Torque Motor TMRW Series
Torque Motor TMRW Series
TMRWAx Specifications ● TMRW TMRWA3 TMRWA3L TMRWA5 TMRWA5L TMRWA7 TMRWA7L TMRWAA TMRWAAL TMRWAF TMRWAFL TC Nm 117 117 195 195 274 274 390 390 585 585 IC A rms 6 12 6 12 12 18 12 18 18 24 Continuous torque (WC) TC Nm 260 260 430 430 600 600 860 860 1290 1290 Continuous current (WC) IC A rms 15 30 15 30 30 45 30 45 45 Peak torque(for 1sec.) TP Nm 490 490 810 810 1100 1100 1600 1600 Peak current(for 1sec.) IP A rms 40.5 81 40.5 81 81 121.5 81 121.5 Torque constant Kt Nm/A rms 19.57 9.79 32.6 16.32 22.84 15.23 32.63 21.75 Electrical time constant Te ms 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Resistance (line to line at 25℃) R 25 Ω 3.57 0.89 5.95 1.48 2.08 0.92 2.97 1.32 L mH 35.7 8.93 59.5 14.88 20.84 9.26 29.76 13.23 66 66 66 66 66 66TMRW7A/F66 66 Vrms/rad/s 11.3 5.65 18.8 9.42 13.18 8.79X 18.83 N/√ ̄ W 8.47 10.91 10.95 12.93 12.96 15.46 Inductance (line to line) 7 x 轉矩馬達尺寸 Number of poles H S 25 12.5 35 Thermal cable 2p Back emf17.5 constant (line to line) Motor cable Kv Motor constant (at 25℃) Km TMRW73/5/7 X 8.46 Thermal resistance ( Free air convection) R th ℃/W 0.49 0.49 H Thermal resistance ( WC) R th ℃/W 0.079 0.079 0.3 ° 30 0.047 P TY H ● Symbol Unit Continuous torque ( Free air convection) Continuous current ( Free air convection) Nm 185 185 310 310 430 430 619 619 925 925 IC A rms 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 24 48 Continuous torque (WC) TC Nm 400 400 660 660 930 930 1340 1340 2000 2000 60 Continuous current (WC) IC A rms 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 60 120 2400 2400 Peak torque(for 1sec.) TP Nm 750 750 1230 1230 1760 1760 2470 2470 3600 3600 121.5 162 Peak current(for 1sec.) IP A rms 81 162 81 162 81 162 81 162 162 324 32.63 24.45 Torque constant Kt Nm/A rms 15.48 7.74 25.8 12.9 36.11 18.1 51.6 25.8 38.7 19.35 10 10 Electrical time constant Te ms 7 7 7 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 1.98 1.11 Resistance (line to line at 25℃) R 25 Ω 1.57 0.39 2.31 0.59 3.04 0.76 4.14 1.04 1.59 0.37 19.85 11.11 Inductance (line to line) L mH 11.13 2.78 16.3 4.78 21.5 5.38 29.3 7.33 10.57 2.64 66 66 Number of poles 2p 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 12.55 18.83 14.12 Back emf constant (line to line) Kv Vrms/rad/s 8.94 4.47 14.9 7.45 20.85 10.43 29.8 14.9 22.35 11.18 15.46 18.93 18.95 Motor constant (at 25℃) Km N/√ ̄ W 10.05 10.04 13.88 13.68 16.78 16.78 20.70 20.70 24.96 25.76 R th ℃/W 0.28 0.28 0.19 0.19 0.14 0.14 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.07 R th ℃/W 0.045 0.045 0.030 0.030 0.023 0.023 0.017 0.017 0.011 0.012 0.53 0.8 0.8 0.21 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.048 0.034 0.034 0.024 0.024 0.016 0.016 Thermal resistance ( WC) PTC SNM100+SNM120+KTY84 V DC Max. speed at conti. Torque (AC) rpm 250 510 140 300 210 Max. speed at conti. Torque (WC) rpm 160 340 90 200 135 Max. speed at max. Torque rpm 65 150 35 80 55 Mass of rotor kg 3.1 3.1 5.1 5.1 7.1 Mass of stator kg 20.1 20.1 26.8 26.8 90 110 110 