Winning Chess Combinations


Winning Chess Combinations
Garry Kasparov on My Great Predecessors, part V
Feb. 05
Garry Kasparov on
My Great Predecessors, part V
Garry Kasparov
580 pages, 71/5 x 101/10 in, hardback
1-85744-404-3, $45.00
This book, the fifth in Garry Kasparov’s magnificent history of
the World Chess Championship, catalogues what is probably
the greatest ever rivalry for the ultimate chess title. Between
1984 and 1990 Anatoly Karpov and Garry Kasparov contested
five World Championship matches and played a total of more
than 150 games against each other. These matches, all of
which were close and very hard-fought, feature some of the
greatest games of the modern era.
Anatoly Karpov gained the right to challenge Bobby Fischer
for the world title by winning through the Candidates series
in 1974. As is well known, Fischer refused to defend the title
and in 1975 Karpov became champion ‘by default’. Although
he did not have to contest a Championship match to gain the
title, Karpov proved that he was a worthy champion by winning
virtually every major tournament over the next decade. He also
twice defended his title in matches against Viktor Korchnoi in
1978 and 1981.
In this book, a must for all serious chessplayers, Kasparov
analyses deeply Karpov’s greatest games and assesses the
legacy of this great Russian genius. Also under the microscope
are the games of the other great, of the 1970s and 1980s,
Viktor Korchnoi.
Garry Kasparov on
My Great Predecessors, part I
Garry Kasparov
464 pages, 71/5 x 101/10 in, hardback
1-85744-330-6, $35.00
Garry Kasparov on
My Great Predecessors, part III
Garry Kasparov
332 pages, 71/5 x 101/10 in, hardback
1-85744-371-3, $35.00
Garry Kasparov on
My Great Predecessors, part II
Garry Kasparov
480 pages, 71/5 x 101/10 in, hardback
1-85744-342-X, $35.00
Garry Kasparov on Fischer
My Great Predecessors, part IV
Garry Kasparov
496 pages, 71/5 x 101/10 in , hardback
1-85744-395-0, $35.00
May 06
Winning Chess Combinations
Yasser Seirawan
300 pages, 71/4 x 91/8 in
1-85744-420-5, $23.95
Play Winning Chess
Yasser Seirawan
225 pages, 71/4 x 91/8 in
1-85744-331-4, $14.95
Winning Chess Strategies
Yasser Seirawan
260 pages, 71/4 x 91/8 in
1-85744-385-3, $23.95
Combinations are the central element in chess; they make
the game so magical and captivating. The beautiful point of
sacrificing a queen, the strongest piece, in order to checkmate
with a lowly pawn brings a smile of joy to all chess lovers.
Virtually all chess games possess a combination, either one
hidden in the shadows of analysis carefully avoided or one
that provides a decisive blow.
Winning Chess Combinations is a unique work that doesn’t
merely repeat the wonderfully rich and vast numbers
of combinations, asking readers to solve a particular
diagrammed position; it is a work that is far more realistic.
A combination involves a sacrifice upsetting the balance of
forces, but will it work or tragically boomerang? The reader
is invited to solve this critical question by identifying the
advantages that a specific position holds which might make
the combination successful.
Winning Chess Combinations is the seventh in Yasser
Seirawan’s highly acclaimed Winning Chess series – probably
the best-selling series of chess books ever published.
Winning Chess Tactics
Yasser Seirawan
256 pages, 71/4 x 91/8 in
1-85744-386-1, $23.95
Winning Chess Openings
Yasser Seirawan
260 pages, 71/4 x 91/8 in
1-85744-349-7, $19.95
Winning Chess Brilliancies
Yasser Seirawan
260 pages, 71/4 x 91/8 in
1-85744-347-0, $19.95
A complete guide to chess combinations
Includes stunning sacrifices
Ideal for the improving player
Yasser Seirawan is one of the top-ranked chess players in
the USA and was the first American candidate for the World
Championship title since Bobby Fischer. He is a four-time
US Champion, the 1989 Western Hemisphere Champion and
a ten-time member of the US Chess Olympiad team. His
acheivements distinguish him as one of only a handful of
players to have defeated world champions Garry Kasparov
and Anatoly Karpov in tournament play.
