April - June 2011 - India Association of Indianapolis
April - June 2011 - India Association of Indianapolis
ON OF IND IA N IND LIS, INC. IA ASS PO OC I TI A A I NDIANA Vol. 35 No. 2 BHARATI B;;rt;I A Publication of the India Association of Indianapolis, Inc. A Magazine with a Mission - to Inform, Communicate and Enlighten IAI President’s Message Greetings! I am hoping that by the time this edition of Bharati is available for perusal, the misery of cold weather will diminish and we will enjoy the sunny crispy days of spring. For us, spring also brings to mind, the vibrant colors of Holi. I would like to remind everyone that IAI is hosting HOLI DHAMAKA on April 16th, Saturday at India Community Center. We have an exciting slate of programs for this event. You do not want to miss this! I hope that you all will be able to join us for Holi celebration and make it a huge success. We are three months into the year 2011. The Executive Committee members have settled comfortably into their new roles and have been busy planning the events for this year. I consider myself truly blessed to be part of this team that consists of dedicated, helping, motivated and tireless individuals. We all agreed to focus this year on increased participation from veteran IAI members, new IAI members, sister organizations and other regional groups in all IAI events which include SUMMER IAI PICNIC, INDIA DAY, DIWALI GALA, INDIA BOOTH AT INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL. Be sure to check out our website for complete information. www.myiai.org It would be unfeasible for us to achieve our goals for IAI, unless we have the support of your memberships and sponsorships. This is a risk free investment for you and your family that will give you immediate gratification of playing an important role in fostering enjoyable cultural, educational and charitable activities. Your memberships and sponsorships for 2011 will give us the momentum and encouragement to fulfill the mission of IAI. So, please renew or initiate your IAI membership soon. IAI Executive Committee appreciates your feedback to improve IAI. Please do not hesitate to contact me with your comments with an email or a phone call. I invite you all again to attend IAI events and we promise you a not-to-be-forgotten experience. Thank you April-June 2011 Community Service Group Activities We are having a food drive for Dove Center and Julian Center on April 16th at the Holi function. In June, we will help Kids against Hunger pack food to feed starving children throughout the world. In August, we plan to do a back to school bag pack drive. On September 24th,we will serve lunch at the Wheeler center for women and children. Those who want to participate in all the above mentioned activities, please contact me at amitaahuja11@aol.com Thanks, Amita Ahuja Worldcup Cricket Champions India Congratulations India! What a classic and classy win! On behalf of IAI, Our salute to our Team India, to their determination, their courage and their talent. They have made all of us very very proud!! Raju Chinthala, Chairman, IAI India Association of Indianapolis Summer Picnic June 18th, Saturday 11am – 3 pm Broad Ripple Park, Indianapolis Indiana 46220 Bring your family, friends and yourself. Free Admission Reeta Bhargava President, Executive Committee IAI 2011 cooldrmom@aol.com Visit Our Website: www.myiai.org I A I T E A M 2 0 1 1 First Name Last Name Title Term Email Phone No. April-June 2011 BOARD Raju ........................ Chinthala............... Chairman............................. 2008 - 2011......................... rajuchinthala@gmail.com.................... (317) 339-7461 Manga..................... Rau........................ Vice Chairperson................. 2009 - 2012......................... mangarau@aol.com............................ (317) 843-9330 Haresh..................... Gangwani.............. Secretary............................. 2010 - 2013......................... hareshgangwani@yahoo.com............ (317) 663-7722 Wilfred..................... Mascarenhas........ Treasurer............................. 2008 - 2011......................... towilfred@yahoo.com.......................... (317) 578-4312 Atul.......................... Bhargava............... Jt. Treasurer......................... 2008 - 2011......................... atul@thecomputercenter.com............. (317) 201-9211 Geetha..................... Babu...................... Member............................... 2009 - 2012......................... geetham60@aol.com.......................... (317) 418-9935 Rupal....................... Thanawala............. Member............................... 2009 - 2012......................... rupal.thanawala@us.pwc.com............ (317) 536-5130 Rajendra.................. Shah...................... Member............................... 2009 - 2012......................... rkshah@aol.com................................. (317) 297-7541 Yogen...................... Parikshak............... Member............................... 2010 - 2013......................... yogen@mibor.net................................ (317) 846-5224 Amita....................... Ahuja..................... Member............................... 2011 - 2014......................... amitaahuja11@aol.com....................... (317) 566-1558 Beenu...................... Sikand................... Member............................... 2011 - 2014......................... bsikand@yahoo.com.......................... (317) 862-0524 Ajay.......................... Ponugoti................ Member............................... 2011 - 2014......................... ponugoti@yahoo.com......................... (317) 733-9883 Shanti....................... Panicker................ Member............................... 2011 - 2014......................... iampeace@hotmail.com..................... (317) 570-4974 Reeta....................... Bhargava............... Member............................... 2011..................................... cooldrmom@aol.com.......................... (317) 848-1286 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Reeta....................... Bhargava............... President.............................. 2011..................................... cooldrmom@aol.com.......................... (317) 848-1286 Kavya....................... Reddy.................... Vice President...................... 2011..................................... kavya@svtechglobal.com................... (317) 587-8686 Rejimon.................... Varghese............... Secretary............................. 2011..................................... vgrejimon@gmail.com........................ (317) 508-9460 Munvier.................... Singh..................... Treasurer............................. 2011..................................... munivsingh@sbcglobal.net................. (317) 770-0277 Manisha................... Desai..................... Jt. Treasurer......................... 2011..................................... dsm2r@sbcglobal.net......................... (317) 815-9450 Reena...................... Gangwani.............. Jt. Secretary......................... 2011..................................... reenahg@hotmail.com........................ (317) 663-7722 Rita.......................... Devnani................. Jt. Secretary......................... 2011..................................... rdevnani@indy.rr.com......................... (317) 573-9662 Sridhara................... Ramanna............... Jt. Secretary......................... 2011..................................... sridhar1905@gmail.com..................... (317) 219-3860 Rajan....................... Gajaria................... Jt. Secretary......................... 2011..................................... rajangajaria@gmail.com..................... (317) 566-1995 Situ........................... Mistry..................... Jt. Secretary......................... 2011..................................... pokhran23@hotmail.com.................... (317) 889-1970 Raj........................... Kanuparthi............. Jt. Secretary......................... 2011..................................... rajkanuparthi@gmail.com................... (317) 522-0933 Prashant.................. Pradhan................. Jt. Secretary......................... 2011..................................... pranoti@rocketmail.com..................... (317) 585-8288 Archana................... Chaudhary............ Youth Group Advisor........... 2011..................................... archana618@hotmail.com.................. (317) 705-0278 FINE ARTS COMMITTEE Mahesh.................... Merchant............... Director................................ 2011..................................... maheshmerchant@hotmail.com......... (317) 733-9720 Kshama................... Ranade.................. Asst. Director....................... 2011..................................... kranade@hotmail.com........................ (317) 581-1276 Parvathy................... Hadley................... Secretary............................. 2011..................................... hadleypar@aol.com............................ (765) 452-4026 Arvind...................... Thakkar................. Treasurer............................. 2011..................................... arvindthakkar@att.net......................... (317) 872-0740 Chetan..................... Shukla................... Jt. Secretary......................... 2011..................................... chetanshukla@hotmail.com................ (317) 876-5195 Romil........................ Saxena.................. Jt. Secretary......................... 2011..................................... rsaxena@iupui.edu............................. (317) 332-9144 STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE Kanchana ............... Ishwar.................... Chairperson......................... 2010 - 2013......................... kvishwar@sbcglobal.net..................... (317) 848-8943 V.R........................... Ishwar.................... Member............................... 2010 - 2013......................... kvishwar@sbcglobal.net..................... (317) 848-8943 Vijay......................... Reddy.................... Member............................... 2010 - 2013......................... vijayapalr@gmail.com......................... (317) 843-8482 Sheila....................... Aiyar...................... Member............................... 2010 -2013.......................... sheilaiyar@yahoo.com........................ (317) 573-9642 Subhash.................. Mahajan................ Member............................... 2010 - 2013......................... mahajancorp@comcast.net................ (317) 823-8032 Raju ........................ Chinthala............... Member............................... 2011..................................... rajuchinthala@gmail.com.................... (317) 339-7461 COMMUNITY SERVICES GROUP. Amita....................... Ahuja..................... Team Leader....................... 2011..................................... amitaahuja11@aol.com....................... (317) 566-1558 Shobha ................... Reddy.................... Member............................... 2011..................................... shobha_vijayapal@yahoo.com........... (317) 843-8482 Chandra................... Krishnamaneni...... Member............................... 2011..................................... raokcs@yahoo.com............................ (317) 574-0122 Geeta....................... Nevrekar................ Member............................... 2011..................................... nevrekar4@comcast.net..................... (317) 842-8475 Neera....................... Dayal..................... Member............................... 2011..................................... dayals@hotmail.com........................... (317) 598-0244 Poonam................... Chandoke.............. Member............................... 2011..................................... powgen7@comcast.net...................... (317) 328-2205 COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTE. Kanchana ............... Ishwar ................. Spokesperson . ................... 2010 - 2011......................... kvishwar@sbcglobal.net..................... (317) 848-8943 Vijay......................... Gombar ............... Editor e-Bharati . ................. 2010 - 2011......................... vjindyan@hotmail.com ....................... (317) 569-1128 Archana ................. Chaudhary ........... Asst. Editor e-Bharati . ........ 2010 - 2011......................... archana618@hotmail.com.................. (317) 705-0278 Ram ....................... Ravindran . ........... Editor Bharati ...................... 2010 - 2011......................... rravindr@iupui.edu . ........................... (317) 291-2816 Madhu .................. Bhargava............... Asst. Editor Bharati ............. 2010 - 2011......................... madhu@bharprinting.com ................. (317) 862-2228 Raju ..................... Chinthala............... Webmaster.......................... 2010 - 2011......................... rajuchinthala@gmail.com.................... (317) 339-7461 Wilfred..................... Mascarenhas........ Advertisement Editor .......... 2010 - 2011......................... towilfred@yahoo.com.......................... (317) 578-4312 Ramu ...................... Chinthala ............. Web Developer . ................. 2010 - 2011......................... chinthala@gmail.com.......................... (317) 816-1293 India Community Center Developing and Management Committee (ICCDMC) Haresh .................... Gangwani.............. President . ........................... 2011..................................... hareshgangwani@yahoo.com............ (317) 663-7722 Atul.......................... Bhargava............... Treasurer ............................ 2011..................................... atul@thecomputercenter.com............. (317) 201-9211 Yogen ..................... Parikshak............... Member............................... 2011..................................... yogen@mibor.net................................ (317) 846-5224 Rajendra.................. Shah...................... Member .............................. 