Econiche House


Econiche House
At Econiche House we create a
balance between your meeting
objectives and your group’s wellbeing. At Econiche House the
setting, the atmosphere and the
fine home-style meals allow your
participants to get the most out
of meeting together.
Once you get our staff engaged,
and once they apply their
experience of 8,000 meetings to
date, you can forget about the
housekeeping and get on with
planning your meeting.
In-The-Gatineau Conference & Retreat Centre
We provide the important
balance between meeting goals
and the comfort of your group.
• Econiche House
Econiche House, just off Hwy. 307 at Cantley, Quebec
is a short 20 minute drive from all Ottawa River
bridges. Our web site provides a detailed map.
Flying or bussing in people to
meet in the Ottawa area? Econiche
House is perfect for your overnight
32 Ch. River, Cantley, Qué. J8V 3A1
(819) 827-0086 fax 827-0121
WA N T G R O U P C O H E S I O N ?
The group you’re assembling is not looking forward to another meeting at a downtown hotel. On
the edge of a cliff overlooking the majestic Gatineau Hills, amidst a primal forest - lies Econiche
House In-the-Gatineau - a perfect location for small and medium-sized overnight meetings. With
25 participants (maybe less) you get our whole facility to yourselves. Good for your budget too!
Groups which have recently held overnight meetings
at Econiche House ...
Nature Canada
Athletics Canada
Environment Canada
Amnesty International
Health Canada
Canadian Red Cross Society
Amnesty International
U.S.C. Canada
Citoyens du Monde en Action
Youth Engagement (Toronto)
Centre Canadian for Policy Alternatives
Ministère de l'Education du Québec
United Way Canada
W.U.S.C. (World University Service
CUSO (Cdn. University Services Overseas)
Centre for Intercultural Learning
Ringuette Canada
Rights and Democracy Canada
Société des Alcools du Québec
National Defence Canada
Canadian Parks and Wilderness
Service Canada
Axiom Consultants
The Joint Learning Program
Bibliothèque & Archives Canada
Maison d'Amitié (Ottawa)
Minwaashens Lodge
National Family Farm Coalition
Correctional Service Canada
Canadian Parks & Wilderness
V.C.A. Coalition
Council of Canadians
NISKAMOON Corporation
Learning Disabilities of Canada
Canadian National Parents Francophones
Canadian Federation of Humane Societes
A N Y WA Y Y O U WA N T I T !!
We’re experts at taking your plan and putting it to work. In good
weather you may want to hold some of your meetings outside.
No problem! Want to be set up theatre style for part of your
meeting and around tables for another? no problem. Each
meeting space has a fireplace, a balcony and a stunning view of
the Gatineau Hills. Really, To appreciate Econiche House fully and
its impact on your meeting, you must make a site visit.
Winter, spring, summer or fa#, the Any set-up is possible. We have a#
setting is always perfect
necessary meeting equipment
H O M E - S T Y L E M E N U!
Restaurant food is nice occasionally - but day after day, your
participants will yearn for home-style cooking. Our chef, Gilbert
Thibert can do both, but he knows that when people are on the
road, they will always ask for what they eat everyday. Same thing
goes for rooms. Our rooms are homelike - by intention - simple,
unpretentious - but very functional - and every one is different.
All of this gives us the leeway to give you prices you will like.
Our chef and his staff make it a
pleasure to dine with us
Murder &
D O W N T I M E A C T I V I T Y!
The country offers its own form of down time activity. Play
bridge or chess by the fireplace. Play volleyball. Go for walk in
the forest. Dip in our pool or hot tubs. Let us organize a sleigh
ride, a Murder Mystery Evening, or even allot part of your program
to working in teams on interesting challenge events to increase
your cohesion as a group. Every meeting benefits from the warm
interchange of people in off hours.Yours will too!
Simple rooms, much like one
would have at home
Teambilding training available.
Check our web site for details
Down time is important and we
can make it work for you!