PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND KIWANIS MUSIC FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION 1946 - 2016 70 YEARS OF MUSIC FESTIVALS ON PEI! KIWANIS PROVINCIAL FESTIVAL May 27 and 28, 2016 DR.STEEL RECITAL HALL UNIVERSITY OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND and PARK ROYAL UNITED CHURCH Sponsored by : THE KIWANIS CLUB OF CHARLOTTETOWN FESTIVAL SCHEDULE DR. STEEL RECITAL HALL, UPEI Friday, May 27, 2016 9:30 A.M. Junior and Intermediate Piano Competition 10:30 A.M. Junior and Strings Awards Presentation 2:00 P.M. 2:45 P.M. 3:15 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. Senior Competition – Piano Senior Voice Senior Strings & Percussion Awards Presentation Choral Competition (Community Choirs) Musical Theatre Awards Presentation PARK ROYAL UNITED CHURCH Friday, May 27, 2016 9:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. Junior and Intermediate Voice Awards Presentation Elementary School Choirs Intermediate and Senior School Choirs Intermediate Woodwinds Awards Presentation DR. STEEL RECITAL HALL, UPEI Saturday, May 28, 2016 9:30 A.M. 2:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. Advanced Competition – Piano & Instrumental Advanced (cont’d.) –Voice and Strings Awards Ceremony PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 2 05/20/2016 Prince Edward Island Kiwanis Music Festival Association Celebrating 70 Years of Music Festivals on PEI Member Festivals West Prince Music Festival East Prince Music Festival Queens County Music Festival Kings County Music Festival 2016 Executive Committee President Frances McBurnie Vice President Sue Irvine Treasurer Rachel Sentner Administrator Diane Campbell Directors: Carol MacLean, Kay Linkletter, Norma Mossey, Kelly-Dawn Oliver, Lynda Sharpe, Anne White Please direct all queries and correspondence to: Diane Campbell 227 Keppoch Road Stratford, PE C1B 2J5 The executive committee wishes to express gratitude to all who assist in making our Provincial Festival happen. Teachers, parents and accompanists all work together to ensure our young musicians perform to the best of their abilities and have a positive experience. Thank you as well, to our generous donors who continue to provide the awards for our festival. We are most grateful to our major sponsor, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottetown. Their interest in, and commitment to this organization, is valued and much appreciated. We appreciate the many ways our supporters help to make our festival a success. PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 3 05/20/2016 Prince Edward Island Music Festival Association Presidents ( 1946 - 2016) Mrs. Jessie Beck Mr. Barry Bugden Lt. Col. Lewis T. Lowther Dr. G. Douglas Steel Mrs. Jessie Beck Mr. Gordon Bennett Mr. Neil Matheson Mr. Gordon Bennett The Hon. Frederic A. Large Mr. Edwin Johnstone Mr. Preston Beck Mr. Millar MacFadyen Dr. David Boswell Dr. F. Alan Reesor Mr. Hubert Tersteeg Mrs. Maylea Manning Mr. J. Alexander Clark Mrs. Elizabeth Nimmo Mrs. Angela Matheson Mr. Fred Louder Mr. Frank Nicholson Ms. Jacqueline Sorensen Ms. Monica Driscoll Mrs. Frances McBurnie PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 4 1946 - 1947(Co-Founder) 1948 1949 - 1950 1951 - 1955 1956 1957 - 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 - 1963 1964 - 1965 1966 - 1971 1972 - 1973 1974 - 1976 1977 - 1979 1980 - 1984 1985 - 1992 1993 - 1996 1997 - 1998 1999 - 2000 2001- 2002 2003 -2004 2005 -2009 2010- 05/20/2016 National Music Festival Finalists (SOLO) 1967 Birchwood Jr. High Girls Choir Walther Lutz Choral Vocal 1972 Vocal Pamela Campbell 1974 Heather Toews Piano 1975 Heather Harris Pamela Campbell Piano Vocal 1976 Rowan Fitzgerald Woodwind 1977 Carol Fraser Veda Storey Gary Poole (Third Place Winner) Strings Woodwind Brass 1979 Karen MacDonald Piano 1980 Christine Anderson Piano 1982 Christine Anderson Piano Lynn Davidoff Woodwind UPEI Ensemble Chamber Group [Christine