Volume 18 Issue 2 FALL/WINTER 2013 FRIENDS OF THE
Volume 18 Issue 2 FALL/WINTER 2013 FRIENDS OF THE
Volume 18 Issue 2 FALL/WINTER 2013 A Time for Thanks at the Clifton Animal Shelter O F F I C E R OFFICERS S Evelyn Ackley-Raps PRESIDENT Liz Taranda VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY & Yvonne Skikus T R U S T E E S TRUSTEES Laurie Egan Caroline Herrmann Joshua Schmieder Mary Scorpati WE ARE A 100% VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION FRIENDS OF THE SHELTER, INC. P.O. BOX 4923 CLIFTON, NJ 07015 S H E L T E R H O U R S MONDAY-FRIDAY 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM SUNDAY 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM SATURDAY - BY APPT ONLY Shelter Answering Machine (973) 470-5936 Visit us ANYTIME at: CliftonAnimalShelter.com www.PETFINDER.com The holidays are here again... A time to reflect on what you have to be grateful for. Here at the Friends of the Shelter in Clifton, we have a long list of things we are grateful for and now we would like to share two special stories in particular... Jericho and Kitty. KITTY is a beautiful gray cat that was with us for a very long time before finding her forever home... she is the kind of cat you get to know, the kind that the volunteers root extra hard for, the kind of cat that you just know will finally catch a break. Kitty had so much to offer a potential adopter and she needed a home where she would be the apple of their eye... that's probably why it took a little longer than usual—but she was worth the extra effort. Then one day, a potential adopter came in looking for something altogether different, but Kitty kept reaching out of her cage during their visit and got their attention! It was as if SHE CHOSE THEM...rubbing up against their legs, showing them the great cat we all knew so well and that was the end of Kitty's shelter stay; she found her forever home right then and there. This beautiful green-eyed girl got the new beginning she deserved! Please read the letter from Kitty's family in this issue to see how she is doing now. Some of you already have heard about JERICHO, the bait dog rescued on St. Patrick's Day. Bait dogs are used to incite fighting, usually among pit bulls... a smaller, hyper or younger dog is used to get the bigger dogs, who have been trained to fight, all worked up. A small, young, black-andwhite male pitbull was found on the street March 17. He was cut up, bloodied, emaciated and brought to the shelter by a Good Samaritan...we named him Jericho. To be perfectly honest, when we first met him we were not sure he would survive. But thanks to round-the-clock care, the dedicated work of our veterinary staff and volunteers, Jericho not only survived but is thriving. After being stabilized, he was taken in by one of our most experienced foster homes, and in their care he started to fully blossom. Our foster parents, Lynn and Al, bonded with Jericho like no other foster dog they have cared for over the years. When it came time to start looking for his new forever family, Lynn and Al informed us he had already found it... with them. Now at a robust 60 pounds, this healthy happy one-year-old has hit the jackpot. Jericho loves people and dogs, and his story is the kind that keeps our volunteers motivated year round. This holiday season we are grateful for Jericho, Kitty and all the other animals who have found their happy endings, thanks to the work we have done together, with your support, at the Friends of the Shelter. We are a 100% volunteer organization that depends on happy endings and good people like you. Please everyone take special note that Santa Pet Days will be held at Foster Animal Hospital on Sunday December 1 and Sunday December 8 from 12 noon to 4 PM. Foster Animal Hospital is located at 1347 Broad Street right here in Clifton. No appointment necessary and we hope to see you there with Santa Paws! Page 2 ANIMAL ANTICS Wally Has Two Mommies A little over a year ago, I started fostering kittens for the Clifton Animal Shelter. It sort of happened by accident (which is just one benefit of living a few houses away from one of the shelter volunteers), but before I knew it, I had a little tiny kitten that I bottle fed and raised until he was ready to go to his forever home. It was hard. Really hard. And, I sobbed so much that the poor adoptive mom must have felt awful