M - Camillianthailand


M - Camillianthailand
From Provincial
Dear confreres,
This is the second edition of the Camillian Prathet Thai the annual document of Thai province. This book collects the documents of the Acts, Letters and
provincial council’s report and annual report of Thai province.
The wise say that: “those who don’t know their history do not know where
to go in the future”. It is true and still valid for us as the individual and the province. As a province we are still young since we were elevated to become the
province 2 years ago (1st May 2010) even though we will celebrate the 60th
anniversary of the Camillian presence in Thailand (19th January 1952- 19th
January 2012).
Another big event is the 400 years of the death of St. Camillus (14th July
1614 -14th July 2014). The General Consulta at Rome has planned to celebrate
this event in a solemn and significant manner with different projects. Thai province joins this occasion and makes it relevant by inviting the relics of our founder
St. Camillus be presented in Thailand. The heart of St. Camillus will arrive in
Thailand during the 21th January – 16th February 2013 and will travel to our
communities and parishes in many dioceses that we are doing our ministry serving the sick.
These two significant events that we heading to, will help us to reflect
our beautiful charism that we have received from God through St. Camillus and
make it vividly present in Thai society.
I personally hope that these great joys will make us proud of our charism
through our journey of vocation.
Lat krabang, 28th March 2012
Fraternally yours,
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Superior Provincial
Ref. 467/11
Ref. 504/11
In the Consulta meeting held on October 26, 2011
In the Consulta meeting held on November 2, 2011
Having examined the request forwarded by Joseph Phan Anh Dung temporary pro-
Having examined the request forwarded by Peter Nguyen Huu Biet temporary
fessed of the Thai Province;
professed of the Thai Province;
taking into account the favorable opinion expressed by Fr.Paul Cherdchai, Provincial
Superior of the Thai Province and by his Council;
taking into account the favorable opinion expressed by Fr.Paul Cherdchai, Provincial
Superior of the Thai Province and by his Council;
Fr.Renato Salvatore, General Superior, with the consent of the Councilors,
Fr.Renato Salvatore, General Superior, with the consent of the Councilors,
to the Profession of Perpetual Vows
to the Profession of Perpetual Vows
The temporary professed
The temporary professed
Joseph Phan Anh Dung
Peter Nguyen Huu Biet
Rome, October 30, 2011
Rome, November 3, 2011
General Superior
General Superior
For the General Secretary
For the General Secretary
Casa Generalizia - Generalate: Piazza della Maddalena 53, 00186 Roma (Italia) o Tel. +39 06899281 o Fax +39 0689928133
Casa Generalizia - Generalate: Piazza della Maddalena 53, 00186 Roma (Italia) o Tel. +39 06899281 o Fax +39 0689928133
nswer to the Project Europe
The Province of Thailand and Vietnam Delegation
nswer to the Project Europe
Ref. 505/11
In the Consulta meeting held on November 2, 2011
Having examined the request forwarded by Trinh Van Son Antony temporary professed
taking into account the favorable opinion expressed by Fr.Paul Cherdchai, Provincial
Superior of the Thai Province and by his Council;
Fr.Renato Salvatore, General Superior, with the consent of the Councilors,
and Vietnam Delegation.
Gospel counsels.
These are a gift of the Spirit to be lived in total giving to God and our sick brothers
and sisters, whose beauty (and difficulties) are lived in daily faithfulness, in readiness to help,
without making pacts with forms of mediocrity.
Received with a view to following merciful Christ, they lead us to live and be like him
so as to serve like him.
Let us engage in a discernment:
to the Profession of Perpetual Vows
The temporary professed
Personal and communitarian attitudes
• We consider evangelical counsels are coming from God, so in our community, we
always consider these as gifts of God to the community.
• Our approach should be that of persons, who would like to know the Gospel radically, taking the gospel in our heart, in our mind, we do have knowledge but also
we need to live the Gospel concretely.
Weaknesses, shortcomings, frailties
• Once we know the Gospel but we don’t live it, we are unable to recognize our identity.
• We make selective Gospel’s values; we only look at some particular parts or some
values in the Gospel which are more suitable and comfortable to us.
• Lacking of clear religious standard on personal and communitarian levels, e.g. the
use of dress and cars.
External and internal threats.
• External: We don’t give enough time for the Gospel because we are more interested
in doing rather than in being. Awareness for work, too much work and so we are not
interested in interiorizing the Gospel, we invest all our time for work to get appreciation.
• Externally, we are not as radical as what the Gospel says. For example, the way
we dress and live in community.
Trinh Van Son Antony
Rome, November 3, 2011
General Superior
For the General Secretary
Casa Generalizia - Generalate: Piazza della Maddalena 53, 00186 Roma (Italia) o Tel. +39 06899281 o Fax +39 0689928133
of the Thai Province;
The Province of
nswer to the Project Europe
The Province of Thailand and Vietnam Delegation
nswer to the Project Europe
The Province of Thailand and Vietnam Delegation
Internal: Our heart is not free because of the past, our minds are always there at
the past because of the wounds; the Gospel doesn’t touch our heart because we
keep our attention on the wounds of the past and so we are not free.
We are afraid to share all the gifts of God among us in the community. We tend
to keep ourselves separated from the community. Each gift is for building up the
community and not for us only.
Points of strength.
• Members in our communities have schedule and are always faithful to prayer times.
• The Gospel is pointing to us very clearly: personal identity and communitarian identity.
• Living the vows and gospel values are still very much present in the community.
• The local Church [lay people] and even people from other religions can give us
feedback and comparison [e.g. with Buddhist monks] on the way we live our vows,
esp. Chastity and poverty.
Opportunities, challenges.
• To give more time to the reading and meditation of the word of God, particularly
at personal and at communitarian level. We should absorb the Gospel values and
live them in the community life.
• Each person should look in himself, on his personal gifts and understand the challenge: if a person is gifted with intellectual gifts, he is challenged by the vow of
obedience; a person with bodily gifts, he will be challenged by the vow of poverty.
A person with heart’s gifts, a sensitive heart, it is the vow of chastity that is challenging him.
• In our province, we need to discern more on the vow of poverty; our confreres are
still very interested in their own needs. Consumerism trend is also a threat to our
way of living in the community.
• We need to rediscover, review the origin of the charism given by the Spirit to our
Founder and to all the members of the Order. Lay people can provide us with more
insights and motivations to live our Evangelical counsels. If St. Camillus were here
now, what would he do in this present situation? We should be ready to confront
ourselves all the time with St. Camillus as our model.
Looking towards the future. Proposals.
• Spend more time as community to discern and meditate on Gospel values and evangelical counsels and to share in the community what are God’s gifts to each one.
• We should live our vows radically as said in the Gospel.
Let us engage in discernment:
• Personal and communitarian attitudes
• Sometimes we forgot that we are religious and we tend to professionalize ourselves more as social workers; we neglect the aspect of spiritual life.
• As religious living in hospitals: many of us have too many duties, always in a hurry
to do and fulfil our duties, too many jobs. We have no time for each other and for
communitarian spiritual life.
• Time table is too general, doesn’t help to create religious community life. Lacking
of common time for recreation together.
• We do not let the Spirit move and guide us deeply.
Weaknesses, shortcomings, frailties
• Lack of identity as Camillian religious, lack of fire, zeal in the heart to witness the
merciful love of Jesus because we don’t know who we are.
• Lack of the need to receive the sacrament of reconciliation.
• No balance between prayer life and ministry. Spiritually, we are the directors of
ourselves rather than the Spirit.
External and internal threats.
• Burned out and stressed by to much work neglecting time for prayer.
• The tendency to separate spiritual life from actual life.
Points of strength.
• Clear time table in Formation Houses.
• Monthly retreat: religious are still faithful to the monthly retreat.
• In the formation houses there are advantages because of a clear time table, of
time for spiritual recollection, but for a community in ministry we don’t stress too
much for having a consistent time table.
• On our personal and communitarian identity: what is our conviction of being a
Camillian? It is not just the Red Cross we wear, but what we are: good and merciful Samaritans.
• Our society (Thai) is not totally secularized. Basically, we still can keep the spiritual
values. The Buddhist environment positively influences our life and ministry. We
are men living and witnessing Christ’s mercy and a referring point for the people.
Opportunities, challenges.
• We should look for more opportunities to renew our relationship and friendship
with God, personally and as community. We should continue to be faithful in giving
our time for God in community prayers, monthly recollection.
• We need to balance our prayer life and work.
Looking towards the future. Proposals.
• Organize regular ongoing formation programs which should help religious to recover their identity as Camillian religious.
• Stress in the community the importance of Spiritual direction and the need to receive often the sacrament of reconciliation.
• The annual retreat should properly planned and prepared
Spiritual life.
‘Moved by the Spirit we embrace the charism of mercy… (C, n. 1) and we allow ourselves to be guided by him at every moment of our lives, especially when guiding and directing
our choices.
As men of the Spirit, we nourish our spiritual lives (otherwise it would die) with interior life,
with prayer, and with relationships of renewed friendship with God and with our brothers (C, n. 13).
nswer to the Project Europe
The Province of Thailand and Vietnam Delegation
nswer to the Project Europe
The Province of Thailand and Vietnam Delegation
F raternal communion
Vocation is convocation (SAC). With the profession of our lives we give ourselves with
all our hearts to our religious Family (C, n. 29). Communion, which is a gift of the Spirit, becomes a kind of overall gospel advice, which should be lived with the same radical character as
our vows. We ask ourselves what we have not yet given to our communities and to our brothers.
Let us engage in discernment:
Personal and communitarian attitudes
• Open dialogue and honest communication among the members of the community.
• Collaboration among the members of the community.
• Empathy, Sacrifice, availability and sincerity.
Weaknesses, shortcomings, frailties
• There is no openness among the members in the community.
• Sometimes religious in power expect other religious to be what they would like
them to be, not respecting who those religious are.
• Back biting, judging others, envy and jealousy, these attitudes toward other members seriously damage the community.
• Sometimes we reduce the communication to information. Communication between
us and other members should be at much deeper level. Sometimes we just write
on the whiteboard where we are going, we do not even talk to our confreres.
• Lack of qualitative time for community life and interpersonal-relationship.
• Lack of spiritual leadership from superiors in the community.
External and internal threats.
• Different culture, ages, nationality (Thais, Italians and Vietnamese).
• Afraid to offend a senior member of the community to the point that we never show
our true feeling toward that person (due to Confucius culture) and this creates a
silent atmosphere in the community.
• Individualistic attitude.
• The rotation of religious members according to the three years terms does not take
into consideration the nature of work some religious are performing.
• We sometimes overstress work more than the person.
Points of strength.
• Monthly meeting in the community, sharing information with one another are still
in practice. Yet we still need to understand that to inform is one thing and to communicate is another. What is needed in the community is communication: sharing
oneself at deep level.
• To look at positive point of each member.
• Community’s members respect one another and also the responsibilities of each one.
Opportunities, challenges.
• Taking the approach of empathy: once we understand the feeling of other mem-
bers and see their failure and joy, we should not tell them directly but we should
use charity and love in sharing with them.
Hosting community should give time, space for the new member to be able to adjust
with his new community; sometimes a member assigned to a new community takes
time to let go of his past community and find the proper way to adjust with the new one.
Fraternal correction is necessary in the community, yet one should find the right
way to do it. One should have the courage to tell the truth even if we have to accept
that it is a challenge because we need to use fraternal love and charity. We should
be the first one in approaching and communicating with others.
When community have few members (3 or 4 numbers) it is more challenging, yet
it can be an opportunity for each one to be more close to other members.
We should listen to one another rather than to gossips from outside.
Looking towards the future. Proposals.
• To create awareness among members that it is God who chooses each one of us to
be part of a community, it is not us who choose and decide whom I should stay with.
Therefore I have to change myself so to be a suitable member of the community
Initial and ongoing formation
Formation and renewal are indispensable when it comes ‘to serving the sick in a better
way’ because ‘competence is the modern form of charity’ (John XXIII).
It is in this horizon that one should achieve, to the utmost, discernment as regards the
positive suitability of candidates, their formation and the training of those responsible for formation in order to achieve good accompanying and discernment.
Let us engage in discernment:
Personal and communitarian attitudes
• Individual religious doesn’t realize the importance of ongoing formation.
• The holistic approach should stress the total dimension of the human person in the
initial stages of formation: human qualities, Christian qualities, religious qualities,
Camillian qualities.
• To be up to date of the Handbook regarding the guidelines on formation at each
level facilitating the initial and ongoing formation.
• Weaknesses, shortcomings, frailties
• Lack of true models in the formation houses.
• Inadequate preparedness of formators in helping the candidates in the growth
regarding sexuality and their sexual orientation.
• Formandees don’t have enough opportunities to acquire skills, e.g. in financial
matters, in administration. Thailand does not offer relevant courses for formators.
