District of Lantzville
District of Lantzville
District of Lantzville Incorporated June 2003 Agenda for the Regular Meeting of Council of the District of Lantzville to be held on Monday, November 23,2015, at 7:00 pm at the District of Lantzville Office, Floor, 7192 Lantzville Road, Lantzville, BC Page No. 1-2 (Thismeeting may be recorded) 1. AGENDA ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIONS 2. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA THAT Council adopts the November 23,2015 regular Council meeting agenda. 3-8 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES THAT Council approves the November 9,2015 special Council meeting minutes. THAT Council approves the November 9,2015 regular Council meeting minutes. 4. PRESENTATIONS, DELEGATIONS & PETITIONS - Nil 5. CORRESPONDENCE 9-11 a) David Cruickshank, RPF, Resource Forester, South Island Natural Resource District, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources (13 Nov 2015) re: Arrowsmith Timber Supply Area Timber Supply Review - For Action THAT Council members provide comments regarding the data package for the Arrowsmith Timber Supply Area Timber Supply Review to staff by December 4,2015, for staff to compile and prepare a letter replying to the November 12,2015 Mirustry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources by the December 12,2015 deadline. 12-17 b) Director Joe Stanhope, Chair, Regional District of Nanaimo Board (17Nov 2015) re: Initiation of Process to Amend the Regional Growth Strategy - Regional Growth Strategy Minor Amendment Criteria - For Information 6. 18-20 REPORTS a) Mayor & Councillors - Verbal Updates b) Parks and Recreation Commission October 22,2015 Meeting Minutes THAT Council receives the October 22,2015 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting minutes, for information. 7. 21-26 UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Lantzville Historical Society Work and Storage Space Options - For Information 27-29 b) 8. 2016 - 2020 Financial Plan Schedule - For Information BYLAWS-Nil P1 District of Lantzviile November 23,2015 Regular Council Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 9. NEW BUSINESS, MOTIONS & NOTICES OF MOTIONS - Nil 10. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (For questions or comments regarding business discussed by Council at this meeting except publichearings topics - speakers mustfirst state their name and street address) 11. SPECIAL BUSINESS (IN CAMERA) MOTION TO CLOSE THAT Council closes the meeting to the public, pursuant to section 90(e) and (i) of the Community Charter, for the purpose of considering: • the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality. Following adoption of the above motion, the meeting will be closed to the public. MEETING REOPENS TO PUBLIC 12. ADJOURNMENT THAT Council adjourns the meeting. NEXT SCHEDULED REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: Regular Meeting, Monday, December 14,2015 @7:00 pm P2 DRAFT Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council of the District of Lantzville held at 5:00 pm Monday, November 9,2015, at the District of Lantzville Office, Floor, 7192 Lantzville Road, Lantzville, BC. PRESENT: Council: Mayor Colin Haime Councillor Bob Colclough Councillor John Coulson Councillor Will Geselbracht Councillor Denise Haime Councillor Dot Neary Councillor Mark Swain Staff: Brad McRae, Chief Administrative Officer Trudy Coates, Director of Corporate Administration (arr. 5:10 pm) Jeannie Beauchamp, Director of Financial Services (arr. 8:38 pm) AGENDA ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIONS ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Councillor Colclough MOVED and Councillor Haime SECONDED, THAT Council adopts the November 9,2015 special Council meeting agenda, as presented. CARRIED SPECLAL BUSINESS (IN CAMERA) MOTION TO CLOSE Coimcillor Neary MOVED and Councillor Colclough SECONDED, THAT Council closes the meeting to the public, pursuant to section 90(l)(c), (e) and (i) of the Community Charter, for the purpose of considering: • labour or other employee relations; • the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; and • the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. CARRIED MEETING CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC: 5:00 pm MEETING REOPENED TO THE PUBLIC: 9:35 pm with all of Council in attendance and B. McRae, CAO. ADJOURNMENT Councillor Neary MOVED and Cotmcillor Colclough SECONDED, THAT Council adjourns the meeting. CARRIED MEETING ADJOURNED: 9:35 pm Certified Correct: Trudy Coates, Director of Corporate Administration Confirmed this day of Colin Haime, Mayor , 2015. DRAFT Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council of the District of Lantzville held on Monday, November 9,2015,at 7:00 pm at the District of Lantzville Office, 2"^^ Floor, 7192 Lantzville Road, Lantzville, 6C PRESENT: Council: Mayor Colin Haime Councillor Bob Colclough Councillor John Coulson Councillor WiQ Geselbracht Councillor Denise Haime Coimcillor Dot Neary Councillor Mark Swain Staff: Brad McRae, Chief Administrative Officer Trudy Coates, Directorof Corporate Administration Jeannie Beauchamp, Director of Financial Services AGENDA ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIONS ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA CouncillorColclough MOVED and CouncillorSwain SECONDED, THATCouncil adopts the November 9,2015 regular Council meeting agenda as amended with the addition of 7b) with update on Ministers meeting. CARRIED APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councillor Colclough MOVED and Coimcillor Neary SECONDED, THAT Council approves the October 26,2015 regular Council meeting minutes, as presented. CARRIED Councillor Swain MOVED and Councillor Colclough SECONDED, THAT Council approves the November 2,2015 Committee of the Whole meeting minutes, as presented. CARRIED PRESENTATIONS, DELEGATIONS & PETITIONS 1. Lantzville Voltmteer Fire Department Members Long Service Awards Mayor Haime, on behalf of Council and the community,recognized the service and dedication of volunteer firefighters in the Districtof Lantzville. Mayor Haime and Fire Chief Whipps presented the following Lantzville Volimteer Fire Department (LVFD) members wiiti Municipal recognition awards (gift, letter of appreciation and service pin) for five years of service: Bob Alyward and Chris Knudsen. Fire Chief Whipps will present the Mtmicipal recognition awards later to those LVFD volunteers who could not attend the meeting: Chris Crump, Jordan Gail, Pieter John, Jeff Manney and Blair Nefffor five years of serviceand Sean Wileyfor ten years of service. Mayor Haime and FireChiefWhipps presented LVFD volimteer Ian Lundman with the Mimicipal recognitionaward (gift, certificate of appreciation and