sar interferometry and gps studies at guagua
sar interferometry and gps studies at guagua
European Geophysical Society, Nice, March 2001 SAR INTERFEROMETRY AND GPS STUDIES AT GUAGUA-PICHINCHA AND COTOPAXI VOLCANOES (ECUADOR) S. Bonvalot (1,2), G. Gabalda (1), D. Rémy (1), P. Briole (2), J.-L. Froger (3), P. Mothes (4), P. Hall (4), G. Lopez (5) (1) IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement),(2) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, (3) UBP Clermont-Ferrand, (4) Instituto Geofisico, EPN, Quito, (5) Aeromapa, Quito Objectives Technical data overview 20˚N SAR data acquisition and processing 15˚N Quito SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) interferometry and GPS techniques have been combined on two stratovolcanoes in Ecuador with the following objectives : 10˚N 0˚ 5˚S 10˚S 15˚S (1) to evaluate the potentialities of using interferometric data for ground deformation studies in remote or dangerous areas where geodetic networks cannot be easily maintained due to the rough field conditions (large volcanoes, high elevation, vegetation, access difficulties), 20˚S 85˚W 80˚W 75˚W 70˚W 65˚W 60˚W 55˚W GPS data acquisition and processing Equipment : 12 channels dual frequency receivers with full wavelength data (Ashtech Z12 receivers). Field procedures : Pichincha (4785 m) : Landsat satellite image drapped over topography showing the dense vegetation on the western side of the volcano (green areas) and the proximity of Quito urban area. (1) static measurements (sampling rate 30 sec) using 3 to 4 receivers simultaneously during sessions of few hours to few days according with the baseline characteristics and the required accuracy (max baseline length 17 km). (3) to validate on these volcanoes protocols for GPS data acquisition and processing (static and kinematic measurements) that could improve the volcano monitoring tasks. (3) base stations : at least two fixed base stations were operated during the whole survey. The main reference is the permanent GPS station located in Quito (2923 m) and operated by NIMA (USA) and IGM (Ecuador). Processing procedures : Digital topography database Software : Bernese 4.0, Gamit 9.9, WinPrism 2.1, Geogenius Digital topographic map of the Ecuatorian Andes in the area of Quito obtained from map digitization (1/50000 scale) by IRD and Municipio of Quito (Souris et al.). The D.E.M. with horizontal resolution 30 m has been used to remove topography contribution from SAR interferograms ITRF Solutions : computed from IGS stations (Kourou, Galapagos, Arequipa, Bogota) and precise orbits data. 4600 5 4400 2 7 8 00 9 10 Figure 4 : Example of DEM inaccuracies on Cotopaxi as revealed by interferometry data. 4a : 1 month ERS interferogram. 4b : DEM used for topographic correction. 4c : high resolution interferometric DEM SAR interferometry data 767 769 Latitude (mm) 10 10 5 5 0 0 -5 -5 -10 -10 -10 0 4 2 4 2 0 2 -2 -4 GT 9 6 08 08 08 5 7 0 -2 -4 3 0 -2 -4 BE 4 4 2 0 -4 4 2 0 TMP 40 BOS SN2 SN3 SN4 SN5 LAG MAR -0.65 REF NAS 107 106 011 010 00 LOM SN1 4000 -0.70 4000 VC1 HIE TBO MUR 4000 4000 4000 00 40 -0.75 ASH 40 00 -0.80 40 -78.55 -78.50 Figure 2d : interferogram orbits 12633-13635 Period : 97/09/19 97/11/28 Altitude of ambiguity : 55 m -78.45 -78.40 LONGITUDE (degres) -78.35 COTOPAXI GPS NETWORK Figure 6b : COMPARISON OF VARIOUS SURVEYS USGS (11/1993) IRD (11/1996) reference IRD (03/2000) LATITUDE (sec) 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.000 -0.001 -0.002 -0.003 -0.004 BO S0 NA S1 RE F0 VC 10 MA R0 NA S0 TM P0 LA G0 SN O2 TB O0 HIE 0 LO M0 SN O3 SN O5 SN O1 SN O4 LA T0 AS H0 MU R0 Figure 4b : Digital Elevation Model of Cotopaxi generated from 1/50000 map digitisation and used in this study (IRD & Municipio Quito) LONGITUDE (sec) 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.000 -0.001 -0.002 -0.003 -0.004 250 200 09918 BO S0 NA S1 RE F0 VC 10 MA R0 NA S0 TM P0 LA G0 SN O2 TB O0 HIE 0 LO M0 SN O3 SN O5 SN O1 SN O4 LA T0 AS H0 MU R0 12633 100 Apr97 S ep98 Figure 1 : Dataset of ERS images used in this study (acquisition date versus perpendicular baseline in meter) The color of the line indicates the quality of the computed interferogram (red-yellow-green-blue from very good to poorly coherent interferograms) Figure 3 :Collective mask of coherence on Cotopaxi computed from the whole dataset of interferograms (see figure 1). The red and yellow pixels inicate the pixels where the coherence is mainained over 4 years (i.e. below the ice cap and along the lahar deposit areas). Guagua Pichincha SAR interferometry (10/1992–01/2000) Cotopaxi (05/1992–05/1997) ERS availability poor (1992-2000) poor (1992-1997) Spatial coherence limited (eastern flank, summit) quite good (below ice cap, lahars) 39 Figure 4c : Digital Elevation Model produced by radar interferometry (NASA Topography Mission, Space Shuttle, march 2000) Conclusions 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 71 m 38 07 B O S m 0 48 68 N A S m 1 41 03 R E F m 0 37 12 V C 1 m 0 MA 38 06 R m 0 38 04 N A S m 0 38 94 TM P m 0 41 04 LA G m 0 40 08 SN O m 2 44 T 32 B O m 0 38 95 HIE m 0 42 L 52 O M m 0 46 19 SN O m 3 39 60 SN O m 5 43 96 SN O m 1 29 41 SN O m 4 40 59 LA T m 0 45 47 A SH m 0 MU R0 Dec95 ALTITUDE (m) Figure 5 : Static and kinematics GPS measurements on Cotopaxi (surveys 1996 and 2000). The kinematics surveys have been tested for rapid network control. 50 J ul94 STATIONS Acknowledgments We thank : S. Arceniegas (IGM, Quito), D. Chase and J. Tomasovich (NIMA, USA), C. DeMets (Univ. Madison, USA) for providing us the GPS data of the Quito permanent station, Temporal coherence 6 months up to few years (lahars deposits) E. Reyes, J. Zamora (CLIRSEN Quito) and E. Lascano (CLIRSEN Cotopaxi) for their help in the ERS data selection, Observed changes no significant (10/1992–01/2000) none (05/1992-05/1997) M. Souris and B. Lortic (IRD) for providing us the D.E.M. of Ecuador, Potentialities short term deformations short to mid terms deformations F. Bondoux, F. Khan, C. Luro, J.P. Metaxian (IRD) and J. Stix (Univ. Montreal) for their assitance in the GPS field works, GPS data (11/1998–03/2000) Network / Baseline 26 stations (since 1998) Network accuracy Static (1 to 3 cm) Kinematics controls (2 to 5 cm) Observed changes Below network accuracy < 2 cm (horiz), < 5 cm (vert.) (11/1996–03/2000) 18 stations (since 1996) Static (1 to 3 cm) Kinematics controls (2 to 5 cm) Below network accuracy < 2 cm (horiz), < 5 cm (vert.) WP 5 -5 -0.60 300 04407 Mar93 10 2 4000 Phase variations 0 Oct91 -4 Levelling benchmarks : IGM (1961-1992) EDM Baseline (EPN ground deformation network) We show on Figure 6b a comparison of the adjusted coordinates of the 4 sites determined by USGS during the 1993 survey (J. Ewert, USGS, communication) and reoccupied during our 1996 survey. Comparison between the 1996 adjusted coordinates (reference) and those determined by kinematics surveys are also reported. The consistency between the data sets indicates that (1) no ground deformation occurred since 1993 (2) that kinematics survey can be successfully used for rapid network control on Cotopaxi. Figure 4a : Interferogram orbits 12132-12633 Period : 97/08/15 - 97/09/19 Altitude of ambiguity : 44 m 13635 -2 -4 GPS surveys : USGS/EPN (11/1993) GPS surveys : IRD/EPN (11/1996) GPS surveys : IRD/EPN (03/2000) The first GPS survey has been carried out by USGS (John Ewert) in 11/1993 (4 stations). In 11/1996, we reoccupied the USGS sites and installed 14 new sites distributed from the base of the volcano to the ice cap (4850 m) as shown on Figure 6a. A short control survey has been realized in 03/2000 using kinematics measurements. Figure 2b : interferogram orbits 09918-12633 Period : 93/06/08 - 97/09/19 Altitude of ambiguity : 44 m 12132 -2 -4 COTOPAXI GPS NETWORK 0 -p/2 Results Figure 2c : interferogram orbits 12132-13635 Period : 97/08/15 - 97/11/28 Altitude of ambiguity : 211 m 0 -2 -2 Figure 6a : p/2 p Field surveys Using the whole dataset of interferograms, we computed a collective mask of coherence (Figure 3). Such mask points out the areas where SAR interferometry might be successfully used for ground deformation studies over several years. 4 2 0 -4 Coherence analysis 150 Longitude (mm) We present on figure 9b the results of repeated kinematics measurements in the summit area. It can be noted that the rim of the caldera has not been affected by significant horizontal change during the last period of activity. GPS data Figure 2a : interferogram orbits 09918-13635 Period : 93/06/08 - 97/11/28 Altitude of ambiguity : -63 m -4 4 2 0 -2 5 ERS-1 and ERS-2 images (descending orbits) ranged between 1992 and 1997 (Figure 1). Only interferograms with altitude of ambiguity greater than 40 m are considered. 2 types of phase variations can be identified from this dataset : (1) an E-W phase variation (Figure 2c) assumed as a tropospheric effect (related with local distinct meteorological pattern between amazonian and inter-Andean influences), (2) high frequency signals related with DEM inaccuracies (Figures 4a to 4c). 768 LONGITUDE (km) Dataset As evidenced on the computed interferograms (Figure 2a to 2d), the coherent areas are limited to the lower part of the volcano, below the ice cap (i.e. from 3000 to 4900 m). It can be noted that lahar deposits area remain coherent over long periods of time. -4 4 4000 Application to Cotopaxi volcano -4 009 5b : after october 1999 11 766 0 -2 008 Figure 5 : Stack of images of radar amplitude before (5a) and after (5b) the eruption of october 1999. 6d : orbits 44101-24428 (99/12/21-99/12/22, 47 m) 2000-1998 4 2 0 -2 007 6c : orbits 20053-24929 (95/05/16-00/01/26, 152 m) Figure 6 : Examples of interferogram on the actiive caldera computed for various periods between 07/1993 and 01/2000. 6a and 6b are 2 years and 1 month interferograms before the last magmatic reactivation. 6c is a 5 years interferogram encompassing the whole period of activity. 6d is a tandem interferogram acquired after the october 1999 eruption. 2000 4 2 0 Figure 9b : Results of the kinematic survey around the caldera (1998-2000). See station number on map figure 7b. Results of kinematic surveys in caldera area (11/1998 to 03/2000) REF1 44 9980 1998 4 2 106 3 Figure 9a : Results of data processing for Quito-REF1 baseline (1998-2000) -2 2 107 00 9981 5a : before october 1999 (2) no significant change affected the REF1 position within 11/1998 and 03/2000. 4600 44 LATITUDE (cm) (1) The solutions of baseline measurements obtained with various software are consistent within +/- 3cm (horiz.) and +/- 5 cm (vert.). 