The world of Sibelius


The world of Sibelius
The world of Sibelius
Complete range of music software
The world of Sibelius
Music innovation
Whether you’re a world-famous composer,
a primary school teacher, a student at music
college or a budding songwriter, our software
will enhance your creativity.
For 10 years, Sibelius has been developing
software to help musicians all over the world.
And now we have a complete range of
programs for anyone who wants to write,
perform, teach or learn music.
The fastest, smartest, easiest
way to write music
• World’s leading notation software
• Professional music scanning
• High-quality audio samples
“Sibelius has rapidly become
the new industry standard”
• Commercial Internet
Larry Morton
Hal Leonard is the world’s leading
music print publisher
See CD or for free demos & more details
Page 3
“Well designed programs...
enhance & reinforce
musical skills”
Times Educational Supplement
Designed by musicians
Through constant innovation and by listening
to our users, we ensure that our software will
do what you want. Plus you’ll find it elegant,
sophisticated and easy to use.
That’s because it’s designed by musicians,
for musicians.
The ultimate software
for music education
Play, write & publish music
• Interactive learning
• Scanning for sequencers
• Lesson plans & coursework
• Buy and sell music online
• Best-selling guitar software
• Automated training
& testing
Page 11
Page 19
Order now from your dealer or Sibelius – see or call 0800 458 3111 (UK)
The fastest, smartest, easiest
way to write music
Sibelius 3 is the complete software for writing,
playing, printing and publishing music
notation. It’s designed to make your life easier,
save you time, produce beautiful results – and
enable you to do things you might never have
dreamed of. Like publish your music worldwide, or create your own CDs.
And it’s designed for every kind of musician,
from students and teachers to professional
Why Sibelius 3?
What’s new
The world’s favourite
Better in every way
• Elegant & intuitive
• Create CDs & MP3s of your music
• Learn in hours, not months
• High-quality sounds built-in
• Opens Finale & SCORE files
• Auto page breaks
• Sophisticated features
• View score or individual staves
• The new world standard
• Live Flexi-time, editing & playback
• Schools can switch off features
“I switched to Sibelius because
it’s closer to pen and paper.
It’s completely intuitive”
• Optical™ note spacing
• 30 extra plug-ins
• …and much more
Elliott Miles McKinley
composer, quoted in New York Times
See CD or for free demos & more details
“I have found Sibelius
powerful and effective”
Michael Tilson Thomas
conductor & composer
“A superb notation program
and composing tool”
Steve Reich
“America’s greatest living composer”
Village Voice
When you first use Sibelius 3, you may find
yourself thinking, “wouldn’t it be great if it
could do this...” – only to discover that it
already can. That’s because we understand
what you need, and the annoying pointless
things that you don’t.
So whatever you write music for, you’ll find
Sibelius 3 as intuitive to use as a pen – yet
so powerful that it does most things in the
blink of an eye.
© 1929 WB Music Corp. Copyright renewed. This arrangement © 1998 WB Music Corp. All rights reserved
“In a totally different league
from anything else”
“Sibelius is the
ultimate creative tool”
Paul Patterson
Manson Chair of Composition
Andy Summers
guitarist & songwriter
The Royal Academy of Music, London,
is one of the world’s most respected conservatories
Former guitarist with The Police
and Grammy-nominated composer
Order now from your dealer or Sibelius – see or call 0800 458 3111 (UK)
A pleasure to use
• Elegant & intuitive
• Easy by design
• Learn in hours, not months
• Far more flexible than pen & paper
Simplicity itself
We believe that if you find a program hard to use, it’s not your
fault – it’s because it’s badly designed. That’s why we made
Sibelius 3 as natural as possible to use – the result of years
of careful thought and refinement.
Create music quickly
Start a score in seconds – specify instruments, page size, title,
tempo etc. with a few clicks. Then write notes with the mouse,
MIDI keyboard or computer keys. Flexi-time™ lets you play
music straight in with a keyboard; it even follows you if you
speed up or slow down.
Get other musical markings such as clefs, time signatures,
slurs and text from menus – Sibelius 3 positions them all
correctly for you.
Sibelius 3 also opens Finale™, MIDI, PrintMusic™, SCORE™
and other music files in seconds.
Sketch & refine
Sibelius 3 lets you change music whenever you like. Sketch
a solo flute piece, then add a whole orchestra to create a
concerto. Write in sounding pitch, then make a transposing
score with one click. And the Arrange™ feature saves you
hours with arranging and orchestration – it rewrites music
for different instruments, adjusting octaves and doublings.
