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digital literacy movement e - learning building modern society – project of computer e-education with open access human rights to education and information e - inclusion open access e-Citizen HANDBOOK Block 3 – e-Participation – project of computer e-education with open access Source: Authors: Gorana Čelebić and Mario Dujlo Main title: - project of computer e-education with open access Subtitle: • Basic concepts of Information and Communication Technology, handbook (ISBN: 978-953-56758-0-8) • Web browsing and communication, handbook (ISBN: 978-953-56758-6-0) Publisher: Open Society for the exchange of ideas (ODRAZI), Zagreb Expert review of Croatian version: Krešimir Sikulin, Informatics Engineer Infokatedra, Center for Adult Education, Zagreb Lectors: Ema Čišić, Antea Seršić Title page: Silvija Bunić Place and year of publication: Zagreb, 2011. Adjustment for the e-Citizen program: Translation: Anita Čavrag Publisher: Open Society for Idea Exchange (ODRAZI), Zagreb ISBN: 978-953-7908-19-5 Place and year of publication: Zagreb, 2012. Copyrights: Freely copy, print and distribute this entire publication or its parts, including for the purpose of organized education, either in public or private education organizations, but exclusively for noncommercial purposes (i.e., free of charge), with obligatory citation of the source (source: - e-education project with free access). Derived work is not allowed without a former permission from the carrier of authorship rights (the association Otvoreno društvo za razmjenu ideja – ODRAZI.) is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License – project of computer e-education with open access CONTENT: BLOCK 3 - e-PARTICIPATION ................................................................................................................. 1 3.1 Online services ...................................................................................................................... 1 3.1.1 Understanding online forms........................................................................................... 1 3.1.2 Understanding the functioning of online forms: using menus, control boxes and tabs, data insertion, form submission buttons, errors, etc. .................................................................... 4 3.1.3 Understanding the importance of revising information in web forms. ............................ 7 3.1.4 Understanding problems with potentially unverified servers and risks of using their services. The ability to take preventive measures. ......................................................................... 7 3.1.5 Understanding safety risks of revealing credit card details when filling out web forms and the ability to take prevention measures.................................................................................. 8 3.2 PARTICIPATION – APPROACH – INTERACTION – USAGE ......................................... 9 3.2.1 News: being able to send electronic mail to a local information station, participate in the news, fill out the form that asks for your opinion about the local news report. ....................... 9 3.2.2 Government: being able to send a request for information cia electronic mail, download the information about government services, send a tax return form, send one’s data into the census list, participate in discussion groups. ................................................................................ 13 3.2.3 Consumer: being able to send electronic mail to one's bank with a question about online banking; making a money transfer from one account to another, ordering a theater ticket, finding a car sale offer, buying a cd or a book, paying bills, etc. ................................................... 16 3.2.4 Traveling: being able to make a flight and a hotel room reservation, renting a car. ...... 21 3.2.5 Education/schooling: being able to email a question about courses, filling out application forms, reserving a book in the library. Participating in an interactive internet class or course. ...... 23 3.2.6 Employment: being able to fill out an application form, sending a resume to an employment agency or a potential employer. ............................................................................. 28 3.2.7 Health: being able to fill out a form for requesting a brochure or additional information about a health problem; making an appointment in a local hospital via email. Filling out a request for health insurance. ................................................................................................................... 30 3.2.8 Interest groups: being able to send a message to an online bulletin board, becoming a member of a discussion group, participating as a member of a special interest group. ................ 31 3.2.9 Business: being able to fill out a list of expenses, sending a sales report on the intranet, ordering annual or quartal reports. Inquiring about employment opportunities. ............................ 33 General terms of use .......................................................................................................................... 