9982 6b : orbits 20053-20554 (95/05/16-95/06/20, 1467 m) Vertical (mm) LATITUDE (km) Kinematic GPS survey (caldera) Static measurements 6a : orbits 8186-20554 (93/07/02-95/06/20, -148 m) Despite of the very low coherence level of the interferograms, we analysed detailed images on the caldera area to evaluate the potentialities of SAR data for measuring topographic changes related with the recent activity. To enhance possible changes, we present here stacked images of amplitude and a series of interferograms acquired before and after the main eruption (October 1999). Changes in the dome morphology and enlargement of the crater are visible (see Figures 4, 5a, 5b). Detailed interferograms (Figure 6) show that no large scale deformation affected the volcano before and during the recent volcanic crisis. This result is consistent with the results of the GPS measurements realized during 1998-2000. 350 We show on figure 9a the results of the determination of the QUITO-REF1 baseline over several days in 1998 and 2000 and the measured changes between the two epochs. Kinematic measurements The recent volcanic activity on Guagua-Pichincha is concentrated in the summit caldera. The last reactivation, started during summer 1998 is characterized by repetitive dome growth and destruction accompanied by explosions of various magnitude. A paroxysmal explosion occurred in October 1999 producing partial dome destruction and ash fall over Quito. 400 Results for QUITO-REF1 baseline (11/1998 to 03/2000) 1 Figure 7b Figure 2d : interferogram orbits 44101-21428 Period : 99/12/21 - 99/12/22 Altitude of ambiguity : 125 m WIN PRISM (WP) GEO GENIUS 30 Figure 2c : interferogram orbits 20053-20554 Period : 95/05/16 - 95/06/20 Altitude of ambiguity : 1467 m Temporal evolution and detailed imaging of the caldera BERNESE (BE) 30 Figure 1 : Dataset of ERS images used in this study (acquisition date versus perpendicular baseline in meter). The color of the line indicates the quality of the computed interferogram (red-yellow-green-blue from very good to poorly coherent interferograms) 1999 COMPARISON OF VARIOUS SURVEYS GAMIT (GT) 30 May01 1998 PICHINCHA GPS NETWORK 005 J an00 5 : Rate = 3.3+/- 0.5 mm/yr : WRMS = 13.4 mm 1997 DeMets/UW-Madison 780 003 S ep98 LONGITUDE (km) # Outliers = 0 Apr 16 19:29 00 Apr97 775 5 : Rate = 2.8+/- 0.3 mm/yr : WRMS = 8.6 mm 50 Dec95 LATITUDE (km) J ul94 770 LONGITUDE (cm) Figure 4 : View of the caldera and the active dome 20053 20554 08186 765 # Outliers = 0 40 06683 Mar93 760 5 : Rate = 11.5+/- 0.2 mm/yr : WRMS = 5.8 mm 30 1996 9970 755 # Outliers = 20 -30 GMT LATITUDE (degres) 0 A permanent GPS station located in Quito and operated by NIMA (Figures 7a, 8) has been used as a reference site for the GPS static surveys. The kinematic surveys in the summit area were realized from REF1 reference station (Figure 7b). 4061 CIN1 ALTITUDE (cm) 24929 SFO1 SJO1 9975 BASELINE (cm) 44101 100 42 00 200 3000 8 300 10 -20 CRZ1/CRZ2 7 24428 400 4000 29 500 REF1 29 18917 21422 600 20 002 16412 700 00 30 9980 A total number of 34 stations have been determined (21 in the summit area on the eastern side of the active crater). The western part of the volcano has not been investigated due to the bad field conditions (absence of access path, dense vegetation) that would require high difficulties for network installation and reiteration. For same reasons, other monitoring networks (seismic stations, tiltmeters, EDM bases, etc.) are also deployed only on the eastern part of the volcano. 