taking him from me, but all of the volunteers at the shelter assured me that the first one was the hardest and that it would get easier each time. It has gotten easier. It’s gotten easier because I have been fortunate that my former foster babies have found wonderful loving homes. It has been easier because the people who have taken my fosters into their homes and hearts have been so very kind to me and have kept me updated on their progress with pictures, emails and even with the occasional visit. One of my favorite foster kittens was an adorable tiger stripe named Wally. Wally was so small when he arrived at my house, that I was able to hold him in the palm of my hand. Wally stayed with me for several weeks while he grew big enough and strong enough to move on to his forever home. Knowing that Wally was going to leave me was very, very hard. But, as luck would have it, Wally captured not just my heart, but the hearts of many friends and family members who visited my home during his stay with us. When Wally left, he went to the home of a good friend of my family, a family where he is pampered and loved as much as any cat could hope to be. Wally is very happy and he is very lucky. Since Wally’s new Mom still sends me pictures of funny things he has done, it’s sort of like he is still one of my own—Wally even got me a Christmas present last year! I like to think that Wally, and all of my other former fosters, has two mommies: the one who took care of him when he was too small to take care of himself and the one who will take care of him for the rest of his life. WALLY SANTA PET DAYS Santa “Paws” will be helping the Friends of the Shelter raise money for animals looking for a home for the holidays!! This year we are trying something new and exciting… Santa Pet Days will be held at Foster Animal Hospital 1347 Broad Street in Clifton. ALL PETS WELCOME!! Santa will pose with your dog, cat, ferret, rabbit, guinea pig or whatever animals share your heart and home. Affordable holiday merchandise will be available for sale in addition to other goodies!! As always, all proceeds benefit the animals!! Santa Pet Days: SUNDAYS DEC. 1 & 8 12 noon to 4 p.m. at Foster Animal Hospital 1347 Broad Street, Clifton NJ 973-777-0064 ANIMAL ANTICS Page 3 SPRING HOLIDAY TREE These beloved animals were remembered over the Spring Holidays... Noelle, Mandy, Lucky, Buck, & Munchkin Anderson Bear Arvanitakis Cleo & Baxter Binaso Misty, Penny, Chloe, & Baxter Bionci Cookie & Muppet Bonfante Charlie Dog Bove Shadow & Kirby Bove Heidi, Klause, & Nicky Bremer Nick Brienza Miami & Luna Cabrera Patty Campbell Rigel, Smudge, Flash, Tex, Blaze, Sweetie, & Kit Campo Sunny, Tommy, & Tammy Carafello Bubba & Suzy Casale Mott, Mugsy, Hank, Harley, & Hoop Casamenti Taffy, Sabrina, & Lacey Chiarella Sean, Brett, & Casey Connor Sunshine, Ginger, & Midnight Dandy Big Daddy, Tweety, Godzookie, TinkerBelle, & Penny DeLuca Tabithia & Tucker DeVries Gyro Diakakis Pepper, Angel, & Beauty DiSanto Mama, Precious, Smoki, & Baby DiStefano Buddy, Morris, & Chopper Doyle Belle & Scruffy Dymek Tommy Ferlise Ivy, Samantha, & Squirrel Fernandez Sundance, Franny, Marco, & Bali Fisher Gus, Cody, Jojo, Benny, Jordan, & Scotty Fisher Rawley & Charlie Gorbaty Dee Grass Rascal, Willie, & Nelson Greco Harley, Lucky, Moose, Belmont, Boots, & Buddy Gruno Meghan May Henn Shanna Lee & Maggie Lee Hilsinger Bentley Huang-Mapp Corki Huber Bandit, Baby, Perry, & Salem T. Hughes Sidney & Vito Iannicelli Onyx & Shadow Janusz Pepper Josephson Homer, Mr. Dinkins, & Rusty Kaminski Rebecca & Ari Kanter Hannah & Frankie Kemp Diller Kievit Muffin & Button Kievit Keshmesh & Mittsie King Peanuts & Teddy Kommer Lily Belle Koske Kiki Lewis Shannon, Myles, Owen, Chloe, & Nikki Mariano Jimmy Marotta Precious, Muffin & Tammie Marren Rocket Marzocca Miss Kitty Matulewicz Nikki, Princess, Midnite, Kelly, & Pappy McShane Toby, Murphy, Rambo, & Buddy Meyers Cody Mihalik Chevy Miller Cindy Miller Dayton Myers Pepper, Samantha, Kitty II, Donna, & Mandi Narish Trouble & Romeo Pinchak Calico, Princess, Target, Montague, & Mooch Pirozzi Spotty Plokhooy Venus PraSisto Star, Darla, Munchkin, Trinkz, & Toby Rastaetter Timmy & Romeo Reonieri Benji, Oscar, & Lizzie Riglian Maggie, Penny, Toby, Gigi, & Annie Sadowski Ting-Ting Scuttaro Beau & Mittens Sgambat Shelter Animals Sinatra Gang Lady Sisco-Rusnak Adam Sisco