- samiksha institute
- samiksha institute
PSC QTS 600 GS samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 1 (C) muds Msuksa ij rsy yxus ls os rSj ugha lekU; Kku 1- 2- 3- 45- 6- 7- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ,d rRo jsfM;ks,sfDVo ugha gS\ (A) ,LVsVkbu (B) Ýsafl;e (C) fVªfV;e (D) ftdksZfu;e vEy o"kkZ dk dkj.k gS (1) okrkoj.k dk T;knk xeZ gksuk (2) vkS|ksfxd iznw"k.k (3) i`Foh ds /kjkry esa LFkkbZ ifjorZu (A) dsoy 1 (B) dsoy 3 (C) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (D) dsoy 2 fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lh tksM+h vlR; gS\ & okguksa ds batu dks B.Mk (A) jsfM,Vj djuk & xSlksa dk Hkkj o /kuRo Kkr (B) ,jksehVj djuk (C) QksVksehVj & izdk’k dh ped 'kfDr Kkr djuk (D) ik;jksehVj & /ofu rjaxksa dks iqu% /ofu esa ifjofrZr djuk 'kjhj dk #f/kj cSad fdl vax dks dgk tkrk gS\ (A) ;d`r (B) Iyhgk (C) o`Dd (D) es# jTtq ,d prqj i{kh tks viuk ?kksalyk ugha cukrk vkSj dkSos ds ?kksalys esa v.Ms nsrk gSA (A) xkSjS;k (B) dBQksM+ok (C) dks;y (D) cqycqy ekWf.Vª;y izksVksdky fdlls lacaf/kr Fkk\ (A) Xykscy okWfeZax ij vadq’k yxkuk (B) vkstksu vo{k; dks jksduk (C) a o b nksukas (D) Xykscy okfeZax rFkk vkstksu ds vo{k; dks jksduk rFkk tSo fofo/krk dks cpkuk leqnz dh lrg ij rsy Qsyus ij eNfy;k¡ D;ksa ej tkrh gSa\ (A) mudk Hkkstu nwf"kr gks tkrk gS (B) lk¡l ysus ds fy, vkWDlhtu dh deh gks tkrh gS PSC QTS 600 GS 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- ikrh (D) ikuh dk rkieku vR;f/kd Å¡pk gks tkrk gSA tSo fofo/krk 'kCn dk igyh ckj iz;ksx fdl n’kd esa vkjaHk gqvk\ (A) 1941&50 (B) 1961&70 (C) 1971&80 (D) 1981&90 fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdldk lqesy ugha gS\ (A) vkyexhj iqj & mÙkj izns’k (B) yksFky & xqtjkr (C) dkyhoaxk & gfj;k.kk (D) jksiM+ & iatkc ckS) rFkk tSu nksuksa gh /keZ fo’okl djrs gSa fd& (A) deZ rFkk iqutZUe ds fl)kar lgh gSA (B) e`R;q ds i'pkr~ gh eks{k laHko gSA (C) L=h rFkk iq#"k nksuksa gh eks{k izkIr dj ldrs gSaA (D) thou esa e/;e ekxZ loZJs"B gSA ckS) laxhfr;ksa ds pkj vk;kstdksa dk fuEu esa ls lgh Øe D;k gS\ (A) dkyk’kksd] vtkr’k=q] v’kksd] dfu"d (B) dfu"d] v’kksd] dkyk’kksd] vtkr’k=q (C) v’kksd] dkyk’kksd] vtkr’k=q] dfu"d (D) vtkr’k=q] dkyk’kksd] v’kksd] dfu"d izkphu dky dk egku oS;kdj.k iratfy fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdldk ledkyhu Fkk\ (A) pUnzxqIr ekS;Z (B) v’kksd (C) iq";fe= 'kaqx (D) lq’keZ.k d.o dk¡ph dk dSyk’k ukFk eafnj ftlds }kjk LFkkiR; dh nzfo.k 'kSyh dk mn~Hko gksrk gSA fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlds }kjk cuok;k x;k Fkk\ (A) egsUnz oeZu izFke (B) ujflag oeZu izFke (C) ujflag oeZu f}rh; (D) ufUnoeZu f}rh; jk"VªdwV 'kkld fuEu esa ls fdlds vuq;k;h Fks\ (A) tSu /keZ (B) ckS) /keZ (C) oS".ko /keZ (D) 'kSo /keZ samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 2 General Knowledge 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- Which of the following is not a radioactive element? (A) Astatine (B) Francium (C) Tritium (D) Zirconium The cause of acid rain is(1) high temperature in the environment (2) industrial pollution (3) steady change in the surface of the earth. (A) Only 1 (B) Only 3 (C) Both 1 & 2 (D) Only 2 Which of the following is in-correctly matched? (A) Radiatorto cool the engine of vehicles (B) Aerometer- to determine density & mass of gas. (C) Photometer- to determine intensity of light (D) Pyrometer- to convert sound waves into sound. Which of the following organ of the body is called Blood Bank? (A) Liver (B) Spleen (C) Kidney (D) Spinal cord A dexterous bird, which don’t make their own nest but lays egg in the nest of crow is(A) Sparrow (B) Woodpecker (C) Cuckoo (D) Nightingale Montreal protocol is related with(A) Restriction on Global warming (B) Reducing the depletion of ozone (C) Both A & B (D) Reduce the global warming and depletion of ozone layer as well as protect the bio-diversity. Why do fishes die after the spilling of oil in the sea water? (A) their food is poisoned. (B) reduction in the level of oxygen required for the respiration (C) They could not swim with wings being stick with oil. PSC QTS 600 GS 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- (D) temperature of water is excessively increased. The term Bio-diversity was first used in the decade(A) 1941-50 (B) 1961-70 (C) 1971-80 (D) 1981-90 Which of the following is in-correctly matched? (A) Alamgirpur - Uttar Pradesh (B) Lothal - Gujarat (C) Kalibangan - Haryana (D) Ropar - Punjab Buddha and Jain religion belief the(A) Principle of reincarnation and workmanship are true. (B) Salvation is possible after the death. (C) Both man and