Auction Program - Saint Mary
Auction Program - Saint Mary
Pleasant Printing to insert ad Letter from the Principal April 11, 2015 Welcome to the 2015 Live and Silent Auction. Your participation and attendance at this event is greatly appreciated and will directly benefit your child and all of the students at Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School in so many different ways. Our mission is to continue to provide our students with top-notch education rooted in the values of our Catholic faith. The funds raised tonight will help us continue to meet our mission by improving our curriculum offerings, our teaching resources, our technology and our overall physical plant. Specifically, we will invest in the following technology and student resources to prepare our students to meet the challenges of today’s diverse world: State-of-the-art computers will replace a portion of the computers in the school’s Computer Lab. Computers that are only a few years old from the Computer Lab will replace the oldest computers in classrooms. (The specific number of computers that will be replaced and the number of interactive projectors that will be added to classrooms will be determined by a needs assessment completed by our school’s Technology Committee and the amount of funds raised at tonight’s event.) Interactive projectors and Apple TV will be installed in additional classrooms. Science resources and materials will be replaced in various grade levels. We will also continue to ensure our students learn within a safe campus by: Investing in additional security technology that will integrate with our school’s communication system. This will include security hardware at the doors of the church (student entrances to Library, Art, Music and Physical Education) and the new modular classrooms. These are just a few examples of how funds from tonight’s event can help make our school the best it can be. We hope you enjoy our celebration tonight. Thank you to all of the parents and friends of SMSH who made this year’s event possible and thank you for your generosity, continued support of our school’s mission and your attendance at tonight’s event. Our teachers, staff and administration are truly blessed to have such dedicated family, friends and parishioners who continually support our school and Catholic education here in North Attleboro in both big and small ways. Happy bidding! Denise M. Peixoto, Principal Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 2 2015 Live and Silent Auction SMSH Auction 2015 Schedule of Events 6:30 p.m. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Registration Cocktails and passed hors d’oeuvres View “SMaSHing Faces” Buffet stations open Wine “Pull” open Raffles open “Fund THESE Needs” table open “Heads or Tails” game beads available Silent Auction open 7:00 p.m. Opening prayer and welcome 7:30 p.m. Raffles closed Wine “Pull” closed “Heads or Tails” game (50/50) 7:30 p.m. Staggered Silent Auction closings White table closes at 7:30 p.m. Dark blue table closes at 7:40 p.m. Silver table closes at 7:50 p.m. Light blue table closes at 8:00 p.m. “SMaSHing Faces” closes 8:15 p.m. Live Auction SMSH Video Fund The Need Silent Auction winners displayed Raffle winners announced 10:15 p.m. Checkout and socializing Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 3 2015 Live and Silent Auction Welcome Family and Friends! The Saint Mary–Sacred Heart Auction Committee welcomes you to the school’s “SMaSHing Evening” Live and Silent Auction. We hope that everyone enjoys the evening as we auction off the many generous gifts donated by our Saint Mary–Sacred Heart families, faculty, alumni, friends, and local businesses. All items are offered up for bid in good faith, with any restrictions duly noted. All bidders are urged to read the auction booklet, guidelines, and bid sheet descriptions carefully to avoid any confusion. Saint Mary–Sacred Heart School is grateful to the many individuals and businesses that have donated items for tonight’s event. Please patronize these establishments when shopping for goods and services. A list of donors and services is provided at the end of this booklet as well as on the Saint Mary–Sacred Heart School website. We would also like to thank all the parent volunteers for their effort in making this year’s auction a success. Thank you and may God bless you for sharing your time, talent, and treasure. - 2015 Auction Committee Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 4 2015 Live and Silent Auction 2015 Auction Committee 2015 Auction Co-Chairs Kate Lancaster and Kristen Brown SMSH Advancement Coordinator Susan McConville Auction Committee Leads: Chris Brislin Jenn Dubord Caitlan Kane Jan Olson Jen Powers Jeff Brown Beth Elliott Kathy Moore Dan Parkinson Jenn Robinson Becky Daniels Lori Freeman Erik Morris Colleen Peters Ronnie Welch Auction Committee Members: Leona Bizier, George Brown, Joette Cronin, Missy Davis, Dawn Finucane, Mark Kane, Alicia Piette, Eithne Smith. Many Thanks! The 2015 Auction Committee would like to thank: Father David Costa, School Director Mrs. Denise Peixoto, Principal The Saint Mary–Sacred Heart Faculty and Staff Classroom parents and those who helped organize SMSH class gifts The greater North Attleboro area merchants and businesses for their generous donations Highland Country Club of Attleboro Pleasant Printing for donating the printing of many of our auction materials Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 5 2015 Live and Silent Auction 2015 Auction Guidelines 1. All sales are final. No exchanges or refunds on auction items are permitted. 2. Items are sold “as is” and “where is.” Neither the school nor the consignor make any guarantees expressed or implied, as to age, condition, origin, authenticity or defect in, and no statement verbally or in writing made prior or during the sale or in any advertisement related to the sale will be regarded as a guarantee or warranty or assumption of liability. 3. All auction items (both silent and live) must be paid for in full with cash, check or credit card during the designated checkout time at the end of the evening on April 11, 2015. All checks should be made payable to Saint Mary–Sacred Heart School. 4. By his or her purchase, the buyer waives any claim of liability against either the school or the donor of the property or service and neither the school nor the donor is responsible for any injuries or damages to property that may be a result from the utilization of items or services sold. 5. Certificates are given to the buyer when there is no item displayed. Please note any donor restrictions on certificates. Please be sure to keep certificates for all items including SMSH items such reserved seats at graduation, plays, etc. 6. All auction items and certificates, both silent and live, must be removed from Highland Country Club at the close of the auction and must be presented to claim your item. Silent Auction Bidding Procedures 1. Bid sheets are attached to or displayed near each item. Bidder is to print legibly his or her paddle number and bid amount. 