Sibelius 3 includes PhotoScore Lite – the state-of-the-art
program for scanning printed music. It takes just seconds
to read a page, and you can then edit or transpose the
music in Sibelius 3, play it back and print.
The advanced version PhotoScore Professional (which
you can buy with Sibelius 3) has many extra features,
such as reading slurs, hairpins, text and up to 32 staves.
See CD or for free demos & more details
“Does just about everything except
think up the music for me”
John Rutter
choral composer
John Rutter is the world’s leading
composer of music for choirs
Notes too high/low appear in
red. To enter lyrics, just type –
Sibelius 3 positions them and
spreads out the notes for you
Click the navigator to
look through the score
quickly – or just drag the
paper itself
Get the most useful
features from the
toolbar at the top
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Perc. 1
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Perc. 3
Sibelius 3 comes with a proper
printed manual, which is clear,
friendly and non-technical – and
explains all the main features
in just 50 pages
With the unique Arrange feature,
it takes a moment to arrange from
piano onto several instruments, or
even a whole orchestra or band
Choose notes, accidentals
and other markings using
mouse or numeric keys
Order now from your dealer or Sibelius – see or call 0800 458 3111 (UK)
Do more with your music
• Hear a realistic performance
• Spot mistakes by ear
• Make CDs for performers & friends
• Publish your music worldwide
• Automate useful tasks
Hearing is believing
Internet publishing
Sibelius 3 plays your music with remarkable fidelity. It reads
markings such as trills, glissandos, percussion & guitar tab, and
understands musical text such as mp, pizz., D.C. al Coda,
swing and change to Piccolo. You can even add words to its
Reach a worldwide audience by publishing your music on the
Internet. Either put it on your own web site, or sell it from the
world’s largest self-publishing site Then
anyone can view, play and print your music online! See page
20 for details.
Espressivo™ and Rhythmic Feel™ enhance playback with
subtle expression, just like a human performer.
Create high-quality CDs
Sibelius 3 makes it easy to create CDs and MP3 files for
performers and friends, using the high-quality Kontakt
Player sounds.
Save time with plug-ins
Sibelius 3 includes over 60 ‘plug-in’ features which do useful
tasks for you, such as adding brass/string fingering, checking
for mistakes (e.g. parallel 5ths/8ves), writing drum parts and
realizing figured bass.
Kontakt Player
Sibelius includes Kontakt Player Silver from Native Instruments,
which provides high-quality playback of 20 instrumental sounds.
You can also buy Kontakt Player Gold, which has 64 pitched & 100
unpitched percussion sounds, covering orchestral, band, jazz etc.
– even Bass Clarinet, Baritone Horn, string techniques (e.g. sul
ponticello), male/female voices and choirs, and so on. Extra sound
libraries are coming soon.
Hear Kontakt Player Silver/Gold for yourself on the demo CD.
See CD or for free demos & more details
“Sibelius is exceptionally fast
and easy to use”
Lalo Schifrin
composer & jazz musician
Lalo Schifrin composed the famous Mission
Impossible theme, and scored Clint Eastwood’s
Dirty Harry movies
Scales & Arpeggios plug-in creates a huge range of useful exercises
– any clef, key or progression of keys, double in octaves or thirds,
use standard, jazz or exotic scales/arpeggios, etc.
Sibelius 3 can play back
the precise nuances of
your original performance,
and you can fine-tune the
dynamics using coloured bars
Publish your music on the Internet,
or put coursework onto your school
or university web site
Simple playback buttons, with
time display and tempo slider
Add colour, graphics and even photographs
Order now from your dealer or Sibelius – see or call 0800 458 3111 (UK)
The expert’s choice
• Notate every kind of music
• Save hours of writing out parts
• Top publishing quality
• Design your own ‘look’
• Many advanced features
Instant sets of parts
House Styles™
Sibelius 3 extracts instrumental parts in less than 1 second
each! It transposes the music if necessary, groups bar rests
together, inserts cues (which you can mark in the full score),
and even adds convenient page turns.
Sibelius 3 applies hundreds of subtle music engraving rules to
optimize your score’s appearance. You can adjust these rules
and design your own house style(s) to make your music look
distinctive. You can even save house styles to disk and import
them into other scores.
Elegant layout
Sibelius 3’s Optical™ spacing algorithm ensures your music is
beautifully laid out on the page. If bars get too cramped, it
pushes them onto the next page, and adjusts slurs, hairpins etc.
to suit. But you have full control over the layout too – you can
move staves, specify page & system breaks, squash up or
spread out notes, and so on.