woman can attain salvation. (D) Middle path in the life is best. Correct arrangement of the four organisers of Buddhist councils is(A) Kalashoka, Ajatshatru, Ashok, Kanishka (B) Kanishka, Ashok, Kalashoka, Ajatshatru (C) Ashok, Kalashoka, Ajatshatru, Kanishka (D) Ajatshatru, Kalashoka, Ashok, Kanishka Patanjali a great grammarian in ancient times was a contemporary of(A) Chandragupt Maurya (B) Ashok (C) Pushyamitra Sunga (D) Sushraman Kanva Kailash Nath temple in Kanchi shows resemblance with the Dravid style. Who among the following constructed this temple? (A) Mahendra Varman I (B) Narsingh Varman I (C) Narsingh Varman II (D) Nandivarman II Rashtrakuta ruler was the follower of(A) Jainism (B) Buddhism (C) Vaishnavism (D) Shaivism samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 3 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- ekSgEen xkSjh ds vkØe.k ds le; i`Fohjkt pkSgku fuEu esa ls fdu LFkkuksa dk 'kkld Fkk\ (A) dUukSt (B) fnYyh o vtesj (C) fnYyh o iatkc (D) vtesj o mn;iqj fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlus fnYyh lYrur ds lanHkZ esa nhoku&,&vehjdksgh (d`f"k foHkkx) dh LFkkiuk dhA (A) vykmn~nhu f[kyth (B) fQjkst’kkg rqxyd (C) eqgEen&fou&rqxyd (D) bYrqrfe’k bZ’oj ls lkfu/; LFkkfir djus ds fy, fdl HkfDr lUr us u`R; ,oa xku (dhrZu) dk ek/;e viuk;k\ (A) 'kadjkpk;Z (B) p.Mhnkl (C) Kkunso (D) pSrU; egkizHkq fo’o fo[;kr dksfguwj ghjs dks gqek;q¡ us fdl 'kkld ls izkIr fd;k Fkk\ (A) Xokfy;j ds 'kkld (B) 'ksj’kkg ls (C) chdkusj ds 'kkld ls (D) tks/kiqj ds 'kkld ls fla/k ls ysdj lksukj xk¡o (ckaXykns’k) rd tkus okys ekxZ lM+d&,&vkte dk fuekZ.k fdlds }kjk djok;k x;k\ (A) vdcj (B) 'ksj’kkg (C) 'kkgtgk¡ (D) vkSjaxtsc lqesfyr dhft,& lwph & I A. gSnjkckn dh pkj ehukj B. vkxjk dh eksrh efLtn C. fnYyh dh dqrqcehukj D. lh/kh dk fdyk lwph & II 1- vykmíhu f[kyth 2- dqrqcmíhu ,scd 3- 'kkgtgk¡ my bLyke 4- chtkiqj dk vkfny’kkg 5- vkSjaxtsc dksM& PSC QTS 600 GS (A) (B) (C) (D) 21- 22- 23- 24- B 5 3 3 5 C 2 2 2 2 D 1 1 1 1 vaxzstksa us jS;rokM+h cankscLr dgk¡ ykxw fd;k Fkk\ (A) caxky izslhMsUlh esa (B) enzkl izslhMsUlh esa (C) cEcbZ izslhMsUlh esa (D) enzkl vkSj cEcbZ izslhMsUlh esa fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ml la?k dk lgHkkxh ugha Fkk ftls cDlj ds ;q) esa vaxzstksa us ijkftr fd;k Fkk\ (A) 'kqtk&mn&nkSyk (B) 'kkg vkye II (C) ehj tkQj (D) ehj dkfle fuEu fyf[kr esa ls fczfV’k ljdkj dk og xouZj tujy dkSu gS\ ftlus Hkkjr esa Mkd fVdV 'kq: fd, Fks\ (A) ykMZ MygkSth (B) ykMZ vksad ysaM (C) ykMZ dSfuax (D) ykMZ fofy;e oSfVd lwph&I dks lwph&II ls feykb, vkSj uhps fn, x, dwV esa ls lgh mÙkj dk p;u dhft,& lwph & I lwph & II (A) izkFkZuk lekt 1- jktk jkeeksgu jk; (B) czã lekt 2- foosdkuan (C) vk;Z lekt 3- n;kuan ljLorh (D) jked`".k fe’ku 4- ds’ko pUnz lsu 5- jked`".k ijegal dksM& (A) (B) (C) (D) 25- A 4 1 4 4 A 1 2 4 4 B 2 5 1 1 C 3 1 3 3 D 4 3 5 2 nf{k.k vÝhdk ls ykSVus ds ckn xk¡/kh th us izFke lQy lR;kxzg vkjaHk fd;kA (A) pkSjh&pkSjk esa (B) nk.Mh esa (C) pEikju esa (D) okjnksyh esa samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 4 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- During the attack of Mohammad Ghori, Prithviraj Chauhan was the ruler of the – (A) Kannauj (B) Delhi & Ajmer (C) Delhi & Punjab(D) Ajmer & Udaipur The Department named Diwan-eAmir- Kohi related to agriculture was established by(A) Allaud-din-Khilji (B) Firoz Shah Tughluq (C) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq (D) Iltutmish Which of the following saint used the medium of songs and dance to establish the connection with the God? (A) Shankracharya (B) Chandidas (C) Gyandev (D) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Humayun obtained the world famous, Kohinoor diamond from the (A) Ruler of Gwalior (B) Sher Shah Suri (C) Ruler of Bikaner (D) Ruler of Jodhpur Sadak-e-Azam, a road link between Indus and Sonar village (Bangladesh), was constructed by(A) Akbar (B) Sher Shah Suri (C) Shahjahan (D) Aurangzeb Match the followingTable-I A. Charminar, Hyderabad B. Moti Masjid, Agra C. Qutub Minar, Delhi D. Siri Fort Table-II 1- Alaud-din-Khilji 2- Qutubuddin Aibak 3- Shahjahan Ul-Islam 4- Adil Shah of Bijapur 5- Aurangzeb CodesA B C D (A) 4 5 2 1 (B) 1 3 2 1 (C) 4 3 2 1 (D) 4 5 2 1 PSC QTS 600 GS 21- 22- 23- 24- 25- Where did the Britishers implemented Ryotwari system? (A) Bengal Presidency (B) Madras Presidency (C) Bombay Presidency (D) Madras & Bombay Presidency Who among the following was not part of the organization that got defeated by the Britishers in the battle of Buxar? (A) Shuja Ud-Daulah (B) Shah Alam (C) Mir Zaffer (D) Mir Qasim Who among