31 31 51 10 10 15 J 29.5±0.2 HS X mm Height of rotor HR mm Length H mm 90 0.1 12-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 210 (Both sides) 12-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 300 (Both sides) Thermal sensor 600 0.065 Section X-X TC Continuous torque ( Free air convection) Continuous current ( Free air convection) 0.21 0.065 Seal of (O-ring) position Height stator TMRWD3 TMRWD3L TMRWD5 TMRWD5L TMRWD7 TMRWD7L TMRWDA TMRWDAL TMRWDF TMRWDFL 15°TYP HR±0.2 Symbol Unit 0.3 kgm2 Inertia of rotor 0.1 0.15 0.15 0.16 Max. speed at conti. Torque (AC) rpm 300 630 180 Max. speed at conti. Torque (WC) rpm 200 420 120 50 Max. speed at max. Torque rpm 85 175 50 115 15.3 Mass of rotor kg 5.5 5.5 9.2 9.2 63.1 63.1 Mass of stator kg 22.8 22.8 38 38 210 210 Height of stator HS mm 90 90 110 110 151 151 Height of rotor HR mm 31 31 51 51 71 71 101 101 151 151 15 15 Length H mm 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 0.32 Inertia of rotor 320 140 220 140 200 210 90 140 92 125 90 35 60 35 7.1 10.2 10.2 15.3 34.5 34.5 44.9 130 130X 24-M5x0.8Px10DP 160 160 51 71 71 101 101 15 15 15 15 15 24-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 210 (Both sides) PCD 300 (Both sides) Dimensions ● HS 35 35 12.5 12.5 TMRWA3/5/7 Thermal cable Motor cable TMRW Series Built-in TMRW47 Max. torque 280Nm J 0.26 0.26 0.37 0.37 0.53 390 130 275 90 19 125 260 250 85 190 60 133 80 190 30 85 18 60 30 80 12.8 12.8 18.3 18.3 27.4 27.4 53.2 53.2 76 76 114 114 130 130 160 160 210 210 *The specifications in this catalog are subject to change without notification. WC: with water cooling TMRWDx dimensions, 轉矩馬達尺寸 Except all the specifications in the table are in ±10% of tolerance. Note: The specification is estimative value. The value will be modified and correct after measuring motors. TMRW A x 轉矩馬達尺寸 TMRWD3/5/7 TMRWDA/F HS X 10 27 43 26 Thermal cable Motor cable X X HIWIN MIKROSYSTEM CORP. H H ° 30 H P YP TY °T 30 H Ø 345H8 Ø384 min. Ø 485f9 Ø265H8 Ø299min. Ø385f9 15°TYP 15° 15°TYP 15° HR±0.2 HIWIN FRANCE Water cooling L’AIGLE Cedex, FRANCE Large hollow shaft HIWIN JAPAN HIWIN Srl KOBE‧TOKYO‧NAGOYA‧KUMAMOTO, JAPAN Rho (MI), ITALY HIWIN USA HIWIN SINGAPORE CHICAGO‧SILICON VALLEY, U.S.A. SINGAPORE HIWIN s.r.o. Mega-Fabs Motion System, Ltd. BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC HR ± 0.2 37.5±0.2 29.5±0.2 No.6, Jingke Central Rd., Taichung Precision Machinery Park, Taichung 40852, Taiwan Tel : +886-4-23550110 Fax: +886-4-23550123 Frameless OFFENBURG, GERMANY HIWIN GmbH Dimensions TMRWAA/F X Torque Motor 600 0.16 0.32 44.9 V DC kgm2 0.21 Rotary table/Indexing table PTC SNM100+SNM120+KTY84 Max. DC BUS 0.21 WC: with water cooling Except dimensions, all the specifications in the table are in ±10% of tolerance. Note: The specification is estimative value. The value will be modified and correct after measuring motors. ● Specifications Thermal resistance ( Free air convection) 15° Ø200H8 Ø234 min. Ø310f9 Thermal sensor Max. DC BUS Applications TMRWDx YOKNEAM, ISRAEL HIWIN SCHWEIZ 