Steam and hot water boiler systems for industrial
Steam and hot water boiler systems for industrial
Steam and hot water boiler systems for industrial and municipal p power p generation g Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Sobbe VKK Standardkessel Köthen GmbH German-Vietnamese Bio Energy Day H Chi Mi Ho Minh h Cit City, 16 16. S September t b 2013 … particularly with biomass firing 1 Company p y introduction,, deliveryy program p g 2 Shell boiler with oil/gas firing 3 Heat recovery boilers 4 Boiler systems with biomass firing - Firing and boiler design - System examples 5 Distribution partner in Vietnam: EUROASIATIC JAYA P.T. VKK Standardkessel Köthen GmbH Köthen: Vorwärmer- und Kesselbau Köthen GmbH (VKK) 1865 Franz Kurth founded a copper- and boiler forge Production of steam boilers and large vessels 1954 VEB Vorwärmer- and Kesselbau Köthen M k t leader Market l d for f coall fired fi d steam t generators t 1990 Take over of Vorwärmer- and Kesselbau Köthen GmbH by Standardkessel-Gesellschaft Lentjes - Fasel GmbH Duisburg: STANDARDKESSEL-Gesellschaft STANDARDKESSEL Gesellschaft Lentjes-Fasel Lentjes Fasel GmbH (SKG) 1925 August Fasel registered his company for central heating systems and steam boiler repairs 1950 Production of horizontal flame tube boilers for coal firing Patent for three three-pass pass flame tube / fire tube Boilers Production of radiant steam boilers for high capacities as Portaboiler Production of CONDORBOILER as fully automatic three-pass boiler for fuel oil firing. 2001 VKK STANDARDKESSEL Köthen GmbH Fusion of Standardkessel-Gesellschaft Lentjes - Fasel GmbH with Vorwärmer- and Kesselbau Köthen GmbH Steam and hot water boiler systems Shell boilers with oil/gas-firing: Three-pass flame tube / fire tube boiler (CONDORBOILER) - Steam output until 55 t/h - Hot water generation until 36 MW Boilers for solid fuels: Fire tube and water tube design g - Biomass combustion - Pulverized lignite combustion Heat recovery boilers: Fire tube and water tube design - Heat and power cogeneration - Process heat - Thermal oxidiser Single-flame tube / three-pass boiler for saturated steam generation Two-flame tube / three-pass boiler for superheated steam generation Manufacture in Köthen „Made in Germany“ In-house production of boiler heating surfaces and components as well as tailor made boiler systems in Köthen, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Advantageous boiler designs (Euro-Norm EN 12953) Tailor made design of heating surfaces. Pressure vessel with dished ends. Water-cooled rear flue gas reversing chamber. Cooling grooves at the inlet of flue tubes. Heat recovery boiler behind gas engine Gas engine G i system: t 4 x 750 kWel, / Exhaust E h t gas: 4 x 1 1.26 26 kkg/s, / 500 °C Boiler system: 2 x Heat recovery boilers with 2 separate flue gas passes and with additional firing as separate three-pass system, each b il 5 t/h 13 b t t d steam t boiler t/h, bar saturated Heat recovery boiler behind gas engine H t recovery b Heat boiler il behind b hi d gas turbine t bi 5 5 MWel 5,5 Gas turbine: Solar Taurus 60 / Exhaust gas: 20.2 kg/s, 512 °C / Natural Gas H (Fuel oil EL) Boiler: Superheated steam: 200 °C, 16 bar, 12 t/h (exhaust gas) up to 20 t/h (exhaust gas and additional firing) Heat recovery boiler behind gas turbine 15 MWel Gas turbines: Heating (100 %, air 11 °C) Exhaust mass flow Exhaust gas temp.(comb. chamber) Exhaust gas output temp. temp Steam output Steam pressure (14 barzul) Steam temperature (unregulated) Feedwater temperature °C Pressure loss, gas side mbar Heating input(25°C) Thermal output(25°C) 2 x Solar Titan 130 Æ 2 x Heat recovery boiler with additional firing GT-exhaust gas GT-exhaust gas and add. firing kg/s 49.86 50.35 °C 500 860 °C 141 115 t/h 29.36 65 bar 11 11 °C 210 212 103 103 26.4 28.5 MW 25.85 25.85 + 22.7 MW 19.63 43.57 Boiler systems with biomass firing until appr. 10 MW Usage Self-supply of energy from biomass (e.g. wood, rice husks …) for the generation of hot water, steam or electricity Steam boiler with stoker firing for biomass with oil additional firing system Biomass combustion and boiler designs Underfloor firing for steam boiler until 10 t/h for wood pieces, blowing-in equipment for chips and wood dust,, oil burner as additional firing g Underfloor firing for chips, saw dust and wood pieces in flame tube and p pre-combustion chamber Biomass combustion and boiler designs Blow-in-cyclon-combustion for saw dust, abrasive dust and grounded wood chips with oilfired pilot burner for hot water generation 6 MW Parquet factory Moving-grate stoker firing for wood pieces, chips, saw dust and abrasive dust with oil oil-/gas-additional /gas additional firing for steam generation 12 t/h, 230 °C, 16 bar Plywood factory System example 1 Steam