work/tommy lee 0206.1
work/tommy lee 0206.1
WORK / TOMMY LEE 0206.1 CI CLIENT PROJECTS SOFTWARE BODACIOUS! VENTURES, VA CORPORATE IDENTITY ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR 318C 469C CI / Ad / W CLIENT PROJECTS SOFTWARE TWEED LLC. NJ, VA CORPORATE IDENTITY STATIONERY SYSTEM WEB SITE DESIGN MAGAZINE ADS NEWSPAPER ADS DIRECT MAIL INVITATION ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR ADOBE PHOTOSHOP QUARK XPRESS myer V. Stottle Kathryn Virginia Tweed Virginia LLC Shoppes at Westgate, 11743 West Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23233 rManage ee kate@tw LC irginia L Tweed V t Westgate a Shopp es d Street est Broa 11743 W Virginia 23233 , d Richmon one . 3900 ph 804. 249 1 fax 0 9 3 . 9 4 2 804. eedatho Tweed Virginia LLC Shoppes at Westgate , 11743 West Broad Street, Richmond, Vir ginia 23233 804. 249. 3900 phone , 804. 249. 3901 fax, www.tweedathome .com We you ing at a great p p o sh ay lid o h o G . it get big mall and u get igno Yo . ed h tc re st et g u Yo . get stressed red. You get ith per fume. You get w d ye ra sp et g u Yo . tired. You get lost et really good g u yo d n A s. ve el y b accosted But at Tweed, you can get at waiting in line. er in touch with your inn et unique gifts g u Yo . n io at ir sp in ay decorator. You get holid ic e w it h st yl e. rv se et g u Yo e. u iq ct le an d fa b u lo u s h o m e ec charm with n ow yt ar C et g u yo d An You get free gift-wrap. West En eed and get a Tw to e m co So . ce n ie d conven d, what we ee Tw at se u ca Be d. rl o in your w get is little joy yo u . t a wo rld ap ar t. Ac ro ss th e str ee t, bu op pe s at We stg ate Ne stl ed in th e ne w Sh er. nt Ce wn To mp Pu Sh or t d SU N No on -5 Di re ctl y ac ro ss fro m M- F 10 -9 , SAT 10 -6 an en Op 00 39 9. 24 4. 80 et , Ph on e 11 74 3 We st Br oa d St re Join our mailing list! we will send you a $10 giftcard when you join. tweed home home décor gifts style studio seasonal Welcome to Tweed! Think of us as your little corner of the world for design wisdom, holiday style and easy elegance. Valentine’s day! Visit our seasonal page to see our Valentine’s Day gift idea! Richmond, Virginia Tweed, Shoppes at Westgate, 11743 West Broad St., Richmond, VA 23233 804.249.3900, M-F 10-9, SAT 10-6, SUN 12-5. Click here to see the map Sparta, New Jersey Tweed, 21 Theatre Center, Sparta, NJ 07871 973.729.6260, M-F 9:30-6, SAT 9:30-8, SUN 11-3. Click here to see the map join mailing list 2C PMS 0e7Blue nton Pa CI / BI / W / Pk. CLIENT OBAGI SKIN HEALTH INSTITUTE, CA PROJECT SKIN HEALTH BY ZEIN OBAGI, MD BRANDING PMS 877C Metaillic Silver WHIT SOFTWARE ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR ADOBE PHOTOSHOP QUARK XPRESS E AGI. OF OB IT’S N OT T ’S TE. IT OO LA NEVE RT ZO SK IN HE ALT H tm PR OG RA M H AT’S T LY. TH R A E OO UTY E BEA BEVE ILL R LY H S US A HILLS , CA 90 210 N DR IVE , BE VE RLY 270 NO RTH CANO 873 5.3 .27 310 Fax Tel 310 . 275 . 303 0, com ww w.z osk inh eal th. B E V E R LY H I L L S BEVER LS LY H IL STACY PARKER Vice Pre sident, Operation spa rke r@zos kinh ealt m 270 NO RTH CAN ON DRI VE BEV ERLY HILLS, CA 90210 USA Tel 310 . 275 . 