September - Northern Berkshire Community Coalition
September - Northern Berkshire Community Coalition
Northern Berkshire Community Coalition Inside the September Issue nbCC’s Needs Assessment Forum...............................2 Welcome, Adam Hinds!..............................................3 UNITY/nBn News...................................................4 The Family Place/Mass in Motion.............................5 Thanks, nbCC Friends!............................................6 Coalition Calendar...................................................7 Coalition Musings.....................................................8 Coalition news An update from September 2015, Volume XXX, Number 1 nbCC Celebrated Heroes and 29 Years of Community! On Tuesday, June 4th, the nbCC held its Annual Meeting with about 200 friends of the Coalition gathering to celebrate its 29th year and to honor Dr. Thomas Hyde, this year’s recipient of the Northern Berkshire Hero Award. After welcoming remarks and the introduction of nbCC staff and Board of Directors, Executive Director Al Bashevkin explained that nbCC is there when residents need to connect and will continue the tradition with the exciting opening of the UNO Community Center, the refunding of The Family Place, the continuation of our substance abuse prevention efforts and with new nbCC efforts such as the Federal Rural Health Planning Grant, which will help the region plan for collaborative health care efforts in light of a changing health care marketplace, and The Prevention and Wellness Trust Fund, a county-wide effort that aims to reduce health costs. The tradition of sharing Coalition stories to celebrate the successes and highlights of the past year continued this year. Amber Besaw, Program Director of The Family Place, introduced Brittany, a teen mom who participated in The Family Place’s Parenting Journey. Brittany explained how this workshop impacted her, teaching her that she must be honest with herself. She shared her determination to be the best mom she can be for her son. Adam Tobin, Program Associate for nbCC’s UNITY program reflected on his first year with the teens of Teen Writing Workshop and how inspired he continues to be by them. “What do they need from us to succeed?” he said. “All they need is an ear to listen and a space to express themselves creatively. They possess the rest; creativeness, thoughtfulness, wisdom, strength, humor, love, vision, all the things that make our youth powerful.” Bashevkin, along with Lauren Stevens of Hoosic River Watershed Association (HooWRA) and North Adams Mayor Richard Alcombright presented the Northern Berkshire Hero Award to Dr. Thomas Hyde for his volunteer efforts at the Friendship Center Food Pantry and for being a dedicated environmental advocate, especially through his work with HooWRA. Mayor Alcombright praised Tom for his work with nbCC’s Rx/ Heroin Group where he led the charge to develop and disburse substance abuse resource materials into prescriber’s offices and ultimately into the hands of patients. nbCC thanks our September newsletter sponsor: Berkshire Medical Center nbCC was honored to welcome our keynote speaker, Mary Lou Sudders, Secretary of the Executive Office of Health and Human Services. Ms. Sudders shared the priorities and goals she has for her office, including engaging more with communities, making sustainable changes in the way we approach the current opioid epidemic, and making state collected data more readily available to communities. This year’s annual meeting was bittersweet as it was the last meeting for Al Bashevkin as Executive Director of nbCC. In his final remarks, Al reflected on his beginnings at the Coalition and the process of developing an organization that would help the community to identify and address local issues for 29 years. He thanked all of the friends of nbCC for their support throughout his 29 years. They have made the Coalition what it is today and will continue to be for the next 29 years. -Bert Lamb p l to r: Mary Lou Sudders talks with forum attendees; Al Bashevkin presents the Northern Berkshire Hero Award to Dr. Tom Hyde; Coalition friends honor Al for 29 years of community organizing. Nationally recognized care provided by an award winning team of healthcare professionals…right here in the Berkshires. Coalition News September 2015 Improving the quality of life for people in Northern Berkshire by organizing, supporting, and empowering the community. Northern Berkshire Community Coalition Our Mission “Dedicated to improving the quality of life for people in Northern Berkshire by organizing, supporting, and empowering the community.” In pursuit of this mission, we place particular emphasis on the following: • Strengthening neighborhoods and