service pin) for fifteen years of service. Province of BC Fire Commissioner Gordon Anderson was in attendance and spoke of the fire and community serviceby volunteer firefighters. Recognizing 20 years of service. Fire Commissioner Anderson presented the following LVFD members with the Federal District of Lantzville Minutes of tlie November 9,2015 Regular Council Meeting - DRAFT Page 2 of 5 Exemplary Service Medal and certificate, and Mayor Haime and Fire Qiief Whipps presented the Municipal recognition awards (gift, certificate of appreciation and service pin): Glen Dickinson, Martin Kortas, and John Marment. Recognizing30 years of service total in fire departments. Fire Commissioner Anderson presented Don Ba)me with the Federal Exemplary Service Medal 30-year Barand certificate, and Fire Chief Whipps presented the 30-yearservice pin. Recognizing35 years of service.Fire Commissioner Anderson presented FireChiefTom Whipps with the BCLong Service Medal 335-yearBar and certificate, and Mayor Haime presented the Municipal recognition awards (gift, certificateof appreciation and service pin). 2. Lantzville Historical Society Request for District Assistance for an Archival Storage and Workspace Lynn Reeve and Brian Blood of the Lantzville Historical Societyresponded to questions from Coimcil and spoke in support of the District providing space for a permanent Lantzville archive storage and workspace. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Jacquie Hill, Manager of Administrative Services,Regional District of Nanaimo (2 Nov 2015) re: RDN Southern Community Sewer Local Service Amendment Bylaw No. 888.06,2015 - For Consent CouncillorColclough MOVED and Councillor Haime SECONDED, THATthe Council of the District of Lantzville consents to the Regional District of Nanaimo Board adopting "Regional Districtof Nanaimo Southern Community Sewer Local Service Amendment Bylaw No. 888.06,2015; AND FURTHER THATstaff notify the Regional Districtof Nanaimo accordingly. CARRIED REPORTS 1. Mayor & Councillors - Verbal Updates a) Councillor Swain reported on the City of Nanaimo Parks and RecreationCommission meeting, including facilityupgrades and the proposed skate park and pimip track at the Harewood Youth Park. b) Coxmcillor Neary provided an update on the Districtof LantzvilleParks and RecreationCommission noting the success of Minetown Day, status of the Request for Proposals for a Mountain BikePark at Rotary Park, decision to target the pre schoolage group for playground equipment replacement at Rotary Park, and recruiting three volxmteers for consideration of appointment to the Commission. c) Councillor Coulson commented on the District of LantzviQe'sranking in the November 2015 report ''BC Municipal Spending Watch 2015" by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. P5 District of Lantzvitie Minutes of the November 9.2016 Regular Council Meeting - DRAFT Page 3 of 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Strategic Planning Workshop (including Governance Session) RFQ Councillor Neary MOVED and Councillor Haime SECONDED, THAT Council directs Staff to retain the services of LGL Institute - Gordon A. Mclntosh to provide a Strategic Planning Workshop with a governance component. CARRIED Councillor Haime MOVED and Councillor Neary SECONDED,THAT the Strategic Planning Workshop be open to the public. MayorHaime MOVED and Coimcillor Colclough SECONDED, THAT Council amends the motion on the floor by adding "and where applicable, that the meeting be closedto the public when directed by Cotmcil". CARRIED MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED THAT the Strategic PlanningWorkshopbe open to the public and where applicable, that the meeting be closed to the public when directed by Council. CARRIED 2. Update on Meeting with Honourable Steve Thomson, Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations re: Woodlot 1475 Coimcillor Neary MOVED and Mayor Haime SECONDED, THATCouncilwrites to Honourable Steve Thomson, Minister of Forest, Lands & Natural Resources Operations thanking him for listeningto the Woodlot1475 concerns ofCoimcil and his commitment to follow up on questions raised during the discussion. CARRIED BYLAWS-Nil NEW BUSINESS, MOTIONS & NOTICES OF MOTIONS 1. Coimcil Committee & District Representatives Appointments (i) Appointments to Vancouver Island Regional Library Board of Trustees Councillor Neary MOVED and Councillor Haime SECONDED, THAT pursuant to the Library Act, Councilappoints Councillor Will Geselbracht as the District of Lantzville representative to serve on the VancouverIsland Regional LibraryBoard of Trustees for a term ending December 31,2016. CARRIED Coimcillor Neary MOVED and Coimcillor Coulson SECONDED, THATpursuant to the Library Act, Councilappoints CouncillorDot Neary as the Districtof Lantzville alternaterepresentative to serve on the Vancouver Island Regional Library Boardof Trusteesfor a term ending December31,2016. CARRIED P6 District of Lantzville Minutes of the November 9, 2015 Regular Council Meeting - DRAFT Page 4 of 5 (ii) Appointments to Regional District of Nanaimo Board Councillor Neary MOVED and Councillor Swain SECONDED, THAT pursuant to the Local Government Act, Council appoints Councillor BobColclough as the District of Lantzville municipal director on the Regional District of Nanaimo Board. MOTION WITHDRAWN Coimcillor Geselbracht MOVED and Councillor Coulson SECONDED, THAT pursuant to the Local Government Act, Coimcil appoints Mayor Haime as the District of Lantzville municipal director on the Regional District of Nanaimo Board. CARRIED Coimcillor Coulson MOVED and Councillor Neary SECONDED, THAT pursuant to the Local Government Act,Council appoints Councillor BobColclough as the District of LantzviUe alternate municipal director on the Regional District of Nanaimo Board. CARRIED (iii) Appointments to City of Nanaimo Parks and Recreation Commission Councillor Neary MOVED and Coimcillor Colclough SECONDED, THATCoimcil appoints Councillor Swain as Member serving as the District of Lantzville's representative on the City of Nanaimo Parks & Recreation Commission for a threeyear term, serving without remimeration. CARRIED Councillor Swain MOVED and Councillor Neary SECONDED, THAT Council appoints Councillor Dot Neary as the District of Lantzville's Alternate Member on the City of Nanaimo Parks & Recreation Commission for a three-year term, serving without remuneration. CARRIED (iv) Council Liaison to Seaside Community Society Councillor Haime MOVED and Councillor Neary SECONDED,THAT Council appoints Councillor John Coulson as the Liaison to the Seaside Community Society. CARRIED 2. Appointment of Director of Financial Services & Oath of Office Councillor Will Geselbracht MOVEDand Councillor Neary SECONDED, THAT Council appoints Jeannie Beauchamp as Director of Financial Servicesfor the District of Lantzville. CARRIED Jeannie Beauchamp solemnly affirmed the Oath of Officebefore Trudy Coates, Director of Corporate Administration. 