Anderson (piano), Lynn Davidoff (flute), Susan Nicholson (clarinet)] 1983 Christine Anderson Piano Lynn Davidoff Woodwind Trio Minniken Chamber Group [Christine Anderson (piano), Lynn Davidoff (flute), Allan Kennedy (cello)] 1984 Heather Toews (Second Place Winner) Piano Randall Dibblee Strings Robert Nicholson Brass Trio Minniken (First Place Winner) Chamber Group [Christine Anderson (piano), Lynn Davidoff (flute), Allan Kennedy (cello)] 1985 Ellen Dempsey Piano Robert Nicholson Brass Montague Brass Chamber Group [Frank Nabuurs (trumpet), Darin MacBeth (french horn), Robert Nicholson (bass trombone)] 1986 Mary O’Neill Robert Nicholson Piano Brass 1987 Atlantic Piano Trio Chamber Group [Carrie-Ann Matheson (piano), Isabelle Fournier (violin), John Spearns (cello)] PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 5 05/20/2016 1989 Mary O’Neill Miriam Naylor Dale Sorensen Piano Woodwind Brass 1990 Dale Sorensen 1991 Carrie-Ann Matheson Dale Sorensen (Second Place Winner) Piano Brass 1992 Eric Mathis Brass 1993 Carrie-Ann Matheson Mary-Carla MacDonald Eric Mathis Steel Trio (Third Place Winner) (Second Place Winner) Brass Piano Woodwind Brass Chamber Group [Carrie-Ann Matheson (piano), Mark Parsons (trumpet), Eric Mathis (trombone)] 1994 Mark Parsons 1995 Carrie-Ann Matheson Kevin MacLean 1996 Kevin MacLean Woodwind 1997 Jonathan Baird Kevin MacLean Brass Woodwind 2000 Kelda Lawlor Brass 2001 Jonathan Baird (Third Place Winner) Elisabeth Gould Julia MacLaine Brass Voice Strings 2002 Cheryl Landry Sarah Russell 2003 Scott Robinson 2004 Christina Bouey Stephanie Cole Alexandra Gallant Strings Piano Woodwinds 2005 Christina Bouey Tracy Cantin Morgan Saulnier Strings Voice Woodwinds 2006 Jeremy Gallant Morgan Saulnier (Third Place winner) Piano Woodwinds 2007 Sylvia Abbikhattar-Mutch Christina Bouey (Second Place winner) Kathryn Ledwell Matthew Rowsell (First Place Winner! ) Voice Strings Piano Brass 2008 Kathryn Ledwell Piano PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Brass (First Place Winner) Piano Woodwind Woodwind Piano Brass Page 6 05/20/2016 2009 Courtney Gallant Brian DeBoer Woodwinds Strings 2010 Kyla Cook Troy Martin Echo(Yat-See) Lau Voice Woodwinds Piano 2011 Kyla Cook Echo (Yat-See) Lau Dylan Maddix Voice Piano Brass 2012 Kyla Cook Voice 2013 Echo Lau Branden Kelly(Third Place Award) Lucas MacPhail Piano Percussion Woodwind 2014 Dylan Maddix ( Second place Award) Rebecca Apps (Third place Award) Lucas MacPhail ( Special award) Brass Voice Woodwind 2015 Olivia Barnes Jillian Clow Lucas MacPhail Musical Theatre Voice Woodwind PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 7 05/20/2016 Rena Wood Memorial Scholarship The first endowment fund to the PEI Music Festival Association, donated by Edwin Johnstone in memory of his wife, Rena Wood. $1,000 award, made payable to accredited music schools, when funds allow. Special circumstances for study will be considered. 1983 Katie Palmer 1992 Eric Mathis/JuliaWissink 1984 Allan Kennedy Robert Nicholson 1993 Carrie-Ann Matheson Eric Mathis 1985 Ellen Dempsey Brian Stevens 1994 Douglas Millar 1986 Robert Nicholson Mary O’Neill 1995 Kevin MacLean Carrie -Ann Matheson 1987 Mary O’Neill John Spearns 1997 Nicole Bellamy Kevin MacLean 1988 Mary O’Neill Faith Phillips 1998 Mylene Ouellette 1989 Faith Phillips Barrie Sorensen 2000 Stephanie Cole 1999 Julia MacLaine 1990 Barrie Sorensen Dale Sorensen 2001 Julia MacLaine 1991 Carrie-Ann Matheson Dale Sorensen 2003 Alexandra Gallant 2002 Isabelle Gallant 2009 Kathryn Ledwell 2004 Alexandra Gallant 2013 Branden Kelly 2014 Rebecca App 2015 Julia MacVicar PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 8 05/20/2016 Suzanne Brenton Memorial Award Established by the PEI Symphony Board in 1985 in memory of Suzanne Brenton, a member of the PEI Symphony Orchestra. Recipient may be invited to perform as guest soloist with the PEI Symphony. 