2. Each new bid must be written on the first available blank line of the bid sheet. The highest, proper bid at closing time will constitute a winning bid. 3. The minimum starting bid for Silent Auction items is posted at the top of the bidding sheet. If the minimum bid is not met, the item will be pulled at the close of the auction for later use in a school fundraiser or auction. 4. Bids must be raised in $5.00 increments. 5. In the event of a dispute, the Auctioneer will have the sole and final discretion to determine the winning bid. 6. If your bid falls on the “blue” line, you will automatically be entered into a special raffle for a handselected basket of wine. Live Auction Bidding Procedures 1. To enter a bid, bidder raises his or her bidder number, directing the signal to the Auctioneer. Bids should be made promptly. The Auctioneer will not let bidders bid against themselves. 2. If the Auctioneer determines that an opening bid is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, he may reject the bid and withdraw the article for sale. 3. The highest bidder acknowledged by the Auctioneer shall be the purchaser. In the event of any dispute between bidders, the Auctioneer shall have sole and final discretion to determine the successful bid. 4. At the fall of the Auctioneer’s gavel, the purchaser’s obligation for payment cannot be reversed. 5. Checkout of Live Auction items will begin 15 minutes after the close of the Live Auction. Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 6 2015 Live and Silent Auction Registration Table Along with this booklet, you have received your assigned paddle number for bidding. If you are attending as a couple, you have received only one booklet and one bidding number for both of you to use. If you are attending as an individual participant, you have received your own paddle number. Please use your assigned number when bidding for both silent and live auction items as well as wine table and picture purchases. “SMaSHing Faces” Student Photo Wall A picture is worth a thousand words! Take home your commemorative, handcrafted canvas of your child that is available for ONLY one SMaSHing evening. Your child's photo may be taken home for just $20. Please pay for your photo purchase(s) by providing your paddle number. Raffle Table and “Heads & Tails” Game Chances to win raffle items and Heads & Tails beads are cash only. Heads & Tails (50/50) Game Beads Raffle Tickets $5 each 25 tickets for $10 Wine “Pull” New this year - the SMSH Wine Pull! Presenting 50 bottles of wine (both reds and whites) available for $40 each. Choose your winning bottle by picking a numbered wine cork. Each bottle has an envelope attached with a gift certificate to a local business. Lucky winners could “pull” a wine bottle that includes 2 tickets to the Boston Red Sox, family packs of tickets to movies, museums, attractions, or a night stay in Falmouth. Please pay for your wine bottle purchases with your paddle number at the close of the evening when you settle your final bill. At the time of payment, you will receive the specific bottle that you purchased. Simply leave your paddle number and the cork number that you have chosen with the wine “pull” host. Fund THESE Needs Table There are many expenses that are part of our school’s day-to-day budget. All of these expenses contribute to the total cost of educating your child. We invite our guests to consider sponsoring the cost of specific items from our school budget as part of this year’s “Fund THESE Needs”. Donors are not actually purchasing the sponsored items but rather their donation represents the cost of the chosen items. We have tried to include a wide range of items from art room supplies to larger items such as the school’s annual membership dues for the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), which is the association that has granted accreditation to our school. “Fund THESE Needs” purchases may be made with your paddle number. All gifts made through the Fund THESE Needs are tax deductible. Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 7 2015 Live and Silent Auction Silent Auction 100 Two Boston Bruins Tickets “GOAAAAL!” Get into the action with two tickets to the Boston Bruins this 2015-2016 season. Game to be determined between the auction winner and the donor once the schedule is announced. Stephen and Brenda Morano 101 102 103 104 105 106 Spring Is Here Event! A fun filled, homemade spring breakfast with the K, 1st and 2nd grade teachers. The six highest bidders win – each winning student can bring a friend. The Spring Event will take place in the Sacred Heart Church Meeting Room before school the morning of May 6, 2015. Mrs. Moura and Mrs. Stathakis, SMSH Kindergarten Teachers, Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. Piette, SMSH Grade 1 Teachers, Mrs. Diamond and Ms. Sullivan, SMSH Grade 2 Teachers 107 Capron Park Zoo Summer Zoocademy Lions and tigers and bears … oh my! One week at Capron Park Zoo Summer Zoocademy Camp. Through this unique summer experience, younger children learn about the animals through hands-on activities and games while older children experience all aspects of zoo operations from exhibit design to animal acquisition. Specific camp programs are designed for kids ages 57, 8-9, 10-11, and 12-15. May not be used for extended care. Capron Park Zoo 108 North Attleboro Police Detective Adventure This one of a kind experience includes pick up from home (or school) in a North Attleboro police cruiser, a private tour of the North Attleboro Police Station, and drop off at home (or school) for one student and a friend (and parent if needed.) Pick up and drop off must be within North Attleboro. Detective Ryan Mooney 109 110 111 Wii Dance-off Join the party! Three lucky students (and 3 friends) will have a Wii dance party with Mrs. Wojes, Ms. Sackal and Mrs. Murphy. Includes pizza, snacks, drinks and a surprise gift bag! Epic! Mrs. Wojes and Miss Sackal, SMSH Grade 3 Teachers and Mrs. Murphy, SMSH Grade 3 Aide Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 8 2015 Live and Silent Auction 112 Nurse for A Day Dress like a nurse in your very own scrubs and join Mrs. LeCompte or Mrs. Souza to conduct health teaching, sort inventory and complete other official school nurse duties. Mrs. LeCompte and Mrs. Souza, SMSH Nurses 113 Summer 2015 Pool Club Membership Had enough sledding? Get ready to splash into summer with a membership to Park Terrace Swim Club in Plainville, MA. Enjoy family fun in the club’s four swimming pools, water slides, sport courts, and more. The season starts June 6th! Excludes past or present members. Park Terrace Swim Club 114 White Mountains Weekend Getaway Relax and escape to the White Mountains! Enjoy this 3-bedroom waterfront home located in Eidelweiss, NH. The home sleeps 710 people comfortably and offers 1 1/2 baths with laundry. Enjoy all that the White Mountains have to offer. Take a swim in Middle Pea Pond. Go for a paddle in the canoe or rowboat. Enjoy relaxing on the deck overlooking your very own private sandy beach. Located close to Story Land, Conway Railroad, Cathedral Ledge, Mount Washington, Kankamangus Highway, golf, fishing, hiking, rock