Isopycnals of liquid helium. II
Isopycnals of liquid helium. II
Physics. - Isopycnals of liquid helium. 11. By W . H. KEESOM and Miss A. P . KEESOM. (Comm. N°. 224e from tbe KAMERLINGH ONNES Laboratory at Leiden). (Communicated at the meeting of June 24, 1933) . Summary. M~asurements on the isopycnals of liquid helium were continued to 35 atmospheres. Part of the solidifkation curve could be determined more accurately . The position of the À-point in this curve was found to be: T = 1.753 0 K. p = 29 . 91 atm. Undercooling of liquid helium I was observed. § I. Introduction. In a former paper 1) we communicated a number of measurements on isopycnals of liquid belium up to 25 atm. We now bave continued tbose measurements up to 35 atm.. especially in the neighbourbood of tbe solidification curve and the upper part of the L..curve. We tried to mak~ measurements witb tbe same apparatus also in the solid state. Tbis appeared. bowever. not to be possible. the measurements becoming irregular, probably in consequence of boles being formed in the solid matter. In one case we happened to obtain tbe metastable production of a liquid belium isopycnal into tbe solid belium range. In other cases wben cooling tbe liquid belium (tbe pressure being sufficiently bigb) solidilication sbarply set in at a definite temperature. So we were able to determine part of tbe solidification curve more accurately than could be done in tbe measurements dealt with in Comm. No. 184b 2). For tbe method and for details we refer to Comm. No. 224d. § 2. The results bave been collected in tahles land 11 and are represented in Fig. 1. An isopycnal such as No. XII consists of 3 parts. belonging to liquid belium I. to liquid belium 11. and to a mixture of liquid helium 11 and solid helium respectively. tbe latter part coinciding witb the solidification curve. lsopycnal XI is very cbaracteristic. tbe part belonging to liquid helium 11 baving become very sbort.The inserted figure on a larger scale shows tbis part more clearly. The points marked A of isopycnal IX correspond to supercooled liquid helium I (cf. § 1). I) These Proceedings 36. 482, 1933. Comm. Leiden No. 22<fd. 2) These Proc:eedings 35. 794. 1926. Comm. Leiden No. 184b. 613 TABLE I. Isopycnals of liquid helium. Measurements of May 10, 1933. I IX (!=0.1817 gr/cm 3 T oK (! T oK p atm. p atm. I1 1 X = 0.1760 gr/cm 3 T oK I p atm. I 2.519 31.70 1.143 26.12 2) 2.501 26.78 2.306 34.04 1.359 25.78 2) 2.301 26.20 1.178 25.29 2) 2.108 25.58 1.861 25.23 25.99 33.27 2.082 1.890 32.83 1.352 25.62 2) 1.843 32.72 1) 1. 531 26.712) 1.790 1.780 32 .631) 1.593 27.25 2) I. 715 1.717 32.63 1) 1.698 28.70 2) 1.694 1.708 28.89 2) 1.724 29 . 24 2) 1.639 27.75 1.635 27.762) 1.904 32.83 1.595 27.32 2) 1.590 27.25 2) 2.09-t 33.32 1. 511 26.60 2) 1.543 26.84 2) 2.501 31.66 1.358 25.83 2) 1.477 26.28 2) 1.116 25.27 2) 26.67 I 27 . 20 I 1 I) Undercooled liquid. Solidification curve. 2) HE JO SOLI ----- 1- p t 20 ~------~----~~-------~~------~______~______~__~ 1.0 - T 1.5 20 2.5 3.0 3.5 ~O·I\ . Fig. l. 39* 614 TABLE 11. I Isopycnals of Iiquid helium. Measurements of May 18, 1933. XI XII XIII (>=0.1793 gr/cm 3 (> = 0.1780 gr/cm 3 (> = 0.1733 gr/cm 3 TOK I I 2 . 509 p atm. I T oK I 1.891 31.33 27.83 1 2.301 30.73 2.080 30.02 1.890 I 4.233 1 27.77 1.8H 1 T oK p atm. p atm. 31. 20 1 3.504 1 27.47 1 1.809 27 .75 2.987 25.18 29.60 1.792 27 . 85 2.498 23.31 1. 778 29.55 1.770 28.15 2.297 22.83 I. 758 29.58 I.?il 28.68 2 .087 22.25 I. ?i6 29 .76 I. 717 29.10 1.984 22.05 I. 738 29 .671) 1.696 28.87 1) 1.89 1 22 05 1.710 29.08 1) 1.670 28.32 1) 1.858 22.54 1.621 27.64 1) 1. 608 28.48 1) 1.819 23.00 1. 705 28.92 1) 1.980 27 .92 1.778 23.42 1.739 29. 67 1) 2.096 28.20 1.689 24 .32 1.774 29 . 55 2.293 28.85 1.595 24.95 1.894 29 . 59 2.503 29.50 1.486 25.52 2 . 280 30 . 55 2.987 31.48 1.3H 25.?i 1) 2.502 31.35 3.197 33 . 92 1.157 25.29 1) 4.233 37.75 ~ Solidification curve. I 11 Table III gives data for the solidification curve read from the diagram. TABLE 111. -- T OK I I IJ atm. I II T oK p atm. I 1.15 25 . 25 1. 50 26 . 19 I. 20 25.34 1.60 27.38 1.30 25.55 I. 70 28.87 1.40 25 .90 I. 75 29.86 615 A remarkable point is that for densities and temperatures at which the helium was partly solid partly liquid. the solidification curve was accurately foIlowed with rising as weIl as with faIling temperature. for so far as the solid-liquid helium 11 part of the curve was concerned. This was. however. not the case for the solid-liquid helium I part of the curve. At faIling temperature we decidedly observed an undercooling of the liquid 1). as already mentioned. whereas at rising temperature equilibrium very slowly was established and sometimes no definite point was reached. Using isopycnal XI we could fix the point L' where the À-curve meets the melting curve. i. e. the À-point in the solidification curve. lts position is: T= 1.753° K. p = 29.91 atm. Even at 1.18° K isopycnal IX. for which the density was highest. does not leave the solidification curve to enter the solid region. We conclude that at 1.18° K the density of solid helium exceeds 0. 1817 gr/cm 3 • As from the diagram of isopycnals we derive that the density of liquid helium 11 is 0.1725 gr/cm 3 • we conclude that the difference in density between solid helium and liquid helium 11 at 1.18° K surpasses 0.0092 gr/cm 3 • From this follows that the melting heat at that temperature surpasses 0.016 cal/gr. How much these values are surpassed. cannot be derived from these measurements. 1) Undercooling or the reverse when passing the ..-curve was never observed. CORRIGENDUM. Proc. Academy Amsterdam Vol. 36 p. 486 Fig. 2: in stead of Kg/cm 2 read atm. PhysicS. - Spaltung der natuerlichsten Peldgleichungen fuer SemiVektoren in Spinor-Gleichungen vom DIRAC'schen Typus. Von A. EINSTEIN und W. MAYER. (Communicated at the meeting of June 24. 1933). In einer frueheren Mitteilung 1) haben wir gezeigt. dass die aIlgemeinsten Semivektor-Gleichungen einfachster Art sich in eine kanonische Form bringen lassen. in welcher nur drei wiIlkuerliche Konstante auftreten. Es zeigte sich ferner. dass die DE BROGLIE-WeIle eines solchen Systems sich in zwei WeIl en typen von Spinor-Charakter aufspalten laesst. welche sich zwanglos als dem Elektron bezw. Proton zugehoerig deuten lassen. 1) Akademie der Wissenschaften. Amsterdam 1933.