303 0, Fax 310 .275 .387 3 ww w.z osk inh ealt h.c om CLIPSE TM SPF 30 SUNSCREEN SSENTIAL™ GROWTH FACTOR SERUM 1 oz. / 30 ml. 0.66 oz. / 20 ml. B E V E R LY H I L L S BEVERLY HIL L S ANTI-AGING TREATMENT BI / Pk. CLIENT ADVANCED SKIN+HAIR, CA PROJECT REJUVE MD BRAND IDENTITY PACKAGE DESIGN SOFTWARE ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR Diamond Pro® W ith its proven performance and legendary strength, diamond pro® is one of the most-specified retaining wall systems for commercial applications. Why mess with success? Architects and engineers worldwide rely on Diamond Pro® as a system that works for them. Whether your need is for a three-foot high elevated patio or a thirty-three-foot high critical structure, it’ll work for you, too. Diamond Pro® is a classic retaining wall block with a history of performance behind it. STRAIGHT BEVELED Dimensions 8”x18”x12” Wall Diamond Pro® Straight Dimensions 8”x18”x12” Wall Diamond Pro® Beveled Sq. ft. coverage 1.00 Color James River Range Sq. ft. coverage 1.00 Color Buff Weight 70 Weight 70 Qty. / pallet 45 Qty. / pallet 45 Weight / pallet 3150 Weight / pallet 3150 Sq. ft. / pallet 45 Sq. ft. / pallet 45 24 *BROCHURE DESIGN CO-ART DIRECTOR: ANDREW ILNICKI BI / Pb. CLIENT ALLIED CONCRETE, VA PROJECT EAGLE BAY BRAND IDENTITY PRODUCT BROCHURE SOFTWARE ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ADOBE INDESIGN www.eag leba yusa .com 1231 Willi s Road , Rich mond, Virgi nia 2323 7 ad , 12 31 W ill is Ro in ia 23 23 7 rg Vi d, R ic hm on Toll Free 800.3 21.9141 804. 279.7 501 Main 804.743.4 392 Fax 12 31 W ill is R ic hm on R oa d d, V ir gi ni a 23 23 MILES C mclarks LARKSO on@eagl 7 N ebayusa. com Main 75 7.494.52 00 To Mobile 75 ll Free 80 7.650.81 0.56 4.73 89 Fax 00 757.54 5. www.eag 22 95 lebayusa .com FORESTRY CONSERVATION COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION FCCA SKY GROUND CI / Pb WAVE + CLIENT PROJECTS SOFTWARE FCCA, VA CORPORATE IDENTITY BROCHURE ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR QUARK XPRESS The FCCA and you. A strong partnership for excellence in radio communications. A Proud History of Excellence in Service How the FCCA Helps Members The FCCA is a national organization that came into being during a meeting • Maintains a database of Forestry Conservation (PO) and Local Government (PX) frequencies of State Foresters and their radio technicians in Washington, D.C. in 1944. We proudly act as a guardian of radio frequencies designated to support public natural-resource conservation agencies, protecting their rights – FCCA member or not – to conduct interference-free communications. • Provides experienced coordinators to manage frequency use. Our coordination staff offers over 100 years of field engineering experience • Represents membership to FCC hearings and their advisory organizations • Provides essential information regarding FCC actions Staying Strong with Active Member Participation • Liaisons with all Public Safety Frequency radio service organizations We encourage our members to become ambassadors for the best use of • Organizes annual conference, with a unique opportunity to discuss FCC-related issues the frequency spectrum and to provide input into issues that affect radio operations within their state – that’s how we effect positive change! How Your Membership Helps the FCCA Doing More by Providing Services to Non-Members • Increases revenues and volume, which, in turn, benefits all frequency users Our strength as an organization lies in coordinating frequency use for local and wide area systems for both members and non-members. We also offer a variety of engineering/administrative support to give you a total package • Leads us to a stronger position in the market we serve • Gives us a stronger voice in protecting our members’ interests with the FCC How Non-Members Can Benefit from FCCA Services of services. When you use FCCA services, your business helps us to help you. We coordinate not only our frequencies, but also the frequencies for ANY Public Safety entity. We will perform a search for usable frequencies and assist you in applying for them. We’ll even fill out the form. All you have to do is call us at 717. 