34 is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License – project of computer e-education with open access BLOCK 3 - E-PARTICIPATION Based on previously gained computer and web surfing-skills, this Block complements the cluster of skills needed for becoming an e-Citizen through independent use of online resources and services: 3.1 Accomplishing everyday actions, such as buying a CD or a book, paying bills, online banking or making reservations Finding various services and completing tasks such as filling out a tax return form, submitting job application forms, registering for a course, making a doctor's appointment, or participating in online forums Taking prevention measures from risks associated with Internet use (security risks in credit card transactions, the importance of checking the data in online forms, etc.) ONLINE SERVICES 3.1.1 UNDERSTANDING ONLINE FORMS. Many web servers will ask you to fill out some sort of online form (web form) before allowing for their use. The purpose of web forms is to collect information about users in order to personalize the services they are offering. Have in mind that leaving personal information on suspicious web pages can have undesired consequences, so check the credibility of the website on which you are leaving your personal information. We often encounter web forms on the Internet, whether we are participating in raffles or polls, opening e-mail user accounts (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo! Mail), etc. Below you will find an example of a web form (for opening a G-mail account) with the explanation of how to fill it out. Opening a Gmail account – filling out the web form We open a Gmail account by starting the popular Google search engine, which can be found on the web address We then click on the hyperlink Gmail, and subsequently, a web page for the new user registration will open. For creating a new account (user registration) click on the “Open account” link. Figure1.Creating a new account – left mouse click on the button An online form will open and we fill in the information in its Fields. Firstly, we write our first and last name, and our username (alias) that will become a part of our e-mail address. Then by clicking on the check availability! button, we verify our username availability. If the is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 1/34 – project of computer e-education with open access username is already taken, we enter a new username or accept one of the generated usernames. Figure 2. Text boxes – for typing personal information Next, it is important to enter a password consisting of minimally eight characters. In choosing a password, it is recommended to use punctuation marks as well as a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters (you can find out more about choosing a security password in the handbook Basic concepts of Information and Communication Technology, chapter: Protection when using ICT). The system then assesses its strength – if the password is too weak, it is strongly suggested to create a new one. It is necessary to re-enter the password. We will mark the two confirmation boxes with a tick if we want to remain signed in and accept the Web history service. Figure 3. Creating a password If we forgot our password, the system will ask us to answer a security question in order to log into our e-mail account. We can pick a security question from the list of questions offered in the drop-down menu. In order to open the drop-down menu, we need to click on the arrow on the right side, and then we click on a desired option from the offered list. We can also create our own security question by choosing the option “write your own question.” The answer to our security question needs to be inserted in the text box under the security question box. Figure 4. Security question - choosing an option from the dropdown menu The next text box requires an alternative email address (if there is one). This option is used for verifying the account authenticity and emailing us the password in case we forgot it. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 2/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Figure 5. A return email address Afterwards, we choose a location in the drop-down menu by clicking on the arrow on the right side and selecting a desired option from the list of offered countries. Figure 6. Selecting a location In the text box Word verification, we type the letters from a distorted picture. The purpose of this is to confirm that it is a person and not a robot who is trying to open a user account. Figure 7. Security check After reading the terms and conditions of service, by clicking the “I accept. Create my account” link, we finish opening our user account and can now start using it. Figure 8. Terms of service From this Gmail example, we can see that there are several ways of answering questions: - typing a text in text boxes, choosing from a multitude of offered options, checking confirmation boxes with a tick, selecting an option from a drop-down menu. After filling out a form, we activate the data transmission by clicking on the Send (Submit) button. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 3/34 – project of computer e-education with open access 3.1.2 UNDERSTANDING THE FU NCTIONING OF ONLINE FORMS: USING MENUS, CONTROL BOXES AND TABS, DATA INSERTION, FORM SUBMISSION BUTT ONS, ERRORS, ETC. As it is shown in the example of filling out the web form for opening a Gmail account, we can see that there are several ways of answering questions. The basic elements that a web form consists of are called fields and they determine the method of answering a particular question. Types of fields are: Fields for entering one line of text (Text box) o There are some mandatory fields, e.g., login and password for opening an email user account, and they are most often marked by a star (Asterisk) (*). Until mandatory fields are all filled out, form submission is impossible and a pop-up window appears warning about the mandatory fields A field for entering a password (Password box) o This field is marked by a star (*), which is why it is necessary to enter a password twice when opening a new user account: to be certain that we entered a text that we intend to use as a password. A field for entering more lines of text (Scrolling Text Box) o We can enter a longer text in this field, and after filling out a few lines, a functional slider for vertical navigation will appear on the right side. A field for an exclusive selection from offered options (Radio Button) o By left-clicking the mouse button on an individual option, it becomes marked by a dot in the middle of a circle. This field always requires selecting one option. A field for choosing from offered options (Check Box) o By clicking on a square in this field, a tick mark appears and the offered option is confirmed. In contrast to the previous field, these options are not mandatory, and therefore several or all of them can be selected. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 4/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Drop Down Menu o In this type of a field, the options are listed in a drop-down menu, and by clicking on a certain option we select the one that we desire. Buttons o As we have already mentioned, at the end of filling out the form, we have to use the Send (Submit) button in order to activate the data transmission whereupon the Internet browser loads the web page with a message about the web form status. Whatever we entered in the web form can be changed before sending: by using the left mouse click, we place our text cursor into the field that we wish to change, and we use it the same way we did the first time (typing the text, clicking on other options). Apart from positioning in a certain field by using the mouse, we can also use the Tab button for moving onto the next field, or Shift+Tab for moving onto the previous field. Options in the advanced search of Google browser also contain several kinds of fields: Fields for entering one line of text (Text box) A field for the exclusive selection from offered options (Radio Button) - option: Safe search) Drop Down Menu – fields with an arrow on the right side Buttons - Google browsing and Search is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 5/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Figure 9. Google search engine – advanced search options Explanations of some advanced search options: All these words – shows results related to all of the search words (e.g., +medicinal +plants +mediterranean) This exact word or phrase – shows results with the exact phrase (e.g., “medicinal plants”) Any of these words – shows results with at least one of the search words (e.g., medicinal OR plants) None of these words – shows results without certain phrases (e.g., “plants – poisonous” leaves out poisonous plants from the search) Language – with this option, we choose the language of the page that we are browsing Region – here we choose a page of a specific country File type – we set the search for e.g., only those files with an .xlsx extension Date – determines the time origin of the searched data (e.g., we search for the news published in the last 24 hours) is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 6/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Appearances – looks for results that appear in the title (e.g., allintitle: siamese cat), in the body of a document, in the url, etc. domain – searches for a word or a phrase on a specific domain or a web page (e.g., siamese similar – finds pages similar to the one we are looking for (e.g., links – it shows pages that are related to the page we have been browsing Error Messages After pressing the Submit button, you need to pay attention to the apparition of some type of warning that the data did not reach its destination. The warning may say, for example, that their system is overloaded and does not have time to process new data, and that you should try sending the web form later. Making online payments requires extra caution because the request may be processed after all, and thus the process of submitting the form should not be repeated until we are confident that the original payment is not finalized. 3.1.3 UNDERSTANDING THE IMPORTANCE OF R EVISING INFORMATION IN WEB FORMS. It is important to correctly enter the information into the web form; in order for users to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings in filling out the form, a link is offered next to almost every field, which, when clicked on, offers the explanation of the question and help in answering it. If we have any doubts about answering a certain questions, it is always advisable to revise the explanations offered by specific web servers. Figure 10. Using the links “Password strength” and “Find out more” provides explanations and help regarding the fields next to which these links are placed. 3.1.4 UNDERSTANDING PROBLE MS WITH POTENTIALLY UNVERIFIED SERVERS AND RISKS OF USING THEIR SERVICES. THE ABILITY TO TAKE PREVENTIVE MEASURES. As we have already mentioned in the previous block handbook (Information_Search, link: ), there are many dangers lurking on the Internet; therefore, caution and responsibility are necessary, because otherwise the consequences might range from a malware infection to a financial fraud, and even to an identity theft. The term spam signifies unwanted, mass-distributed electronic mail (advertisements, notifications about subjects you are not subscribed to, fake private mail, etc). A spam may contain a spyware, a virus, or a similar malicious program. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 7/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Preventive measures: it is mandatory to use a so-called anti-spam protection, do not leave your private email address on unreliable web pages create temporary email addresses that you will use for registration on unverified web pages if you receive a message from an unknown sender, especially if it contains an attachment, it is best to delete such messages without opening them A term Phishing refers to a kind of fraud where persons make false self-presentations thereby using forged email messages and web pages, with the goal of acquiring confidential information (credit card numbers, pins...). You can find out more about protection from viruses and other malicious programs in the handbook Basic concepts of Information and Communication Technology, chapter: Protection when using ICT, published via this link: In order to protect our information from unauthorized access and theft, we use the kind of username and password that confirm our identity in the computer world and disable unauthorized access to our information. Also, if we need to step away from the computer for a short while, it is important to lock it. We lock the computer in the Start menu, by pressing on the arrow next to the Shut Down button and by choosing the Lock option. 3.1.5 UNDERSTANDING SAFETY RISKS OF REVEALING C REDIT CARD DETAILS WHEN FILLING OUT WEB FORM S AND THE ABILITY TO TAKE PREVENTION MEASURES. A safe website address starts with the protocol https, and in the address field (or the status field, depending on the browser) there will be a padlock icon . Secure connections use certificates in order to identify a website. Certificates with a more detailed validation (Extended Validation) mark the address with a green color (applies to Internet Explorer 8 and 9). Digital certificates are electronic devices that confirm the identity of a person on the Internet. It enables a safe communication, e.g., access to bank accounts. For additional security in online payments you can use a special bank card that does not allow for a negative balance and there are always a few dollars on the account. Immediately before using such card, you transfer the money onto that account after which you can use online payment without the fear of financial damage in case your bank account information gets stolen. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 8/34 – project of computer e-education with open access 3.2 PARTICIPATION – APPROACH – INTERACTION – USAGE As stated in the block 2 handbook, the easiest way to find information and details about offered services is by typing the keywords into the browser and by loading the most relevant web pages, which are usually displayed among the first search results. 3.2.1 NEWS: BEING ABLE TO SEND ELECTRONIC MAIL TO A LOCAL INFORMATION STATION, PARTICIPATE IN THE NEWS, FILL OUT THE FORM THAT ASKS FOR YOUR OPINION ABOUT THE LOCAL NEWS REPORT. On the websites of information stations, there are pages with contact email addresses that we can use for sending suggestions and critiques. At the bottom of the Croatian radio-television page (HRT), we can click on a link Contacts and a page with links to email addresses and phone numbers will open. By choosing the link E-mail address HRT-a, a page with a list of sections and shows will load. If we click on any show or section link, this will automatically start a program for sending and receiving mail that is installed on our computer. Then a new message will be created with the address of the section/show that we just clicked on in its address field. Figure 11a. The “Contacts“ page of the Croatian national radio-television network website is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 9/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Figure 11b. The page of the BBC radiotelevision network website – contact form Considering that information stations want to attract as many users as possible; they try to make it easier for those who are interested to express their opinions and suggestions, and the most common ways of doing that are: online questionnaires (typically anonymous; requires choosing one of the offered answers and clicking on the Submit button), web forms for submitting opinions (they usually ask for the sender's contact address), discussion groups, etc. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 10/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Figure 12a. Web page of the Croatian national radio-television network HRT Forum Figure 12b. Web page of the Backpack Europe Bulletin Board Figure 12c. On the web portal Yahoo! News, below every published news, there is text box for entering comments; only logged-in users can leave comment is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 11/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Figure 13. Pages with contacts and forms for sending remarks to the Otvoreni Radio and Voice of Africa station is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 12/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Figure 14. At the homepage of the Antena Radio, there is a web form for sending a message, as well as a survey (consisting of a field for the exclusive selection of offered options (Radio Button)). By choosing the link “Rezultati” (Results), we can see the current survey results without participating in it. On some information station websites, contact email addresses can be found on the Impressum link (as in the previous picture). Also, a great number of information stations offer a subscription to news, which registered users then receive via email. 