1985 Ellen Dempsey 1994 Mark Parsons 1986 Frank Nabuurs 1995 Kevin MacLean 1987,’88 Mary O’Neill 1996 Sean Trainor 1989 Dale Sorensen 1998 Jonathan Baird 1992 Eric Mathis 1999 Kelda Lawlor 1993 Carrie Ann Matheson 2000 Julia MacLaine 2002 Cheryl Landry 2003 Matthew McCrady 2004 Krista Carruthers 2005 Morgan Saulnier 2006 Christina Bouey 2007 Lysa Choi 2009 Matthew Rowsell 2010 Kyla Cook/Troy Martin 2011 Dylan Maddix 2012 Adrian Irvine 2013 Echo Lau 2014 Lucas MacPhail 2015 Branden Kelly PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 9 05/20/2016 The PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Association would like to express appreciation to the University of Prince Edward Island, the Department of Music Faculty, and Ms. Susan Stensch, for allowing us the use of the facilities here at UPEI each year. Thank you, as well, to Park Royal United Church, for their cooperation as we enjoy the use of their beautiful sanctuary each year at this time. Our appreciation must extend particularly to the Kiwanis Club of Charlottetown. They are our major sponsors, and also assist us with some volunteer duties each year. Without their generous support, we would not be able to provide the opportunity for our young musicians to participate in a provincial competition. We are very grateful to the Kiwanis Club. PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 10 05/20/2016 We wish to gratefully acknowledge the sponsors of the Provincial Awards. Choral Awards The Charlottetown Branch, Canadian Federation of University Women donated in memory of Mrs. Helen Lawson The Lorin and Estelle Drake Memorial Award In memory of Connie and Bud Ings Arlene Sorensen Louise Pritchard Memorial Fund Kathleen Linkletter / Elaine Jessop - Adams-Ellis Award Junior Awards Mrs. Lorna Knox Memorial Award The Linkletter Music Studio PEIKMFA Awards Intermediate Awards The PEI Women’s Institute Hester Suppanz in memory of Jean & Wesley MacPhee Diane Campbell in memory of Hon. Gordon Bennett In memory of D. Lorne Campbell Senior & Advanced Awards The Kiwanis Club of Charlottetown The Indian River Festival Kathe McKnight/Frances McBurnie - Ruby MacWilliams Awards The UPEI Music Society and UPEI Music Faculty Plaque Glenn and Maryanne Palmer Vocal Award Adeline Peters Ledwell Memorial Award for Piano Hazel Schwartz Instrumental Award Long & McQuade Suzanne Brenton Memorial Award- PEI Symphony Society PEIMFA Presidents’ Award PEI Registered Music Teachers’ Association Scholarship Miriam and Albert Goldman Award Rena Wood Memorial Scholarship Shortly after the 2013 provincial music festival, a long time supporter, volunteer and award donor, Mrs. Lorna Knox, passed away in Charlottetown. Many of her own children competed in the festivals, in the past, and her particular interest was with young vocal competitors. She took great pleasure in meeting and congratulating the winners of her awards, and particularly enjoyed following their progress in later years. She made every effort to attend the competitions, even when mobility became a challenge for her. Before her death, she made sure her family understood her commitment to the festival, and she arranged to make money available to continue her awards for the next ten years. Those of us in the festival family will remember Lorna Knox with love and gratitude. PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 11 05/20/2016 Presidents’ Award An annual award established as a fiftieth anniversary initiative, recognizing the most musically accomplished performer at the Provincial Finals. The award has been made possible by the following contributors: Jessie Beck Jessie Beck in memory of Mr. Preston Beck Velle Bugden in memory of Mr.Barry Bugden Gordon Bennett Dr. David Boswell J. Alexander Clark Jane Von Bredow in memory of Mr.Edwin Johnstone The Hon. Frederic A. Large Lewis Lowther in memory of Colonel L.T. Lowther Millar MacFadyen Maylea Manning Angela Matheson Margaret Dawn Matheson in memory of Neil Matheson Elizabeth Nimmo Fred Louder Frank Nicholson Jacqueline Sorensen PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 12 05/20/2016 PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 13 05/20/2016 Welcome to the Provincial Finals of the 2016 Prince Edward Island Kiwanis Music Festival! It is exciting to hear these young musicians perform with passion and skill. I congratulate them for their accomplishments, and their commitment. Along the road to the provincial finals, they have been hugely helped by their knowledgeable teachers, and by their ever supportive parents. We are grateful to the capable adjudicators, for listening with open minds, hearts and ears, for making great decisions, and for giving wise advice. We warmly thank our many donors who make the generous awards possible. We are also appreciative of the volunteers who make the Music Festivals work so well in this province, both at the local level and here at the provincial level. The local coordinators give immense numbers of hours in jobs that seem to be year-round! We especially appreciate the work of Diane Campbell, Provincial Administrator, for managing this weekend so well, and for giving the large amount of time and wisdom that the job demands. May we all rejoice in the glorious music! Frances McBurnie President, PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Association PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 14 05/20/2016 RICHARD BOULANGER Upon completion of studies leading to three prizes from the Montreal Conservatory of Music, under the tutelage of Yvonne Hubert, Richard Boulanger proceeded to further his musical training, first in Germany with pianist Karl Engel, then in Paris where he was to enjoy six years of advanced study under the tutelage of Nadia Boulanger. His published doctoral thesis, Les innovations de Domenico Scarlatti dans la technique du clavier, from the Sorbonne (D. Musicology) is devoted to the work of Domenico Scarlatti. Dr. Boulanger is currently active as a concert pianist and full professor of music history and piano at the Université de Moncton in New Brunswick. Fluent in both official languages, he is frequently requested to adjudicate music festivals across Canada. During his last sabbatical (2013 – 2014), he prepared a CD devoted to Richard Gibson’s solo piano works. PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 15 05/20/2016 . GREGORY BROOKES Baritone Gregory Brookes has been praised for his “rich baritone sound” and “Shakespearian acting.” After receiving a BMus in clarinet performance from the University of Calgary, he pursued graduate work at the Eastman School of Music where he earned a Master of Music in vocal performance and literature. He subsequently earned a Performer’s Diploma and a Doctor of Music from Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music. He has earned praise for both his operatic and musical theatre roles, some of which include, Leporello in Don Giovanni, the title role in Sweeney Todd, Pooh Bah in The Mikado, Simone in Gianni Schicchi, the Pirate King in The Pirates of Penzance, Cervantes in Man of LaMancha, Alfred Doolittle in My Fair Lady and Billus in South Pacific. In addition to his lyric theatre performances, he is a frequent collaborator with numerous choral societies, having sung the baritone solos for the Brahms’ German Requiem, Handel’s Messiah, Haydn’s The Creation, the Orff Carmina Burana, the Duruflé Requiem and the Mozart Requiem. Gregory’s performances have been heard on NPR, CBC and BBC and he has performed internationally in China, Honduras and France. Dr. Brookes has just published the IPA transcriptions of the Italian, French and German songs from Plangere’s new five volume song anthology. He has been a member of the faculties of St.Lawrence College, Brockville, ON, Queens University in Kingston, Colorado State University and is currently an Assistant Professor of Voice at Texas Tech University’s School of Music where he teaches applied voice, opera workshop, diction, and graduate and undergraduate vocal