the following Governor General of British Government initiated the postal ticket service in India? (A) Lord Dalhousie (B) Lord Auckland (C) Lord Canning (D) Lord William Bentinck Match the followingTable-I (A) Prarthana Samaj (B) Brahma Samaj (C) Arya Samaj (D) Ram Krishna Mission Table-II 1- Raja Ram Mohan Ray 2- Vivekanand 3- Dayanand Saraswati 4- Keshav Chandra Sen 5- Ram Krishna Paramhans CodesA B C D (A) 1 2 3 4 (B) 2 5 1 3 (C) 4 1 3 5 (D) 4 1 3 2 From where did the Gandhiji started the first successful satyagraha movement after returning from South Africa? (A) Chauri Chaura (B) Dandi (C) Champaran (D) Bardoli samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 5 26- 27- 28- 29- 3031- Hkkjrh; Lora=rk la?k"kZ ds nkSjku fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlus vizSy 1906 bZ esa ;qxkUrj uked lkIrkfgd vkjaHk fd;k\ (A) KkusUnz ukFk clq rFkk fofiu pUnz iky (B) okjhUnz dqekj ?kks"k rFkk HkwisUnz ukFk nÙk (C) vf’ouh dqekj nÙk rFkk 'krh’k pUnz eq[kthZ (D) d`".k dqekj fe= rFkk gsepUnz dkuwuxks fuEu fyf[kr esa ls dkSu bf.M;u VªsM ;wfu;u dk¡xzsl dk 1920 bZ esa izFke v/;{k Fkk\ (A) fot; pUnz iky (B) fprjatu nkl (C) ykyk yktir jk; (D) MkW- jktsUnz izlkn Hkkjr esa eqlyekuksa ds fy, vyx fuokZpu {ks= fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl dkuwu ds rgr 'kq: fd, x, Fks\ (A) 1909 dk Hkkjr 'kklu vf/kfu;e (B) 1892 dk Hkkjrh; ifj"kn vf/kfu;e (C) 1919 dk jksysV ,sDV (D) 1935 dk Hkkjr 'kklu vf/kfu;e fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl Hkkjrh; jkT; dh caxykns’k ds lkFk lk>h varjkZ"Vªh; lhek ugha gS\ (A) ef.kiqj (B) if’pe caxky (C) f=iqjk (D) vlkse Hkkjr esa fdrus jkT; leqnzh rV js[kk ls yxs gS\ (A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 10 lwph&I dks lwph&II ls feykb, vkSj uhps fn, x, dwV esa ls lgh mÙkj dk p;u dhft,& lwph&I lwph&II (A) 'kojhekyk 1- vka/kz izns’k (B) Jo.k csyxksyk 2- dukZVd (C) Jh jaxe 3- dsjy (D) Jh lSye 4- rfeyukMq dksM& (A) (B) (C) (D) 32- A 3 4 3 4 B 1 2 2 1 C 4 3 4 3 D 2 1 1 2 33- fuEu ioZr Ja[kykvksa dks mÙkj ls nf{k.k dh vksj lgh Øe esa foU;Lr dj lgh mÙkj dk p;u djsa (1) ihj iatky (2) djkdksje (3) tkLdj (4) ynnk[k (A) 2, 4, 3, 1 (C) 1, 2, 4, 3 34- 35- 36- 37- 38- 39- iky?kkV fuEufyf[kr jkT;ksa esa ls fdUgsa tksM+rk gSA (A) flfDde vkSj if’pe caxky dks (B) egkjk"Vª vkSj xqtjkr dks (C) dsjy vkSj rfeyukMq dks PSC QTS 600 GS (D) v#.kkpy izns’k vkSj flfDde dks (B) 2, 3, 4, 1 (D) 3, 2, 4, 1 iwohZ ?kkV ,oa if’peh ?kkV ioZr Jsf.k;ksa dk feyu dgk¡ gksrk gS\ (A) uhyfxfj igkfM+;k¡ (B) ikfyfu igkfM+;k¡ (C) vukeykbZ igkfM+;k¡ (D) dkMkZe; igkfM+;k¡ ufn;ksa dh yEckbZ ds vojksgh Øe esa xksnkojh egkunh] ueZnk o rkIrh dk lgh vuqØe dkSu lk gS\ (A) xksnkojh&egkunh&ueZnk&rkIrh (B) xksnkojh&ueZnk&egkunh&rkIrh (C) ueZnk&xksnkojh&rkIrh&egkunh (D) ueZnk&rkIrh&xksnkojh&egkunh if’peh ?kkV ls fudydj vjc lkxj esa fxjus okyh ufn;k¡ MsYVk dk fuekZ.k D;ksa ugha djrh gS\ (A) mPp <ky ds dkj.k (B) budh xfr vR;f/kd eUn gS (C) ;s fuR;okgh ufn;k¡ ugha gSa (D) ;gk¡ ouLifr;k¡ ugha gSa fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl jkT; esa o"kZ dh 'ks"k vof/k dh rqyuk esa 'khr _rq esa lokZf/kd o"kkZ gksrh gS\ (A) fcgkj (B) vksfM’kk (C) iatkc (D) rfeyukMq fuEu fyf[kr esa ls fdl ,d LFkku ij flypj vkSj iksjcUnj dks tksM+us okyk iwoZ&if’pe ekxZ rFkk Jhuxj vkSj dU;kdqekjh dks tksM+us okyk mÙkj&nf{k.k ekxZ ,d nwljs dks dkVrs gS\ (A) >k¡lh (B) vkxjk (C) tcyiqj (D) ukxiqj ß,d xzg ds fnu dk eku vkSj mlds v{k dk >qdkc yxHkx i`Foh ds fnu eku vkSj >qdko ds lerqY; gSÞ ;g mfDr gS (A) ;wjsul ds fo"k; esa (B) usIP;wu ds fo"k; esa (C) 'kfu ds fo"k; esa (D) eaxy ds fo"k; esa samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 6 26- 27- Who among the following started publishing the Yugantar, a weekly magazine in 1907 during the freedom struggle movement? (A) Gyanendra Nath Basu and Vipin Chandra Pal (B) Barindra Kumar Ghosh and Bhupendra Nath Dutt (C) Ashwini Kumar Dutt and Satish Chandra Mukherjee (D) Krishna Kumar Mitra and Hemchandra Kanungo Who was the first Chairman of Indian Trade Union Congress in the year 1920? 