training day 2014… see pages 8-9
training day 2014… see pages 8-9
WMDA NEWS VOLUME 13/ISSUE 2 FEBRUARY 2014 An Official Publica tion of the Washington DC, Mar yland & Dela ware Ser vice Sta tion & Automotive Repair Associa tion Training Day Grand Prize Giveaway from our generous sponsor Snap-On 1 FREE “14.2” UPDATE on any Snap-On Scanner (up to $1250 value!) You (or your techs, service writer, or manager) must be present to win. TRAINING DAY 2014… SEE PAGES 8-9 IMMIGRATION ALERT: DOCUMENTING EMPLOYEES… SEE PAGE 11 (SEE SPECIAL ATTACHMENT FORM I-9) C E L E B R AT I N G OV E R 7 5 Y E A R S OF SERVICE TO OUR MEMBERS MA RYLAND G RE TO N, DELAWA D.C. ★ ★ ★ WASH IN SAVE THE DATE WMDA ANNUAL CONVENTION & THE MEGA TRADE SHOW SEPTEMBER 25-27, 2014 OCEAN CITY MARYLAND WMDA 1532 Pointer Ridge Place Suite G Bowie, MD 20716 301-390-0900 TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Editorial: WMDA’s Efforts to Repeal the Death Tax ..............................................................2 Fax: 301-390-3161 Website: Amy Gailey Director of Finance and Administration 301-390-0900, ext. 113 Marta Gates Director of Operations 301-390-0900, ext. 115 Back in the Day ..................................................................................................................4 On the Legislative Front: Minimum Wage Update, Federal Highway Proposal, and the Marketplace Fairness Act’s Impact on Gas Tax Increases ......................................5 And the Race Is On ............................................................................................................7 WMDA/CAR Training Day 2014 – Course Descriptions ........................................................8 WMDA/CAR Training Day 2014 – Registration Form ............................................................9 Len Gentilcore Membership Sales Cell: 443-758-6531 Kirk McCauley Director of Member Relations 301-390-0900, ext. 114 Editor Marta Gates Marketing Director LaKisha Pindell Graphic Designer Frank Lang Kirk’s Korner: Member Update ..........................................................................................10 General Counsel Corner: Immigration Alert – The Need to Document Immigrant Employees ..................................................................11 WMDA Endorsed Membership Benefits & Service Providers..............................................12 ADVERTISER’S INDEX Benjamin F. Brown Insurance Agency..................................................................................4 Maryland Pump & Tank ....................................................................10 & Inside Back Cover MTD Services, Inc. ..............................................................................................................7 MYCO Companies ..............................................................................................................3 Petroleum Marketing Group ................................................................................................6 WMDA Mega Show Save the Date..........................................................Inside Front Cover Spigler Petroleum Equipment, LLC ......................................................................................5 Tire Distributors, Inc. ..............................................................................Outside Back Cover EDITORIAL by Roy Littlefield WMDA’S EFFORTS TO REPEAL THE DEATH TAX On every small business survey I have seen in the past few years, the number one legislative priority for the small business community is the repeal of the onerous death tax. Because an increasing number of service station dealers and independent repair facility operators are buying their businesses, this issue is becoming more and more important for our members. WMDA is a member of the Family Business Estate Tax Coalition (FBETC). This coalition is dedicated to the full and permanent repeal of the estate tax. At a minimum, we want to preserve the advances we made in the “Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2010.” Key points of that law included: • An exemption of $5 million, effective January 1, 2011 for two years; • Exemption amount is indexed beginning in 2012; • A top tax rate of 35 percent, effective January 1, 2011 for two years; • The Continuation of “stepped-up basis” meaning the value of transferred property is adjusted for inflation at death; and • Spousal transfer of any unused exemption amounts for two years. In his budget to be released on March 4, President Obama is expected to favor lowering the exemption back to $1 million and increasing the tax rate to 55%. In recent years, the FBETC has supported permanently extending the $5 million estate tax exemption, indexed for inflation, preserving a lower applicable rate, as well as permanently providing for spousal transfer and stepped-up basis. WMDA worked to ensure that these provisions were included in the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. However, WMDA continues to believe that repeal is the best solution to protect all family-owned businesses from the estate tax. We therefore support your amendment to