pedagogy. PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 16 05/20/2016 BOB NICHOLSON Winner of two East Coast Music Awards, with the Jive Kings, Bob Nicholson is enjoying a varied and successful career. He recently completed three years as tubaist with the Calgary based Foothills Brass Quintet and is now pleased to be playing tuba and bass trombone with Maritime Brass Quintet. He performed for five years with The Phantom of the Opera in Toronto and for 14 summers in the pit orchestra of Anne of Green Gables at the Charlottetown Festival, as well as numerous other productions at the Festival. As an orchestral musician he has performed with the Toronto Symphony, Canadian Opera Company orchestra and the National Ballet, among others. Bob studied at the University of PEI, the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto, University of Toronto and the Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara, California. In addition to the MBQ, Bob currently plays bass trombone with Symphony Nova Scotia and teaches at Acadia University, Shannon Park School and Nova Scotia Community College. PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 17 05/20/2016 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND KIWANIS MUSIC FESTIVAL PROVINCIAL FINALS DR. STEEL RECITAL HALL FRIDAY, May 27, 2016 9:30 a.m. EPMF KCMF KCMF EPMF QCMF QCMF WPMF JUNIOR PIANO AVA GRACE BOYLE Secret Agent A Whole New World ELOWYN M’CLOUD Sonatina in G major Funny Puppy Peter Jutras Menken/Rice; arr, Dennis Alexander Thomas Atwood Anne Crosby Gaudet EMILY MERRIAM Gavotte in G Major Picnic 1920 Georg Friedrich Handel Mike Schoenmehl KATIE STAVERT-BERNARD Sonata in F Major Reflections Joseph Haydn Dennis Alexander WENDY YAN Blue Mood When Rivers Flowed on Mars SARAH ZHANG The Song of Twilight The Sleeping Dragon Yoshinao Nakada Nancy Telfer SARAH GARD Dreamcatcher Fantasia in e minor PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program William Gillock Nancy Telfer Anne Crosby George Philipp Telemann Page 18 05/20/2016 10:30 a.m. INTERMEDIATE PIANO QCMF WPMF QCMF KCMF WPMF MENGJUE CHEN French Suite No.3 in b minor, BWV 814 v. Menuet and Trio Scherzo in Bb Major, D 593, no.1 CALLIE GETSON Divertimento in G Major Happy Time Jazz Franz Joseph Haydn Martha Mier NATHAN LIANG Etude, Op.27, No. 24 Lieb’ Schwesterlein Dmitri Kabalevsky Robert Fuchs SYDNEY POWERS Little Prelude in D Major Sonata in G Johann Sebastian Bach Franz Joseph Haydn MEREDITH RIX In Church Scamp PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Johann Sebastian Bach Franz Schubert Peter IIiych Tchaikovsky Christopher Norton Page 19 05/20/2016 11:15 a.m. QCMF QCMF JUNIOR STRINGS RIA JOHNSTON, violin Concerto in G Major, Op. 3, No.3 i. Allegro Adoration MAINU LAWT, violin Concertino in the Style of Antonio Vivaldi iii. Allegro assai Humoresque Antonio Vivaldi Felix Borowski Ferdinand Küchler Anton Dvorak Presentation of Awards Linkletter Music Studio Award for Junior Piano Jean and Wesley MacPhee Award for Intermediate Piano PEIKMFA Award for Junior Strings PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 20 05/20/2016 PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Park Royal United Church Friday, May 27, 2016 9:00 a.m. JUNIOR VOICE WPMF SARAH GARD I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing Lamb of God QCMF KCMF QCMF KCMF SADIE GHIZ Ed, the Invisible Dragon Someone Donna Rhodenizer Violet Archer KIERSTEN JACKSON All Things Bright and Beautiful Dragons ROBYN POWER Spring is Singing in the Garden The Jones Boys arr . A & F Kinney Clifford Crawley William Henry Anderson arr. Jay Althouse BRANDON MCQUILLAN God Bless Families La Pulga de San José PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Backer/Davis/cook/Greenway Twila Paris Natalie Sleeth arr. A.Kiko & Forrest Kinney Page 21 05/20/2016 9:30 a.m INTERMEDIATE VOICE QCMF SIOBHAN ARMSTRONG Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child Chanson De Florian QCMF FIONA CLANCEY Alma