3. Strategic Plan Priority Action - Communications - and Recording of Public Meetings (Councillor Coulson's October 26,2015 Notice of Motion) Councillor Coulson MOVED and Councillor Haime SECONDED, WHEREAS on April 13,2015 Council approved $25,000 into the 2015 Financial Plan to fund the Strategic Plan Priority Action - Communications, AND WHEREAS this Strategic Plan Priority Action was one of the top 3 strategic items identified during the 2015 strategic plan session, P7 District of Lantzville Minutes of tlie November 9,2016 Regular Council Meeting - DRAFT Page 5 of 5 AND WHEREAS Council meetings have been recorded and posted on YouTube since February, 2015. A total of 22 posted meetings have received an average of 85 viev^s per meeting, and a median # of views of 55. THEREFORE, be it resolved that: 1) Council requests staff commence recording and posting public meetings, with a target commencement date of January 2016 be established, 2) The scope be limited at this time to recording and posting meetings, live streaming to be postponed at this time until a more detailed assessment of need can be established, 3) A budget of $2,000 be set for this preliminary phase, further optimization can occur from there if required. Councillor Neary MOVED and Councillor Swain SECONDED, THAT Coimcil refers the motion on the floor to the Strategic Planning workshop. MOTION DEFEATED Councillor Neary MOVED and Councillor ColcloughSECONDED, THAT Council refers the motion on the floor until after the Strategic Planning workshop has taken place. CARRIED PUBLIC PARTICIPATION • • John Halliwell, 7186 Lancrest Terrace, commented on budget impacts, recording of Council meetings, and cost of the strategic planning and governance workshop Brian Blood, 7075Caillet Road, commented on appreciation for a recent photo description correction on the website SPECIAL BUSINESS (IN CAMERA) MOTION TO CLOSE - Nil ADJOURNMENT Councillor Neary MOVED and Councillor Swain SECONDED, THAT Council adjourns the meeting. CARRIED MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:30 pm Trudy Coates, Director of Corporate Administration Confirmed this day of , 2015. Colin Haime, Mayor P8 BRITISH Columbia File: R r c 5, 12820-20/038 November 12,2015 Sent by Email: district@lant2ville.ca 'p Council • • ^ Public Works Mayor ^ CAO. ^ Planning 0 • Fire Dept. Director ofFinance p Corp. Admin. Mayor and Council Circ. ToStaff Aafindp District of Lantzville n nihRr f^OW 7192 Lantzville Rd. ^C\ Lantzville, British Columbia V0R2H0 Dear Mayor and Council: The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNR) is in the process of a Timber Supply Review (TSR) for the Arrowsmith Timber Supply Area (TSA). An overview map of the Arrowsmith TSA has been attached for your reference. The TSR is a strategic, high-level review of the Arrowsmith TSA's timber supply and leads to the chief foresters allowable annual cut (AAC) determination for the TSA. The AAC is the rate of timber harvest permitted each year from a specificed area of land, and is expressed in cubic meters of wood. There are several components in the TSR process which may take up to 24 months to complete. In accordance with Section 8(1) of the Forest Act, the chief forester must determine an AAC at least once every ten years from the date of the last determination. The TSR process is now nearing completion of the initial stage, the data package. The data package is a compilation of the best available information on the definition of the current timber harvesting land base (THLB) including but not limited to net downs for non-timber resources such as wildlife habitat, species at risk, old growth and landscape level biodiversity, riparian areas, stand-level biodiversity, archaeological features, recreation sites and trails, research installations, economically inoperable areas, and roads and landings. The data package also identifies the ctirrent forest management assumptions to be applied to the THLB including but limited to regeneration assumptions and expected growth rates, timber utilization standards and minimum harvest ages, visual quality objectives, community and fisheries sensitive watersheds, and Clayoquot Sound watershed plans. Page 1 of2 Port AJbemi, BC Mailing Address: 4885 Chcrrj-CreekRoad Port Albemi, BC CANADA V9Y 8E9 Miaistn' of ForeBts, Lands and South Island Location: Narura] Resource Operations Natural Rcsoiixce District 4885 Cheny Creek Road TeL 250-731-3000 Fax: 250-731-3010 P9 District of Lantzville The data package can be found on the Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch website at: httPs:/Avww.for.gov.bc.ca/hts/tsa/isa38/tsr 2015/38tsdpl 5 final.pdf The summary of information and assumptions in this package forms the basis of the timber supply analysis (second stage of the TSR process), which the chief forester will use to assist in determining the new AAC for the ArrowsmithTSA (fmal stage of the TSR process). As you may be aware, the Arrowsmith TSA is also engaged in an Integrated Resource Management Planning (IRMP) pilot process, running concurrent with the TSR. This process is being led by the Resource Practices Branch (RPB) of FLNRO. To date there have been First Nations and licensee meetings held to introduce and provide input into the plan. Current mformation related to the IRMP (also referred to as an Integrated Silviculture Strategy) can be found at the RPB website: https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/HFP/silstrat/index.htm We understand that the District of Lantzville may have interests that may need specific consideration in the TSR process for the Arrowsmith TSA. On behalf of the chief forester, FLNR would like to provide an opportunity for the District of Lantzville to offer any comments that you may have in regard to the data package for the Arrowsmith TSA TSR, including your suggestions as to any new data or information that you would like to see incorporated into this package that will be used as part of the second stage of the TSR process, the timber supply analysis. Please provide your comments in writing within 30 days from the date of this letter. Further engagement will be undertaken with the District of Lantzville at the timber supply analysis stage of the TSR process. The draft timber supply analysis will likely be ready in late fall of 2016. Once the AAC determination is made the District of Lantzville will receive notification of this decision along with the rationale. The AAC detennination is expected in the winter of 2017. We acknowledge the technical nature of the draft data package; and therefore, if you have any questions, require further information, or