the Fiscal Year 2014 Senate Budget Resolution adding a deficitneutral fund to provide for the full and permanent repeal of the estate tax. WMDA has intensified its efforts to repeal the Federal Death Tax. We are supporting H.R. 2429, which currently has 184 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives, and S. 1183, which has 37 co-sponsors in the U.S. Senate. I would like to recognize and thank Director of Member Relations and Government Affairs, Kirk McCauley, and Legislative Intern Roy Littlefield, IV, for their tireless efforts supporting our campaign. Recently we met with: • U.S. Senator John Thune (R-SD), sponsor of S.1183. Senator Thune expressed his belief that we need to get more Democrats to sign on to his bill for us to have any chance of getting it through the Senate. WMDA supports the efforts of U.S. Senator John Thune (RSD) to permanently repeal the estate tax by offering an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2014 Senate Budget Resolution. • Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX), sponsor of H.R.2429. Congressman Brady believes that repeal of the death tax is a “moral issue.” His goal is to get 218 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives (a majority) and get a vote on the measure as a standalone bill. WMDA also supports the “Death Tax Repeal Act of 2013” (S. 1183 / H.R. 2429) as introduced by Senator John Thune (R-SD), Congressman Kevin Brady (D-TX) and Mike McIntyre (D-NC). • Michelle Dimarob, Special Assistant to Ways and Means Committee Chairman, David Camp (R-MI). She said that the Chairman is focused on full scale tax reform, which would include repeal of the death tax. 2 W M DA N E W S | F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 4 He would also like to make permanent many of the tax extenders, including WMDA-supported work opportunity tax credits. • Joe Lieber, Special Assistant to U.S. Senator, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate Minority Leader. He asserted that because of the retirement Max Baucus (D-MT) – who President Obama has nominated to be Ambassador to China, he does not believe that a major reform bill can pass in 2014. • Jonathan Slemrod, Special Assistant to U.S. Senator, John Cornyn (R-TX), Senate Minority Whip. He also said that he did not think Congress would pass a major tax reform bill in 2014, but that Senator Cornyn was looking at extenders and was working for repeal of the death tax. • Kelley Hudak, Special Assistant to U.S. Congressman, Steve Scalise (R-LA), Chairman of Republican Committee. Kelley expressed concern about a tax reform bill, said that we had to overcome a lot of challenges to get a vote on death tax repeal, and expressed concern about the impact of a minimum wage increase on small businesses. • Pate Davis, Special Assistant to U.S. Congressman, Tom Price (R-GA), member of both the Budget Committee and the Ways and Means Committee. He reviewed the Ryan/Murray budget, noting that it raises spending (by $2 billion next year) and taxes but it did allow for more drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. He did not see much legislative activity this year. • Maryland Delegate, Susan Krebs (R-Carroll and Howard Counties). She has introduced two bills this year: one to repeal the highest state death tax in the county and one to lower the tax rate and raise the threshold. Thirty-six states have now repealed their estate tax. On February 4, Kirk and Roy testified in support of this legislation. BRADY AND THUNE ACT TO KILL THE DEATH TAX Senator John Thune (R-SD) and Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX) introduced S.1183 and H.R.2429 respectively, bills that call for the permanent repeal of this most despised tax. Thune and Brady were joined by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-UT), along with the lone Democrat, Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-NC) and Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD), among others. W M DA N E W S | F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 4 3 Proclaiming that “death should not be a taxable event,” Sen. Thune noted how toxic the Death Tax has been for family businesses, with 70% failing to make it to the second generation, and 90% of family businesses never making it to the third generation. BACK IN THE DAY… WE CANNOT AFFORD TO HURT FAMILY-OWNED BUSINESSES WMDA believes the estate tax is hurting family-owned businesses because the cost of the estate tax comes not only from paying the tax, but also from estate planning. The estate tax applies to property transferred at death when the value of the property exceeds the estate tax exemption. Much of the value of family-owned business is tied to illiquid assets such as land, buildings, and equipment. This can force the new owner to sell the businesses’ assets to pay the tax. For many family-owned businesses to keep operation after the death of the owner, they must plan for the estate tax. Planning costs associated with the estate tax are a drain on business resources, taking money away from the day to day operations and business investment. These additional costs make it more difficult for the business owner to expand and create new jobs. Protecting family business from the estate tax is important in order to keep these businesses operating ◆ for future generations. 