Winning Chess Endings
Yasser Seirawan
260 pages, 71/4 x 91/8 in
1-85744-348-9, $19.95
Aug. 06
Revolution in the 70s
Garry Kasparov
300 pages, 71/5 x 101/10 in, hardback
1-85744-422-1, $35.00
This book, an essential companion guide to the highly
acclaimed and best-selling My Great Predecessors series, sees
chess legend Garry Kasparov reflecting on a pivotal time in
chess history. Bobby Fischer’s spurt towards the chess summit
(1970-1972) marked the approach of a new era, affecting all
aspects of the game, and opening theory in particular. Fischer
demonstrated the need for deep preparation with both colours,
expanded the range of openings studied and laid the basis of
present-day professional chess. He became the first real chess
professional in the West.
The leader of the new generation, Anatoly Karpov, fully reaped
the fruits of the Fischer revolution and mastered the lessons
of his great predecessor. Of the players of the older generation,
only Victor Korchnoi was able to achieve such a high level of
Alas, Fischer left the chess stage. But the tectonic shifts
caused by him led to the start of a genuine revolution in
opening theory, which overturned many traditional impressions
about various typical positions. Between 1972 and 1975 alone,
progress in the field of opening theory was more significant
than in the entire preceding decade! Under the influence of
Fischer, who imparted a great impetus to the development
of the game, chess was radically regenerated. This process,
with increasing acceleration, also continued in later years. As
a result, the overall picture in the openings changed almost
beyond recognition.
By studying this fascinating book, the reader will certainly
learn a great deal, discover things that are unexpected, and
see how rapidly and inexorably chess development approached
the computer era.
May 06
Fire on Board Part III :
Opening Secrets
Alexei Shirov
300 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-421-3, $24.95
Alexei Shirov has dazzled and inspired a generation of chess fans with
his unique brand of attacking chess. The Grandmaster, originally from
Riga, Latvia, is widely regarded as one of the most aggressive and
inventive chess players of the modern era, an argument backed up by
his wealth of amazing games, rich in tactical fireworks and extraordinary
moves. In this book, the third volume of his trilogy, Shirov branches out
even further to uncover the secrets of his high-level opening preparation
in this computer-dominated era and the stories behind his most famous
opening novelties. Fire on Board Part III discloses some previously
unseen curiosities of Shirov’s chess life, analysis and games.
Fire on Board Part I
Alexei Shirov
240 pages, 69/10 x 93/5 in
1-85744-150-8, $19.95
Fire on Board Part II
Alexei Shirov
200 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-382-9, $24.95
An insight into high-level opening analysis
A compilation of violent, attacking and imaginative chess
Written by one of the world’s leading players
Since becoming a Grandmaster in 1990, Alexei Shirov has firmly
established himself amongst the world’s leading players and has a
string of tournament victories to his name. Highlights of his career so
far include a runners-up spot in the 2000 FIDE World Championship,
plus an impressive match victory over the BGN World Champion Vladimir
Kramnik. More recently, Shirov came outright first in the 2004 Sarajevo
super-GM tournament, his winning margin over his nearest rival being
an emphatic 1.5 points.
Oct. 05
Breaking Through:
How the Polgar Sisters Changed the
Game of Chess
Susan Polgar with Paul Truong
320 pages, 6 x 9 in, hardback
1-85744-381-0, $30.00
Susan Polgar provides a candid
inside view of the lives of the Polgar
sisters. She takes readers through the
incredible development of the three
sisters as they pursued their dreams:
becoming chess prodigies, growing into
contenders, winning World titles and
Olympiad gold medals, ending
the Soviet dominance in women’s
chess, breaking through the gender and age barriers, and generally
revolutionising the game. The book also contains a marvellous compilation of
the Polgar sisters’ most stunning chess games and an analysis of the strict, but
ultimately successful training techniques they used.