boiler for Biomass-cogeneration plant “STEAG-Werl” STANDARD-Three-pass STANDARD Th fi tube fire t b boiler b il with cooled flue gas reversing chamber for better efficiency, with dished ends for a high elasticity and with large water content and large steam space for a high storage capacity. Moving-grate for the combustion of wood chips p ((old g growth,, scrap p wood,, cuttings) with automatic ash removal. Automatic heating surface cleaning system with compressed air rods for 2. and 3. fire tube pass and big cleaning opening for 1. fire tube pass. Flue gas cleaning through cyclon and fabric filter on boiler outlet outlet. System example 1 Superheated steam boiler Steam output: 5 t/h Operating pressure: 32 bar Steam temperature: 380 °C Flue gas temperature: 150 °C Heat and power cogeneration P Power generation: i back-pressure turbine electrical power 480 kW Heat generation: district heating condenser thermal output 3.3 MW System example 2 Biomass-cogeneration plant „VATTENFALL-Sellessen“ Scope of delivery: Delivery period: Planning, delivery, erection, commissioning and trail operation October 2004 – April 2006 Construction start: April 2005 (Ground: 6000 m2) Heat generation: January 2006 Steam generation, max. Operating pressure, max. Superheated steam temperature (regulated: 80..100% load) Feedwater temperature (Eco inlet) Boiler efficiency (at 25 °C) Fuel demand (at turbine-nominal load) 15 t/h 44.5 bar 430 °C (+ 10 K) 105 °C 89 % 3.26 … 3.70 t/h System example 2 Fuel W d chips Wood hi ((crown wood, d b branch h wood, d roott wood d ffrom open-castt mining i i or fforestt h holding) ldi ) Heat value: Hu = 8.28 … 12.24 MJ/kg Water content: Wr = 55 % … 25 % Ash content: Ar = 2.0 … 7.0 % F l t Fuelstorage with ith capacity it off 5 days d Firing Moving-grate, cooled combustion chamber, staged air supply, flue-gas recirculation System example 2 The d Th design i off th the combustion b ti chamber h b was optimised ti i d by b CFD simulation i l ti off th the combustion process. Thus, high burnout rates and low emissions are achieved. Carbon monoxide and temperature distribution in the combustion chamber System example 2 Biomass boiler (side view) Distribution partner in Vietnam: EUROASITIC JAYA P.T. Exclusive Sales & Service in Vietnam EUROASIATIC - YOUR PARTNER FOR INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS. EA is a German owned and managed company, established in 1969. EA headquarters are based in Indonesia, in the capital city of Jakarta with total staff of 500 in South East Asia. The domestic branch offices are located at the cities of Bandung, Palembang, Medan, Surabaya, Semarang and Solo in Indonesia to provide the solutions at the door steps of customers. EA overseas locations are based in Vietnam ,Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, India, and Philippines providing localised solutions to their customers. With a presence of more than 4 decades in South East Asian markets and with the high knowledge of the markets and their technologies, EUROASIATIC provides solutions under one roof with selected their partners from Germany and across the globe. EA provides their own experienced on-site service back-up at any time, within the countries of their activities. Distribution partner in Vietnam: EUROASITIC JAYA P.T. Exclusive Sales & Service in Vietnam EUROASIATIC - YOUR PARTNER FOR INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS. SOLUTIONS EA´s dedicated personnel provides its expertise in the following Technical Services - Design & Engineering, Project & Construction Management, After-Sales Services, Spare Parts support in addition to Operation & Maintenance Programs Programs, customized and tailor tailor-made made energy solutions and plant systems without compromise. German made industrial steam boilers, hot water boilers and high pressure steam boilers by VKK STANDARDKESSEL. STANDARDKESSEL These boilers are supplied tailor made for the individual requirements of the customers. Head Office: Ho Chi Minh City 413/15 Nguyen Kiem Street. Phu Nhuan District S.R. of Vietnam Phone: +84838454288 Facsimile: +84838454278 E-mail: Branch Office: Hanoi City 649 Kim Ma Street. Ba Dinh District S.R. of Vietnam Phone: +8447663564 Facsimile: +8447663565 E-Mail: Quality workmanship VKK STANDARDKESSEL has been granted all accreditations required for the manufacture of steam boilers and pressure equipment. On an international level, renowned inspection and accreditation agencies have certified that, we fulfill maximum quality requirements. TÜV Ü Certificates: Quality Management System according to DIN EN ISO 9001 warrants the systematically and controlled Quality workmanship and Certificate „Made in Germany“ www vkkstandardkessel de
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