008.00 2,500.00 800.00 960.75 1,000.00 350.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 19,668.13 24,194.89 23,572.25 29,050.61 13,445.35 12,413.71 10,160.72 11,500.00 10,500.00 (1,000.00) -9% (3,000.00) -30% Total CI 103 - 0% #DIV/0! CI 104 Instructor 13,553.00 18,406.00 19,050.00 15,026.00 11,500.00 10,000.00 8,500.00 10,000.00 7,000.00 Other 1,944.55 1,514.96 1,215.96 4,638.45 1,206.50 1,249.98 659.81 1,500.00 1,500.00 - 0% Space 802.50 0.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,052.70 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 0% 16,300.05 19,920.96 21,515.96 20,914.45 13,759.20 12,249.98 9,159.81 12,500.00 9,500.00 Instructor 6,000.00 7,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 5,680.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 - Other 1,938.06 3,337.72 2,612.39 2,238.19 1,342.16 1,802.91 907.60 1,000.00 1,000.00 - Space 1,002.00 1,120.34 500.00 1,000.00 250.00 250.00 740.00 0.00 0.00 - 8,940.06 11,458.06 11,112.39 11,238.19 7,272.16 10,052.91 9,647.60 5,000.00 5,000.00 - 87,467.74 96,953.97 121,246.68 114,949.56 80,496.36 57,505.63 52,338.61 54,000.00 45,000.00 5,000.00 2,241.65 2,500.00 25,500.00 3,988.00 0.00 500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 590.00 0.00 1,234.01 2,139.62 2,855.13 1,620.00 0.00 2,000.00 7,500.00 Total CI 104 (3,000.00) -24% CI Intro Total CI Intro Total CCIM Core Courses Contributions 0% 0% #DIV/0! (9,000.00) - 0% -17% 0% Education Expense Continuing Ed. 5,500.00 275% Lic. Del. Costs Facility Costs 176.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 500.00 500.00 - 0% Instructors 1,589.91 1,855.91 2,605.91 3,750.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 - 0% Other Ed. Costs 2,293.59 3,823.48 6,234.43 4,592.95 5,995.05 4,211.84 3,684.84 5,000.00 5,000.00 - 0% 200.00 1,730.00 300.00 850.00 3,970.00 4,010.00 1,640.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 - 4,849.50 7,659.39 10,874.35 11,582.57 17,070.18 14,341.84 7,574.84 15,500.00 21,000.00 NCREC Fee Total Lic. Del. Costs 5,500.00 Page 3 of 5 0% 35% NC CCIM Chapter 2012 Proposed Budget version - 10.26.2011 2005 Accual Misc. Admin 2006 Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 YTD 2011 Budget 2012 Budget 366.12 0.00 0.00 11.48 55.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Resume Writing Workshop 0.00 80.63 367.49 0.00 0.00 31.46 0.00 200.00 200.00 Education Expense - Other 0.00 49.00 0.00 9,189.46 3,551.54 2,141.62 3,828.32 4,000.00 4,000.00 5,215.62 7,789.02 11,241.84 20,783.51 20,676.72 16,514.92 11,403.16 20,700.00 26,200.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 600.00 600.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 13.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 13.00 0.00 600.00 600.00 Total Education Expense Foundation Trns Budget Variance - 5,500.00 - 0% 27% 0% L&P Fees Legal Expense Total L&P Fees Meeting Expense Forecast Meetings Charlotte Forecast 8,208.93 9,248.24 8,538.16 9,490.81 9,343.02 11,939.64 13,164.43 12,000.00 12,000.00 15,917.94 20,278.85 23,417.65 20,463.40 9,913.36 9,095.93 10,545.39 9,000.00 11,000.00 2,000.00 22% 6,895.30 5,741.71 7,268.78 8,292.47 9,227.30 8,232.24 12,660.44 9,000.00 12,500.00 3,500.00 39% 31,022.17 35,268.80 39,224.59 38,246.68 28,483.68 29,267.81 36,370.26 30,000.00 35,500.00 5,500.00 18% National Meetings Expense 5,560.27 6,673.82 9,992.44 20,321.02 9,697.63 10,994.17 4,335.25 10,000.00 11,000.00 1,000.00 Regional Meetings Expense 0.00 306.41 63.70 456.36 704.13 35.69 Triad Forecast Triangle Forecast Total Forecast Meetings 1,000.00 (400.00) Charlotte -399.00 200.00 Triad -302.61 200.00 521.37 200.00 Triangle Asheville 0.00 Leadership Retreat 0.00 2,482.00 5,608.25 0.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 - 17,780.62 10,344.37 19,722.40 27,799.98 6,909.01 9,714.20 1,690.70 7,500.00 7,500.00 54,363.06 52,593.40 69,003.13 86,824.04 48,276.45 55,620.12 42,215.97 52,300.00 59,400.00 32,500.00 0.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 Returned Check 7,100.00 0% 0% 14% 95.00 Taxes Scholarships 10% -40% 500.00 Other Total Meeting Expense 0% 500.00 Wilmington State Meetings Expense - 7.22 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 0.00 Red Book Expenses 1,168.23 1,773.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Web Page/Other 3,000.00 3,095.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,250.00 3,250.00 4,198.00 3,250.00 7,250.00 Publications 4,000.00 Page 4 of 5 123% NC CCIM Chapter 2012 Proposed Budget version - 10.26.2011 2005 Accual Total Publications Total Expense 2006 Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 YTD 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Budget Variance 4,168.23 4,868.04 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,250.00 3,250.00 4,198.00 3,250.00 7,250.00 4,000.00 123% 197,651.74 210,643.71 255,224.69 309,627.54 238,985.57 183,407.17 135,787.66 177,250.00 187,200.00 9,950.00 6% -6,933.49 -33,019.41 26,565.30 33,971.25 10,775.00 17,025.00 6,250.00 58% #REF! #REF! #REF! Page 5 of 5 NC-CCIM Membership Description Designee Designee Designee Designee CCIM with 25 Years Designee Candidate Designee Designee Affiliate Candidate Designee Designee Designee Affiliate Designee Candidate Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Candidate Candidate Candidate Designee Designee Designee Affiliate Affiliate Designee Affiliate CCIM With 25 Years Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee CCIM With 25 Years Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee/Sponsor CCIM With 25 Years Designee Designee Designee Designee Candidate Designee Affiliate Designee CCIM With 25 Years/Sponsor Designee Candidate CCIM With 25 Years Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Candidate Designee Designee Designee Affiliate Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee/Sponsor Designee Candidate Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Affiliate Designee Candidate Candidate Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Candidate Designee Designee Candidate Designee Designee Designee CCIM With 25 Years Designee Designee Designee Designee Staff Designee Designee CCIM With 25 Years Designee Designee Designee Candidate Candidate Affiliate Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Candidate Candidate Designee Designee Designee CCIM With 25 Years Designee Candidate Designee Designee CCIM With 25 Years Designee Affiliate Designee Designee Designee Designee Candidate Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Affiliate Designee Designee Designee Designee Affiliate Designee CCIM With 25 Years Designee Designee Designee Designee Affiliate Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Candidate Designee Candidate Affiliate Designee Candidate Candidate Designee Affiliate Affiliate Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Affiliate Candidate Candidate Staff Designee Affiliate Designee Designee Designee Affiliate Affiliate Designee Designee Candidate Designee Designee Designee Affiliate Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee P.E., Broker, MS Affiliate Designee Designee Designee Affiliate Designee Candidate Designee Affiliate Affiliate Designee Designee Affiliate First Name Alan Alan Andy Andy Banks Barry Barry William (Bill) S. Brantley Bruce Bruce Bruce Bryan Carl B. Charles Chase Chris Charles Chris Christopher Christopher Cindy Cynthia Clifford Connie Bill Daniel David David David David David T. David David P. Dennis Diane Dick Dodson Donald DR Drew T. Ed Ed Eddie Edna Edward Edward Elizabeth F. "Bo" Frank F. G. (Buddy) Fred Garth Elwyn Gary Gary Gary Gene George George Guy Henry Howard Jacqueline James James James James Jane Jane Jay Jay Jeanette Jeff Jeff Jeffrey Jerone Jerry Jerry James John John John John John John John John Jonathan Joseph Judith Kathleen Kathy Kenneth Kenneth R. Kent Kevin Ki-Hyun Kyle Louis Lowell Lynne C. Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Marlene Marlene K. Martin Massie Matt Melinda (Lynn) Merle Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Mike Nancy Peter Petr PH Philip Philip Philip Preston Ray Raymond Richard Richard Richard Richard Rick Rob Robert Robert Robert Bob Robert Robert Robert Robert Robin Rod Rufus Russell Russell Russell Salvatore Sam Shashin Sheila Shirley C. H.P. "Smitty" Sol Stan Stan Stanhope Steen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Steve Steve Steve Steven Steven Stewart H. Thomas Thomas Thomas "Skip" C. Thomas Thomas Tim Tim Timothy Tom Tom Trip Troy Trudy Van Van Velinda Walter Vijay L. Wayne William William William Willie Debbie A.B. Ashley Thomas Stanford HR Fred Rebecca Ted Sherri Jeff Robert Erik Jerry A. Keith Brad E. William William Lester Robert Karen Michael Kathy Robert John Gregory Mark Von James (Jay) James Emmanuel Janice Jay Rob Joseph Middle Name E. Brad Carter Edward S. R. V. M David L F. Ann C Henderson K. Garth E. P. E. C. don H E. F. C Lynn Jeffrey N K. C. D. David A. Roberts Bogert Sledd Bernard Vernon K. B Patrick T C W C A Scott Keith H. E. D. K F W. B. (Bo) C C. W. A. Lowell C. Last Name Crusan Weidt Hinds Wells Hunter Bowling Fabyan Walker Millsaps Tillman Beaman Knott Tomlin Benton Darden Kennemur Ellis Monroe Swart Neil Ramm Cox Dunbar Chandler Wolfe Maske Cluderay Chambless Godwin Adams Couch Hagan Hampton Hodges Propst Reitzel Reule Bunker Carter Havens Schenck Moss Bryan Showfety Bailey Hoel Blanton Chirico Blair Brown Carter Proctor, Jr. Leatherman Hege, Jr. Beck Dunklin Miller Hicks Lyons Stephens Davis Laney York McCook Breaux Bissell Hagerty Davis Houser, Jr. Katon Rogers Doggett Smith Taylor Verro Jou Foster Keil Mullis Pearson Fitzgerald McCraw Carter Acton Bantsolas Boylan Daniel Moutos Ruffin Shaheen Spake Smith Larkin Bell Rose Garner Mock Spainhour Wood Jenkins Chun Swicegood Stephens Easter Safrit White Fulk Howe O'Neal Reynolds Rogers Peeler Spritzer Waters, III Flippin Bogdovitz Beckner White Barr Carr Fahey Fowler Kornegay Aldridge Smith Chenery Vasicko Craig Doyle Stewart Warlick Griffith Killian, Jr. Collins, Jr. Frye Jones Rowe Whitney Baker Pressley Carter Cohen Heuts Lewis Nimocks Perkins Rourke Team Boylan Hatcher Hambright Church Gay Parmele DiFranco Ogburn Patel Pierce deLong Thomas Smith Coltrane Armstrong Greenberg Johnson Spove Barker Brown Shavitz Turner Hopper Lowe Rich Ellis Robinson Smith Davis Hester Hill Steele Townes Capps Coltrane Burnett Corbett McMahon Brown Legge Parker McSwain Southard Dismukes Averett Shah Yeargan Banner Fuller Joyner Johnson Lewis Henley Boykin Murray Garnett Gallimore Miller Riley Hill, III Frazier Yetter Cassam Lanier Jackson Hensley Richard Martin Frierson Daniel Harwell Osborn Bond Mankowski Foess Roberts Drayton Winn Hobbs Morgan Moody, III Luke, Jr. Rock, Sr. Choice Dixon Pittard Vaughn Stanley Designation CCIM, CPM CCIM CCIM, MAI, CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM Jr CCIM CCIM, LEED CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CRE, CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM, SIOR CCIM CCIM CCIM, MAI CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM, SIOR CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM, SIOR