30 0 LATITUDE (cm) Figure 3 : Collective masque of coherence on Quito area computed from the best interfergrams (see figure 1). The red and yellow pixels indicate the pixels where the coherence is maintained up to 6 months 9985 TNK1 LONGITUDE (cm) Figure 2b : interferogram orbits 06683-08186 Period : 92/10/25 - 93/02/07 Altitude of ambiguity : 84 m 40 -10 3000 3000 Figure 2a : interferogram orbits 20053-24429 Period : 95/06/20 - 00/01/26 Altitude of ambiguity : 200 m LUL1 00 30 9990 The network contains reference stations out of the active zone (few kilometers away) and a series of stations distributed around the crater area (Figures 7a, 7b). In addition, existing benchmarks from the national geodetic network (IGM) or from the geophysical monitoring network have been also included (ex : seismic and tiltmeter stations, base sites for EDM measurements, etc.). QITO Coordinate changes 50 FAN1 00 30 2000 3000 800 200 Oct91 00 30 9995 Network design As evidenced on the computed interferograms (see Figures 2a to 2d), the coherent areas are limited to the eastern side of the volcano and on the urban area of Quito. Intense vegetation in western part explains the absence of coherence. 100 10000 A first GPS survey has been carried out in October 1998, consecutively to the reactivation of the volcano. The network has been complemented during 1999 (EPN, Aeromapa) and controlled in March 2000. 3000 Coherence analysis Surveys 3000 Quito Kinematic measurements RE F1 Pichincha volcano -p/2 12 ERS-1 and ERS-2 images (10 descending, 2 ascending) ranged between 10.1992 and 01.2000 (Figure 1). Only interferograms with altitude of ambiguity greater than 40 m are considered. Figure 8 : Data from the Quito permanent GPS station 1996-1999 (C. DeMets, personal communication). This station operated by NIMA (USA) and IGM (Ecuador) is used as reference station for the Pichincha GPS network). Static measurements 00 Dataset 0 4000 p Quito permament station (NIMA/IGM) GPS data p/2 Using the best coherent interferograms, we computed a collective mask of coherence over 6 months (Figure 3). Such mask points out the areas where SAR interferometry might be successfully used for ground deformation studies (i.e. eastern flank of the volcano and summit area). Pichincha GPS network Figure 7a SAR interferometry data 08 Application to Pichincha volcano 4000 Cotopaxi (5911 m) : Spot satellite image drapped over topography showing the permanent ice cap (from 4900 m) and the main lahar deposit areas. 30 The two selected volcanoes [Guagua Pichincha, 4785 m and Cotopaxi, 5911 m] are located in the vicinity of the capital Quito (1,5 Million Inhab.). Both of them have been very active in the historical times, but only the Guagua-Pichincha has undergone eruptive activity within the last decades (repetitive dome growth and destruction). They are also representative of South American strato-volcanoes that constitute extreme cases for SAR interferometry applications (steep slopes, variable vegetation, possible ice cap, etc.). (2) pseudo-static and kinematic measurements (sampling rate 3 sec) acquired for sessions up to 15 minutes (pseudostatic) in the range of few km away from a reference station (typically within 2 km) 00 (2) to set up precise GPS repetition networks and determine baseline measurements between stable and active areas to better characterize possible ground deformations induced by the volcanic activity, The differential interferograms have been generated from ERS-1 and ERS-2 data using Diapason software (Cnes). The datasets have been selected in order to compute interferograms from various time periods (from several years to one day) for coherence analysis between 1992 to 2000. 5˚N P. Lebellegard and S. Calmant (IRD, Noumea) for their contribution to the data processing with Bernese, GDR INSAR, N. Pourthié (Cnes) and F. Beauducel (IPG Paris) for their help in SAR data analysis, ERS images have been acquired from SPOT Image, Eurimage and Clirsen agencies This study was supported by IRD (DME) and INSU (PNRN) 00 -78.30