Friday, August 21, 2009 Time: 6:00 PM
Friday, August 21, 2009 Time: 6:00 PM
Attendance Prizes !!!!! Where: Good Shepherd Cafeteria When: Friday, August 21, 2009 Time: 6:00 P.M. Ladies night out!!! Please come and support our school while adding beautiful decor to your home and getting great decorating ideas. Shop early for the holidays. All hostess rewards will help provide items for our auction. We will be serving appetizers and beverages . RSVP to Steffanie Campbell at 636-797-2138 or Bring a friend and enjoy the fun! Any questions, please contact Steffanie. If you cannot attend but would still like to place an order please contact Steffanie. Check out new fall catalog on line at You may also place an order with Jean Naeger, Director Southern Living at Home by phone 636-285-3052 or through above website. Attendance Prizes !!!!! AUGUST AUGUST 2009 SPECIALS HOSTESSES Save who hold a party totaling $250.00* or more 60 % in retail sales qualify to purchase— A. Verde Serving Set NEW Set of platter and bowl •41214 $69.95 Fall catalog, page 46 Only $ 2795 $ 1495 AND B.Astoria Beverage Carafe •41042 $69.95 Fall catalog, page 67 Only AND C.Southern Living Magazine Subscription 26 issues (2 years) Gift •40551 $19.95 Personal •41286 $19.95 Fall catalog, page 79 Only $ 995 Get the Savannah Beverage Server free when you host a $500 party A •41087 $129.95 Save % S av e % 50 79 B C *Not including shipping & handling or tax. Limit one per qualified Hostess. No additional discount may be taken. Specials are subject to change without notice. Specials available while supplies last. No refunds or exchanges. Southern Living publishes 1 double issue, which counts as two of 13 issues in an annual subscription. FREE! AUGUST AUGUST 2009 SPECIALS CustomerS Save qualify to purchase these items with each order 50 of $29.95* or more — % A.Dress-Me-Up Glass Platter •41246 $39.95 NEW Only Fall catalog, page 69 $ 1995 $ 995 $ 1995 $ 1295 OR B.Estate Wall Hook •41227 $19.95 NEW Fall catalog, page 16 Only AND C.Bountiful Pitcher •40937 $42.95 Fall catalog, page 48 Only AND D.Petite Lidded Bowl •41098 $27.95 Fall catalog, page 37 Only AND E.Southern Living Magazine Subscription A 26 issues (2 years) S av e % 50 B Gift •40551 $19.95 Save % Personal •41286 $19.95 54 Fall catalog, page 79 S av e % 50 C Save % 54 D E *Not including shipping & handling or tax. Limit one per qualified Customer. No additional discount may be taken. Specials are subject to change without notice. Specials available while supplies last. No refunds or exchanges. Southern Living publishes 1 double issue, which counts as two of 13 issues in an annual subscription. Only $ 995