community life • Preventing alcohol/substance abuse • Fostering economic development • Mitigating poverty • Supporting positive youth development • Building bridges between residents and service agencies Coalition Supporters Public Sources • MA Dept. of Children & Families/EOHHS • MA Cultural Council • MA Department of Public Health • MA Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Abuse Services • Mass Service Alliance Foundation Supporters •Fund for North Adams Local Support •Contributions from our many individual supporters The Coalition is a member agency of the Northern Berkshire United Way and the Williamstown Community Chest. To submit announcements to the Coalition E-zine: The Coalition E-zine is a weekly e-blast published every Thursday and contains announcements from Northern Berkshire agencies and organizations. Submissions must be received by 9:00 a.m. Tuesday morning to be considered for inclusion in that week’s issue. All submissions are subject to editing and should be 50 words or less. All events related to Northern Berkshire community public health will be considered for publication. Banner ads are available for your fundraising events. For more information, please call 663-7588, or to submit an announcement, please email 2 Emerging Issues In Our Community: Setting Our Agenda For The Year Ahead Please join us on Friday, September 11 as we continue the tradition of beginning our Coalition year with a kick-off Needs Assessment Forum. This is your chance to talk about which aspects of life in our region we might focus our attention on in the year ahead. Join us to discuss what has been happening, and what you think needs to happen, in your Northern Berkshire community. You may want to report emerging issues in your neighborhood, or about concerns you have developed in your professional environment, or your school or service agency. We want to hear from you, as you are the experts within our community. With your input, we will get a better idea of how to focus our agenda for the year ahead. We will begin, as always, with a round of introductions, followed by brief announcements of your upcoming events or projects. Please do not forget to bring flyers about your announcements also, as there will be a table available for display at the forum. We hope to see you on Friday, September 11, 10 a.m. to noon, at the First Baptist Church in North Adams. Please note: The organizers of the Friendship Center Food Pantry ask friends who attend the nbCC forums throughout the year to please bring a healthy non-perishable food item for donation. Northern Berkshire Youth Collaborative NBYC will gather together again on Thursday, September 10th at 11am and will continue to meet regularly on the second Thursday of the month in the conference room of Northern Berkshire Community Coalition. In September we will be doing our annual needs assessment which will serve to outline the topics of discussion for each month. Some topics that have already been brought to our attention include: information fair, teen pregnancy prevention, LGBTQAI+ awareness, bringing parents into partnerships for improving young people’s lives, study of collaborative projects and grants applied for by other communities (as source of inspiration for NBYC), and job and career readiness. NBCC will be providing lunch from Lickety Split. Please RSVP to Adam Tobin, atobin@ with your lunch preference. We look forward to reconnecting with youth serving groups and agencies! -Jess Sweeney A Strategic Plan to Improve Health Care Delivery The Rural Health Network Development Planning Grant for the northern Berkshire region is well underway. Partners for this project include representatives of the Berkshire Health Systems, Community Health Programs of Great Barrington, the Brien Center and the Statewide Office of Rural Health within the Department of Public Health. The Northern Berkshire Community Coalition is the grantee and Project Director for this grant. Polly Macpherson has been hired to be the facilitator for this process. Polly was the Director of REACH Community Health Foundation at the former North Adams Regional Hospital. Her previous experiences in health care make her well qualified to lead this process. Larger quarterly meetings of community stakeholders and two large community-forum meetings will augment monthly meetings of the core partners. The October Coalition forum is scheduled to be the first community forum and will be an opportunity for the community to hear about the planning process as well as interact with the recent Community Health Needs Assessment for north Berkshire County. These discussions should ultimately result in a document outlining ideas and hopes for north County health. Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, 61 Main Street Suite 218, North Adams MA 01247 • (413) 663-7588 • Coalition News September 2015 Improving the quality of life for people in Northern Berkshire by organizing, supporting, and empowering the community. Welcome, Adam! September 1st was the starting date for our new Executive Director, Adam Hinds. Adam is replacing founding Executive Director, Al Bashevkin, who left the Coalition in early July to seek new opportunities. Adam comes to this position from his experiences as the Director of the Pittsfield Community Connection, overseeing the Pittsfield Shannon Grant that addressed youth and gang violence in Pittsfield. He was the founding director of that initiative and helped to create a circle of support around targeted youth that now includes a team of Outreach Workers and Community Mentors for the youth and their families. Adam is a Western Massachusetts native. The experiences that Adam had at Pittsfield Community Connections are very translatable to the new experiences he will have as the Executive Director of the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition. As the Director of the nbCC, Adam will be overseeing programs that promote positive youth development, Northern Berkshire Community Coalition Board of Directors 2015-2016 p nbCC’s Newest Executive Director, Adam Hinds. provide substance abuse prevention services, encourage healthy eating and active living, and engage residents as they interact within their living environments. Adam will have the capacity to bring fresh eyes to the work of the nbCC, while maintaining the core community initiatives that include the monthly forums, newsletter, zine, and events intended to promote positive community life. Please stop by to welcome Adam into the Coalition family as he begins the next chapter in the leadership of the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition! September is Recovery Month September 12 Voices for Recovery Rally/Walk/Vigil: Josh Bressette Commit to Save A Life and nbCC’s Rx-Heroin Group are joining with the City of North Adams to raise awareness about addiction, substance abuse, and recovery resources in our region. The Voices for Recovery Rally, Walk and Vigil will be held September 12 from 4:00 - 8:00 pm. The rally and vigil will be centered at Noel Field, with a Recovery Walk through downtown North Adams taking place at 5:30. The rally will include live music, food, and family friendly activities as well as informational tables and resources. Those attending the rally will have the opportunity to make signs to carry during the walk, and to create a square for a “recovery quilt” to both celebrate stories of people in recovery and to remember those lost to addiction. The event will include a recovery/memory wall for which people are invited to submit pictures of those lost to addiction and stories of recovery and hope. A variety of speakers will address the opioid epidemic in our region including: Chris and Kathy Sullivan, Dr. Jennifer Michaels from the Brien Center, State Senator Ben Downing and Mayor Richard Alcombright. The theme of the walk, “Visible Vocal, Valuable” responds to the stigma associated with addiction by celebrating the successes of those in recovery, and demonstrating that recovery from addiction is possible. “By putting faces and stories to substance abuse and addiction, we make it real. Making it real will cause people to notice, making people notice will create an impact! This impact will spark changes to help those suffering with addiction and looking for help.” says Kenna Waterman of Josh Bressette Commit to Save a Life. The event will include the 3rd annual Vigil of Recovery and Remembrance sponsored by the nbCC’s Rx/Heroin Group. The vigil will be led by members of the clergy including Pastor Dave Anderson from the First Baptist Church of North Adams, and Williams College Chaplain Rick Spalding. For more information or to share pictures or stories for the remembrance and recovery wall, contact Wendy Penner at wpenner@ or Kenna Waterman at - Wendy Penner COURTNEY SHAPIRO-Van Dusen, President Adams Community Bank KRIS MALONEY, Vice President Human Resources, Williams College Deb Kushnet, Treasurer Greylock Federal Credit Union SUZY HELME, Clerk Business Owner, Shima North Adams Chamber of Commerce CRAIG BARD, Executive Committee Community Resident STEVE GREEN, Executive Committee Community Resident AL NELSON, Executive Committee Community Resident DEB ROSSELLI, Executive Committee Director of Special Education North Berkshire School Union PAUL HOPKINS, Finance Committee Community Resident Sara LaLumia, Finance Committee Professor of Economics, Williams College JEN CIVELLO Marketing Director, BFAIR LYNDA FIELD Community Resident ERICA GIRGENTI