33- 34- 35- (A) Vipin Chandra pal(B) Chittaranjan Das (C) Lala Lajpat Rai (D) Dr. Rajendra Kumar 28- 29- 30- 31- 32- Separate electoral constituency for the muslims in India were started under the law of(A) Government of India Act, 1909 (B) Indian Council Act, 1892 (C) Rowlatt Act, 1919 (D) Government of India Act, 1935 Which of the following state of India don’t share the International Boundary with Bangladesh? (A) Manipur (B) West Bengal (C) Tripura (D) Assam How many states of India have coastal border? (A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 10 Match the followingTable-I Table-II (A) Sabarimala 1- Andhra Pradesh (B) Shravanabelagola2- Karnataka (C) Srirangam 3- Kerala (D) Srisailam 4- Tamil Nadu CodesA B C D (A) 3 1 4 2 (B) 4 2 3 1 (C) 3 2 4 1 (D) 4 1 3 2 Palghat connects the states of(A) Sikkim and West Bengal (B) Maharashtra & Gujarat PSC QTS 600 GS 36- 37- 38- 39- (C) Kerala & Tamil Nadu (D) Arunachal Pradesh & Sikkim Arrange the following mountain ranges from North to South? (1) Pir Panjal (2) Karakoram (3) Zanskar (4) Ladakh (A) 2, 4, 3, 1 (B) 2, 3, 4, 1 (C) 1, 2, 4, 3 (D) 3, 2, 4, 1 The eastern and western ghats mountain range meet at(A) Nilgiri Hills (B) Palani Hills (C) Annamalai hills(D) Cardamon Hills Which of the following option is the correct arrangement of river in the descending order of their length? (A) Godavari - Mahanadi - Narmada Tapti (B) Godavari-Narmada-MahanadiTapti (C) Narmada – Godavari – Tapti Mahanadi (D) Narmada - Tapti- Godavari Mahanadi Why do the river originating from western ghats and falling in Arabian sea don’t form a delta? (A) High slope (B) It has very low velocity (C) It is not a perennial river (D) There is no vegetation Which of the following states experienced the heaviest rainfall during winter monsoon ? (A) Bihar (B) Orissa (C) Punjab (D) Tamil Nadu At which place does the Silcharporbandar connecting Easternwestern roadways and SrinagarKanyakumari connecting North-South roadways crosses each other? (A) Jhansi (B) Agra (C) Jabalpur (D) Nagpur “The day’s value of the planet and tilt of its axis is identical to that of the Earth”. This statement holds true for the(A) Uranus (B) Neptune (C) Saturn (D) Mars samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 7 40- 41- 42- 43- 44- 45- 46- Hkwi`"B esa lokZf/kd izpqj rRo dkSu&lk gS\ (A) vkWDlhtu (B) xU/kd (C) flfydu (D) dkcZu ^iz’kkUr egklkxj dk pkSjkgk* miuke ls tkuk tkrk gS (A) gokbZ }hi (B) freksj (C) fQth (D) Vksaxk fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ,d yo.k lkxj esa lokZf/kd ik;k tkrk gS\ (A) dSfYl;e dkcksZusV (B) lksfM;e DyksjkbM (C) iksVsf’k;e DyksjkbM (D) eSXuhfl;e lYQsV lu~ 1946 esa xfBr varfje ljdkj esa dk;Zikyd ifj"kn ds milHkkifr Fks (A) MkW jktsUnz izlkn (B) tokgj yky usg: (C) lh- jktxksikykpkjh (D) MkW- ,l- jk/kkd`".ku Hkkjr dks ,d ^x.kjkT;* eq[; :i ls blfy, ekuk tkrk gS D;ksafd\ (A) jkT;k/;{k dk pquko gksrk gS (B) mls 15 vxLr 1947 dks Lora=rk feyh Fkh (C) mldk viuk fyf[kr lafo/kku gS (D) mldh ljdkj lalnh; iz.kkyh ds vuqlkj gS ßgekjs cPps f’kf{kr gSa vkSj os mPp tkfr;ksa ds iq#"kksa ds iSj /kksus] fookg esa Hkkst ds ckn] twBu gBkus vkSj crZu ekatus dk ijaijkxr dke djus dks rS;kj ugha gSAÞ mijksDr dFku fdl ekSfyd vf/kdkj ls lacaf/kr gS (A) 'kks"k.k ds fo#) vf/kdkj (B) lerk dk vf/kdkj (C) O;fDrxr Lora=rk dk vf/kdkj (D) izk.k ,oa nSfgd Lora=rk dk vf/kdkj fdl vuqPNsn ds rgr~ tsy esa cUn nks"kfl)ksa dks laj{k.k izkIr gS\ (A) vuq- 14 (B) vuq- 19 (C) vuq- 21 PSC QTS 600 GS (D) vuq- 22 47- 48- 49- 50- 51- 52- Hkkjr ds lafo/kku esa varjkZ"Vªh; 'kkafr ,oa lqj{kk ds lao/kZu dk mYys[k dgk¡ fd;k x;k gS\ (A) izLrkouk esa (B) uhfr&funs’kd rRoksa esa (C) ewy dÙkZO;ksa esa (D) ukSaoh vuqlwph jk"Vªifr ds fo#) egkfHk;ksx dk vkjksi yxkdj mls gVkus dk izLrko ikfjr gksuk pkfg, (A) jkT; lHkk }kjk nks&frgkbZ cgqer ls (B) yksd lHkk }kjk nks&frgkbZ cgqer ls (C) yksd lHkk ds v/;{k o jkT; lHkk ds lHkkifr ds fu.kkZ;d er ls (D) laln ds tk¡p djus okys lnu ds nks&frgkbZ cgqer }kjk fdlh fof/k dks vlaoS/kkfud ?kksf"kr djus dk vf/kdkj fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdldk gS\ (1) laln (2) jk"Vªifr (3) mPp U;k;ky; (4) mPpre U;k;ky; (A) 1] 2] 3 o 4 (B) 1] 2 o 4 (C) 3 o 4 (D) dsoy 4 fdlh ns’k dk vkfFkZd fodkl eq[; :i ls fdl ij fuHkZj djrk gS\ (A) izkd`frd lk/kuksa (B) iw¡th fuekZ.k (C) miHkksDrkvksa dh la[;k (D) cktkj dh miyC/krk ^xzs’ke dk fu;e* fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlls lacaf/kr gS\ (A) mi;ksx ,oa ek¡x (B) vkiwfrZ ,oa ek¡x (C) eqnzk dk izpyu (D) ?kkVs dh vFkZ O;oLFkk vuqlwfpr cSadksa ls vfHkizk; mu cSadksa ls gS (A) ftudk jk"Vªh;dj.k gks pqdk gSA (B) ftudk jk"Vªh;dj.k ugha gqvk gS (C) ftudk eq[;ky; fons’kksa esa gS (D) ftudk uke fjtoZ cSad dh nwljh vuqlwph esa lEefyr fd;k x;k gSA samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 8 40- 41- 42- 43- 44- 45- 46- Which element is major found in the Earth Surface? (A) Oxygen (B) Sulphur (C) Silicon (D) Carbon “Quarantine site of Pacific Ocean” is referred to(A) Hawaii island (B) Timor (C) Fiji (D) Tonga Which of the following salt is major found in the sea? (A) Calcium Carbonate (B) Sodium Chloride (C) Potassium Chloride (D) Magnesium Sulphate Who was the Vice President of the working council in the interim Government, formed in the year 1946? (A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (B) Jawaharlal Nehru (C) C.Rajagopalchari (D) Dr. S. RadhaKrishnan India is mainly considered as the ‘Republic’ nation because(A) Chief of the State is elected. (B) It got Independence on 15th August, 1947. (C) It has its own written constitution. (D) Its government is according to the procedure laid out by the Parliament. “Our children are literate and they are not ready to wash the feet of the male person belonging from the upper caste, remove the picking food in marriages and washing dishes”. This statement is related with the Fundamental Rights of(A) Right against exploitation (B) Right to equality (C) Right to individual privacy (D) Right to life and personal Liberty Which of the following Article of Indian Constitution provide PSC QTS 600 GS 47- 48- 49- 50- 51- 52- protection to the convicted person in a Jail? (A) Article-14 (B) Article-19 (C) Article-21 (D) Article-22 Promotion of International Peace and Security in the Indian Constitution is mentioned in the(A) Preamble (B) Directive Principles (C) Fundamental Duties (D) Ninth Schedule Impeachment order for the removal of President should be passed with(A) Two-third majority in the Rajya Sabha. (B) Two-third majority in the Lok Sabha. (C) Casting vote of Chairman of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. (D) Two-third majority of the investigating team of Parliament. Who among the following holds the right to declare on act as unconstitutional? (1) Parliament (2) President (3) High Court (4) Supreme Court (A) 1,2,3 & 4 (B) 1,2 & 4 (C) 3 & 4 (D) Only 4 Economic development of a country depends on the – (A) Natural resources (B) Capital Formation (C) Number of consumers (D) market availability Gresham’s law is related with the(A) use and demand (B) Demand and supply (C) flow of currency (D) deficit in economy Scheduled Bank is referred to a bank whose(A) Nationalisation has taken place. (B) Nationalisation has not taken place. (C) Headquarter is in foreign country. (D) Inclusive in the second schedule of the Reserve Bank of India is done. samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 9 53- 54- 55- 56- 57- 58- 59- e/; izns’k ds fdl LVsfM;e esa nwf/k;k jks’kuh dh lqfo/kk gS\ (A) ,’kckx (B) :iflag (C) usg# LVsfM;e (D) rkR;kVksis LVsfM;e oscist ds fdlh 'kCn ij fDyd djus ls nwljs osc ist dks [kksyus dh fØ;k dks dgrs gSa& (A) gkbijfyax (B) ,adj (C) URL (D) jsdjsUl ml lkW¶Vos;j dk D;k uke gS ftldh lgk;rk ls vki b.VjusV ij miyC/k csolkbVksa dks [kksy ldrs gS\ (A) loZj (B) b.VjusV (C) czkmtj (D) FTP Hkwfe lacaf/kr fjdkWMZ dks dEI;wVj ij ykus rFkk vke vkneh rd igqapkus dk dk;Z ----------- ds }kjk fd;k tkrk gS (A) bysDVªkWfud iz’kklu (B) ljdkj (C) vke ukxfjd (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha fdl lks’ky usVofdZax lkbV ds varxZr ^vkWxZu Mksus’ku* dk fodYi miyC/k gS\ (A) Qslcqd (B) fV~oVj (C) xwxy Iyl (D) VSyhxzke (Integrated circuit) IC fpi dk fodkl fdlus fd;k gS\ (A) lh-oh- jeu us (B) jkWoVZ uk;d us (C) ts-,l- fdYoh us (D) pkYlZ osost us IBM dk iw.kZ :i gS& (A) Indian Business Machine (B) International Business Machine (C) Iteliyan Business Machine (D) Integral Business Machine 60- 61- 63- 64- 65- 66- dEI;wVj esa fdlh 'kCn dh yEckbZ fdlesa ekirs gSa\ (A) okbV (B) foV (C) ehVj (D) feyhehVj flfoy vf/kdkj laj{k.k vf/kfu;e&1955 igys fdl uke ls tkuk tkrk Fkk\ (A) ;wukbVsM izkWfoUl lst fjewoy vkWQ lks’ky fMlsfofyVht vf/kfu;e (B) vLi`’;rk fuokj.k vf/kfu;e (C) vLi`’;rk (vijk/k fuokj.k) (D) fjewoy vkWQ lks’ky fMlsfofyVht vf/kfu;e PSC QTS 600 GS 62- 67- ,slk LFkku ftlesa turk dks izos’k djus fn;k tkrk gS vkSj ftlesa euksjatu dh O;oLFkk dh tkrh gS dgykrk gS& (A) gksVy (B) eksVy (C) euksjat x`g (D) yksd euksjatu LFkku flfoy vf/kdkj laj{k.k vf/kfu;e] 1955 dh /kkjk 10&d fuEu esa ls fdl izkf/kdkjh dks fdlh {ks= ds fuokfl;ksa ij lkewfgd tqekZus dk vf/kjksi.k micaf/kr djrh gS\ (A) dsUnz ljdkj (B) jkT; ljdkj (C) mPp U;k;ky; (D) U;kf;d eftLVªsV izFke oxZ ^v* ,d vuqlwfpr tkfr dk O;fDr] vuqlwfpr tutkfr dh efgyk ls cykRdkj ds vk’k; ls ml ij geyk djrk gSA ^v* vuqlwfpr tkfr ,oa vuqlwfpr tutkfr (vR;kpkj fuokj.k) vf/kfu;e] 1989 dh fdl /kkjk esa vfHk;kstu ds fy, mÙkjnk;h gS\ (A) /kkjk 5 (B) /kkjk 3 (C) /kkjk 4 (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha vuqlwfpr tkfr rFkk vuqlwfpr tutkfr (vR;kpkj fuokj.k) vf/kfu;e ds varxZr fdlh vijk/k ds fy, vf/kdre n.M D;k fn;k tk ldrk gS\ (A) 6 ekg (B) 10 o"kZ (C) e`R;q n.M (D) vkthou dkjkokl vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 10 ds varxZr fu"dklu dh 'kfDr fdldks iznku dh xbZ gS\ (A) eq[; U;kf;d n.Mkf/kdkjh (B) ftyk n.Mkf/kdkjh (C) l= U;k;k/kh’k (D) fo’ks"k U;k;ky; jk"Vªh; ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx ds v/;{k fdl vk;q ls vf/kd gksus ij in ij ugha cus jgsaxs\ (A) 65 o"kZ (B) 70 o"kZ (C) 75 o"kZ (D) dksbZ vk;q lhek ugha samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 10 53- 54- 55- 56- 57- 58- 59- 60- 61- Which of the following stadium of Madhya Pradesh has the facility of artificial light during night matches? (A) Aishbagh Stadium (B) Roopsingh Stadium (C) Nehru Stadium (D) Tatya Tope Stadium Opening of different web page by clicking on the word of a certain web page is called(A) Hyper link (B) Anchor (C) URL (D) Reference The name of the software which help in the opening of website in internet is called(A) Server (B) Internet (C) Browser (D) FTP Land related record can be stored in the computer and enable ordinary citizen to access. It is done by(A) Electronic Administration (B) Government (C) Ordinary citizen (D) None of these Which social networking site provides the option of “Organ donation”? (A) Facebook (B) Twitter (C) Google plus (D) Telegram Who invented the Integrated circuit (IC)? (A) C.V. Raman (B) Robert Noyce (C) J.S Kilvi (D)Charles Babbage The full form of IBM is(A) Indian Business Machine (B) International Business Machine (C) Italian Business Machine (D) Integral Business Machine The length of a word in a computer is measured in(A) Byte (B) Bit (C) Meter (D) Millimeter Civil Rights Protection Act, 1955 was earlier known as(A) United Provinces Removal of Social Disabilities Act (B) Untouchability Removal Act PSC QTS 600 GS 62- 63- 64- 65- 66- 67- (C) Untouchability (Prevention of Crime) (D) Removal of Social Disabilities Act A place, where people are allowed to enter and entertainment facility is provided is called(A) Hotel (B) Motel (C) Recreation House (D) Public Recreation Area Who among the following official is bestowed the power by the section 10-A of the Civil Rights Protection Act, 1955 to impose the collective fine on the residents of the respective area? (A) Central Government (B) State Government (C) High Court (D) First Class Judicial Magistrate ‘A’, member of scheduled caste attacks on the woman of scheduled tribes with the intention of rape. ‘A’ would be prosecuted under which section of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989? (A) Section 5 (B) Section 3 (C) Section 4 (D) None of these Maximum Punishment under the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 could be(A) Imprisonment of six month (B) Imprisonment of ten years (C) Capital punishment (D) Life imprisonment Who among the following according to the section 10 of the relevant act is bestowed the power of suspension? (A) Chief Judicial Magistrate (B) District Magistrate (C) Session Judge (D) Special Court Chairman of National Human Rights commission can’t be at his/her position after the age of(A) 65 years (B) 70 years (C) 75 years (D) no age limit samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 11 68- 69- 70- 71- 72- 7374- 75- 76- e/;izns’k esa ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx dk xBu fd;k x;k (A) tuojh 1995 (B) flrEcj 1995 (C) vDVwcj 1996 (D) fnlEcj 1996 ekuo vf/kdkj U;k;ky; esa ihBklhu vf/kdkjh gksrk gS (A) l= U;k;k/kh’k (B) ftyk U;k;k/kh’k (C) ftyk eftLVªsV (D) mPp U;k;ky; }kjk fufnZ"V U;k;k/kh’k tutkrh; fo’o fo|ky; dh LFkkiuk dgk¡ dh xbZ gS\ (A) vejdaVd (B) iape<+h (C) lksgkxiqj (D) iUuk egkRek xk¡/kh xzkeh.k jkstxkj xkjaVh ;kstuk izns’k ds fdl ftys ls izkjaHk gqbZ\ (A) 'kgMksy (B) fMaMkSjh (C) vuwiiqj (D) e.Myk fdl jk"Vªh; m|ku dk uke cnydj bafnjk fiz;n’kZuh jk"Vªh; m|ku dj fn;k x;k gS\ (A) cka/kox<+ jk"Vªh; m|ku] mefj;k (B) dkUgk fdlyh jk"Vªh; m|ku e.Myk (C) iUuk jk"Vªh; m|ku (D) isap jk"Vªh; m|ku] flouh jk;lsu ds fdys dk fuekZ.k fdlus djk;k Fkk\ (A) jktk mn; oeZu (B) jktk dhfrZiky (C) jktk jktolarh (D) jktk vt;iky dkSu&lk fdyk] tkSgj dq.M] gok egy ukS [k.Mk egy rFkk [kwuh njoktk ds fy, izfl) gS\ (A) Xokfy;j dk fdyk (B) /kkj dk fdyk (C) pansjh dk fdyk (D) jk;lsu dk nqxZ jktekrk fot;kjkts flaf/k;k vf[ky Hkkjrh; vk;qfoZKku laLFkku dh LFkkiuk dgk¡ dh tk jgh gS\ (A) jhok (B) lkxj (C) Hkksiky (D) bankSj e/; izns’k esa lokZf/kd QsYlikj mRiknd ftyk dkSu lk gS\ (A) e.Myk (B) fNanokM+k (C) lkxj (D) neksg PSC QTS 600 GS 77- 78- 79- 80- 81- 82- 83- 84- 85- e/;izns’k esa lfpoky; dk uke fuEu esa ls D;k gS\ (A) Hkkjr Hkou (B) lk¡ph Hkou (C) oYyHk Hkou (D) bfUnjk xka/kh Hkou e/;izns’k esa