Everything you can think of
There are numerous advanced features – such as calculating
your score’s duration, finding particular markings, writing
timecode for film/TV & marching band, special print formats,
and nearly 500 music symbols. For the full feature list, visit
Sibelius Internet Edition
Sibelius Internet Edition is a special version of Sibelius 3 for
commercial publishing via the web or CD-ROM, used by leading
companies such as Hal Leonard, Yamaha, Music Sales and
Boosey & Hawkes. It includes secure encryption and numerous
extra options.
Commercial web publishing with
Sibelius Internet Edition
See CD or for free demos & more details
“Thanks to Sibelius, the world
of composing and publishing
has changed for ever”
Part extracted in 1 second, ready to print.
Sibelius 3 puts page turns at convenient
places, and can draw warning ‘specs’ at
difficult turns
The Guardian
Sibelius 3 includes this Inkpen2
handwriting font, and is compatible
with dozens of other music fonts.
View multiple rulers for precise
Sibelius 3 reformats an entire score to
fit any size or shape of paper – in just
1/10th of a second!
Immense caeli Conditor
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Sibelius 3 handles all jazz, guitar, rock & commercial music – slashes,
drums, complex guitar tab & chord diagrams. It includes a huge range of
avant garde notations, from microtones to complex tuplets. It can also
write early music – ossias, figured bass, numerous ornaments, prefatory
staves, all C-clefs, special barlines, even lute tablature
Order now from your dealer or Sibelius – see or call 0800 458 3111 (UK)
The ultimate software
for music education
Sibelius Educational Suite is a complete range
of software designed to cover every educational
requirement – from beginners to degree level,
from coursework to composition. The programs
are all easy to use, yet sophisticated enough
for the most advanced students.
The suite satisfies the needs of both teachers
and students. It will save you hours of
preparation and teaching time, and give
students a stimulating learning environment
which they will find far more enjoyable than
just pen and paper.
The complete suite
Who’s using it?
Everything you need
Sibelius software users include:
• For all ages & abilities
• The Juilliard School
• Save hours of your time
• Royal College of Music
• Well-structured & high-quality
• Yale University
• Fun & easy
• Oxford & Cambridge Universities
• Supports QCA standards
• University of Michigan
• Discounts on site licences
• Royal Academy of Music
• Buy the whole suite
• Eastman School of Music
• Indiana University
• Sibelius Academy, Finland
• Eton College
• 50% of UK secondary schools
See CD or for free demos & more details
“Great resources for
music students & teachers
at all levels”
Dr Steven Estrella
music education technology clinician
The encyclopedia of instruments
The art of composition
Classroom teaching tools
A unique interactive guide to 50 instruments
and 20 ensembles, with structured lessons,
assignments, and 460 recordings
Interactive lessons and structured projects
to help students learn how to compose.
Includes special Toolbox sequencer.
A complete pack of lessons, worksheets
and resources to help you teach music
with Sibelius 3.
The programs complement each other, so they
can be used separately or side-by-side. For
example, students could compose a piece in
Sibelius Compass, then arrange and print it for
ensemble in Sibelius 3, using Sibelius Instruments
for advice on instrumental writing. Or with
Auralia and Musition, you can print off students’
test results for both programs in a single report.
With carefully structured lesson plans, interactive
learning and automated testing, Sibelius
Educational Suite is technology put to the
best possible educational use.
“Well-designed programs…
enhance and reinforce
musical skills”
Times Educational Supplement
Primary music made easy
Ear training and aural tests
Learn and test music theory
The complete software to help you teach
primary school music. Includes 180 lesson
plans & audio CD.
Comprehensive software for ear training
and aural tests at all levels. Marks
everything automatically.
Complete software for teaching & testing
music theory automatically. Makes music
theory fun and easy.
Sibelius 3
Essential for music teaching
• Easy yet sophisticated
• Teach notation, theory & composition
Educational levels
Instrument lessons
• Prepare exercises, handouts, arrangements
• Put coursework on your web site
• Educational discounts & site licences
See page 3 for full details of Sibelius 3
Order now from your dealer or Sibelius – see or call 0800 458 3111 (UK)
The complete guide to orchestral
and band instruments
A new reference classic
Listen & learn
Sibelius Instruments is the unique multimedia guide to
over 50 instruments, plus bands, orchestras and ensembles.
With a wealth of teaching materials too, it’s ideal for students
at all levels.