3.2.2 GOVERNMENT: BEING ABLE TO SEND A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION CIA ELECTRONIC MAIL, DOWNLOAD THE INFORMATION ABOU T GOVERNMENT SERVICES, SEND A TAX RETURN FORM, SEND ONE’S DATA INTO THE CENSUS LIST, PARTICIPATE IN DISCUSSION GROUPS. On the websites of government institutions, there are also links with lists of contact email addresses. In the main menu of the Croatian Government web page (, there is a link Adresar i linkovi (Address book and links) (which will load the page shown in the next picture) with the main contact information of this institution. On the right side, there are links for individual services, under which there are links and information about the social networks where each of those institutions has a profile and where you can receive news and notifications. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 13/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Figure 15. A page with the contact email addresses of the Croatian Parliament website. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 14/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Figure 16. A page with the contacts of the European Parliament website. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 15/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Figure 17. Online service HITRO.HR – “servis Vlade Republike Hrvatske za ubrzanu komunikaciju građana i poslovnih subjekata s državnom upravom” ("Service of the Croatian Government for facilitating the communication of citizens and businesses with the state administration”). Its purpose is to raise service levels by increasing the speed, efficiency, flexibility and transparency of state administration. HITRO.HR provides faster and easier access to information and services in one place for citizens and business entities. HITRO.HR counters within the Financial Agency (FINA) can be the easiest and fastest way to establish a company or open a business. HITRO.HR service provides Web services that are available from your own office or home, 24 hours a day at a time when it best suits you. (Source: 3.2.3 A CONSUMER: BEING ABLE TO SEND ELECTRONIC MAIL TO ONE'S BANK WITH A QUESTION ABOUT ONLINE BANKING; MAKING A MONEY TRANSFER FROM ONE ACCOUNT TO ANOTHER, ORDERING A THEATER TICKET, FINDING A CAR SALE OFFER, BUYING A CD OR A BOOK, PAYING BILLS, ETC. Sending an email to a bank Websites of individual banks also contain pages with contact email addresses of sections and individuals within a specific bank, as well as the instructions on how to use their e-services. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 16/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Figure18. Homepage and the “Impressum” page of the Zagrebačka banka website Online banking provides certain benefits (24 hour access, various ways for balance checking, etc.). Many banks offer the e-banking service, which we became familiar with in the previous block. Users get a device for password exchange (token), which is used for account login, as well as their own username and password. After logging into the online banking page, we usually see a menu with types of services on the left side, and when we click on one of the offered ones, a form with basic options for that type of a service will open on the right side of the screen. After finishing the e-banking service, it is important to log out of the system, usually by clicking on the Sign out link at the bottom of the left menu. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 17/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Ordering a theater ticket A few theaters in Zagreb offer the possibility of making ticket reservations. So, if we want to make a ticket reservation for, e.g., the Croatian National Theater, on the theater website (which we can also find using our search engine; ), we have to click on the Online kupnja (Online shopping) link in the right menu, which will open the page “Repertoar” (Repertoire) where we select the show of our interest in order to view its seat reservations (next picture). We continue by clicking on one of the available seats (a white square on the picture, as explained by the legend on the left side). Then we click on the "Accept" button, which confirms our selection and redirects us onto the page where we leave our personal information (first and last name, phone number, and email address). Figure 19. Online theater ticket reservation at the Croatian National Theater and Irish Multiplex Cinemas website is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 18/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Obtaining bids for a car purchase Car sellers and producers with business branches in Croatia usually have their own web page whose address is composed of their automobile brand name and the Croatian domain (e.g.,, etc.). On majority of such specialized web pages, we can also find the “configuration“ button, i.e., we can select certain car features, such as the rim appearance, etc. In the following pictures we can see the Configuration link in the main menu, where we first select the car model, and then we choose from various offered options. The selections that we make are immediately applied to the car picture at the top of the page. Figure20. A vehicle configurator at the Opel – Croatia web page is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 19/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Buying a CD or a book More famous bookstores have been offering online book shopping (and often times multimedia products – movies, albums, videogames, etc.) for a long time now. Some of them are Algoritam ( ), Sveznadar ( ). On the main page of Amazon, there is a notification “your cart is empty.