would like to meet please don't hesitate to contact Tracy Andrews, Resource Officer, at (250) 731-3087 or by email Tracv.Andrews@gov.bc.ca. For any other questions, please contact myself at (250) 731-3065 or by email David.Cruickshank@.gov.bc.ca. Yours truly, ON:cn^Oavld Crulckshank,o^Ulnlstiy of Fofesu. Lands and Natural Resource CiJCl-4 Operations, ou==Soiith Island Natural Resource District, efhalh=David.Crulckshankeigovl>cxa, c^CA Date: 2015.11.1214«3:50 -OSW David Cruickshank, R.P.F. Resource Forester South Island Natural Resource Distiict Attachments: Arrowsmith TSA overview map pc: Tracy Andrews, R.P.F., Resource Officer, South Island Natural Resouirce District Page 2 of2 P10 \WtS73 THTSW TSPHW fiS'i'zVJ iSSTSvf iSTSaw iSTSTW 12ST2W I25*0W i24*«vw tzTSew izTSSvv i24'i2w izTow 123-48W iza-saw 123•24W izrizw iWtrw m'48W Mintfltry of Forests, Lands «ntf Diuiiui Natural Ruourca Oparatloni Sevtti tsuftd Dwnct South Island Natural Resourca District Arrowsmlth Timbar Supply Area (TSA)-TSA 38 Timber Supply Review ArrowatiiKh TSA Prtvata Lands Ciiwwii Land OutaM* ArrewsmKh TSA I I Sowtfi Island Natttral Rasoure* DMrtct Boundary CJ Clayoquet Sound Boundary 126'46V/ "0 12S*38-W 12B*24V/ 126*12\V ije'iniv 125'4e'W 12S'3«W 1X-24W 12s trw 124*4eV/ 124*38^ 124*24W 124Mrw 124'(TW 123M8W 123*38W 123'24'W mM2W 123-ffW RECEIVED November 11, 2015 district of lantzville Mayor Colin Haime 7132 Lantzville Road (Box 100) Lantzvilie, BCV9P 2E1 p Council • Mayor • Circ. To Staff |a Public Works ^ C,A.O. 0 Planning {J] Director of Finance • Fire Dept. Corp. Admin. EP Agenda D Other Dear Mayor Haime: RE: Regional District OFNANAIMO INITIATION OF PROCESS TO AMEND THE REGIONAL GROWTH STRATEGY Regional Growth Strategy Minor Amendment Criteria This letter is to formally confirm the initiation of a process to amend the Regional 6rov\rth Strategy and Intent to consult with affected and interested organisations. On October 27^^ 2015, the Regional District of Nanaimo Board decided to proceed with an amendment to the Regional Growth Strategy to revise the criteria for minor amendments. The current Regional District of Nanaimo Regional Growth Strategy Bylaw No. 1615 contains criteria for minor amendments outlined in Section 1.5.1. BC CLIMATE ACTION COMMUNITY 2012 This section is divided into two parts. The first part outlines the criteria under which a proposed amendment to the Regional Growth Strategy may be considered minor. The second part outlines some of the types of amendments that are not considered minor (see Attachment 1). In response to public Input, the Board directed staff to address two concerns with the current criteria for minor amendments. The first concern was that the section was not clear whether the first and second parts should be considered together. The second concern was with one of the criteria that a proposed amendment may be minor if it results from a "full Official Community Plan review process," as the section is not clear on what is meant by a full Official Community Plan review process. A potential amendment to address the Regional Board's concerns was identified through Initial consultations with member municipalities. The proposed change would be to clarify that the list of amendments not considered minor do not apply if a full Official Community Plan process has been done and that each of the types of amendments has been contemplated as part of the Official Community Plan review process. The proposed change clarifies that the first and second part of Section 1.5.1 can be read separately and It provides a minimum set of Items that must be considered for a full Official Community Plan review. The wording for the proposed change can be Strategic and Communny Development 6300 Hammond BayRd. Nanaimo, B.C. V9T6N2 Ph.(250)390-6510 To!! Free; 1-877-607-4111 seen in Attachment 2. The regional district has prepared a Consultation Plan for the Regional Growth Strategy Minor Amendment Process. The plan identifies opportunities for anyone with an interest in the Regional Growth Strategy Minor Amendment Process to share their views with RDN representatives. The regional district will also consult with affected Fax; (250) 390-4163 RDN Website: www.rdn.bc.ca P12 local governments, First Nations, school district boards, improvement district boards, and Provincial and Federal governments. The steps Involved in the RGS amendment process are provided in Attachment 3. We will keep you informed on the status of the project. If you have any questions about the proposed Regional Growth Strategy Minor Amendment Process, please do not hesitate to contact Paul Thompson, Manager of Long Range Planning, or Stephen Boogaards, Planner at 250-390-6510 or Toll Free 1-877-6074111. Sincerely, Director Joe Stanhope Chair, RDN Board cc Paul Thorkelsson, CAO, Regional District of Nanalmo GeoffGarbutt, General Manager of Strategic and Community Development Brad McRae, CAO, District of Lantzviile P13 Attachment 1 Current Regional Growth Strategy Minor Amendment Section 1.5.1 Criteria for Minor Amendments The following outlines the criteria for considering minor amendments to the RGS. 1. Criteria under which a proposed amendment to the RGS may be considered a minor amendment include the following: • Amendments resulting from a full Electoral Area or Municipal OfficialCommunity Plan review process; • Text and map amendments required to correct errors or as a result of more accurate information being received; • Amendments to incorporate changes to tables, figures, grammar, or numbering that do not alter the intent of the Regional Growth Strategy; and • 2. Addition or deletion, or amendment to Section 5.4 Key Indicators. Although not considered as an exhaustive list, the following types of amendments are not considered minor: • Those that lead to adverse changes to the health and ongoing viability of sensitive ecosystems and water sources; • Those that include land in the Agricultural Land Reserve or will negatively impact agricultural lands; • Those related to a development that would require significant works to address a natural hazard; • Those that require the provision of new community water and sewer systems outside the Growth Containment Boundary; and, • Those that are not consistent with measures and or policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. 