climbing, boating, and outlet shopping in North Conway. Available on an April, May or June weekend to be determined in coordination with the homeowner. Also includes a $25 gift card to the Red Fox Bar and Grille, a $25 gift certificate to Shannon Door Pub, and admission for two to Santa’s Village. Jason and Julie Lawton 115 “Mrs. O’Heir” for the Day Spend a day in the office with Mrs. O’Heir. Assist with office duties, have lunch and enjoy the craziness of the SMSH office! Kristin O’Heir, SMSH Office Assistant 116 Ahhhh…The Best of Teavana Tea Relax with eight favorite loose teas combined into four popular blends, rock sugar, four tins, and two ceramic tumblers with steel infusers to brew loose tea. The Roche Family 117 Enjoy a brighter, whiter smile! Enjoy a brighter, whiter smile with teeth whitening from Lindsay Brislin Dentistry. Take home custom whitening trays and professional whitening tubes to rejuvenate your beautiful smile. Expires 4/1/2016. Lindsay Brislin Dentistry Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 9 2015 Live and Silent Auction 118 DISNEY Vera Bradley Travel to Disney (or wherever your adventures takes you) with this Disney themed Vera Bradley tote, purse, cosmetic bag, and wallet. Father Dave 119 Disney Golf Accessories Add some Disney fun to your golf game with 4 Disney character club covers, tees, markers and golf balls. Father Dave 120 121 Pizza and Pictures Two lucky winners and 2 SMSH friends are invited to join Mrs. Piette and Mrs. Dangelo for a fun and busy after school event (at SMSH). Each child will create their own pizza with their favorite toppings. A sweet dessert is included. Chef hats and aprons will be provided and pictures will be taken. The students will download their pictures and make their own personal picture collage of the day's events. Tentative time to be confirmed with families: Friday, April 17 or Friday, May 1st from 3:15 to 5:45pm. Mrs. Piette, SMSH Grade 1 B Teacher and Mrs. Dangelo, SMSH Computer Teacher 122 One Week of Summer Camp at Maplewood Country Day Family-owned, Maplewood Country Day Camp & Enrichment Center in Easton MA has been a fun and exciting place for kids to enjoy summer camp for over 50 years. Programs are designed for all ages from pre-K through 7th grade. Kids enjoy traditional camp (sports, art, gymnastics, karate, swimming, boating) and many more exciting activities such as astronomy, yoga, Lego building, robotics, yo-yoing, puppet making, magic, fishing, rock climbing, ropes course, horseback riding, golf, and tennis! Maplewood Country Day Camp & Enrichment Center 123 Lego Set Inspire and develop the SMSH builders of tomorrow with this Lego set selected by Father Dave for a lucky student. Father Dave 124 American Girl Doll of the Year! American Girl Doll of the Year, Grace, can be yours. This enthusiastic girl loves to bake with friends and invent new recipes. Then a trip to Paris inspires her to try new things— including turning her passion for baking into a business. Includes a SMSH uniform for Grace! Father Dave, the Buss Family Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 10 2015 Live and Silent Auction 125 Ski Wachusett Mountain Make winter more fun with two 1-day Wachusett Mountain Ski passes. Valid through the 2016 ski season. Not valid Dec 26-Jan 3, Jan 16-Jan 18, and Feb 13-Feb 21. Wachusett Mountain 126 SMSH After School Care Enjoy a free week of SMSH after school care (or 10 days) for one child. Valid through December 2015. SMSH School 127 YMCA Camp Finberg If you’re looking for a week of traditional camp fun, then Camp Finberg is the place to be this summer! Situated at the Y’s Norton Outdoor Center with more than 80 pristine acres of woodlands and fields - Camp Finberg offers the ultimate day camp experience. Attleboro YMCA 128 Six Paw Sox Tickets and Fireworks! Six tickets to the Pawtucket Red Sox Patriotic Fireworks Spectacular Game, Monday, May 25, 2015 at 6pm. Come see the Paw Sox play the Scranton Wilkes-Barre RailRiders. After the game, you will be treated to a spectacular Patriotic Fireworks Show. Richard and Louise Carriere 129 Photo Shoot with Kelli Barker Enjoy a $300 gift certificate towards a photo shoot with North Attleboro’s own Kelli Barker. Kelli Barker Studios 130 Dental Tools Basket Assortment of dental items and tools to keep your whole family minty-fresh! Includes toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss and mouthwash. Drs. Joseph and Stephanie Capua 131 Crestwood Country Club Golf Package Enjoy a foursome of golf (including 2 golf carts) at Crestwood Country Club in Rehoboth, MA. Expires 12/31/15. The Elliott Family 132 Boston Bruins Krug Signed Photo and Hockey Puck Show your Bruins Spirit! Score this Torey Krug signed 8x10 photo and autographed hockey puck. Mrs. Jean Howard Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 11 2015 Live and Silent Auction 133 134 School Tools Basket A storage bin filled with a zippered binder, school and art supplies, a voucher for a free embroidered SMSH sweatshirt, a $35 Donnelly’s gift certificate, a $35 Graphic Images voucher, no uniform passes, and a “Special Activities” voucher for one sport or after school extracurricular activity. Mrs. Peixoto, SMSH Principal 135 Mosquito Shield Protection for 2015 Mosquito Shield will provide environmentally friendly, mosquito control services approximately every two weeks early spring to mid-October with a goal of reducing your mosquito population by 99%. Brad Maher 136 Boston Family Fun! Get ready for a busy family fun day in Boston with a Duck Tour, Freedom Trail Tour and a ride on the Swan Boats! Quack your way through the streets of Boston, MA and on the Charles River with 2 passes to the famous "Boston Duck Tours" (Good in April, May, September, October and November. (Expires Nov 29, 2015.) Add 2 adult and 2 children’s tickets to the Boston Freedom Trail and Tours and 4 tickets to the Swan Boats of Boston and you’re ready for a fun family adventure in Boston! Boston Duck Tours, Freedom Trail Foundation, Swan Boats of Boston 137 Looking (and Feeling) Good in North Attleboro! Hair care basket and $75 gift card at Salon Sparrow, $50 gift certificate to All About You (Spa), $100 gift card to Mirror Boutique, a mani-pedi at Top Nails, a natural spray tan and massage at Marisa’s Skin Care (new to North Attleboro!) Salon Sparrow, All About You, Mirror Boutique, Top Nails, Marisa’s Skin Care 138 Out with the Old, In with the New! Here’s the perfect combination to tackle your “spring cleaning” or home improvement project. $50 dollars towards a dumpster rental to dispose of all the “treasures” you shouldn’t have saved; $50 gift certificate at NAPS Maintenance for carpet or furniture cleaning; 4 hours of cleaning services from Al Martelli Cleaning Specialist; $25 savings on your next cleaning/service with Original Chimney Sweep and then an hour of interior design consultation to refresh the look of your home. Interior design consultation to include paint color selections, furniture placement, room layout, storage solutions and home staging. Now your home improvement project is complete! Jamie Narcessian