Seafloor warming and Arctic gas hydrates: Overview on current
Seafloor warming and Arctic gas hydrates: Overview on current
Seafloor warming and Arctic gas hydrates: Overview on current research activities Tina Treude, Lihua Liu, Stefan Krause, Stephanie Reischke, Julia Hommer Future Ocean Junior Research Group “Seafloor Warming” Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR), Wischhofstr. 1-3, 24148 Kiel, Germany, Introduction Arctic regions, both terrestrial and submarine, harbor large amounts of methane currently locked up in permafrost and in the form of gas hydrates. As most climate models predict a rapid increase in Arctic air and surface-water temperatures within the next few decades, the release of methane from these reservoirs is likely to increase due to permafrost melting and gas hydrates destabilization. Emissions of this very potent greenhouse gas into the atmosphere could further boost the climate disaster. Recent findings on increased methane emissions from Arctic regions galvanized the scientific community and led to a sequence of actions within the last months including workshops, proposal submissions, and planning of expeditions. Fig. 1. Molecular structure of gas hydrates. Blue: water molecules, green: gas molecules The Future Ocean Junior Research Group "Seafloor Warming" headed by Tina Treude is currently involved in several of these actions, including an international workshop on arctic gas hydrates that was hosted by the NIOZ in Februray 2009. The workshop was co-financed by the Intergrated School of Ocean Sciences (ISOS). Dissolution and formation of authigenic Dissolution and formation of authige connected to to microbial methanot connected microbial methan Fig. 2. Parameters controllinggas hydrate stability Stefan Krause, Giovanni Aloisi, Volker Liebetrau, Tina TT Stefan Krause, Giovanni Aloisi, Volker Liebetrau, Fig. 3. Gas release after dissociation of gas hydrate Fields of Research Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR), JuniorJunior Research GroupGro “S Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR), Research Numerical Modelling Results and Discussion Introduction Results and Discussi Introduction When the temperature at the sea floor rises, gas hydrate stored in the marine sediment The oxidation of methane by benthic largely affects the The oxidation of methane bymicroorgamisms benthic microorgamisms largely affects the The of pH in the controls illustrat pH The development of pH in the con pH development system may become unstable and dissociate. In this conext several important questions phase and the headspace 1 a). CO(Fig. phase and the(Fig. headspace a) seafloor carbonate system atsystem marineatmethane seep locations. seafloor carbonate marine methane seep locations. 2 loss1fro in pH (from 6.8 to ~(from 8.2) during 3 days. in pH 6.8 to ~the 8.2)first during the arrise. How fast will gas hydrate dissociate? How much methane will escape from (0 to 3 days),(0 pHtovalues fluctuated 6.3 3 days), pH valuesbetween fluctuated , CaCO3, The Anaerobic OxidationOxidation of Methane (AOM) facilitates production of CaCO3of The Anaerobic of Methane (AOM) facilitates production resulting from simultaneous microbial and phy resulting from simultaneous micro the microbial filter? subsequent phase od thephase experiment mo subsequent od the were experim withdrawing carbon from the from Dissolved InorganicInorganic Carbon (DIC) pool. withdrawing carbon the Dissolved Carbon (DIC) pool. a microbes and equilibrium thebetwee liquide microbes and between equilibrium To answer these questions a Reactive Transport Model was developed, which simulates production eventually to pH decrease in t productionlead eventually lead to pH Net reaction AOM: of AOM: exceeded. exceeded. reaction the dissociation of gas hydrate and related biogeochemical processes for a time period of Net of 22- CH4 + SOCH HS+ HCO + H23O + HCO3 b 4 4 + SO4 HS + H2O 100 years. The results indicate: (Fig. 1c) (TA) remained constant over Alkalinity Alkalinity Alkalinity (Fig. 1c) remained c Alkalinity(TA) - Aerobic oxidation of methane is observed in the topinlayer of seep Aerobic of methane is observed the top layersediments. of seep sediments. Decrease of seafloor warming caused by the dissociation of gas hydrates in the sediment (Fig. oxidation 4a) Here, specialized proteobacteria oxidize methane with oxygen CO2. proteobacteria oxidize methane withproducing oxygen producing CO2. Melting of hydrates within the top 30 m of the sediment (10 % of total hydrates, Fig. 4b)Here, specialized Melting begins after ~30 years (increase in gas volume fraction, Fig. 4c) Net reaction aerobicofoxidation of methane: Net of reaction aerobic oxidation of methane: Ca Approximately 2 % of the released methane will be comsumed by Anaerobic Oxidation CH4 + 2of OCH 2 H22O + CO c 2 2 4 + 2 O22 H2O + CO Methane (AOM) (Fig. 4d, 4e). e Outlook: The model will be further refined and