1.5.2 Process for Approving Minor Amendments 1. On receipt of a request from a member municipality or an Electoral Area Planning Committee to amend the RGS, RDN staff will prepare a preliminary report for review by the Sustainability Select Committee. Committee comments and recommendations will be forwarded to the Regional Board. P14 2. A land use or development proposal or text amendment will be assessed in terms of the minor amendment criteria. The Board may resolve, by an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the Board members attending the meeting, to proceed with an amendment application as a minor amendment. Where the Board resolves to proceed with an amendment application as a minor amendment, the Board will: • Determine the appropriate form of consultation required in conjunction with the proposed minor amendment; • Give 45 days written notice to each affected local government, including notice that the proposed amendment has been determined to be a minor amendment. The notice shall include a summary of the proposed amendment and any staff reports, other relevant supporting documentation and the date, time and place of the board meeting at which the amending bylaw is to be considered for first reading; and • Consider the written comments provided by the affected local governments prior to giving first reading to the proposed amendment bylaw. 3. The bylaw may be adopted without a public hearing after second reading in the event that the amending bylaw receives an affirmative vote of all Board members attending the meeting. 4. Consider third reading and determine whether or not to adopt the amending bylaw. 5. Minor amendment bylaws shall be adopted in accordance with the procedures that apply to the adoption of a RGS under Section 791 of the Local Government Act. P15 Attachment 2 Proposed Amendment to RGS Minor Amendment Criteria 1.5.1 Criteria for Minor Amendments The following outlines the criteria for considering minor amendments to the RGS. 1. Criteria under which a proposed amendment to the RGS may be considered a minor amendment include the following: • Amendments resulting from a full Electoral Area or Municipal Official Community Plan review process; • Text and map amendments required to correct errors or as a result of more accurate information being received; • Amendments to incorporate changes to tables, figures, grammar, or numbering that do not alter the intent of the Regional Growth Strategy; and • 2. Addition or deletion, or amendment to Section 5.4 Key Indicators. Although not considered as an exhaustive list, the following types of amendments are not considered minor unless thev have been contemplated as oart of a full official community plan review process; • Those that lead to adverse changes to the health and ongoing viability of sensitive ecosystems and water sources; • Those that include land in the Agricultural Land Reserve or will negatively impact agricultural lands; • Those related to a development that would require significant works to address a natural hazard; • Those that require the provision of new community water and sewer systems outside the Growth Containment Boundary; and, • Those that are not consistent with measures and or policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. P16 Attachment 3 RGS Amendment Process Legislated Amendment Process for the Regional Growth Strategy - Initiated by RDN Regional District Board Regional Growth Strategy(RGS)i RDN Board Request to Amend RGS r- Bba^.(l|^desto proceed with the ' . amendment Board approves Consultation Plan plan Consultation with public, province and: municipalities Referral to Intergovernmental Advisoiy Committee Referral to Sustainabiiity Select Committee RGS receives l"^d 2*^ reading public hearing) 60 day referral to members Accept Not Accept ^ -^RGS receives 3rd reading '-aii- - . . Adopted Non-Binding Resolution Minister Directed Resolution s' Settlement Process?,-. DRAFT Minutes of the District of Lantzville Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting held on Thursday, October22,2015 at 4:30 pm at the District Office, Floor- 7192 Lantzville Road, Lantzville, 6C PRESENT; Members: Dot Neary, Councillor, Chairperson John English, Member Ted GuUison, Member Brenda Savage, Member Absent: John Halliwell, Member Staff: Trudy Coates, Director of Corporate Administration The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm. AGENDA ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIONS ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA B. Savage MOVED and J. English SECONDED, THAT the Commission adoptsthe October 22,2015 meetingagenda,as amended with the addition of the Draft2016 Parks&Recreation Commission Meeting Schedule. CARRIED APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES T. GuUison MOVED and J. EnglishSECONDED, THAT the Commission approves the July 23,2015 meeting minutes, as presented. CARRIED PRESENTATIONS, DELEGATIONS, PETITIONS - Nil CORRESPONDENCE (1) Copy of Harriet Rueggeberg's September 23,2015 letter to Council re: Tree Protection and letter from A, Larsen The Commission received, for information, the copy of Harriet Rueggeberg's September 23, 2015 letter to Councilregarding tree protection and A. Larsen's letter on the issue. STATUS OF COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNCII/COUNCIL MOTIONS (1) The Commissionreceived, for information, the October 19,2015 Councilmotion: THAT Councilappoints Coxmcillor Dot Neary as Chair and Councillor Will Geselbracht as Alternate Chair of the District of Lantzville Parks and Recreation Commission. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (1) Projects Update and Discussion a) Project Priorities for 2015 - Playground Improvements Rotary Park - Tovm Hall meeting update and next steps [finalize target age group to facilitate staffobtaining quotes] - JohnEnglish reviewed commentsreceivedat MinetownDay, the TownHall meeting and at a Rotary Club meeting, notingthat the Club was not a directdonor/builder of the park whichraised the question of the name of the park and optionsfor the future. ACTION: Staff to proceedwith obtainingpricesfor playground equipmentfor 2 V2 to 5 year olds for RotaryPark,with layout to include retainingthe existingadjacent dome. P18 District of Lantzville l\/linutes of tlie October 22,2015 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting - DRAFT Page 2 of 3 - Mountain Bike Skills Park - Town Hall meeting update - RFPIssued and Qosed October 9,2015 - to discuss documenting inventory of volunteers, donors and equipment Staff confirmed that no formal submissions were received in response to the RFP posted on Civiclnfo and sent to four suppliers; however, staff will be meeting with one supplier regarding the project, and an amended schedule to include an opportunity for furtiier public input during the design and planning process. ACTION: Update in November, staff to meet with supplier, draft collateralfor a donor program and inventory volunteers, donor and equipment - Woodlot Trail - Recreation Sites and Trails 6C Partnership Agreement (i) Application to Province for woodlot trail signage funding - Staff confirmed that the $2,000 cheque was received from the Province for the trail signage grant, to be combined with Districtfunding budgeted for