De Core Shenandoah KCMF CHLOE DOCKENDORFF Nel Cor più non mi sento The Green Dog KCMF SETH DOCKENDORFF Farewell to Nova Scotia The Tiger arr. Christine Donkin Benjamin Godard Antonio Caldara Folk Song/arr.Jay Althouse Giovanni Paisiello Herbert Kingsley arr. D.F. Cook Peter Jenkyns Presentation of Awards Mrs. Lorna Knox Award for Junior Voice Women’s Institute of PEI Intermediate Vocal Award PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 22 05/20/2016 10:30 a.m. SCHOOLS CHORAL COMPETITION Elementary Schools EPMF ELM STREET ELEMENTARY CHOIR Director- Debi Voye One Single Light Look at Us Now KCMF Dave & Jean Perry Terre McPheeters MORELL CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL-GRADES K -6 If I Only Had a Brain Peaceful River QCMF Director - Nikki Schieck Arlen/Harburg –arr. Sally Albrecht Mary Donnelly & George L.O. Strid WEST KENT GRADES 4 - 6 CHOIR Homeward Bound This Ol’ Man Director-Susan Duncan Marta Keen Thompson Traditional Intermediate School KCMF SOUTHERN KINGS CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL Canoe Song The Bare Necessities PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 23 Director- Sara White arr. Ruth Morris Gray arr. John Leavitt 05/20/2016 Senior High School KCMF MONTAGUE REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL “Here Comes Treble” Prayer of the Children Mama Who Bore Me EPMF Director- Christie Beck Kurt Bestor, arr. Klouse Steven Sater/Duncan Sheik,arr.DeSpair THREE OAKS CHORAL ENSEMBLE Director- Shirley Anne Cameron She Sings Johnny Said, “No!” KCMF Amy Bernon Vijay Singh MONTAGUE HIGH SCHOOL –SMALL ENSEMBLE 1000 Beautiful Things Carnavalito 11:30a.m. QCMF Director – Christie Beck Annie Lennox, arr. Craig Hella Johnson Bolivian Folk Song, arr.Will Lopes Woodwind Ensemble QUEEN CHARLOTTE GRADE 9 SAX QUARTET Sinfonia #3 Director – Sylvia Andrew Johann Sebastian Bach Intermediate Woodwinds QCMF MADISON LOCKMAN, tenor sax Romance Spanish Dance Elizabeth Raum Moritz Moszkowski Presentation of Awards Mrs. Helen Lawson Memorial Award for Elementary School Choir The Susan Adams-Ellis Award for Intermediate School Choir The Lorin and Estelle Drake Memorial Award for High School Choir The Connie and Bud Ings Memorial Award Long & McQuade Award for Woodwinds PEI Kiwanis Award for Intermediate Woodwind Solo PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 24 05/20/2016 DR. STEEL RECITAL HALL Friday, May 29, 2015 2:00 p.m SENIOR COMPETITION – 17 and under Piano WPMF QCMF WPMF QCMF CARLEY ALLAIN Sonatina in D Major, 1st Mvt. Rock Zone ADELE ARSENAULT L’ Egyptienne October Franz Joseph Haydn Robert Vandall Jean-Philippe Rameau Peter Illich Tchaikovsky OLIVIA BATTEN Sonata in D Disco Visit Samuel Arnold Mike Schöenmehl JACK CUI Reverie in f minor Danza gitana, Op.5, No.5 Sacro- monte Dennis Alexander Joaquin Turina 2:45 p.m. Voice QCMF QCMF CLAIRE CHILTON Cosi, Amor, mi fai languir Frage White Butterflies Alessandro Stradella Felix Mendelssohn Kenneth Bray JULIA HENDERSON Das Veichen Con que la lavaré I will Sing a New Song PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Joaquin Rodrigo Anton Dvorak Page 25 05/20/2016 KCMF TARA LLEWELLYN Tu lo sai Lachen und Weinen I Attempt from Love’s Sickness to Fly KCMF HANNAH SIBBICK Kitty of Coleraine There is a Balm in Gilead EPMF Guiseppe Torelli Franz Schubert Henry Purcell Trad. Irish, arr.James Easson American Folk,arr. Mark Hayes JENNA WOODS Amazing Grace Caro Mio Ben arr.Jay Althouse Giuseppe Giordani 3:15 p.m. Intermediate Strings QCMF QCMF LUCJA ANCHIKOSKI, violin Hornpipe Concerto in a minor, OP.3, No.6 Presto LUCY LI, violin Concerto No.9,in a minor, Op 104 i. Allegro maestoso Sonata in e minor i. Largo ii. Allegro con fuoco PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 26 George Coutts Antonio Vivaldi Charles Auguste DeBeriot Francesco Maria Veracini 05/20/2016 3:30 p.m. Senior Strings QCMF QCMF BETHANY HORROCKS, violin Polish Caprice for Violin Concerto in D Major, K 218 Allegro JUDY