Qksjasfld lkbal iz;ksx 'kkyk dgk¡ ij fLFkr gS\ (A) bankSj (B) jhok (C) Hkksiky (D) lkxj e/;izns’k esa cksjsxksao vkS|ksfxd dsUnz dgk¡ ij fLFkr gS\ (A) fNanokM+k (B) lh/kh (C) Hkksiky (D) e.Myk e/;izns’k esa lqHknzk dqekjh pkSgku l`tu ihB dgk¡ ij gS\ (A) Hkksiky (B) bankSj (C) Xokfy;j (D) tcyiqj fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl LFkku ij jktk jeUuk lsaVj Qksj ,Mokal VsDuksykWth fLFkr gS\ (A) psUuSbZ (B) caxyw# (C) bankSj (D) gSnjkckn ljnkj ljkscj ifj;kstuk esa 'kkfey jkT; ugha gS& (A) xqtjkr (B) mÙkj izns’k (C) jktLFkku (D) egkjk"Vª [kfut o mlls lacaf/kr ftyksa esa vlac) gS (A) eSaxuht&ckyk?kkV (B) ckWDlkbV&e.Myk (C) jkWd QkLQsV&’kgMksy (D) dks;yk&flaxjkSyh fuEufyf[kr m|ksx ,oa LFky esa ls dkSu&lk vlac) gS (A) d`f=e js’kk m|ksx&ukxnk (B) LVsuysl LVhy dkWEiySDl&nsokl (C) yk[k dkj[kkuk&mefj;k (D) bySDVªksfuDl dkWEiySDl&bankSj fuEu esa ls fdl xk;d dk tUe e/;izns’k esa ugha gqvk\ (A) mLrkn gkfQt vyh [kk¡ (B) rkulsu (C) mLrkn vykmn~nhu [kk¡ (D) yrk eaxs’kdj samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 12 68- 69- 7071- 72- 73- 74- 75- 76- Human Rights Commission in Madhya Pradesh was set up in(A) January, 1995 (B) September, 1995 (C) October, 1996 (D) December, 1996 Presiding officer in the Human Rights court is(A) Session Judge (B) District Judge (C) District Magistrate (D) Judge appointed by the High Court Tribal university was set up in(A) Amarkantak (B) pachmarhi (C) Sohagpur (D) Panna Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGA) scheme in Madhya Pradesh was first implemented in the district(A) Shahdol (B) Dindori (C) Anuppur (D) Mandla Which of the following National Park has been renamed as Indira Priyadarshani National Park? (A)Bandhavgarh National Park, Umaria (B) Kanha Kisli National Park, Mandla (C) Panna National Park (D) Pench National Park, Siwani Who among the following built Raisen Fort? (A) Raja Uday Verman (B) Raja Kirtipal (C) Raja Rajvasanti (D) Raja Ajay Pal Which of the following fort is famous for Jauhar Kund, Hawa Mahal, Naukhanda Mahal and Khooni Darwaza? (A) Gwalior Fort (B) Fort of Dhar (C) Fort of Chanderi(D) Fort of Raisen Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia All India Institute of Medical Institute is being established at(A) Rewa (B) Sagar (C) Bhopal (D) Indore Highest Feldspar producing district of Madhya Pradesh is- PSC QTS 600 GS 77- 78- 79- 80- 81- 82- 83- 84- 85- (A) Mandla (B) Chhindwara (C) Sagar (D) Damoh The name of secretariat of the Madhya Pradesh is(A) Bharat Bhawan (B) Sanchi Bhawan (C) Vallabh Bhawan (D) Indira Gandhi Bhawan Forensic Science laboratory in Madhya Pradesh is located in(A) Indore (B) Rewa (C) Bhopal (D) Sagar Borgaon Industrial Centre in Madhya Pradesh is located at(A) Chhindwara (B) Sidhi (C) Bhopal (D) Mandla Subhadra Kumari Chauhan Srijan Peeth in Madhya Pradesh is located at(A) Bhopal (B) Indore (C) Gwalior (D) Jabalpur Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology is located at(A) Chennai (B) Bangalore (C) Indore (D) Hyderabad Which of the following State is not included in Sardar Sarovar Project? (A) Gujarat (B) Uttar Pradesh (C) Rajasthan (D) Maharashtra Which of the following is incorrectly matched? (A) Manganese Balaghat (B) Bauxite Mandla (C) Rock PhosphateBalaghat (D) Coal Singrauli Which of the following is incorrectly matched? (A) Artificial Fibers Industry - Nag (B) Stainless Steel Complex – Devas (C) Lac Industry – Umaria (D) Electronics Complex- Indore Who among the following singer is not born in Madhya Pradesh? (A) Ustad Hafiz Ali Khan (B) Tansen (C) Ustad Allauddin Khan (D) Lata Mangeshkar samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 13 86- 87- 8889- 90- tux.kuk&2011 ds vuqlkj e/; izns’k esa lokZf/kd n’kdh; o`f) nj okyk ftyk gS (A) ckyk?kkV (B) bankSj (C) tcyiqj (D) Hkksiky e/;izns’k esa lu~ 1939 esa dkaxzsl dk vf/kos’ku dgk¡ ij gqvk Fkk\ (A) bankSj esa (B) ekejk (vyhjktiqj) eas (C) f=iqjh (tcyiqj esa) (D) Mcjk (Xokfy;j esa) e/;izns’k esa v’oRFkkek eafnj fdl LFkku ij gS\ (A) pansjh (B) vksjNk (C) vlhjx<+ (D) ,j.k esa o"kZ 2016 esa x.kra= fnol lekjksg esa fdl egku gLrh ds lfEefyr gksus dh laHkkouk gS\ (A) ojkd vksckek (B) MksukYM jkeksrkj (C) ÝkaLoka gksykan (D) fo|k HkaMkjh AMRUT-;kstuk dk 'kqHkkjaHk iz/kkuea=h ujsUnz eksnh us 25 twu 2015 dks fd;k gS bldk iwjk uke D;k gS\ (A) Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (B) Armed Mission for Redineries and Urban Territorial (C) Ajad Maulana Regional University Territorial (D) Ayodhya Mathura Raipur Urban Transformation 91- 92- 93- fdl O;fDr dks izdk’k djkr ds LFkku ij ekDlZoknh