338.1505. If you’re already a member, become an active member! If you’re not a member, join today! For more information, call 717. 338.1505 or visit FCCA IS THE FORESTRY CONSERVATION COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION, A STATE AGENCY THAT CONTROLS RADIO FREQUENCIES USED BY MUNICIPAL POLICE AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATIONS THROUGHOUT THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA. THEIR EXISTING IDENTITY WAS STALE AND OUT OF DATE, AND THEIR DESIRE WAS TO ILLUSTRATE THEIR CRITICAL ROLE IN THE PLACEMENT OF RADIO FREQUENCIES AND THE TOWERS THAT GENERATE THEM ON STATE AND FEDERALLY CONTROLLED LANDS. MY SOLUTION INCORPORATES A BOLD COLOR PALETTE REPRESENTING EARTH The FCCA and you. AND SKY, IN CONJUNCTION WITH SIMPLE WAVE FORMS, SUGGESTING A strong partnership for excellence in radio communications. TRANSMISSION OF RADIO BEAMS. Progressive networqs JonanPaper progressive networqs Tomac progressive networqs PMS200C PMS360C CI PMS285C CLIENT PROJECTS PROGRESSIVE NETWORQS, JAPAN CORPORATE IDENTITIES ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR SOFTWARE Telephone Facsimile Jonan Paper Trading Company 2-12-3 Chidori Ota-ku Tokyo 146-0083 Japan ssivenetw Tomac progressive networqs essivenet netw Proogrqrsess www.progr networqs Progressi ve ive gre Masahiro Inoue Vice President Tomac Company 1-9-7, Kamata-Honcho Ota-ku Tokyo 144-0053, Japan Tel. 81.03.2551.8000 Fax 81.03.2551.8500 progressive networqs JonanPaper CI / Bc. CLIENT LEADFOOT DESIGNS, VA PROJECT CORPORATE IDENTITY STATIONERY SYSTEM BRAND CONSULTING SOFTWARE ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR 49 60 ph . 80 4. 30 3. 2510 8. 65 4. 80 fx . at iv e D ri ve n C re #2 25 le s M ill Ro ad 10 28 6 St ap 0 06 23 ia in rg Vi G le n Alle n, LeadFoot TM www.leadfo otdesigns .com t LeadFoo TM dfootdes D r iv e n Patrick Bozeman Project Manager ph.804.303.4960 fx.804.658.2510 LeadFoot ww Mailing Address: 10286 Staples Mill Road #225 Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 TM m 10286 Staple s Mill Roa d #225 Gle n Alle n, Virginia 230 60 A Division of Mirai Consulting LLC A Div isio n of Mir ai Con sult ing LLC ting M ir ai Co ns ul A Di vi si on of LL C C re a ti v e www.lea CI / W CLIENT PROJECTS SOFTWARE PLAID STUDIOS, VA CORPORATE IDENTITY WEBSITE ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR ADOBE PHOTOSHOP DREAM WEAVER FLASH Size Our size allows for creative thinking, design innovation and manufacturing dexterity PILLOW FACTORY IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF Experience + Resources PILLOWS AND MATTRESS PADS Our experience and resources allow us to develop unique, custom sleep product programs PRODUCED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY. Multiple FOB Points Our multiple FOB points represent both efficiency and cost savings BIGFACT. Exclusive approved manufacturer for OP O C E A N P R O P E RTIES BIGCUSTOMERS. Approved manufacturer for NOBODY FOCUSES ON THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY LIKE WE DO. today, travelers face more stress than ever before. They arrive at their hotel looking for a little extra comfort, rest and relaxation. The Pillow Factory makes it a little easier to check in. And a whole lot easier to come back. BIGFINISH. Jim Crossno 256.383.8507 PROPOSAL FOR HILTON HOTEL ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR ADOBE PHOTOSHOP QUARK XPRESS SOFTWARE Division of Encompass Group, LLC 955 Campus Drive, Mundelein, IL 60060 Toll-Free 800-222-9319 