YUN, violin Concerto in g minor, Op.26, No.1 i.Prelude: Allegro moderato ii.Adagio Romanza Andaluza, Op.22, No.1 Grazyna Bacewicz Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Max Bruch Pablo de Sarasate 4:15 p.m. Percussion QCMF LĖO HAN Sonata No.2 for Timpani Rosewood Blues(Marimba) William Schinstine Charles Delancy MAX GALLANT Katamiya Concerto, Op.BXV, No.1041 Allegro moderato Emmanuel Séjourné Johann Sebastian Bach arr.Goldenberg EPMF Presentation of Senior Awards Kiwanis Club of Charlottetown Award for Vocal Performance Mrs. Ruby MacWilliams Award for Piano Hon. Gordon Bennett Award for Intermediate Strings Mrs. Ruby MacWilliams Award for Senior Strings Long & McQuade Award for Percussion PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 27 05/20/2016 DR. STEEL RECITAL HALL Friday, May 27, 2016 7:00 p.m. Community Choirs KCMF HILLCREST UNITED CHURCH YOUTH CHOIR Director – Anne White A Clare Benediction Climbin’ Up the Mountain KCMF A JOYFUL SOUND John Rutter Linda Spevacek Director- Christie Beck Will Ye No Come Back Again Bring Me little Water, Sylvie trad. Scottish, arr. Mark Sirett trad. American, arr. Kirby Shaw Award Presentation – Louise Pritchard Memorial Award Arlene B. Sorensen Award for Open Choral Class 7:30 p.m. Musical Theatre Junior QCMF WPMF KCMF SARAH GARD If I Only Had a Brain (Wizard of Oz) KIERSTEN JACKSON I Gotta Crow (Peter Pan) QCMF EPMF ERICA BURKE The Girl I Mean to Be (The Secret Garden) Arlen/Harburg Charlap/Leigh ROBYN POWER God Help the Outcasts (Hunchback of Notre Dame) KATIE STAVERT-BERNARD Six Hours as a Princess(Children’s Letters to God) PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Simon/Norman Page 28 Menken/Schwartz Evans/Cohen 05/20/2016 8:10 p.m. Intermediate WPMF REBEKAH BROWN I Have Confidence (Sound of Music) KCMF Richard Rogers CARRIE DOCHERTY Pure Imagination (Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory) Bricusse/ Newley KCMF CHLOE DOCKENDORFF Sayonara (How to Eat Like a Child) QCMF EPMF KCMF KCMF ALLYSON FORD My Party Dress (Henry and Mudge) Sherman/Sherman Senior MIRANDA INGS I Can Hear the Bells (Hairspray) Shaiman/Wittman DEVON McCARRON Still Hurting (The Last Five Years) QCMF Brian Lowdermilk AIDAN MURPHY Feed the Birds (Mary Poppins) REBECCAH LAMBIE Shy (Once Upon a Mattress) EPMF John Forster NICHOLAS MURPHY I Am What I Am (La Cage aux Folles) PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 29 Rodgers/ Barer Jason Robert Brown Jerry Herman 05/20/2016 EPMF MIKAILA MURRAY She Used to be Mine (Waitress) QCMF ALEXANDRA SORENSEN Much More (Fantasticks) Sara Bareilles Harvey Schmidt Awards Mrs. Lorna Knox Award for Junior Musical Theatre The D. Lorne Campbell Memorial Award for Intermediate Musical Theatre Kiwanis Club Award for Senior Musical Theatre PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 30 05/20/2016 PEI KIWANIS PROVINCIAL MUSIC FESTIVAL Saturday, May 28, 2016 Dr. Steel Recital Hall, UPEI 9:30 a.m. Advanced Competition (28 and under) WPMF QCMF(NF#2) QCMF(NF#2) KCMF MADELEINE GAUDETTE, piano Sonata in F Major, Hob XVI: 231 Songs Without Words Duetto CONNIE YUN, piano Concerto in D Major, Op.50, No.3 i. Allegro molto ii. Andante con molto Sonata in C Major, Op.2, No. 3 i. Allegro con brio ii. Adagio SANNU LAWT, piano Concerto in g minor, Op.50, No.1 i. Molto allegro con fuoco ii. Andante Italian Concerto in F Major BWV971 i. Allegro ii. Andante LEAH JORDAN, clarinet Clarinet Sonata Solo de Concours QCMF(NF#5) QCMF(NF#6) Franz Joseph Haydn Felix Mendelssohn Dmitri Kabalevsky Ludwig van Beethoven Felix Mendelssohn Johann Sebastian Bach Camille Saint-Saëns Henri Rabaud JOHANNA VESSEY, clarinet Solo de Concours Concerto for Clarinet André Messager Aaron Copland JUSTIN AMADOR, french horn Concerto No.3 in Eb Major , K447 Les Adieux Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Franz Strauss 2:00 p.m. Advanced competition(continued) PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 31 05/20/2016 KCMF MADELINE