12-M6x1Px12DP PCD 277(Both sides) X Seal (O-ring) position Section X-X 12-M6x1Px12DP PCD 370 (Both sides) 24-M6x1Px12DP PCD 277 (Both sides) X 24-M6x1Px12DP PCD 370 (Both sides) Seal (O-ring) position Section X-X 24-M8x1.25Px12DP PCD 360 (Both sides) 12-M8x1.25Px12DP PCD 360 (Both sides) X 12-M8x1.25Px12DP PCD 468 (Both sides) X JONA, SWITZERLAND 24-M8x1.25Px12DP PCD 468 (Both sides) ©2013 FORM M10DE01-1309 (PRINTED IN TAIWAN) Motion Control and System Technology TMRW1x ● TMRW2x Specifications ● Symbol Unit Continuous torque ( Free air convection) Continuous current ( Free air convection) Specifications TC Nm 7.5 7.5 12.4 12.4 17.4 17.4 24.9 24.9 37.3 37.3 IC A rms 4 5.7 4 5.7 4 5.7 4 5.7 5.7 11.4 18.8 18.8 31.3 31.3 43.8 43.8 62.5 62.5 IC A rms 10 14.4 10 14.4 10 14.4 10 14.4 Peak torque(for 1sec.) TP Nm 35.6 35.6 59.4 59.4 83.1 83.1 118.8 Peak current(for 1sec.) IP A rms 27 38.9 27 38.9 27 38.9 27 Torque constant Kt Nm/A rms 1.87 1.32 3.1 2.18 4.36 3.06 Electrical time constant Te ms 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 Resistance (line to line at 25℃) R 25 Ω 2.92 1.42 4.88 2.36 6.83 3.32 9.75 4.74 Inductance (line to line) L mH 10.5 5.1 17.5 9 24.5 11.9 35 17.01 93.8 Continuous torque (WC) Nm 14.2 14.2 23.6 23.6 33 33 47.3 47.3 71 71 IC A rms 3.3 4.9 3.3 4.9 3.3 4.9 3.3 4.9 4.9 9.9 Nm ● Symbol Unit TMRW23 TMRW23L TMRW25 TMRW25L TMRW27 TMRW27L TMRW2A TMRW2AL TMRW2F TMRW2FL TC TC Specifications 35 35 59 28.8 Continuous current (WC) IC A rms 8.3 12.3 8.3 118.8 178.1 178.1 Peak torque(for 1sec.) TP Nm 66.5 66.5 38.9 38.9 77.8 Peak current(for 1sec.) IP A rms 22.3 33.2 6.23 4.36 6.55 3.27 Torque constant Kt Nm/A rms 4.29 2.88 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 Electrical time constant Te ms 6.5 6.5 7.11 1.78 Resistance (line to line at 25℃) R 25 Ω 3.34 1.5 25.52 6.38 Inductance (line to line) L mH 21.73 9.74 82.5 12.3 8.3 112 112 22.3 33.2 7.16 6.5 5.57 2.5 36.21 16.23 82.5 117.5 117.5 176 176 12.5 Continuous torque (WC) TMRW43 TMRW43L TMRW45 TMRW45L TMRW47 TMRW47L TMRW4A TMRW4AL TMRW4F TMRW4FL Nm 28.2 A rms 4 28.2 47 TMRW13/5/7 8 4 47 65 65 91 8 4 8TMRW1A/F8 91 136 136 12 8 12 TC Motor cable Nm 63.5 IC A rms 9 TP Nm IP A rms Kt Te Continuous torque ( Free air convection) Continuous current ( Free air convection) TMRW 7 x 轉矩馬達尺寸 HS 25 Thermal cable 12.5 Specifications 35 12.5 17.5 Symbol Unit TMRW73 TMRW73L TMRW75 TMRW75L TMRW77 TMRW77L TMRW7A TMRW7AL TMRW7F TMRW7FL TC Nm 58 58 98 98 137 A 6 12 6 12 6 TC Nm 145 145 240 240 335 X 335 IC Thermal cable rms TMRW73/5/7 137 195 195 293 293 12 6 12 480 480 720 720 12 6 TMRW7A/F 63.5 106 106 148 X 148 205 205 307 307 18 9 18 9 18 18 27 18 27 Continuous current (WC) IC A rms 15 30 15 30 15 30 15 30 15 30 120 120 203 203 280 280 390 390 583 583 Peak torque(for 1sec.) TP Nm 275 275 456 456 640 640 910 910 1360 1360 24.3 48.6 24.3 48.6 24.3 48.6 48.6 72.9 48.6 72.9 Peak current(for 1sec.) IP A rms 40.5 81 40.5 81 40.5 81 40.5 81 40.5 81 Nm/A rms 7.06 3.53 11.76 5.88 16.47 8.23 11.76 7.61 17.65 11.42 Torque constant