Phone 847-680-3388 Fax. 847-367-0620 Email. PROJECT THE PILLOW FACTORY 100%BIGINNOVATIONS AND 100%BIGIDEAS 100%BIGINNOVATIONS AND 100%BIGIDEAS Pb CLIENT THE PILLOW FACTORY DIVISION OF ENCOMPASS GROUP, IL BI / ID CLIENT PROJECTS SOFTWARE HSS, GA BRAND IDENTITY ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR ADOBE PHOTOSHOP QUARK XPRESS IN-STORE BOOTH DESIGN / DISPLAY BROCHURE, SAMPLE BOOK SIGNAGE ACTUAL PRODUCT COVERED PANELS (WOOD, CARPET, CERAMIC, LAMINATE) INFO, IMAGE DISPLAY (SEE REF. IMAGE) SAMPLE COVERED PANEL INTERACTIVE DISPLAY WITH TOUCH PANEL SAMPLE BOOK DISPLAY SLIDING SAMPLES WITH INFO & IMAGE DISPLAY BACK LIT REF. IMAGE FOR INFO, IMAGE DISPLAY SYNERGEYES (AZURE OCULUS) BI / Pb CONTACT LENSES ® QUARTER LAMBDA TECHNOLOGIES SYNERGEYES® CONTACT LENSES SEE THE DIFFERENCE 01 MANAGEMENT Included below is summary background information regarding the Company’s current management team. Post funding, the company will add a CFO and VP of Sales, and later, a VP of Marketing & Business Development TOM CREWS CEO+Director Jerome Legerton, OD* Mr. Crews has over 20 years of experience as a founder of venture Immediately prior to joining Pentech Solutions, Mr. Crews was capital-backed emerging growth companies. Most recently, Mr. one of two founders and the Senior Vice President of INC Crews served as the interim CEO ofEnvenergy, Inc., a Santa Research (“INC”), a venture capital-backed pharmaceutical Barbara-based hardware and software provider of Internet-enabled services company founded exclusively on the management of enterprise asset management solutions for facility and energy clinical trials for drugs being developed to treat disorders of management companies and their customers. Mr. Crews was the central nervous system. During his tenure at INC, the recruited to the position by the company’s existing venture capital company raised a total of $18 million in venture capital, grew investors, and was instrumental in effecting a turnaround of the to over 90 employees and a revenue backlog approaching $20 company’s operations and providing for the orderly transition of the million, established a national network of community-based CEO responsibilities to a locally based fulltime CEO. clinical research practices representing over 400 physicians, and acquired a Contract Research Organization to compliment Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer+Director its network of research sites. Prior to Envenergy, Mr. Crews was President and CEO of Pentech Jim Berglund, OD Tom Crews* CEO+Director Chairman of the Board of Directors Solutions, Inc., and embedded systems energy technology and building management company. Mr. Crews was recruited to the Prior to founding INC, Mr. Crews was affiliated with Flemming Barry Chen* position by the company’s existing venture capital investors, & Lessard, Inc., a San Diego-based investment banking firm Vice President of Engineering+Director Enterprise Partners and Nth Power Technologies, and served in focused exclusively on the emerging growth market. Mr. Joe Collins that capacity from December 1999 until the company’s sale in Crews completed a broad range of assignments while affiliated Vice President of Operations January 2003. While at Pentech Solutions, Mr. Crews increased with Flemming & Lessard, including raising early stage private revenues over tenfold, recruited a new senior management team to equity (from both institutional venture capital sources and the company, developed and implemented a dual direct to angel investors), merger and acquisition advisory services, end-user and VAR sales and distribution strategy, raised