Interior Design, Big Dog Disposal, NAPS Maintenance, Al Martelli Cleaning Specialist, Original Chimney Sweep Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 12 2015 Live and Silent Auction 139 State House Tour and Lunch with Representative Betty Poirier A tour of the MA State House, official State House photo and lunch for two with our State Representative Elizabeth Poirier on a mutually agreeable date. Betty Poirier 140 In-office Teeth Whitening Rejuvenate your beautiful smile with in-office teeth bleaching at Gentle Dental of Attleboro. Drs. Joseph and Stephanie Capua 141 Wine Tasting with Friends Enjoy a wine tasting for 6 people at North Attleboro’s newest destination for unique fine wines, craft beer and more. Wine tasting features three white and three red vintages. Gallery of Wines 142 Breakfast at Northworks with 5th Grade Teachers Join Mrs. Montesano and Mrs. Merigold for breakfast at NorthWorks! Up to four students will meet the 5th grade teachers at NorthWorks at 7:45am, partake in a tasty breakfast with flavorful conversation, then stroll to school together. To be coordinated with teachers for a sunny morning in June, 2015. Mrs. Montesano and Mrs. Merigold, SMSH Grade 5 Teachers 143 Zentangle with Mrs. Sanville Mrs. Sanville will lead a group of five SMSH students in Zentangle – an easy to learn, relaxing and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. Winners will also enjoy a snack and a treat. Timing to be coordinated between the winners and Mrs. Sanville on an afternoon after school before the end of the school year. Mrs. Sanville, SMSH Grade 4 Teacher. Mrs. Trotter, SMSH Grade 4 Aide 144 Billiards Party at Jillian’s/Lucky Strike Boston Located behind historic Fenway Park, Jillian’s/Lucky Strike Lanes are part of a 70,000 square foot, multi-dimensional entertainment complex. This party is for up to 20 guests and includes an appetizer platter and the use of pool tables for two hours. May be used Monday-Friday 6:00-8:00 p.m. All guests must be 21 years or older. Jillian’s/Lucky Strike Boston 145 Pope Francis Mementos 8” walnut “Holy Spirit” cross and a picture of Pope Francis and two additional postcards of “Papa Francesco” from Rome assembled into a shadowbox by Mrs. Peixoto. Richard and Louise Carriere Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 13 2015 Live and Silent Auction 146 Prime SMSH Parking Hassle free pick up! Enjoy the first parking spot in the Sacred Heart Rectory Circle at dismissal each and every school day from now until April 1, 2016. SMSH School 147 2 Tickets to Red Sox vs. Angels Play ball! Two tickets in the first base grandstand for the May 23,, 2015 Boston Red Sox vs. Los Angeles Angels game at Fenway Park! Get a great view of the field and don’t miss the action! Richard and Louise Carriere 148 Youth/Teen Membership to Attleboro YMCA This Y membership provides you with a wide variety of health and wellness opportunities, community-based programs, and special member benefits including free access to any YMCA membership facility in New England! (Some restrictions may apply so contact the Y you plan to visit in advance.) Attleboro YMCA 149 Feehan Fanatic Bag Go Shamrocks! This is the perfect assortment of Feehan gear: Shamrocks sweatshirt, lanyard, Frisbee, travel mug, pub glasses, cold cup, grocery tote, pens, pencils and magnet. Bishop Feehan High School, Cindy Dion-DeTrolio 150 Matt Freeman’s FUN-damental Boys Basketball Camp Nothing But Net! Get your head in the game with one week at Matt Freeman’s FUN-damental Boys Basketball Camp at Bishop Feehan High School July 13-17 or July 27-31. Both sessions are geared to boys entering grades 3-9. Matt Freeman 151 Got Guinness? Perfect for the hockey-loving husband – a classic Guinness hockey jersey (size XL) paired with an 18-pack of 100% Irish Guinness! Joshua Lewendon 152 Belle Rey Photography Family Photo Shoot Preserve your special memories with a family photo shoot (2-hour session) and edited images on a flash drive from photographer Denyse Dias. Belle Rey Photography Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 14 2015 Live and Silent Auction 153 ECOSTONE Portable Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker Portable, 100% waterproof, outdoor, rugged, Bluetooth speaker with up to 12 hours of music and a rechargeable lithium ion charger. ECOSTONE will even charge your phone or tablet in times when you need back up power. Drs. Joseph and Stephanie Capua 154 Math Tutor Three hours of individual math tutoring (any subject from basic arithmetic through beginning calculus) with Mr. Brunell. Sessions will be arranged for mutual convenience. Since math help is available free for any SMSH student during the school year, you can use these hours for older siblings or for refreshers for current students during the summer. You can even save your hours for when your child moves on to high school-they never expire! Mr. Brunell, SMSH Math Teacher 155 Eat. Drink. Bowl. Have Fun. One winner and three friends will enjoy two hours of bowling with Ms. Hanson at North Attleboro’s fabulous North Bowl Lanes. It’s not your Daddy’s bowling alley! Includes soft drinks and pizza or nachos at the All Star Grille. North Bowl Lanes and Ms. Hanson 156 Hilton Garden Inn, Providence Airport, Warwick One evening at Hilton Garden Inn, Providence Airport, Warwick including breakfast for two at the Great American Grill, long term parking and complimentary shuttle to T. F. Green Airport. Perfectly convenient when you’re flying out of TF Green Airport. Based on availability. Expires 4/30/16. Kevin Buchanan Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 15 2015 Live and Silent Auction 157 Be Wined, Dined and Dazzled This Boston get-away includes an overnight for two (on a Friday or Saturday night) at The Westin Waltham-Boston and dinner for 4 guests, 4 courses, paired with wine at The Capital Grille (Hynes Convention Center). Gratuity not included. The Westin Waltham, The Capital Grille, David Cox 158 Cranmore Summer Mountain Adventure Park Zoom down the Mountain Coaster, zip on the Soaring Eagle zip line, experience the new kids ropes course, fly through the air on the Giant Swing, race down the summer tubing hill and so much more with 4 tickets to Cranmore Mountain Adventure (SundayFriday of the summer 2015 season.) Cranmore Mountain Resort 159 Spanish Language Tutor Fifteen hours of Spanish tutoring (on weekends) from a SMSH parent who lived in Spain for 20 years and has taught at Language Academies. Schedule to be coordinated with the winner. Marilyn Dua-Sakyi Lartey 160 Providence Adventure Enjoy a family pass to Rhode Island School of Design Museum and beautifully illustrated book along with an $35 gift card to Blaze Restaurant, Hope Street, Providence and a $50 gift card to the Brown University Book Store. RISD Museum, Blaze Restaurant, Brown University Bookstore 161 Raleigh Bicycle Whether you’re looking for fitness, competition or endurance, you’ll love this Black Raleigh unisex hybrid bike. SMSH Grade 7 162 Autographed Edelman Patriots Football Are you part of the Patriots FanZone? Add to your Patriot’s memorabilia collection with this