4 In 1955 this station owner decided to explain the cost of gas at his station and who got a piece of the pie. Wonder what would happen if we did that today? W M DA N E W S | F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 4 O N T H E L E G I S L AT I V E F R O N T by Roy Littlefield, IV WMDA Legislative Intern MINIMUM WAGE UPDATE, FEDERAL HIGHWAY PROPOSAL, AND THE MARKETPLACE FAIRNESS ACT’S IMPACT ON GAS TAX INCREASES Governor Martin O’Malley continues to make a minimum wage increase his top legislative priority. At a rally in Annapolis a few weeks ago, O’Malley backed a proposal to increase the state’s minimum wage to $10.10 per hour by 2016. The governor also supports indexing the minimum wage to keep up with inflation. The O’Malley administration has now come out in support of Senate Bill 331, which would raise the state minimum wage to $8.20 per hour beginning July 1, 2014, then $9.15 beginning July 1, 2015, and finally raise it to $10.10 beginning July 1, 2016. The minimum wage would also increase in future years based on the “consumer price index.” differences in various parts of the state. Miller said lawmakers from rural parts of Maryland won’t be able to support an increase that high. “It’s going to be a very tough sell, the bill as proposed right now,” Miller told reporters after the Senate session. Despite the challenges, Miller expressed confidence a minimum wage increase will be approved, but it will likely need to be different in various parts of the state. In wake of Montgomery and Prince Georges counties passing minimum wage hikes, some legislators are now requesting other counties be given the authority to pass increases. Senator Colburn (R), District 37, recently WMDA will work with legislators to come up with the best solution for small business and our customers we feel minimum wage should be set at the federal level. Maryland is not an island and workers will flood in from VA, PA, WV and DE. to take these jobs and where does that leave the uneducated worker with no transportation? WMDA remains committed to this legislative battle on the state level after testifying in both Prince Georges and Montgomery Counties in opposition to the minimum wage hike. We ask for your support and involvement during the session on this issue. According to the nonpartisan Economic Policy Institute, approximately 472,000 Marylanders would benefit from an increase of the minimum wage, putting $466 million more in their pockets in the next two years. Delegate Herb McMillan, R-Annapolis, pointed to different studies showing hikes to minimum wage hurt employment for younger and less-skilled workers. The nonpartisan Employment Policies Institute, a nonprofit organization, estimates Maryland could lose anywhere from 6,082 to 18,247 jobs if the minimum wage is hiked to $10.10 per hour. Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, D-Calvert, told senators it will be hard to find a solution to address economic W M DA N E W S | F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 4 5 introduced legislation (SB 166) that would authorize the remaining Maryland counties to raise the minimum wage as they wish within their jurisdictions. The reality of the situation is, something’s going to happen. We’re going to get an increased minimum wage, but trying to find that number is going to be very difficult in light of what’s already happened in Prince Georges and Montgomery County. Given the current landscape in Annapolis, it will be interesting to see what bill comes to the forefront. On January 9, I had lunch with Congressman Earl Blumenauer (DOR), who had introduced legislation to increase the Federal Motor Fuel Tax by 15 cents a gallon. While numerous other transportation groups – like ATA and AAA – have come out in support of the legislation, WMDA has come out in opposition. One of our great concerns is that a 15 cent motor fuel tax increase will not adequately fund the Highway Trust Fund. That tax increase would have to be part of a package that could include other revenue raisers being considered including: reinstating the FET on passenger tires; reinstating the FET on retread rubber; increasing the FET on truck tires by 10%; and a national weight tax on truck tires. Rather than supporting any kind of tax increases, WMDA is supporting proposals that exhibit creatively in future highway funding. We were an early supporter of legislation introduced by Congressman John Delany (D-MD) “The Partnership to Build America Act” (H.R. 2084). The Partnership to Build America Act finances $750 billion in infrastructure investment using no appropriated funds and has 50 co-sponsors (25 Republicans and 25 Democrats). If you would like more information on Congressman Delany’s proposal, send the request to: WMDA is also involved with federal legislation concerning the Marketplace Fairness Act. The Fairness Act would allow states to tax out-of-state business’ remote sales. Last