Kt Nm/A rms 9.77 4.89 16.3 8.15 22.8 11.4 32.56 16.28 48.85 24.45 ms 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Electrical time constant Te ms 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 1.22 1.58 Resistance (line to line at 25℃) R 25 Ω 2.86 0.72 4.19 1.05 5.52 1.38 7.52 1.88 10.84 2.71 8.28 Inductance (line to line) L mH 16 4 23.45 5.86 30.9 7.73 42.07 10.52 60.68 15.17 X 12.3 8.3 12.3 12.3 24.6 Continuous current (WC) 156 156 223 223 334.5 334.5 Peak torque(for 1sec.) 22.3 33.2 22.3 33.2 33.2 66.4 Peak current(for 1sec.) H 4.8 10.03 6.72 14.32 9.6 14.39 7.2 Torque constant 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 Electrical time constant 7.8 3.5 11.14 5 7.49 1.87 Resistance (line to line at 25℃) R 25 Ω 2.93 0.73 4.88 50.7 22.72 72.43 32.46 48.69 12.17 Inductance (line to line) L mH 15.3 X 3.83 PCD 70 (Both sides) 25.5 6.38 Continuous Motor cable torque (WC) X Ø200H8 Ø234 min. Ø310f9 29.5±0.2 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Number of poles 2p 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Number of poles 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Number of poles 2p 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 Kv Vrms/rad/s 1.08 0.76 1.8 1.26 2.52 1.76 3.6 2.52 3.78 1.89 Back emf constant (line to line) Kv Vrms/rad/s 2.48 1.66 4.13 2.77 5.79 3.88 8.27 5.54 8.31 4.15 Back emf constant (line to line) Kv Vrms/rad/s 4.08 2.04 6.8 3.4 9.5 4.75 6.79 4.39 10.19 6.59 Back emf constant (line to line) Kv Vrms/rad/s 5.64 2.82 9.4 4.7 13.2 6.6 18.8 9.4 28.2 14.1 Motor constant (at 25℃) Km N/√ ̄ W 0.9 1.15 1.16 1.36 1.37 1.63 1.64 2.01 2 Motor constant (at 25℃) Km N/√ ̄ W 1.92 2.48 2.48 2.93 2.93 3.5 3.51 4.29 4.3 Motor constant (at 25℃) Km N/√ ̄ W 3.37 4.34 4.34 5.08 5.09 5.95 6.01 7.26 7.36 Motor constant (at 25℃) Km N/√ ̄ W 4.72 4.71 6.5 6.49 7.92 7.92 9.69 9.69 12.11 12.13 R th ℃/W 1.74 1.74 1.04 1.04 0.75 0.74 0.52 0.52 0.35 0.35 Thermal resistance ( Free air convection) R th ℃/W 1.35 1.36 0.81 0.81 0.58 0.58 0.41 0.41 0.27 0.28 Thermal resistance ( Free air convection) R th ℃/W 0.62 0.61 0.42 0.42 0.32 0.32 0.23 0.23 0.16 0.16 R th ℃/W 0.279 0.279 0.167 0.167 0.119 0.12 0.084 0.084 0.056 0.056 Thermal resistance ( WC) R th ℃/W 0.267 0.268 0.160 0.160 0.114 0.115 0.080 0.082 0.053 0.055 Thermal resistance ( WC) R th ℃/W 0.098 0.098 0.067 0.067 0.051 0.051 0.037 0.037 0.026 0.026 0.11 0.83 0.58 0.59 0.41 0.41 0.27 0.27 Thermal resistance ( WC) R th ℃/W 0.217 0.215 0.13 0.129 0.093 0.092 0.065 0.064 0.043 0.043 Thermal resistance ( WC) Thermal sensor TMRW1x 轉矩馬達尺寸 PTC SNM100+SNM120+KTY84 V DC HS Max. DC BUS 600 25 25 Thermal cable 12.5 Motor cable V DC 600 X 1600 2400 1150 1700 800 1170 760 1600 Max. speed at conti. Torque (AC) rpm 1260 1900 750 1130 525 800 3200 1200 1750 830 1590 600 870 540 1200 Max. speed at conti. Torque (WC) rpm 1060 1600 610 950 420 660 Max. speed at max. Torque rpm 1000 1600 600 830 400 610 580 390 210 560 H max. Torque Max. speed at rpm 590 900 330 525 210 Mass of rotor kg 0.6 0.6 1 1 1.4 1.4 