Adams Council on Aging BEN LAMB Asst. Director for Student Organizations and Involvement, Williams College CHRISTINE NAUGHTON Director of Alumni Relations and Development, MCLA GAIL OBERST Social Worker, BFAIR DAN RANDALL Pastor, New Hope United Methodist Church RICH TASKIN Attorney at Law Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, 61 Main Street, Suite 218, North Adams MA 01247 • (413) 663-7588 • 3 Exploring the ArtDoors What a fun summer we’ve all had! The ArtDoors team has been hard at work in their final weeks of the program and are excited to share what they’ve created with the community, although participants have expressed the need for this summer to be longer. Participants are currently using all the inspiration from various natural surroundings and art workshops to finalize works of their own. This summer’s theme has focused heavily on identity. Who are we as individuals? Who are we as a group? How does the world around us shape who we are? How do we shape the world around us? And how can creativity be a tool to express our identity? The exhibit is currently located at Common Place Gallery at 87 Main Street in North Adams. Please stop by and check out the AMAZING pieces that the group has created. The exhibit has work from Gabriel Barry, Jasmine Pizarro-Gomez, Shannon Gwozdz, Christina Briggs, Kristin Schnieder, Emily Sroka, Sapphire Holland, and ArtDoors Mentors Adam Tobin, Jessica Sweeney, and Caitlin Mayes. The exhibit includes a large group mural, individual paintings, handmade jewelry and crafts, and other installation pieces. During the opening on Thursday, August 27th, the group hosted an open mic that was open to the community. Individuals from the group performed original spoken word that was inspired by their ArtDoors experience. Let the Programs Begin! The UNITY youth programs including, the Youth Leadership Program and the Teen Writing Workshop will start up again in October for another exciting year. The Youth Leadership Program offers teens a platform to create original service projects that will positively impact the community. Teens craft their leadership skills in this group and learn to truly value service in the community. The Teen Writing Workshop is an after school writing program for teens of all writing experiences. Members of the workshop get to hone in on their skill with professional local writers and with peers. This program also includes performing work at public readings and publishing work in our own literary publication, “Somewhere Between”. The Youth Leadership Program will begin Wednesday, October 7th at 5pm and will run every Wednesday (Excluding School Vacations) until June 8th. The Teen Writing Workshop will begin Tuesday, October 6th at 5pm and will run every Tuesday (Excluding School Vacations) until April for the final performance. All teens between the ages of 14 and 19 are welcome to join these programs. For more information, please contact Adam Tobin, Program Associate at or call (413) 663-7588. 4 Full Speed Ahead for UNO Center! For the past three months, the UNO Community Center has been operational. We’ve met a lot of neighborhood residents, held a few programs and events and learned a great deal about running a community center. It was always our intention to start slow- easing into a full program schedule, so we could take the time to build up the community center’s steering committee, understand our role as the building’s manager(s), and take the time to form relationships within the neighborhood. The steering committee has grown in membership and their dedication to the success of the center and the neighborhood is aweinspiring. Beginning in September, members of the steering committee and Northern Berkshire Neighbors will embark on a month-long neighborhood-wide survey assessing residents perception of the community center, and what programming they’d like to participate in and help make happen. This survey will help nBn plan future programming and gather a wider volunteer base. A visioning and action planning session will be held Saturday, October 17th to engage residents in developing a shared vision for the community center and 3 action items to achieve that vision. All UNO residents are encouraged and welcome to attend. So, what is on the docket for September at the UNO Community Center? Mondays & Tuesdays (beginning 9/14) 12:30-2:30pm: Matter of Balance, an 8-class series on falls prevention for older adults. Registration required, please call 664-5057. Tuesdays 3:30-5:00pm: 4H has a photography program for children ages 8-12. Still accepting participants. Please call Annie 663-7588 or (801) 663-7123 for more information. Thursdays 3:30-5:30pm: WIC’s Cooking Matters Class Saturday, Sept. 26th Noon-2pm: UNO’s Annual Block