“ After finding the title of our interest using the search box, we will see the Buy button next to the photo of the book cover. Clicking on that button will load the page displaying our cart, i.e., the book we want to buy. The upper right corner shows the number of selected items and their total price. We can still find another book of our interest and “add it to the cart,“ and finally, clicking on the “proceed to checkout“ button will redirect us onto the page where we need to log in to complete the payment. Figure 21. Homepage of the online bookstore Amazon Figure 22. After clicking on the Add to cart button, our shopping cart will be displayed with the items we purchased is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 20/34 – project of computer e-education with open access 3.2.4 TRAVELING: BEING ABLE TO MAKE A FLIGHT AND A HOTEL ROOM RESERVATION, RENTING A CAR. Just as, for example, theaters offer online reservations and ticket sales, so do airline companies offer online reservations and payments for, usually quite affordable, flights. On the web page of every airline company, there is a web form where we enter the departure location and destination, as well as the flight date, and see their offers in search results. On the main page of Croatia Airlines (, there is a web form where, except for the aforementioned information, we can also view non-direct flights and flights for earlier and later dates than the one that we selected. When we click on the date link, a calendar will open (as displayed in the picture below), and clicking on the date of our preference will thereby insert that date into the date field. Figure 23. Homepage of the Croatian Airlines website – it contains the online ticket purchase web form One of the better known airline companies that offer very cheap flights is Ryan Air (, and it also contains a web form similar to the one shown in the picture above. For booking a hotel room, we also use a web form, this one being simpler than the flight is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 21/34 – project of computer e-education with open access reservation form (i.e., it requires less information) – it only requires the date of arrival and the number of persons. The fastest way to book a hotel room is to type the key words into the search box (e.g., hotel reservation Pula), and find adequate pages using the obtained search results. The first result of this search is the link for the ( web page, displayed in the following picture. It also includes a visible web form containing a few fields in the drop down menu through which we select desired options. Then we click on the Search button. Figure 24. The site for booking hotel rooms Figure 25. site with search results for accommodation in Pula is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 22/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Except for the above mentioned website, there are other site where one can book a hotel room, for example, Some web pages for booking hotel rooms also offer car rental services. A web form for renting a car is very similar to those web forms mentioned in previous sections – in the dropdown menu, we select the desired option, and then click the Search button. In the search results, we can see the cars that are available (with their specifications, prices, etc.) and make a reservation for one by clicking on the Reserve now button. Figure 26. web page with the car reservation web form 3.2.5 EDUCATION/SCHOOLING: BEING ABLE TO EMAIL A QUESTION ABOUT COURSES, FILLING OUT APPLICATION FORMS, RESERVING A BOOK IN T HE LIBRARY. PARTICIPATING IN AN INTERACTIVE INTERNET CLASS OR COURSE. Institutes that organize courses usually have a web page where you can find additional information about their education programs, as well as contact information (typically on the link Contacts) where potential users can ask questions. Some of those institutions also offer online education, the most famous one being internationally famous Massachusetts Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 23/34 – project of computer e-education with open access of Technology (MIT) with their initiative MIT Open Courseware – a web page with published free education materials (PDF documents, audio and video recordings of some lectures), for both undergraduate and graduate levels. Figure 27. MIT Open Courseware website ( ) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Most of the private education institutions in Croatia nowadays offer some form of eeducation, either by offering online courses or by selling CDs that cover necessary materials for exams. Some informatics schools offer sales of multimedia digital materials on their websites for individual courses. The web page with published video presentations and quizzes for all 3 blocks of the e-Citizen program, along with this guidebook, are also examples of online education. The materials are published on the page - the project of computer e-education with free access. With the help of this page, one can master basic computer skills, in particular by using the following: - the guidebook with detailed instructions, whose technical validity was confirmed by Infokatedra, center for education, Zagreb is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 24/34 – project of computer e-education with open access - - scripts that cover the necessary materials, video presentations for studying – they are set up in such a way that they pause whenever a textbox appears indicating what is coming next or containing some other kind of explanation (a sign “Paused. Click to continue.” appears in the upper left corner), and the video can start again by clicking anywhere on the video box. Once the web page loads, the video is already paused because of text boxes, which are the first to appear. examples of exams and video presentations that show solutions to mock exams quizzes that users can solve on their own Access to those materials is open and free; in other words, it is not necessary to open a user account or to leave one's email address, and