CCIM CCIM, CPM CCIM, MAI CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM, SIOR CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM, CPM CCIM CCIM CCIM, MAI, CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM, ALC CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM ALC CCIM, SIOR CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM, J.D. CCIM CCIM CCIM, CPM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM, MAI CCIM, MCR CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM, SIOR CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM, SIOR CCIM CCIM CCIM, RPA CCIM, SIOR CCIM CCIM, CHA CCIM, GRI CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM, SCLS CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM III, CCIM CCIM CCIM Jr CCIM CCIM, CSM, CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM, CPM, Jr., CCIM CCIM CCIM IV CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM, LEED CCIM CCIM CCIM, SIOR CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM, SIOR CPM, CCIM CCIM P.E. CCIM CCIM CCIM Work Phone 704-537-9801 336.312-6868 336-379-1400 828-322-6800 919-821-8023 919-831-8187 704-248-2072 252-586-5588 336-768-4410 919-872-5702 336-441-4222 919-544-0141 704-541-9656 919-481-0190 252-758-1983 919-269-6400 704-206-8300 704-714-7646 704.714.7684 704-358-9990 336.722.8606 919-738-9574 336-889-1550 704-366-8482 704-714-7919 704-331-0400 704-376-9848 704-482-2297 828-264-0019 919-313-8022 336-889-1515 336-282-5553 336-215-6238 252-977-1616 704-785-8204 828-466-5037 704-366-1811 704.351.9757 704-906-2020 919-932-3080 336 478 0234 +1 704 409 2372 919-552-4547 336-478-4441 919-878-9950 919-677-6100 704.602.5800 704-393-4010 919-469-3233 919-832-0594 336-973-5594 (704) 372-4448 919-571-1244 704-333-7151 704-544-4884 704-364-0010 336-294-8900 704-825-4046 919-645-6962 704-370-3000 704-862-0201 910-256-0056 919-821-1350 910-276-8680 704-365-0820 704-366-9841 336-665-2814 336-541-5517 704-347-5000 704-376-0295 704-971-4882 919-875-6614 910-738-8151 919 833 8560 518-453-1624 336-664-6269 704-847-2040 336-747-8419 828-291-6647 336-691-2000 704 684 1515 336-272-8179 336-838-2950 919-873-1500 910-483-9420 919-832-0768 919-775-3245 828-777-4057 336-722-1986 704-644-9933 828-277-9670 336-760-5712 518-482-8100 919-781-8870 704-896-0094 704-576-5184 336-346-1245 919-844-5458 704-264-6320 704-608-9756 704-332-5656 336-909-2583 704-334-3388 336-668-9999 704-938-5400 704-556-9992 336-722-1986 919-227-5519 919-493-0395 336.315.8500 336-789-2926 704-484-3003 919.677.6100 704-333-0794 336-885-1777 704-344-1147 919-384-1188 336-854-5868 336-812-4555 704-331-1228 336-541-5514 919-878-6504 252-756-3500 919-791-3475 919-828-4200 704-295-4000 919-967-4155 336-918-0203 336-722-9828 919-876-8363 704-332-7173 704-376-6540 336-768-0555 910-693-1800 336-222-1264 919-789-9707 828-665-9085 336.544.8013 704-366-4866 919-821-2115 919.264.6878 919-774-8439 336-214-1799 910-485-1707 336-358-3219 704-549-8228 336-243-2600 828.258.6377 336-761-1130 336-605-3537 336-379-1400 919-848-5600 336-544-8006 919-677-6100 336-748-0700 704-544-8233 910-455-7777 336-454-5040 (919) 781-8180 704-333-7151 336-249-6304 252-757-9361 828-252-5300 336-373-0995 336-668-9999 704-332-7052 919-833-7755 336-668-9999 336-333-2288 704-243-6057 704-331-1262 704-887-4778 336-601-7501 919-582-3103 252-638-3500 910-762-111 ext.201 919-821-7222 (919) 875-6670 336-584-3388 336-668-9999 919-281-2318 336-249-6304 336-272-8179 252-237-9411 704-892-5653 336-541-5500 704.293.4412 828-253-5771 336-878-7574 704-882-1700 919-871-6300 919-493-0395 919 573 8102 919-782-2223 704-375-1000 910-763-0380 252-355-2041 336-288-9255 919-926-3095 336-841-0077 (910) 829-1617 704-376-9848 336-601-3242 919-524-2374 828-466-1749 336-686-3544 704-442-1774 ex 100 828-264-6222 252-447-7122 704.375.1164 919.671.4182 910-738-1466 828-338-0162 336-768-1800 ext4 919-841-1737 704 / 375-1131 704-714-7663 704-552-3680 704-464-3147 704-336-3300 919-887-5002 919-828-9999 336-689-0447 CCIM, CRE, 704-489-9551 336-768-4410 CCIM CPM B 336-202-0606 980-721-2049 919-931-6039 CCIM 910-692-3314 CCIM 704-954-1757 336-282-5553 Work Fax 704-537-9804 336-379-8980 828-322-9915 919-821-1078 919-856-2530 704-248-2075 336-768-4413 919-954-8859 866-446-1796 919-544-0284 919-481-0190 252-355-5276 919-269-5722 704-335-8654 704-716-8600 704-716-8625 336-722-8677 919-735-1550 336-889-1502 704-366-1722 704-714-7920 704-331-0405 704-376-3918 704-482-2267 828-262-0509 919-313-8002 336-889-1502 336-545-8052 336-889-1501 252-977-1619 704-720-0968 828-466-5039 704-365-9959 704-358-0335 704919-969-8225 336 373 0603 +1 704 409 9934 919-552-3802 336-478-4442 919-878-0390 919-677-6161 704-393-4012 919-832-7385 336-464-2233 704-749-8710 919-571-1244 704-333-7154 704-544-6520 704-364-0569 336-292-7910 704-825-4066 919-840-0240 704-370-6507 704-865-9127 910-256-6245 919-828-9240 910-276-2666 704-365-8911 704-362-3875 336-665-2865 336-369-5923 704-347-5027 704-342-3704 704-367-0196 919-876-2448 910-738-3419 919 821 1864 518-482-8109 336-664-6268 704-847-1566 336-337-1944 702 684 1522 336-272-1073 336-667-7771 919-873-0101 910-223-7270 919-832-1924 919-774-3890 336-723-3173 704-583-1458 828-277-9672 336-760-5714 919-782-2538 704-896-0344 336-854-2170 919-844-5458 704-552-9502 1800-448-3094 704-335-9955 336-668-0888 704-938-5444 704-556-9954 336-723-3173 919-573-9278 919-493-1523 336.852.0288 336-789-2310 704-481-8101 919.677.6161 704-333-0797 336-885-1799 704-344-9735 336-292-5416 336-812-4705 704-331-1259 336-274-9305 919-878-0390 252-756-4159 919-334-7910 919-833-9010 704-295-4059 336-722-4778 919-876-9175 704-332-7176 704-376-8704 336-768-2055 910-693-1801 336-464-2956 919-759-9715 828-665-9084 336.544.8015 919-821-1502 919-775-5410 336-458-9516 910-485-2907 336-373-0260 704-549-8736 336-243-2680 828.210.3944 336-761-0257 336-665-2865 336-379-8980 919-848-5609 336-544-8008 919-677-6161 336-724-2769 704-970-7953 910-455-2466 336-884-5041 (919) 781-9559 704-333-7154 336-248-8935 828-251-5508 336-373-0260 336-668-0888 704-332-1829 919-833-2473 336-668-0888 336-333-9808 704-243-6057 704-331-1259 704-342-3453 336-288-6322 919-834-4488 252-638-3695 910-332-3795 919-821-7282 336.584.4487 336-668-0888 919-941-6319 336-248-8935 336-272-1073 252-243-7331 704-892-7392 336-369-5900 828-253-1833 336-812-3162 704-882-2220 919-871-0096 919-493-1523 919-782-5992 704-375-2384 910-251-1658 252-355-1369 336-288-9255 919-424-0001 336-431-1254 (910) 323-3607 704-376-3918 Company Name Allied Land & Development, Ltd. Carolina Commercial Realty, Inc. Hotel & Club Asssociates, Inc. Prism Commercial Real Estate, LLC Hunter & Associates, LLC CBRE The Bissell Companies Walker Commercial Realty Freeman Commercial Real Estate Commercial Properties, Inc. Gray Court Holdings, Inc. Pinpoint Properties The Tomlin Group Viking Associates Darden Commercial Realty Kennemur & Associates Collett & Associates Keystone Partners Lincoln Harris Cornerstone Property Advisors Ramm Commercial Properties Cox Construction and Properties Blue Ridge Companies, Inc. Commercial Real Estate Training & Consulting Bank of the Ozarks Efird Corporation Argus Development Group, LLC Carolinas Commercial Realty Weber, Hodges & Godwin Commercial R.E. Services Trinity Realty Advisors Blue Ridge Companies, Inc. Hagan Properties Incorporated/CORFAC International Blue Ridge Companies Simmons & Harris, Inc. T. David Propst Realty Real Estate Advisory Services, Inc. Reule Corporation Bunker Land Group, LLC DC Properties & Consulting Geocorp CBRE Colliers International Bryan Properties, Inc. Emerson Commercial Properties, Inc. T. Ed Bailey Real Estate Cresa Raleigh RE/MAX Executive Commercial Division Holden Properties Blair Commercial Realty, Inc. NAI Carolantic Realty, Inc. EA Carter Real Estate Proctor Services, Inc. Leatherman Real Estate Services Gibson Smith Realty Co. Fred H. Beck & Associates, LLC Wishart, Norris, Henninger, & Pittman, P.A. Equity Commercial Properties Gaston County EDC Lincoln Harris Southeast Commercial Real Estate Group Gene Davis Realty Co., Inc. Prudential Laney Real Estate York Properties, Inc. Hasty Realty, Inc. The Providence Group of the Carolinas The Bissell Companies, Inc. Brown Investment Properties, Inc. Compass Rose Associates, Inc. Integra Realty Resources - Charlotte Flagship Capital, LLC Highwoods Properties Century 21 The Real Estate Center The Tar Heel Companies of North Carolina, Inc. Larkin Commercial Properties, Inc. Comfort Realty Enterprises, Inc. Commercial Property Advisors, LLC Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. Sperry Van Ness/Southern Commercial Real Estate, LLC Jerone D. Pearson, Inc. Capital Solutions, Inc. Glenwood Properties, Inc. JNB Commercial Properties Spectrum Properties Daniel & Associates Athos Properties LLC Meridian Realty Group, The TrueView Commercial Real Estate Spake Real Estate North State Property Company Larkin Commercial Properties, Inc. Plaza Associates, Inc. Rose & Associates Southeast, Inc. RE/MAX Of Greensboro Kenco Real Estate Services, LLC Wood Commercial Properties NorthMarq Capital, Inc. K & S Consulting Group, Inc. The Swicegood Group, Inc. Jones Lang LaSalle, The Stephens Company Triad Commercial Properties Castle & Cooke Commercial Real Estate, LLC The Meridian Realty Group CBC TradeMark Properties, Inc. Pickett-Sprouse Real Estate MPR Properties, Inc. Rogers Realty & Auction Company Prudential Carolinas Realty Cresa Waters Incorporated Liberty Property Trust Bayrock Investment Co. Commercial USA NC CCIM Chapter Carr Properties, LLC Colliers International Brown Investment Properties Commercial Associates Aldridge & Southerland REALTOR BB&T Realty World/Investment Marketing American Asset Corporation P. H. Craig Real Estate Stewart Realty, LLC Griffith Real Estate Services Killian Associates, Inc. Collins Commercial Properties, Inc. Richard Jones Real Estate Wakefield Associates, Inc. Sperry Van Ness | Whitney Commercial Real Estate Brown Investment Properties, Inc MECA Real Estate Services LLC Carter Realty Cohen Properties, Inc Lee County, EDC NAI Piedmont Triad Commercial Properties Nimocks, Ciccone & Townsend Commercial Real Estate NAI Piedmont Triad Alpha Commercial Real Estate Carolina Investment Properties, Inc. NAI BH Commercial Miller Hatcher, Inc. EEA Realty Russell Gay and Associates Brown Investment Properties Cresa Ogburn Properties Hospitality Advisors Corp. Jacksonville Onslow Economic Development delong & Associates Realty Co. COMMERCIAL CAROLINA Gibson Smith Realty Co. Coltrane & Company, Inc. Kittrell & Armstrong, LLC Greenberg and Dykes Realty Co. NAI Piedmont Triad Triad Commercial Properties Catellus Group LLC Kane Realty Triad Commercial Properties Capital Associates RE Investments CBRE EnRich Commercial Real Estate The Ellis Group Colliers International Coldwell Banker/Willis-Smith C South Eastern Real Estate Services Group Hester & Company Highwoods Properties, Inc. Wishart, Norris, Henniger & Pittman, P.A. Triad Commercial Properties Tri Properties, Inc Coltrane & Company Bessemer Improvement Company First Venture Properties, LLC Sperry Van Ness/McMahon & Associates Brown Investment Properties