official NFL football personally signed by #11, veteran wide receiver and punt returner, Julian Edelman of the New England Patriots. The Quinn Family 163 Natty Greene’s Tavern Beer Tasting & Dinner for Six Four course meal for six people at North Attleboro’s own Natty Greene’s Tavern. Each course will be paired with a select, premium micro-brew. Winner to discuss menu choices and coordinate timing with owner. “May you always have a clean shirt, a clear conscience, and enough coins in your pocket to buy a pint!” Natty Greene’s Tavern Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 16 2015 Live and Silent Auction 164 Men’s Seiko Gold Watch Handsome gold men’s Seiko watch with rectangular face and gold links. A stunner! Facet Jewelers 165 Flowers for 6 Months! Flowers delivered to your sweetheart - once a month (for 6 months!) A beautiful gift that keeps giving! Nolan’s Flowers 166 “Aerial Park” Go-Pro Adventure You don’t have to travel to the jungles of Costa Rica to try ziplining through a forest. Strap on your new Go-Pro and head to Ramblewild, a new adventure park for kids and adults in Berkshire County, MA, and literally swing from the trees! Zip across a ravine on a suspended kayak about 90 feet in the air, or traverse between the trees on a saddle, snowboard and skateboard. With more than 135 unique ways of getting from one tree to another, you and your family will find excitement, challenge, and adventure. Remember to download all your GoPro footage from your tree-to-tree adventure to create an amazing movie to share with friends. Includes 4 tickets to Ramblewild and a silver Go-Pro Hero 4 with memory card. Ramblewild and Anonymous 167 8th Grade Graduation Seats Four reserved front row seats (first row behind the graduates) to 8th grade graduation at Saint Mary’s Church, June 5, 2015 at 7 p.m. SMSH School 168 Wine and Cheese Basket Let the good times flow with this eclectic selection of wines from around the world. The centerpiece of this collection is a 2006 Clark-Claudon Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valley, California. This 90+point wine is sure to please every discerning palate. Next, enjoy a 2005 Campogiovanni Brunello Di Montalcino handpicked from Italy. This special bottle includes the sommelier's description. Five additional bottles of wine, including Riesling, Prosecco, Pinot Grigio and a Red Blend, round out the wine list in this fun basket. Next, you will want to use the $150 in gift cards to local wine stores to personalize your new collection. Finally, we haven’t forgotten the gadgets: a wine bottle opener from Pampered Chef, wine coasters, a cork tray, a caddy, and bottle stopper. Cheers! SMSH Grade 2 Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 17 2015 Live and Silent Auction 169 Family Fun Basket #1 Let the fun begin with the kindergarten’s Family Fun Basket! Enjoy a one-year membership to Boston’s Museum of Science, which includes eight Omni passes, four Planetarium passes, four extra Exhibit Hall passes, and two hours of free parking every time you visit! Also, enjoy a $100 gift card to Buffalo Wild Wings, four tickets to Showcase Cinema, and gift cards to Panera Bread, Chipotle, and Ice Cream Machine. With over $600 in family fan activities, you will never hear your kids say “I’m bored” again! 170 Family Fun Basket #2 Grab your camera and let the fun begin! Enjoy a one year membership to Capron Park Zoo, four passes to the New England Aquarium, four tickets to 5 Wits, four passes to Showcase Cinema, four tickets to Monster Mini-Golf, and a $100 gift card to Shogun. You’ll also enjoy gift cards to North Bowl, Cupcake Charlie’s, Ninety-Nine 99, Friendly’s, and Outback Steakhouse. This basket contains over $600 in family fan activities so whether you’re 4 or 104, the kindergarten’s Family Fun Basket activities will keep you busy all year long! SMSH Kindergarten 171 BBQ Grilling Basket Whether you grill at your house or at your next tailgate party, these items will surely provide you with all the supplies that you could possibly need to be crowned the "King" or "Queen" of the grill! The cooler includes: gas grill smoker box, burger press, BBQ utensils and BBQ pit paws, knives, thermometer, cutting boards, BBQ sauces, condiments, lemonade beverage dispenser, gift cards and more! SMSH Grade 1 172 Beer of the Month - Craft Beer Basket Calling all beer connoisseurs! Enjoy a 10-month membership to The Beer of the Month Club. Each month you will have 6 international and 6 domestic craft beers delivered right to your front door! Pour them in the included Pilsner glasses, grab some Uncle Woody’s butterscotch popcorn and other assorted snacks, kick back and relax. You deserve it! And the fun part is…it is the gift that keeps on giving! SMSH Grade 5 Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 18 SMSH Kindergarten 2015 Live and Silent Auction 173 Grade 7 Class Treasure - Round Rattan Chair Hand painted “nesting chair” with cushion personalized by the SMSH 7th graders. 174 Fun on the High Seas Select from a fleet of over 100 boats and set sail from one of Freedom Boat Club’s 9 locations. This is a 4-hour cruise on a captained boat for six people! Select the boat of your dreams and cruise Boston Harbor, depart from Hingham Shipyard Marina, Marina Bay Quincy, Danvers or Scituate! Or, cruise from the Cape out of West Dennis, East Dennis, Chatham or Falmouth! Suggested cruise ideas include riding in a pontoon boat from Marina Bay up into Boston Harbor for lunch, sailing around Salem Sound, cruising from Falmouth to Martha’s Vineyard for lunch, tubing with the kids around the Boston Harbor Islands, or a twilight cruise from Hingham Harbor. Gas is included. Win this item and book the cruise of a lifetime! Good through Aug 31, 2015. Freedom Boat Club 175 176 Grade 2 A and 2 B Class Treasures – Keepsake Books What do you love about SMSH? Each second grader lets you know their feelings about our school in the pages of this beautiful keepsake book. SMSH Grade 2 A and 2 B 177 178 Tickets to SMSH’s performance of "Mulan" Standing ovation! Six reserved front row seats to the SMSH evening performance of Mulan on Friday May 15, 2015 at 7 p.m. Six reserved front row seats to the SMSH performance on Saturday, May 16th at 7 p.m. SMSH School 179 180 Grade 5 A and 5 B Class Treasure – Hand Woven Throw This beautiful hand woven throw has been personalized with the handprints of the 5th grade students. Bid on the throw personalized by the students in 5 A. Bid on the throw personalized by the students in 5 B. SMSH Grade 5 Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 19 SMSH Grade 7 2015 Live and Silent Auction 181 182 Grade 1 A and 1 B Class Treasures - Personalized Sunflower Platters Original one of a kind sunflower platter personalized with the fingerprints of the SMSH first grade students. Bid on the platter adorned with Mrs. Sullivan’s students’ 1 A tiny fingerprints. Bid on the platter adorned with Mrs. Piette’s students’ 1 B tiny fingerprints. Grade 1 A and 1 B 183 The Rachel Ray Show Senior Talent Executive, Tommy Crydup, will personally guide your group of four through a behind the scenes