Susan Polgar is a genuine chess legend. The eldest of the three celebrated Polgar
sisters, she’s a 4-time Women’s World Champion and a triple Olympic Champion
Mar. 05
Russians versus Fischer
Dmitry Plisetsky and Sergey Voronkov
480 pages, 6 x 9 in, hardback
1-85744-380-2, $35.00
This magnificent volume contains the
extraordinary story of the prolonged
battle between Bobby Fischer and the
Soviet chess machine. For the first time
readers will be able to view virtually all
the secret documents on ‘the Fischer
problem’, many of which have never
previously been published. There are
also reports and analysis of Fischer’s
personality and play, written at the
demand of the Soviet authorities by the
country’s leading Grandmasters, legends such as Mikhail Tal, Tigran Petrosian,
Vassily Smyslov, Paul Keres, Viktor Korchnoi and Efim Geller. Also contained
in Russians versus Fischer are annotations and stories on all of the 158 chess
encounters between Fischer and his Soviet adversaries. This book is a significantly
enlarged and updated version of the one first published in Russia in 1994. The
authors are well-known chess journalists and authors of numerous chess books.
starting out guides
Jul. 06
Aug. 06
Oct. 05
May 06
Jul. 06
Jul 06
Starting Out:
Chess Tactics and Checkmates
Chris Ward
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-418-3, $21.95
Starting Out:
Queen’s Gambit Accepted
Alexander Raetsky and Maxim
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-415-9, $21.95
Starting Out:
The Sicilian Dragon
Andrew Martin
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-398-5, $21.95
Starting Out: Sicilian Najdorf
Richard Palliser
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-392-6, $21.95
Starting Out: Closed Sicilian
Richard Palliser
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-414-0, $21.95
the Najdorf has been a firm favourite
amongst the very elite of world chess,
including Garry Kasparov and, before
him, Bobby Fischer. Despite numerous
attempts, no one has found a sure-fire
way for White to gain the advantage.
The Closed Sicilian is an ideal weapon
for players who wish for an aggressive
way to attack the Sicilian but have
neither the time nor the inclination to
learn the seemingly endless mountains
of opening theory associated with
Open Sicilians
Starting Out: 1 e4!
A reliable repertoire for the improving
Neil McDonald
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-416-7, $21.95
In this easy-to-follow guide, renowned
chess teacher Chris Ward explains all
the crucial checkmating patterns, plus
how to catch out your opponents with
an assortment of tricks and traps,
commonly known as chess tactics.
There is something for everyone in this
book: improving players can benefit
from learning the basic checkmates
and the key tactics such as attacking
and defending pieces, forks, pins
and skewers, while more experienced
players can discover the delights of
advanced checkmates and sneaky
tricks, ones that can flummox even the
world’s best players!
Alexander Raetsky is a Russian
International Master and an
experienced competitor on the chess
tournament circuit. His first book for
Everyman Chess was Meeting 1 e4.
The Sicilian Dragon is one of the most
exciting, high profile and controversial
openings in chess history.
Maxim Chetverik, also from Russia,
is a FIDE Master and a renowned
openings theoretician. Earlier works
for Everyman Chess include Mikhail
Tal: Tactical Genius, which he also
co-authored with Raetsky.
Richard Palliser is a young English
International Master who is quickly
carving out a reputation as a skilled
and prolific chess writer
Jul. 06
Aug. 06
Starting Out:
Sicilian Scheveningen
Craig Pritchett
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-413-2, $21.95
Craig Pritchett is an International
Master and a former Scottish
champion who has represented his
country on top board in numerous
Chess Olympiads.
Jul. 06
Discovering Chess Openings:
Building a repertoire from basic principles
John Emms
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-419-1, $23.95
John Emms argues that studying openings
doesn’t have to be hard work. Indeed, it can
be both enjoyable and enlightening. The key to
successful opening play is not simply learning
lines off by heart; instead it’s the understanding
of the basic principles, and here the reader
is guided through the vital themes: swift
development, central control and king safety. An
appreciation of these principles and their many
offshoots will actually allow readers to recreate
and discover opening theory, giving them the
opportunity to choose the most suitable lines to
play in their games.