interpretive signage (ii) Woodlot Trail walk with Director of Public Works August 13,2015- T. Gullison & F. Spears walked a portion of the trail. Other members of the Commission plan to also walk the trail, for background to provide input on next steps on work plan, inventory work required and discuss prioritizing work, e.g. signage, bridge numbers, etc. One of 11 bridges recently completed by District staff. (iii) Volimteer Program - Staffconfirmed several volunteers have registered for future work on the trail and the Province has confirmed that the personal information about volunteers, referenced in the licence is not required as the District is responsible for supervision of the volunteers. ACTION: Finalize trailer marker and interpretive signage wording and identify locations. T. Gullison to prepare a proposal for signage and submit a draft to staff to price. - Bike Road Safety and Maintenance Workshops - for Children held in July 2015 and plans for 2016. The Commissions discussed the success of the workshop where eight 810 year olds took part with parents, free of charge. Instructor Peter McAffery conducted four 2-hour sessions. Next time staff to provide a photo release and invite LVFD to attend. The Commission plans to hold more sessions in 2016, and may potentially request $1,000. to offer if four times, and noted that capacity can be increased with adult volunteers. Staff to confirm funding available. ACTION: For November meeting staff to provide a Financial Plan report, and Special Request forms, if required, for 2016projects. b) Minetown Day 2015 - Update. B. Savage reported on the review of the 2015 event, including layout of the events in the Park to utilize new Hydro outlets, electrical service problems resolved, location of stage in consideration of acoustics, new planning group members, returning to defined areas of responsibility, good volxmteer turnout (65), vendor registration, rides, and consolidation of a planning manual (to January agenda). ACTION: January meeting - review of consolidation of event planning manual c) Lantzville Woodlot Advisory Group - Update The Commission received the copy of the District of Lantzville letter to Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (September 28,2015 Council motion) expressing concern about Woodlot 1475. The Commission noted the initiative by individuals in the community to submit a petition to the MLA. P19 District of Lantzville Minutes of the October 22,2015 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting - DRAI=T Page 3 of 3 Staffnoted April 2015 Council appointment of three Commission members as representatives and alternate on the Lantzville Woodlot Advisory Group, and the need for an updated recommendation to and appointment by Council after vacancies filled. ACTION: To November agenda for update followingmeeting with Ministerand MLA. d) Royal Canadian Legion Request for Alterations to Landscaping at Cenotaph, Huddlestone Park - Staff confirmed there has been no reply to date from families of the two memorial tree donors growing close to the cenotaph in Huddlestone Park, therefore, it is unlikely that the trees will be relocated prior to Remembrance Day. e) 2014Knarston Creek Planting Project - Update & Plans for 2015 - Propose more planting in Spring or Fall2016, with watering to follow. ACTION: To February 2016meeting. NEW BUSINESS (1) DRAFT 2016 Meeting Schedule - The Commission, by imanimous consent, accepted the 2016 meeting schedule. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Nil SPECIAL BUSINESS (IN-CAMERA) MOTION TO CLOSE T. Gullison MOVED and B. Savage SECONDED, THAT the Commission closes the meeting to the public, pursuant to section 90(1)(a) of the Community Charter, for the purpose of considering: • Personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the mimidpality. CARRIED MEETING CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC: 5:50 pm MEETINGREOPENED TO THE PUBLIC: 6:15 pm with all in attendance as at the beginning of the meeting. ADJOURNMENT T. Gullison MOVED and B. Savage SECONDED, THAT the Commission adjourns the meeting. CARRIED MEETING ADJOURNED: 6:15 pm Certified Correct: Trudy Coates, Director of Corporate Administration Confirmed this ^ day of , 2015. Dot Neary, Councillor, Chairperson P20 District of Lantzville INFORMATION REPORT TO CAO Regular Council Agenda Item November 23,2015 File:0230^.LHS Q:\DISTRICT OFLANrZVILUE\Repoi1s to Coimdl\2015\Lantzvine historicalSodelyWorkand StorageSpaceNov232015.docx AUTHOR: Trudy Coates, Director of Corporate Administration SUBJECT: Lantzville Historical Society Work and Storage Space Recommendation For Information. Purpose To provide a report on a work and storage space for the LantzvilleHistoricalSociety. Backgroimd A mimicipality may choose to enter into a lease,licenceof occupation or rental agreement, depending on the municipality's and the tenants level of interest in the land, permanency, and exclusiveuse, and sul^ectto the Comtnuniiy Charter requirementsfor disposal of property (e.g. statutory notices) and providing assistance (e.g.leasing property for less than market value). Publication of notice is required, and this may occur prior to leasing,as a public offeringor prior to execution of a lease, as a notice of intention to lease to a specific person or organization. Qauses of a lease may be amended with the agreement of both parties, through a lease amendment agreement. The Districtof Lantzville was incorporated in 2003 and owns severalmunicipal buildings, including Costin Hall and the Heritage Churdi which are leased to the SeasideCommimity Society. Lantzville Historical Society (LHS) incorporated in 1982, past projects include putting together a collection of photos,writing a book (Lantzville The FirstHxmdred Years), operating thelog.ca web site, and collectinghistorical documents/artifacts. Future projectsinclude plans to write a second book, operate a museum, and develop an onlinearchiveof Lantzville history. The LHS has previouslysubmitted proposalsto the Districtfor spacewithin a Districtbuilding to operate a museum and/or for a workspace and archive. The District has provided space for the LHS to store, rent-free,one filing cabinet of their archival collectionin a DistrictOfficestorage room; however, this is only accessible when the office is open and the adjacentmeeting room is not in use. The Seaside Commimity Societyhas provided the LHS (at no charge) an approximate 200 sq.ft. storage room in Costin Hall where they store docimients and artifacts. The LHS reported concern with the CTirrent arrangement due to humidity/air quality and accessby others, and notes that other documents are stored in members' homes and donation of additional artifacts have been declined due to lack of space. A December2012 Coundl resolution