look at The Rachel Ray Show. You will see everything from where Rachel’s culinary team preps her food and tests her recipes to the celebrity green room (time permitting.) Includes $100 for travel to the Rachel Ray Studio at 221 West 26th Street, New York, NY. Must be 17 years old to attend. The Rachel Ray Show, The Coen Family 184 SMSH Morning Announcements One lucky student (or 1 family) will spend a week providing the mornings report on the intercom to the school! Have fun announcing birthdays, SMSH sporting events and more! SMSH School 185 Grade 8 Class Treasure - Memory Quilt with 8th Grade Photos This amazing quilted wall hanging is sure to be a cherished heirloom. Each personalized “square” showcases photographs of each 8th grade student as a baby – and today. SMSH Grade 8 186 Discover the Best of Rhode Island Discover the best of Rhode Island with a “Culinary Field Trip” and a tour of Sakonnet Vineyards. Explore Rhode Island’s great neighborhoods through food with this $100 gift certificate to Savoring Rhode Island. Choose from their insider’s food tour of Federal Hill, historic Pawtuxet Village or a culinary field trip to visit Rhode Island’s farms, old mills, food artisans, and bakeries. Then taste, explore and recharge with a wine tasting for four at Sakonnet Vineyards in Little Compton. The vineyard’s microclimate and soil conditions resemble the maritime climate of northern France, allowing for production of some of New England’s most popular, distinctive and award-winning wines. After your busy day experiencing the best of Rhode Island, enjoy an overnight at the Omni Hotel, Providence including breakfast the following morning. Savoring Rhode Island, Sakonnet Vineyards, Omni Hotel, Providence Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 20 2015 Live and Silent Auction 187 188 Grade 4 Class Treasure - Poufs/Ottomans These colorful poufs/ottomans were made from worn and faded jeans, then personalized by the SMSH 4th graders and hand sewn with love. 189 “Mom doesn’t have to make dinner”! Busy day? No time to cook? Then this basket is just for you! Take the night off and select one of the following gift cards to North Attleboro restaurants: $25 gift certificate to Big Red Pizzeria, $25 gift certificate to Barrett’s Ale House, $10 gift certificate to Speros Pizza, 1 free cheese pizza from North Attleboro House of Pizza, $40 gift certificate to The Tavern from Tower Square, $50 gift certificate to Red Stone Grille, $50 gift certificate to Bertucci’s, $25 gift certificate to Ambrosia Tavern, $20 gift certificate to Boulevard Pizza, $15 gift certificate to Anthony’s North End Deli, $50 gift certificate to Game 7 Sports Bar and Grill. Big Red Pizzeria, Barrett’s Ale House, Speros Pizza, North Attleboro House of Pizza, The Tavern from Tower Square, Red Stone Grille, Bertucci’s, Ambrosia Tavern, Boulevard Pizza, Anthony’s North End Deli, Game 7 Sports Bar and Grill 190 Couples Fitness Basket Great ways to get healthy, stay healthy, and try new fitness opportunities together. Experiences to Share: two private horseback riding lessons for the winning couple to Wee Bits and Blazes Farm in Rehoboth, MA; one month unlimited family membership to Striking Beauties Gym in North Attleboro, MA; two pair of Striking Beauties wrist wraps; two one-hour massages at Tender Touch Massage in Blackstone, RI; GNC Gold membership card; two GNC shaker bottles filled with GNC multivitamins; annual membership to “The Fresh 20” (online meal planning service); set of resistance bands. Individual Experiences: $50 Dick’s Sporting Goods gift card for him; $50 Athleta gift card for her; 1-year membership to Answer is Fitness in North Attleboro, MA; “14 Days of Training” package to Fitness Together in Lincoln, RI (includes 3 one-on-one training sessions, a fitness evaluation, a nutrition consultation, and unlimited group training for 14 days). SMSH Grade 6 191 Rob Gronkowski Autographed Football Add to your Patriot’s memorabilia collection with this official NFL football personally signed by #87, Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski. The Judge Family Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 21 SMSH Grade 4 A and 4 B 2015 Live and Silent Auction 192 Baseball signed by Jackie Bradley, Jr. Take me out to the ballgame with this MLB baseball autographed by Red Sox outfielder, Jackie Bradley, Jr. Count down to opening day, April 13, 2015! The Boston Red Sox 193 Debbie Bettencourt Photography Photo Session $200 gift certificate for a photo session with Debbie Bettencourt. Debbie Bettencourt Photography 194 Mrs. Sweet’s Artwork Chuilly inspired artwork made from recycled water bottles created by our own Mrs. Sweet. Mrs. Sweet, SMSH Art Teacher 195 East Coast Grill $100 gift card, a bottle of wine, cookbook and reservations for four to East Coast Grill’s “Hell Night” event. East Coast Grill 196 94Fifty Basketball This smart sensor basketball works with iOS and Android to improve shooting and ball handling skills. The 94Fifty learns and adapts to any player’s skill level. Named “Top 25 Inventions of the Year” from Tim Magazine! Tim Forbes Basketball Camps 197 Tasty Thyme Cooking School with Head Chef Mrs. Diamond One winner and one friend enjoy a half-day of cooking school at Mrs. Diamond’s home. Mrs. Diamond, SMSH Grade 2 Teacher Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 22 2015 Live and Silent Auction LIVE AUCTION 201 Principal For A Day Promote a charity of your choice, make announcements over the PA system, and enjoy a pizza lunch for you and two friends. Date to be mutually agreed upon between winner and Mrs. Peixoto. Mrs. Peixoto, SMSH Principal 202 Grade 6 Class Treasure – Rag Rug This colorful, soft, and fun 3x5’ rag rug was made by the 6th graders using their favorite t-shirts! SMSH Grade 6 203 A Week in Naples, Florida Got the winter blues? Think sunshine and sandcastles! Enjoy a week in this beautiful 2-bedroom, 2-bath condo in Naples FL. Walk to a sandy beach and Delnor Wiggins State Park. Enjoy a heated pool, bay views and beautiful sunsets. Available any week between 4/26/2015 and 1/1/2016. The Roche Family 204 Pajama Party at SMSH with Miss Smith Get ready for an “almost-sleepover” (4-10 p.m.) - all the fun of a sleepover without actually sleeping over! Activities and meal to be decided by winners and Miss Smith. Date to be a mutually agreed Saturday in May. Attendees must be all one gender and number of guests must not exceed 12. Grades 4-8 only. Miss Smith, SMSH Grade 4 Teacher 205 Peluso Orthodontics Complete Orthodontic Treatment This full orthodontic treatment includes consultation, diagnostic records, treatment conference, 24 months of active treatment and one year of retention. Peluso Orthodontics provides first class orthodontic treatment in two state of the art facilities conveniently located in North Attleboro and Attleboro. Treatment to begin by April 1, 2016. Patients in treatment are ineligible. Peluso Orthodontics Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 23 2015 Live and Silent Auction 206 Pamper Mom Basket No one deserves pampering more than a busy Mother! This luxurious basket includes