2 2 3 3 Mass HofR±0.2 rotor kg 0.95 0.95 1.6 1.6 2.2 6.2 6.2 8.6 8.6 12.2 12.2 Mass of stator 90 90 110 110 140 140 190 190 Height of stator Height of rotor HR mm 31 31 51 51 71 71 101 101 151 151 Height of rotor Length H mm 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Length Ø60H8 Ø85.5min. Ø160f9 6.1 80 80 H mm H mm Seal (O-ring) positionR Section X-X X 610 360 125 225 120 330 2.2 3.2 3.2 4.8 4.8 8.4 8.4 10.2 10.2 100 100 120 120 31 8-M5x0.8Px10DP 31 51 51 71 10 15 15 15 8-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 70 (Both sides) PCD 150 (Both sides) 10 X 14.2 20.1 20.1 150 14.2 200 200 16-M5x0.8Px10DP 71 101 PCD 150 (Both sides) 101 151 151 15 15 15 15 16-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 70 (Both sides) 150 15 ● X Mass of stator HR±0.2 HR±0.2 29.5±0.2 Thermal cable Motor cable TMRW7A/F 290 660 180 450 300 500 160 300 2.4 2.4 3.3 3.3 4.7 4.7 7.1 7.1 18.7 18.7 190 190 151 151 15 15 7.8 7.8 9.6 9.6 12.7 12.7 90 90 110 110 140 140 Height of rotor HR mm 31 31 51 51 71 71 101 101 Length H mm 10 X 10 15 15 15 15 12.5 H HR±0.2 Motor cable 19.5±0.2 Thermal cable 19.5±0.2 X X X Seal (O-ring) position H 12-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 220 (Both sides) TMRW 2 x 轉矩馬達尺寸 X 5.7 30 12.5 Thermal cable Motor cable TMRW23/5/7 160 325 100 210 115 275 72 170 230 50 150 13 85 5.7 8.1 8.1 12.1 12.1 kg 14.2 14.2 18.9 18.9 23.7 23.7 30.9 30.9 43.6 43.6 mm 80 80 100 100 120 120 150 150 200 200 Height of rotor HXR mm 31 31 51 51 71 71 101 Length H mm 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 Motor cable TMRWA3/5/7 Dimensions 35 17.5 X 29.5±0.2 TMRWAA/F X 101 151 151 15 15 15 TMRW7A/F TMRW73/5/7 Thermal cable Motor cable X H 16-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 70 (Both sides) 16-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 150 (Both sides) HR±0.2 12-M6x1Px12DP PCD 277(Both sides) X 24-M6x1Px12DP PCD 277 (Both sides) X 12-M6x1Px12DP PCD 370 (Both sides) Section X-X X X 29.5±0.2 Section X-X TMRW2A/F H P H8 min. f9 Ø265H8 Ø299min. Ø385f9 H 475 400 HS Thermalof cable Height stator H Y 22.5°T X 90 4.1 HS 15°TYP Section X-X 340 4.1 Seal (O-ring) position 22.5° X 150 2.5 24-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 220 (Both sides) X YP TMRW2A/F 580 2.5 Seal (O-ring) position TMRW47/A/F 24-M5x0.8Px10DP X sides) PCD 300 (Both 270 kg 25 24-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 150 (Both sides) °T TMRW23/5/7 TMRWAA/F 12-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 150 (Both sides) 16-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 185 (Both sides) 24-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 210 (Both sides) X rpm 12.5 HR±0.2 45 Thermal cable Motor cable Thermal cable 12-M5x0.8Px10DP Motor cable (Both sides) PCD 300 Max. speed at max. Torque X 15° 12.5 12 180 TMRW1A/F YP 30 25X 225 580 WC: with water cooling Except dimensions, all the specifications in the table are in ±10% of tolerance. Note: The specification is estimative value. The value will be modified and