Asset Marketing Group Price Commercial Properties The Moser Group Grandbridge Real Estate Pickett/Sprouse Commercial Unified Commercial Real Estate Yeargan Commercial Realty, Inc Southern Real Estate Atlantic Brokerage Inc. W.A.J. Construction & Realty, Inc. BrewCo Enterprises, Inc. Willie Johnson Realty Rivercrest Realty Associates, LLC RealtyAnalytix Advisors, LLC Grant-Murray Real Estate, LLC Argus Development Group, LLC Re/Max Central Realty 336-288-8957 Coldwell Banker Commercial Triad, Realtors 919-882-8092 Realcorp and Development, Inc Vision Ventures 828-466-1789 Frazier Properties 336-458-9492 Express Oil Change & Service Center | Iron Hill Investments Inc. 7044428841 Carolinas Realty Advisors 828-264-1724 Summit Real Estate Services Jerry A Jackson Real Estate Services 704.375.1109 Piedmont Properties/Corfac International 919.361.0515 Brannon Properties 910-738-8170 RE/MAX Real Estate Exchange 336-232-9449 Commercial Consultants Realty LLC 336-768-1809 Atlantic Coast Commercial 1-866-288-0833 Keller Williams Commercial 704 / 375-1109 Piedmont Properties/Corfac International 704-342-0667 Lincoln Harris LLC Grubb & Ellis Company 704-464-3153 The Sussex Group The BlueWater Group, Inc 704-353-0473 City of Charlotte 919887-5001 Capital Investments Realty, LLC 919-828-9888 Hobbs Properties MC Morgan & Associates, Inc. Thomson Reuters 336-768-4413 Freeman Commercial Real Estate Wells Fargo Corporate Properties Group 704-887-1250 Lincoln Harris, LLC 877-255-7990 Synergy Commercial Properties, LLC 910-692-4663 JMB Real Estate Services 704-954-1718 BB&T Commercial REO 336-545-8052 Hagan Properties Work Address 1 2801 High Ridge Rd 2618-A Battleground Ave. #305 3717-D West Market Street 1301 North Center Street 127 West Hargett St. 4208 Six Forks Rd 13860 Ballantyne Corporate Place 361 Forest Hill Dr 1255 Creekshire Way 1004 Wake Forest Road 1819 Pembroke Rd 5310 NC Highway 55 5024 Southridge Court PO Box 4158 2404 S. Charles St. 805 N Wakefield St 1111 Metropolitan Avenue 1915 Rexford Rd Bank of America Corporate Center 2333 Randolph Road 492-A West End Blvd 104 Twin Oaks Place 5826 Samet Drive 6325 Gaywind Drive 700 East Morehead St. 528 East Boulevard 2908 Oak Lake Blvd 302-10 East Dixon Blvd 178 Highway 105 Extension, Suite 201-E 8020 Arco Corporate Dr. 5826 Samet Drive 333 N. Greene Street 5826 Samet Drive PO Box 1398 PO Box 502 518 West C Street 2200 Cortelyou Road 1140 Dilworth Crescent Row 5523 Wintercrest Lane 901 Willow Drive, Suite 2 101 Centreport Drive, Suite 160 301 South College Street 410 Market Street 819 North Elm Street PO Box 464 200 Cascade Pointe Lane 2901 Coltsgate Road, Suite 100 1801 N. Tryon Street 101 Duryer Court 3605 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 100 370 Green Acres Road 715 N. Church Street, Suite 100 4006 Barrett Drive 301 S. College Street Fred H. Beck & Associates, LLC 6832 Morrison Boulevard P.O. Box 10469 P.O. Box 2339 5430 Wade Park Blvd. 600 Fairview Rd. 1248 Audubon Drive 5710 Oleander Dr., Ste 210 PO Box 10007 500 S. Main St. 521 E. Morehead St 13860 Ballantyne Corporate Place P.O. Box 661 440 W Market Street PO Box 49588 214 W. Tremont Avenue 2701 Coltsgate Rd 3100 Smoketree Court 4850 Fayetteville Rd. 7424 Chapel Hill Road 3 Winners Circle 3305 Dairy Point Drive 8133 Ardrey Kell Road Suite 201 PO Box 3080 - MAC: D4000-021 1926 India Hook Road Work Address 2 Work Address 3 Suite 100 Suite 1220 Suite 300 Suite 200 Suite 101 Suite F Suite 700 Suite150 100 N Tryon Street Suite 135 Suite 2620 Suite 105 Suite 100 B Suite 203 Suite 175 Suite 105 Suite 102 (27401) Suite 105 PO Box 1029 Suite 3350 Suite 420 Suite 101 Direct Office PO Box 1550 Suite 100 Suite 201 Suite 2150 8924 Blakeney Professional Drive 715 N. Church St. One Wachovia Center Suite 300 Suite 110 Suite 100 Suite 300 Suite 200 Suite 1100 Suite 303 2000 PO Box 3111 3707 Tattershall Drive PO Box 88 PO Box 17513 1332-B Bragg Boulevard 150 Fayetteville Street Mall 2106 Brookwood Trail 129 Bleachery Blvd 380 Knollwood Street 601 Eagleton Downs Drive 83 Peachtree Road 3288 Robin Hood Road 3 Winners Circle Plaza Associates, Inc 442 S. Main St. Suite 18 8336 Lake Providence Drive 204 Muirs Chapel Road 8301 Meadow Ridge Court 4428 Town and Country Drive 5950 Fairview Road, Suite 716 1339 Baxter Street 854 Valley Road 6805 Morrison Blvd Suite 200 4035 Premier Drive 210 Oak Avenue, PO Box 68 3925 Ayrshire Place 380 Knollwood 1001 Wade Ave. Suite 300 3805-A University Drive 529 College Road P. O. Box 729 410 N. Lafayette St. 200 Cascade Pointe Lane, Suite 101 301 S. McDowell Street 4100 Mendenhall Oak Parkway 1307 W. Morehead Street 9119 Holly Hill Farm Road, 411 Andrews Road 23 Oak Branch Drive 1414 Long Street 201 S. College Street PO BOX 930 PO Box 464 226 Commerce Street 3127 Smoketree Court, 2nd Floor PO Box 10704 3700 Arco Corporate Drive 7503 Sunrise Rd. 1817 Curraghmore Rd 8 West Third Street 6201 Fountainhead Drive 1944 Brunswick Avenue 1542 Queens Road West 2990 Bethesda Place 125 W Vermont Ave 2716-B Troxler Road 188 Windchime Court, Suite 201 1100 Ridgefield Blvd. 440 West Market Street 1815 South Tryon Street 1610 Glenwood Ave. 709 Brookfield Road P.O. Box 1968 3005 South Church Street PO Box 58121 101 West Friendly Avenue 125 Floyd Smith Drive, Ste 280 P.O. Box 1066 410 Executive Park 2150 Country Club Road P.O. Box 395 2010-B New Garden Road 8300 Falls of Neuse Rd 440 West Market Street, 27401 200 Cascade Pointe Lane 1056 Burke St 6501 Colston Court 1099 Gum Branch Rd. 1507 Long Street 3131 RDU Center Drive, Suite 110 301 South College Street 49 South Talbert Boulevard 2815 Charles Blvd. Suite B 75 N. Market Street PO Box 9827 PO Box 49579 217 East Treemont Ave. PO Box 19107 PO Box 49579 230 North Elm Street PO Box 1259 201 South College Street, Suite 1700 1600 Camden Rd 2 Sturbridge lane 702 Oberlin Rd P.O. Box 1575 817 N 4th St. 228 Fayetteville Street 3100 Smoketree Court PO Drawer 1998 P.O. Box 49579 4309 Emperor Blvd. 49 South Talbert Boulevard PO Box 14220 3000 Nash St N Suite A 19901 W. Catawba Ave 440 W. Market Street 514 Streamside Lane 1 North Pack Square 1220 North Main Street 231 Post Office Dr 700 Spring Forest Rd 3805-A University Drive 1001 Wade Ave 2008 Prescott Pl. 1701 East 3rd St. 321 N. Front Street 3489 South Evans Street 1321 Mosley Rd 8816 Six Forks Rd 2783 NC Hwy 68 South 505 W. Russell St 2908 Oak Lake Blvd 231 S. Fayetteville St. 1505 Westover Terrrace P. O. Box 2264 214 West Tremont Ave Po Box 1238 121-A W Mc Gee Street. 1001 East Blvd. 895 State Farm Rd. #210 PO Box 1025 115 East Park Ave, Suite B P.O. Box 14101 600-E Farringdom Street P.O. Box 8368 102 West Third Street 9121 Anson Way Suite 100 115 E. Park Avenue 525 N Tryon St 4th Floor 6000 Fairview Road 10602 Bailey Rd P.O. Box 91237 1831 Beckwith Place 4441 Six Forks Road Suite 106-264 343 Six Forks Road 2408 Lake Oak Ct 7407 Tallwood Drive 1255 Creekshire Way, Suite 200 822 Pebble Drive 100 N. Tryon St. Suite 2620 PO Box 1829 275 SE Broad St. 5130 Parkway Plaza Boulevard 333 North Greene Street Suite 590 PMB 57 Suite 100 Suite A Nettlewood Professional Park Suite 104 Attn: Connie Larkin 2840 Plaza Place, Suite 100 P.O. Box 910 Suite 100 Suite 200 Suite 100 Suite 203 Ste 430 PO Box 52118 1310 EMS Drive Suite 210 Suite 208 Suite 220 Suite 1700 2940-1 Trawick Road Dogwood Building Suite 350 Suite 200 Suite 601C Suite 100 Suite A P.O. Box 6011, 27628 Suite 601 Suite 230 Suite B Suite 100 P.O.Box 930 Suite 101 Suite 110 Suite 2150 115 Middle Street P.O. Box 908 Suite 200 Suite 1100 Suite 110 49 S Talbert Blvd P. O. Box 7576 Suite 102 Suite 407 537 West Parkway Suite B8 Suite 325 P. O. Box 52118 Ste 107 Suite B Suite 201 Suite 114 PO Box 35437 Suite 203 210 Bridge Street Smithfield Ste 300 Suite 417 Suite B Suite 470 Suite B Suite 1200 Suite D Suite 300 PO Box 1829 Suite 102 Work City Charlotte Greensboro Greensboro Hickory Raleigh Cary Charlotte Littleton Winston-Salem Raleigh Greensboro Durham Charlotte Cary Greenville Zebulon Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Winston-Salem Goldsboro High Point Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Shelby Boone Raleigh High Point Greensboro High Point Rocky Mount Concord Newton Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Chapel Hill Greensboro Charlotte Chapel Hill Greensboro Raleigh Cary Charlotte Charlotte Cary Raleigh Millers Creek Charlotte Raleigh Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Greensboro Gastonia Raleigh Charlotte Gastonia Wilmington Raleigh Laurinburg Charlotte Charlotte Oak Ridge Greensboro Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Raleigh Lumberton Raleigh Albany High Point Charlotte Winston-Salem Rock Hill Greensboro Matthews Greensboro Wilkesboro Raleigh Fayetteville Raleigh Sanford Asheville Winston-Salem Pineville Asheville Winston-Salem Albany Raleigh Davidson Matthews Greensboro Raleigh Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Mocksville Charlotte Greensboro Kannapolis Charlotte Winston-Salem Raleigh Durham Greensboro Mt. Airy Shelby Cary Charlotte High Point Charlotte Charlotte Durham Greensboro High Point Charlotte Greensboro Raleigh Greenville Raleigh Raleigh Charlotte Chapel Hill Clemmons Winston-Salem Raleigh Charlotte Charlotte Winston Salem Southern Pines Burlington Raleigh Asheville Greensboro Charlotte Raleigh Raleigh Sanford Burlington Fayetteville Greensboro Charlotte Lexington Asheville Winston-Salem Pleasant Garden Greensboro Raleigh Greensboro Cary Winston-Salem Charlotte Jacksonville High Point Morrisville Charlotte Lexington Greenville Asheville Greensboro Greensboro Charlotte Raleigh Greensboro Greensboro Waxhaw Charlotte Charlotte Greensboro Raleigh New Bern Wilmington Raleigh Raleigh Burlington Greensboro Durham Lexington Greensboro Wilson Cornelius Greensboro Marvin Asheville High Point,27262 Indian Trail Raleigh Durham Raleigh Raleigh Charlotte Wilmington Greenville Greensboro Raleigh High Point Work State NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NY NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NY NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Work Zip 28212 27408 27403 28601 27601 27609 28277 27850 27103 27604 27408 27713 28226 27511 27858 27597 28204 28211 28202 28207 27101 27530 27265 28226 28202 28203 28208 28152 28607 27713 27265 27401 27265 27802 28026 28658 28211 28203 28209 27514 27409 28202 27516 27401 27602 27513 28211 28206 27511 27612 28651 28202 27609 28202 28277 28211 27404 28053 27607 28210 28054 28403 27605 28352 28202 28277 27310 27401 28288 28203 28211 27604 28358 27607 12205 27265 28277 27150 29732 27408 28106 27401 28697 27619 28301 27601 27330 28805 27103 28134 28803 27106 12205 27612 28036 28104 27410 27615 28226 28210 28204 27028 28211 27265 28082 28210 27103 27605 27717 27419 27030 28150 27513 28204 27265 28208 28277 27705 27407 27262 28244 27402 27602 27858 27604 27605 28273 27514 27012 27101 27609 28207 28207 27103 28387 27215 27615 28806 27401 28203 27608 27615 27331 27215 28305 27401 28262 27292 28801 27104 27313 27410 27615 27402 27513 27101 28210 28540 27262 27560 28202 27292 27858 28801 27429 27419 28203 27619 27419 27401 28173 28244 28203 27408 27605 28563 28402 