over $12 concept feasibility studies, and preparation of business and million in additional private equity, and orchestrated the company’s financing plans for both internal and external use. Immediately sale to its largest VAR. prior to joining Flemming & Lessard, Mr. Crews served as the Ali Dahi* Vice President of Research+Director *Founder SYNERGEYES® CONTACT LENSES QUARTER LAMBDA TECHNOLOGIES SEE THE DIFFERENCE QUARTER LAMBDA TECHNOLOGIES SYNERGEYES® CONTACT LENSES SEE THE DIFFERENCE 03 w Presbyopia High Order Aberratio SynergEyes M will be offered in SynergEyes W will rely on SYNERGEYES CONTACT LENSES ametropia errors (myopia, hyperopia and two designs that will correct for wavefront-guided diagnostic information Quarter Lambda’s SynergEyes product line is based on a “hybrid” contact lens platform that astigmatism) to a higher degree of visual presbyopia, the gradually increasing to correct high order aberration and will offers benefits, without disadvantages, of both soft and gas permeable (rigid or hard) contact performance than the best currently inability to focus at close distances create a new contact lens category by available contact lenses. Regulatory that universally begins after age 40. providing “super vision” for those whose clearance to market this lens is expected This is a rapidly growing market visual requirements demand better than intellectual property rights relate to lens chemistry, the bonding of high oxygen gas permeable before yearend for the treatment of dictated by population demographics 20/20 acuity. rigid material with hydrogel polymers, hybrid contact lens manufacturing, optical design and naturally occurring refractive errors, as that, to date, has been poorly well as keratoconus and challenging addressed with contact lenses. post surgical errors. All multifocal contact lens products lenses – comfort, health, stability, superior optics and durability. Quarter Lambda’s protected the contact lens prescribing and fitting process. A key element of the optical design and will correct normal manufacturing processes is the ability to use recently developed wavefront diagnostic technology to make quarter wavelength (-- Lambda) customized corrections for higher order refractive aberrations that makes better than 20/20 vision achievable without surgery. currently on the market have demonstrated visual compromise Quarter Lambda management expects the SynergEyes A lens to become the that frustrates potential wearers. contact lens of choice for patients with In addition to providing superior astigmatism, one of the fastest growing reading acuity, the SynergEyes M segments of the contact lens market. lens will also correct any residual The SynergEyes A lens will also be an astigmatism as well as higher excellent alternative for the five million order aberrations that herefore people who still wear rigid gas have gone uncorrected. permeable lenses. 16 FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS+CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS $37,923 $170,882 $193,489 The Company derives most of its revenues from the sale of contact lenses to eyecare professionals, who in turn will fit and dispense Quarter Lambda’s SynergEyes lenses on their patients needing vision corrections. $23,790 $109,401 $121,460 The key assumption underlying the financial forecasts is the closing of a $12 million private equity financing in Q2, 2004 to fund the ramp up phase of the Company’s business plan. The funds will allow the Company to: $40,071 $55,534 $8,840 $14,795 $20,378 ($4,261) 09 08 07 06 05 ($3,944) 04 09 08 07 06 05 Net Income $2313 ($342) 