directed staff to advise the LHSthere was no opportunity for a mxiseumto be located at Costin Hall or the Heritage Church until the sub-lease for the church expires in 2015 and further that the item would be discussed at Council's 2013 Strategic Planning Session.An October 2014 request from the LHSto assist ihe LHS to secure work and storage space was received by Council and staff confirmed the option to discuss the request at the 2015 strategic planning session with additional information regarding specific needs (space,size, etc.). The request for space was not reflected in the 2015-2018 Strategic Plan due to ranking position. Subsequently,Coimdl considered February 2 and 4,2015 LHScorrespondence (Attachment #1) for assistance to secure a suitable work and storage space. The delegation at the meeting also noted that inother munidpaHties, historical societies receive a grant for operating expenses like rent. Council P21 District of Lantzville Report to CAO- November23.2015 Lantzville Historical Sodet/ Workand Storage Space Page 2 of2 requested staffto prepare a report on optionsfor providing work and storage space in municipal facilities, including reporting on other alternatives, e.g. input from die Seaside Community Societyon space at Costin Hall. In September 2015, the LHSwrote (Attachment #1) regarding progress, and were advised that staff had been researching options, and a report was anticipatedfor late Octoberor November. The LHS appeared as a delegation at Council November 9,2015, spoke in support of the District providing space for a permanent Lantzvillearchive storage and workspace, and specifically requested half of the basement of the Heritage Church and noted the potential in the future for a quasi-museimi on the main floor of the Heritage Church in locked cabinets and/or an on-line archive and miisetmL The LHS stated to Coimdl that they would not be able to provide rent and requested the District provide the space free of charge. Discussion Staffprovide the followingreport for informationon the requestfor LHS work and storage space, listed in no particular order: 1. the Districtowns/occupies very few properties, eacliis for a specificpurpose, and no space is available for a LHSwork and storage space in the DistrictOffice, Public Works office or Fireball 2. rental space in privately owned buildings in the village core are larger than required and costly for tiiepurpose proposed, e.g. 1,600 sq.ft. rentalof $2,000 per month 3. the LHS would need to deal directly with the Seaside CommimitySociety (SCS) regarding CostinHaU and the Heritage Church, as the Districthas leased those properties to the SCS 4. the SCS has been consideiing how it might provide additional space (in addition to the current 200 sq.ft. provided rent-free to LHS) for the LHSin the fully utilized Costin HaU and recently received an estimate of $6,000 to enclose 170sq.ft. (includingelectrical, heating, door and window) adjacent to the current LHSspace, TlieSCSwould not be responsible for this expense. The Districthas not budgeted for such an expenditure. The Historical Society could apply for grant monies and/or fundraise. If tlie LI-K chose this option, the SCS would need to first request the District (as required under the lease) to authorize the construction 5. Council willbe havingStrategic Planning in December and may consider further thefuture of Costin HaU and the Heritage Church 6. localgovernmentsare not mandated to provide financial support for an archive or museum, many do not providefimding and the extentof ftmding providedvarieswidely, oftensubject to the priorities, location and size of die commimity, e.g. is it a tourism or economic development plan initiative, and for those that do provide support, in some cases there is also a fee for service agreement or specific list of deliverables and/or cost or revenue sharing. Summary There is currentiy no space available for a Lantzville Historical Society work and storage space in a Districtfacility. The LHS may chooseto work with the Seaside CommimitySociety regarding occupancy in Costin Hall. No Coimcil action is required at this time. Respectfully submitted Trudy Coa^s, Director ofCorporate Administration Attachment #1: Lantzville Historical Sodety Corre^ndence (Febmary 2 &4,2015; S^Dtember 23,2015; and November 1,2015) CAO Dir. Rn. Svcs. Dir. of PW P22 antzvi Jtriistoncai incorporated 19S2 PO Box 114 Lantzville, B.C. VOR 2H0 (250) 390-4471 Lreeve@teius.net ' J'-x r "v "i RECEIVED" Council D Mayor February 2, 2015 IB CAO. V . _ D PJannfng »•.. I?l OlredorqfRtonoe- ; G FraD^V District of lantzville PO Box 100 Lantzville BC VOR 2H0 E Conp.Admfti. • ® —' Dear Lantzville Mayor and Council, FEB 0 3 20tS IDISTRICTOPLtMl^.,,,; D -Pgi^iyy - - "; -• - . .1 •.'M" ^ - The Lantzville Historical Society needs a dedicated work and storage space toenable ongoing projects. Our con stitutional mandate to preserve all aspects of our local history and make it accessible to the public is hampered by the lack of such a centralised space. We are beginning to research the postwar years for a second volume of the History of Lantzville focusing on the Improvement District era. In order for this project to proceed we need to take it out of our homes and into a dedicated space where the archival material is at hand and vWiere we can use computers, scanners and other equipment which we have for the purpose. Staffed as we are by unpaid volunteers this workspace needs to be accessible after hours and onweekends onan ad hoc basis. \Ate are unable toafford rent ofoffice space. We do have a budget for projects but as a non-profit group, fundraising is more difficult and time consuming than when we raised $20,000 tovrards the purchase ofthe old United Church property for the District, a project which we Initiated and led. Cun-ently our artifact collection is located in an unventilated and windowless storage room under Costin Hall. Humidity is high and the space isconnected tothe utility area which generates mechanical and musty odours. It is unsuited as a workspace and not ideal for artifacts. It isunlikely that this space would meet provincial occupa tional health and safety standards. Security isalso an issue since this space is regularly accessed by Costin Hall volunteers and contractors for access to breaker panels for the building and to access other building utilities. The security door installed by the Historical Society through donations from Slegg Building Supplies and the Seaside Society has occasionally been found unlocked. Partofour collection of photos and documents is contained in a file cabinet in a storage room entered from the Council Chamber in the District Office Building. This space, also used by the DOL for storage, is not accessible on the after-hours basis required oranytime the District is