Lack of religious who are interested in the work of formation.
External and internal threats.
• Lack of sound formators and person with good qualities and a deep lived personal
nswer to the Project Europe
The Province of Thailand and Vietnam Delegation
nswer to the Project Europe
The Province of Thailand and Vietnam Delegation
Lack of documents about the life of our saints (well standing religious of the past) religious, we don’t have a referring point as a model of person how to be a real Camillian.
Need to read and share the history of the Order to keep the fire of charism burning
in the heart of our candidates.
The lacking of documents, writing about the order can be the threat to our future
identity as Camillian.
We are not involved in the work of parishes or schools.
Points of strength.
• In Thailand and Vietnam minor seminaries is still functioning as the way to vocation promotion.
• We still have four minor-seminaries. The commission of formation functions well.
We have a manual or a handbook on formation.
Opportunities, challenges.
• A formator can’t just be anyone, he should be well prepared in every dimension.
If the formator is not well prepared and ready to work, it is a mistake. He should
be well selected, have the gift of being a formator and should pass through all the
experiences of growth in all dimensions: human qualities, Christian qualities, religious qualities, Camillian qualities.
• To be a formator is not enough just to study, but there should be an experience of
personal growth of the formator which will enable him to understand the growth of
the formandees as well.
• Formators should not be afraid to talk about and to ask formandees about sex and sexuality.
Let us engage in discernment:
Personal and communitarian attitudes
• Our ministry is quite diversified; other congregations and the local church look at
us with admiration because we practice our ministry with marginalized people.
• We should be persons who are always the first in caring for the sick and be models
for our collaborators to follow and not just to be good administrators.
We preach the Gospel by our own ministry and through our service to the sick we witness the merciful love of Christ. It is more than just social work or health profession.
In our work we should show the ever merciful love of Christ in all its dimensions.
We heal the person in his/her total human dimension not just by curing the physical
sickness but through a holistic approach centred on the whole person.
Weaknesses, shortcomings, frailties
• Most of the time our work remains still at administrative level; we should spend
more time and find more opportunities to serve the sick with our own hands.
• We should understand that for a Camillian who has vowed to serve the sick is not
enough to stay in the office of a hospital or of an institution.
• We are working on the administrative level more than in the direct service to the sick.
External and internal threats.
• To be a minister of the sick is much more than to be a perfect social worker.
• Lack of man power, we have many institutions and different kind of ministry, yet the
number of religious is not increasing but decreasing; we see the challenge of how
to maintain the activities.
• The ministry should not be something belonging to a person, or be the property of
a single religious, it should be a communitarian ownership.
Points of strength.
• Our ministry is very relevant in our time, to be faithful to our charism and ministry
will assure us of our growth and presence.
• We are well accepted and admired by the local church.
• People know Camillians as religious who dedicated themselves to the service of
AIDS people and old aged people.
• We have diversity of ministry to the sick.
• We are working for justice to nourish an environment of peace. The commission
on pastoral care works at local and national level. Cooperation with the Bishop
Conference of Thailand on different sectors of healthcare.
Opportunities, challenges.
• Our staffs often compare one religious with others religious regarding their attitudes towards the sick and how each of them cares for the sick.
• As a province we, in the last period of time, are exploring more in the field of caring
for children with disability, we hope to be a model in the Church.
• Today’s ministry should not be located within our institution only, but it should outreach local communities too.
• We lack chaplains in hospitals, less people in our congregation who are interested
in this field. Each Camillian, no matter what kind of administration work he is doing,
should find, each day, time to give to the patients. This field of ministry is still neglected.
• We should be the first to be present at the bedside of dying patients, spend more
time with the patients.
• Our mission is not just to care only for the sick, but our challenges are also to teach
others to care for them: relatives of the patients, healthcare workers.
Looking towards the future. Proposals.
• To prepare as early as possible a suitable formator. Give more weight to formation.
• On going formation for religious should be planned at different levels.
• We look to expand our ministry to our neighbouring countries, e.g. Vietnam, Myanmar.
We are Camillians for and in service to sick people, and this is the reason for our existence (C, n. 42). This diakonia is our concrete way of following the merciful Christ. We thus adopt
his approaches and feelings, and his design (proposal, intention) to promote man, build up the
Kingdom, and preach the good News.
Faithfulness and creativity, which are inherent in our vows, lead us to base ourselves on Christ
in our ministerial and communitarian choices and to review constantly our way of serving (c, n. 58).
nswer to the Project Europe
The Province of Thailand and Vietnam Delegation
nswer to the Project Europe
The Province of Thailand and Vietnam Delegation
To work in public hospitals, Government’s healthcare institutions. Personal
approach and care for the patients in our own institutions.
Looking towards the future. Proposals.
• To empower the lay Camillian family to extend our ministry through the lay people.
• To study and meditate the fourth vow more deeply.
• Translate more books into local language regarding the charism of the order.
• Give priority on finding, training, and emphasizing the role of the chaplain in each community.
• We should have competent and well trained persons in each field of ministry, become experts, specialized in the service of the sick.
• We Should do research and data collection to be up to date in the field of health care.
• We look to an Asian network on ministry, e.g. Catholic hospitals, Caritas of Asia,
HIV/AIDS, spiritual assistance in public hospitals, a manual of pastoral care in
Thailand, alternative medicine.
Looking towards the future. Proposals
‘You do not only have a history to narrate but also a future to build’ (VC). By this statement
John Paul II invites us to overcome attitudes and feelings of passive resignation, of paralysing
pessimism, and of unjustified sorrow. We need, instead, to walk forward in hope, identifying
those ways of living that lead to death and the signs of life that foster revitalisation and renewal.
Let us engage in discernment:
Looking towards the future. Proposals.
• Revitalize the missionary spirit in our province.
• Continue to promote missionary activities.
• Promote international formation: international novitiate, exposure for young religious.
• We have to be ready to be the yeast in the healthcare world, even in the environment where we do not have our own institutions.
• To create more cooperation among provinces and regions in the same continent
by creating more international communities.
The drawing up of the external map ♥
6.1 People
Novices = 5
Temp professed = 20
Perpet. Professed = 37
Novices = 3
Temp. professed = 14
Perpet. Professed = 29
Novices = 4
Temp. professed = 12
Perpet. Professed = 28
Overall average age of the Province Thailand
Personal and communitarian attitudes
• Should be sensitive to the sign of time, and continue to promote missionary spirit.
• Religious should always be ready to go everywhere in the world to be at the service of the sick.
• With the trend of globalization, we are called to be sensitive also with this trend.
Weaknesses, shortcomings, frailties
• We are still very concentrated on the local aspects because we are still a young
province struggling to improve our own province on different aspects and thus we
neglect the missionary one.
External and internal threats.
Points of strength.
• Asia with her young population is still an area to live out our charism and where
poverty is very much present.
Opportunities, challenges.
• There are invitations to set our foundation in other countries: Cambodia, Myanmar.
• We still have hope in the young generations in Asia
31.12.2010 = 47 years
31.12.2005 = 45 years
31.12.2000 = 44 years
Forecasts as regards average age
31.12.2015 = 47 years
31.12.2020 = 47 years
Religious who engage in ministry, with their ministerial task.
Absolute number = 35 persons
Percentage = 90%
6.2 Communities
Number of communities
31.12.2010 = 10
31.12.2005 = 8
31.12.2000 = 7
31.12.2010 Average composition = 3.3
Communities of less than 3 religious = No
♥ Situation/state of the Provinces, Vice-Provinces, Delegations as of 31.12.2010.
nswer to the Project Europe
The Province of Thailand and Vietnam Delegation
nswer to the Project Europe
The Province of Thailand and Vietnam Delegation
6.3 Ministerial presences
6.5 Governance of Province Thailand
Chaplaincies = 2
Our own works/institutions = 10
Works/institutions owned by others = No
Centres for formation (humanisation, pastoral care, spirituality…) = 1
Teaching in centres owned by others =1
Seminaries = 5
Parishes = No
Communities offering welcome = No
The Camillian Family, Volunteers…. (spiritual assistants, heads…) = 5 Families
Church agencies (Caritas, councils for pastoral care in health …). = 2
Looking at the commitments which are most important from an institutional point of
view (governance, animation…), and from the point of view of ministry, formation and management/economics, list the most relevant problems/difficulties, in order of importance as well:
Vocation promotion is the priority of the Thai province.
Ministry (centres of charity) should have economical sufficiency by working with Thai Government for financial support.
The provincial should be the leader who animates religious.
The most relevant problem of the Thai province is community life.
New forms of ministry over the last ten years = Handicapped children Centre
6.6 Looking at the future with realism and hope
Presences/ministries to privilege:
- because of their importance, = Yes
- because they are in conformity with our charism = Yes
Try to visualise the scenario of the Province Thailand in the next ten years. What
do you envisage as regards:
- Governance/animation (filling posts of responsibility), Local religious have started
to take the main responsibility in the communities and in the province.
- ministerial presences, Every community has one kind of ministry in one way or
- activities involving formation, Formation is working well. Work for formation and
vocation promotion needs to be perfected.
- economic resources? Every community is trying to be economically sufficient.
Have you begun or do you have in mind a process of reflection/review/planning
with a view to:
- Privileging some presences and reducing others, Not Yet
- restructuring (numbers and composition of communities, committees …), Not Yet.
- optimising the use of resources, Yes
- looking for cooperation from and with other Provinces, Vice-Provinces and Delegations, Yes in the field of Formation.
- positing processes involving ending, unification, incorporation…? Not Yet.
6.4 Pastoral care as regards vocations and formation
Pastoral care of vocations
Yes X
Number of heads:
Lay = No
Religious = 2
Number of people responsible for formation = 7
Kind of grounding/formation experienced = some have a licence in religious life
Aspirants = 105 boys
Postulants = 12 boys
Rules of formation:
Are they applied? = Yes
inute of provincial report
inute of provincial report
81/3 Luangpang Rd, Khumthong, Latkrabang, Bangkok 10520
Tel : (66) 0-2360-7848-50
Fax : (66) 0-2360-7851
e-mail : camiloth@loxinfo.co.th www.camillianthailand.org
The Superior of the Center told the Committee that it had been assigned to Fr. Kriangkai
Sukchit to be responsible for all documentation of the land property of Camillian in Chiang Rai.
Report of the first meeting of Camillian Provincial Council
Thailand at Camillian Social Center, ChiangRai,
At 09h00, 6th January 2011
Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Fr. Giovanni Contarin
Fr. Sante Tocchetto
Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok
Fr. Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Samphan Wapeeso*
Br, Giovanni Dalla Rizza*
Fr. Amando Te Nuzzo*
Fr. Kriangkai Sukchit*
Agenda item No.
Provincial Superior
Superior, Camillian Social Center, Chiang Rai
Director, Camillian Social Center, Chiang Rai
Member of Camillian Social Center, Chiang Rai
Treasurer, Camillian Social Center, Chiang Rai
1. The work of Camillian Social Center, Chiang Rai
Division of individual responsibility
Superior of Camillian Social Center, Chiang Rai informed that there are monthly regular
in house meeting and the clear responsibility for each member of this center. It was classified
group of work as follows:
Children living with disabilities (Baan Ker Koon)
Ethnic Children
Fellowships for former students of this Center
Community educational development
Pastoral and Health Care for ex-lepers and community
Pastoral and Health Care for people at Peoples Republic of Laos
Collaborate with the Chiang Mai Dioceses in relation with the Health Care
The economical sustainable of all projects at this center
The formation sector is supported by the central office of Camillian
As regards to Children living with disabilities, Ethnic Children, Fellowships for former
students of this Center and Community educational development, all had been committed in
long-term support from the donors with written agreement.
As for Scholarships, if there is no financial support, this project will automatic stop without
and affect to Camillian.
The Pastoral and Health Care for people at Peoples Republic of Laos had been a special
request by Apostolic Nuncio in Thailand for our center to take this function.
Participants :
Land Property of Camillian
Construction of the Center
It was informed that there would be three sites for construction. There were, the Chapel,
the swimming pool for aquatic therapy and the all purposes hall for ethnic children which had
been agreed in general by the Committee for further action. The Committee had suggested as
for the Chapel, once the construction had completed, Camillian may wish to donate this Chapel
to Chiang Mai Diocese.
Agenda item No.
2 : Items for Information
Mission in Vietnam
Fr. Cherdchai, Provincial Superior informed the Committee that he had requested Cardinal John Baptist, the responsible Bishop in Ho Chi Minh City to had an official written document
to Camillian recognizing the existing of Camillian Order in Ho Chi Minh City. The Committee
had also been informed that Fr. Joseph Do Duc Phu from Vietnam would be trained in Thailand
as a Novice Master as from January 2011.