year, Maryland passed the Transportation Infrastructure Investment Act of 2013, which caused the increase of gas taxes throughout the state. The Act also includes set future gas tax increases that are contingent on whether Congress passes the Marketplace Fairness Act of 2013 (the “Fairness Act”) or a similar act. The passage of H.B. 1515 meant that Maryland joined the increasing number of states that are demonstrating their intentions to readily collect taxes on remote sales upon the potential enactment of the Fairness Act. The Fairness Act was recently passed in the U.S. Senate and is currently undergoing fierce scrutiny in a Republican-controlled House of Representatives. Given this situation, we ask for your support in reaching out to your Senators and Congressman to urge the passage of the Marketplace Fairness Act to avoid future gas tax increases in Maryland. ◆ 6 W M DA N E W S | F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 4 AND THE RACE IS ON… This dashing young racer stands in front of his first car at the old Beltsville Speedway. He is now on the WMDA Board of Directors. Do you know who this is? None other than long time Board of Director member Tom Watts of Greenbelt Road Shell. And this gentleman in the #70 was the Sportsman series champion in 1967 at Beltsville Speedway. He raced in the NASCAR Grand National Series (now the Nationwide Series). His son Roy grew up with racing in his blood and went on to become a crew chief in NASCAR Sprint Cup for the likes of Kurt Busch and Ryan Newman and is currently an engineer with Penske. Do you know who this is? It’s WMDA’s own Kirk McCauley, Director of Government Affairs and Member Relations. W M DA N E W S | F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 4 7 8 W M DA N E W S | F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 4 W M DA N E W S | F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 4 9 KIRK’S KORNER by Kirk McCauley Director of Member Relations MEMBER UPDATE RIGHT TO REPAIR ATMs and gas pump card readers. The U.S. Secret Service In January the auto manufacturers and independent repair has identified a card skimmer that fits over the outside of the facilities reached a historical agreement based on the new pad and is very difficult to detect. Chevron has warned its Massachusetts Right to Repair (R2R) law. That law states that dealers out west and so has the California Independent Oil the automakers would share repair information and access to Marketers Association. specialty tools with independent repair facilities for a reasonable price. I have not heard anything about this in our area, but what happens in California does not stay in California. Do your In this agreement, there will be a menu of options available. homework, and check your pumps every shift if possible. Tell Some aspects of the agreement will not fully take effect until your employees that if they see anyone fooling with key pads the 2018 model year. to get all of the info they can, such as tag numbers and descriptions of the vehicle and persons involved. The Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA) was instrumental in the agreement. Service Station Dealers of The U.S. Secret Service’s local office should be notified along America and Allied Trades and WMDA/CAR supported the with the proper local authorities. If you remove any key pads R2R campaign. from your pump, do so with gloves and put them in a plastic bag for the U.S. Secret Service to pick up. Once the Massachusetts law passed, it set the bar for auto manufacturers to settle quickly to avoid having to comply TRAINING DAY with different sets of rules in each state where Right to Repair I hope to see you all at our annual training Day for Techs and (R2R) legislation would become active. Execs on Saturday, March 1st. Special thanks to Snap-On for sponsoring the Grand Prize Giveaway at Training Day – The CARD SKIMMING grand prize will be: 1 FREE “14.2” Update on any Snap-on There is a new type of credit card skimmer being attached to Scanner (up to a $1250 value)! You (or your techs, service writer, or manager) must be present to win! Take a look at what we have to offer, get your techs ready to take the Maryland State Inspector exam, come and join other owners and managers at the Ask The Owners roundtable. Don’t miss out, this is only offered once a year! LEGISLATIVE NEWS I will have a legislative update next month. It has been very busy in Annapolis so far this session, and I hope to see WMDA and CAR members in Annapolis when we need you. You are the ones that tell your story best. 10 W M DA N E W S | F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 4 ◆ GENERAL COUNSEL CORNER by Peter H. Gunst, Esquire SSDA Legal Counsel IMMIGRATION ALERT – THE NEED TO DOCUMENT IMMIGRANT EMPLOYEES As if service station dealers didn’t have enough to worry about, they must now be ncreasingly concerned about maintaining proper documentation to prove that they are not employing illegal workers. In May of this year, employers were required to use an updated version of the federal I-9 form to prove the eligibility of new workers. reduced to $173,250 by the administrative