Sam Bat - The Canadian Business Journal
Sam Bat - The Canadian Business Journal
Sam Bat CB 02 Sam B Bat CB MANUFACTURING Original Maple Bat Sam Bat is the classic story of passion and innovation coming together to solve a problem and serve a market niche. In 1996, Sam Holman developed the first prototype and solution to broken baseball bats. 4 MANUFACTURING Sam Bat Sam Holman, founder of Sam Bat Based in Ottawa, Holman began developing a the traditional ash wood used for baseball bats, bat that was tougher and more durable than Holman discovered that maple was the ideal traditional ash bats. It was an all-encompassing material to bring his idea to life. Maple manu- study of legal patents, the physics of base- facturing of a would-be railing soon became the ball, and the dynamics of different wood spe- first Sam Bat. cies. From this careful, thorough, and tedious “I was lucky, Fernando Seguignol took that research came the Sam Bat. As it happened, bat and hit the first home run out of Lynx Sta- Holman, a carpentry stagehand by trade, hap- dium,” Holman told The Canadian Business pened to be carving a staircase railing made Journal. “The world of baseball knew there was from maple wood. With a greater density than something different in town.” MAY 2013 The Canadian Business Journal 5 Arlene Anderson, President of Sam Bat Best in the Field Italy, Germany, Japan, and the Netherlands. Sam Bat is about performance, a key reason Sam Bat supplies top quality products to top why it is today used by dozens of Major League quality players worldwide. Baseball players, easily identifiable from the “Sixty per cent of the bats now used in the stands or from the television screen with its game are maple, which tells you that we have re- slick Sam Bat logo visible on the bat handle. ally done something,” Holman detailed. “We’re a Sam Bat is also the official supplier to the benefactor of technology. Before that, our grand- Australian Baseball League. Aside from Austra- fathers didn’t have [this technology] and it’s one lia and the MLB markets, Sam Bat supplies to of the reasons why maple was never really used countries across the globe, including Mexico, as a wood before I introduced it into the game. 6 MANUFACTURING Sam Bat MAY 2013 The Canadian Business Journal 7 Some of it is timing, some of it is luck, but all of always sources the best maple to provide the it is researched.” market with the best available product. It is this Arlene Anderson, President of Sam Bat, commitment to quality that continues to draw added, “Our product gets a wonderful reception. the best in baseball to Sam Bat. High perfor- Players know that when they hold it and use it, mance players desire high performance equip- they know the quality that goes into the Sam ment that meets their needs, a market niche Bat, and that’s a function of our expert staff.” which Sam Bat has deftly served. From controlled wood cutting to a detailed “We’ve solidified our spot in the market- kiln drying process, Sam Bat manufacturing is place,” Anderson explained. “The object now far more advanced than simply operating auto- is [to pursue] brand recognition and to expand mated production. Rather, the team at Sam Bat the general base. There is a lot of competition. carefully selects and evaluates each piece of Sam created a bit of a monster because he was maple that goes into its finished product as its very successful in infiltrating into the MLB in way of guaranteeing the best customized result. the early 2000s. As a result, we now have more “Our quality is absolutely paramount to what we do. If we let up in the slightest, we would be rejected overnight,” Holman explained. “We than 30 competitors selling into MLB. We’re one of the Top 5 and we’re very proud of that.” As Holman concluded, “It’s an instrument. learned long ago that we are our own best sup- It’s very important that you become a doctor of plier. It’s hard work and it’s a real challenge, but your profession. The education and the re- it gives us an edge over our competitors.” search that we have developed made us that. We’re recognized around the world for mak- Road Ahead ing one of the best baseball bats in the world. Passion and dedication led to the development That’s dedication.” CB of Sam Bat, and pushed the company to where it is today. Moving forward, the same passion steers it ahead. Always with an eye on improvement, Sam Bat wants to continue refining its product, researching and fine tuning its work, its processes, and wood treatment. Sam Bat GEORGE MEDIA NETWORK AS SEEN IN THE MAY 2013 ISSUE OF THE CANADIAN BUSINESS JOURNAL WWW.CBJ.CA | WWW.IRJONLINE.COM | WWW.TABJ.CO.ZA | WWW.AUBJ.COM.AU | WWW.ABJUSA.COM