27602 27604 27216 27419 27703 27292 27415 27895 28031 27401 28173 28801 27262 28079 27609 27717 27605 27615 28204 28401 27858 27455 27615 27265 Fayetteville Charlotte Asheboro Greensboro Smithfield Charlotte Conover Greensboro Charlotte Boone Havelock Charlotte Durham Lumberton Asheville Winston-Salem Raleigh Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Cornelius Raleigh Charlotte Raleigh Raleigh High Point Denver Winston-Salem Greensboro Charlotte Pinehurst Southern Pines Charlotte Greensboro NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 28301 28208 27703 27408 27577 28203 28613 27401 28203 28607 28532 28203 27709 28358 28814 27101 27615 28203 28255 28262 28031 27675 28205 27609-5729 27609 27265 28037 27103 27410 28206 28370 28387 28217 27401 Preferred Email acrusan@carolina.rr.com aweidt@CarolinaRE.com ahinds@hotelandclub.com awells@teamprism.com bankshunter@hunterandassoc.com barry.bowling@cbre.com bfabyan@bissell-companies.com bwalker17@embarqmail.com brad@freemancommercial.com brantley@commprop.net bruceb@graycourtcommercial.com bknott@pinpointprop.com bruce@thetomlingroup.com besquare@msn.com dardencr@geeksnet.com kennemur@nc.rr.com cee@collett.biz chase.monroe@am.jll.com chris.swart@lincolnharris.com cneil@cornerstonepropertyadvisors.com chris@rammcommercial.com landboycox@yahoo.com cdunbar@blueridgecompanies.com cindy@cindychandler.com cwolfe@bankozarks.com Cliff@Efird-Corp.com connie@argusdevelopmentgroup.com fastbuck@carolina.rr.com dan@weberhodgesgodwin.com dadams@trinity-partners.com dcouch@blueridgecompanies.com dhagan@haganproperties.com dhampton@blueridgecompanies.com dhodges@simmonsandharris.com tdprealty@vnet.net dreitzel@reasinc.com dreule@ccim.net dnb@bunkerlandgroup.com dianedcarter@carolina.rr.com dhavens@geocorp.org dodson.schenck@cbre.com don.moss@colliers.com admin@bpropnc.com dshowfety@emersonprop.com bailey@redeagle-co.com ehoel@cresa.com Eddie.Blanton@REMAX.net echirico@chiricohuber.com eddieblair@nc.rr.com ebrown@naicarolantic.com eacarter@charter.net bo@proctorservices.com fleatherman@aol.com bhege@gsrc.net fbeck@fredbeck.com garthdunklin@wnhplaw.com n89vg@aol.com dhicks@co.gaston.nc.us gary.lyons@lincolnharris.com gstephens@southeastcommercial.com genedavis@carolina.rr.com george@prulaney.com georgeyork@yorkproperties.com gmccook@hastyrealty.com hbreaux@provgrp.com hbissell@bissell-companies.com jachagerty@gmail.com jdavis@bipinc.com jphouser@compassroseassociates.com jkaton@irr.com jim@flagshipcapital.com jane.doggett@highwoods.com jane.smith@century21.com jaytaylor@tarheelcos.com jverro@larkincommercial.com jjou@bellsouth.net jfoster@ccim.net jeffrey.keil@wellsfargo.com jeff.mullis@svn.com jdp@emeraldeventcenter.com jerry@fitzcomm.net jmccraw@bessemerimprovement.com jhc@thecapitalsolution.com glenwod@aol.com john@jnbcommercial.com jboylan@spectrum-properties.com johndaniel@windstream.net jmoutos@hotmail.com jruffin@meridianrealty.com john@trueviewcre.com john@spakerealestate.com jsmith@northstateproperty.com joelarkin@ccim.net jbell@plazaassociatesinc.com krose@roseassociates.com kathy.garner@carolina.rr.com kennethmock@remax.net kspainhour@nc.rr.com rkwcommprop@att.net kjenkins@northmarq.com ki-hyun@chungroup.com email@kyleswicegood.com Louis.Stephens@am.jll.com lowell@triadcommercial.com lynne.safrit@castle-cooke.com clwhite1@bellsouth.net mfulk@merdianrealty.com mjhowe8@aol.com marko@pickett-sprouse.com mark@mprproperties.com bmrogers@rogersrealty.com marlene@prushelby.com mspritzer@cresapartners.com mwaters@watersincorporated.com mflippin@libertyproperty.com bayrockcompany@bellsouth.net lbeckner@carolina.rr.com commusa@live.com mpbarr@grra.org carrm@northstate.net mike.fahey@cbre.com mikefowler@bipinc.com michael@callca.com mikea@greenvillenc.com nancy.smith@bbandt.com petechenery@mindspring.com pvasicko@aacusa.com pgdoyle@earthink.net philip@pstewartrealty.com pwarlick@vnet.net pgriffith@ecgriffith.us ray@killianandassociates.com ray@collinscommprop.com rwf1800@embarqmail.com richard@richardjonesrealestate.com rrowe@wakefieldassociates.net richard.whitney@svn.com rbaker@bipinc.com rob.pressley@cbcmeca.com redpcarter@mindspring.com robcohen@ccim.net info@lcedc.com blewis@naipt.com nctre@aol.com rperkins@naipt.com bobrourke@acre209.com rteam@cipnc.com rab@naibhcommercial.com rod@millerhatcher.com hambrightr@aol.com rchurch@eeacompanies.com rg@russellgay.com rparmele@bipinc.com sdifranco@cresa.com scogburnjr@aol.com shashin67@hotmail.com spierce@onslowedc.com sddelong@northstate.net sthomas@commercialcarolina.com hpsmith@gsrc.net coltraneco@lexcominc.net stan@kawcommercial.com stangreenberg@charter.net stanhope@naimaxwell.com steen@triadcommercial.com sbarker@catellusgroup.com sbrown@kanerealtycorp.com steve@triadcommercial.com sturner@casso.com stevereventures@aol.com steve.lowe@cbre.com steve@enrichcommercial.com sellisccim@triad.rr.com steve.robinson@colliers.com Stewart@ColdwellBankerHomes.com tom@seresg.com thester@hesterco.com thill@highwoods.com tom.steele@wnhplaw.com tom@triadcommercial.com tcapps@triprop.com coltraneco@lexcominc.net lpnull@bessemerimprovement.com tcorbett@1stventureproperties.com Tom.McMahon@svn.com tripbrown@bipinc.com troy.legge@talcre.com Trudy.Parker@AssetMarketing.us vanmcswain@northstate.net vsouthard@themosergroupinc.com vdismukes@gbrecap.com vaverett@aol.com vijay@uncre.com lwyeargan@aol.com sbanner@srenc.com WBFULLER@aol.com al@wajrealty.com willieaj@bellsouth.net dlewis@rivercrestrealty.com ab@realtyanalytix.com aboykin@nc-ccim.org patrick@grantmurrayre.com stan@argusdevelopmentgroup.com hrgallimore@triad.rr.com fred.miller@cbctriad.com rebecca@real-corp.com twh@visionventures.net smf@frazierproperties.com yetter_jeffrey@yahoo.com robcass@ix.netcom.com ErikLanier@Hotmail.com jerryajackson@ec.rr.com shensley@piedmontproperties.com brannonpropertiesnc@gmail.com bradmartin@remax.net ekf@CommercialConsultantsRealty.com william@accrealestate.com WHarwell@KWCommercial.com losborn@piedmontproperties.com rbond@lincolnharris.com karen.mankowski@grubb-ellis.com mffoess@gmail.com kroberts@thebluewatergroup.com rdrayton@ci.charlotte.nc.us Bo@cir-llc.com greg@hobbsproperties.com mark@mcmainc.com von.moody@thomsonreuters.com jay@freemancommercial.com jameslrock@hotmail.com EChoice@LincolnHarris.com jdixon@ccim.net jpittard@nc.rr.com Robert.Vaughn@BBandT.com jstanley@haganproperties.com Designee Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Designee Affiliate Candidate Designee Candidate Designee Designee Designee Designee Affiliate Designee Designee Affiliate Designee Designee Affiliate Candidate Designee Affiliate Designee Candidate Designee Candidate Designee Designee Candidate Designee Designee Designee Candidate Designee Designee Candidate Designee Candidate Designee Designee Designee Candidate Designee Candidate Candidate Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Affiliate Sponsor Designee Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Candidate Designee Affiliate Candidate Candidate Designee Affiliate Designee Designee Candidate Designee Candidate Candidate Candidate CCIM With 25 Years Designee Designee Designee Designee Candidate Affiliate Candidate Designee Designee Candidate Designee Designee Candidate Designee Candidate Designee Candidate Affiliate Designee Affiliate Staff Designee Designee Designee Candidate Candidate Designee Designee Designee Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Designee Candidate Candidate Candidate Affiliate Candidate Designee Affiliate Designee Affiliate Designee Staff Affiliate Affiliate Candidate Affiliate Candidate Designee Designee Affiliate Candidate Affiliate Affiliate Designee Affilate Candidate Candidate Designee Candidate Candidate Affiliate Affiliate Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Affiliate Sponsor Affiliate Designee Designee Designee Designee Candidate Designee Designee Designee Affiliate Candidate Designee Designee Candidate Designee Designee Affiliate Affiliate Designee Designee Candidate Designee Designee Designee Candidate Designee Designee Candidate Designee Designee Affiliate Government Member Candidate Designee Affiliate Candidate Candidate Designee Sponsor Affiliate Affiliate Designee Affiliate Designee Designee Candidate Affiliate Candidate Affiliate 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Mark Bill James William Ram James Peter Christopher Brian Whit Lee Kiran Gary Jason Austin Howard Todd Pamela Stephanie N. Troy Rod William Gina Kristopher Denise Austin Patrick Dave Steve Richard Allison Chris Dustin Chester Christopher Robert Joshua Hillman Harold Charlie Ryan Bryan R. Lisa Barbara Harold Austin Aubrey William Christopher Mark Angus Craig Susan Harris Dale Michael Phil Leslie Phillip Thomas William R. Kevan Linda Benjamin Michael Joseph Christian Christopher Thomas Michael William George Katherine Peter Diana Steven William Phillip Susan Lynn Jonathon Ted Frank James Ketan Randy Richard Peter Gregory Cliff James Addison Beverly William Henry Russ Tara Scott Brian Raine Greg Todd Raven Kim Michael Pat Jonathan A. Jody Justin Rani Michael Jennifer Eric Kate Randy Sam Dan Steve Martha Daniel Terry Mark John Bill Jackie Fitzhugh Peter Lori Smithy Ford Beth Paul Janet Meredith Stephen Joseph Justin James Hope Rob Amy Mark Joseph Brooks Edward Kellie Brian Vernon Rashad A. Tiffany Josh Ann-Fleming George Heidi Julie Thomas Robert Tiffany John Chanel Beth Martha Bryan Connie Hadi Brian Robert Dan Dave Fairfax Chester Shaker Matthew William Matthew Daniel Jacob Sharonetta Scott David Shannon Douglas Heath William Andrew Brooke Trenton Robert Steven Peter Judith John Vincent John Douglas Donald H.K. Karen Lillianna Deane Ronnie Jerry Meda Marc Anne JJ C. Michael Tony O. C. Gordon S A J. L. J. Clift F Thomason Jordan Jason R. M Matthew W. Jeffrey C R McRae C. C. Richard Martin T. L Ann P. M. G. T Wright E. M. P. J. Kevan Aukamp K. M. E. Victor Worth K C. R. B S. Peter Allen T. James Alexander B. G. Clark C. Coleman A. J. B. Tillman Stewart C. L. J. Dickinson L. H. P. A. E. Ryan M. S Patrick McIntyre Ann F. S. M. S. R. L Deal S. Steven Ponder Strickland Holbert Venters Mylton Sinclair Collins Roberts-Broderius Fourie Morris Holland III Jones Buxbaum Johnson Brown Carr Bridger Ward LaLiberte Kellogg Wicker Tyson Jernigan Cherry Reece Lindsay Coffey Milner Stallings Bashyam Sherrill Frandano Hull Smith Procter Porter Patel Hill Dolph Tyler Hawks Harrelson Harrelson Sparrow McCann March Santomassimo Cantey, Jr. Hensley Westmoreland Adams Walker Woods Pawlowski Maygar Kennedy Mitwol Neal Alsop Brown, III Caison Clay Davis Duncan Emerick Fulk Gaylord Greene Hudgins Jackson Jespersen Johnson, Jr. Koon Linville Lisk Lowe MacDonald McDonald Melby Melton Morrison Myrick Newey Payonk Porter Price Rempson Seymour Smith Sorkin Speir, C Waldrop Wannamaker Webb White Wiles Wright Wynne, II Southard Johnston Conn Brown Cook, Jr. Corriher Duke Harris Kadis Lee Weaver Perricone Shah Ligon Mossman Pappas Payne Ray Risser Causey, Jr. Keith Powell Ward Wallace Kreider Alexander Craver Spivey Cox Adams Lawton Brennan Overton Mead Starnes Team Jedele Mullarkey Hussami Ortlip Olevitch Daugherty Brown Rhymer