Party at the Community Bake Oven on River Street. Bring a blanket or a lawn chair and enjoy fresh brick oven pizza and great company! Come visit during our regular open hours: Mondays 9-Noon, Wednesdays Noon-5pm, Fridays 9-4. Let someone know you appreciate them. . . Thank someone for their support. . . A Semi-annual Community Recognition Ceremony Celebrate someone who has made a positive impact in your life or community! Wednesday, October 21 from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Congregation Beth Israel - 53 Lois St., North Adams. Nominate someone now! To nominate someone online, visit Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, 61 Main Street Suite 218, North Adams MA 01247 • (413) 663-7588 • “Back-Packed” For Success 2014 North Berkshire Mass in Motion Meet Katie, MiM Summer Intern! Hi everyone! I’m Katie Aguila, a student at Williams College, and I We hsuccessful ad another ebackpack xciting and sevent uccessful his year! t is always so to intern with We had another exciting and thisbackpack year! event thad the Iopportunity much fun to get ready for this event and then watch as the kids come and put their It is always so much fun tobackpacks get readytogether. for thisThis event watch Mass inand Motion this summer. If any year, and with then our partnerships with BCAC the donations as the kids come and put their This year, with from Sbackpacks t. Elizabeth otogether. f Hungry Church, we were able to provide backpacks to ________ of you have swung by the nbCC children who aable ttend to school in northern Berkshire. our partnership with BCAC, we were provide backpacks office in the past couple of months We also want to say a special thank you to all those who came out to help with this “Back-Packed” For Success 2014 to 207 children who attend school in northern Berkshire. and wondered who that girl is at the event. T HANK YOU! … Heidi Dugal, Principal of Gabriel Abbott Elementary, front desk, that’s me! Colvin, rincipal of CT y Plunkett, Executive of er exciting and successful bMichelle ackpack ePvent this ear! ISt tacy is Paarson, lways so Director During my timeBarb here, I worked Berkshire County Headstart, John Franzoni, Principal of Brayton Elementary, t ready for this event and tCooper hen awnd atch as Atustin he k ids come aMnd put taheir her boys, and Brodie, Jackie cKeon, Caleb and Sdifferent eth Besaw, projects in the on few Bailey, Aleta nd Kim from BCAC, ell ad s onations the wonderful staff of the ether. This year, with our pMatthew artnerships waith BCAC and as twhe community. I helped wrap up this Coalition. eth of Hungry Church, we w _______ Mayor’s Fitness Challenge, in ere able to provide backpacks to _year’s cluding the celebration at the NA Farmers Market. I also worked to ttend school in northern B erkshire. expand MiM’s Healthy Dining Initiative into more local restaurants, o say a special thank you t o all those who came out to help with this which gives the community greater access to healthy eating choices when eating out. Another project I took on is preparing towns in … Heidi Dugal, Principal of Gabriel Abbott Elementary, n, Principal of CT Plunkett, Stacy Parson, Executive Director of the area to apply for the Complete Streets grant. This grant would provide funds to help the north Berkshires become more walking, nty Headstart, John Franzoni, Pnrincipal of BPrayton Etlementary, arb What’s ext … The Family lace is ready o move forward wB ith a nand ew and exciting biking, exercise friendly. of programming. We Caaleb re hopeful to continue to esaw, provide our community with r boys, Austin and Brodie, year Jprograms ackie M cKeon, a nd S eth B One big focus of mine this summer was how to make fresh and that we have in the past, as well as introduce new programs to help y, Aleta and Kim from BCAC, as awnd ell as Otur he wTonderful staff goroup f thealthy he parents youth. Café ime, weekly support continues on Taccessible hursdays to as many people in the community as food from 10:30 to 12:00 at our office, Parenting Journey will possible. be starting Ifor a Fall local farmers markets, food pantries, and food visited session in September, and 24-‐7 Dad will be back for a Fall session as well. Look for to atalk We are excited to announceus some great changes have made at your school’s Open Hwe ouse events… if yat ou can’t find assistance us there, we agencies can be found t with people about their experiences using The Fthis amily Place office from onday thru 61 Main Street, North assistance at farmers markets and any problems or concerns The Family Place. Moving into coming year, we9-‐4, areMexcited to Friday at food Adams or give us a call at 413-‐663-‐7588! they had. One of the biggest things I heard from people is the potenannounce that