everything needed to provide an indulgent and relaxing experience for any woman. Start your day of pampering with a massage at the Right Touch followed by a hair trim and blowout at Reflections Hair and Nail Studio. Next, enjoy a relaxing one and one half hour Pearl Spa manicure and pedicure at T&H Nail Salon. Then, show off your beautiful Longchamp tote bag while shopping at Nordstrom for a little something special and chase away the winter blues with a makeover at Sephora. Later in the evening, with your best girl friend, continue on to Patriot's Place for a lovely dinner at Davio's restaurant followed by a chick flick at Showcase Cinema de Lux. Finish your night off at home listening to a relaxing spa CD while enjoying the fragrant aroma from a hypnotic and extravagant DayNa Decker scented candle. At the end of this day, you will rest assured that you may relive these experiences with the high end hair products, make-up, body creams, spa products, polishes and exfoliating products included in this basket that you may use again and again. So spoil Mom with over $1,000 in pampering! SMSH Grade 4 207 Slopeside Long Weekend at Okemo Mountain Resort Snap into those skis or strap on that board! It’s time to plan a long weekend at Okemo Mountain Resort - where there’s no such thing as too much snow! After a day on the slopes, ski in to the luxury and convenience of this 3-bedroom slopeside condo that sleeps up to ten! Enjoy all the amenities including an indoor swimming pool and Jacuzzi. The mountain also offers a full size outdoor ice skating rink, tubing park, an outdoor rollercoaster and zip line course! Good for three nights in 2016 – timing to be coordinated with the donor. Your slopeside ski weekend also includes two 1-day lift tickets and a $200 gift certificate to be used for additional ski passes or at any of the Okemo Mountain restaurants. James and Margaret Brower, Okemo Mountain, Anonymous 208 Kindergarten A and B Class Treasures - Quilts Mrs. Moura’s and Mrs. Stathakis’ student’s individually handmade quilt squares sewn together with love by Mrs. Peixoto. SMSH Kindergarten A and B Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 24 2015 Live and Silent Auction 209 Boating in Chatham on a Summer’s Day Enjoy a day boating, fishing, sightseeing and dining! Grab your sunscreen and we’ll provide everything else you’ll need for a perfect summer day! Looking to fish for bass off Monomoy Island? Want to check out the seals? Or maybe even spy an elusive shark or a pod of whales? (No guarantees!) Includes lunch at Eastward Ho Country Club and a framed picture of your adventure. For up to 4 guests. Date to be mutually agreed upon during summer/fall 2015. 210 Ultimate Boston Bruins Swag! Score this rare Boston Bruins “home” Team Jersey (size M) autographed by the ENTIRE 2014-15 team. Perfect for the Bruins fan in your family! Also includes a Bruins t-shirt (size L) and 2015 Bruins calendar. 211 Disney Christmas Tree Disney magic is right here at Highland Country Club! Embrace your Christmas spirit and celebrate the season with this 6’ Christmas tree decorated with 35 of your favorite Disney characters. Father Dave personally selected each Disney ornament. 212 Napa, CA Wine Experience Napa – a dream destination for wine lovers! Start your Napa excursion in style with a night at the Hilton Garden Inn (Logan Airport). Includes room (and tax), parking for up to 2 weeks, breakfast at the Garden Grill and transportation to and from Logan Airport. What a convenience! While you enjoy the best Napa has to offer, you'll be staying 2-nights at the Napa Old World Inn centrally located in the heart of trendy downtown Napa. Your adventure continues with a tour and tasting (for up to 4 people) at Groth Vineyards. Current vintages at Groth Vineyards include Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon and Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon. Next visit The Olive Press in Sonoma for a tasting and VIP tour for five - including a special gift. Your Napa experience includes a $500 VISA gift card to be used towards flights - or to bring home some amazing wine! 213 Once in a Lifetime Patriots Fan Experience (for kids!) This is a once in a lifetime chance to take your SMSH student and their friends on a tour of the Patriots Hall of Fame with two former Patriots players, Russ Hochstein and Joe Andruzzi. This ultimate Patriots experience includes ice cream with Russ, Joe and Father Dave. The adventure is for 1 winner, an additional chaperone, and 12 kids. Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 25 Joe and Pinky Scarlatelli The Roche Family Father Dave Groth Vineyards, John and Jean Conners, The Olive Press, Hilton Garden Inn Russ Hochstein, Joe Andruzzi 2015 Live and Silent Auction 214 FunFlicks Backyard Movie Party Watch your favorite movie under the stars with up to 300 of your friends, family and neighbors! Perfect for a school event, block party, graduation, birthday or even a Patriots or Red Sox game! Includes 2-story inflatable movie screen, HD projector, delivery, set up and removal of equipment…and, of course, movie theater style popcorn for everyone! Jeff and Kristen Brown 215 SMSH Annual Christmas Pageant Tickets Get in the Christmas spirit with six reserved front row seats to the SMSH Annual Christmas Pageant in December, 2015. SMSH School 216 The Ultimate Newport Experience This Newport experience has it all – luxurious accommodations, fine dining and adventure! Enjoy a unique perspective of the beautiful Newport Mansions from your front row seat in the sky – a private Newport Mansion Helicopter Tour for two! Your ultimate Newport experience also includes a 1-night stay at Hotel Viking with complimentary parking and breakfast for two as well as a $100 gift certificate to the Newport Restaurant Group (eight different restaurants including 22 Bowens, The Boathouse, Castle Hill Inn and The Mooring.) Finally, experience the legends of tennis – both past and present – with two passes to the 2015 Hall of Fame Tennis Championships as well as admission for two to the International Tennis Hall of Fame Museum in Newport RI. International Tennis Hall of Fame, Hotel Viking, Newport Restaurant Group, and Helicopter Tours 217 Grade 3 Class Treasure – Christmas Tree Skirt Each 3rd grader has personalized this “only-one-of-its-kind” keepsake Christmas tree skirt. It will soon be a family heirloom. SMSH Grade 3 A and 3 B Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 26 2015 Live and Silent Auction 218 New England Sports Extravaganza Get your face paint and tailgating gear ready! Experience four great sporting events with some of the best teams in New England!! First, live it up in the Luxury Box with 4 tickets to the April 17th, 2015 PROVIDENCE BRUINS game. Next, mark your calendar to see the NEW ENGLAND REVOLUTION with 2 tickets to a 2015 home game of your choice at Gillette Stadium. You and a friend will be close to the soccer action with seats in the lower stadium level. Then, get in on some lacrosse action with 4 tickets to see the BOSTON CANNONS. Finally, are you ready for some football?! See the Super Bowl