Land Property
The Provincial Superior had raised the issue of land property for Camillian. As considering to the future expansion of Camillian, he informed the Committee that the land adjacent
to Camillian Pastoral Center, Lartkrabang is still empty and available for the area of 10 Rai. It
may be good opportunity for Camillian to purchase this adjacent land for future activities. The
Committee had agreed and this issue would be raised to the in-coming General Assembly of
Camillian Annual Report
Fr. Cherdchai informed the Committee that General Council had requested the Annual
Report for the year 2007-2009 for Camillian Thailand.
inute of provincial report
On-going Formation
Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok, Chairman of Commission of Formation informed the Committee
regarding the details of on-going formation for junior religious who had vows less than 10 years.
Agenda Item No.
3 : Others
Approval of Budget
Renovation of House for Ageing, Sampran
Further education for Religious
The Committee had discussed regarding the further education for Fr. Joseph Tran Van
Phat, Camillian member from Vietnam. It was agreed for Fr. Phat to further study in India in the
field of Formation.
81/3 Luangpang Rd, Khumthong, Latkrabang, Bangkok 10520
Tel : (66) 0-2360-7848-50
Fax : (66) 0-2360-7851
e-mail : camiloth@loxinfo.co.th www.camillianthailand.org
At 09h00, 9th February 2011
The Committee had considered the proposal for the renovation of House for Ageing at
Camillian Social Center, Sampran. The Committee had agreed in general and proposed some
modification for the proposal and resubmit to the Committee.
Report of the second meeting of Camillian Provincial Council
Thailand at Camillian Social Center, Chantaburi,
The proposed budget for Camillian Hospital for the year 2011 had been discussed and it
was approved for operation.
inute of provincial report
Site of next meeting
Participants :
Agenda item No. 1.
It had been dicided to convene the next meeting at Camillian Social Center, Chantaburi
on Wednesday, 9th February 2011 at 09h00..
The meeting was adjorned at 12h30.
Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Fr. Giovanni Contarin
Fr. Sante Tocchetto
Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok
Fr. Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Siranon Sanpetch*
Fr. Thawatchi Piewyamuengt*
Br. Victoriano Altaba
Provincial Superior
Superior, Camillian Social Center, Chantaburi
Director, Camillian Social Center, Chantaburi
Member, Camillian Social Center, Chantaburi
The work of Camillian Social Center, Chaiang Rai
Division of individual responsibility
Superior of Camillian Social Center, Chantaburi informed that there were two main functions of this center. The first main function is to care for the elderly at the Center and the second
collaborate with the Chantaburi Diocese regarding the pastoral of health care for the diocese.
The economical sustainable for the center
The Committee was informed that at present, there were 110 beds for the elderly and
there was a tendency for further increase. To this increasing trend, it showed the ability of self
support for this center. It was informed that the members of this center had tried to improve the
service and other facilities of this center to cope with the expansion of the elderly. The Committee noted the development of the center.
Fr. Peter Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
Agenda item No. 2
: Items for Information
2.1 Fr. Cherdchai, Provincial Superior informed the Committee that Fr. Samphan Wapeeso
and Fr. Pongsiri Sangvalpet would go for on-going formation in Rome, Italy for one month starting from the first of May 2011.
2.2 The Provincial Superior informed the Committee that Mr. Sandro Gorgatti had expressed
his wish to donate his condominium at Hard Jormtien, Pattaya to Camillian after his death. He
had already written in his present will to donate it to Camillian.
inute of provincial report
inute of provincial report
2.4 The Committee was informed that there would be an opening ceremony for the
Home for Disability children (Baan Sittida) at Bang Pong, Rajchaburi on 7th May 2011.
81/3 Luangpang Rd, Khumthong, Latkrabang, Bangkok 10520
Tel : (66) 0-2360-7848-50
Fax : (66) 0-2360-7851
e-mail : camiloth@loxinfo.co.th www.camillianthailand.org
Report of the third meeting of Camillian Provincial Council
Thailand at Camillian Social Center, Prachinburi,
2.5 The Committee noted that there would be an 50th anniversary of Camillian Hospital, Bangkok on 15th May 2011.
Agenda Item No.
2.3 Fr. Giovanni Contarin informed the Committee that there would be an gala dinner
as fundraising for the children living with disabilities of Camillian Home at Lartkrabang.
The gala dinner would take place at Centara Hotel on 12th February 2011.
At 09h00, 3rd March 2011
3 : Others
3.1 The report of the first meeting of the Camillian Provincial Council had been discussed and approved.
3.2 The Committee had noted the detailed plan of the construction of the Chapel of
Camillian Social Center at Chiang Rai and the plan for fundraising for this project.
3.3 It had been raised the issue of the potential of having people living with HIV/AIDS to
be the member of Camillian. It was discussed and recognized that there was normally an entry
medical examination for all individual to enroll as novitiate. This entry medical examinatio n had
included the blood examination for HIV/AIDS too. The results of the examination were confidential for all. It was the individual right and all of them had written voluntary for this examination.
It was also informed that being the member of Camillian Religious Order is the right of
Camillian Order whether who will be accepted as a member. It is not the right of individual but
it is the right of Camillian whether that person be fulfilled the requirements or functions of the
Camillian Order.
3.4 In view of the fact that the St. Camiullus Foundation in Thailand had a very broad
scope of social functions. There was an idea of establishing a new foundation to cover the
work of social functions regarding the migrants or ethnic people. The Committee had discussed
and it was suggested to raise this issue to the in-coming General Assembly of Camillian.
3.5 The Committee had agreed to bring the issue of the celebration of the 400th death
anniversary of St. Camillus in 2013. As the matter of how to celebrate would be brought to
the General Assembly for discussion as a whole.
3.6 The Committee had approved the revised plan of the renovation of Home for Ageing of Sampran. It was modified as recommended by the Committee.
3.7 The Committee had approved the request of Fr. Vacchara Sengcharoen for an on-going
formation as a trainer organized by Center for Spirituality “Dormus pacis et vilae” in Italy for one
month starting from 27 June 2011.
3.8 t had been dicided to convene the next meeting at Camillian Social Center, Prachinburi on 3rd March 2011 at 09h00..
The meeting was adjorned at 13h00.
Fr. Peter Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
Participants :
Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Fr. Giovanni Contarin
Fr. Sante Tocchetto
Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok
Fr. Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Emenegildo Calderaro*
Fr, Pongsiri Sangvalpet*
Fr. Ackrapan Nanthavanith**
Agenda item No. 1.
Provincial Superior
Superior, Camillian Social Center, Prachinburi
Member, Camillian Social Center, Prachinburi
Director, Camillian Social Center, Prachinburi
Items for information
Fr. Cherdchai, Provincial Superior informed the Committee that Fr. Jesus M. Ruiz Irigtoyen, Deputy General Superior of Camillian had requested Camillian members in Thailand to
complete the survey forms related to Europe Project Commission.
Agenda item No. 2
: Approval of previous Report
The Committee had reviewed the previous report and approved it accordingly.
Agenda item No. 3
: Others
Admission to the Novitiate
Fr. Sante reported the performances of all postulants as well as comments of all concerned for each postulant to the Committee. The Committee had reviewed all and approved for
admission to the Novitiate of the following postulants.
Joseph Vo Ta Hoang
Joseph Tran Duc Toan
Joseph Quoc Hung
Francis Xavier Can Tran Dinh Long
Chatchavan Vapitao
inute of provincial report
Admission to Temporary Profession
Fr. Calderaro, the Novice Master reported to the Committee the performances of all Novices including the individual comments of all concerned. The Committee had reviewed all and
approved for them to be the Temporary Profession of the following Novices.
81/3 Luangpang Rd, Khumthong, Latkrabang, Bangkok 10520
Tel : (66) 0-2360-7848-50
Fax : (66) 0-2360-7851
e-mail : camiloth@loxinfo.co.th www.camillianthailand.org
At 09h00, 10th March 2011
Admission to the Priesthood
Review of Financial Report
The establishment of new Foundation
The General Assembly of Camillian took place on 24th February 2011 and had discussed
this subject matter. It was agreed in general by the Assembly for further action.
Report of the fourth meeting of Camillian Provincial Council
Thailand at Camillian Social Center, Sampran,
Fr. Contarin, Provincial Treasurer of Camillian had presented the financial reports of
each Camillian Community in Thailand. The Committee had reviewed all financial report of the
individual community and made minor comments for some community. At the end of the discussion, the Committee had approved all financial reports.
Joseph Nguyen Quoc Hung
John Baptist Le Van Thuong
Anbthony Vu Phi Song
Joseph Luu Ngoc Khanh
Joseph Hoang Quoc Huy
Peter Pham Ba Thang
Fr. Sante reported the performance of Deacon Anusorn Nilkhet with the comments of
all concerned. The Committee had reviewed and approved the admission to the priesthood of
Deacon Anusorn Nilkhet. It had also decided to place to be ordianed at the Ascension of the
Lord Church, Nakorn Pathom Province on 9th July 2011.
inute of provincial report
Participants :
Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Fr. Giovanni Contarin
Fr. Sante Tocchetto
Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok
Fr. Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Chaisak Thaisonthi*
Fr, Phiyasak Wongwai**
Agenda item No.
Provincial Superior
Director, Camillian Social Center, Sampran
Member, Camillian Social Center, Sampran
1. Items for information
Fr. Cherdchai, Provincial Superior informe4d the Committee that the Camillian Hospital
had been recognized by the Ministry of Public Health as Hospital Accreditation (H.A.) and the
certificate for HA would be officially granted on 15th March 2011.
1.2 The Committee was informed that the International Coordinator of Camillian Task Force
at Headquarters in Rome had been changed from Fr. Binet Scott to Fr. Aristelo Miranda.
Land Property
The General Assembly of Camillian on 24th February 2011 had supported the idea of
purchasing the empty land adjacent to the Camillian Pastoral Center, Lartkrabang for further
expansion. The Committee had agreed for Fr. Cherdchai be the responsible person on this
matter and requested each community to financial support as appropriate.
1.3 Fr. Phakhawi informed the Committee that there was a Christian family had expressed
their wish to donate a piece of land at Baan Kai, Rayong Province to Camillian for the purpose
of accommodating the patients of people living with HIV/AIDS.
3.7 The Committee agreed to convene the next meeting at Camillion Social Center,
Sampran on 10th March 2011 at 09h00.
Agenda item No. 2
: Approval of previous Report
The Committee had reviewed the previous report and approved it accordingly.
The meeting was adjorned at 13h00.
Agenda item No. 3
Fr. Peter Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
: Others
3.1 The Camillian General Assembly in February 2011 had agreed for the celebration of
400th death anniversiry of St. Camillus and it had appointed a special committee to be responsible for the celebration. It had fixed the duration of celebration starting from 2nd February 2014
– 8th December 2014.
inute of provincial report
inute of provincial report
Peter Nguyen Huu Biet
Joseph Phan Anh Dung
Anthony Trinh Van Son
Peter Saravuth Wapeeso
Andrew Ekachai Dejviengchai
Michael Maria Pham Minh Quan
Joseph Nguyen Ngoc Anh
Joseph Kitja Chaovalitsathien
Peter Mai Van Khan
Ansgario Pham Sy Hien
Paul Nguyen Nhu Hieu
Peter Pharm Kim Kiewn
Vincent Wu Kok Truan
Peter Nguyen Hien Hua
Peter Phavat Kultangwattana
Paul Supphakorn Karntharuksa
81/3 Luangpang Rd, Khumthong, Latkrabang, Bangkok 10520
Tel : (66) 0-2360-7848-50
Fax : (66) 0-2360-7851
e-mail : camiloth@loxinfo.co.th www.camillianthailand.org
Report of the fifth meeting of Camillian Provincial Council
Thailand at San Camillo Hospital, Bang Pong,
At 09h00, 4th April 2011
Participants :
The proposed change of approved budget
The Camillian Social Center, Chiang Rai submitted the proposal of changing the approved budget from the normal expenses to purchase a mini van for the use of the center. The
Committee had discussed and approved for the request of changing the approved budget.
Agenda item No. 4
Renewal of Temporary Profession
Fr. Sante, Formator presented the performance with the comments to the Committee
case by case. The Committee had reviewed all and approved the following for the renewal of
Temporary Profession.
: The Work of Camillian Social Center,Sampran
Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Fr. Giovanni Contarin
Fr. Sante Tocchetto
Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok
Fr. Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Br. Chirawat Suchiranutham*
Br, Vachara Chamnanrid*
Fr. Ekachai Pholvarin*
Agenda item No. 1.
Provincial Superior
Superior & Director, San Camillo Hospital, Bang Pong
Treasurer, San Camillo Hospital, Bang Pong
Member, San Camillo Hospital,Bang Pong
Items for information
The Committee noted that the main functions of Camillian Social Center, Sampran were
Formation and Pastoral care for elderly. As part of the Formation, it had been covered for training of Postulants and the temporary professions.