John Emms is one of Britain’s strongest
Grandmasters and has represented England in
numerous team tournaments. Previous works
include Starting Out the Scotch Game.
Neil McDonald provides the reader with
a strong and trustworthy repertoire with
the white pieces based on the popular
opening move 1 e4.
Starting Out: 1 d4!
A reliable repertoire for the
improving player
John Cox
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-417-5, $21.95
John Cox provides the reader with a
strong and trustworthy repertoire with
the white pieces based on the popular
opening move 1 d4.
Mar. 06
Dec. 05
The Masters: Rudolph Spielmann Master of
Neil McDonald
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-406-X, $21.95
Rudolph Spielmann was one of the most fearsome
attacking players in the history of chess. He was very
much from the so-called ‘Romantic School’, where
gambits were always accepted and checkmating the
king was the only real thought of the players. His love
of the King’s Gambit and similar aggressive openings
earned him the respect of his peers early in his
career and he went on to become one of the strongest
Grandmasters of his time.
Neil McDonald takes a look back at how Spielmann
overcame his opponents in dazzling style, carefully
choosing and analysing some of Spielmann’s most
glorious attacks and famous combinations.
The Survival Guide to Competitive Chess:
Improve your results now!
John Emms
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-412-4, $23.95
Grandmaster and experienced tournament player John Emms
reveals the secrets of how to maximise your potential and improve
your results in competitive play. Drawing upon years of his own
experience, Emms tackles the all-important practical aspects of
chess playing: studying your own strengths and weaknesses, and
those of prospective opponents, concentration and manner at the
chessboard, handling time trouble, tackling cheats, playing for a
win or a draw, saving difficult positions, avoiding silly mistakes,
building an opening repertoire, using chess computers and
software, choosing the right tournaments and much more besides.
opening guides
Sep. 05
Oct. 05
Nov. 05
Feb. 06
Play 1...b6!
A dynamic and hypermodern opening
system for Black
Christian Bauer
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-410-8, $23.95
Play 1 e4 e5!
A complete repertoire for Black in the Open Games
Nigel Davies
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-401-9, $23.95
Play the Nimzo-Indian
Edward Dearing
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-403-5, $23.95
Play the Modern
Andrew Martin
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-407-8, $23.95
Edward Dearing is a young International
Master and one of Scotland’s leading players,
making his debut for the national team at the
2004 Majorca Olympiad.
Andrew Martin is an International Master
with many tournament successes to his
name, including being runner-up in the
British Championship.
Christian Bauer is a former national
champion and has represented France in
numerous team tournaments.
A former British Open Quickplay Champion,
Davies’ previous works for Everyman
Chess include Alekhine’s Defence and
The Trompowsky.
Nov. 05
Dealing with d4 Deviations:
Fighting the Trompowsky, Torre,
Blackmar-Diemer, Stonewall, Colle
and other problem openings
John Cox
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-399-3, $23.95
In this unique book John Cox reveals
everything Black players need to know about
all of White’s offbeat tries, presenting Black
with no-nonsense answers to every white
option. Read this book and you will be fully
armed to deal with anything that White can
throw at you. In fact, you’ll have all the White
players running back to the main lines!
John Cox is a FIDE Master and a former junior
international and British Junior Champion.
This is his second book for Everyman Chess;
his first was Starting Out: Alekhine’s Defence.
Mar. 06
Sep. 05
Nov. 05
May 06
Play the Queen’s Gambit
Chris Ward
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-411-6, $23.95
The Bb5 Sicilian:
Detailed coverage of a thoroughly
modern system
Richard Palliser
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-397-7, $23.95
Bird’s Opening:
Detailed coverage of an underrated
and dynamic choice for White
Timothy Taylor
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-402-7, $23.95
The French Advance (2nd edition)
Sam Collins
192 pages, 6 x 9 in
1-85744-391-8, $23.95
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