its use is completely free, as well as printing the guidebook. The purpose of the project is primarily to enable a free computer education for all individuals, considering that it has become the basic need for doing modern business, which requires modern ways of spreading knowledge. We want to facilitate a practical mastering of computer knowledge and skills, as well as utilize the advantages of eeducation (studying at those times and with that tempo which fits the needs of our users, revising the necessary materials, testing the knowledge via quizzes). Secondly, our goal is to use the project in order to actively promote the human right to education and free access to information, to raise public awareness about the expansion of the meaning of the term “literacy,” which now also includes digital literacy, as well as to promote digital literacy. Just like this guidebook, all of the materials published on the page are protected by the following copyright: “Freely copy, print and distribute this entire publication or its parts, including for the purpose of organized education, either in public or private education organizations, but exclusively for non-commercial purposes (i.e., free of charge), with the obligatory citation of its source.” Another web project of our association is to publish the materials that cover the teaching of 5th to 8th grade mathematics on the website materials are animated (they appear gradually) and can be accelerated and re-inspected as needed without logging in or leaving any personal information. Part of the "" project’s goal is to ensure a free and inclusive education for primary school mathematics and thus promote the human rights to free access to education and information. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 25/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Figure 28. website – primary school mathematics from grade 5 to 8 is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 26/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Reserving a book in a library As we already mentioned in the guidebook of the previous block, the libraries contain catalogues on its websites that can be browsed (using the author’s name, book title, year of publication, keywords, etc.). They also have the link Contacts (with general contact info and email addresses of relevant individuals within the organization), and usually also has two sublinks: Questions and suggestions (a web form that we have seen in the part that explains how to send suggestions to information stations). We can check the book availability and make reservations by email or phone. Figure 29. Web pages , Ask Librarian at Harvard Library (; is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 27/34 – project of computer e-education with open access 3.2.6 EMPLOYMENT: BEING ABLE TO FILL OUT AN APPLICATION FORM, SENDING A RESUME TO AN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY OR A POTENTIAL EMPLOYER. On the web page of the Croatian employment bureau, one can find job advertisements for both employees (ads regarding job spots) and employers (ads about unemployed persons). After clicking on the “employees” button, a page will load with links to various career categories, and on the left side there will be a field for selecting the region where individual jobs are being offered. Figure 30a. Labor Exchange website of the Croatian Employment Office We can register on this page through the web form shown in the following picture; and afterwards, we can upload our resume as well as start receiving notification emails. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 28/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Figure 30b. A web form for registering onto the Labor Exchange market of the Croatian Employment Office Similar online services are being offered by websites such as, and, and, which also offer the service of browsing job ads, creating online resumes, news search, as well as job searching advice. Figure 31. and websites is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 29/34 – project of computer e-education with open access 3.2.7 HEALTH: BEING ABLE T O FILL OUT A FORM FOR REQUESTING A BROCHURE OR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT A HEALTH PROBLEM; MAKING AN APPOINTMENT IN A LOCAL HOSPITAL VIA EMAIL. FILLING OUT A REQUEST FOR HEALTH I NSURANCE. As already mentioned in the handbook of block 2, there are also specialized portals that offer news from the field of medicine, list various disease symptoms, and enable their users to submit questions to web pages which are then publically answered by medical doctors. Some of those portals include: On these web pages we can read or ask about e.g., symptoms of certain drugs, potential substitutes for those drugs, etc. By selecting the “ask a doctor via email” link, a page will load with a web form where we can type a question or a comment, but before submitting it, we ought to enter a number sequence shown on the picture below (anti-spam protection). Figure 32. The website – a web form to sign up and post questions/comments Health insurance companies nowadays also offer online insurances where we also use web forms to fill out the needed information, to select desired options, and finally, to send a request for purchasing that insurance policy. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 30/34 – project of computer e-education with open access Figure 33. and websites. 