pachy press april 2010
pachy press april 2010
1 Volume 63 Issue 4 April 2010 PACHY PRESS MENU REPUBLICAN WOMEN OF LAS VEGAS INVITE YOU TO OUR “SPRING FLING” AT MAGGIAN0’S APPETIZER FOUR CHEESE RAVIOLI CAESAR SALAD ENTREES SPRING MOUNTAIN & LAS VEGAS BLVD. WEDNESDAY APRIL 21, 2010 STARTING AT 11:30 AM WE WILL HAVE A FASHION ACCESSORY SHOW INCLUDING PURSES, JEWELRY, AND SCARVES OUR SPEAKERS 2010 Senatorial Candidates SALMON WITH LEMON AND HERBS DESSERT NONNA’S POUND CAKE ____________ DANNY TARKANIAN SHARRON ANGLE EGG PLANT PARMESAN CHAD CHRISTENSEN MEMBERSHIP IS IMPORTANT! For $25.00 yearly membership you will belong to our club, Nevada Federation and National Federation. If you belong to another club you may join us as an associate member for $15.00. Men may also join as Associate Member . Please see or call Membership Chair Luella Simpson Ph# 702-362-4110 Please call Sharon Williams with your reservation by Sunday April 18th. Phone # 702-256-6460 If you do not cancel your reservation by the 19th you will have to pay for your lunch as we will be charged. 2 CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVE Governor Jim Gibbons (R-NV) State Capitol, 101 N. Carson Street, Carson City, NV 89701 Ph: 775-684-5670 e-mail: U.S. Senator John Ensign (R-NV) 119 Russell Senate Office Bldg., Washington, DC 20510 Ph: 202-224-6244 Email thru website: U.S. Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) 522 Hart Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 Ph: 202-224-3542 Email thru website: U.S. Representative Dina Titus (D-NV District 3) 319 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-2803 Ph: 202-225-3252 FAX:202-225-2185 Email thru website: State Senator {VACANT} (-District 12) State Assemblyman Joe Hardy (R-District 20) 833 Nevada Way, Ste. 3-B, Boulder City, NV 89005 Ph: (office) 702-643-4563, (home) 293-7506 email: Clark County Board of Commissioners NvFRW President: Lynne Hartung, 1858 Deep Creek Dr., Sparks, NV 89434 phone: 775-359-2434 email: NvFRW Southern Director: Joan Passaro, 2330 Sand Lily St., Henderson, NV 89052 phone: 702-617-0458 email: Clark County Republican Party: 574 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89107 Ph. 702-258-9184 FAX 702-258-9786 or Nevada Republican Party: 6655 S. Tenaya Way Suite 120 Las Vegas, NV 89113(change of address) Ph. 702-258-9182 FAX 702-258-9185 or OUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ARE WITH: Ann Alvarez Karen Anderson Nancy Bye—Eye Surgery Jan McWhirter’s husband mike.– Surgery If you have a card request please contact Karen Anderson Ph. #702-498-6208 Or email Sharon or Ph. #702-256-6460 3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS APRIL CALENDAR PRESIDENT. SHARON WILLIAMS 256-6460 WED. APRIL 21ST SPRING FLING LUNCHEON 1ST VICE PRESIDENT SHERRY RICKARD 228-1164 2ND VICE PRESIDENT LUELLA SIMPSON 362-4110 WED. MAY 5TH BOARD MEETING SHARON’S HOUSE 10:00 AM SUNDAY MAY 9TH MOTHER’S DAY SAT. MAY 15TH ARMED FORCES DAY TREASURE KATHLEEN LARMORE 262-9433 RECORDING SECRETARY NANCY BYE 869-6911 MONDAY MAY 31ST MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVED CORRESPONDING SECRETARY KAREN ANDERSON 498-6208 IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: DIRECTORS ALICE LONG JANE HAM 898-0600 361-6616 WED. MAY 19TH OUR LUNCHEON VOTER REGISTRATION DEADLINE MAY 8TH POSTMARK MAY 18TH TO FILE IN PERSON EARLY VOTING 5-22 TO 6-4 COMMITTEE CHAIRWOMEN ACHIVEMENT AWARDS MARYELLEN CUSHARD AMERICANISM,CARING FOR AMERICA, LITERACY– LUCILLE LATTA BOUTIQUE—EMILY WUSSOW BUDGET, FINANCE, BY LAWS, PARLIAMENTARIAN—DORIS STEINER CHAPLIN—KATHLEEN MILLER LEGISLATIVE—JANE HAM MAMIE EISENHOWER—LYNDA FREEZE MEMBERSHIP—LUELLA SIMPSON PACHY PRESS—SHARON WILLIAMS PROGRAMS—SHERRY RICKARD VOLUNTEER HOURS—ALICE LONG HISTORIAN—NONE POT-OF-GOLD—NONE 4 5 Tea Party Express – Searchlight By Kathi Congistre March 27, 2010 – My husband John and I spoke with a couple dressed as colonial representatives who stated that 35,000 were in attendance at the Tea Party Express. Others that we interviewed confirmed there were 35,000 people in attendance – the media reported 8,500. Some people said they had to walk 45 minutes up and down hills to reach the rally – only to miss Sarah Palin. We were informed that cars were double parked on the road, and that people couldn’t get to the rally due