Climbing in Bugaboo Provincial Park
Climbing in Bugaboo Provincial Park
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about Bugaboo Provincial Park? Any comments you wish to make that you think would help us better understand what park visitors would like to see in this provincial park will be appreciated, either here or in a separate letter. Climbing in Bugaboo Provincial Park What are your views? A survey of Provincial Park Visitors At the end of your visit, please return your questionnaire in the drop-off box marked “Attention Climbers”at the Kain Hut or Applebee Campground as you leave the park or mail to: Today’s Date:________________ Thank you for taking time to complete this questionnaire. Your assistance in providing this information is greatly appreciated. Note: If you would like to be entered for a draw to win a $200 gift certificate to Mountain Equipment Co-op, please complete the small attached form and return it in the drop-off box. To ensure the confidentiality of your responses, please do not include it in the envelope with the questionnaire. Thanks to Friends of Bugaboo Park for donating this gift certificate. Wayne Stetski, Regional Manager Parks and Protected Areas Ministry of Environment 205 Industrial Road G Cranbrook, British Columbia V1C 7G5 Your CLIMB -1- Q.1 First, we’d like to ask you a few questions about your climb. Is this your first visit to this park or have you been here before? (Please circle number of your answer) 1 FIRST VISIT 2 VISITED BEFORE what year was your first visit? ____ YEAR Q.2 Please list all the climbs you made during this trip by route name and spire (e.g. North-East Ridge, Bugaboo Spire) in the order that you climbed them (Put number of day in the blank below). (If you require more space, please use the back cover) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Q.3 Which of the climbs provided in Q2 (above) would you say was your busiest climb? By busiest climb, we mean the climb where you encountered the largest number of other climbers? (Please specify the day of your busiest climb below) THE BUSIEST CLIMB WAS ON: (e.g. Day 1) _________________ Q.4 On what date did you do this busiest climb? _____ (month) _____ DATE OF BUSIEST CLIMB (day) Q.5 Now, we would like to ask you about two parts of this busiest climb. The first part is about your approach or path from your overnight accommodation or parking lot to the base of the spire. Thinking back about your approach, about how many other people, in total, did you see or encounter during this approach other than your party? (Circle your answer or specify in the blank; if you feel you cannot specify a number, please check this box ) 0 1–2 3–5 6–10 11–20 21–30 31+ Or specify here:____ Q.6 For the ONE climb where you encountered the most other climbers (i.e. your busiest climb) please tell us how crowded you felt along the approach? (Circle number) 1 2 3 4 5 NOT AT ALL CROWDED SLIGHTLY CROWDED MODERATELY CROWDED VERY CROWDED EXTREMELY CROWDED Q.7 To what extent did the level of crowding you indicated above (in Q.6) affect your enjoyment? Would you say it . . . (Circle one number) 1 DECREASED YOUR ENJOYMENT 2 HAD NO EFFECT ON YOUR ENJOYMENT 3 INCREASED YOUR ENJOYMENT - 10 - Q.48 What is your ability level for each of the following? (For each of the following blanks, put 1 = no experience; 2 = novice; 3 = intermediate; 4 = advanced; or 5 = expert) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ALPINE CLIMBING TRADITIONAL (GEAR) CLIMBING SPORT CLIMBING GYM CLIMBING OTHER (specify)_______________________________________ Q.49 How many people in your group have the following level of first aid training? (Put number in blank; circle the number that describes your training). ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ NONE BASIC (16 hours or less; or one to two days) INTERMEDIATE (17 to 79 hours; or three days to 1 week) ADVANCED ( 80 hours or more; or more than 1 week) SPECIALITY COURSES (Please describe)______________________ Q.50 How confident are you of self-rescue (being able to rescue yourself) . . . . A. On the rock? 1 NOT AT ALL CONFIDENT 2 SLIGHTLY CONFIDENT 3 MODERATELY CONFIDENT 4 VERY CONFIDENT 5 EXTREMELY CONFIDENT B. On the glacier? 1 NOT AT ALL CONFIDENT 2 SLIGHTLY CONFIDENT 3 MODERATELY CONFIDENT 4 VERY CONFIDENT 5 EXTREMELY CONFIDENT Q.51 Do you currently belong to a climbing organization or club (local or national)? 