1.1 Fr. Cherdchai, Provincial Superior informed the Committee that the Suratthani Diocese
requested the collaboration of Camillian for health care assistance to the victims of floods in
South. Fr. Cherdchai would coordinate with Fr. Pairat, coordinator of Camillian Task Force (CTF)
to organize the medical mission as requested by the Suratthani Diocese.
The Committee agreed to convene the next meeting at San Camillo Hospital, Bang Pong
on 4th April 2011 at 09h00.
1.2 The Committee was informed that the official celebration of the 25 anniversary of priesthood of Fr. Pairat would take place at Camillian Social Center, Prachinburi on Saturday, 16th
July 2011.
The meeting was adjorned at 13h00.
Agenda item No. 2
: Work of San Camillo Hospital, Bang Pong
The Superior and Director of San Camillo Hospital, informed the Committee that the major tasks of the hospital had divided into four sections. The first function was the administration
of the Hospital, the second function was focused on pastoral care for the sick, the third was
emphasized on social activities, and the last was monitored and implemented the project for the
benefit of under-privileged people.
Fr. Peter Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
inute of provincial report
3 : Approval of previous report
The Committee had reviewed the draft of previous meeting report and approved it without
any modification.
Agenda item No. 4
Agenda item No.
inute of provincial report
4.1 The Committee had reviewed the report of Fr. Jacob Wong, Superior of Camillian in Taipei, Taiwan regarding the performance of Br. Paul Tran To Hoai who was under the supervision
of Fr. Wong. The Committee had unaminous agreed to the proposal of Fr. Wong for Br. Paul
Tran To Hoai to proceed to the renewal of temporary profession.
4.3 The Committee had agreed in general for the proposal for the celebration of 400th death
anniversary of St. Camillus which was submitted by the Commission on Pastoral Health Care.
4.4 The Commission of Pastoral Health Care had submitted the proposal for organizing an
international seminar with Fr. Arnando Palgazzi as a special speaker. This international seminar would take place at Camillian Pastoral Center, Lartkrabang from 9 – 15 October 2011.
The Committee agreed to convene the next meeting at Camillian Minor Seminary, Sriracha on 12th May 2011 at 13h00.
The meeting was adjorned at 13h00.
81/3 Luangpang Rd, Khumthong, Latkrabang, Bangkok 10520
Tel : (66) 0-2360-7848-50
Fax : (66) 0-2360-7851
e-mail : camiloth@loxinfo.co.th www.camillianthailand.org
Report of the sixth meeting of Camillian Provincial Council
Thailand at Camillian Minor Seminary, Sriracha,
: Others
4.2 The Committe had reviewed the request of modification of approval budget of (1) Provincial Central office, (2) Camillian Hospital, (3) Camillian Home ande (4) Camillian Social Center,
Rayong. This change was to meet the need for the purchase of land adjacent to Camillian
Pastoral Center, Lartkrabang. It was approved by the Committee for Fr. Cherdchai to proceed
for action.
At 13h00, 12th May 2011
Participants :
Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Fr. Giovanni Contarin
Fr. Sante Tocchetto
Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok
Fr. Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr, Watchara Sengcharoen*
Deacon Anusorn Nilkhet*
Agenda item No. 1.
Provincial Superior
Treasurer, Camillian Minor Seminary, Sriracha
Member, Camillian Minor Seminary, Sriracha
Items for information
1.1 Fr. Cherdchai, Provincial Superior informed the Committee that the Catholics Commission for Priesthood under the Catholics Bishops Conference of Thailand would organize Annual
Priesthood Seminar at Baan Phu Wan from 11 – 15 July 2011. This was for information.
1.2 Fr. Contarin expressed thankful for the collaboration and support from Camillians to make
the successful for the ceremony of the opening of Baan Sitida at Bang Pong..
Agenda item No. 2
Fr. Peter Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
: Work of Camillian Minor Seminary, Sriracha
Fr. Ratfchanai, Superior of Camillian Minor Seminary informed the Committee that there
were four main tasks at the seminary. The first task was focused at training of all seminarians.
The second was the general administration for the seminary. The promotion of vocation was
another main task for this Seminary. The last task was general pastoral care.
Agenda item No. 3
: Approval of previous report
The Committee had reviewed the draft of previous meeting report and approved it without
any modification.
inute of provincial report
: Others
Agenda item No. 4
inute of provincial report
4.1 Fr. Cherdchai informed the Committee that Fr. Phiyasak Wongwai would be the responsible officer for the establishment of new Foundation as agreed upon.
4.2 Fr. Cherdchai informed the Committee regarding the development of the purchase of land
property adjacent to Camillian Pastoral Center, Lartkrabang. The purchase had completed and
it was in the process of filling the level of the surface of the land to be ready for further use.
81/3 Luangpang Rd, Khumthong, Latkrabang, Bangkok 10520
Tel : (66) 0-2360-7848-50
Fax : (66) 0-2360-7851
e-mail : camiloth@loxinfo.co.th www.camillianthailand.org
Report of the seventh meeting of Camillian Provincial Council
Thailand at Camillian Social Center, Rayong,
4.3 As regarde to the request of selling two old vehicles from San Camillo Hospital, Bang
Pong, the Committee approved for this request.
4.4 Fr. Cherdchai informed the Committee about a plan for donation for a piece of land with
the area of 30 rai at Prachinburi from Khun Valee Wongpukdee. The Committee agreed to accept this offer with pleasure.
4.5 Fr. Contarin presented the first quarter financial report of all Camillian communities in
Thailand. The Committee had reviewed with some minor comments and suggestions. Then all
financial reports were approved.
The Committee agreed to convene the next meeting at Camillian Social Center, Rayong
on 9th June 2011 at 09h00.
The meeting was adjorned at 16h30.
At 09h00, 9th June 2011
Participants :
Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Fr. Giovanni Contarin
Fr. Sante Tocchetto
Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok
Fr. Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr, Preeda Weingchai*
Fr. Kritsada Kumsri**
Agenda item No. 1.
Fr. Peter Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
Superior, Camillian Social Center, Rayong
Member, Camillian Social Center, Rayong
Work of Camillian Social Cengter, Rayong
Fr. Preeda Weingchai, Superior of Camillian Social Center briefed the Committee on the
functions of the Center. It was divided into three major sections. The first one was the implementation of all projects funded by external donors. The second function was on pastoral care.
The third function was the financial. It was due to the fact that this center had several projects
to maintain and monitor.
Provincial Superior
Agenda item No. 2
: Approval of previous report
The Committee had reviewed the draft report of previous meeting and approved it.
Agenda item No. 3
: Others
The training of Postulants (Vietnameses)
As the original plan, the Vietnamese pre-postulants would be trained at Vietnam and
studied there. However, the Commission on Formation realized the situation in Vietnam that
the training place and formators were not sufficient for training good postulants. It was felt that
the better solution for better training for these pre-postulants to be train in Thailand. We could
provide better offer for them. However, this plan was all of them be trained from pre-postulants
upto the first temporary profesion then going back to Vietnam.
inute of provincial report
Further education
As regard to the further education for Fr. Joseph Tran Van Phat to study in India, the
Commmittee noted that there was the entry visa problem and Fr. Phat could not leave Vietnam.
The dicision was for Fr. Phat to continue his work in Vietnam for the time being until another
placement could be sought out.
inute of provincial report
At 09h00, 7th July 2011
Fr. Sante presented the report of performance and comments for the admission to the
Diaconate and it was approved by the Committee for the folllowing:
Participants :
Br. Joseph Vu Anh Hoang
Br.Joachim Nguyen Van Thanh.
Admission to the Ministry of Acolyte
Fr. Sante presented the report of performance and comments for the admission to the
Ministry of Acolyte and it was approved by the Committee for the following:
Br. Michele Woothichai Boonbunlu
Br. Peter Nguyen Huu Biet
Br. Paul Nguyen Nhu Hieu
Fr. Sante presented the report of performance and comments for the admission to the
Ministry of Lectorate and it was approved by the Committee for the following:
Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Fr. Giovanni Contarin
Fr. Sante Tocchetto
Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok
Fr. Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr, Renato Attrezzi *
Fr. Nazareno Rossetto**
Fr. Vutthikorn Panyingyok**
Agenda item No. 1.
Admission to the Ministry of Lectorate
81/3 Luangpang Rd, Khumthong, Latkrabang, Bangkok 10520
Tel : (66) 0-2360-7848-50
Fax : (66) 0-2360-7851
e-mail : camiloth@loxinfo.co.th www.camillianthailand.org
Report of the eighth meeting of Camillian Provincial Council
Thailand at Camillian Hospital Bangkok
Admission to the Diaconate
Br. Anthony Trinh Van Son
Br. Joseph Phan Anh Dung
Br. Paul Nguyen Nhu Hieu
Preparation the formator
The Commission of Formation submitted the name of Fr. Wachara Sengcharoen to be
train as a formator in India by the year of 2013. The Committee had reviewed and approved for
the request.
The Committee agreed to convene the next meeting at Camillian Hospital, Bangkok on
7th July 2011 at 09h00.
Provincial Superior
Superior, Camillian Hospital Bangkok
Work of Camillian Hospital Bangkok
Fr. Renato , Superior of Camillian Hospital Bangkok informed the meeting that they had
clarified the functions of the religious as follows:
1. Community Life & the Spiritual dimension: Members had group daily Eucharistic
celebration and daily pray as well as all liturgies. In spite of the heavy work load for
all members, they try to be in the community as much as possible.
2. Administration dimension: The organization structure had been modified and in
operation now. However, the computer system is under the development into the
modern stage.
3. Building structure: The building structure would be modified to be more friendly
atmosphere in the hospital and easy to access to the service.
Agenda item No. 2:
Item for information
Fr. Cherdchai, Provincial Superior informed the committee that the Provincial Regulation
regarding to the travel outside country, all members who wants to travel outside country has to
inform Provincial Superior.
Agenda item No. 3
The meeting was adjorned at 12h00.
: Approval of previous report
The Committee had reviewed the draft report of previous meeting and approved it.
Agenda item No. 4
: Follow-up items
Fr. Peter Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
The training of Postulants (Vietnameses)
Fr. Cherdchai informed the committee that an invitation letter had been sent to seven
Vietnamese pre-postulants to be volunteers in Thailand. Actually they had to receive formation
training at Sampran as planned.
inute of provincial report
inute of provincial report
Further education
Fr. Joseph Tran Van Phat had visa problem to study in India, the Commmittee had proposed for him to study in English by asking for educational grant or fellowship.
: For consideration
The committee had considered item by item from the documentations.
Request for resignation: Brother Paul Somchai Yongsripanitharn, Temporary Vows of
Camillian had writtern a request dated 22th June 2011 to General Father and Counsilors for
permission to resign from the Order of the Ministers of the Sick (Camillian). The Committee had
reviewed the case in detail and agreed to support his request. The request would be forwarded
to the General Father and his Counsilors.
Request to return to Thailand: Brother Eligio Valentini had written a letter dated 1st July
2011 addressed to Provincial Superior expressed his intention to return to work in Thailand.
The Committee had reviewed the pro and con of the case and it was unanimous agreed for the
request. Provincial Superiod would write to the General Father and his counselors in Rome for
their consideration.
Transfer of Religious member: A request had been received from Camillian Social Center, Rayong for additional religious member to be added to the center due to the work load. The
Committee had reviewed and agreed from all concerns to transfer Fr. Chaisak Taisonti from
Camillian Social Center, Sampran to work at Camillian Social Center, Rayong.
Request from Nakhon Rajchasima Diocese: A verbal request had been made informally
from Bishop Joseph Chusak Sirisut, Nakhon Rajchasima Diocese for a joint working for elderly
people in his diocese. The diocese would request to operate for a home for ages in a piece of
land belong to the diocese. It was agreed in general by the Committee. However, it was suggested that Provincial Superior and some members to visit to the proposed site before making
the deicision.
Agenda item No. 6
: Others
The committee had discussed others business as follows:
The meeting of Camillian Task Force: Fr. Aris Diez, Chairman of Camillian Task Force in
Rome would like to visit Thailand from 30 September – 3 October 2011. He would like to inform
and exchange the function of Camillian Task Force in Rome and in Thailand. The detailed program would be informed at the later part.
Financial support to Catholic Bureau of Thailand: The Provincial Superior had received
a request from Chairman of Association of Major Religious Superiors in Thailand for financial
support to Catholic Bureau of Thailand. It was written to all religious congregations in Thailand.
The Committee had agreed to the request to express our cooperation.
The Committee agreed to convene the next meeting at Camillian Social Center, Sampran
on 12th August 2011 at 09h00.
The meeting was adjorned at 12h00.