correct after measuring motors. H X 8-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 150 (Both sides) °T 30 30 12.5 25 675 270 X TMRW 4 x 轉矩馬達尺寸 12 24-M5x0.8Px10DP sides) PCD 300 (Both TMRW47/A/F Section X-X HS Seal (O-ring) position 325 980 0.11 TMRW 7 x 轉矩馬達尺寸 8-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 70 (Both sides) X Seal (O-ring) position TMRWA3/5/7 30 HS 1130 470 0.079 15°TYP Ø90H8 Ø119min. Ø198f9 X Thermal cable 12.5 TMRW43/5 12.5 12-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 210 (Both sides) TMRW43/5 560 rpm 0.079 15° X rpm Max. speed at conti. Torque (WC) 12.5 16-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 100 (Both sides) 8-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 100 (Both sides) 8-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 185 (Both sides) Max. speed at conti. Torque (AC) 0.059 P Ø200H8 Ø234 min. Ø310f9 25 X Section X-X TMRW 2 x 轉矩馬達尺寸 24-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 210 (Both sides) TMRW13/5/7 25 H Motor cable 0.059 TY 12.5 0.039 ° 30 12.5 H HS 12.5 H TMRW1x 轉矩馬達尺寸 12-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 210 (Both sides)HS TMRW 4 x 轉矩馬達尺寸 X 12-M5x0.8Px10DP HS PCD 300 (Both sides) 25 25 Thermal cable 12 Motor cable HR±0.2 35 0.039 22.5°TYP 35 0.023 Mass of stator 35 16-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 185 (Both sides) X 15°TYP Section X-X 8-M5x0.8Px10DP 15° Section X-X 15 0.023 J A x 轉矩馬達尺寸 Mass of rotor HS 35 YP 15°TYP X 15 16-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 100 (Both sides) TMRW kgm2 ● Dimensions HS Seal (O-ring) position 8-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 100 (Both sides) °T 30 Ø60H8 Ø85.5min. Ø160f9 1100 70 TMRW A x 轉矩馬達尺寸 24.5±0.2 29.5±0.2 440 1.4 H P HR±0.2 470 260 5.8 Y 22.5°T 16-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 150 (Both sides) 300 680 70 X 22.5° X 730 420 1.4 YP 8-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 150 (Both sides) 460 620 X 15° X 16-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 70 (Both sides) 8-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 70 (Both sides) 670 290 5.8 12 YP 22.5°TYP Seal (O-ring) position HR±0.2 °T 30 22.5° 19.5±0.2 320 890 mm P HR±0.2 H 950 kg H H Inertia of rotor HS 24.5±0.2 TY H 0.045 Height of stator Section X-X H H H 0.045 22.5° X 0.029 kg Seal (O-ring) position TMRW2A/F X 0.029 PCD 185 (Both sides) WC: with water cooling Section X-X Except dimensions, all the specifications in the table are in ±10% of tolerance. Note: The specification is estimative value. The value will be modified and correct after measuring motors. TMRW23/5/7 Thermal cable 12.5 TMRW73/5/7 Motor cable ° 45 X 17.5 540 Seal (O-ring) position °T 45 Motor cable 12.5 35 12.5 rpm X PCD 300 (Both sides) 15°TYP 25 Thermal cable 12.5 30 420 0.022 600 15° 25 30 460 1500 ● HS HS 1600 730 0.022 P TY HS 25 12.5 TMRW1A/F 790 rpm 0.014 ° 45 TMRW13/5/7 rpm Max. speed at conti. Torque (WC) H Dimensions TMRW 7 x 轉矩馬達尺寸 Max. speed at conti. Torque (AC) Mass of rotor