Munday Smith Mitchener Abernethy Gunter III Williams Elliott Ross Phipps Campbell Stout Duffley Harrison Curry Barton Harrelson Brown Clayton Dickerson Duncan Graham Schad Stewart Piggee Altemare Watkins Mayfield Dye Bostic Anderson Falk-Tillett Misenheimer Baumrind Davis Israel Clark Lieberman Powell Thorne Burgess Harvin Derham Whitcomb Barrier Daly Haugh Perry Heric Tan Danko Atri Ford Vande Weghe Warren Rickard Reynolds Allen Karmous King Lewis Wall Marquardt Plotkin McIntyre Hurst Evans Dixon Scott Chapman Cuthbertson Ferguson Gibson Gustafson Jackson Klein Mazeine McClaskey Morris Moss Preiss Redford Steelman Stoneman Tovar Woody TRUE Bryant Kephart Williams DeLille Goldman Joubran Mason Solomon Jenkins CCIM CCIM GRI CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM 919-523-5111 336-369-5974 704-335-4433 919-459-2600 (704) 688-1522 919-414-2022 336-617-5311 ex. 11 3362738484 919-274-5223 7044107295 704-873-7273 704-872-0112 919-719-3353 704-507-7547 910-695-1909 +1 919 831 8256 919-815-7868 910-328-3221 336-953-4425 7046144002 919-770-1665 910--483-3696 919-489-2000 704-332-5800 919-468-1587 336-369-5931 704-347-0793 919-459-2604 704-364-7294 919-834-4488 336-617-5315 3362738401 919-380-8660 336-692-5612 919-496-8820 828-719-0408 336-733-1415 336-885-1801 252-430-7097 828-355-9374 336-733-1424 910-867-2116 910/457-6401 910-867-6011 910/457-7060 The Rosemyr Corporation James Milner BB&T Bashyam Properties, Inc. RE/MAX Homeowners, LTD Southport Realty 704-586-1520 252-728-5462 (336) 288-6997 Ext. 302 704-293-1105 919-913-1116 704-831-8983 828-209-2000 336-358-3241 336-327-3050 336-298-3474 919-677-9400 ext. 108 336-834-8686 919-875-6693 919-319-9212 803-256-7150 336.834.8877 x 20 704-749-8501 252-728-1322 (336) 272-2575 1-866-856-0590 919-929-7913 704-248-0839 828-209-2150 336-586-1992 CIP Real Estate Beaufort Realty Birch Development, Inc. Wilkinson and Associates Grubb&Ellis|Thomas Linderman Graham Chartwell Group Biltmore Farms Commercial NAI Piedmont Triad 704-749-8623 919-677-1444 336-852-7002 919-431-1456 GFD Management Inc. Sperry Van Ness 919-716-7794 828.713.0777 336-547-6776 704-763-0028 919-677-6100 828-279-6699 919-716-2864 704-871-8550 704-872-0116 919-882-8353 910-695-7236 +1 888 827 5777 919-782-6077 910-322-4804 910-6861755 910-323-8683 919-287-2447 704-332-3904 CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM AARE, CCIM CCIM CCIM, SCSM CCIM, CLS CCIM RPA, CPM, CCIM CCIM CCIM Esq. CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM MHA CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM BA/ABR CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM JD MAI, CRE, Esq. CMP CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CRE, MAI, CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM MBA CCIM, PLS CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM James O.Ponder, CCIM Brown Investment Properties Cassidy Turley Vanguard Property Group, LLC Sinclair Properties Collins & Galyon JSF INC. Wells Fargo Bank Holland Realty & Mortgage Corporation Buxbaum Real Estate Compnay, LLC BA Johnson Properties, LLC Clift Commercial LLC CBRE | Raleigh | Brokerage Services East West Partners Ward Realty Corp 648 Geffen Ln Kellogg Realty, Inc Wicker Properties Tyson Commercial Properties, LLC Real Estate Associates, Inc. Cherry and Associates Triad Commercial Properties Cantey & Company, Inc. Presidia Asset Management, LLC A Division of Presidia Real Estate Group, LLC Cassidy Turley Due Diligence Research Group LLC Whitney Commercial Real Estate Services Lomax Properties LLC Tax-Advantage Property Services 919-677-6161 Cresa 888-850-5966 NAI BH Commercial HUNTER & ASSOCIATES Commercial Real Estate 704-206-8264 704-342-3704 Integra Realty Resources 704-335-2783 US Bank 336-541-5504 Brown Investment Properties 704-379-6960 Grandbridge Real Estate Capital 704-824-3311 Clay Realty Advisors, LLC (704) 379-6901 (704) 372-0954 Grandbridge Real Estate Capital 919-789-4255 Colliers Pinkard 919-345-0136 Sperry Van Ness 336-722-1986 3367233173 Meridian Realty Group 919-941-5745 Tri Properties, Inc. 910-332-4114 Cape Fear Commercial 336-214-7676 Hudgins Commercial Investment Advisors 919-881-6260 Wachovia - Real Estate Americas 704-335-4436 704-347-0793 Cassidy Turley 336-884-4555 x243 Craven-Johnson-Pollock, Inc. 9198519111 Jones Lang LaSalle 336-345-7300 Meridian Realty Group 704-982-2173 South Central Oil Co., Inc. 336-207-3245 Christopher T Lowe 919-740-3001 The Stratford Company 919-941-5745 TRI Properties 828-884-4454 The Melby Group, Inc. 704-766-5213 704-875-0102 Bank of America 704-792-2222 ext. 12 Harris Morrison Company 910-763-9096 Ingram, McKenzie and Associates, Inc. 704-287-1134 Mike Newey Real Estate 704-379-6905 Grandbridge Real Estate Company 336-544-2617 Samet Corporation 336-623-3128 704-414-2026 T.R. Lawing Realty, Inc. 336-2823550 Windsor Companies 704-527-6699 704-527-8222 Southeastern Construction & Development Co., Inc. 704-849-0273 Aukamp Brokerage & Consulting, Inc. 704-295-0448 Cherry & Associates, LLC 919-645-1605 Kittrell, Armstrong, & Waldrop, LLC 704-373-1181 Providence Commercial Real Estate Advisors, LLC 704-379-6902 Grandbridge Real Estate Capital LLC 336-383-5926 Alliance Management, Inc 704-375-1000 NAI Southern Real Estate 336-668-9999 Ext 110 Triad Commercial Properties 919-227-5506 919-573-9293 CBC TradeMark Properties 704-882-1700 ext 231 fax- 704-882-2220 The Moser Group, Inc. 866-454-2677 336-547-7707 919-859-2666 704-688-0800 919-461-0587 ext106 (704) 752.8350 704-243-1991 910-395-8266 919-861-2102 704-875-0391 910-433-0888 X-208 919-585-5321 (919) 227-5667 803-366-3535 336-499-9956 910-221-5789 919-493-0395 910-346-8218 252-995-4477 x 3280 704-766-5212 919/674.3687 910-350-1200 919-863-0817 919.815.4390 919-573-8112 704.222.1899 704-333-0660 x222 704-641-5247 704-577-1200 919-493-2726 (980) 233-6454 919-859-2667 919-585-5572 (919) 645-9121 803-366-3535 Paramount Appraisal Group, Inc. High Associates, Ltd. HH Hunt Corporation Chambers Group Edens & Avant Century 21 Brock & Associates Centrex Properties, Inc. Spectrum Properties Weaver Commercial Properties Partners Commercial Realty Unified Commercial Real Estate The Ligon Company,Inc. Real Estate & Auction 910-346-5844 Pappas Commercial Properties Pickett-Sprouse Real Estate Ray Properties 252-321-5200 704-301-2904 336-243-2600 336-250-2977 704-248-6355 (252)756-3500 336 202-2544 704-379-6950 919-678-0878 (336) 733-2111 919-872-5702 704-382-7613 336-358-3225 919-961-5717 704-519-4236 919.785.3434 (919) 786-2060 704-344-1869 704-882-4222 704-882-4222 336-574-8608 704-301-0621 (704)206-8254 919-755-2108 704-377-8982 704-716-0809 704-341-8488 919-841-5700 919-956-4475 919.913.1111 (704)705-3864 828-777-5718 919-831-8196 704-972-2634 919-321-8827 252-714-8706 704-625-9185 336-243-2680 919-861-2103 704-386-6076 866-268-3589 919-573-9297 919-287-2248 (980) 233-6501 980-422-0094 (252)347-1287 336 373 0260 704-372-0954 CBC Trademark Properties SMS Real Estate Investment Services Inc. Gallant Properties Reign Realty The Bissell Companies, Inc. Spritzer Commercial Properties RBC Capital Markets Triangle Commercial Association of REALTORS Coldwell Banker Commercial CoastalMark L3 Realty of Mooresville, LLC Carolina Investment Properties The Meridian Realty Group Tierra Bella Realty Aldridge & Southerland, Inc. NAI Piedmont Triad Grandbridge Real Estate Capital RP Realty Partners, LLC BB&T Commercial Properties, Inc. 336-373-0260 919-554-0879 704-525-8700 919.785.0802 NAI Piedmont Triad Mill Ridge Commercial Real Estate Lat Purser and Associates, Inc. Grubb & Ellis|Thomas Linderman Graham DLA Piper LLP (US) Withrow Capital, Inc. Eagle Engineering Eagle Engineering Richardson Properties IREM Western North Carolina Chapter No. 40 Integra Realty Resources Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC Charlotte Region Commercial Board of REALTORS® Horack Talley Lodging Partners, LLC 919-841-0220 Q10 Professional Mortgage of NC Self-Help Credit Union Avison Young (704)705-3851 Thalhimer Beverly-Hanks & Associates CBRE Faison & Associates Stewart Commercial Tradd Commercial RLA Holdings York Properties Sperry Van Ness/Southern Commercial Real Estate, LLC 919-755-220 American Asset Corporation 7043327176 Griffith Real Estate Services 919-544-9749 Kerr Drug Inc 919-846-9771 Drucker and Falk 336-217-8211 CapitalSource (NYSE: CSE) Baumrind Development Company Wachovia Corporate R.E. NAI BH Commercial 3362719001 Lewis & Clark Realtors Circle K Southeast Lincoln Harris 252-641-1585 Thorne Realty, Inc. 305-397-2866 Grubb & Ellis|Thomas Linderman Graham TD Property Group, LLC 704-808-5147 PNC Bank The Meridian Realty Group Inc. Coldwell Banker Commercial Trademark Properties, AMO® AN ACCREDITED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION® 919-821-2070 The Lundy Group Gentry and Associates Real Estate Services, LLC Wells Fargo Bank U Realty KW Commercial 888-808-8221 RE/MAX Executive-Commercial 704-749-2640 Capstone Multifamily Group 704-527-1155 Evergreen Commercial Properties, Inc. 7047497910 Elliott Davis, PLLC 336-586-1992 NAI Piedmont Triad Commercial Properties, Inc. 7042222850 919-645-2771 803/325-1000 919-821-2700 7043327173 919-608-1020 919-846-7300 336.298.7231 704-643-6300 (704) 374-4422 828-210-3945 3362712727 5154197912 704-714-7671 252-823-7930 305-484-0138 919.286.5900 704-231-0006 704-338-0071 3364802088 919.877.8919 919-274-5149 (919) 669-7057 704-383-1034 704-724-8703 704-451-7485 704-405-8800 704-962-9462 704-527-8600 7043338881 336-358-3236 336-584-4133 919.785.3434 919.719.819 919-630-6275 919-872-2296 (919) 828-8800 (704) 541-0901 919-623-1920 919-832-0594 336-558-8094 919-830-7184 9192180867 (919) 467-8880 (704) 362-7230 (919) 831-8211 (704) 370-3000 (704) 527-6780 EXT 327 (704) 541-1393 (704) 632-1013 7049793333 x202 (704) 264-3625 (704) 543-7970 (919) 781-8870 (919) 942-1141 (919) 341-8571 (919) 532-1123 (919) 803-6815 704/644-4024 (704) 804-7540 (704) 439-5399 (404) 680-2725 704-375-0183 x331 704-347-8942 919 267-3235 919-934-1900 336-668-9999 919-349-5804 336-314-6100 919.821.6642 3366620411 828 684-5468 U.S. Trust - Bank of America Trinity Partners Coldwell Banker Commercial Sun Coast York Properties, Inc 919-832-7385 866-289-0745 (704) 943-1590 704-348-2918 704-347-8981 919 267-3436 919-934-0081 Grubb & Ellis|Thomas Linderman Graham Coldwell Banker Commercial Tradmark Properties The Lewis Group Sterling Properties Group, Inc. The Maraquardt Group, LLC NAI Carolantic Realty, Inc. Coldwell Banker Triad, Realtors Coldwell Banker Commercial Advantage CASTO SOUTHEAST Scott Realty Advisors LLC CBRE SouthEast Commercial Real Estate Group, Inc. American Forest Management Hart Corporation Percival McGuire Commercial Real Estate Metrolina Capital Advisors LLC CBRE Monticello Land Company, LLC Plaza Associates, Inc. Morris Commercial Copper Creek Properties The Preiss Company LNR Property Corp Paragon Commercial Bank Foothills Capital KW Commercial Masters Realty Group Charlotte Metro Credit Union Charlotte Regional Partnership J Kephart Real Estate Tilghman & Company Triad Commercial Properties Joubran Commercial Properties Timmons Group Colliers PKF