Fr. Peter Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Agenda No. 5
81/3 Luangpang Rd, Khumthong, Latkrabang, Bangkok 10520
Tel : (66) 0-2360-7848-50
Fax : (66) 0-2360-7851
e-mail : camiloth@loxinfo.co.th www.camillianthailand.org
Report of the ninth meeting of Camillian Provincial Council
Thailand at Camillian Social Center, Sampran,
At 09h00, 12th August 2011
Participants :
Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Fr. Giovanni Contarin
Fr. Sante Tocchetto
Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok
Fr. Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Agenda item No. 1.
Provincial Superior
Items for information
1.1 Fr. Cherdchai, Provincial Superior informed the Committee that the Meeting of Camillian
Task Force would take place at Camillian Pastoral Care Center, Lat Krabang at 09h00 on 1st
December 2011.
1.2 Fr. Giovanni Contarin informed the Committee that the External Audit from Rome would
come to follow up the financial audit in Thailand for some selected Camillian Centers in Thailand
from 1 – 4 November 2011.
1.3 Fr. Cherdcahi informed the Committee that he would go to attend the meeting at Lima,
Peru from 11 – 14 October 2011. It was the meeting of all Camllian Provincial Superiors around
the world.
Agenda item No. 2
: Approval of previous Report
The Committee had reviewed the previous report and approved it accordingly.
Agenda item No. 3
: Follow up items
Fr. Cherdchai informed that he had already sent the request for fellowship for Fr. Tran
Van Phat to The Church in Need in Italy and had not yet received the reply. In the mean time,
Fr. John Toai had also requested to some organizations in United States and not yet received
the answer.
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
inute of provincial report
Agenda item No. 4
inute of provincial report
: Items for consideration
4.1 The request from Nakhon Rajchasima Diocese: After the visit to the proposed site of the
Provincial Superior and Fr Giovanni Contarin, both of them satified to the proposal. An official
letter from Bishop Chusak Sirisut, Nakhon Rajchasima Diocese dated 8 July 2011 expressed
the wish for Camillian Order to work together in social field especially for elderly people. The
Provincial Superior had put this letter into the agenda of the Camillian General Assembly on 28th
July 2011. The result from the Assembly was majority of the members welcome the request
and support for futher action. At this meeting, the committee had appointed a special committee to work on this particularly issue. The committee composed with: (1) Fr. Paul Cherdchai
Lertjitleka, (2) Fr. Giovanni Contarin, (3) Fr Rocco Pairat Sriprasert, and (4) Fr. Peter Phakhawi
4.2 Request from Madang Archdiocese, Papua New Guinea: A request had received from
Archbishop Stephen Reichert, Medang Archdiocese addressed to Provincial Superior for Camillian Thailand to work in Madang. This issue was discussed by the Committee and suggested
to write a letter to the Archbishop Stephen Reichert to inform him that the proper channel of
communication should address to the General Father and his counselors in Rome for their consideration.
4.3 The second quarter Financial consideration: The Commitee had reviewed all financial
statements for the second quarter of all communities and others under the supervision of Camillian Order in Thailand.
The Committee agreed to convene the next meeting at Camillian Pastoral Care Center,
Lat Krabang on 14th Sepgtember 2011 at 09h00.
81/3 Luangpang Rd, Khumthong, Latkrabang, Bangkok 10520
Tel : (66) 0-2360-7848-50
Fax : (66) 0-2360-7851
e-mail : camiloth@loxinfo.co.th www.camillianthailand.org
Report of the tenth meeting of Camillian Provincial Council
Thailand at Camillian Pastoral Care Center, Lat Krabang
At 09h00, 14th September 2011
Participants :
Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Fr. Giovanni Contarin
Fr. Sante Tocchetto
Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok
Fr. Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Agenda item No. 1.
Provincial Superior
Items for information
1.1 Fr. Cherdchai, Provincial Superior informed the Committee that the filling of the land adjacent to Pastoral Center had started.
1.2 Fr. Ratchanai informed the Committee that the vocation camps had been organized for
two sites. One was at Siricha Minor Seminary on 19 – 21 October 2011. The second site was
at Camillian Social Center, Chiang Rai on 17 – 20 October 2011.
The meeting was adjorned at 12h00.
Agenda item No. 2
: Approval of previous Report
The Committee had reviewed the previous report and approved it accordingly.
Fr. Peter Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
Agenda item No. 3
: Follow up items
Fr. Cherdchai informed that Fr. Tran Van Phat would have his further study at Angelicum
in Rome for two years. The study would start in October 2011. It was supported by The Church
in Need.
Agenda item No. 4
: Items for consideration
4.1 Request for Perputual Profession: Fr. Sante Tocchetto, as Superior of Major Seminary
read the intention request letters and the relevant reports of all brothers one by one for consid-
inute of provincial report
inute of provincial report
4.2 Request for Budget Revision from Vietnam: A request had been received from Camillian
Community in Vietnam for the revision of 2011 budget. The revision was some adjustment of
the budget both income and expense to buy a piece of land at Thu Duc. The budget came from
Camillian in Thailand and Camillian in Taiwan, China.
eration of the Committee. All had been reviewed and it was unanimous agreed to support the
request of the following:
- Brother Antony Trinh Van Son
- Brother Joseph Phan Anh Dung
- Brother Peter Nguyen Huu Biet
81/3 Luangpang Rd, Khumthong, Latkrabang, Bangkok 10520
Tel : (66) 0-2360-7848-50
Fax : (66) 0-2360-7851
e-mail : camiloth@loxinfo.co.th www.camillianthailand.org
Report of the eleventh meeting of Camillian Provincial Council
Thailand at Camillian Minor Seminary, Sriracha,
At 14h00, 19th October 2011
4.3 Request for English study: Fr Ratchanai had proposed for a further study for Fr. Joseoph
Vachara Sengcharoen to study in Assumption College in Sriracha. It was a grant from Assumption College.
4.4 Revision of Budget of Camillian Social Center, Prachinburi: The Camillian Social Center
of Prachinburi had requested the revision of their budget to buy a pick-up car for the use of the
center. Some of the budget supported by MIVA Austria.
The Committee agreed to convene the next meeting at Camillian Minor Seminary, Sriracha on 19th October 2011 at 14h00.
Participants :
Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Fr. Giovanni Contarin
Fr. Sante Tocchetto
Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok
Fr. Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Provincial Superior
The meeting was adjorned at 12h00.
Agenda item No. 1.
Items for information
1.1 Fr. Cherdchai, Provincial Superior informed the Committee that the Camillian in Rome
had opened the opportunity for the visit of the relic of St. Camillus on the occasion of celebration
of 400 years of St Camillus. The Committee welcomes this issue and it would be placed to the
Camillian Assembly for decision.
1.2 Fr. Cherdchai informed the Committee that Brother Eligio Valentini would come back to
Thailand and he would work at Camillian Social Center Prachinburi.
Fr. Peter Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
Agenda item No. 2
: Approval of previous report
The Committee had reviewed the draft of previous meeting report and approved it without
any modification.
Agenda item No. 3
: Follow-up item
New site at Nakhon Rajchasima Diocese: The Working group of new site at Nakhon
Rajchasima had gone to Nakhon Rajchasima for a joint meeting with representatives of Nakhon
Rajchasima Diocese chaired by Bishop Chusak Sirisut on 18th October 2011. The meeting had
reviewed the draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and agreed in principle on the text of
the MOU.
inute of provincial report
inute of provincial report
Agenda item No. 4:
Items to be considered
There was a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Camillian Task Force (CTF)
between CTF Rome and CTF Thailand. The Committee had reviewed and agreed for the proposal. It was suggested that the Provincial Superior would be the one to sign this MOU.
As for the celebration of 400 years of St. Camillus, Camillian Rome had requested Camillian Thailand to participate in financial support for the activity. The Committee had considered
and tried to find the way to support. Unfortunately, Camillian Thailand had the commitment to
support Camillian Vietnam to buy a piece of land and other unforeseen activities in Thailand. It
was suggested to write a regret letter to Camillian in Rome.
Agenda item No.
81/3 Luangpang Rd, Khumthong, Latkrabang, Bangkok 10520
Tel : (66) 0-2360-7848-50
Fax : (66) 0-2360-7851
e-mail : camiloth@loxinfo.co.th www.camillianthailand.org
Report of the twelfth meeting of Camillian Provincial Council
Thailand at Camillian Social Center, Sampran,
At 09h00, 14th November 2011
Participants :
5 Others
Fr. Giovanni Contarin, Provincial Tressurer requested all Camillian Communities and relevant offices to present the budget for 2012 by 15 November 2011.
The Committee agreed to convene the next meeting at San Camillo, Bang Pong, Rajchaburi on 14th November at 09h00.
Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Fr. Giovanni Contarin
Fr. Sante Tocchetto
Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok
Fr. Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Provincial Superior
The meeting was adjorned at 16h00.
Agenda item No. 1.
Items for information
The venue of this meeting had changed from San Camillo Hospital, Bang Pong to Camillian Social Center, Sampran due to the flood situation.
1.1 Fr. Cherdchai, Provincial Superior informed the Committee that he had received the
agreement from General Father, Camillian in Rome for the request of Perpetual Vows for Brother Antony Trinh Van Son, Brother Joseph Phan Anh Dung, and Brother Peter Nguyen Huu Biet.
Fr. Peter Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
1.2 Fr. Cherdchai informed the Committee that the flood situation in Thailand had received the support from our Camillian network. Fr. Pairat Sriprasert as Secretary General of
Caritas Thailand had jointly with Camillian Task Force Thailand to support the flood victims by
providing survival kits, foods, medical services, etc. CTF Thailand was the main group to provide mobile clinic to flood victims.
Agenda item No. 2
: Approval of previous Report
The Committee had reviewed the previous report and approved it accordingly.
Agenda item No. 3
: Follow up item
As regards to the celebration of 400 years of the death of St. Camillus, the Camillian
Assembly on 27 October 2011 had supported the visit of relic of St. Camillus. The Committee
had appointed a working group to deal with the logistic of the visit of the relic of St. Camillus. It
inute of provincial report
inute of provincial report
was composed by (1) Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitleka, (2) Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok, and (3) Fr. Phakhawi
It was planned to convene meeting of the logistic working group for the visit of the relic
with each Camillian community regarding the acceptance of the relic to their community on 5
December 2011.
Agenda item No. 4
The Committee agreed to convene the next meeting at Camillian Hospital, Bangkok on
5th December 2011 at 09h00.
The meeting was adjorned at 12h30.
81/3 Luangpang Rd, Khumthong, Latkrabang, Bangkok 10520
Tel : (66) 0-2360-7848-50
Fax : (66) 0-2360-7851
e-mail : camiloth@loxinfo.co.th www.camillianthailand.org
Report of the thirteenth meeting of Camillian Provincial
Council Thailand at Camillian Hospital Bangkok
: Items for consideration
The third quarter Financial consideration: The Commitee had reviewed all financial statements for the third quarter of all communities and others under the supervision of Camillian
Order in Thailand.
At 09h00, 5th December 2011
Participants :
Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Fr. Giovanni Contarin
Fr. Sante Tocchetto
Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok
Fr. Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Provincial Superior
Agenda item No. 1: Item for information
Fr. Sante Tocchetto informed the meeting that the schedule for the perpetual vows of
three Vietnamese brothers would take place on 11 February 2012 at The Ascension of the Lord
Church at Sampran.
Agenda item No. 2 : Approval of previous report
The Committee had reviewed the draft report of previous meeting and approved it.
Fr. Peter Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
Agenda item No. 3: Items for consideration
Request for first profession: Novice Master in Taiwan sent the reports and the
intention request of three Vietnamese Novices for consideration. The Committee had reviewed
in detailed on the documents and it was unanimous agreed based on the trust of Novice Master in Taiwan. These novices were (1) Novice Nguyen Anh Vinh, (2) Novice Joseph Phan Van
Dong, and (3) Novice Joseph Phan Thanh Trieu.
Appointment of Superior of Camillian Social Center, Chaing Rai: The Committee had appointed Fr. Amando Te Nuzzo as the Superior of this center. Brother Giovanni
Dalla Rizza was Vice-Superior and Fr. Kriang Krai Sukjit was the member.
Transfer of Religious member: The Committee had agrred for Fr. Samphan
Vapeeso to go for a sabatical leave in Philippines for three months and after the leave he would
be transferred to Camillian Hospital Bangkok.
Appointment of addition member to the logistic working group: The Committee had appointed Fr. Siranon Sunphet be the additional member of the logistic working group
for the visit of the relic of St. Camillus.
The Committee agreed to convene the next meeting at Camillian Hospital Bangkok on
16th December 2011 at 09h00.
The meeting was adjorned at 12h00.