Smokey, Dukie, Tawny, Missy, Tiffany, Vivi, Suko, & Keiko Smolensky Squeaky Talamini Rita Thorn Tuck Blake & Crystal Turba Sampson VanNortwick Rocco & Benni VanNortwick-Healy Jake, Casey, & Emma Van Vliet Q-Tip & Blackie Vilardi Midnight Walden Trax, Tippy, Cali, Ditto, Sox, & Ashes Wasnesky Emily, Sophie, Toby, & Stanley Weisgrau Shamrock White B.B., Sammy, Cosmo, Lucy, Mookie & Mojo Wilson Lucky Woehrle Lucy Young Beau, Andie, Harley, & Tony Zisa THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR HARDWORKING AND GENEROUS VETERINARIANS WHO SUPPORT US ALL YEAR ROUND! Page 4 ANIMAL ANTICS LOW COST SPAY & NEUTER In October, which happens to be FIRE SAFETY MONTH, the Friends of the Shelter happily donated PET oxygen masks to all the firehouses in Clifton that did not have them! PEOPLE FOR ANIMALS People for Animals is a low cost spay/neuter clinic for dogs and cats. Located in Hillside, NJ this clinic is well known for affordable surgery, vaccines, microchipping and FELV/FIV tests. CALL TO MAKE AN APPT: 973-282-0890 pfaonline.org 401 Hillside Ave Hillside NJ 07205 YES! I would like to help combat the pet overpopulation problem. Below is my contribution towards spaying/neutering an animal: DOG $ ________ ($100) CAT $ ________ ($65) OTHER ANIMAL $ ________ Please make your contribution payable to: The Friends of the Shelter and mail it to us today! P.O. BOX 4923, CLIFTON NJ 07015 Update from Kitty Headquarters Kitty has made herself at home very quickly and has basically become the Queen of the House! She seems very happy being able to roam around as she pleases and has been making very good use of all the toys everyone over at The Friends of the Shelter was nice enough to give her ( Thank You Liz !) .Kitty never hesitates to give a little wake up call first thing in the morning when she is hungry and is always first in line when the family has dinner. I couldn’t imagine a better addition to our home! I couldn’t possibly be more in love with her and I couldn’t be more grateful that you introduced us! Kitty is the sweetest, most affectionate cat EVER and we are so lucky to have her as a part of our family – THANK YOU for everything! ANIMAL ANTICS Page 5 Notes and Letters We are so happy to have our little Boo and love her dearly. She has adjusted wonderfully and is very comfortable here! She is a food bandit! She will remember if something is left on the coffee table for hours and when no one else is looking, it is hers! She doesn't seem to like other dogs but we are slowly working on that...She loves loves loves people and children. She has some allergies and we are slowly figuring that out as well. All and all she is a wonderful little girl who we love dearly. Thank you for letting us give her a forever home. Here is Boo sleeping in her favorite spot. She loves to nap with a warm summer breeze! Sometimes she has to be told to get down because she barks and growls at dogs passing by. She's learning that if she wants to look out the window she has to keep her comments to herself though! - Salena Holman I have always been a dog person, but that was only because I never knew how much love a cat could offer. As a first-time cat owner, I wanted a nice and easy-going cat. After searching on Petfinder for a while, I came across an adult female named Mous. The video posted of her was adorable and I knew I wanted to meet her. At the shelter they told me that she had been there for over 8 months. 8 months! And it wasn't because she was a highmaintenance cat, nobody had ever come to look at her. She was a favorite at the shelter because of her personality, and now she's my favorite. Now I get to look at her every day and listen to her purr with content. It's been over a year, and she is still the princess of the house. I can't imagine my life without my cat, and yes, now I am officially a cat person.