dE;qfu"V ikVh CPI (M) dk egklfpo cuk;k x;k gS\ (A) lhrkjke espqjh (B) 'kjn iokj (C) ds-lh- R;kxh (D) oaznk djkr 16oha yksdlHkk esa yksdlHkk dk mik/;{k fdldks cuk;k x;k gS\ (A) utek gsirqYyk (B) ,e- FkaohnqjS (C) Vh-,l- Bkdqj (D) lqfe=k egktu jk"Vªh; efgyk vk;ksx dk v/;{k fdldks cuk;k x;k gS\ (A) eerk 'kekZ (B) yfyrk dqekj eaxye (C) Jherh fxjtk O;kl (D) miek jk; PSC QTS 600 GS 94- fdl lkfgR;dkj dks o"kZ&2014 ds KkuihB iqjLdkj ls lEekfur fd;k x;k gS\ (A) izks- dsnkj ukFk flag (B) ekypUnz usekM+s (C) lq/kk vkse <haxjk (D) izfrHkk jk; 95- dfo iznhi dh Le`fr esa e/;izns’k 'kklu dk u;k jk"Vªh; lEeku fdls fn;k x;k gS\ (A) xksiky nkl uhjt (B) g"kZ ;kno (C) vuq"e [ksj (D) izHkkdj dkjsdj 96- o"kZ 2015 ds in~e foHkw"k.k vyadj.k esa dkSu lfEefyr ugha Fkk\ (A) yky d`".k vkMokuh (B) vferkHk cPpu (C) izdk’k flag ckny (D) gjh’k lkYos 97- o"kZ 2015 ds ukscsy iqjLdkjksa dh ?kks"k.kk vDVwcj 2015 esa dh xbZ ftlesa lkfgR; dk ukscsy iqjLdkj fdls fn;k x;k\ (A) dSyk’k lR;kFkh (B) Losrykuk ,ysDlhfop (C) vkaxql MhVk¡u (D) vkFkZj esdMksukYM 98- ^jk"Vªh; ernkrk fnol* dc euk;k tkrk gS\ (A) 25 tuojh (B) 21 ekpZ (C) 12 tuojh (D) 22 ekpZ 99- ,d fnolh; varjkZ"Vªh; fØdsV esa lcls rst xfr ls 'krd cukus dk fjdkMZ fdl O;fDr ds uke gS\ (A) ,oh fMfofy;lZ (B) dksjh ,aMjlu (C) lkfgn vÝhnh (D) fojkV dksgyh 100- gky gh esa tEew d’ehj ds iwoZ eq[;ea=h dk fu/ku gks x;k mudk uke gS& (A) mej vCnqYyk (B) Qk#[k vCnqYyk (C) eq¶rh eqgEen lbZn (D) egcwck eq¶rh samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 14 86- 87- 88- 89- 90- 91- 92- 93- Which of the following district of Madhya Pradesh, according to census – 2011 has shown maximum decadal growth? (A) Balaghat (B) Indore (C) Jabalpur (D) Bhopal Where did the session of Congress, 1939 took place in Madhya Pradesh? (A) Indore (B) Bhabhra (Alirajpur) (C) Tripuri (Jabalpur) (D) Dabra (Gwalior) Ashwathama temple in Madhya Pradesh is located at(A) Chanderi (B) Orchha (C) Asirgarh (D) Eran Who among the following dignitaries will be the Chief Guest during the occasion of Republic Day 2016? (A) Barack Obama (B) Donald Ramotar (C) Francois Hollande (D) Vidya Bhandari AMRUT Scheme was launched by PM Narendra Modi on 25th June, 2015. Its Full form is(A) Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (B) Armed Mission for Refineries and Urban Territorial (C) Azad Maulana Regional University Territorial (D) Ayodhya Mathura Raipur Urban Transformation Who has been appointed as the new General Secretary of CPI (M) replacing Prakash Karat? (A) Sitaram Yechury(B) Sharad Pawar (C) K.C Tyagi (D) Brinda Karat Who is the deputy Chairman of the 16thLok Sabha? (A) Nazma Heptulla(B) M. Thambidurai (C) T.S Thakur (D) Sumitra Mahajan Who has been appointed as the new Chairman of National Commission for Woman? (A) Mamta Sharma (B) Lalitha Kumaramangalam PSC QTS 600 GS (C) Mrs. Girija Vyas (D) Upma Rai 94- Who among the following litterateur has been conferred with the Jnanpith Award, 2014? (A) Prof. Kedar Nath Singh (B) Bhatchandra Nemade (C) Sudha Om Dhingra (D) Pratibha Rai 95- Who has been rewarded with the National Kavi Pradeep Samman by the Government of Madhya Pradesh? (A) Gopal Das Neeraj (B) Harsh Yadav (C) Anupam Kher (D) Prabhakar Karekar 96- Who amongst the following is not included in the list of Padma Vibhushan Awardees, 2015? (A) Lal Krishna Advani (B) Amitabh Bachchan (C) Prakash Singh Badal (D) Harish Salve 97- Who among the following has been conferred with Nobel Prize, 2015 in the field of literature? (A) Kailash Satyarthi (B) Svetlana Alexievich (C) Angus Deaton (D) Arthur McDonald 98- National Voters’ Day is observed on(A) 25th January (B) 21st March (C) 12th January (D) 22nd March 99- Who among the following batsman holds the record of scoring the fastest century in One Day International(ODI) Cricket Match? (A) A.B De Villiers (B)Corey Anderson (C) Shahid Afridi (D) Virat Kohli 100- Former Chief Minister of Jammu &Kashmir has recently died. Who was he? (A) Umar Abdulla (B) Farooq Abdulla (C) Mufti Muhammad Sayeed (D) Mehbooba Mufti samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 15 PSC QTS 600 GS samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 16 PSC Gk 600 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. D D D B C B B B C A D C C A B C D A B C D C A D C B C A A C C C A A B A D A D A A B B A B C B D C B PSC QTS 600 GS 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. C D B A C A A C B B C C B D C D B B D A D D C C C B C D A D C B C B C B C C C A A B B B A D B A A B samikshainstitute@gmail.com Page 17
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