Fr. Peter Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
nnual Report of The Province
of Thailand 2011
inute of provincial report
81/3 Luangpang Rd, Khumthong, Latkrabang, Bangkok 10520
Tel : (66) 0-2360-7848-50
Fax : (66) 0-2360-7851
e-mail : camiloth@loxinfo.co.th www.camillianthailand.org
Report of the fourteenth meeting of Camillian Provincial Council Thailand at Camillian Hospital Bangkok
At 09h00, 16th December 2011
A. Changes Take Place during the Year 2011
Participants :
Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Fr. Giovanni Contarin
Fr. Sante Tocchetto
Fr. Ratchanai Oomnok
Fr. Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Provincial Superior
Agenda item No. 1: Item for information
Fr. Cherdchai, Provincial Superior informed the committee that the CTF Central in Rome
had already sent some amount of money for CTF Thailand to start the activities. Office of CTF
Thailand would submit the financial report monthly as usual. Fr. Giovanni Contarin had made
the comment that the work of CTF should be the expression of Camillian charism to public. It
was the way of express love to the victims of disasters.
Agenda item No. 2 : Approval of previous report
The Committee had reviewed the draft report of previous meeting and approved it.
Agenda item No. 3: Approval of 2012 Budget
Fr. Giovanni Contarin, President, Commission on Finance and Temporaral Good had
informed the Committee that he had convened a meeting of his commission on 6th December
2012 at Camillian Pastoral Care Center, Lat Krabang to discuss on the 2012 budget. He had
informed the Committee all the comments made during the commission meeting. It had been
discussed in length by the Committee. All comments had been noted and all 2012 budget of
communities and relevant offices were approved.
The Committee agreed to convene the next meeting at San Camillo, Bang Pong, Rajchaburi on 19th January 2012 at at 09h00.
The meeting was adjorned at 12h30.
Fr. Peter Phakhawi Sengcharoen
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
1. Admission to the Novitiate
1. ANH VINH Nguyen John
2. PHAM VAN Dong Joseph
3. PHAN VAN Trieu Joseph
4. CAN TRAN DINH Long Francis Xavier
5. QUOC Hung Joseph
6. TRAN DUC Toan Joseph
7. VO TA Hoang Joseph
8. WAPEETAO Chatchawan John
2. Temporary Profession
1. HOANG QUOC Huy Peter
2. LE VAN Thuong John Baptist
3. LUU NGOC Khanh Joseph
4. NGUYEN QUOC Hung Joseph
5. PHAM BA Thang Peter
6. VU PHI Song Anthony
3. Renewal of Professions
1. KHANTHARUKSA Suppakorn Paul
3. NGUYEN HIEN Hau Peter
4. PHAM KIM Quyen Peter
5. TRAN TO Hoai Paul
6. VU QUOC Toan Vincent
7. PHAM SY Hien Ansgario
8. DETHWIANGCHAI Ekachai Andrew
10. NGUYEN HUU Biet Peter
12. NGUYEN NGOC Anh Joseph
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
nnual Report of The Province
of Thailand 2011
nnual Report of The Province
of Thailand 2011
MAI VAN Khan Peter
PHAM MINH Quan Michael
PHAN ANH Dung Joseph
TRINH VAN Son Anthony
WAPEESO Sarawut Peter
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
4. Admission to the Ministries
1. BOONBUNLU Woothichai Michele
2. NGUYEN HUU Biet Peter
3. NGUYEN NHU Hieu Paul
4. PHAN ANH Dung Joseph
5. TRINH VAN Son Anthony
(Acolyte) (Vietnam delegation)
(Lector and Acolyte) (Vietnam delegation)
(Lector) (Vietnam delegation)
(Lector) (Vietnam delegation)
5. Ordination to the Diaconate
1. D. NGUYEN VAN Thanh Joachim
2. D. VU ANH Hoang Joseph
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
6. Ordination to the Priesthood
1. F. NIKHET Anusorn Luke
7. Religious who left the Thai Province
1. LATOO Decha Francis
(at the end of temporary profession)
2. YONGSRIPANITAN Somchai Paul (with dispensation from Temporary professed)
B. The list of the religious of the Thai province
1. The list of perpetual Professions
1. B. ALTABA Victoriano
2. F. ATTREZZI Renato
3. P. BOONBUNLU Woothichai Michele
4. F. CALDERARO Ermenegildo
5. B. CHAMNANRID Vachara Tobia
6. F. CONTARIN Giovanni
7. B. DALLA RIZZA Giovanni
8. F. Dinh Tran Thanh Tu Dominic
9. F. DO DUC Phu Joseph
10. F. Khamsri Kitsada Dominic
11. F. Lertjitlekha Cherdchai Paul
12. F. Nanthajinda Virot James
13. F. Nanthavanith Ackrapan Dominic
14. D. NGUYEN VAN Thanh Joachim
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
F. NIKHET Anusorn Luke
F. Sengcharoen Watchara Joseph
F. Oomnok Ratchanai John Baptist
F. Pholvarin Ekachai Matthew
F. Phuong Dinh Toai John
(Vietnam delegation)
F. PIEWYAMUENG Thawatchi Joseph
F. PUNYINGYOKE Vuthikorn Andrew
F. Rossetto Nazzareno
F. Saiprohm Wasan Paul
F. Sangvalpet Pongsiri Francis Saviour
F. Sanpetch Siranon John Baptist
F. Sengcharoen Phakavee Peter
F. Sriprasert Pairat Rocco
B. Suchiranutham Chirawat Nicolas
F. SUKJIT Kriankrai Peter
F. Te Nuzzo Armando
F. Thaisonthi Chaisak Joseph
F. Tocchetto Sante
F. TRAN VAN Phat Joseph
D. VU ANH Hoang Joseph
(Vietnam delegation)
F. Wapeeso Samphan John
F. Wiengchai Preeda Paul
F. Wongwai Phiyasak Joseph
1.2. The List of Temporary professions
2. T. DETHWIANGCHAI Ekachai Andrew
3. T. HOANG QUOC Huy Peter
4. T. LE VAN Thuong John Baptist
5. T. LUU NGOC Khanh Joseph
6. T. KHANTHARUKSA Suppakorn Paul
8. T. MAI VAN Khan Peter
9. T. NGUYEN HIEN Hau Peter
10. T. NGUYEN HUU Biet Peter
11. T. NGUYEN NGOC Anh Joseph
12. T. NGUYEN NHU Hieu Paul
13. T. NGUYEN QUOC Hung Joseph
14. T. PHAM BA Thang Peter
15. T. PHAM KIM Quyen Peter
16. T. PHAM MINH Quan Michael
17. T. PHAM SY Hien Ansgario
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
nnual Report of The Province
of Thailand 2011
T. PHAN ANH Dung Joseph
T.TRAN TO Hoai Paul
T. TRINH VAN Son Anthony
T. VU QUOC Toan Vincent
T. VU PHI Song Anthony
T. WAPEESO Phurin Peter
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
(Vietnam delegation)
C. List of the names of religious holding offices and their offices:
• In Thailand
There are 13 pre-novices (7 Thais and 6 Vietnameses) at Sampran.
There are 51 boys at Minor Seminary at Sriracha.
There 41 boys at Minor Seminary at Chiang Rai.
• In Vietnam
There are 20 Vietnamese students who are studying in the University
who are interested in our vocation.
F. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
hronicle of Thai Province 2011
On the 1st Jan. the Father of Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha the provincial passed away
at 18:14 at Camillian Hospital Bangkok and there were prayer for the body at Fatima
church Bang Wua from 2-4 Jan. Several religious and lays joined the prayer.
On the 5th Jan was the funeral of Paul Kok Meng Sai chou the father of Fr. Cherdchai
at the Ascension church Sampran with many priests and religious and lay people.
Fr. Cherdchai had a meeting with the members of the Major superior association in
Thailand in the afternoon in St. Paul de Chartre at Sampran.
On the 6th Jan, there was the provincial council’s meeting at Camillian Social Center
Chiang Rai.
On the 8th Jan, Fr. Cherdchai had a monthly meeting with board of Camillian hospital
in the morning and in the afternoon Fr, Cherdchai joined the community meeting of
the provincial house.
On the 13th Jan, the on-going formation for the 16 young religious was started and
Fr. Tochetto Sante gave the lecture at Camillian Pastoral Center Lat Krabang.
On the 14th Jan, Fr. Joseph Phu arrived at Novitiate at Khok Wat Parchinburi for
practical training for 1 year as a preparation for the future novice master in Vietnam.
On the 20th Jan, There was a monthly retreat at Camillian Social Center at Khok
Wat, Prachinburi.
February 2011
Bangkok, 30th December 2011
hronicle of Thai Province 2011
January 2011
1. For the periodicals of the Thai province : F. Sengcharoen Phakavee Peter
2. For the secretariats and economic commission
For the Formation: F. Oomnok Ratchanai John Baptist
For the Finance and Temporary Good: F. Tocchetto Sante
For the Social work: F. Contarin Giovanni
For the Mission in Vietnam: F. Lertjitlekha Cherdchai Paul
For the Pastoral: F. Nanthajinda Virot James
3. Those responsible for various activities
For the Lay Camillians Family: F. Nanthajinda Virot James
For the Camillian Task Force: F. Sriprasert Pairat Rocco
For the secretary of Catholic Commission for Pastoral Health Care under the
Bishop’s conference of Thailand: F. Sriprasert Pairat Rocco
For the Catholic Commission for Aids: F. Contarin Giovanni
For the Catholic Commission for the Old Age: F. Nanthajinda Virot James
On the 2nd Feb. Fr. Provincial Cherdchai presided over the feast of the conversion
of St. Camillus at San Camillo hospital Bang Pong, Ratchaburi.
On the 4th Feb, there was the monthly meeting of the Provincialate community at Lat
On the 5th Feb, Fr. Provincial Cherdchai joined the World Religious Day at the Assumption Cathedral Bang Rak in Bangkok.
On the 6th Feb. Fr. Provincial Cherdchai had a monthly meeting with board of Camillian hospital in Bangkok.
On the 9th Feb, Fr. Provincial Cherdchai and the provincial councilors had a provincial council’s meeting at Camillian Social Center Chantaburi.
On the 12th Feb. Fr. Provincial Cherdchai celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
in the parish at Lat Krabang and in the evening joined the Gala dinner for fund raising
for the Camillian Home in Bangkok.
On the 16th Feb, Fr. Provincial Cherdchai gave a speech about the law of abortion in
Thailand to the bishop conference of Thailand at Baan Phu Waan Sampran.
On the 21st Feb, Fr. Provincial Cherdchai and Fr. Contarin had a meeting with the
board of administration of San Camillo hospital Bang Pong, Ratburi.
On the 24th Feb, there was a recollection of the province at the Provincilate Lat Krabang.
On the 27th Feb, Camillian Social Center Chantaburi celebrated the conversion of
St. Camillus.
March 2011
On the 3rd Mar. there was a Provincial Council’s meeting at Camillian Social Center
Khok Wat Prachinburi.
On the 5th Mar, Fr. Cherdchai had a monthly meeting with board of Camillian hospital
in the morning and in the afternoon Fr. Cherdchai joined the community meeting of
the provincial house.
On the 8th Mar, Fr. Provincial Cherdchai went to Novitiate at Khok Wat to have a colloquium with the novices.
On the 10th Mar, there was a Provincial Council’s meeting at Camillian Social Center
Sampran and Fr. Cherdchai also had a colloquium with the brothers at Formation
house Sampran until 11 Feb.
On the 13th Mar. there was the annual meeting of the Committee of St. Camillus Foundation of Thailand at Camillian Pastoral Care Center at Lat Krabang. All members of
the committee participated in this annual report of all houses of the Foundation.
On the 14th-18th Mar. there was the annual retreat for the first group of the Camillians religous at Camillian Pastoral Care Center Lat Krabang.
On the 15th Feb, Camillian hospital received the Hospital Accreditation award from
The Minister of Public Health.
On the 19th - 23th Mar. there was the annual retreat for the second group of the
Camillians religious at Camillian Pastoral Care Center Lat Krabang.
On the 29th Mar, Fr. Provincial Cherdchai bought the Land next to the Provincialate.
The land is 5-3-48 rai (Thai measure) which is equivalent to 9,400 square meters
with the cost of 24 million THB.
April 2011
hronicle of Thai Province 2011
On the 2nd April, Fr. Cherdchai had a monthly meeting with board of Camillian hospital in Bangkok.
On the 3rd April, Fr. Cherdchai joined the community meeting of the provincial house.
Fr. Phiyasak returned from India after he finished the formation for formators.
On the 3-9th April, all the candidates of novices and the first professed had the annual retreat at Camillian Pastoral Care Center Lat Krabang.
On the 4th April, there was the meeting between the provincial council and the broad
of Administration of San Camillo Hospital at Bang Pong, Ratchaburi.
On the 6th April, Fr. Cherdchai gave a speech for the on-going formation of the young
Camillian religious at Camillian Pastoral Center Lat Krabang.
On the 21st -24th April, the community of the Provincialate celebrated the Holy week
and the Passover at the Camillian Pastoral Care Center Lat Krabang.