3.2.8 INTEREST GROUPS: BEING ABLE TO SEND A MESSAGE TO AN ONLINE BULLETIN BOARD, BECOMING A MEMBER OF A DISCUSSION GROUP, PARTICIPATING AS A MEMBER OF A SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP. Discussion groups are places where groups of people communicate about their common interests. Examples of discussion groups are Google Groups and Yahoo Groups. On the web page, for example, we can search for a group that suits our interests according to keywords, location, etc. The search results comprise of links to individual groups along with short group descriptions, number of members, activity (a calendar marks the days of communication between members). If we are signed in to a Yahoo! email account, by clicking on the “Join this group” button, a page will load where we adjust settings regarding the means of contact when email is sent to the group: by individual email (every message is received as a separate email message); in addition, we can receive one email a day containing the entire communication in the last 24 hours, and finally, we can receive email notifications once a week. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 31/34 – project of computer e-education with open access We can start our own group very easily by choosing the link Create your group and defining the basic information (the name of the group, a short description, whether it is public or private). Figure 34. The Yahoo! Groups page and the page of tangozagreb group is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 32/34 – project of computer e-education with open access 3.2.9 BUSINESS: BEING ABLE TO FILL OUT A LIST OF EXPENSES, SENDING A SALES REPORT ON THE INTRANET, ORDERING ANNUAL OR QUARTAL REPORTS. INQUIRING ABOUT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. Companies nowadays usually have forms for expenses and similar reports that are often stored as web forms on the intranet (a computer network that can be accessed only from that company). The firm employees, depending on their positions and functions, can be allowed access to company resources and to publish information, which then also become available to other employees. On the web page we can see a demo intranet portal. Just choose the Try link, sign up as one of the suggested employees, and we have a completely functional and interactive representation of the intranet, along with an overview of current and future tasks and duties. On the left side, there are examples of typical web forms that are frequently encountered in the business world. Figure 35. A Demo intranet portal on the page is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 33/34 – project of computer e-education with open access GENERAL TERMS OF USE Web–page was initiated by the association „Otvoreno društvo za razmjenu ideja - ODRAZI“ as part of the active promotion of human rights to free information access and education. Freely copy and distribute this document under the condition that it remains unchanged. The rights to all programs and services listed on the web page ITdesk Home on the web address are exclusively owned by their authors. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows XX are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation company. Other trademarks used on the ITdesk Home web pages are in their exclusive ownership. In case you have any questions related to use or distribution of any of the programs, please contact the authors of the present program. Send all additional questions to ___________________________________ These web pages contain links to other web pages or sources. The team IS NOT responsible neither for the textual or advertising content; i.e., for the products offered on those web pages/sources, nor for the content that is available through them, for their usage capacity, or content accuracy. Use the links at your own risk. Also, the team does not guarantee: that the content on these web pages is free of errors or suitable for every purpose that these web pages or services will function without errors or disruptions that they will be appropriate for your needs that the implementation of such content will not infringe upon patents, copyrights, trademarks or other rights of any third party. If you do not agree with these terms of service or if you are not content with the web pages we offer, cease the use of this website and web services. The team is not liable to neither to you nor to any third parties for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential, related to or resultant from your misuse of these websites or web services. Although your claim may be based on warranty, contract, tort or some other her legal basis, regardless of our acquaintance with the possibility of such damages, we are released from all liability. Accepting the limitations of our liability is a necessary prerequisite for the use of these websites and web services. All software listed in this or other documents posted on the website are listed only for educational purposes or as an example, and we, do not prefer that software to some other software in any way. Any statement that some software is preferred to another that is or is not mentioned in the materials will be considered as a false statement. Our direct and unconditional support belong only to open source software that allow users to become digitally literate without obstacles, to use the computer, and to participate in the modern informatics society. Special Note: The instructions in this manual refer to the operating system Microsoft Windows 7 and the office suite Microsoft Office 2010. There may be both small and significant deviations in other versions. is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 34/34 – project of computer e-education with open access project of computer e-education with open access Publisher: Open Society for Idea Exchange (ODRAZI), Zagreb ISBN: 978-953-7908-19-5 is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Croatia License 35/34