1 2 NO YES (If yes, please specify)________________________________ Q.52 Please list the ages of all the people in your group in the blanks below. Then CIRCLE the number of your age. MALE(S): ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ FEMALE(S):___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Q.53 On what date did you enter and leave Bugaboo Provincial Park on this trip? _____ (month) _____ DATE ENTERED PARK (day) _____ (month) ____ DATE LEFT PARK (day) Q.54 All in all, how would you rate your overall visit to Bugaboo Provincial Park on this trip? 1 2 3 4 5 VERY POOR POOR FAIR GOOD EXCELLENT -2- -9Q.43 Currently, there is a shortfall of about $12 per person per night to maintain the facilities in this park. This is over and above the current $5 campground fee per person per night and the $25 fee per person per night at the Kain Hut. If future use levels were kept at about current levels, would you be willing or not willing to pay an additional fee at the campground or the Hut to maintain the facilities in the park? If yes, please indicate how much of an additional fee you think would be fair to charge. (Please keep in mind that the shortfall is paid by BC taxpayers. Put letter and $ in correct box and then provide any comments you might have). Willing to pay additional fee? (y= yes; n= no) How much additional fee ($) per person per night do you think would be fair to charge? Q.8 Was there anything else that increased or decreased your enjoyment along the approach or path you took on the day of the busiest climb? (Please be specific) _____________________________________________________________________ Q.9 What is the largest number of other people you would have found acceptable to encounter on this approach? (Circle your answer or specify in the blank; if you feel you cannot specify a number, please check the box ). 0 1–2 3–5 6–10 11–20 21–30 31+ Or specify here:____ A. Campground Q.10 The second part of your busiest climb that we would like to ask you about is your actual climb. About how many other climbers, in total, did you share this route with (other than your party)? (Circle your answer or specify in the blank; if you feel you cannot specify a number, please check this box. B. Kain Hut Do you have any comments? Q.11 How crowded did you feel on the climb? (Circle number) _________________________________________________________________________ Q.44 Suppose you were responsible for the future management of this provincial park. Which of the following broad management goals do you feel BC Parks should give the highest priority to in Bugaboo Provincial Park in the next five years? (Put appropriate letter in the box) HIGHEST PRIORITY SECOND HIGHEST A. B. C. D. E. F. Protect natural conditions of park Improve basic services at campgrounds (water, wastes) Build a via ferrata to improve safety Expand services at hut Restrict or maintain current use levels Other (please describe) ____________________ BACKGROUND 0 1–2 3–5 6–10 11–20 21–30 31+ Or specify here:____ 1 2 3 4 5 NOT AT ALL CROWDED SLIGHTLY CROWDED MODERATELY CROWDED VERY CROWDED EXTREMELY CROWDED Q.12 To what extent did the level of crowding you indicated above (in Q.11) affect your enjoyment? Would you say it….(Circle one number) 1 2 3 DECREASED YOUR ENJOYMENT HAD NO EFFECT ON YOUR ENJOYMENT INCREASED YOUR ENJOYMENT Q.13 What is the largest number of climbers you would find acceptable to encounter on this climb? (Circle your answer or specify in the blank; if you feel you cannot specify a number, please check this box. Finally, we would like to ask a few questions about yourself to help us interpret the results from this survey. Q.45 (In or near) what town or city is your home located? Q.14 Was there anything else that increased or decreased your enjoyment on the route of your busiest climb? NAME OF TOWN OR CITY:_________________________________________ STATE OR PROVINCE:____________________________________________ COUNTRY:____________________________ POSTAL/ZIP CODE:_______________ Q.46 Including yourself, how many people were in your group on this trip? _____ NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN PARTY Q.47 How many years, in total, have you been climbing? _____ _____ NUMBER OF YEARS ROCK CLIMBING NUMBER OF YEARS ALPINE CLIMBING ) ) 0 1–2 3–5 6–10 11–20 21–30 31+ Or specify here:____ _____________________________________________________________________ Q.15 On average, how crowded did you feel on the other climbs (not your busiest climb) you made in Bugaboo Provincial Park on this trip? (Circle answer; if you did no other climbs, check this box. ) 1 2 3 4 5 NOT AT ALL CROWDED SLIGHTLY CROWDED MODERATELY CROWDED VERY CROWDED EXTREMELY CROWDED SAFETY Q.16 -3- Next, we have a few questions about safety in the park. Do you personally think there are any excessively dangerous areas in the park which could be made safer by park managers? (Please keep in mind that climbing is an inherently dangerous activity with a multitude of objective hazards and that climbers are personally responsible for their own safety.) 