TMRW 2 x 轉矩馬達尺寸 TMRW1x 轉矩馬達尺寸 0.0085 0.0085 0.014 X H Torque Max. speed at max. H H WC: with water cooling Except dimensions, all the specifications in the table are in ±10% of tolerance. Note: The specification is estimative value. The value will be modified and correct after measuring motors. Dimensions kgm V DC YP ● 6.1 mm 740 275 J X PTC SNM100+SNM120+KTY84 X 24-M5x0.8Px10DP 12-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 300 (Both sides) Max. DC BUS 24-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 210 (Both sides) °T 30 WC: with water cooling Except dimensions, all the specifications in the table are in ±10% of tolerance. Note: The specification is estimative value. The value will be modified and correct after measuring motors. kg HS 360 440 Inertia of rotor 600 15°TYP 5.1 70 550 280 Motor cable 15° 5.1 70 360 22.5°TYP 3.7 mm 22.5° 3.7 HS P kg Height of stator TY 19.5±0.2 ° 45 Mass of stator H 0.013 X Thermal sensor P 4000 2200 0.013 DC Thermal cable Motor cable 2 12.5 12-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 210 (Both sides) X Seal (O-ring) position Section X-X TMRW2A/F Y 22.5°T 2800 rpm 0.009 V 30 22.5° rpm Max. speed at conti. Torque (WC) 0.0027 0.0027 0.0045 0.0045 0.0063 0.0063 0.009 X 30 12.5 °T Max. speed at conti. Torque (AC) J Max. DC BUS Thermal cable TMRW7A/F TMRW23/5/7 45 Inertia of rotor 17.5 PTC SNM100+SNM120+KTY84 TMRW73/5/7 P 0.0016 0.0016 0.0023 0.0023 0.0033 0.0033 0.0049 0.0049 12.5 HS TY 0.001 35 ° 30 0.001 J Thermal sensor HS 25 kgm2 Inertia of rotor kgm2 TMRW1A/F YP 12.5 PTC SNM100+SNM120+KTY84 TMRW13/5/7 TMRW 2 x 轉矩馬達尺寸 Ø140H8 Ø169min. Ø230f9 Max. DC BUS Thermal sensor TMRW 7 x 轉矩馬達尺寸 Ø200H8 Ø234 min. Ø310f9 0.81 Ø265H8 Ø299min. Ø385f9 1.37 Ø60H8 Ø85.5min. Ø160f9 1.36 3.36 Ø90H8 Ø119min. Ø198f9 ℃/W 1.92 Ø200H8 Ø234 min. Ø310f9 R th Thermal resistance ( Free air convection) 44 15°TYP HR±0.2 15° PCD 150 (Both sides) 19.13 P PCD 70 (Both sides) TY X 2.44 16-M5x0.8Px10DP 1.06 3.66 12.75 5.52 16-M5x0.8Px10DP 2p Section X-X 22 1.7 8.93 Back emf constant (line to line) 0.89 2p 8-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 150 (Both sides) 6.83 35.7 ° 30 Seal (O-ring) position 8-M5x0.8Px10DP 22.5°TYP 19.5±0.2 H H Number of poles Thermal resistance ( Free air convection) 22 HR±0.2 22.5° 22 H Ø60H8 Ø85.5min. Ø160f9 P 14.4 59 Continuous torque TC ( Free air convection) TMRW1x 轉矩馬達尺寸 Continuous current IC HS ( Free air convection) 25 25 TY Continuous current (WC) 93.8 Continuous torque ( Free air convection) Continuous current ( Free air convection) TMRW7x ° 45 Nm ● Symbol Unit TMRW13 TMRW13L TMRW15 TMRW15L TMRW17 TMRW17L TMRW1A TMRW1AL TMRW1F TMRW1FL TC Continuous torque (WC) TMRW4x X 24-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 210 (Both sides) 12-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 210 (Both sides) 12-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 300 (Both sides) 24-M6x1Px12DP PCD 370 (Both sides) X 24-M5x0.8Px10DP PCD 300 (Both sides)
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