Unlike textbooks, Sibelius Instruments has high-quality
recordings of every instrument, technique and ensemble it
covers. The quiz includes 200 listening questions to help
students learn to recognize these sounds.
Exciting & interactive
Everything you can think of
Sibelius Instruments is fully interactive, with hundreds
of recordings, clickable pictures, notated examples,
and an automatic quiz. It’s the exciting way to learn
how instruments sound, look & work.
Sibelius Instruments also includes in-depth details
and recordings of ranges, bowing, glissandi, harmonics,
multiphonics and other advanced techniques – so it’s
ideal for university level, too.
The essential guide to instruments
• 50+ instruments, from alto clarinet
to xylophone
• 20+ types of band, orchestra and ensemble
Full details & recordings of every instrument and
technique – from piccolo to contrabass, bugles
to gongs and spiccato to rim-shot!
• 460 high-quality recordings
• Mutes, mallets, multiphonics & more
• Lessons plans & assignments
• Quiz – 500 factual, listening and
picture questions
See CD or for free demos & more details
Explore orchestras, bands, chamber ensembles and
instrumental families, including their repertoire and
historical development. Click any instrument to hear
it and find out all about it
“A wonderful interactive
guide suitable for
beginners, students or
experienced composers”
Julian Anderson
Head of Composition
Royal College of Music, London
Guiding students through
The art of composition
Sibelius Compass is a unique program to help students learn
how to compose. It includes lessons, worksheets and self-tests
covering a wide range of topics, leading onto complete
composition projects.
Compass’s Toolbox is where students record & develop musical
ideas. It includes a large library of motifs (e.g. chord sequences,
rhythms, scales) to use – plus tools to create canons,
inversions, ostinati etc. and combine material in new ways.
Theory & practice
Structured projects
For each lesson, students study relevant interactive topics,
test themselves with the built-in quiz, and try out what
they’ve learned in the Toolbox. Topics include melody,
harmony, scales, rhythm, dynamics, transformations, timbre,
texture & form.
The lessons lead onto composition projects such as theme
and variations, songwriting, sonata form and blues. Students
develop music in the Toolbox, and can also transfer it to
Sibelius 3 or any sequencer.
The ideal way to learn composition
• 16 worksheets & 32 composition projects
• Wide range of styles
• Unique Toolbox for developing musical ideas
Learning about various jazz scales and church
modes. The notated examples play back
The Toolbox: record and edit music, incorporating
hundreds of preset rhythms, scales, shapes, etc.
from the menus at the top. Teachers can add their
own material to these menus for students to use
• Quiz for each topic, marked automatically
• Build up composition portfolio
• Complements Sibelius 3 or any sequencer
• Supports QCA standards
“An exciting new way
to learn composition”
Richard Arnold
Highgate Wood School &
Performing Arts College
Order now from your dealer or Sibelius – see or call 0800 458 3111 (UK)
Tools for teaching music
with Sibelius
Ready-to-use resources
Easy student reference
Sibelius Notes is a complete resource pack to help you teach
music with Sibelius 3. With ready-to-use lessons on everything
from notation to arranging, it will save you many hours of
Sibelius Notes comes with step-by-step student guides to all
the Sibelius 3 features required – 10 copies are included, and
you can print more from the CD-ROM.
Complete teaching materials
Even more on CD-ROM
The Teacher’s Guide has over 200 pages of structured
worksheets, teacher notes, completed answers (to save time
when marking) and resources, indexed by level, duration &
subject. You can photocopy the worksheets, too.
The CD-ROM includes dozens of music files for use with the
worksheets or for creating your own exercises – everything
from traditional songs to Bach.
Save hours of preparation
• 200+ pages of lessons & worksheets
• CD-ROM of music files & resources
• Mini-manuals of key Sibelius features
A lesson on canons, with step-by-step teacher’s notes
and student worksheet. The teacher’s notes include
quick reference icons (time, level, etc.) and extensions
for more advanced students.
Working on the canon exercise, using a Sibelius 3
file from the CD-ROM. The Teacher’s Guide includes
the completed exercise, to save time when marking
• Use with Sibelius 2 or Sibelius 3
• Photocopyable
“A life-saver for teachers
short on planning time”
Dr Steven Estrella
music education technology clinician
See CD or for free demos & more details
All you need to teach
children music
Music teaching made easy
Music, sounds & pictures
Sibelius Starclass is the complete software to help you teach
music at primary school. It guides you through over 180
exciting, ready-to-use lesson plans that support QCA
Starclass includes hundreds of musical excerpts and sounds
(e.g. whale-song), which are also provided on audio CD for
use in class. There are many pictures to print out, from
instruments to dinosaurs.
