SU C CESS STOR Y: P SJA IN D EPENDENT SCHOOL DI STRICT The Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Independent School District, serving 32,000 students, made a commitment that all students would graduate ready for and connected to college. This South Texas district created a diverse, districtwide portfolio of school designs and options to enable all students to graduate high school with at least 12 college credits, whatever their skills and career aspirations. Working with the district and its partners, we helped develop this plan. PHOTOGRAPH ©2011 Michael Stravato, Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Independent School District PSJA started putting early college for all in place with the least likely students: dropouts. When Superintendent Dr. Daniel King arrived in 2007, he faced a dropout rate that was double the state average. In partnership with South Texas College, Pharr-San Juan-Alamo opened a dropout recovery academy that helps dropouts and noncompleters > > Strategic planning and consultation for district leadership > > School design consultation that identifies pathways leading to high-wage, high-demand careers and credentials in the local economy > > Professional development and coaching for finish their graduation requirements while beginning teachers and school leaders in college-ready college coursework leading toward a career instructional strategies credential. To this day, the College, Career, and Technology Academy has graduated more than 1,000 former dropouts and off-track students and bridged many of them to college. Dr. King used this early win to make the case: “If these students can do it, why can’t everyone?” PSJA opened its first early college high school, PSJA Thomas Jefferson T-STEM Early College High School, with the intention of using it to incubate the idea of connecting all students to college. Out of the first class of 115 ninth-graders, 100 of them would be the first in their families to go to college. From Since 2010, in partnership with Educate Texas, there, the district opened additional early colleges an organization that promotes college readiness within each of its comprehensive high schools, as statewide, Jobs for the Future has been helping well as creating course sequences for all students Pharr-San Juan-Alamo implement its vision of to earn 12 or more college credits by graduation. college success for all. Our work with the district To identify these course sequences, we conducted has included: an audit of PSJA’s career and technology course EARLY COLLEGE DESIGN SERVICES | JOBS FOR THE FUTURE offerings in order to align them with opportunities PHARR-SAN JUAN-ALAMO ISD in the local labor market. To support the district’s goal of ensuring rigorous college-ready instruction in every classroom, we have worked intensively in the district schools, providing continuous coaching for school leaders, lead teachers, and instructional coaches. District-specific solutions we recommended include: > > All ninth graders take a college-readiness course that explores available careers; emphasizes reading, writing, and presentation skills; and teaches college-ready behaviors, such as taking notes and managing time. > > Teachers support all juniors and seniors to pass introductory English and math at the college level so they can enter postsecondary without need for remediation. > > Through the district’s partner colleges, juniors > > 44 schools serving 32,000 students > > 4 comprehensive high schools, 5 alternative schools; 8,000 high school students STUDENTS > > 99% are Hispanic > > 89% are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch > > 41% are English language learners > > Most students are first generation college-bound SUCCESS > > PSJA has graduated 1,000 former dropouts and noncompleters since 2007. > > PSJA has raised four-year graduation rates from and seniors will pursue six or more transferrable 62% to 87%, graduating a record 1,909 students in college credits in their career pathways. 2012, compared to only 966 in 2007. PSJA will finish putting these pathways in place while phasing out courses that do not lead to postsecondary education or careers. All these changes, PSJA’s leaders say, are transforming the » » The four-year graduation rate for limited English proficiency students is 72%, exceeding state and regional averages. » » The four-year graduation rates for special culture of the community and students’ perceptions education students is 81%, compared with 54% of what is possible for their future. in 2007. “You’re like, ‘Wow, this college offers you so many > > Annual dropout rates have fallen by 75%. things,’” said Sandro, a student at PSJA Southwest > > 1,700 high school students took college courses in the Early College. “It really makes you feel like you want 2010-11 school year, projected to rise to 3,500 once to go to college. I can’t wait.” every high school has implemented Early College Designs. > > PSJA doubled the number of students enrolling in college after graduation in two years. For more information, contact: Caesar Mickens,, or visit For more information on PSJA’s Early College Design work, see: Launching Early College Districtwide at Jobs for the Future works with our partners to design and drive the adoption of education and career pathways leading from college readiness to career advancement for those struggling to succeed in today’s economy. EARLY COLLEGE DESIGN SERVICES | JOBS FOR THE FUTURE TEL 617.728.4446 FAX 617.728.4857 88 Broad Street, 8th Floor, Boston, MA 02110 122 C Street, NW, Suite 650, Washington, DC 20001 W W W. J F F.O R G