—Mous’ Mom In September 2010, I adopted my English Spot Pumpkin Spice (formerly Margaret) from the Clifton Animal Shelter. I still can't believe she was simply found on the streets abandoned. I instantly fell in love with her curious, snuggly personality and demand of frequent pets. As I'm sure most of you know, the shelter's usual residence is made up of other furry friends like cats and dogs. In fact, Liz even wrote (and of course, crossed out) "cat" on Pumpkin's application out of habit. As a first time bunny owner who was learning as I went along, it was nice to be able to rely on Astrid and the volunteers for tips and advice on bringing a bun into my home. Last year, Pumpkin Spice was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and although she has had surgery, it returned and she is now on a steady course of prescription medicine. I'm relieved to say that right now she seems so happy and healthy and is definitely up to her usual fresh hijinks. She loves playing in her homemade tunnels, romping around the apartment, playfully nudging, digging up a storm, sneaking into forbidden territory such as closets, doing crazy binkies, lounging lazily, begging for treats, and rolling and flopping for attention. As spoiled as ever, she now even has her very own room. Pumpkin Spice continues to be one of my greatest sources of joy; she is my dear furbaby and I couldn't imagine my life without her. I am so grateful that we had the opportunity to rescue each other and am eternally thankful to everyone who made it possible. On another wonderful note, we recently celebrated her 3rd Adoption Anniversary this fall! - Jennifer Holsman I want to thank you so much for taking such great care of the Schultheis Farm kitties. You found homes for Toast and her three babies! Liz, your daily emails in helping me capture and foster kittens were my lifeline. Thank you for your tireless dedication. Caroline, you had faith that the semi-feral ginger kitty could be a loving pet...I’m so glad you took the time and gave him his chance at life. FOS volunteers are the BEST! -Terrill Page 6 ANIMAL ANTICS ~HAPPILY EVER AFTER~ EDITORS NOTE: The Denman Family are adopters from this past year who made a difference for cats who they felt were passed over by others. They opened their hearts and home and for that they have OUR thanks…...So this is why I say no thank you needed. We renamed HOOCH to MAXIMUS! He is a Loving DOLL, we love him SO much in such a short time! ( Hooch / Maximus is a Dogue de Bordeaux - like in the Movie “Turner & Hooch”! ) - MIKE & ELYSSA I should thank you and your crew. Not just for our new family members, but for the love and dedication you show in all that you do. So we want to thank you all for giving hope to all that come through your door. Coming to your shelter is the beginning of a much better life for all that come to you in their time of need. You have a dedicated family of people that really seem to love what they do so one more time I want to thank you for everything.— Fred Denman Jr & Family TIGGER & BETSY Hi Evelyn! It's me Howdy-Denver! I have attached a few photos of Peanut. Haven't been able to get too many good ones because she and Germ haven't been still for too long since we got in!! When we first got home, Germ slowly approached Peanut and started smelling her. He went back and forth doing this a number of times. Then when Germ was sitting on his blanket, Peanut went over and sat right by him—it was the cutest thing! They have been chasing each other since! I'm at my new home after 4 weeks of training and my new family loves me and tells me I'm perfect! I got to sleep on their big bed with them last night! We walked 3 miles in the forest today and I feel great !! Thanks for everything !! Peanut loves him...it is so funny! And she does so many things just like Germ; the little "jumps" when she's excited, going down on her front paws with her little butt in the air-we have been cracking up. When we take the dogs out to potty, Scooby stays right by her side; I feel like he is protecting her. I am going to film that and send it to you. This little one is such a doll, and we all love her already! - Jacquie :) PEANUT & GERM I saw Sadie's picture on your Tricky Tray flyer and thought I would give you an update. I adopted this senior beagle from you late Dec. 2012. She was 30 lbs of pure love. Weight loss is going well, and her heart murmur seems to be correcting itself as a result. It's an advantage that I babysit for her veterinarian. I have prescription drops for her dry eye that is remarkable. You would not believe how active she's become. Still don't understand how someone could lose such a great dog, but it's my gain. She is so comfy here, and just unbearably cute. Thank you again. - Francene Pimenta ANIMAL ANTICS Page 7 Happy Tails * Happy Tails * Happy Tails* Happy Tails * Happy Tails * Happy Tails Happy Tails We