Consulting USA 101 Four Meadows Lane 440 West Market St 550 S. Tryon Street 3900 Merton Drive 6310 Fairview Road P.O. Box 20314 PO Box 4205 5602 Bledsoe Drive 51 Kilmayne Dr. 550 South Tryon Street P.O. Box 66 P.O. Box 6603 3410 Hillsborough St. Po Box 1739 155 West New York Avenue 4208 Six Forks Road, Suite 1220 1450 Environ Way PO BOX 2800 230 E Sailsbury St. 417 Grandin Road 8600 Bald Eagle Lane 101 Hay Street, Suite 2 3333 Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd. Suite C 338 South Sharon Amity Rd. #115 4035 Premier Dr. 1326 Lakeshore Dr P.O. Box 108 P.O. Box 1392 150 South Stratford Road, Suite 320 1417 Elberon Place 5509 Yadkin Rd. 727 N. Howe Street 5893 Cottonwood Lane 3809 Beam Road 325 Front St. 1118 Grecade Street 8604 Cliff Cameron Drive Suite 110 100 Europa Dr, Ste 190 8000 Corporate Center Dr., Ste 112 One Town Square Blvd. Suite 300 3005 S. Church Street 4350 Lassiter at North Hills Ave 7694 Crabtree Valley Court 806 Harward Lane 3718 Alliance Drive Suite C 4700 Metcalf Dr 105 Marble Falls Way 3300 Harrison Road PO Box 7948 550 South Tryon Street 104 Pinecroft Drive 1100 Ridgefield Blvd. Suite 100 PO Box 1318 314 Hunter Ln 200 Cascade Pointe Lane 410 Executive Park 127 West Hargett Street 214 W. Tremont Suite 200 230 N. Tryon St. P.O. Box 930 227 West Trade Street P.O. Box 5 227 West Trade Street, Suite 305 3110 Edwards Mill Road 6736 Falls of Neuse Road 380 Knollwood St, Ste 430 4309 Emperor Blvd. 1051 Military Cutoff Road P.O. Box 2211 150 Fayetteville Street 550 South Tryon Street, Suite 3400 615 North Hamliton Street 5420 Wade Park BoulevardSuite 206 2121 West Main Street 2318 Danbury Road 8540 Colonnade Center Drive 4309 Emperor Blvd Ste. 110 205 Grove Street 13801 Reese Boulevard P.O. Box 145 P.O. Box 1384 7330 Bedfordshire Drive 227 West Trade Street 309 Gallimore Dairy Rd P.O. Box 867 1445 East 7th Street P.O. Box 9205 224 Foster Ave. 1201 Ilsemont Place 338 South Sharon Amity Road #115 3700 Computer Drive, Suite 280 1307 West Morehead St. 227 West Trade Street 1400 W. Northwood St. 1701 East 3rd Street 4035 Premier DriveSuite 203 1001 Wade Avenue 231 Post Office Drive, Suite B8 Suite 301 Suite 210 Suite 305 Suite 1400 Suite 101 Suite 203 MC: 001-05-03-30 Suite D PO Box 2478 Suite 350 Suite 266 #3400 Suite 101 Suite 100 30th Floor Suite 305 115 Main Street Suite 210 Suite 200 Suite 430 Suite 110 Suite 200 Suite 200 Suite 105 Suite 1 Suite 300 Suite 305 Suite 102 Suite 107 Ste 305 Suite 300 4011 Westchase Boulevard 11020 David Taylor Drive 117 Edinburgh South 17214 Lancaster Hwy 6705 Providence Road South 265 Racine Dr. 5410 Trinity Road 201 S. Tryon Street 350 Wagoner Dr. 1652 E Booker Dairy Rd 1001 Wade Avenue, Suite 107 315 e. Main st.,P.O. Box 4815 , 101 Centreboro Drive 304 Owen Drive P.O. Box 52118 3684-B Henderson Drive PO Box 450 13801 Reese Blvd., Suite 300 8020 Arco Corporate Drive 1430 Commonwealth Drive 1900 Cameron Street 212 Sturminster Dr 1001 Wade Ave, Ste 300 1405 Bristol Place Court 1812 East Blvd 15720 John J. Delaney Drive, Suite 300 13860 Ballantyne Corporate Place 5102 Durham Chapel Hill Blvd 4720 Piedmont Row Drive 1800 Perimeter Park Dr, Suite 120 1516 SE Greenville Blvd 229 Medical Park Rd. Suite 201 16 South Main Street 380 Knollwood Street 1001 East WT Harris Blvd. Ste. D 226 Commerce Street 101 W Friendly Ave Ste 200 South College Street, Suite 2100 Westchase III, Suite 120 Suite 130 Suite 100 Suite 301 200 West Second Street MC: 001-16-08-10 1004 Wake Forest Road 101 Cambridge Road 101 West Friendly Ave Suite 601 818 S White Street 4530 Park Road Vice President, Property Management 4141 Parklake Avenue 1341 East Morehead St. 2013 Van Buren Ave. 2013 Van Buren Ave. 701 Green Valley Rd. 445 Blairmore Drive 214 W. Tremont Avenue, Suite 200 150 Fayetteville Street Mall, Suite 2100 400 East Blvd., Suite 210 301 South College Street 5801 Cary Ridge Dr 8816 Six Forks Road 301 S. Circle Drive 100 Europa Drive, Suite 190 1111 Metropolitan Avenue Ste. 315 300 Executive Park 4208 Six Forks Rd 121 W. Trade St. 3604 Shannon Rd Executive Vice President 106 Carabelle Circle 801 Oberlin Road 1926 India Hook Road 7990 Arco Corporate Drive 1944 Brunswick Avenue 3220 Spring Forest Road 7200 Stonehenge Drive Ste 211 2205-K Oak Ridge Rd #217 6631 Bunker Hill Circle 201 N. Tryon Street 410 Executive Park 1016 N Elm 100 N. Tryon, Suite 3120 101 N Main Street 112 Highlands Drive 2200 W. Main Street 2711 Lemon Tree Lane 200 Providence Rd, Suite 300 380 Knollwood Street 1001 Wade Ave., Suite 300 PO Box 33279 100 Large Oaks Drive 301 S Tryon St; 9th Floor 17800 Durrango Ct. 520 Collins Aikman Dr. 3426 Torinngdon Way 1600 Camden Road 2100 Crescent Avenue Suite 250 700 East Morehead Street 3005 South Church Street 3008 Forestdale Drive 1511 Sunday Drive, Suite 200 3313 Ashby Place 4163 Union Square Blvd 2019 Fairview Rd 10722 Carmel Commons Blvd. 3119 Ashel St. 3605 Glenwood Ave 1505 Westover Terrace 6020 Creedmoor Road 3325 Hampton Road 124 Towerview 1918 S. Wendover Road 4208 Six Forks 1401 West Morehead Street 2401 Whitehall Park Dr 7422 Carmel Executive Park Suite 216 301 S. McDowell Street 108 Gateway Blvd. STE 104 214 N. Tryon Street 7301 Carmel Executive Park P.O. Box 31147 194 Finley Golf Course Rd. 2837 Sterling Park Drive 1700 Hillsborough Street 8004 Connestee Court 4725 Piedmont Row Drive 2100 Crescent Avenue Suite 250 17729 Spinnakers Reach Dr 735 Haywood Rd 718 Central Ave 550 South Caldwell Street 6736 Falls of Neuse Rd 27-107 Annette Drive 4035 Premeir Drive Suite 203 1328 Banburry Rd. P.O. Box 39803 PO Box 2611 8642 W. Market St 15 North Oak Forest Drive Suite 102 Suite 304 Suite 550 Suite 160 Suite 300 Suite 175 Suite 102 . Suite 300 7403 Stonecroft Park Dr 203 Suite 240 Suite 201 Suite 430 Suite 601 Commercial Real Estate Lending Manager 300 1511 Sunday Drive, Suite 200 Suite 300 Suite 211 Suite 1220 27th Floor Suite 103 Suite 335 119 Suite 2000 Suite 570 Suite 430 MAC D1130-091 Suite 108 100 103 400 Suite 112 Suite 200 Suite 400 100 Suite 1220 Suite 125 Suite 1100 Suite 1200 Suite 4000 Suite 222 Suite 102 Suite 200 Suite B Suite 760 Suite 203 150 Fayette Street Suite 2500 136 Morrisville Greensboro Charlotte Raleigh Charlotte Raleigh Greensboro Greensboro Cary Charlotte Statesville Statesville Raleigh Indian Trail Southern Pines Raleigh Chapel Hill Surf City Asheboro Charlotte Wilmington Fayetteville Durham Charlotte High Point New London Henderson Boone Winston-Salem Raleigh Fayetteville Southport Winston-Salem Charlotte Beaufort Greensboro Charlotte Chapel Hill Charlotte Asheville Burlington Raleigh Charlotte Cary Greensboro Raleigh Cary Columbia Greensboro Charlotte Raleigh Asheville Greensboro Charlotte, NC Cary Asheville Raleigh Charlotte Charlotte Greensboro Charlotte McAdenville Charlotte Raleigh Raleigh Winston Salem Durham Wilmington Burlington Raleigh Charlotte High Point Raleigh Winston Salem Albemarle Greensboro Raleigh Durham Brevard Huntersville Concord Wilmington Charlotte Charlotte Greensboro Eden Charlotte Greensboro Charlotte Matthews Charlotte Raleigh Charlotte Charlotte Greensboro Charlotte High Point Raleigh Indian Trail NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 27560 27401 28202 27609 28210 27619 27404 27401 27511 28202 28687 28687 27607 28079 28387 27609 27517 28445 27203 28208 28411 28301 27707 28211 27265 28217 27536 28607 27104 27609 28303 28461 27103 28217 28516 27408 28269 27517 28226 28801 27215 27609 27455 27516 27407 27612 27519 29204 27417 28202 27609 28806 27402 28211 27513 28801 27601 28203 28202 27402 28202 28101 28202 27612 27615 27103 27703 28405 27216 27602 28202 27262 27607 Raleigh Charlotte Cary Cornelius Waxhaw Wilmington Raleigh Charlotte Fayetteville Smithfield Raleigh Rock Hill Greensboro Fayetteville Durham Jacksonville Avon Huntersville Raleigh Wilmington Raleigh Holly Springs Raleigh Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Durham Charlotte Morrisville Greenville Mooresville Lexington Winston-Salem Charlotte Greenville Greensboro Charlotte Cary Winston-Salem Raleigh Huntersville Greensboro Wake Forest Charlotte Raleigh Raleigh Charlotte Indian Trail Indian Trail Greensboro Charlotte Charlotte Raleigh Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Raleigh Durham Chapel Hill Charlotte Asheville Cary Charlotte Durham Charlotte Salisbury Raleigh Rock Hill Raleigh Charlotte Raleigh Raleigh Oak Ridge Indian Trail Charlotte Asheville Greensboro NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC OH NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 27607 28262 27511 28277 28173 28403 27607 28202 28303 27577 27605 29732 27409 28304 27717 28546 27915 28078 27617 28403 27605 27605 27605 28226 28203 28277 28277 27707 28210 27560 27858 28117 27292 27103 28213 27858 27401 28202 27518 27101 27604 28078 27401 27587 28209 27607 27612 28204 28079 28079 27402 28211 28203 27601 28203 28202 28277 27615 27516 27517 28204 28801 27609 28202 27707 28211 28144 27605 29732 27617 28207 27616 27613 27310 28210 28206 28801 27401 Charlotte Tarboro Hampstead Durham Charlotte Charlotte Winston Salem Cary Raleigh Cary Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Burlington Burlington Raleigh Raleigh Dublin Raleigh Charlotte Raleigh Raleigh Greensboro Raleigh Raleigh Cary Charlotte Raleigh Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Harrisburg Charlotte Charlotte Raleigh Chapel Hill Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Charlotte Charlotte Cornelius Asheville Charlotte Charlotte Raleigh Benson High Point Raleigh Greensboro Raleigh Greensboro Asheville 28001 27408 27615 27703 28712 28078 28026 28402 28226 28202 27409 27289 28204 27429 28203 28105 28211 27609 28208 28202 27408 28204 27265 27605 28079 28202 27886 28443 27705 28211 28207 27103 27605 27636 27518 28208 28278 28262 28277 28203 28207 28202 27215 27215 27607 27604-1601 43016 27608 28226 27612 27612 27408 27612 27607 27539 28211 27609 28208 28273 28226 28204 28117 28277 28226 27622 27517 27603 27605 27612 28210 28207 28031 28806 28204 28202 27615 27504 27265 27607 27438 27602 27409 28803 ponder759@aol.com bstrickland@bipinc.com Lane.Holbert@cassidyturley.com gventers@vanguardpg.com jeff.mylton@53.com lsinclair@aacre.com tcollins@collinsgalyon.com roberts4land@triad.rr.com jfourie@nc.rr.com david.morris1@wellsfargo.com holland@statesville.net davljones@aol.com jon@buxbaumrealestate.com bajohnsonprop@aol.com sales@cliftcommercial.com brian.carr@cbre.com fbridger@ewp-nc.com dward@wardrealty.com rlaliber@uncc.edu email@carolyntkellogg.com jameswicker70@hotmail.com kirby@tysoncommercial.com sjernigan@realestateassoc.com joe@cherryassociates.com jordan@triadcommercial.com mlindsay@lindsaycommercialproperties.com bill@rosemyr.com jamesrmilner@gmail.com bill.stallings@bbandt.com rbashyam@bellsouth.net jamessherrill@remax.net pfrandano@southport-realty.com cnkhull@triad.rr.com bsmith@ciprealestate.com CCIM@WhitProcter.com lee@birchdevelopment.com info@kiranbroker.com gary.hill@tlgcre.com jdolph@chartwellgroup.com atyler@biltmorefarms.com hhawks@naipt.com todd.harrelson@thalhimer.com PamelaM.Harrelson@gmail.com ssparrow@gfdinc.com jeff.mccann@svn.com troy.march@highwoods.com rod@massimo-group.com