we have additional staffing positions that are now tial differences and unknowns in prices between a farmers market full and ready to go. Sarah Kline will be leading us in the growth and grocery store, so I created a flyer for the North Adams Farmers of our relationships with our local schools, as well as providing Market that compares prices and addresses some of those concerns. I support to families within the district in her new part time position plan on continuing my work with farmers markets and finding ways as our School Liaison. Jasmine Joy has been doing an amazing job to make them more accessible. as our administrative assistant, we have seen such great work and Thank you to everyone who made this internship such a wonderimprovements to our program because of her. We were very excited ful experience, especially the incredible staff at nbCC, local organito have her accept the full time position of the Program Manager. zations I visited, and people I met around town! I’ve had so much And finally, we are happy to announce that Adam Tobin will also be fun and learned a ton, and I owe so much of that to the help and The Fjoining amily the Place s rThe eady to m ove asforward ith aSupport new and exciting staffiof Family Place a part timewYouth Worker for our community. These additions will truly help us to mming. We are hopeful to continue to provide our community insight with you all offered. meet the needs of the youth and families that we are serving, and we have in the past, as well as introduce new programs to help hope to serve, in our community. NK YOU! What’s Happening @ The Family Place… North Adams Celebrates the 2nd uth. Our Café Time, weekly support group continues on Thursdays Mayor’s Fitness Challenge 12:00 at our office, Parenting Journey ill be Place starting t ThewFamily is so for a Fall ember, and 24-‐7 Dad will be back happy for a to Fall session as well. LThe ook blue for trackers participants used during the Challenge to track celebrate with Bob and Sue Bean they adopted ool’s Open House events… if you can’t find us as there, we can be their found dailyat points, bonus points, mega bonus points and healthy their two grandchildren, lifestyle points, began coming through the Coalition doors on ce office from 9-‐4, Monday thru Friday at 61 Main Street, North Skylie and Camden, on Thursday, July 16th. Each team or individual totaled and averaged us a call at 413-‐663-‐7588! August 14th 2015. The Bean family has really shown this to be true.... “Being a family means that you are part of something very wonderful. You will love and be loved for the rest of your life, no matter what.” - Anonymous. all points and were then tallied to verify this year’s winners. The winners were announced and celebrated at the North Adams Farmers Market on Saturday, July 19th, at which all participants were invited to attend. Mass in Motion (MiM) set up a table in which participants could share and display successes and challenges that took place during the Challenge. There was also an opportunity to learn of the other work and initiatives MiM is currently working on. (continued on page 6) Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, 61 Main Street, Suite 218, North Adams MA 01247 • (413) 663-7588 • 5 Coalition News September 2015 Improving the quality of life for people in Northern Berkshire by organizing, supporting, and empowering the community. Mayor’s Fitness Challenge. . . (cont’d from page 5) People stopped by the table throughout the morning, and participants gathered as winners were announced and Mayor Alcombright offered final remarks, of another successful Challenge. The winning team was Black Tank Mafia- Kristin Irace, Becky Miner, Raya Todd Kirby, Aimee Bullett, and Carolyn Beaudreau. The winning individual was Carrie Diehl. This year was also a Challenge between the cities of North Adams and Pittsfield, and of the two cities, Pittsfield won, although it was close. Thank you to all participants and partners that made this Challenge fun and a huge success! Mark your calendars and park your cars! September 21st through September 27th is Clean Air Challenge Week. During this week we are encouraging people in north Berkshire to park their cars and pedal their bikes, tie up their laces or hop on the BRTA for transportation and recreation. There will be events happening during the week in north Berkshire involving biking, walking and public transportation. Visit nbCC facebook page and the nbCC e’zine for more information or contact Amanda Chilson with ideas and to learn more at or 413-663-7588. NBIAI: Interesting Meetings Coming This Fall The Northern Berkshire Interfaith Action Initiative and the Friendship Center Food Pantry are looking forward to a busy September and October. We