On the 26th April, The candidates for the novice transferred to the Novitiate Khok
Wat Prachinburi.
On the 29th April, Fr. Antonio Casera arrived in Thailand to visit the confreres on his
way to Taiwan.
On the 30th April, Fr. Giuseppe Didone’ arrived in Thailand to attend the first profession of the Vietnamese professed at Novitiate Khok Wat Prachinburi. Fr. Francis Xavier Pongsiri Sangvanpeth and Fr. John Sampan Wapeeso went to Rome to attend
the 1 month on-going formation organized by the Consulta.
May 2011
hronicle of Thai Province 2011
On the 1st May was the celebration for the entrance into Novitiate of 5 novices, first
profession of the 6 new professed and the renewal of the 15 temporary professed.
The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Fr. Provincial Cherdchai Lertjitlekha with Fr. Antonio Casera and Fr. Giuseppe Didone’ at Novitiate Khok Wat, Prachinburi.
On the 6th May, Fr. Cherdchai joined the community meeting of the provincial house.
On the 7th May, Fr. Cherdchai went to the inauguration of Baan Sitthida (home for
children living with disability) at Bang Pong. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by the Local bishop John Bosco Panya Kritcharoen.
On the 12th May, Fr. Cherdchai went to Minor Seminary Sriracha to have the provincial council’s meeting in the morning and in the evening presided over the liturgy of
welcome the new boys in Minor seminary.
On the 15th May, Fr. Cherdchai went to celebrate the golden jubilee (50th anniversary) of Camillian hospital. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by the
Archbishop Francis Xavier Kriengsak Kovitvanit.
On the 19th May, it was the monthly retreat of the Eastern area and Fr. Cherdchai
and his community joined the retreat.
On the 23-25th May, Fr. James Virot went to the meeting of the Great grand Camillian Family in Rome.
On the 29th May, There was a meeting of the Lay Camillian Family at Camillian Social Center Rayong with the 25th priesthood of Fr. Roche Pairat Sriprasert.
On the 31st May, Fr. Cherdchai went to the funeral of Mr. Bunmee Wapeeso the father of Fr. Sampan Wapeeso at his native parish.
June 2011
On the 2nd June, it was the monthly recollection of the religious members of Thai
province at Camillian Pastoral Center Lat Krabang.
On the 3rd June, Fr. Cherdchai joined the community meeting of the provincial house.
On the 4th June, Fr. Cherdchai had a monthly meeting with board of Camillian hospital in Bangkok.
On the 9th June, there was a Provincial Council’s meeting at Camillian Social Center Rayong.
On the 23rd June, There was a monthly retreat at Camillian Social Center Chantaburi.
On the 28th June Fr. Cherdchai gave a lecture of Palliative Care from Christian Perspective to the nurses at Chura hospital in Bangkok.
On the 30th June Fr. Cherdchai participated in the feast of the anniversary of the
Pope Benedict the 16 at Mandarin Oriental Bangkok.
July 2011
On the 2nd July, Fr. Cherdchai had a monthly meeting with board of Camillian hospital in Bangkok.
On the 3rd July, Fr. Cherdchai participated in the Eucharistic celebration for the Pope
Benedict XVI at the Assumption Cathedral Bangkok.
On the 4th July, Fr. Cherdchai joined the community meeting of the provincial house.
On the 6th July, the provincial Fr. Cherdchai had a meeting with Federal Major Superiors of Thailand at Immaculate Mary Church at Chachoengsao.
On the 7th July, the Provincial Fr. Cherdchai had a provincial councilor’s meeting at
Camillian hospital Bangkok.
On the 9th July, Fr. Cherdchai participated in the Priestly ordination of Deacon Anusorn Nilket at the Ascension Church Sampran. The Mass was presided over by the
Archbishop Louis Chamnien Santisukniran.
On the 14th July was the feast of St. Camillus.
On the 15th July was the meeting of Camillian Task Force (CTF) Thailand at Camillian Pastoral Center Lat Krabang.
On the 16th July it was the feast of St. Camillus at Camillians Social Centre Prachinburi. It was also the inauguration of the new building for the patients and the
celebration of 25th of Priesthood of Fr. Roche Pairat Sriprasert and 60th anniversary
of profession of Fr. Nazareno Rosetto.
On the 17th July was the feast of the first Eucharistic celebration of the new priest Fr.
Anusorn Nilket at his native parish.
On the 19th July, Fr. Cherdchai celebrated Mass for the meeting of Camillian sisters
at Bethany in Bang Pong.
On the 21st July, Fr. Cherdchai met the bishop Joseph Chusak Sirisut the bishop of
Nakorn Ratchasima Diocese for building the home for aged project in his diocese.
On the 22th – 23st Fr. Cherdchai went Vietnam to visit the Vietnamese confreres.
On the 28th July, it was the recollection of the province and the Eucharistic celebration was presided over by the new priest Fr. Anusorn Nilket at Camillian Pastoral
Center Lat Krabang.
On the 30th July was the St. Camillus spiritual contest day. The feast was organized
at Camillian social Center Prachinburi.
On the 3rd August, Fr. Cherdchai joined the community meeting of the provincial
On the 6th August, Fr. Cherdchai had a monthly meeting with board of Camillian
hospital in Bangkok.
On the 8th August, Fr. Cherdchai had a monthly meeting with board of Camillian
hospital in Bangkok in the morning. Fr. Cherdchai also had a meeting of the core
committee of the Major superiors Association in Thailand at Sacred Heart Covent
On the 12th August, Fr. Cherdchai had the provincial council’s meeting at Camillian
Social Center Sampran.
On the 13th August, there was Installation of Minor Ministry of 3 brothers Bro. Trinh
Van Son, Bro. Phan Anh Dung and Bro. Nguyen Nhu Hieu as lectors. Bro. Nguyen
Huu Biet Peter, Bro. Nguyen Nhu Hieu and Bro. Boonbunlu Woothichai Michele as
Acolytes. The Deacon ordination of Bro. Nguyen Van Thanh Joachim and Bro.Vu Anh
Hoang Joseph. This event took place at the Lux Mundi Major Seminary at Sampran.
On the 16-17th August, Fr. Cherdchai went to Chiang Rai to visit the community.
On the 18th August, there was a monthly retreat at Camillian Social Center Prachiburi.
hronicle of Thai Province 2011
On the 25th August, there was the monthly recollection of all religious at the Provincialate at Lat Krabang.
On the 28th August, Fr. Joseph Chaisak Thaisuthi transferred to the community of
Camillian Social Center Rayong.
September 2011
On 3rd Sept. Fr. Cherdchai joined the community meeting of the provincial house.
On the 5th - 7th Sept. Fr. Cherdchai went to the community of Formation house at
Sampran to colloquial with all religious of temporary professed.
On the 14th Feb. Fr. had a provincial council’s meeting at the Provincialate Lat Krabang.
On the 15th Sept. it was the monthly retreat at Provincialate Lat Krabang.
On the 20th – 23 Sept. Fr. Cherdchai went to visit the Camillian social center Tagua
Pa, the scholarship project at Tagua Pa and the free clinics at Ranong province.
On the 24th - 25th Sept. there was the meeting of the Lay Camillian Family at the
Provincialate at Lat Krabang.
On the 28th – 29th Sept. Fr. Cherdchai gave a monthly retreat to the priests of Archdiocese of Bangkok at Baan Phu Waan center at Sampran.
On the 30th Sept. Fr. Aris and Mr. Marco the CTF central office arrived at Bangkok.
October 2011
August 2011
hronicle of Thai Province 2011
On the 1st Oct. Fr. Aris and Marco gave a speech to CTF Thailand meeting at Camillian Pastoral Center Lat Krabang.
On the 2nd Oct. Fr. Cherdchai went to the Minor Seminary Sriracha for the annual
parents’ day of the seminarians.
On 3rd Oct. Fr. Cherdchai joined the community meeting of the provincial house.
On the 4th Oct. Fr. Cherdchai gave an interview on air about Living Will in the Law of
Thailand at Assumption Diocese center Bangkok.
On the 8th Oct. it was a big flood in the Thailand in the center part of the country and
the flood around the Provincialate at Lat Krabang.
On the 9th – 15 Oct. it was the international conference on Health care Pastoral by
Fr. Arnaldo Pangrazzi M.I. at Camillian Pastoral Center Lat Krabang.
On the 8th – 14 Oct. Fr. Provincial departed for Peru’, Lima for the annual meeting of
Provincials, Delegates and the Consulta.
On the 17th -20th there was a vocational camp organized by the formation staff at
Chiang Rai for the promotion vocation of the young from the Northern area.
On the 18th Oct. Fr. Cherdchai, Fr. Contrin, Fr. Pairat and Fr. Phakhavee went to
Nakorn Ratchasima to meet the bishop Joseph Chusak Sirisut the bishop of Nakorn
Ratchasima Diocese for building the home for aged project in his diocese.
On the 19th - 20th Oct. there was a vocational camp organized by the formation staff
at Sriracha for the promotion vocation of the young and Fr. Cherdchai went to the
presided the Mass for the event.
On the 20th Oct. there was a Provincial council’s meeting at Camillian Minor Seminary at Sriracha.
On the 24th Oct. Fr. Luigi Galvani arrived at the Provincialate at Lat Krabang.
On the 27th Oct. there was the recollection for all religious at the Provincialate at Lat Krabang.
On the 29th Oct. it was the distribution of 1,000 living kits and medical mobile clinic
rovincial report on the state
of Thai province 2011
service organized by CTF for the victims of flooding at the Provincialate at Lat Krabang and the Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes.
November 2011
On 1st Nov. Mr. Nicola di Benedetto the external auditor from Rome arrived at Camillian Hospital Bangkok to audit and evaluate the hospital.
On the 3rd Nov. Fr. Cherdchai, Fr. Contarin and Fr. Atrezzi had a conclusion meeting
with Mr. di Benedetto at Camillian Hospital Bangkok.
On 4th Nov. Fr. Cherdchai joined the community meeting of the provincial house.
On the 5th – 6th Nov. Fr. Cherdchai went to visit the Vietnamese delegation.
On the 6th Nov. Camillian Social center sampran was hit by the flood and all the patients were evacuated and moved to Bann Sitthida and San Camillo hospital in Bang
Pong and stayed there for 1 month until the water was reduced.
On the 7th Nov. Fr. Cherdchai had a monthly meeting with board of Camillian hospital
in Bangkok.
On the 9th Nov. CTF Thailand organized the distribution of 1,000 living kits and medical mobile clinic services for the victims of the big flood at the Holy Family church at
Lam Sai, Prathum Thani province.
On the 14th -19th Nov. Fr. Cherdchai joined the international conference of Pedophilia organized by FABC at Assumption University Banh Na.
On the 23rd Nov. Fr. Damiano Trettene who was a missionary in Thailand many years
and after he returned to Mother province because of his poor health passed away.
On the 25th 28th Nov. Fr. Cherdchai went to Camillian Social center Tagua Pa for the
scholarship project.
On the 28th Nov. Fr. Cherdchai presided the Mass in memory of Fr. Damiano Trettene with many Camillian hospital personals at the chapel of the hospital.
December 2011
hronicle of Thai Province 2011
On 1st Dec. the patients of Camillian Social Center at Sampran were brought back
to the nursing home after 1 month of exile in Bang Pong.
On the 3rd Dec. Fr. Cherdchai had a monthly meeting with board of Camillian hospital in Bangkok.
On the 5th Dec. there was the meeting of the Provincial’s councilors meeting at
Camillian Social Center Sampran.
On the 14th Dec. Fr. Cherdchai joined the annual meeting of the Major Superior Association of Thailand at the Redemptorist’s center at Min Buri, Bangkok.
On the 16th Dec. there was the provincial council’s meeting to approve the budget of
the province at the Provincialate at Lat Krabang.
On the 22nd Dec. there was the recollection to celebrate the Nativity of the Lord at
the Provincialate at Lat Krabang
Bangkok, 8 January 2012
Fr. Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
rovincial Report on the State
of Thai Province 2011
Actual Situation
The Camillian mission in Thailand started in 1952. Almost 60 years since the first missionaries arrived and have evangelized through witnesses by curing and caring the poor patients.
Thai province and Vietnam delegation are united into one province. Actually Thai province is
composed of the total 67 religious members divided into 38 perpetual professed and 21 temporary professed plus other 8 novices. The Table 1 below shows the numbers of religious at the
end of year 2011 in more details as followings.
