

What is included in this kit ?
What is a Body Biography? Some examples...
What did we do?
Some ideas for your body biographies
The Lesson Plan
Worksheet 1: Thinking about the important stuff...
(for character development in stories)
Worksheet 1: Thinking about the important stuff...
(a body biography about the child - no
novel/storybook necessary)
Worksheet 2: Body Biography Planning Sheet
Success Criteria Checklist
What is a Body
A body biography is a visual representation
of a character that digs deeper than just
physical appearance.
Some Examples...
What did we do?
In this particular assignment, our big idea was:
Our essential question was:
How did the character change from the
beginning of the book to the end?
Although this activity can be used for a variety of other
grades, we followed the
Grade 4 Language Arts Expectations from Ontario.
The students wrote down their reasoning for EVERY item
they put on the body (mostly because I was worried we
wouldn't have time to do presentations.)
Students did a "gallery walk" to share their work.
We used the novel "The Invention of Hugo Cabret" and
watched the movie version, "Hugo" at the end of the task.
Some ideas for your
Body Biography
� Divide the body down the middle and on one side
represent the character at the start of the story and
on the other what the character is like now.
� Near the heart include symbols and pictures of things
that are important to your character
Use colours to represent the changing emotions of
your character
� Bring in items from home to make it pop!
� Use taxedo or wordle to make a word cloud to
represent the character
� You can write to explain your thinking or present the
body biography to the class in person or on video!
The Invention of Hugo Cabret Body Biography Backwards Design Lesson Plan
Title:The Invention of Hugo Cabret – Body Biography
Grades: 4
Time: Three 50 minute periods..
Strand: Reading
Lesson Description
Students will create Body Biographies on either Georges Melies or Hugo Cabret. The Body Biographies will
illustrate the changes from the beginning of the book to the end for either character. Students must use visual
representations and written explanations to explain their thinking and placement. The task will begin with an
outline in preparation, lead into the written portions (and necessary visuals), and conclude with finishing touches
like additional visual details and additional written details and explanations.
Stage 1: Desired Results
Fundamental Concepts/Skills
The comprehension of specific content acquired and the comprehension of its meaning and significance:
• Understanding of content – is able to recall and understand the events that occurred within the books,
and the relationship between those events leading up to the end of the book.
The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes:
• Use of planning skills – generates ideas about the content, organizes information for layout, gathers
resources to successfully achieve desired result
• Use of processing skills – interprets the implicit character traits, makes inferences about why the
change has occurred, synthesizes character transformation
• Use of critical/creative thinking processes – use of critical/creative analysis of characters, invention
The conveying of meaning through various forms
• Expression and organization of ideas and information in visual and written form – clear expression,
logical organization and explanation of placement.
• Use of conventions – use of proper vocabulary, punctuation, grammar
The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts:
• Transfer of knowledge and skills to new contexts – taking the concepts learned about inferring and
making connections and applying them to a different medium
• Making connections within and between various contexts - between the text and personal knowledge
or experience
Big Ideas/Essential Question
Big Idea: Synthesis of beginning to end of book
Essential Question: How have Hugo and George Melies (Papa Georges) changed from the beginning of the book to
the end?
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectation
1.Read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic, and informational texts, using
a range of strategies to construct meaning
Ontario Curricular Specific Expectation
1.4 demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts by summarizing important ideas and citing supporting
1.5 make inferences about texts using stated and implied ideas from the texts as evidence
1.6 extend understanding of texts by connecting the ideas in them to their own knowledge, experience, and
insights, to other familiar texts, and to the world around them
1.7 express opinions about the ideas and information in texts and cite evidence from the text to support their
Lesson Goals
To conclude our reading of The Invention of Hugo Cabret by synthesizing the change of either Papa Georges or
Hugo from the start of the book to the end using examples from the text and supporting visuals. Each of the
visuals requires a quick written explanation to clarify student thought which may be added to the visual
element. Additionally, students must incorporate some text-to-self connections (eg. By relating a character
trait or a supporting event to the student’s own life).
Goals at a glance:
• create body biography to compare perception of character from beginning of book to end of book
• use visuals and a well-planned out layout
• provide explanations for visual placement and selection
• use evidence from text to support changes
Student Groupings
• pairs
Stage 2: Planning learning experience and instruction
Instructional Strategies
• cooperative - constructivist
expository writing
• large mural paper
• because we only have one copy of the book, it is important that we
brainstorm important events on the first day so that I can return with
planning template
many relevant quotes printed and enlarged
we are beginning on a Friday so that students are aware that they can
markers/colouring materials
bring items from home for Monday to prepare. Dollar store items, old
pictures they think might relate to the character traits of either Georges
variety of decorative items and
Melies or Hugo Cabret, magazine cut outs of pictures or words, poems,
fabrics, keys/locks, make extra gears. Etc.
Stage 3: Learning experience and instruction
Motivational Hook (15 MINS.): (LESSON 1 BEGINNING)
• Finish the Invention of Hugo Cabret
• Show images and video of body biography
• Explain task
Step 1 (20 MINS): (LESSON 1 MID)
• Handout worksheets to help students brainstorm about 5 most important events and character traits before and
after for each character. (5 minutes with elbow partner)
Have students recall the most significant parts of book and record on chart paper (so that I know which areas to
take quotes from)
Discuss character traits of Georges Melies and Hugo Cabret (before and after). Record on chart paper
Step 2 ( 20 MINS): (LESSON 1 END)
Have students get together with their partners to think about ideas for symbols and what to write using body
template handout
Step 3 (50 MINS):
•Once all students have completed their body template handout they will be ready to begin the actual body
outline and task.
Link to Future Lessons
Body Biography: Thinking about the important stuff
My character’s name is: _____________________
Six words that describe my character are:
At the beginning of the story I thought my character was _______________________
because, in the story___________________________________________________
The way I see my character has changed. Now I think my character is _____________
because, in the story___________________________________________________
My opinion of my character changed when (list two events from the book): ___________
4 things (topics, ideas, people, objects) that are important to my character are:
4 symbols that represent my character:
(note - a symbol is a simple design that has lots of meaning!)
I can relate to my character. Here is a story from my life that tells why:____________
Body Biography: Thinking about the important stuff…
My name is: _____________________
6 words that describe me are:
6 things (topics, ideas, people, objects) that are important to me are:
6 symbols that represent me are: (note - a symbol is a simple picture that has lots of meaning!)
One time.....(write something that happened in your life)
It made me feel.... ____________________________________________________
I have changed a lot in my life. I used to be ________________________________
Now I am___________________________________________________________
Body Biography Planning