using the space for meetings orother purposes. Ac cess requires co-ordination with DOL staffforeach visit to the Society's archives cabinet. As a museum now seems unlikely we have been turning away donors of additional Lantzville historical artifacts, referring them instead to the city and other museums. We are still receiving documents and photographs as these are easier to house and preserve. However, even to continue with our more modest goals of creating historical display cases in public buildings, writing volume 2 of the Lantzville history and creating an online virtual museum, we are in need of an accessible work and storage space. If the District of Lantzville could provide any assistance to help us preserve the District of Lantzville's history by securing a suitable space as outlined above itwould be deeply appreciated. Sincerely, Lynn Reeve, President, Pin P23 REGEiVlrD Trudy Coates |C-:ST'^iC7 or- I ^om: -nt: To: Subject: Lynn <lreeve@telus.net> Februafv-04-15 1:37 PM Trudy Coates LHS archival space Thank you for you quick reply to my letter. Our requirements for archival/work space are as follows: • 24/7 access • minimum size 150 sq ft P Council • Mayor @ CAO. D Circ.ToStaff 0 PublicWorks • Planning B Director of Finance D Fire Dept. S Corp. . Admin. • $ Agenda Olher ^ 0X^0 • assessable for heavy items (fireprooffiling cabinets weigh several hundred pounds) • secure, so work in progress can be leftout between work sessions • electrical service sufficient to run computer, scanner, and printer Of couree, it must be dry enough to presen/e papers and photographs and wann enough to be used as a work room. Iwill be attending your February 16th council meeting to speak to this matter. Slncerly Lynn Reeve President, LantzvKle Historical Society P24 '?'5gE!VED Tru^ Coates iCT OF LANT7VH 1 F From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Lynn <lreeve@telus.net> September-23-15 3:07 PM Trudy Coates Brian Blood; jack+linda robinson LHS archival space workspace request.docx Late last year Lantville Historical Society made a presentation to council regarding our desparate need for more storage for our growing archival collection, and a secure work space in which to reference these matterials. Discussion at this meeting stressed the urgent need for this space, given that we are now beginning to work on our second book. TWs second book will cover Lantzviile's history during the period 1955 to 2003 .. the improvment district years. • Council • Mayor CAO. • Direclor of Finance • • O • CIrc.Tc S;aff Public v.ijrss Planning Fire Dept. 1^Corp. Admin. Qfl Agenda u/ttk • Other m 30.30 UfS As far as we are aware, no progress has been made on this request. I am requesting inclusion on next Monday's agenda. Attached is the letter we sent the district last year. Sincerely Lynn Reeve President, Lantville Historical Society P25 Trudy Coates From: Brian Blood <brblood®shawxa> Sent November-OMS 332 PM To: Subject TrudyCoates Lantzville Historical Society Trudy, the LHS would like to bea delegation at the regular council meeting onMonday, November 9^ 2015. We would like to bring Council upto date with our plans and request foran archival storage andwori(space. Itisimportant, especiallyfor the 4 new Councillors, to hear our proposals In person. We are also concerned that as the date for termination or renewal of the Seaside lease on the Old United Church property gets closerCouncil needs as much time and inputas possible to make Informed decisions. Wewill be asking for a spaceinthe basement ofthe building. Please let us know the outcome ofthisrequestto be a delegation. Iwill forward thisto the elected members myself since the cc function requiresthe emailaddresses alreadyformatted. Thanks Brian Btood and Lynn Reeve ^^26 District of Lantzville REPORT TO C AO Regular Council Agenda Item COUNCIL MEETING DATE File: Directory location: Q:\DISTRICr OFLANTZVILLE\Reports to Coundl\2015 AUTHOR: Jeannie Beauchamp, Director of Financial Services SUBJECT: Draft Financial Plan Schedule RECOMMENDATION THAT Council receive this report for information. ALTERNATIVES N/A PURPOSE To report on the draft 2016-2020 Financial Plan schedule. BACKGROUND Theattached2016-2020 Financial Planscheduleprovidesa schedule for development and considerationof the Financial Plan and Property Tax bylaws. The Community Charier states that a mtmicipality must annually adopt a Financial Plan Bylaw and a Property TaxBylaw. The Financial Plan must be for a period of five (5) years. The 2016 Financial Plan wiU be for 2016 through 2020. Council must imdertakea process of publicconsultation regarding the proposed financial plan beforeit is adopted. The availability of comment from the public during the Committee of the Whole meetings for the FinancialPlan will meet this requirement Section 165 of the Community Charter stipulates that a municipality must have a financial plan adopted annually, by bylaw, before the annual property tax bylaw is adopted. Section 197 of the Community Charter states that the Property TaxBylaw be adopted beforeMay15. On September 8, 2015 Council approved the 2015 Council MeetingSchedule, including the four (4) Committee of the Whole meetings to discuss the Financial Plan. P27 DISCUSSION Council's Strategic Plan wiU greatly influence the financial plan development. The attached proposed schedule is subject to the timely completion of the Strategic Plart An amendment to the proposed schedule may be required at a later date to ensure that Council's strategic priorities are incorporated into the 2016-2020 Financial Plan. SUMMARY The legislation states that Cotmdl must approve a FinancialPlan bylaw for 2016-2020 as well as a Property Tax bylaw for 2016, with both bylaws being adopted before May 15,2016, Respectfully submitted. Jeannie Beauchc Director of Financial Services District of Lantzville Attach. Draft 2016-2020 Financial Plan MeefingSchedule CAO Dir. Fin Serv Dir.ofPW Dir Corp Adm P28 District of Lantzville Draft 2016-2020 Financial Plan Schedule Date Time Subject Location January 18 7:00 pm Committee of the Whole (Financial Plan) District Office, 7192 Lantzville Road February 10 5:00 pm Committee of the Whole (Financial Plan) District Office, 7192 Lantzville Road March 7 7:00 pm Committee of the Whole (Financial Plan) District Office, 7192 Lantzville Road April 4 6:00 pm • Committee of the Whole (Rnandal Plan) Regular Meeting (Financial Plan and Property Tax Bylaw adoption) District Office, 7192 Lantzville Road 25 7:00 pm District Office, 7192 Lantzville Road Schedule is subject to change District of Lantzville PO Box 100,7192 Lantzville Road, Lantzville, BC VOR 2H0 W www.lantzville.ca P 250.390.4006 F 250.390.5188 Q:\DISTRICrOF LAhfTZVILLE\Reports to Coundl\2015\20l5 1119 Draft Rnandal Plan Sdiedule - AttachmenLdooc E district@lantzville.ca