adopted Tyson, an under weight Boxer, on 03/09/2013. Two months later, he’s gained about 10 pounds and found his forever home. Our lives have been changed, we feel so blessed. He’s inquisitive, loves to play and is always by our side. He has made so many new friends (2 and 4 legged) in the neighborhood, everyone loves him. Thank You, Rick & Claudia Szafranski Our family adopted Champ at the end of March. I cannot begin to tell you what an absolute perfect fit he’s been for us. It’s like Champ has always been here. To be honest, we were somewhat ignorant about his breed and really only know the bad press that pit bulls typically get. What encourage us was the way you and your staff educated us and showed your genuine love for this dog. Your sincerity sold us and we couldn’t be happier with him. I look forward to engaging people when I walk him and just let Champ be himself. He’s an extremely well behaved, very lovable dog that just wants to please you. ISIS & CHARLIE Karen's out shopping, so Charlie and I thought we'd send a note to say hi and to let you know how much we love our new home. We've been here seven months now, and it feels like we've been here forever. There are lots and lots of toys to play with, windowsills to watch birds from, and a warm lap and a cuddle anytime we want (and we want a lot!). As is only appropriate (I was named after a goddess, after all!), I am the queen of all I survey, and Charlie is my devoted BFF, always ready for a game of kamikaze kittens, or a snuggle in our favorite spot. I've attached a couple of photos of us doing what we love best. Thanks for taking such good care of us at the shelter, for introducing Charlie and I, and for letting Karen take us home with her. Meow to you, Isis and Charlie P.S. Hi from Karen, too! Champ is a great ambassador for pit bulls that has already changed several people’s perspective on his breed, and no doubt will change many more. Much thanks to you and your staff for the vital services you provide to so many animals in need...and thanks for taking such good care of Champ...he’s awesome. -Lee and Emily To CHAMP TYSON the BOXER Get in the holiday spirit by honoring a pet who held (or holds) a special place in your heart! A $5 donation purchases a light on our TREE OF LOVE outside and an ornament with your animal’s name that will be hung in our shelter. The TREE OF LOVE tradition is observed NOVEMBER 24 - JANUARY 5. All proceeds will benefit the homeless animals in our care. Celebrate the life of a beloved pet while helping other animals trying to find new homes for the holidays! HOLIDAY ORNAMENT COUPON Name: ———————————————————————————————–———————————–———— Address: ———————————————————————————————–———————————–———— Telephone Number : ———————————————————————————————–———————–———————— NUMBER OF ORNAMENTS : _____ X $5.00 = $ ———————————————————————————————————–———————————-ANIMAL’S NAME (S) : Please make checks payable to Friends of the Shelter, Inc. and mail To: FOS, P.O. Box 4923, Clifton NJ 07015 Page 8 ANIMAL ANTICS *UPCOMING EVENTS* HOLIDAY TREE OF LOVE November 24-January 5, 2014 SANTA PET DAYS AT FOSTER ANIMAL HOSPITAL Sunday, December 1 & 8 12:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m. BARNES & NOBLE GIFT WRAPPING (Clifton Commons) Sat. Dec. 21, 5-9 p.m. Tues. Dec. 24, 8 am-12 noon 10th ANNUAL Beefsteak Dinner and Tricky Tray MAY 2, 2014 7:00 PM For more information, please call 973-470-5936 www.CliftonAnimalShelter.com ANIMAL ANTICS FRIENDS OF THE SHELTER, INC. P.O. BOX 4923 CLIFTON, NJ 07015-4923 www.CliftonAnimalShelter.com WISH LIST ITEMS IN BOLD NEEDED MOST : CAT’S PRIDE Cat Litter (non-clumping) SPECIAL KITTY Cat Litter (Walmart-red bag) COMPLETE FORMULA Purina Cat&Kitten Chow Friskies & Fancy Feast Canned Cat Food Jars of Baby Food (chicken, turkey or beef) KMR Kitten Formula Powder Small & Medium Plastic Litter Boxes PEDIGREE Dry Dog Food PUPPY CHOW Dry Food PEDIGREE GROUND Canned Dog Food Pouch Dog Food for Small Dogs (Little Champions) Nylabones & Kong Toys Leashes, Collars & Harnesses (all sizes) Liquid Anti-bacterial Soap Liquid Dish Soap Sponges, Dish Towels Towels, Clean Dog & Cat Beds Dog Crates, Rabbit Cages * Please visit our AMAZON.COM Wish List!* NON - PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PATERSON, N.J. PERMIT NO. 602 ....OR CURRENT RESIDENT
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