judge. The forms appear simple, with newly hired employees required to complete and sign Section 1 of Form I-9 by their first day of employment, and the employer then completing Section 2, which requires that it attest to examining documents provided by the employee to establish his or her legal employment status and to certify the employee’s first day of employment, among other things. Second, no one at KDS had any I-9 compliance training until two years prior to the audit, so that many of its older forms were deficient. But mistakes can be costly. As one commentator has warned: Mistakes or missing information, whether intentional or not, and which might have nothing to do with a worker being in the country illegally, can lead to stiff penalties. Employers can be fined from $110 to $1,100 per violation for failure to comply with the form’s requirements, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Penalties can even be steeper, up to $6,500 per violation, for participating in document fraud, or up to $16,000 for knowingly hiring an unauthorized worker. Consider the fate of small Washington state contractor Ketchikan Drywall Services, Inc. (“KDS”). This company had only four permanent employees but also hired numerous temporary employees. Although its problems arose from failure to maintain proper records prior to the release date of the newly amended I-9, the lessons drawn from its predicament are equally applicable now. When Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”) served an administrative subpoena on KDS, it soon became apparent that KDS’s practices in obtaining and maintaining I9 forms were far from ideal. Failures to comply with ICE regulations resulted in an initial fine of $286,624, which was How did this come about? First, ICE, as was its right, examined Form I-9s going back three years. This expanded the number of violations to 271. Third, although KDS did collect substantial documentation authenticating its employees’ work status, it failed to fully complete many I-9 forms, and also failed to produce those forms in response to the ICE audit in a timely manner. Fourth, KDS failed to adequately monitor its employees’ completion of Section 1 of the forms, and also failed to ensure that all Section 1s were completed by the employee in a timely manner. KDS attempted to seek relief from the penalty imposed upon it by filing a petition for review in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Ketchikan Drywall Services, Inc. v. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 725 F.3d 1103 (9th Cir. 2013). But the three-judge court unanimously rejected its appeal. In sum, the Ninth Circuit held that the administrative judge properly accepted ICE’s penalty guidelines to calculate fines, despite the technical nature of the majority of KDS’s failures to obtain and maintain completed forms. In so doing, it held KDS strictly responsible for its employees’ errors in filling out Section 1, and deferred to the administrative judge’s broad discretion in determining proper penalties. The lesson is clear. Failure to comply with Form I-9 requirements can be extremely costly to a small businessperson. Form I-9 is ◆ attached with this newsletter. W M DA N E W S | F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 4 11 WMDA/CAR ENDORSED MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS & SERVICES PROVIDERS If your business needs any of the following products or services, be sure to check out these companies endorsed by WMDA/CAR. Intelicom, Inc. Larry Shapero 1-877-666-6269 Email: AUTO PARTS SUPPLIER ELECTRICITY PROGRAM MOBILE DIAGNOSTIC SERVICE Replace My Stuff, LLC MAAGIC Tom Gussen – Metromedia Power 1-800-828-9427, ext. 0031 Fax: 732-440-0031 Email: Replace My Stuff, LLC Alicia Fairall 443-790-6957 Email: TRASH/DUMPSTER BROKER Auto Parts Superstores Parts Authority Stan Bailey 202-829-6315 Email: INSURANCE – LIABILITY, UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK, WORKERS’ COMP, HEALTH INSURANCE CASTROL BUYING PROGRAM – BULK OIL AND PREMIUMS PPC Lubricants Gene Nace 1-717-215-7253 Email: CREDIT CARD PROCESSING Coastal Trash Service Ian Djuric 410-490-3769 Email: UNIFORMS, SERVICES, SOLUTIONS Benjamin F. Brown Insurance Agency/ UTICA/Meadowbrook Ben Brown or Berry Brown 1-800-861-3434 Email: Unifirst Corporation Jeff Thompson 1-888-223-3056 Email: LEGAL SERVICES USED OIL, ANTIFREEZE & CONTAMINATED GAS DISPOSAL Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chartered Harry Storm 301-907-2817 RecOil, Inc. Bernard Reiley 1-800-346-9551 Email: 4321 0000 0000 0000 FMS INC First Merchant Services Dan Cohen 1-866-511-4367, ext. 105 Email: LEGISLATIVE & REGULATORY INFORMATION CREDIT UNION LET YOUR MEMBERSHIP WORK FOR YOU! NASA Federal Credit Union 1-888-627-2328 Email: Website: 12 WMDA Kirk McCauley 1-800-492-0329, ext. 114 Email: W M DA N E W S | F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 4 Simply participate in all of the programs for which you are eligible and you will save or make enough to pay for your membership in WMDA/CAR! CLIP AND POST THIS PAGE ON YOUR BULLETIN BOARD FOR EASY ACCESS TO SAVINGS. ATM MACHINES