to so many cars and people. So the Searchlight rally was a success! John and I attended the Grassroots Nevada at the Pavilion in Henderson. We knew Ann Coulter was the speaker, but that is all we knew. The Pavilion was at capacity with people attending from the Tea Party Express. There were several who spoke at the Grassroots movement including the NPRI (Nevada Policy Research Institute). The NPRI is an organization that keeps track of Nevada State spending and also rates and keeps track of State legislatures. The speaker said that the State needs to stop spending – that in 2004 Nevada had enough revenue to cover its costs, but since then the State has slid into deficit spending. The next speaker was Nevada’s State Senator Mark Amodei who was as wonderful as ever! Senator Amodei is against deficit spending and centered his talk around budgetary issues. He said he is encouraging the State legislature to vote on a balanced budget. Senator Amodei stated that the reason we don’t have enough revenue is because our legislators are spending way too much money. Next, the MC introduced the guest speaker, Ann Coulter. In the middle of the introduction, Governor Jim Gibbons came on stage with a microphone and continued with an introduction of himself and Ann Coulter. Ann Coulter is even more beautiful in person; she is tall but very tiny. Ann was her usual witty and funny self ripping on Obama, Health Care Law, and the Democrats in general. Coulter said there is one standard for liberals and something else for the rest of us. Ann ended her talk with some suggestions: (1) Buy health insurance across state lines, (2) Close our borders, (3) Cut income tax, (4) Cut capital gains tax, (5) Cut power to Obama’s teleprompter, (6) No more stimulus package and (7) no more bailouts. 6 CARING FOR AMERICA Corrections to Roster Carol Ann Noblet 4376 Boca Lago Circle Las Vegas, NV. 89147-4973 Ph.# 889-6773, Cell 683-6482 Associate Members We collect books for children Betty Rumford 2144 Sierra Heights Dr. Las Vegas, NV. 89134-5130 Phone # 869-0390 Sandra Frank 2900 Morning Dew St. Las Vegas, NV. 89117-3627 Phone # 878-5340 We collect Sundries for Safe Nest. Corrections: Ann Allsup— Karen Anderson –Cell# 498-6208 Sharon Parelman— Delete Daliah Wachs from Associate Member She is also listed as regular member. We support Make Difference Day by donating to St. Vincent’s Shelter and U.S. Vets We support Living Grace Home for pregnant teenage young ladies. _____________________________________ PACHY PRESS CHANGE The Pachy press will be going to your email address beginning in May. All the email address should be complete by June. If you have an email address but want a copy mailed to you please let me know by the end of May. (you will also receive a hard copy in the mail in May). Thank You, Sharon Williams Ph. # 256.6460 7 7700 Las Vegas Blvd. “South Strip” (702) 736-4939 Is a proud sponsor of THE DENNIS BONO SHOW Recorded live at Sam’s Town Gaming Hall & Casino Every Thursday at 2:00 Pm—Complimentary Show Be part of the live audience and enjoy the fun Listen to Dennis and his celebrity guests on the radio and on the internet Friday 6:00pm on KUNV 91.5 FM www. Saturday & Sunday 8:00 Pm KDWN 720 AM Now “See and Hear” Dennis on U-Tube Visit U-Tube-Dennis Bono Live, Part I and Part II You can have your advertisement in the Pachy Press and our Web site each month in 2010: Business Card : $25.00 yearly Half Page: $50.00 Yearly Please email Sharon Williams - The Pachy Press is a monthly publication of RWLV, Ads, or articles are not meant as a candidate endorsement 8 PACHY PRESS Republican Women Of Las Vegas 503 Red Canvas Place Las Vegas, Nevada 89144 Republican Women Of Las Vegas Membership Application Name:________________________ (as appears on Voter Registrations—must be Registered Republican) Spouse’s Name____________________ (may become an Associate Member) Address:_____________________________ City:_______________State:____Zip:________ Phone:Home___________Cell:___________ E-mail:______________________________ Birthday: Month____Day____ Voter Reg.__Membership__Committee member___Other______ ( ) Regular Annual Membership $25.00 ( ) Associate Membership $15.00 (Spouses & Other NVFRW Members) Make checks Payable to: RWLV Send To: Luella Simpson, 6205 Shadywood Dr., Las Vegas, NV. 89146-3008