Exciting & effective
Ideal for non-specialist teachers
All of the lessons are interesting and fun, covering topics such
as planets, the weather and buried treasure. Many are crosscurricular, involving numbers, literacy, art, geography, etc.
Starclass introduces all of the key musical concepts you need,
with progressive lessons specially selected for each year.
So even non-specialist teachers can feel confident about
teaching music.
Complete ready-made lessons
• For non-specialist and specialist teachers
• Saves you hours of preparation
• Supports QCA standards
The 180+ lesson plans are arranged into 6 musical
areas, with explanations for non-specialist teachers
Each lesson includes step-by-step instructions,
printable pictures and specific learning outcomes.
Click on an ‘ear’ or play the audio CD to hear
relevant music examples
• 180+ cross-curricular & creative music lessons
• Hundreds of sound clips & printable pictures
• 99-track audio CD to play in class
Primary teachers
“Wonderful musical
examples and exciting
activities for kids”
Sandi MacLeod
Instructor in Educational Technology
University of Vermont
Order now from your dealer or Sibelius – see or call 0800 458 3111 (UK)
Complete ear training
for all musicians
Aural tests made easy
Make rapid progress
Auralia is the comprehensive software for ear training and
aural tests. It guides students through hundreds of graded
exercises, marks them, and gives instant feedback – so
students can use it unaided.
Auralia covers all levels from beginner to advanced. When a
student has mastered a topic, they automatically progress to
the next level. You can print reports of student & class marks
compiled over time.
Listen & learn
Classical, jazz & rock
Auralia covers 26 topics such as singing intervals, correcting
tuning, melodic dictation, and identifying chord progressions.
You can even play answers on a MIDI keyboard, or sing into a
Auralia is designed for classical, jazz and rock/pop students,
with special exercises on jazz/contemporary scales, chords and
progressions. It’s also ideal when preparing for instrumental exams.
Save hours of teaching time
• Hundreds of exercises in 26 topics
• Automatic marking
• On-screen reference information
Rhythm dictation: listen to a rhythm, then write
it down by choosing groups of notes. Auralia tells
you where you went wrong
Cluster chord dictation: listen to each chord, then
write it down. This is one of the harder exercises,
but Auralia includes much more advanced ones
for university students
• Monitors student progress
• Ideal for exam preparation
• All levels from beginner to advanced
Instrument lessons
See CD or for free demos & more details
“Pupils and I use Auralia
all the time, noticing a
great improvement in
our skills!”
Gail Burrett
piano teacher
Complete music theory training
and testing
Fun & easy
Advance quickly
Musition is the complete software for learning & testing music
theory. It creates a stimulating learning environment by testing
students and giving instant feedback. It marks everything for
you – saving hours of teaching time.
Musition covers all levels from beginner to advanced. When a
student has mastered a topic, they automatically progress to
the next level. Student & class marks are compiled over time
for you to print.
Wide range of topics
Every kind of music
Musition covers 25 topics such as tapping rhythms, identifying
keys, chords & inversions, reading different clefs, and
correcting wrong notes. Students can give multiple-choice
answers or play on a MIDI keyboard.
Musition is designed for classical, jazz and rock/pop students,
with special exercises on jazz scales, chord symbols, guitar
chord diagrams and drum styles. It’s particularly good for
exam preparation.
Makes music theory fun
• Hundreds of exercises in 25 topics
• Automatic marking
Identify scales and modes by selecting from multiple
choice answers – Musition marks it automatically
Musition also tests more general musical knowledge
such as instrument ranges & transpositions
• Students can use it unaided
• Monitors progress
• Ideal for exam preparation
• For all ages & ability levels
Instrument lessons
“Has really helped our
students to be more
D Resczenski
University of North Texas
Order now from your dealer or Sibelius – see or call 0800 458 3111 (UK)
Play, write & publish music
On-screen fretboard inputs notes
and shows you how to finger chords
Guitar & songwriting software
Everything you need
• Write down your songs, riffs & licks
• Write tab, notation, chords & lyrics
• Capture your ideas instantly
• Input from MIDI guitar / keyboard
• Learn songs from ASCII tab / MIDI files
• Plays tab & notation
• Learn about guitars, styles & techniques
• Scan in printed music
• Publish songs on
• Creates cool drum parts in seconds
• Easy to use
• Create ASCII tab & MIDI files
• Interactive guide to guitars
• Internet publishing
See or for free demos & more details
“The perfect tool for anyone
who plays guitar”
Mike Rutherford
Genesis / Mike and the Mechanics
“G7 is a huge step forward for
the songwriting guitarist”
Computer Music
A web page using Scorch –
click buttons to play, print, etc.