bill@cantey.com ghensley@presidiagroup.com kris.westmoreland@cassidyturley.com dadams@ddrgp.com awalker@whitneycre.com pwoods@lomaxproperties.com dave@tax-adv.com smaygar@cresa.com dkennedy@naibhcommercial.com allison@hunterandassoc.com cneal@irr.com dustin.alsop@usbank.com chetbrown@bipinc.com ccaison@gbrecap.com Bob@ClayRealtyAdvisors.com joshdavis@gbrecap.com hduncan@collierspinkard.com rick.emerick@svn.com cfulk@meridianrealty.com rgaylord@triprop.com bgreene@capefearcommercial.com rhudgins@HudginsCommercial.com lisa.l.jackson@wachovia.com Barbara.Jespersen@cassidyturley.com haljohnson@cjprealtors.com austin.koon@am.jll.com aubrey@ralproperties.com will@southcentraloil.com clowe@sametcorp.com markm@alumni.duke.edu amcdonald@triprop.com cmelby@earthlink.net susan.melton@ustrust.com harris@mbcompanies.com myrick@ncappraiser.com mnewey@att.net ppayonk@gbrecap.com lporter@sametcorp.com phil@millerhatcher.com jrempson@trlawing.com bseymour@windsorcommercial.com ksmith@secbuild.com linccim@windstream.net ben@cherryassociates.com michael@waldropproperties.com cwannamaker@providencecommercial.com cjwebb@gbrecap.com thomas@alliancecompanies.com mwiles@srenc.com bill@triadcommercial.com vwynne@cbctmp.com kesouthard@aol.com dconn@paramountag.com sbrown@high.net wrcook@hhhunt.com phil@chambers-group.com sduke1030@yahoo.com lynnharrisccim@aol.com jkadis@centrexproperties.com tedlee@spectrum-properties.com efw@weavercompanies.com jperricone@partnerscrnc.com ketan@uncre.com randyligon@theligoncompany.com richard.mossman@cbre.com peter@pappascommercial.com greg@pickett-sprouse.com cliff@rayproperties.com alexr@outerbeaches.com Addison.Causey@ustrust.com bkeith@trinity-partners.com gpowell8@ec.rr.com henryward@yorkproperties.com RussWallace@nc.rr.com tkreider@cbctmp.com alexander.scott33@gmail.com bcraver@gallantprop.com rainespivey@gmail.com dgregcox@gmail.com todd@spritzercommercial.com raven.lawton@rbccm.com KimB@tcar.com moverton@cbcworldwide.com pat.mead@att.net jstarnes@cipnc.com coleman@meridianrealty.com jjedele@tierrabella.net justinm@aldridgeandsoutherland.com rhussami@naipt.com mortlip@gbrecap.com jolevitch@rprp.com edaugherty@bbandt.com kate@commprop.net Randy.Rhymer@duke-energy.com smunday@naipt.com dsmith@millridgerealestate.com steve.mitchener@latpurser.com martha.abernethy@tlgcre.com daniel.gunter@dlapiper.com twilliams@withrowcapital.com melliott@eagleonline.net jross@eagleonline.net bphipps@richcorp.com iremnc40@carolina.rr.com fstout@irr.com PDuffley@wcsr.com Lori@associationoffices.com scurry@horacktalley.com Ford@BartonDevelopment.com bharrelson@profmortgagenc.com paul.brown@self-help.org janet.clayton@avisonyoung.com meredith.dickerson@thalhimer.com stepheng@beverly-hanks.com joe.graham@cbre.com justin.schad@faison.com jastewart@ccim.net hope.piggee@blantonrealty.com raltemare@gmail.com amywatkins@yorkproperties.com mark.mayfield@svn.com jdye@aacusa.com bbostic@ecgriffith.us eanderson@kerrdrug.com kft@druckerandfalk.com bmisenheimer@capitalsource.com vbaumrind@gmail.com rashad.davis@wachovia.com RyanIsrael3@gmail.com tiffany@lewisclarkrealtors.com jslieberman@sunocoinc.com AnnFleming.Powell@lincolnharris.com trey@thornerealtync.com heidi@whatsmyirr.com julie.harvin@tlgcre.com tderham@tdpropertygroup.com robert.whitcomb@pnc.com Tiffany@meridianrealty.com jdaly@cbctmp.com CHAUGH@LundyGroup.com bethannperry@bellsouth.net martha.heric@wellsfargo.com bryan@myurealty.com conniedanko@kwcommercial.com hadi.atri@remax.net brian@capstoneapts.com bob@evergreencp.com dwarren@elliottdavis.com drickard@naipt.com fairfax.reynolds@gmail.com chester.allen@tlgcre.com shakerkarmous@hotmail.com matt.111.king@gmail.com mike@thelewisgroup.biz matt.wall@sterlingpropertiesgroup.com dan@themarquardtgroup.com JPlotkin@naicarolantic.com sha@gileadhomes.com scotthurst1@yahoo.com davidevans220@gmail.com sdixon@castoinfo.com dscott@scottgrp.net heath.chapman@cbre.com wrc@southeastcommercial.com andy.ferguson@amforem.biz bgibson@hartcorp.com tgustafson@pmcre.com joe.jackson@metrolinacapitaladvisors.com steven.klein@cbre.com pmazeine@earthlink.net jmorris@morriscommercial.com vem@coppercreekproperties.com john.preiss@tpco.com doug.redford@nc.rr.com graysteelman@yahoo.com beau@foothillscapital.com KTovar@KW.com lillianna@bellsouth.net dtrue@cmcu.org rbryant@charlotteusa.com jkephart@jkephartre.com meda@tilghmanandco.com marc@triadcommercial.com goldprop5@bellsouth.net jjjoubran@gmail.com smason@smithlaw.com mike.solomon@triad.rr.com tony.jenkins@pkfc.com Affiliate Candidate Affilate Designee Candidate Affiliate Designee Affiliate Designee Designee Member Designee Affiliate Designee Designee Candidate Candidate Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Affilate Candidate Designee Sponsor Designee Candidate Candidate Affilate Affiliate Candidate Affiliate Candidate Affiliate Affilate Affiliate Candidate Designee Designee Candidate Candidate Sponsor Affilate Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Candidate Candidate Candidate Designee Candidate Designee Designee Designee Candidate Designee Candidate Designee Candidate Candidate Candidate Designee Candidate Designee Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate Designee Candidate Affiliate Affiliate Affilate Designee Candidate Designee Affilate Affilate Affilate Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate Affilate Candidate Candidate Affiliate Designee Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Desmond Jennifer Mickey Sid John Brad Malcolm Teresa Susanne Curtis Francis Frank Darrell Jay Darren Salvatore Roderick Robin Tim David Wendy Brad Kathy Eric Marnie Helen Fred Christian David Jim Henri Douglas Barry Robert Hardy Kristian Greg Clinton James Terri David Marc Joseph Wes Cristiana Patricia Cybil Jolie Amie Sarah Tonya Mark Steve John Steven Duncan Kenneth Kelli Henry Harold Jim Wesley Naoyuki Chris Timothy Alejandro Jeff Frank Steve Abner Scott Rebecca Stephen David Bert Edwin Carl Rob Richard Neil Liz Christine Jay Sue Karl Jeffrey Sarah Rachel Monty Jonathan Mary Annette Carol Matthew James (Tripp) David Zack Walid Meghan Michelle Morgan Dawn Andrew Dustin Jen Susan Sheri Holly Lisa Megan Doug Candi Matt J. Steve Eric Cheryl M William L Braxton Ray Griffith H. R. H. K. E. C. Cory Wesley M. D. M. Michael Nathaniel Medlin W. H. P B C. H. Rex Sheridan Jackson Norris Bhatt Lambert Bowman Lewis Daughtry Woosley Burge Teague Morisey McCormick Vaughn Wood DiFranco, Jr. Gee Turner Masters Powell Jamison Spink Anderson Roeder Settle Locklear Welker Reyes Dorton Gamble Gresset Strickland Wagner Link Jones, Jr. Kellogg West Robertson Flowers Thompson Lee Best Shull Grant Wall Gordon Abrao Tenholder Snoke Brandon Burdette Craig Culbertson Gassaway Haggart Johnson Kline Lomax, Jr. McLeod Daniels, Jr. Fricks III Kubo Miller Mills Rodriguez Siebold Warren Branch Wright Darnell Lee Thomas Morris Nowell Sconfienza Essa Speir Bowen, Jr. Grant Ward Bannerman Vincent, Jr. Smith Hudson IV Daniels Sonke Mazzotta Recoulley Brome Wilken Hefner Bradley Maynard Guin III Larr, III Morgan Sobh Reames Benson Poplin Campbell Jenkins Read Aber Jester Colvin Alderman Israel Jayaprakash Copeland McDowell Burleson, PE VP Thomas Chandler Vernon Pensabene CCIM CCIM CCIM, CPM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CPM® CCIM CRE SIOR CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM CCIM Candidate CCIM CCIM, MAI CCIM CCIM CCIM PhD/JD CPM, SIOR 336-275-7626 704-622-5721 704-778-8273 843-742-1970 704-206-8300 704-987-0000 919-227-5511 919-585-5327 (828) 553-6307 (828) 274-4009 (704) 343 2828 ext 11 (919) 277-1125 (336) 631-5778 704-375-1000 7046444599 919-677-6100 704 837 8317 x111 704-338-6898 919-426-6635 704-377-2500 704-840-8030 704-995-1164 202-658-8550 919-425-6465 919.677.6100 843-249-9494 (336) 361-4641 (980)683-1157 919.981.4006 704 206 8335 704-607-45514 919-247-1809 919-645-6972 704.525.5152 336-854-5868 704-575-0323 910-221-4200 7043784923 704-612-0754 (803) 463-0948 7048874765 919-920-2480 (704) 442-0222 704-628-6601 919-420-7801 704-331-4914 704-338-6042 704-338-6040 919-601-7339 (980) 388-8812 (704)717-5644 (704)577-1860 (704) 953-5500 (704)375-7771 (828) 684-2929 (704) 808-5025 (803) 407-6446 (704) 737-5151 (704) 999-7944 (704)336-5240 (919) 871-6300 (919)824-4858 (704) 527-6780 ext 322 (704) 618-1358 704-907-4752 (501) 766-5577 (704) 371-4402 (910) 738-3441 (336)768-4410 (828) 439-4359 (919) 524-2374 (704)715-1274 704-796-2468 919-781-9998 919-832-6658 336-297-1000 704-409-2370 571-436-7507 9108291617 704-715-9431 (919) 848-4511 828-295-0700 336-273-7293 704-973-9138 Isaacson Isaacson Sheridan & Fountain, LLP Allen Tate The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. Global Commercial Sales Collett and Associates First Federal Properties, Inc. Coldwell Banker Commercial TradeMark Properties Partners Commercial Realty 8286979095 NAI Beverly-Hanks Commercial CoveStar Investment Realty Advisors Selwyn Property Group Morisey Commercial D.McCormick Commercial Properties 704-375-2384 NAI Southern Real Estate 7043658911 The Providence Group 677-6181 Cresa TSR Commercial, LLC 704-344-0694 O'Leary Group Waste Systems 919-278-7709 Integrity Investment Partners, LLC 704-372-2619 Horack Talley Pharr & Lowndes, P.A. RE/MAX Executive Realty Keller Williams 101 W. Friendly Avenue 2432 Hassell Place 6701 Carmel Road 5915 Vidal Lane 1111 Metropolitan Avenue 20306 N Main St #110 1001 Wade Avenue 1652 E. Booker Dairy Rd 400 Beverly-Hanks Centre 932 Hendersonville Road 1914 Brunswick AvenueSuite 2A 3515 Keats Pl. 1325 Ivy Ave. 1701 E. Third Street 521 E. Morehead Street 200 Cascade Pointe Land 9832 Pallisers Terrace 1938 South Blvd PO Box 584 301 South College Street 6842 Morrison Blvd 520 Collins Aikman Dr. SunTrust Bank Cresa Native Realty,LLC Lincoln Financial Group Cushman & Wakefield 919.981.4300 Williams Mullen: A Professional Corporation Collett & Associates 803-802-0005 Kuester Real Estate Services Education Foundation of the CCIM Institute Lincoln Harris 704.357.0023 ECS Carolinas, LLP 336-292-5416 HBJ Group Inc. BCG Interiors 910-221-4211 Clift Commercial 7043588342 Zapata Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. 