applied to forcast future methane emissions Artic seafloor. It is assumed that AOMthat hasAOM no pronounced effect on effect porewater pH. However, It is assumed has no pronounced on porewater pH. However, the aerobic is suspected to decrease local pH by COpH This thepathway aerobic pathway is suspected to decrease local by CO2 production. This 2 production. to considerable extends extends might facilitate dissolution of present to considerable might facilitate dissolution ofCaCO present CaCO3 structures 3 structures increasing the DIC concentration and thus,and reintroducing stored carbon the to the increasing the DIC concentration thus, reintroducing storedtocarbon atHydrosphere. the Hydrosphere. Coauthors: Klaus Wallmann, Tomas Feseker a 1a 1a b 1b pH-C ntro o l pH-Bacteria c pH-Bacteria 8.7 E1 E1 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 E2 E2 C1 C1 7.2 C2 C2 6.7 6.7 C3 C3 6.2 6.2 7.03.5 5000 0 1d 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 10.5 7.0 10000 5000 days minutes 15000 C4 10.5 15000 10000 1c 5.0 C1 C1 4.0 C2 C2 3.0 C3 C3 2.0 7.03.5 5000 0 C4 15000 10.5 7.0 10000 5000 days minutes 4.0 C4 Ca2+ (mM) 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 2.0 15000 7.03.5 5000 0 10000 5000 days minutes 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 C2 C2 C3 C3 C4 15000 C4 10.5 7.0 15000 10000 days minutes 10.5 E1 E2 E2 E4 15000 3.50 0 E1 E3 0.0 0 1.0 3.50 2.0 1f C1 7.03.5 5000 0 (i) How do changes in methane flux affect the activity of methanotrophic microbes (ii) Could increases in methane fluxes lead to higher methane emissions? Fig. 3: Pre-experimental surface Fig. 3: Pre-experimental surface E3 15000 10.57.0 10000 5000 E4 10.5 15000 10000 15000 days minutes 1fCa2+ concentration-Bacteria Ca2+ concentration-Bacteria 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 15000 0 0 Fig. 4: Surface without bacteria Fig. 4: Surface wit 2.0 1.0 E1 E1 E2 E2 E3 E4 15000 0.0 3.50 7.03.5 5000 0 days minutes E3 15000 10.57.0 10000 5000 15000 10000 days minutes E4 Typical surface structure calcite crystal fro Typical surfaceofstructure of calcit experimentexperiment with spatialwith alterations due to m spatial alteratio facilitated carbonate facilitated dissolution. carbonate dissolution 10.5 d 15000 Fig. 1a-f: Results control group bacteria Fig.of1a-f: Results of and control groupexperiment and bacteria experiment Fig. 5a-d. a+b: Results of carbonate dissolution experiment, c+d: SEM images of intact (c) and etched (d) carbonates Material and Methods Material and Methods Conclusions Conclusions Microbially facilitatedfacilitated aerobic oxidation of Microbially aerobic oxi The aerobic bacterium Methylosinus trichosporium (Fig. 2) was Themethanotrophic aerobic methanotrophic bacterium Methylosinus trichosporium (Fig. 2) was has a negative effect on effect the stab has a negative on used in this experiment. The experiment was conducted in sealed in 0.5sealed l glass0.5 l glass interface interface used in this experiment. The experiment was conducted during aero CO2 produced du - Theof amount of CO2 produced containers with 0.25with l liquid 0.32 and l headspace each (4 controls, 4 bacteria4 bacteria - The amount containers 0.25and l liquid 0.32 l headspace each (4acontrols, carbonate buffer capacity, ca exceed the carbonate buffer cap experiment replicates). SterilizedSterilized calcite powder g per container) was usedwas as used as exceed the experiment replicates). calcite(3 powder (3 g per container) . AsCaCO a conse the saturation state of CaCO the saturation state3of 3. A carbonate source. Liquids controls bacteria had identical ion carbonate source.ofLiquids of and controls and experiments bacteria experiments had identical ion 2+ and 2 ions. by increase in alkalinity and Ca by increase in alkalinity Ca was set 3towas 1 set to 1 composition resembling seawater.seawater. Initial saturation state for CaCO composition resembling Initial saturation state 3for CaCO - Aerobic-oxidation of methane could enhc Aerobic oxidation of methane to inhibitto physical initial pHinitial was ~pH 6.8.was The~headspace was sealed and inhibit dissolution, physical dissolution, 6.8. The headspace was sealed and column atcolumn places at with increased methan places with increased gassed with Air : with Methane (1:1) to 2 (1:1) bar. During experiment exchangeexchange betweenbetween gassed Air : Methane to 2 bar.the During the experiment Arctic, where gas hydrates are exspected Arctic, where gas hydrates are e headspace and atmosphere was prevented. headspace and atmosphere was prevented. In cooperation with the SFB 574 a flow-through system is currently developed to gain further insights into the mechanisms of biogeochemical processes in the sediment connected to methane transport (Fig 6a). The system will enable manipulations of a broad range of geochemical and flow parameters in sediment cores (Fig. 6b). A set of different methods, e.g. microsenor measurements (Fig. 6c), Liquids were repeatedly sampled sampled for: Liquids were repeatedly for: porewater extractions and analyzes, will be applied. Core questions are: 15000 days minutes days minutes C1 10.5 15000 10000 4.0 days minutes 3.0 0.0 3.0 15000 10.57.0 E4 5.0 4.0 0.0 10.5 15000 10000 4.0 7.03.5 10000 5000 Surface structure calc Surfaceofstruc pre-experimental morp pre-experime E3 15000 Alkalinity-Bacteria Alkalinity-Bacteria 5.0 1.0 3.50 0 0 7.2 6.7 6.2 5000 0 1c E4 15000 days minutes Alkalinity-Control Alkalinity-Control 0.0 7.7 days minutes 15000 E3 3.50 0 0 15000 Alkalinity (mM) 3.50 0 5.0 0.0 15000 7.2 6.7 6.2 Ca2+ (mM) 0 C4 Alkalinity (mM) 7.2 7.7 pH 7.7 Ca2+ (mM) pH 7.7 pH 8.7 1eCa2+ concentration-Control Ca2+ concentration-Control Ca2+ (mM) 1b -pH, analyzed with microsensores -pH, analyzed with microsensores c (Fig. 6) (Fig. 6) -Alkalinity-Alkalinity (TA), analyzed by Titration (TA), analyzed by Titration -Ca2+ concentration, analyzedanalyzed with ICP with ICP -Ca2+ concentration, Outlook Outlook Future investigations will focuswill on:focus o Future investigations Microsensor Microsensor - Microbial carbonate precipitation during - Microbial carbonate precipitati - Carbonate nucleation details ondetails the cell - Carbonate nucleation on ?, electrodeelectrode - Identification of seafloor and o - Identification of warming seafloor warmi Powder surface was Powdermorphological surface morphological was dissolution of car induced precipitation/ dissoluti Sample vessel Sample vessel induced precipitation/ analyzedanalyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). (SEM). by Scanning Electron Microscopy - Numerical modelling of relevant - Numerical modelling of biogeo relevan Fig. 6: Rapid pH-measurement with a micro sensor Fig. 6: Rapid pH-measurement with a micro sensor ReferenceReferenceb Gained data will be used in numerical reaction models simulating gas hydrate dissociation (see above). Stefan Stefan Krause Krause Contact Contact Future Future Ocean, Ocean, Junior Reseach Group "Seafloor Warming" Junior Reseach Group "Seafloor Warming" Coauthor: Peter Linke Fig. 6a: Schematic drawing of flow-through system, b: Sediment core liners used in the IfM-GEOMAR, Wischhofstr. 1-3,(Copyright 24148 IfM-GEOMAR, Wischhofstr. 1-3,byKiel 24148 system, c: Microsensors Unisense)Kiel Upcoming Expeditions Beaufort Sea Expedition, September 2009 MASOX (ESONET) Expedition, Svalbard, 2011 Research vessel: Polar Star (US Coast Guard) Research vessel: TBA Objectives: Gas hydrate melting on the Arctic shelf Objectives: Gas hydrate melting at the continental margin Coordination: R. Coffin, Narval Research Institute, USA 10 µm Fig. 2: Methylosinus Fig. 2:trichosporium Methylosinus trichosporium 8.7 Alkalinity (mM) pH Alkalinity (mM) Benthic Methanefilter pH-C ntro o l SEM Optical anal considerable and bacteria (Fig. 3) contr structures (F methanotrp such as dent 10 µm 8.7 1e Coauthors: Giovanni Aloisi, Volker Liebetrau 2+ concentrati 2+ In Alkalinity, CaAlkalinity, In with accordance with Ca2+ Caaccordance dissolution or precipitation of carbonates dissolution or precipitation ofwas carb 2+ 2+ concentration increased (Fig. 1f ) bacteria, Ca bacteria, incre Ca concentration In this study westudy investigate the effectthe of aerobic oxidizingoxidizing bacteria bacteria In this we investigate effect ofmethane aerobic methane on pH, alkalinity evolutionevolution and dissolution of CaCO3ofin CaCO a closed on pH, alkalinity and dissolution a closed system. 3 in system. The oxidation of methane by benthic microorgamisms largely affects the seafloor carbonate system at marine methane seep locations. Aerobic oxidation of methane (MOx) is observed in the top layer of methane-rich sediments and in the water column, where specialized proteobacteria oxidize methane with oxygen and produce CO 1d 2. Results: The amount of CO2 during MOx can locally exceed the carbonate buffer capacity, causing a decrease in pH (i.e., contribution to ocean acidification, Fig 5b), increase in alkalinity (Fig5a-b) and dissolution of CaCO3 (Fig5c-d). Future investigations will focus on: - Microbial carbonate precipitation during AOM and sulfate reduction - Carbonate nucleation details on the cellular level - Impact of seafloor warming and ocean acidification on microbially induced precipitation/ dissolution of carbonates 2+ d Fig. 4a-e. Results of the Reactive Transport Model Experimental Microbiology major precipitation or dissolution CaCO3 occ major precipitation orof dissolution (Fig. 1d), alkalinity increased, indicating dissolu (Fig. 1d), alkalinity increased, indica comparison comparison with the controls (2.6controls vs. 1.6 mM) with the (2.6a and first measurement. In the secondInphase of and first measurement. the seco at ~ 3.8 During phase to 10 da ~ 3.8 the mM.third During the(7 third phas indicating further dissolution CaCO3. of C indicating furtherof dissolution Coordiation: MASOX Project (ESONET)