Table of religious members of Thai Province year 2011
Perpetual Temporary
professed Professed
These 67 religious live in 10 communities both in Thailand and Vietnam:
1. Provincial House with disable children and pastoral care center
2. Camillian Hospital with 150 beds
3. SanCamilo Hospital with 100 beds
4. Camillian Social Centre Samphran with 130 elderly patients and Formation house
5. Camillian Social Centre Khok Wat with 100 elderly patients and Novitiate
6. Camillian Social Centre Chantaburi with 110 elderly patients
7. Camillian Minor Seminary at Sriracha with 54 boys
8. Camillian Social Centre Rayong HIV/AIDS centre
9. Camillian Social Centre Chiang Rai with hill tribe Children’s centre with 200 children
and Minor Seminary with 51 boys
10. Mau Tam Religious Community with 60 children affected by HIV/AIDS in Vietnam and
formation house for 20 students.
rovincial report on the state
of Thai province 2011
rovincial report on the state
of Thai province 2011
Some relevant events during the year 2011
Thai Province is growing towards its autonomy and expansion. In the course of year
2011, one can notify the relevant expanding of the Thai province both in personnel and ministry
in various aspects. One of the significant events was the elevation from vice-province to province on the 1st May 2010. Others were the increasing of the temporary professed particular the
The growing of the province is notified by the increasing of the religious members. More
precisely, during 2011 there were 2 Deaconate ordination and 1 Priestly ordination plus with
3 lectors and 3 acolytes. Other relevant events are the Novitiate and New professed in which
there are 6 new professed and 8 novices this year. This is the great joy and the significance for
the life of the Province because it is the sign of increasing of members for its expanding and the
guarantee of the future of the Province.
On the other hand, Thai Province is expanding activities both in quality and quantity aspects of the Ministry. On the quality aspect, Camillian Hospital functions quite well and serves
the sick in the society as the witness of Christ’s love for the sick people in Thai society. Camillian Hospital joins the health program of the National Social Security where the blue collar can
come for their treatments. The hospital also benefits a good sum of income and can develop
its administration system and its restoration of the new department of the hospital due to its expanding. Camillian Hospital achieves the Hospital Accreditation (HA) which meets the standard
of the quality of the hospitals.
San Camillo hospital is functioning well and overcome the economic crisis because of
new administrators and control even though the hospital has to compete with others 3 big
hospitals with the high technology and medical equipments in the area. Without a competition
that costs a huge investment, the hospital is changing its strategy of giving the best service for
ordinary treatment to the people in medium class by joining the health program of the National
Social Security. Now the hospital with the new director and the new way of administration has
increasing the patients and remedies its economic crisis. It also needs a certain time for the
improvement of the hospital.
Camillian Social Centre Chantaburi (nursing home) is now financial sufficiency and there
are more patients are coming. The increasing numbers of the patients is the significant development after 10 years of its inauguration. Now the patients achieve 110 out of 120 beds. Now the
center can give the financial support to the province.
Camillian Social Centre Rayong (HIV/AIDS center) which is composited of Independent
living center for the teenager affected by HIV/AIDS and the Garden of Eden (the rehabilitation)
has showed its continuity. The success of running the center by Thai religious is the significant
turning point of this activity. The changing from the activity depends on the individual European
missionary to the local Thai religious is the mile stone of the development of this activity.
Minor seminary at Sriracha is working well for the formation of the 54 young who are interested in Camillian vocation even though the crisis of the lacking of vocation is still in the initial
phase because of the small family in the country. But vocational promotion is functioning quite
well which requests both effort and energy from event religious because every religious has the
duty to promote the vocation.
Camillian Social Centre Samphran (nursing home) is always working for its goal of financial autonomy and maintain of many brothers. The nursing home has achieved to give the best
service to the old people for many years and it has reached its maximum service. The nursing
home also can maintain the expenses of the formation house where there are 30 religious who
depends on this center.
Camillian Social Centre Prachinburi (nursing home) is trying to be more financial sufficiency by working with the Thai government even though this is the charity 100%. The buildings
are totally renewal to serve the poor elders rejected from the society. The collaboration with the
Thai government for the financial support is going on quite well. And in the Novitiate there are 6
novices who are the future of the province.
Camillian Social Centre Chiang Rai the centre for the hill-tribe children is expanding and
always increasing the numbers of the children due to the more request up to 200 children. This
centre also is the place for the minor seminary for the 51 young from the northern of Thailand
who need specific place for their discernment of vocation. It also occupied itself with the handicapped children which is the new ministry.
The provincial residence, pastoral care center and centre of handicapped children have
started the new community. The handicapped center for the children is working quite well while
the pastoral care center is well known to welcome the groups for training. The new provincialate
is in the initiate phase of functioning.
The Mau Tam Religious Community in Vietnam is inaugurated for the growth of the Vietnamese delegation where there are already 4 priest religious in the community. The center is
composed of 60 children living with HIV/AIDS and a formation house for the 20 students which
are the future of the delegation.
Spiritual life of the Province
Thai Province continues the program of monthly retreat, three-month recollection and
annual retreat as the spiritual support and nourishment. In other words, for the monthly retreat
it is divided into 2 groups with its own program and participants. The Province enjoys a recollection in every three-month period and the annual retreat as a sign of unity. Spiritual life of the
Province should be maintained as the most important aspect of the Province.
On-going formation is one tool that helps spiritual life of the Province for the renewal to its
root. The commission on formation is set up and continues to organizing the on-going formation
program for those religious of perpetual professed between 1-10 years and now it is the time to
implement and this challenges to every one of us for the responsibility of renewal. This year we
achieved to organize the on-going formation of both groups at this level thanks to the staff of the
commission of formation for hard work.
The spiritual life of the members is quite good. We love our Charisma of serving the sick
people and we are proud of our identity. We need to foster our spirituality by Eucharistic celebration, prayer, meditation etc. All the members of the province in each community seem to be
faithful to foster their spirituality.
rovincial report on the state
of Thai province 2011
rovincial report on the state
of Thai province 2011
In brief, the various activities of all communities in the Province are running well according
to the project and the guidelines of the Province.
Formation is considered as the first priority of the Province and it engaged both man power
and financial investment. The Commission on formation is set up at the initiate period of mandate
is the sign of its consistency. This commission has met every three months and is very active regarding to vocation promotion in the initiative phase (booklets, brochure, media etc.). This Commission on formation works progressively and systematically and the result is showing during
these years by perpetual profession and Priestly Ordination this year as we mentioned above.
Formation in the initiative phase is both at Minor Seminary at Sriracha and the house
of orientation at Chieng Rai functions progressively both in quality and quantity. There are 51
seminarians who are studying in secondary school up to high school in the Minor Seminary at
Sriracha. Another Minor Seminary at Chieng Rai is the alternative for vocation promotion in the
north region of Thailand in which there are 41 boys. The changing of Thai society from extended
family living in the traditional way of life in to nucleus family living in the big city is the challenge
for vocation promotion. Member of family is reducing and when there are two or three children
and there is no one interested to go in seminary.
For on-going formation, we have prepared the formators by sending Fr. Joseph Tran Van
Phat to study spirituality in Italy for the formation in Vietnam.
The ministry of Thai Province is quite varied and engaged in many fields of health care
world. Administration in hospitals both at Camillian Hospital and SanCamillo Hospital requires
special talents, skills and experiences. Camillian Hospital works well and can give a financial
contribution to the Province. Ministry in the hospital both Camillian hospital and SanCamillo
Hospital earned Hospital accreditation. This ministry of running the hospital is the challenging
since it requests professional and skill in the society of Thailand.
Nursing home is also the ministry that we give service to the elders in Thai society. The
changing of society leaves the elders abandoned in home alone. Our 3 nursing homes can give
a significant contribution to solve this problem in a certain level.
The 3 social activities (Camillian Social center Rayong, Prachinburi and Chieng Rai) of the
Province are striving for financial sufficiency. The commission on social activity has the ambition
to push and pull to achieve this end by writing the project and apply for the financial support both
in the country and abroad. They doing quite well and can reach a certain level of collaboration.
This is the method how to be self-sufficiency for the Province. The Province strongly
supports for this method. This year Camillian Social Centre Chantaburi is economically selfsufficiency and begins to give a contribution to the Province. Camillian Social Centre Khok Wat
is doing its best to works closed with the Thai government for its financial self-sufficiency.
The new ministry of the province is the handicapped center for the children. In the province there are 4 handicapped centers for the children and there are some perspective that need
to be developed and something to learn on this field.
The mission in Vietnam is the challenge for the Province. There are 6 Vietnamese religious who professed perpetual vows in which 4 were ordained and being sent back to Vietnam.
The first Vietnamese community is set up which is the mile stone of the growth of the Vietnamese delegation.
The ministry engaging in Vietnam is in the field of HIV/AIDS. There are 2 Mai Tam centers
running by our Vietnamese confreres. One center has 30 mothers infected by HIV/AIDS and
another has 60 children infected by the diseases.
On the other hand, there are good numbers of Vietnamese students who want to be
Camillian and it is the challenge task to accompany them. Being recognized both by the Church
and the Government is the most challenge of the mission in Vietnam.
We also plan to build the second community in Vietnam. This is the sign of growth of the
delegation and formation and ministry in Vietnam have to go together.
The way to grow in Vietnam is to collaborate with the HIV/AIDS project of the Church of
Vietnam. We are working closely with the local church in Vietnam for the ecclesiastical and legal
recognized. Precisely through the social activity we can be accepted legally by the Church and
by the Government.
Negative aspect
The Province is expanding and increasing both in numbers and activity. Lacking of religious is still a problem and we can feel it when to find a religious for substitution even though
there 1 priestly ordination and 2 deaconates this year. We need to consolidate more rather than
expanding geographically. On-going formation is the most challenge for the Province for spiritual
renewal because there are many young religious and they need to foster their spirituality and
identity as Camillians. There are persons who regularly attend spiritual courses and there are
some who neglect it. We need to work more on this field how to promote Camillian spirituality.
Individualism begins to come to our communities. The standard of living in Thailand is in
progressive so TV in offices of religious, private car for religious etc. This is the phenomena of
comfortable life which in turn can create individualistic attitude and behavior of the religious in
the Province.
rovincial report on the state
of Thai province 2011
Positive aspect
Thai Province is composted by both Italians and Thai religious in different ages. These
can be complementary while that young Thai religious engages in working and taking the responsibility as leaders the Italians takes the role of the spiritual leader and being point of reference. This is the advantage aspect that benefits the life-style of the Province.
Vocational promotion is working well and there are candidates for perpetual profession
and priestly ordination every year. This is the good sign for the future of the vice-province.
Various activities of the Province in many fields enrich the life of the Province. This attracts
the attention to the youth for the religious life-style of Camillian in Thailand.
dmission to the Minor seminarians, Sriracha & Chiangrai, May 12, 2011
The future
The future of the Province is in the formation of the young religious. This target requests
the attitude of being more mature and responsibility of the members. More perpetual profession
and priestly ordination is still the future of the Province and it needs the good team of formators.
Thai Province should invest more on the quality of religious and it requires on both intellectual
and spiritual education.
Health care pastoral is still the field that the Province has to achieve and it needs to invest
more on pastoral in health care. The project of the Centre of Pastoral Care of the Province is
starting but it needs to prepare the expert person for this field.
We are planning to open a home for aged in Nakorn Rachasima (Korat) diocese and this
give us a chance to expand our ministry in this diocese.
In Vietnam, we are planning to have a formation in Vietnam by the local religious. The
new building is finished and this can accommodate our brothers since the numbers of the Vietnamese are increasing rapidly. So set up the formation in Vietnam is the priority for this young
In brief if Thai Province is still increasing in both personnel (more religious of perpetual
professed) and in ministry (open new community) in proportion as now it will show the real
growth of the Province. In other words, the actual situation of Thai Province as the institution
is quite well situated in Thai society and is taking root deeply for the consolidation in varied
aspects of autonomy (financial, personnel, facility, and ministry). We can say that in the future
Thai Province is moving towards more autonomy and consolidate.
dmission to the Pre-novitiate (Postulancy) 2011
Bangkok, 30th December 2011
Fr. Paul Cherdchai Lertjitlekha
Provincial Superior
dmission to the Novitiate, Khokwat, May 1, 2011
dmission to Temporary Profession, Khokwat, May 1, 2011
dmission to the Ministries (Lector, Acolyte) and Ordination to the Diaconate ,
Sampran, August 13, 2011
rdination to the Priesthood, July 9,2011
1.1 Provincial House &
Camillian Pastoral Care Center (2010)
1.2 Camillian Home For People Living
With Disabilities (2008)
4.1 San Camillo Hospital (1952)
2. Camillian Hospital (1956)
3. Camillian Social Center Sampran (1977)
5. Camillian Social Center Prachinburi (1965)
6. St.Camillus Minor Seminary Sriracha (1989)
Sitthida Home For Children Living
With Disabilities (2011)
7. Camillian Social Center Rayong (1995)
8. Camillian Social Center Chanthaburi (2000)
9. Camillian Social Center Chiangrai (2004)
10. Camillian Social Center Takuapa (2008)