2011..................................... rkshah@aol.com................................. (317) 297-7541 Raju......................... Chinthala............... Member .............................. 2011..................................... rajuchinthala@gmail.com.................... (317) 339-7461 Wilfred..................... Mascarenhas........ Member .............................. 2011..................................... towilfred@yahoo.com.......................... (317) 578-4312 Manga..................... Rau........................ Member .............................. 2011..................................... mangarau@aol.com............................ (317) 843-9330 Mohammed............. Khan...................... Administrator ...................... 2011..................................... kjukhankhan@yahoo.com .................. (317) 297-4640 2 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor: Ram Ravindran......................................................................... 291-2816 Assistant Editor: Madhu Bhargava........................................................ 899-1020 Advertising Editor, Wilfred Mascarenhas . ............................................ 578-4312 Chairman, IAI Board: Raju Chinthala.................................................... 339-7461 President, IAI Executive Committee: Reeta Bhargava.......................... 848-1286 Editor: Please mail your articles to Ram Ravindran • rravindr@iupui.edu or Mail: 7731 Traders Cove Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46254 Phone: 291-2816 Advertisement: Wilfred Mascarenhas • towilfred@yahoo.com Mail your payment to: 8258 Cloverdale Way, Indianapolis, IN 46256 • 578-4312 Please mail your ads to Madhu Bhargava at Bhar Printing Address. Printer: Bhar Printing, Inc. 8745 Rawles Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46219 PH 899-1020 Fax: 317-898-8196 Email: madhu@bharprinting.com Bharati is a quarterly newsletter of the India Association of Indianapolis, Inc., dedicated to communicate, inform and enlighten the Community and be a forum for fostering Indian arts and culture. It reaches approx. 1200 families of Indian American Community of Central Indiana. Bharati invites advertisements, articles and letters to the editor. Articles should be of general interest and not be more than 600 words. Letters to the editor should not exceed 200 words. Letters should be mail or email and must include your name. The editor reserves the right to edit any material selected for publication. The deadline for receiving articles and advertising for the July-August is June 15, 2011. The advertisement rates are as follows. Please make checks payable to India Association of Indianapolis. One Issue Four Issues Print + E Top Print + E Side Full page Half page Quarter page Business Card $300 $150 $100 $ 75 $1200 $ 600 $ 400 $ 300 $1350 $ 750 $ 550 $ 450 $1325 $ 725 $ 525 $ 425 India Association of Indianapolis is not responsible for ad formatting and misprint. Please provide pre-formatted ad to our publisher and verify ads prior to print by request. Business Card size advertisements will be provided free to Non-Profit Sister Organizations. April-June 2011 3 IAI - Fine Arts Committee Presents Yogini Gandhi : Kathak Dance Recital Saturday, May 14, 2011, 7 P.M. Venue: IUPUI Informatics Building, 535 W. Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202 General - $20, Students - $15, ICMCI Members – Free IAI - Fine ArtsContribution: Committee Presents Yogini Gandhi is amongst very few dancers who perform two Indian classical dance styles -Kathak & Odissi with equal dexterity and virtuosity. Trained under the legendary dance maestros Pt. Birju Maharaj and Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra, Yogini’s dance creatively infuses her individual artistic perception with the knowledge she has received from her gurus. At this concert, Yogini will present creative compositions in the Kathak style. For more information visit http://www.yoginigandhi.com/index.htm For more information and tickets, contact: Mahesh Merchant 317 733 9720 maheshmerchant@hotmail.com Kshama Ranade 317 581 1276 kranade@hotmail.ciom, Arvind Thakkar 317-872-0740 arvindthakkar@att.net Chetan Shukla 317-876-5195 chetanshukla@hotmail.com, Parvathy Hadley 317-887-6621 hadleypar@aol.com Yogini Gandhi : Kathak Dance Recital Saturday, May 14, 2011, 7 P.M. Venue: IUPUI Informatics Building, 535 W. Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202. Contribution: General - $20, Students - $15, ICMCI Members – Free IAI - Fine Arts Committee Presents Manjiri Asanare Kelkar : Hindustani Vocal Recital Accompanists - Suyog Kundalkar (Harmonium) and Sanjay Deshpande (Tabla) Saturday, April 16, 2011, 5 P.M. IAI - Fine Arts Committee Venue: Merchant Residence at 6702 S. 850 E. Zionsville, IN 46077 Presents Contribution: General - $20, Students - $15, ICMCI Members – Free ogini Gandhi is amongst very few dancers who perform two Indian classical dance styles Kathak & Odissi with equal dexterity and virtuosity. Trained under the legendary dance maestros Pt. Birju Maharaj and Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra, Yogini's dance creatively infuses her individual artistic perception with the knowledge she has received from her gurus. At this concert, Yogini will present creative compositions in the Kathak style. For more information visit http://www.yoginigandhi.com/index.htm For more information and tickets, contact: Mahesh Merchant 317 733 9720 maheshmerchant@hotmail.com Kshama Ranade 317 581 1276 kranade@hotmail.ciom Arvind Thakkar 317-872-0740 arvindthakkar@att.net Chetan Shukla 317-876-5195 chetanshukla@hotmail.com Parvathy Hadley 317-887-6621 hadleypar@aol.com A young and talented Hindustani Classical Vocalist Manjiri Asanare-Kelkar is an exponent of Jaipur Atrauli gharana. Her pliant, polished and seasoned voice earned her a spontaneous appreciation as “Future Kesarbai Kerkar”. Manjiri will be ably supported by Suyog Kundalkar on Harmonium and Sanjay Deshpande on the Tabla. For more information and sample music clips of Manjiri, please visit www.manjiriasanare-kelkar.com For more information and tickets, contact: Mahesh Merchant 317 733 9720 maheshmerchant@hotmail.com Kshama Ranade 317 581 1276 kranade@hotmail.ciom Arvind Thakkar 317-872-0740 arvindthakkar@att.net Chetan Shukla 317-876-5195 chetanshukla@hotmail.com Parvathy Hadley 317-887-6621 hadleypar@aol.com Manjiri Asanare Kelkar : Hindustani VocalProgram Recital Ekal Vidyalaya Musical Accompanists On March 27th, 2011 we had a successful musical program for Ekal Vidyalaya at India Community Center, Indianapolis. Ekal’s mission Saturday, April 16, 2011, 4 P.M. is to eradicate illiteracy from rural and tribal India with holistic Venue: Merchant Residence at 6702 S 850 E, Zionsville, IN 46077 Ekal foundation is a– non Contribution:empowerment. General - $20, Students - $15, ICMCI Members Free profit organization that operates single teacher schools for children in under developed d talented Hindustani Classical Vocalist Manjiri Asanare-Kelkar is an exponent parts pliant, of India. do this basic literacy skills Atrauli gharana. Her polishedThey and seasoned voicewith earnedproviding her a us appreciation as "Future Kesarbai on Kerkar". Manjiri will be ably supported by with emphasis reading write and arithmetic. Through the dalkar on Harmonium and Sanjay Deshpande on the Tabla. For more information generous support of the community, we were able to sponsor music clips of Manjiri, please visit www.manjiriasanare-kelkar.com nearly 69 schools. We would like to thank all the supporters and For more information tickets, contact: volunteers and aandspecial thanks to India Association Chairperson Raju Chinthala and Sheila Aiyar. Mahesh Merchant 317 733 9720 maheshmerchant@hotmail.com Suyog Kundalkar (Harmonium) and Sanjay Deshpande (Tabla) Kshama Ranade 317 581 1276 kranade@hotmail.ciom Arvind Thakkar 317-872-0740 arvindthakkar@att.net Chetan Shukla 317-876-5195 chetanshukla@hotmail.com Parvathy Hadley 317-887-6621 hadleypar@aol.com Graphic Design • Printing • Finishing Transforming Printing into Effective Communication Complete Binding and Mailing Services Over 28 years in the Printing Industry 8745 Rawles Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-899-1020 • 317-898-8196 fax madhu@bharprinting.com 4 April-June 2011 Dr. Chaudhary Thank You! Dr. Ajai Chaudhary has been part of our Indian community for over 13 years. During this time he is an active member of IAI (Patron or Grand Patron for last 10 years). Active with IAI community Services Group, member of Fine Arts’ Committee and Member of Board of Trustees, IAI from 2005-2008. During his tenure as a board member he served as Secretary (2006), Vice Chairman (2007) and Chairman (2008). Chair, ICC Management Committee, 2006, also was an Editor for IAI Directory published in 2007. In addition, he was actively involved in many social activities in Indianapolis area including; Key Club Member of United Way of Central Indiana, Indianapolis International Festival, International Center of Indianapolis, Active fund raiser for Second Helpings, Wheeler Mission, Pink Honor Roll for Susan B Kommen Race for the cure for breast cancer and Asian American Alliance. IAI YOUTH GROUP Submitted by: Archana Chaudhary IAI youth group (Rushvi, Kushal, Pranoti, Sahil, Kuren, and Naveen) organized a fun-filled evening at ICC on Friday, March 18. About 25 young people, some of whom will be the next-generation leaders of Indian-American community, got