04 09 08 07 06 05 04 Revenues $4,263 $157 Gross Profit $1,288 5,344,485 $1,754,795 3,040,930 $986,043 12,464 $400,000 9,126 1,276,722 5,676 Complete the build out of three full production lines 130,308 Key Sales Metrics 94,769 09 08 07 06 4,386 04 09 08 07 06 05 774 Lens Shipments 26,302 04 Cumulative Wearers 09 Achieve first Revenues (currently forecast to occur in Q4, 2004) 747 86 08 Build the order/production tracking information system infrastructure 07 Recruit a Vice President of Sales and twelve sales reps by the end of 2005 (of the 50 by 2007 year end) 432,504 2,480 06 Complete the in-progress clinical trials that are required to obtain FDA clearance of the Company’s SynergEyes contact lenses 05 Gain site approval for its current manufacturing facility 05 BROCHURE m Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism SynergEyes A 04 ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR QUARK XPRESS a Cum. Customers fitters SOFTWARE SYBERGEYES BRAND IDENTITY SYNERGEYES® CONTACT LENSES SEE THE DIFFERENCE PROJECTS QUARTER LAMBDA TECHNOLOGIES, CA QUARTER LAMBDA TECHNOLOGIES CLIENT Three SynergEyes® lens products will be introduced over the next 15 months: Pk CLIENT PROJECTS SOFTWARE PEPSICO, NY DIET PEPSI-COLA ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR PHILIP MORRIS USA NY, VA MARLBORO SPECIAL EDITION PACKAGE a l c i e S p o n i t d E Premium Editioin Marlboro Special Editon Premium Editioin Premium Edition Pb CLIENT PROJECTS SOFTWARE LG ELECTRONICS, NJ SALES TRAINING BOOK QUARK XPRESS CI / Pm CLIENT PROJECTS SOFTWARE CPG ARCHITECTS CT,NY CORPORATE IDENTITY REVITALIZATION COREL DRAW QUARK XPRESS SELF PROMOTION CI / ID / Ad CLIENT PROJECTS SOFTWARE THE LOST SOCK, VA CORPORATE IDENTITY INTERIOR PLANNING SIGNAGE NEWSPAPER ADS POSTERS ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR ADOBE PHOTOSHOP BI CLIENT PROJECTS SOFTWARE RICHMOND CHILDREN’S MUSEUM, VA BRAND IDENTITY BROCHURE, MAILER, ETC. ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR W CLIENT PROJECTS SOFTWARE NANA PARK, NY WEBSITE ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR ADOBE PHOTOSHOP DREAMWEAVER FLASH *Unfortunate Winner CLIENT eZote, VA PROJECT SOFTWARE CORPORATE IDENTITY BROCHURE ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR QUARK XPRESS CI / Pb Xtr. CLIENT PROJECTS SOFTWARE VARIOUS CLIENTS CORPORATE IDENTITIES ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR BUSINESS CARDS my dad was a scientist WORK 2003-Current . 2003 . 2001-2002 . 2001 . 1999-2001 . 1999 . hi, i’m a designer 0207.1 TOMMY LEE CONTACT WEBSITE ART DIRECTOR 1128 HERMITAGE ROAD, 109 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23220 804.301.7504 EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE EDUCATION SKILLS CommuniQué Marketing Richmond, VA Senior Art Director MFA (Leave of Absence) Visual Communication, Graduate Studies Virginia Commonwealth University, VA Adobe Creative Suites Quark Xpress Apple KeyNote CorelDRAW Microsoft Office Macintosh and PC platforms Design Master Associates Williamsburg, VA Graphic Designer Plaid Studios Richmond, VA Designer Landor Associates New York, NY Design Intern CPG Architects & Planners New York, NY Graphic Designer Design IN-FEC Seoul, Korea Designer 1998-1999 . UONE Design Seoul, Korea Interior Architect 1996-1997 . School of Air Defense Republic of Korea Army, Korea Special Weapon Instructor 1996 my mom was an artist Yerim Design Seoul, Korea Interior Architect BFA Communication Design, School of Art Virginia Commonwealth University, VA BA Interior Architecture Kyungwon University, Korea Interior Architectural Concept Sketch+Modeling