have some interesting guests for our third-Friday public meetings. On Friday, September 18, we will welcome Paula Buxbaum and Diane Robie of Berkshire Children and Families, who will talk about two of their programs and the role volunteers can play in them. On Friday, October 16, we will welcome Diane Morris, the Youth Mentoring Program Coordinator at Child Care of the Berkshires. Both meetings will begin at 10 a.m. at the Eagle Street Room of the First Baptist Church of North Adams. All are welcome. Call Mark for more information at 413-664-0130. Our August 21 public meeting featured Ida Patella, Family Mentor Coordinator for Berkshire Housing Development Services, Inc. Some 10 people attended and had a lively discussion of their new family mentoring program. -Mark Rondeau Thanks to all of our friends who have already supported nbCC Your support is important to our continued programming and success as an organization. Our 2015 Friends (as of Aug. 31) Champion Ellen Bernstein Jack & Susy Wadsworth Advocate Gene & Justyna Carlson Leaders Steve Green & Sue Walker James & Joan Hunter Bill & Adrienne Wootters Guardians Berkshire Children and Families Joyce Forth Susan Gold Mildred Shapiro Benefactors Al Bashevkin & Nancy Pearlman Robert & Barbara Bashevkin The Caleb Group Excelsior Integrated, Inc. Mark Gold & Ellen Kennedy Jeffrey Goldwasser & Jonquil Wolfson Greylock Federal Credit Union Sara LaLumia Joseph Manning Frances Roberts Anthony & Maggie Siracusa John Thoman & Lee Venolia Boosters Kate Annichiarico Brenda Bahnson Beck’s Printing Angelo Berasi BFAIR Stephen & Polly Birrell Kevin Boisjolie & Fran Berasi 6 brewhaha! Duncan & Susan Brown Paul & Kathleen Catelotti Stuart & Susan Crampton Jean Donati Thomas & Ellen Ennis Manuel & Shirley Finkelstein Henry Flynt, Jr. Suzy Helme Robert & Beverly Hertzig John Hyde Lawrence & Hulda Jowett Sander & Marybeth Kelman James & Alison Kolesar Allen & Debra Kushnet Dick Lamb & Holly Taylor Lever, Inc. John & Kristine Maloney Paul W. Marino Peter Mehlin Thomas & Fern Murtagh Mr. & Mrs. John Notsley Douglas O’Neill Wendy Penner Deb Rosselli Scarafoni Associates Maynard Seider Samuel & Elizabeth Smith Susan Smith James Stakenas & Paula Cardinal Else Steiner Thomas Turner Myles & Margaret Whitney Herb Wilkinson Howard & Deborah Wineberg David Woods Associates John K. Akers Robert & Carolyn Behr Alma Benedetti Roger & Julia Bolton Sharon Boyd Laura Brown Stanley & Maralyn Brown Andrew & Sue Budz Nicholas & Jennifer Civello Andrew & Andrea Danyluk Shirley Davis David & Martha Elpern Carl & Marilyn Faulkner Martin Greenstein & Natalie Jacobson Pamela Hawkins Patrick Hernandez Harry & Marjorie Horn Nicholas Hruch John & Kathleen Lanoue Ira & Fran Lapidus David & Linda Maloney Peter Murphy & Audrey Thier Nancy O’Brien Dr. Len Radin Marcia Sarrouf Michael & Sally Sussman Jonathan Swartz Melvin & Marilyn Tierman Joyce Wrend Supporters Kate Agin Bernice Alcombright Judith Alden Robert & Dale Balawender William Berkowitz Richard & Cynthia Berti Edward & Joanna Biros Patrice Bolgen Marilyn & Jacalyn Bourdon Fred & Margaret Bozek Frances Buckley Frances Bulsa Ann Cain Christine Ciskowski Edward & Anne Conroy Mark & Karen Daigle Evelyn Degen Dale Fink Bud Fisher & Barbara Kourajian Bev Goodell Larry & Marcia Gross Marie Harpin Paul & Doris Hutchinson Bill & Marianne Judge Janet Keep Sylvia Kipp Scott & Julie Krzanik Roberta Lamb Dan & Kathi Lampron Thomas Leonesio Richard Lescarbeau & Mary Sugden Lorraine Maloney Robert & Marilynn Martin Ruth McBride William & Ann McLaren Joseph & Bessie Moran Robert & Janice Moresi Richard Netherwood Michael & Patricia Nuvallie Philip & Carolyn Ouimet Roberta Patten Daniel Perreault & Joyce O’Brien Raymond Piaggi Patricia Polumbo Felix & Helen Puccio Franklin Risatti Lawrence & Theresa Roberts Joseph & Janet Rogge Barbara Rondeau Mary Rosasco Anthony Sarkis, Jr. Patricia Socha Richard & Gwen Steege Gary & Sandra Tatro Fred Thompson Eugene Wein & Family James Wolfe Marcia Wright Jeremy & Shannon Zoito Susan Zoltek In Honor of Al Bashevkin Champion Jack & Susy Wadsworth Boosters Robert & Barbara Bashevkin Ruth Blodgett Peter Elvin Steve Green & Sue Walker Maynard Seider Bruce Shepley & Patricia Conroy-Shepley Lauren Stevens Associate Chris Meehan Supporters Michael Bashevkin Sam & Marilyn Bittman Ann Blocker Richard & Sheila Dassatti Erica Girgenti Suzy Helme Thomas & Susan Hyde James & Alison Kolesar Allen & Debra Kushnet Roberta Lamb John & Kristine Maloney Kayte Miller Aleta Moncecchi Bernie Pinsonneault & Dianne Cutillo Stephen & Laura Rondeau Wayne & Donna Senecal Enid Shields Donald & Anne Singleton Thank you! Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, 61 Main Street Suite 218, North Adams MA 01247 • (413) 663-7588 • Coalition Calendar September 2015 Improving the quality of life for people in Northern Berkshire by organizing, supporting, and empowering the community. Thurs., Sept. 10, 11:00 a.m. N. Berkshire Youth Collaborative This monthly meeting is held the second Tuesday of each month at the Coalition, 61 Main St., Suite 218, North Adams. We strongly encourage any North County based youth serving agencies or programs to join us monthly to discuss solutions to issues and problems facing our youth. To get on the group’s e-mail list, contact Jessica Sweeney at Friday, Sept. 11, 10:00 a.m. Monthly Forum Join us for this month’s forum of the nbCC, our annual needs assessment forum. See page 2 for more details. The meeting will be held at the 1st Baptist Church in N. Adams, at the corner of Eagle and Main streets. Please use the Eagle Street entrance. Bring a non-perishable food to benefit The Friendship Center Food Pantry. Sat., Sept. 12 4-8:00pm Noel Field Voices for Recovery Rally/Walk/Vigil Join us for a vigil to increase awareness of the disease of addiction, get resources for help for someone currently addicted, provide a place of healing and remembrance for those that have lost a loved one due to a drug related incident and celebrate the recovery of local residents. See page 3 for more information. Friday, Sept. 18, 10:00 a.m. No. Berk. Interfaith Action Initiative The Northern Berkshire Interfaith Action Initiative (NBIAI) meets the third Friday of each month at 10 a.m. at the N. Adams First Baptist Church. All people of goodwill are welcome to participate. NBIAI is a group of people of faith working together with others of goodwill to find ways to serve our community. For more info, contact Mark Rondeau at Attention Teens! Starting in October! UNITY Programs: Teen Writing Workshop and Youth Leadership Program. See page 4 for more details! UNITY. . . the opportunity to be powerful! 30 celebrating Find us, then like us! F Go to and search for Go to Northern Berkshire Community Coalition North or enter o in your browser. community See what we’re up to! Thanks for having fun with us and our neighborhood families this summer! National Night Out q Summer Basketball q Northern Berkshire Community Coalition Nor 61 Main Street, Suite 218, North Adams, MA 01247 (413) 663-7588 61 M Improving the quality of life for people in Northern Berkshire by organizing, supporting, and empowering the community. Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, 61 Main Street, Suite 218, North Adams MA 01247 • (413) 663-7588 • Im by 7 Coalition Staff Executive Director Adam Hinds: Business & Administrative Staff Liz Boland: Northern Berkshire Neighbors Annie Rodgers: UNITY Program Associate/The Family Place Adam Tobin: UNITY/nBn Program Associate Jessica Sweeney: Grants Manager, nb21 Wendy Penner: The Family Place Amber Besaw: Chris Griffin: Jazmyne Joy: Sarah Kline: Donna Senecal: Mass In Motion Project Coordinator Amanda Chilson: Communications Coordinator Bert Lamb: Coalition Musings. . . I am writing this on my first day in the nbCC office—sitting in Al’s chair—and I am filled with excitement to get to know each of you reading this newsletter. It is inspiring to join an organization built around a vital vision: the region is strongest when the people are at the center of key decisions and action. Since the founding of our country it has been the case that the most meaningful and lasting community movements are those that hold firm to our highest ideals and aspirations. It is up to us to decide who we want to be as a community and a region. And it is up to us to take the consistent community action required to make change a reality. To me, at the center of developing healthy children, resilient families, and strong neighborhoods is the presence of a consistent and deliberate community. Absent the feeling of support provided by social ties, we are all susceptible and vulnerable. As a result, my vision includes ensuring the infrastructure is in place for each of us to genuinely feel the benefit of community, for each of us to genuinely support fellow youth, parents, and neighbors and to ensure each of us is linked with resources we may need. It is now up to all of us to exemplify the legacy established by Al Bashevkin that is characterized by selfless service to community and putting community collaboration at the center of all that we do. I look forward to the journey and I hope to see many of you at the Annual Needs Assessment Forum! -Adam Hinds Community Health Worker Bret Beattie: Find this newsletter online at 61 Main Street, Suite 218, North Adams, MA 01247 Northern Berkshire Community Coalition U.S. Postage Paid Non-Profit Org. Permit #35 North Adams, MA 01247
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