DUFFY, soprano Seit ich ihn gesehen Sweeter Than Roses Lascia Ch’io Pianga QCMF(NF#1) Robert Schumann Henry Purcell Georg Friedrich Handel LINDSAY GILLIS, soprano Ich will dir mein herze schenken(St. Matthew Passion) Johann Sebastian Bach Chacun le sait ( La Fille du Regiment) Gaetano Donizetti A Sarah Binks Songbook Reflections While Translating Heine Hi Sooky Ho Sooky Song of the Chore Elegy for a Calf Square Dance QCMF(NF#1) QCMF QCMF(NF#3) John Greer ROBYN PERRY,soprano Blute Nur, Du Liebes Herz (St. Matthew Passion) Johann Sebastian Bach Deh vieni, non tarder(Le Nozze di Figaro) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Three Early Songs George Crumb i. Night ii. Let It be Forgotten iii. Wind Elegy SANNU LAWT, violin Symphonie Espagnole in d minor, Op.21 Allegro non troppo Andante Scherzo Tarantelle, Op.16 Ėdouard Lalo Henryk Wieniawski CONNIE YUN, violin Concerto in e minor, Op.64 i. Allegro, molto appassionato ii. Andante Tambourin Chinois, Op .3 PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 32 Felix Mendelssohn Fritz Kreisler 05/20/2016 7:30 p.m. AWARDS CEREMONY Master of Ceremonies - Darren Creamer, President, Kiwanis Club of Charlottetown Advanced Awards & Scholarships UPEI Music Society Award, UPEI Department of Music Plaque ........................ Deserving UPEI music student. Glenn and Maryanne Palmer Award. . ………………………………………………………………………………….Voice Adeline Peters Ledwell Award………………………………………………………………………………………………Piano Hazel Schwartz Memorial Award. ……………………………………………………………………………..… Instrumental Suzanne Brenton Memorial Award ....................................................................................................... Contestants must perform at least one movement of a concerto or concerted work, or for vocal contestants, opera, oratorio or classical song cycle suitable for performance with orchestra. The winner will be invited to perform with the PEI Symphony Orchestra in the following season, or as agreed upon with the musical director. This award includes a $100 honorarium and will be awarded only once to any competitor. PEIMFA Presidents’ Award. .................................................................................................................. Awarded to the performer exemplifying the best overall musicianship in the senior or advanced level. Indian River Festival Awards ................................................................................................................ Awarded to three contestants who demonstrate exceptional performance abilities. This year’s winners will appear at a concert at Indian River; this event will be held on Saturday, June 25, 2016, as part of the Youth Legacy Series. Each winner will present a 15 minute performance from their festival repertoire and will receive an honorarium of $200 each. PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 33 05/20/2016 PEI Registered Music Teachers’ Association Scholarship. ........................................................................................ To be awarded to a deserving Senior or Advanced student in any discipline who currently studies with a member of the PEI RMTA. The award should be used to further the student’s musical studies. Rena Wood Memorial Scholarship. ………………………………………………..Awarded to a solo recipient who will have lived or studied on PEI for a minimum of three years. He or she must be pursuing r accepted to an undergraduate music degree program. The award is for tuition and related expenses. Payment of the scholarship will be made to accredited music schools. Applicants must have submitted a one page Curriculum Vitae , stating their educational and career goals. Announcement of National Finalists Miriam and Albert Goldman Memorial Award. ........................................................................................... Awarded to the contestant(s) recommended to represent PEI at the National Festival. PEI Kiwanis Music Festival Program Page 34 05/20/2016