704-612-0757 Succession Capital Partners, LLC Kimco Realty Phoenix Solutions, LLC Best Commercial Development (704) 367-0196 Brackett Flagship Properties, LLC National Property Inspections Commercial and Residential Inspections 919-420-7807 Macallan Construction Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Ric, LLP 704-338-6090 Bradley Arant Boult Cummings Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP AuctionFirst CB Richard Ellis The CRE Consulting Group/Kw Commercial IHG Realty LLC Cardinal Real Estate Partners, LLC Cassidy Turley Key Commercial Real Estate Group Fifth Third Bank HK Meridian, Inc. 3700 Oldridge Court Healthcare Realty CHA Grandbridge Real Estate Capital University of North Carolina American Forest Management, Inc. 2323 Operations Drive 200 Cascade Pointe Lane, Suite 101 4396 Baldwin Avenue #1 Little River,SC 29566 866-302-1680 408-399-6101 919.677.6161 843-249-7919 Tradd Commercial Real Estate Siebold Group Consulting, LLC Warren & Associates Premier Advantage Realty Freeman Commercial Burke Development Inc. Realcorp Real Estate & Development Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Bank Mikels and Jones Properties 919-839-2255 The Site Group 336-297-1039 Essa Commercial Real Estate, Inc. Colliers International 919-800-3030 Golden Realty & Management 9103233607 Grant-Murray Real Estate, LLC 704-715-1468 Wells Fargo Commercial Real Estate Bannerman Contracting Company 828-295-0047 Vincent Properties Inc. (910) 541-0138 Southern Coastal Real Estate 919.645.3397 919.789.0268 Cassidy Turley 800-313-1026 Jeff Daniels and Associates, LLC 919-601-7339 AuctionFirst North Carolina, Inc 704-869-2504 Gvest Partners LLC RE/MAX Essential 9195936566 Campus Advantage (704) 731-8096 Home Management (704)641-4663 121 Realty, LLC (704) 400-6043 Bradley Real Estate & Development (910)612-4254 (704)904-7469 TRIPP Commercial, LLC 704-243-1362 AccuMeasure 704-343-2362 McGuireWoods, LLP 910-686-9114 ECS Carolinas, LLP 202-346-6500 CoStar Group, Inc. 919-654-6700 Office Suites PLUS (704) 373-9797 The Nichols Company (336) 393-0557 tw telecom 800.879.7172. Karnes 704-687-7571 Belk School of Business 704-714-7644 Lincoln Harris (336) 768-5560 336-852-2004 Colvin, Sutton, Winters and Associates 336.370.8814 SCHELL BRAY AYCOCK ABEL & LIVINGSTON PLLC 336.370.8814 SCHELL BRAY AYCOCK ABEL & LIVINGSTON PLLC 704-489-9551 Thomson Reuters (336) 370-2892 The Business Journal 919.821.1350 IREM Greater Raleigh-Durham Chapter 105 919-851-4422 BASS NIXON and KENNEDY, Inc. 919.785.3434 Grubb & Ellis|Thomas Linderman Graham 919.865.2002 Tricom (919) 781-4000 Wyrick Robbins Yates & Ponton LLP (336) 393-0557 tw telecom 6716 Rothchild Dr 301 Fayetteville Street, Suite 1700 (27601) 1111 Metropolitan Ave PO Box 430 North Michigan Avenue 5430 Wade Park Boulevard Suite 300 1812 Center Park Drive 5213 Beckwyck Drive 1111 Hawthorne Lane 2919 Breezewood Ave 6302 Fairview Rd. 212 South Tryon Street One SouthPark Center 1600 Camden Rd 2815 N William St 2701 Coltsgate Road, Suite 300 P.O. Box 1726 900 W. Morgan Street 100 North Tryon Street, Suite 2690 400 Suite 205 700 1111 Metropolitan Avenue 300 Suite 201 Suite D 310 Suite 108 P.O. Box 1743 Lumberton,NC 28359 P.O. Box 1000 700 Suite 801 Suite D 200 Suite 600 Suite 950 6060 Piedmont Row Dr. South, Suite 200 440 100 N. Tryon Street, Ste. 2690 100 North Tyron Street, Suite 2690 2501 Blue Ridge Rd. 525 N Tryon StNC1-023-04-01 3430 Toringdon Way PO Box 1587 200 S Tryon StSuite 850 550 South Tryon StreetSuite 3400 1998 Hendersonville RoadSuite 23 201 N. Tryon St. NFT18D 8116 S Tryon StSuite B-3 #252 1969 Sterling Road 1301 South Boulevard 700 Spring Forest RdSuite 325 1800 Baity Hill Dr. Apt 213 2401 Whitehall Park Dr The Jamison Group 6743 Fairview Road, 709 Alyssum Ave 333 W Trade St 302 Barker Ten Mike Rd 1255 Creekshire Way 2128 s. Sterling Street P. O. Box 2264 401 S. Tryon St2nd Floor 550 South Tryon St. 3901 Barrett Dr. Suite 102 1111 Oberlin Rd. 445 Dolley Madison Road 301 S. College Street 8354 Six Forks Rd. 505 W. Russell St 300 S College Street 2729 Farnborough Road 989 Main St., P.O. Box 1238 208 N New River Drive 3110 Edwards Mills Rd 3105 B Evans St. 2501 Blue Ridge Rd, #250 136 Main St 1650 Military Cutoff Road 110 Wild Basin Road 402 W. Trade Street 3901 Etheredge St. 3112 Medlin Road 255 W. MLK Blvd Apt. 1913 6000 Fairview Rd 1037 Spyglass Lane 201 N. Tyron Street 7211 Ogden Business Park #201 1331 L St. 1999 Richmond Rd Suite 4 600 Queens Road 496 Gallimore Dairy Rd # F Suite 1650 The Center for Real Estate 320 E. 9th Street 4725 Piedmont Row Drive Suite 800 Winston-Salem Regional Association of REALTORS® Commercial Alliance 222-5 South Swing Road 230 North Elm Street 1500 Renaissance Plaza · 230 North Elm Street 7407 Tallwood Drive 100 S. Elm Street, Suite 400 6310 Chapel Hill Road, Suite 250 1511 Sunday Drive, Suite 200 5400 Etta Burke Ct. 4101 Lake Boone Trl # 300 496 Gallimore Dairy Rd # F 250 Suite 101 Suite 1100 1704 Patton Avenue Suite D Suite 350 Suite 150 Suite 400 3350 Ste. 201 4th Floor, MAC D1053-04M Suite I 100 365 Suite 100 Suite 1200 200 S Tryon St. Suite 720 195 Executive Park Boulevard 1500 Renaissance Plaza Greensboro Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Cornelius Raleigh Smithfield Hendersonville Asheville Charlotte Raleigh Winston Salem Charlotte Charlotte Cary Gastonia Charlotte Rolesville Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Durham Cary Little River,SC Greensboro Charlotte Raleigh Charlotte Forth Mill Chicago Raleigh Charlotte Fuquay-Varina Greensboro Fayetteville Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Goldsboro Charlotte Indian Trail Raleigh Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Raleigh Charlotte Charlotte Cornelius Charlotte Charlotte Asheville Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Raleigh Chapel Hill Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Caswell Beach Charlotte Lumberton Winston Salem Morganton Smithfield Charlotte Charlotte Raleigh Raleigh Greensboro Charlotte Raleigh Fayetteville Charlotte Raleigh Blowing Rock Surf City Raleigh Greenville Raleigh Pineville Wilmington Austin Charlotte Indian Trail Monroe Charlotte Charlotte Marvin Charlotte WILMINGTON Washington DC Lexington Charlotte Greensboro Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Winston-Salem Greensboro Greeensboro Greeensboro Denver Greensboro Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Greensboro NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC DC NC NC SC NC NC NC NC SC IL NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC TX NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC KY NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 27265 28209 28226 28226 28204 28031 27605 27577 28792 28803 28211 27609 27105 28204 28202 27513 28210 28203 27571 28202 28211 28262 22033 27705 27513 29566 28270 27602 28204 29708 60611 27607 28217 2526 28205 28303 28210 28281 28287 28203 27530 28211 28079 27603 28202 28202 28202 27607 28255 28277 28031 28202 28202 28803 28202 28273 28226 28209 28203 27609 27514 28273 28216 28210 28465 28202 28358 27103 28655 27577 28202 28202 27609 27605 27410 28202 27615 28301 28202 27613 28605 28445 27612 27858 27607 28134 28403 78746 28202 28079 28112 28202 28277 28173 28202 28411 20005 40502 28207 27409 28202 28202 28210 27103 27409 27401 27401 28037 27401 27607 27607 27606 27607 27409 dsheridan@iislaw.com jennifer.jackson@allentate.com mnorris@johnrmcadams.com sid@gcs2011.com JLambert@collett.biz brad@firstfederalproperties.com mlewis@cbctmp.com tdaughtry@partnerscrnc.com swoosley@naibhcommercial.com caburge@covestar.com jensie@selwynpropertygroup.com fmorisey@moriseycommercial.com darrell@McCormickCommercial.com jvaughn@srenc.com dwood@providencegroup.com sdifrancojr@cresapartners.com rod.gee@tsrcommercial.net rturner@olearywaste.com tim.sunpower@gmail.com dpowell@horacktalley.com wendysellscharlotte@yahoo.com bradspink@kw.com kathylanderson@me.com eric.j.roeder@suntrust.com msettle@cresapartners.com helenlocklearccim@gmail.com welkerf@aol.com christian.reyes@cushwake.com ddorton@williamsmullen.com jgamble@collett.biz henrigresset@gmail.com douglas.v.strickland@gmail.com barry.wagner@lincolnharris.com snewman@ecslimited.com braxton@ncrealestatepro.com kkellogg@bcginteriors.com gregwest@nc.rr.com crobertson@zapatainc.com jflowers@successioncp.com tthompson@kimcorealty.com dlee@phoenixsolution.net marcbest3@gmail.com joseph@brackettflagship.com npiunion@npiwesgrant.com cwall@mc1.biz tgordon@babc.com cabrao@babc.com jtenholder@babc.com auctionfirstinfo@gmail.com tonya.brandon@cbre.com mark.burdette@kw.com steve@ihgrealty.com jculbertson@cardinal-partners.com sgassaway@ccim.net dhaggart@key-commercial.com gene.johnson@53.com kelli@hkmeridian.com hlomax1@carolina.rr.com cmcleod@healthcarerealty.com jdaniels@cha-nc.org wfricks@gbrecap.com naoyuki_kubo@unc.edu chris.miller@amforem.biz millstimothy@mac.com arodriguez@TraddCommercial.com jeff.siebold@gmail.com fwarren@warren-assoc.com steve@premieradvantagerealty.com abner@freemancommercial.com scott@burkedevinc.com rebecca@real-corp.com stephen.thomas@wellsfargo.com david.morris1@wellsfargo.com bnowell@mjproperties.com ed@thesitegroup.com carl@essainc.com rob.speir@colliers.com richard@ccim.net neil@grantmurrayre.com elizabeth.h.ward@wellsfargo.com cab@bannermancontracting.com jay@vincentproperties.com sue@suemedlinsmith.com karl.hudson@cassidyturley.com Jeffreycdaniels@yahoo.com auctionfirstinfo@gmail.com rachiemae98@gmail.com recoulleym17@gmail.com jonathanbrome@hotmail.com mwilken@ccim.net annette@121realtyllc.com Cbradleyrealestate@gmail.com mmaynard@fredbeck.com tripp@trippcommercial.com accumeasure@carolina.rr.com zmorgan@mcguirewoods.com wsobh@ecslimitied.com mreames@costar.com mpbenson@officesuitesplus.com morgan@thenicholscompany.com dawn.campbell@twtelecom.com ajenkins@karnesco.com dcread@uncc.edu jearly@lincolnharris.com sjester@wsrar.com sheri@cswappraisals.com halderman@schellbray.com lisrael@schellbray.com megan.jayaprakash@thomsonreuters.com dwcopeland@bizjournals.com candimcdowell@yorkproperties.com matt.burleson@bnkinc.com rex.thomas@tlgcre.com SChandler@tricom-usa.com evernon@wyrick.com cheryl.pensabene@twtelecom.com NC-CCIM 2013 Strategic Plan November 2, 2012 a. Education (Sam DiFranco, CCIM; Tiffany Clark, CCIM; Jay Taylor, CCIM; Mark Howe, CCIM; Eddie Blanton, CCIM) i. Parking at CI Core Classes 1. Email Vouchers or where they can park for less money. 2. Negotiating Class 3. Designee Only Two Day Regional Event in Charlotte, NC 4. Third CE Day (with one in Asheville) a. November 6-7, 2013 5. Excel Calculator Course a. Raleigh, NC – January 2013 6. Market Scholarships to other Commercial Real Estate Groups 7. Thank you Letter to past students informing them of upcoming courses. b. Forecast / Sponsorships (Rob Vaughn, CCIM; Marlene Spritzer, CCIM; Jeff Yetter, CCIM; Brian Carr, CCIM) i. Dates have been set for 2013. ii. New locations for Greensboro were discussed. iii. It was discussed moving the registration table to the back room in Charlotte, NC. iv. It was discussed announcing special guests who attend the forecast. c. Local Networking (Beverly Keith, CCIM; Pete Frandano, CCIM; JJ Joubran, CCIM; Karen Mankowski, CCIM; Steve Rich, CCIM) i. Follow up with Regional Sponsors and Speakers so they are more likely to come back a second time. ii. Bring a Friend Program iii. Have more variety in the time of the regional meetings. iv. Joint RCA and STDB meetings in Wilmington v. App of the Month vi. The Triad is going to start over with a fresh committee in 2013. d. Communication / Website / Technology (Carolyn Kellogg, CCIM; Brooke Gibson, CCIM; Jane Doggett, CCIM; Ashley Boykin, Mike Barr) i. Form to submit events. ii. Training session on the back end of the website for regional contacts. iii. It was discussed budgeting money to upgrade the back end of the website. iv. It was discussed cutting some of the information from the weekly email. v. It was discussed moving the quarterly update to a blog. vi. It was discussed changing the name of the communicator. vii. Regional contacts for the quarterly update.