View, play, print, buy & sell
sheet music online
PhotoScore MIDI
Music input made easy
Print music from the Internet
• Scan sheet music into any sequencer
• Free web browser plug-in
The web’s largest sheet music sites
• Reads a page in seconds
• View, play & print scores online
• Over 25,000 scores & songs
• High accuracy
• Change tempo, key & instruments
• Music for free & for sale
• Expressive playback
• Save scores to disk
• Search by genre, instrument(s), etc.
• Produces MIDI files
• Browse music from Sibelius 3 or G7
• Sell your own music – we pay 50%!
• Easy to use
• The industry standard
• Publish from Sibelius 3 or G7
• Used on many music sites
• Get your own page on the site
• Chat page
• Review & vote for music
Order now from your dealer or Sibelius – see or call 0800 458 3111 (UK)
What to do next...
1. Use the demo CD
See free CD opposite
2. Find out more
• Videos to watch
• Demo versions to try
If you need further details
• Interviews with famous users
• Visit
• What musicians say
• Ask your dealer
Buy it today!
• Contact Sibelius
• From your dealer or Sibelius
3. Order now
• or 0800 458 3111
• Contact Sibelius for details of dealers
All our Mac software is
Mac OS X compatible.
For complete computer
requirements, see
Sibelius 3
PhotoScore Professional
Sibelius Notes
Windows 98 or later, 64Mb
RAM (128Mb for Windows
2000/XP). Mac OS 9.1 or later,
40Mb free RAM. Scanning may
need more RAM
To use Kontakt Player Silver or
Save as Audio Track in Sibelius 3,
we recommend: Windows:
1GHz processor, 256Mb RAM.
Mac: G4/G5, 128Mb free RAM
(256Mb for OS X)
Kontakt Player Gold
For scores that use up to
about 8 different sounds:
Windows: 1GHz processor,
256Mb RAM.
Mac: G4/G5, 128Mb free RAM
(256Mb for OS X)
For scores that use more
sounds: Windows: Pentium 4
or Athlon XP, 256Mb+ RAM,
preferably separate sound
and/or graphics cards.
Mac: G4/G5, 256Mb free RAM,
preferably separate sound card
See CD or for free demos & more details
Sibelius Instruments
Windows 95 or later, Pentium
II or faster. Mac OS 8.6 or
Sibelius Compass
Windows 95 or later
Mac OS 8.6 or later
Sibelius Starclass
Windows 95 or later
Mac OS 8.6 or later
Windows 95 or later
Mac OS 7.6 or later
Windows 95 or later
(Not Mac compatible)
PhotoScore MIDI
Windows 95 or later, 64Mb
RAM. Mac OS 8.6 or later,
32Mb free RAM, TWAINcompatible scanner
“Sibelius would have
used Sibelius”
Michael Kamen
film composer
Michael Kamen has composed scores for many
blockbuster films including Lethal Weapon
and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
North, Central & South America
UK & other countries
Call toll-free: 888-4-SIBELIUS (888-474-2354)
Fax: 972-713-6327
Freephone: 0800 458 3111
(+44 20 7561 7999 from outside UK)
Fax: 020 7561 7888
(+44 20 7561 7888)
Sibelius Service Center
PO Box 702628
Dallas TX 75370
Key Buy Award from
Keyboard magazine
Sibelius Software Ltd
The Old Toy Factory
20-22 City North
Fonthill Road
London N4 3HN
10/10 rating
Macworld 5 stars
Electronic Musician
Editor’s Choice
Order now from your dealer or Sibelius – see or call 0800 458 3111 (UK)
Sibelius, Sibelius 3, Starclass,
Sibelius Notes, Sibelius
Compass, Sibelius
Instruments, Sibelius Internet
Edition,,, Scorch, all associated logos, graphics and
taglines, Flexi-time, Espressivo,
Arrange, Inkpen2 and House
Styles are all trademarks or
registered trademarks of
Sibelius Software Ltd or
Sibelius USA Inc in the USA,
UK and other countries.
PhotoScore programs created
by Neuratron Ltd. All other
trademarks acknowledged.
All information is believed
correct at the time of going to
press, but is subject to change
without notice.
© Sibelius Software Ltd 2003.
All rights reserved. E&OE
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