mike mcdowell - Confluence Environmental Company
mike mcdowell - Confluence Environmental Company
mike.mcdowell@confenv.com 206.356.6624 MIKE MCDOWELL Principal Aquatic Scientist Mike McDowell, principal aquatic scientist and partner with CEC, has over 30 years of project experience managing and performing baseline biological and fisheries studies, environmental impact statements (EISes), and monitoring programs. Mike has been leading teams and companies in environmental consulting since the early 1980s. He was the founding President/CEO of a successful natural resources consulting firm, which he started with five colleagues in 1989 and ran for 12 years. Over the past 20 years, Mike’s work has taken him from Puget Sound, throughout the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, and to tropical and sub-tropical ecosystems, such as Ghana, West Africa, and the Republic of Palau. His experience adds a highly valuable and unique perspective to his leadership of projects. Mike’s primary focus is impacts on fish and aquatic ecosystems, both freshwater and marine, for a wide range of development activities, including highways and pipelines, mining, marinas, and industrial facilities. Representative Projects ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING AND REGULATORY STRATEGY Skagit Asphalt Terminal Permitting, Husky Energy, Skagit County, WA. Project Manager. Directed and managed the preparation of a SEPA checklist and other permitting documents for a proposed asphalt transshipment terminal. Led a multidisciplinary team that conducted Phase I and II environmental site assessment work, geotechnical soils and groundwater evaluations, air and noise impact assessment and permitting, and a project site boundary and topographic survey. Project impacts associated with site development plans for the project included slight modifications to the proposed facility layout in order to avoid impacts to wetlands and associated buffers on a portion of the site. Developed planting plan for buffer enhancement. 1,936-Bed Corrections Facility Siting and EIS, Washington State Department of Corrections, Yakima, Klickitat, and Grays Harbor Counties, WA. Principal-in-Charge and Project Manager. Managed a multidisciplinary team evaluating siting options for a new 1,936-bed corrections facility. Developed and applied natural resources environmental criteria for evaluation of 28 potential sites across the State of Washington. Led EIS preparation and analysis in areas of wetlands (Clean Water Act Section 404), fisheries, surface water, and water quality for four candidate sites in Grandview, Goldendale, and Aberdeen, Washington. Participated Education University of Washington, Seattle, WA Certificate, The Management Program University of Washington, Seattle, WA Graduate Studies in Fisheries Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA B.S., Ecosystems Analysis Certifications Certified Fisheries Professional, AFS No. 2715, 2004-present Qualified Senior Writer for Biological Assessment, WSDOT Expertise Project Management Environmental Permitting Salmonid Fish Biology Endangered Species Act Compliance Ecosystem Restoration Instream Flow Incremental Methodology Water Quality Analysis Risk Assessment Sediment Management MIKE MCDOWELL Principal Aquatic Scientist in public meetings at all candidate siting locations as a technical resource regarding potential effects of prison construction to natural systems as presented in the draft SEPA EIS. NEPA EIS for Interstate 5 Interchange, City of Lynnwood, Lynnwood, WA. Principal-in-Charge. Assessed impacts on fisheries and water quality, developed mitigation options, and analyzed alternatives. Managed wetland delineation, impact assessment, and analysis of mitigation options as part of overall project. Prepared draft EIS sections under NEPA guidelines. Paine Field Master Plan Implementation, Snohomish County Airport, Everett, WA. Principal-in-Charge. Managed the project involving wetland delineations, conceptual wetland mitigation design, NEPA and SEPA compliance, and Clean Water Act Section 404 permitting for activities that would affect 5.6 acres of wetlands. Oversaw preparation of 404(b)(1) alternatives analysis. This project included development of the first wetland mitigation bank in Washington State at the Narbeck Swamp and other wetland creation sites around the airport. Wetland designs and other supporting documentation were used in the wetland mitigation bank instrument signed by all participating parties. Boat Street Marina Replacement Environmental Permitting, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Project Manager. Directed environmental review through development of a comprehensive environmental checklist under SEPA. Directed all the environmental permitting needed for the project, including the Department of the Army permit from the Corps (Clean Water Act Section 404), Hydraulic Project Approval from the WDFW, and the shorelines and building permits from the City of Seattle. Managed the biological evaluation to facilitate consultation under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. Everett Mill Permitting and Biological Evaluation, Snohomish River, Sierra Pacific Industries, Everett, WA. Principal-in-Charge. Worked as part of a team to provide permitting assistance for the construction of a new lumber manufacturing facility and cogeneration facility. To expedite construction, a phased permitting approach was used. Phase I permits consisted of upland-related work within the shoreline. Phase II consisted of in-water and over-water work, including a barge berth terminal, dredging, and restoration. Conducted field surveys to evaluate fish and wildlife habitat and identify mitigation opportunities. Prepared the JARPA and the biological assessment for Section 7 consultation under the Endangered Species Act. Addressed the impacts on the Snohomish River in a conceptual mitigation plan that incorporated restoration of the shoreline, intertidal, and subtidal areas of the Snohomish River. Critical Areas Ordinance Update, City of Kent, Kent, WA. Principal-in-Charge. Directed and conducted stream classification, stream buffer assessment, and Best Available Science review for streams, fisheries, and wildlife habitat for the City of Kent in support of their process for updating the city’s Critical Areas Ordinance. This process is dictated by requirements of the Washington State Growth Management Act. Directed and participated in stream classification review, prepared draft policies and procedures for the revised ordinance, and provided testimony in hearings before the Land Use Commission and Kent City Council. SuperMall of the Great Northwest Environmental Permitting, Hapsmith Development Co., Auburn, WA. Project Manager. Managed the environmental permitting (Clean Water Act Section 404 and Hydraulic Project Approval) for off-site transportation developments. Prepared a five-year water quality monitoring plan for the page 2 of 4 MIKE MCDOWELL Principal Aquatic Scientist stormwater treatment facilities. Prepared a plan for wetland buffer design, maintenance, and monitoring, and a storm-drain facilities monitoring plan. Implemented construction monitoring of wetland buffer landscaping. Conducted erosion-control consultation and monitoring. Prepared draft and final EIS sections covering plants and animals, streams, wetlands, and water quality, and provided response to comments for the final EIS. ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT Camp Bonneville Plant and Animal Survey, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, Clark County, WA. Principal-in-Charge. Managed development and implementation of a study to identify state- and federally listed endangered, threatened, and candidate species of plants and vertebrates that may be found within the boundaries of the Camp Bonneville Military Installation. Provided recommendations for management and protection of particular species or populations, according to the guidelines in the Endangered Species Act. Endangered Species Act Risk Consultation, Smokey Point Concrete, Snohomish County, WA. Project Manager. Provided consultation regarding potential expansion plans for an existing aggregate operation along the Stillaguamish River near Arlington, Washington. Consultation included issues that would be faced during a SEPA EIS process, environmental permitting, and Endangered Species Act compliance, including discussion of strategies regarding potential habitat impacts and mitigation alternatives. Identified significant issues regarding operations in the river flood plain, including potential for river avulsion into the active mine. Rock Creek Fisheries Studies, City of Kent, Kent, WA. Principal-in-Charge. Directed and conducted fisheries, habitat, and instream flow studies on Rock Creek for the City of Kent for over three years. Participated in habitat mapping, instream flow measurements, spawner surveys, and assessments of habitat access and suitability for chinook salmon spawning. Served as technical lead for fisheries studies for the Rock Creek biological assessment (BA). Also served as an advisor to the city and Mr. Thomas Mortimer, attorney, on issues of strategy and direction of the BA and a proposed habitat conservation plan. Conducted special studies at the direction of Mr. Mortimer and prepared technical memoranda to report the results of these efforts. STREAM RESTORATION Jamestown Mine Revegetation Plan, Tuolumne County, CA. Principal Scientist. Managed development of a revegetation plan and wildlife habitat restoration for the proposed Jamestown Mine Rock Storage Area project. This project included preparation of a reclamation program for a new fill soil, aggregate, riprap, and decorative rock mining project at the Rock Storage Area (RSA) of the Jamestown Mine, located in Tuolumne County, California. The RSA was located on a previously mined area that was closed. The RSA was a separate area from the remainder of the Jamestown Mine site that was being closed by others. Because of the economic value of the approximately 30 million tons of overburden materials, Tuolumne County was considering a solicitation process to implement this mining project at the RSA. This mining activity met with the conditions identified in the settlement and stipulated judgment negotiated for the site. The revegetation and reclamation plan was prepared to comply with regulatory guidance from Tuolumne County and the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA, PRC 2710). As part of regulatory requirements, areas disturbed by the new mining operation had to be reclaimed to a usable condition readily adaptable for alternative land uses. This plan provided for ongoing reclamation of the RSA as the proposed waste-rock mining operation proceeded, so that the RSA could ultimately support wildlife habitat equivalent to that of adjacent lands. page 3 of 4 MIKE MCDOWELL Principal Aquatic Scientist Mill Creek Habitat Restoration Design, City of Kent, Kent, WA. Principal-in-Charge. Designed, directed, and conducted studies to support a feasibility study and a 30 Percent Design Report for a side channel habitat restoration project at the confluence of Mill Creek and the Green River in Kent, Washington. Conducted habitat surveys and physical characterization of the channel, including surveying cross sections and longitudinal profiles. Test pits were dug to 20 feet below ground surface for soils characterization and testing for contaminants and geotechnical properties. All of these studies and data were used in preparation of the feasibility study. Performed hydraulic modeling to assess current stream conditions and projected side channel alternatives for the restoration design. Prepared a 30 Percent Design Report on the preferred alternative for the restoration. Ellsworth Creek Habitat Enhancements, Willapa Bay Fisheries Enhancement Group, South Bend, WA. Principal-in-Charge. Designed stream enhancements for Ellsworth Creek (Washington Water Resource Inventory Area 24-0553), with the long-term goal of improving spawning and rearing habitat for salmonids using the tributary. This project was initiated due to the barrier to passage caused by an existing culvert in a road crossing the stream, and because sedimentation from accumulated streambed sediments was affecting water quality. Managed field surveys to assess stream habitats and identify areas of potential sedimentation concerns. Organized design team representing concerned stakeholders to develop design requirements. Integrated results from multidisciplinary team members, including hydraulic analysis, fisheries habitat assessment, and engineering plans and design. Assisted in preparation of permit applications and implementation of the final design. RISK ASSESSMENT Industrial Facility Endangered Species Act Risk Assessment, Confidential Client, Western WA. Project Manager. Managed, designed, and conducted a multidisciplinary review and risk assessment for ongoing industrial production and a major heavy-manufacturing facility in western Washington. Assessed past and current operations, industrial and stormwater discharges, permits, and compliance records in light of recent listings of chinook salmon under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Developed a matrix of risk exposure for operations under provisions of the ESA and the presence of listed and candidate species and their habitat in the vicinity of the plant. Developed options for habitat enhancement and a strategy for response to ESA-associated risk. Talache Mine Tailings Risk Assessment, Atlanta, ID. Project Scientist. Conducted instream flow habitat modeling using the Physical Habitat Simulation System (PHABSIM) of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology to assess fish habitat for several species and life history stages of salmonids. Flow measurements at several reference cross sections were used in the PHABSIM model to assess habitat upstream and within the area affected by the tailings discharge. Results of the modeling were used in support of the risk-assessment analysis. page 4 of 4