166th Regiment - Civil War Index
166th Regiment - Civil War Index
166th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE HUNDRED DAYS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Camp Cleveland, 0., May 13 and 15 r It was composed of the Fifty-ninth Bat 1864, to serve one hundred days. Ohio National from Holmes County Sixty-third Regiment, talion, Guard, ; Ohio National Guard, from Huron County; Seventy -ninth Battalion, Ohio National Guard, from Medina County and one company of the Fifty-second ; Battalion, Ohio National Guard, from Wayne County. Immediately after muster-in the Regiment proceeded to Virginia, and was placed on duty in Forts Richardson, Barnard, Reynolds, Ward, and Worth, with headquarters The Regiment returned to Ohio, and was mustered at Fort Richardson. out September 9, 1864, on expiration of its term of service. (355) REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 166TH FIELD AND STAFF. Mustered in May 15, 1S64, at Camp Cleveland, O., by W. L. Kellogg, 1st Lieutenant 10th Infantry, U. Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864, at Camp Cleveland, O., by C. B. Throckmorton, 1st Lieutenant 4th Artillery, U. S. A. COMPANY Lieut. 2d Lieut. Andrew Parsons Amos Britton Sergeant. 1st . 1st Sergt. Samuel Fishburn Charles E. McLaughlin. William R. Peckham John Armstrong William D. Corn ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... . Corporal. do James Gorrell John W. Moorhead James J. Moorhead Samuel Moorhead Washington McCleland. Isaac Ogden Allison, Andrew Ammerrnan, Abraham Armstrong, James P Baumgardner, Henry Bell, Hamilton M Bell, Joseph Bird, Stephen . G . . ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... 44 Private. :M Max- 22 20 19 24 18 19 44 18 18 18 May May May May May May May May May May May May 28 18 j . .do. do 1 . . .| i j j Boling, Martin Chambers, Edward Chambers, John W Close, David Cornell, David Crawford, Cyrus A May May May May May May May May May May May May Captain. William Buchanan ...do.. . . do do do do do do do ...do.... ....do.... ; i i ! j J i j May Mav May 1864 1864 2, 1864 2, 1864 2, 1864 2, 1864 2, 1864 2, 1864 2, 1864 2, 1864 2, 1864 2, 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 2, 2, I ; 18ti4 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 100 dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered 100 dys. [Mustered 100 dys. Mustered 100 dys. [Mustered 100 dys. (Mustered 100 dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered loo dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered UK) dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered UK) dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered UK dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered 10U dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered 100 dys Mustered 100 dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered 100 dys. Mustered i 180)4 1 A. A. Mustered in May 13, 1864, at Camp Cleveland, O., by Thomas Drummond, Captain 5th Cavalry, U Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864, at Camp Cleveland, O., by C. B. Throckmorton, 1st Lieutenant 4th Artillery, U. S. A. Josiah Martin Peter Everlv S. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. out with company Sept. (357) 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, . 1864. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1864. 9, 1864. 9, 1864. 9, 1864. 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 1864. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1864. 9, 1864. 1864. 1864. 9, 1864. 9, 1864. 9, 1864. 9, 9, S. A. 358 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 166TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. COMPANY Mustered in B. Cleveland, O., by W. L. Kellogg, 1st Lieutenant 10th Infantry, V. Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864, at Camp Cleveland, O., by C. B. Throckmorton, 1st Lieutenant 4th Artillery. II. S. A. May 15, 1864, at Camp 359 S. A. 360 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. COMPANY C. Mustered in May 15, 1864, at Camp Cleveland, O., by W. L. Keiiogg, 1st Lieutenant 10th Infantr; Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864, at Camp Cleveland, O., by 0. B. Throckmorton, 1st Lieutenant 4th Artillery, U.S. A. 166TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. COMPANY D. Mustered in May l. i, 1804, at Camp Cleveland, O., by W. L. Kellogg, 1st Lieutenant 10th Infantry, U. Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864, at Camp Cleveland, O., by C. B. Throckmorton, 1st Lieutenant 4th Artillery, U. S. A. Oscar P. Phillips Allen Piinieroy (1st John ]2cl Slritts Jeremiah Chenowith Amos D. Sheldon Josiah Olin George W Kast Daniel Heckart Captain. 1st Sergt. Sergeant. do do | . John John B. j K. Shaw Henry W. Patterson. Hiram II. Shaw Nelson Eri J. F. Jouidan Carlton Alexander, Harvey Allen, Cyrus M Blair, Lewis if Bowman, Adam Bowman, William Brown, Edmund C Buchanan, George C.... M Chamberlain. James Chapman, Eugene Conners, James Cooper. William F Lee Douglas, David C Daniel>, ! : .do. ....do.... .do. . Henry A. Williams Newton Norton Carrier. Cassius . do do do do Parmer N. McConuell Abram . Corporal. Whiting S. George . ..do i Maus.:ii- kl Hiram Lieut. Lieut. . . . . . Musician ....do.... Private. . ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ...do.... .do. ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ...do... . . . . . . 