together to bond with one another by playing some funfilled games to the lively music provided by Joe. The youth group wishes to thank IAI board chairman, Raju Chinthala, and IAI executive president, Reeta Bhargava, for their presence during this event and encourage all the young people to plan more youth group events in future. Special thanks are also due to event sponsors and chaperones – Vijay Reddy, Shobha Reddy, Ajai Chaudhary, Raj Kumar Gulati, Raj Kumari Gulati , Manisha Desai, Prashant Pradhan, Sridhar, Paresh Sanghani, Raju Chinthala, and Manga Rau. Opportunities to participate in community services activities for our young people will be announced as they become available. Watch for the following youth group events announcements on the IAI website, e-Bharati, and Bharati: Professionally, he joined Lilly in 1998, and Dr. Chaudhary Youth Group Hub at IAI picnic - 18th June has been a part of the ADME organization for over 12 years. Youth Group Talent Show/Dance Party - 9th September During this time he has held multiple roles as both an Youth Group Halloween Party - 21st October individual technical leader and as an administrative leader. Recently, he retired from Lilly and moving to east coast to pursue another opportunity. On behalf of IAI, we would like to thank Dr. Chaudhary and Mrs. Archana Chaudhary for their many contributions to Indian community and wish them well in future endeavors. Hindu American Vanaprasthi (Seniors) Network Conference Saturday, May 1, 2011 at Hindu Temple of Central Indiana From 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM followed by Dinner & Entertainment REGISTRATION FEE (includes meals and conference material): $25 per person. Engaging Vanaprasthis in Meaningful Activities • Lifestyle for seniors • Health, Seva, Networking and Estate Planning discussions • Light Entertainment • Social Mingling The Hindu American Vanaprasthi Network (HAVAN) is being launched to serve the self development and identification of service fields need for retired and to be retired members of Hindu Community living in America. The goal is to engage them locally in meaningful community service activities, develop a network, and opportunities to use their skills, specialties, and wisdom for the benefit of the society. For more information, please contact Kumar or Hansa Dave 317-889-7328, kdave@sbcglobal.net. Please call to register and check payable to VHPA. April-June 2011 On Sharing Knowledge, Skill and Experience Ram S. Ravindran Generally, the parents or concerned older relatives pass on their life experiences to their children so that they will have one leg up over the rest of the people in this highly competitive world. As immigrants most of us don’t have the benefit of having concerned parents and older relatives living nearby us. As immigrants or as native born Indian-Americans we have a lot to learn about living in this country. In Indianapolis, now we have a growing number of retired or nearly retiring Indians. Most of their children live elsewhere. Won’t it be nice if they would share their knowledge, skills and experiences of working in US or having lived in this country for the benefit of the newer immigrants or the native born second generation Indian-Americans? Moreover, some younger people may have personal or family issues that they would like to discuss with an impartial older person. The American counselors may not have the benefit of sharing the same cultural or traditional values. Besides they may cost a lot of money. 5 The IAI wants to stay relevant through its many outreach activities to the members. Perhaps the Community Service Group can contact these people and offer them an opportunity to present whatever they have to offer at periodic intervals at the ICC. With the weekly e-mails going out to members, now it is easy to keep the members and other interested folks informed on the upcoming events that may be of benefit to the community. Members in the news Kalpana Naik had her fashions exhibited at a charity event (March 13, 2011) to raise funds for Down syndrome Indiana organization. She was on Wish TV in the Indy style segment. Her work was written up in the Indianapolis Recorder and Star newspapers. Kalpana is into designing clothes, accessories and making sculptures. She has her own label called KanGan. Her collections can be found at local boutiques. Ram Ravindran Dj Naveen s Midwest’s #1 Disc Jockey and MC s Professional DJ, MC, Sound, and Lighting Expert s Has DJ’d several weddings and events in the Indianapolis and Surrounding Areas (References available upon request) Other Services include: • Dhol Players • Live Singers and Groups • Wedding and Event Coordination • Video, Photo, Screens, Projectors and Slideshows • Mandaps, Décor, Chair Covers, and Linens • Wedding and Event Invitations • Much More! Contact us for ALL Your Needs Contact Info: Ph: (248) 797-9707 • www.djnaveen.com • www.facebook.com/djnaveen • www.youtube.com/naveen4nse 6 April-June 2011 Accounting. Tax. Financial Services Bobby P Shah CPA MSc. Finance Accounting, Tax and Consulting Services for Individuals and Businesses Individual: • W2 • 1099 For Gasoline Stations and Retail Operations: • Setup LLC, “S” and “C” Corporations • Federal and State Tax Filing • E-File • Monthly Sales Tax Processing (Inside Store, Gasoline, Lottery) • Quarterly and Annual Financial Statements • Comparative Business Analysis Federal and State Income Tax: • Annual Federal and State Taxes • IRS Tax Issues and Audits • Setup LLC, “S” and “C” Corporations For Independent Truckers: • Fuel Tax - IFTA • IRP • Permits, Licenses & Plates Indiana Insurance Services Ashok Vaja Insurance rates for top insurance providers in your area for Individuals & Businesses • Auto • Home • Business • Life • Trucks & Trailer Call now for competitive insurance quotes & instant coverage 916 E Main Street Suite 204 Greenwood, IN 46143 Tel: 317.300.0300/ 317.300.0292 Fax: 317.300.0292 Illinois: 5855 N Sheridan rd #10k Chicago, IL 60660 Tel: 773.271.0185 Fax: 773.474.7009 Wisconsin: 11518 N. Port Washington Rd # 204 Mequon, WI 53092 Tel: 262.240.1166 Fax: 262.240.1188 PATTAR & CO. CPA, INC. Certified Public Accountants 1455 E. Southport Road, Suite A-1, Indianapolis, IN 46227 Tel: 317-788-6222 • Fax: 317-788-3160 • www.pattarcpa.com A Full Accounting & Tax Service Office All Consultations and Financial Information are maintained in strictest confidence Serving Indianapolis and surrounding areas since 1991 Our Practice Includes: Computer Setup and Training Corporate & Personal Tax Medical Practice Billing & Accounting Monthly Compilation & Reviews Payroll Services Planning Tax Planning Controller Services Electronic Tax Filing Minority Business Certification New Business Incorporation Personal Finance & Retirement Professional Networking Traditional & SBA Loan Processing Ravindra B. Pattar, MBA, CPA • Santosh Rajamane, MBA, CPA Carolyn Scott, Roberta Surber and Gurupreet Singh April-June 2011 7 Since 1994 A Full Service Travel Agency Specializing In Cruises &Vacations. For Airfare and Specials from Indianapolis to Europe & India Call ~ KETKI MODY 513-563-9309 Email: Excel_tt@hotmail.com Bokay Florist Floral Designers with 30 Years Experience 15 Years Experience with Indian Events HECHT FAMILY DENTISTRY DENTISTRY USHA HECHT DDS Quality, Affordable & Comprehensive Dental Care Visit our website www.hechtfamilydentistry.com Has been in practice over 10 yrs. Mandap Rental — Ganesh Display — Sari Material First Birthday and Cradle Parties Lighted Backdrops for Head Table 317.253.2323 5890 N. Keystone Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46220 www.bokayindy.com Call for an Appointment New patients Welcome! Most insurance plans taken 317.569.9559 1123 S. Rangeline Rd. Carmel, IN 46032 8 PRSRT STD. US POSTAGE PAID INDIANAPOLIS IN PERMIT NO. 8042 BHARATI B;;rt;I April-June 2011 India Association of Indianapolis, P.O. Box 19191, Indianapolis, IN 46219-0191 IAI Membership - Pay on-line (visit myiai.org) India Association of Indianapolis presents: HOLI DHAMAKA 2011 IAI preserves, and celebrates your culture and special festivals/events. It provides you with a forum for exchange of social and cultural views. We welcome you as a member of the India Association of Indianapolis and look forward to your active involvement. Pay Online at myiai.org or Mail your check to 11 0 2 , 16th m l i r p 0p ,A y 3 : er a t 1 d n r e u m t C a Sa ity m & 11 n : u e m m i T Com t Progra a i d e: In tainmen ! r e h W te r ing n y E a ers l : b t P a m i h l e W Ho r IAI m fo E E R F Cost: For more info please visit our website: www.myiai.org or contact Reeta Bhargava, 317-848-1286 or email cooldrmom@aol.com Rita Devnani, 317-573-9662 or email rdevnani@indy.rr.com For Grand Patron or Patron c/o Wilfred Mascarenhas - (317) 578-4312 8258 Cloverdale Way Indianapolis, IN 46256 For Membership c/o Manisha Desai - 317-815-9450 3055 Maqua Court Carmel, IN 46033 Community Members in the News Bharati is pleased to publish any significant recognition any of our community members receive from any organization. Please contact the editor, or any office holders of IAI and send them the information via email. If you send any information about an adult child, please have them send it or sign it. Please don’t send any information on behalf of a close friend. Editor
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Editor: Ram Ravindran ........................................................................
Chairman, IAI Board: Subhash Mahajan ..............................................