1 2 NO YES (If “no” ), please go to Q18 Q.17 (If yes), please describe below ____________________________________________________________ Q.18 In recent years, rappel stations on some of the more popular routes (McTech, Kain route, Sunshine Crack, Kraus-McCarthy, South Howser) have been replaced with bolted, chain anchors. To what extent do you disapprove or approve of this action? 1 2 3 4 5 STRONGLY DISAPPROVE MILDLY DISAPPROVE NOT SURE MILDLY APPROVE STRONGLY APPROVE Q.19 Are there any other routes where you think the replacement of rappel stations with bolted anchors is required? (Please specify below) _______________________________________________________________________ Q.20 Several accidents have occurred on the east side (campground side) of the Bugaboo- Snowpatch Col. It has been suggested that one way to reduce potential accidents is to develop a via ferrata (a route equipped with fixed cables and ladders, used in Europe and North America) ascending the Northern flank of Snowpatch Spire (see picture on the next page). To what extent would you disapprove or approve of this proposal? 1 2 3 4 5 STRONGLY DISAPPROVE MILDLY DISAPPROVE NOT SURE MILDLY APPROVE STRONGLY APPROVE Q.21 Why would you approve or disapprove of this proposal? ________________________________________________________________________ Q.22 Do you have any other comments about safety in this park? ________________________________________________________________________ OTHER MANAGEMENT ISSUES -8- Q.39 During the summer of 2008, a human waste disposal bag system is being piloted using “Restop” waste containment bags. The intent of this project is to help visitors to “pack in/pack out” litter for health and water quality reasons. A donation of $2 per bag is being suggested. In general, to what extent do you disapprove or approve of this pilot project? (Circle number) 1 2 3 4 5 STRONGLY DISAPPROVE MILDLY DISAPPROVE NOT SURE MILDLY APPROVE STRONGLY APPROVE Q.40 If the use of this human waste disposal bag system was recommended as a regulation for visitors to use for future years (i.e. at a suggested donation of $2 per bag), to what extent would you disapprove or approve of having this regulation? (Circle number) 1 2 3 4 5 STRONGLY DISAPPROVE MILDLY DISAPPROVE NOT SURE MILDLY APPROVE STRONGLY APPROVE Q.41 Bugaboo Provincial Park currently receives an average of 3,600 to 4,000 visitors between July and September. This is an average of about 60 visitors per day during the high season, with 200 visitors in the park on busy weekends. Two broad options have been suggested for the management of use levels. Option A is to cap or limit the number of visitors at near current levels. Option B is to continue to permit unrestricted use and to make upgrades to accommodate increasing numbers of visitors. In general, would you prefer that the total number of visitors be limited to approximately current levels or do you prefer no restrictions on use levels? (Circle number of your answer) 1 2 3 4 OPTION A: PREFER TO LIMIT USE TO ABOUT CURRENT LEVELS OPTION B: PREFER NO RESTRICTIONS ON USE LEVELS OPTION C: SOMETHING ELSE (Please describe below) ____________________________________________________________ NOT SURE Q.42 If a limit was placed on current use levels, what would be your preferred method of the allocation of sites? 1 2 3 4 5 FIRST COME/FIRST SERVED ON-LINE/PHONE RESERVATION SYSTEM A COMBINATION OF ABOVE OTHER (Please specify)_______________________________________ NOT SURE -7- THIS PAGE FOR CONRAD KAIN HUT USERS PROPOSED ROUTE OF VIA FERRATA Q.32 Have you ever stayed overnight at the Kain Hut before? 