361 100 dvs. [Mustered out with company company company company company company company S. A. Sept. 9, 1864. Sept. 9, 1864. Sept. 9, 1864. 1(10 dvs. Mustered out with Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered ont with Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Died July 31, 1864, in Regimental Hospital, Va. lOOdys. Mustered out with company ^ept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. 100 dye.; Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1804. lOOdys Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1804. lOOdys. Clustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. 100 dys., Mustered out with companv Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9. 1864. lOOdys. Died July 5, 1864, in Regimental Hospital, Va. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. 100 dys.; Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. 100 dys. Died June 2, 1864. in Regimental Hospital, Va. 100 dys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Died Aug. ^0. 1864, in Regimental Hospital, Va lOOdys. .Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. 100 dys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. 100 dys. Mustered ont with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out wiih company Sept. 9, 1864. 100 dvs. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. 100 dys. Died Aug. 8, 1864, in Regimental Hospital, Va. 100 dys.; Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with lOOdys. Mustered out with I j i i 362 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. Remarks. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. No record subsequent to enlistment. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. !), 1864. 1X64. Mustered out with company Sept. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1X64. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864 also borne on rolls as Judson Knapp. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Died July 10, 1864, in Reg imental Hospital, ; .), : ; I I , | Virginia. Died July 20, 1864, in Regimental Hospital, Virginia. Mustered out with company Sept. 9. 1X64. Mustered out with company Sept. 9. 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1X64. Died Aug. 11, 1864. in Regimental Hospital. lx<>4. Virginia. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Died A.ug. 19, 1864, in Regimental Hospital, Virginia. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1804. Mustered out with company. Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1X64. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1X64. Mustered out with mpany Sept. 9. 1X64. Died Aug. 13, 18(54. u Regimental Hospital, . c< Virginia. . Mustered out .Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out .Mustered out Mustered out Mustered out . jMustered Mustered Mustered Mustered i | Mustered Mustered out out out out out out with witli with with with with with c( e< e< mpany mpany Sept. Sept. 9. 1864. in puny Sept. 9, 1S61. 9. 1864. mpany Sept. mpany Sept. c( mpany Sept. mpany Sept. mpany Sept. with company Sept. with with with with with c< c< << company company company company compmiy Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. ., 1S64. 9, 1X64. 9, 1861. 9, 1X64. 9, 1864. 9, 1X64. 9, 1864. 9, 1864. 9, 1864. 9, IXtVl. 9, 186-4. 166TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. COMPANY 363 E. Mustered in Mny 15, 1864, at Camp Cleveland, O., by W. L. Kellogg, 1st Lieutenant 10th Infantry, Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864. at Camp Cleveland, O., by C. B. Throekmorton. 1st Lieutenant 4th Artillery, U. S. A. Date of Entering the Rank. Names. I . S. A. Remarks. Service. Ira O. Peck Lewis Fret/ William O. Sanders. Ud Lieut. Gaylord Thompson.. 1st Sergt. Hiram Rice James Reynolds George Thompson. Smith Egbert George Kennedy May May May May May May May May May 18C4 18P4 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 do.... do..., ...do ....do... ....do... ...do... May May May May May May May May 1864 2, 1864 Musician May May 1864 1864 May May May May May 1864 Captain. 1st Lieut. Sergeant. . ....do ....do.... ...do... . lOOdys. Mustered out with 100 dys. Mustered out with lOOdys. Mustered out with 100 dys. [Mustered out with company company company company company company company company Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 9, 1864. 9, 9, 1864. 1864. 9, 1864. 9, 18(54. lOOdys (Mustered out with 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out, with 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with ICO dys. Mustered out with 9, 1864. Fort at 8, 1864, Richardson, lOOdys. Discharged July Va., by order of War Department. 100 dys. Died July 8, 1864, at Fort Ward Hospital, Va. 100 dys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. 100 dys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. loo dys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Appointed July 12, 1864; mustered out with i 1 ! Henry Shane Ira Bennett Corporal Charles S. Cook Joseph Krieble Alanson Heros Linus S. Thayer Robert K. Rood Lafayette Meacham.. j |.... j 18(i4 1864 1864 1864 1864 i j i company Curtis B. Abbott William F. Sypher . . Anthony Fret/ Reuben C. Fenn ....do.... Wagoner. Archer, Francis M Babcock. Charles R Beach, Luman F. Beal, George Seal, William Private.. ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do... ....do.... ....do.... do, ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ...do... II Beckwith, Fred R Bennett, Norman Bentley. Herrick P Bostwick, Nathaniel H. Bradley, Kmery M Brenner, Franklin Brenner, George Briggs, Philander F Caniield. William A Carpenter. John P [.. Cater, William M Chapin, Oscar D Crane, George F Fitch i F. . . ; May- May May May May May . May- May May May Ma y May May May May May May May . ; John . ; J Harris, Harris, May- May May May . \ oseph II Freidt, David B , May do... do... do.. do... do... do... do... do.. do.. do. : Daniels. Frank M Daniels, Titus B Daniels, Linus 1, Kldridge, Benjamin Ksgate, James FJsgate, ..do.. May- . ... Andrew John .do. do... . do. do.. . Heath, Joseph . . . May- . May ....do... Winthrop ..do... Hinman, Dwigin do... Hitchins, Frank do... Houseworth, William. do... Hubbard, John M do... Humel, Simon do... Hyde, Rufus F do... Kauffman, Daniel do. Kennedy, Henry P do... Kindy, Alpha j....do... Kindy, Joseph !) do.. Kindy, Nonti do... Ladow, Abram M do.. Langon, Tnonias do. McClure, Nathan H do... William McDonald, L...; do... Martin, John S Maj- Hili, May May May May May May i ! . . May- < . - May . , . . ! ; . . . . . do.. . ! : j \ G Nettletou, Austin . G Newens, James Overhoult, Jacob L . . .do. j ; i do do May May May Mai- Ma v ; Miller, Delos Ma v May May ! Mai- May May May 186-1 186-1 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 186-4 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 lOOdys Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Discharged July 7, 1864, at Fort Richardson, Virginia. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Died Aug. 13, 1864, at Fort Richardson, Va. lOOdys. Drowned July 4, 1864, in Potomac River. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 18(54. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1861. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 186-1. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. ! i I i j 18(54 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 16< 1864 1864 9, 1864. ; 186-4 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1S64 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 Sept. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Promoted to Drum Major May 25, 1864 not borne on rolls ot Field and Staff; mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Promoted to Principal Musician May 25, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 18(54. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. 100 dys.j Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. 1864. 1 00 d ys.j Mustered O ut with company Sept. 9, lOOdys.lMustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Promoted to Sergt. Major May 15, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. 100 dys. lOOdys. lOOdys. lOOdys. lOOdys. lOOdys. lOOdys. 100 dy&. ! lOOdys. lOOdys. lOOdys. lOOdys. | Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with companv Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Died July 7, 1864, in Fort Ward Hospital, Va. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 9, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept 9, 1864. 364 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. COMPANY F. Mustered in May 15, 1864, at Camp Cleveland, O., by W. L. Kellogg, 1st Lieutenant l()th Infantry, Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864, at Camp Cleveland, O., by C. B. Throckmorton. 1st Lieutenant 4th Artillery, U. S. A. U. S. A. 166TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. COMPANY Mustered in G. Cleveland, O., by Thomas Drummond, Captain 5th Cavalry, U. Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864, at Camp Cleveland, ()., by C. B. Throckmortou, 1st Lieutenant 4th Artillery, U. S. A. May 13, 1864, at Camp 365 S. A. ROSTKX OJT OHIO TKOOFS. COMPANY IB. M*y l>. CSM, as Ca^; v Mtwcered oat Sept. v. y. levviatad, O.. by W. L. H. KeUogs. 1st 1*4, s: fstst? Cievi&itd. O-. by Lieutecant Ivrta laouwry. U. Thrtx-kmortoa. C. B. S. A. OBJK* Hut SXafHfzut -,. ynfMfjfl.^ aujnu. fstiij: A. Mtwwnt -fcau&ottt: JjEfla*er %tii?v,,>i ...*. MB.J s~ .. 1 :*<" .Lid , . A v . . IIP fflauteey . 3 ICwpHvlL, Votcmcix -. .J .1 * v 3fl*i? : i. . . - it ". vi. W... uuw . .[ E litvj*. i, r .ni . . ,i*iiurt)fe., ,>:7 .eiitC.. W K S3*O!j!y- l*t;L.-iK ,":ciiras iLtiia.w ^tuiism W.. I t ? ii. w<* Sftusr i. D*H LT . H Jfc||;.v l-U.i ! L E.. .. i ------- - r_L .;:ir - i. . 4 c-.?st-F. ...... ... F T itoi. .; jg,;,. T . i. .iriiiit j; i 1 |...-j&u...._ C ---------- ...-i- E7 a - j Magr Jfay ii. >W* 1W . a<w* iMt- 3tt7 i. :.*>i. iHi.fr*. 1. i*H- JHt t ut i(ia. WIlLiwni-, Eiii. , IifcTjCi ", .." uJtilit "W"~liuJ2- .t7-IWvttL 2u^-.^L" --;] iL . A &> i. Ik4ft* L IiW4 M.. [,.i ??MV - . .. v"it3lilJ 1. . waxi^i .rL3. .. . S- Ex. J, ISft*. >, I8M. 368 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. COMPANY I. Mustered in May 13, 1864, at Camp Cleveland, O., by Thomas Drummond, Captain 5th Cavalry, U.S.A. Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864. at Camp Cleveland. O., by C. B. Throckmorton, 1st Lieutenant 4th Artillery, U. 3. A. 166TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. COMPANY Mustered in May 13, 1864, at Camp Cleveland, O., Mustered out Sept. 9, 1st K. by Thomas Drummond, Captain Camp Cleveland, 0., by C. Lieutenant 4th Artillery, U. 3. A. 1864, at 369 B. 5th Cavalry, U. Throckmorton, S. A 370 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS.
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