1 2 YES NO Q.33 How would you rate each of the following services at the Kain Hut? (Circle number) Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Not Sure A. Cleanliness of hut B. Friendliness of staff 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 NS NS C. Amount of kitchen area D. Amount of sleeping area 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 NS NS E. Value for fee 1 2 3 4 5 NS Q.34 For your stay in the Kain Hut, on average about how many other guests did you see per night? (Just your best estimate is fine) 0 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51+ Or specify here:____ Q.35 On average, how crowded did you feel while staying at the Kain Hut? (Circle number) 1 2 3 4 5 NOT AT ALL CROWDED SLIGHTLY CROWDED MODERATELY CROWDED VERY CROWDED EXTREMELY CROWDED Q.36 To what extent did the level of crowding you indicated above (in Q.35) affect your enjoyment while staying at the Kain Hut? Would you say it . . . (Circle one number) 1 2 3 DECREASED YOUR ENJOYMENT HAD NO EFFECT ON YOUR ENJOYMENT INCREASED YOUR ENJOYMENT Q.37 Was there anything else that increased or decreased your enjoyment while staying at the Kain Hut? _____________________________________________________________________ Q.38 The current capacity of the Kain Hut is 35 guests per night. What is the maximum capacity or largest number of guests you would like to see at the Kain Hut? (Circle your answer or specify in the blank; if you feel you cannot specify a number, please check this box ) 0 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51+ Or specify here:____ Note: As seen from Applebee Campground; red indicates proposed route. Example of typical ferrata in Europe is shown to the right. Q.23 Overall, how would you rate your climbing experience in Bugaboo Provincial Park on this trip? (Circle one number) 1 2 3 4 5 VERY POOR POOR FAIR GOOD EXCELLENT Note: Next, we have a few questions about facilities and services in the park. If you used any campgrounds please go to page 5; if you used only the Kain Hut, please go to page 7. -4- THIS PAGE FOR CAMPGROUND USERS -5- Q.24 Please look at the map at the right and then do the following: A. Beside each campground or undesignated camping area you stayed at, put the number of nights you stayed there. B. Put an “X” beside each campground, undesignated camping area or the Kain Hut that you wanted to use, but could not because it was fully occupied. East Post Applebee Camp __Nights Q.25 Which of the following campgrounds or camping areas did you spend the most nights in? (Circle one number; if you stayed the same number of nights in two campgrounds, please select the one you last stayed in) 1 2 3 4 -6- MAP OF OVERNIGHT FACILITIES Bugaboo Provincial Spires Area Bugaboo ProvincialPark Park --Spires Area Conrad Kain Hut __Nights Boulder Camp __Nights BugabooSnowpatch Col APPLEBEE CAMPGROUND BOULDER CAMPGROUND EAST CREEK BIVY OTHER (Please specify) ____________________________ Q.26 For the campground or camping area you spent the most nights in, on average about how many other campers did you see per night? (Circle your answer or specify in the blank; if you feel you cannot specify a number, please check the box ) PigeonHowser Col __Nights 0 1–2 3–5 6–10 11–20 21–30 31–40 41–50 51+ Or specify here:____ Q.27 How crowded did you feel while staying at this campground? (Circle number) 1 2 3 4 5 NOT AT ALL CROWDED SLIGHTLY CROWDED MODERATELY CROWDED VERY CROWDED EXTREMELY CROWDED Q.28 To what extent did the level of crowding you indicated above in Q.27 affect your enjoyment? Would you say it . . . (Circle one number) 1 2 3 DECREASED YOUR ENJOYMENT HAD NO EFFECT ON YOUR ENJOYMENT INCREASED YOUR ENJOYMENT Q.29 Was there anything else that increased or decreased your enjoyment during your stay at this campground? ____________________________________________________________________ Q.30 What is the maximum capacity or the largest number of campers you would like to see at this campground? (Circle your answer or specify in the blank; if you feel you cannot specify a number, please check this box ) Legend 0 250 500 1,000 Meters Bugaboo Provincial Park East Creek Bivi Site __Nights Proposed Future Park Boundary Glacier Q.31 Below are some specific services some people would like to see at Applebee campground. Please tell us if you would or would not like to see each of the following (Circle number) Definitely No Probably No Not Sure Probably Yes Definitely Yes TYPES OF SERVICES A. Level tent pads B. Supplied water 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 C. A communal cooking area D. A communal cooking shelter 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 E. More food caches F. More toilet facilities 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 G. Grey water pits H. Improve trail accessing camp 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 0 1–2 3–5 6–10 11–20 21–30 31–40 41–50 51+ Or specify here:____ Note: If you used the Kain Hut, please go to page 7; if you did not use the Kain Hut go to page 8.