Champion NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS in action! The winner will receive 2 tickets to their choice of one of four premier games during the 2015 season. Lower level, end zone seats will put you right in the middle of all the touchdown action! Be sure to wear the assorted team gear included in this basket as you root for your favorite teams! SMSH Grade 3 219 Kindergarten Graduation Six reserved front row seats (right aisle) to Kindergarten Graduation in Sacred Heart Church, June 2015. SMSH School 220 Private Party for 25 People at Pizzico Ristorante Host a night out with friends or your next special event at Pizzico Ristorante, Providence -- where award-winning Italian and Fusion cuisine makes you feel like you’re in New York City and Tuscany at the same time. Enjoy a private function room for 25 people, elegant multi-level hors d’oeuvre display, antipasto and wood oven pizzas. Cash bar. Pizzico Ristorante 221 Name the SMSH Cafeteria for the Year! Put your name here! What will you name the SMSH cafeteria? Imagine your child's excitement everyday when he/she comes to school. Choose your name or pick a name meaningful to you (subject to Mrs. Peixoto’s approval). Sign will be provided for the 2015-2016 school year. At the end of the school year, the sign is yours to keep! SMSH School Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 27 2015 Live and Silent Auction 222 The Ultimate Private Dining Experience Enjoy the luxury of a customized, personalized, Chefprepared dinner party for 10-12 people with this $1000 gift card to Chef'd Up. Bring Boston's top chefs into your home for a unique dining experience for you and your guests. More than a personal or private chef service, Chef'd Up is social dining reinvented! Gather your friends for a night to remember. You select your professional Top Boston Chef from Boston's own Chef'd Up company, select your menu and the rest is done for you!! Guaranteed to be a spectacular evening to remember with excellent food and friends! SMSH Grade 8 223 “Jimmy Kimmel Live” California Adventure Love Jimmy Kimmel’s hilarious comedy bits, celebrity guests and his ongoing “feud” with Matt Damon? Check him out in person with VIP Green Room passes for two to the taping of Jimmy Kimmel Live in Hollywood, CA. The Jimmy Kimmel Live VIP Green Room is an exclusive Hollywood lounge experience with an open bar, delicious food, and a billiards room. Many VIP Green Room guests even appear on camera during the show’s promotional shots of celebrity guests. Your adventure includes 2 Adult “Go LA” multi-attraction passes for over 34 LA-area attractions, 2 combo passes to the Hollywood Wax Museum and the Guinness Worlds Records Museum (both located on iconic Hollywood Boulevard), as well as a $75 gift certificate to The Garage on Motor Ave, one of LA’s hottest sports bars. And that’s not all - get to LA in style with a $500 VISA gift card to be used for hotel and airfare. Winner must be 21 years old. Colleen and Dennis Peters, Jim Conners, John and Jean Conners, Jimmy Kimmel Live Charity Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 28 2015 Live and Silent Auction SMSH Class Treasures SMSH Class Treasures are one of a kind auction items that have been created by the students in each grade during SMSH art classes. Thank you to Mrs. Sweet, SMSH Art Teacher, and Mrs. Becky Daniels for coordinating this effort and for sharing their creative talents with our students. Class Kindergarten Grade 1 A Grade 1 B Grade 2 A Grade 2 B Grade 3 Grade 4 A Grade 4 B Grade 5 A Grade 5 B Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Description Mrs. Moura’s and Mrs. Stathakis’ students’ handmade quilt Mrs. Sullivan’s students’ personalized sunflower platter Mrs. Piette‘s students’ personalized sunflower platter Mrs. Diamond’s students’ keepsake book Ms. Sullivan’s students’ keepsake book Keepsake tree skirt personalized by the 3rd grade students Poof/Ottoman personalized by 4 A grade students Poof/Ottoman personalized by 4 B grade students Hand woven throw personalized by the 5 A students Hand woven throw personalized by the 5 B students Colorful 3x5’ Rag Rug woven by the 6th grade students Round rattan chair with cushion personalized by the 7th grade Keepsake memory quilt with 8th grade photos Item Number 208 181 182 175 176 217 187 188 179 180 202 173 185 SMSH Class Gifts SMSH Class Gifts are auction items donated by the families in each grade. Many thanks to our SMSH families for these very creative and generous gifts. Class Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Description Family Fun Baskets BBQ/Grilling Basket Wine and Cheese Basket New England Sports Extravaganza Pamper Mom Basket Beer of the Month/Craft Beer Basket Couples Fitness Basket Raleigh Unisex Bicycle The Ultimate Private Dining Experience Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 29 Item Number(s) 169 and 170 171 168 218 209 172 190 161 222 2015 Live and Silent Auction Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 30 2015 Live and Silent Auction Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 31 2015 Live and Silent Auction MIRROR BOUTIQUE IS A HIP, TRENDY WOMEN’S CLOTHING BOUTIQUE LOCATED ON RT. 152 IN NORTH ATTLEBORO. MIRROR SPECIALIZES IN JEANS, FUN ACCESSORIES, HANDBAGS AND JEWELRY (508) 463-7093 Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 32 2015 Live and Silent Auction North Attleboro 508-699-8819 Boston 617-734-1800 Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 33 2015 Live and Silent Auction Speech and Language Services Therapist-owned Pediatric Private Practice Specializing in the Comprehensive evaluation and treatment of: Speech/Language delay Auditory Processing and/or listening deficit Articulation Verbal Apraxia Pragmatic and Social Skills Training Focused Therapy in non-clinical/non-classroom setting. Highly individualized programs to meet your child’s needs. Jacqueline Belham, MS-CCC-SLP Tel: 508-643-0964 / Fax: 508-316-3382 *Accepting Most Major Health Insurance Plans. Rick DiGiacomo Auto Home Life Business Get Social With Us! 71 County St., Attleboro MA 02703 Tel: 508-222-0794 Fax: 508-3025556 Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 34 2015 Live and Silent Auction Thank you to the businesses that donated to our Wine Pull and Raffles: 5-Wits All About You Spa All Around Gymnastics Academy Attleboro Family Dental Bath Junkie Bella Capelli Hair Studio Bertucci’s Boston College Briggs Nursery Capital Grille Cho Fun Food Group City Spirits Cryan Landscaping Davio’s Donnelly’s Clothing Stores Douglas Wine and Spirit Dubs Flowers by the Station Fresh Catch Game 7 Sports Bar and Grille Hilton Garden Inn Hockomock YMCA Kelley Blvd Wine and Liquors King Bowling Maid Believable Marisa’s Skin Care Michael David Winery Northworks Old Sturbridge Village Osborne Nursery Powerhouse Pilates Preservation Framers Providence Children’s Museum Rock Spot Climbing Roger Williams Park Zoo Route One Cinema Pub Showcase Cinema/National Amusements Theaters Six Flags Spindle City Stadium Theatre Performing Arts Center Studio 31 Yoga Summer Scoops at Osborne Nursery Swan Boats of Boston The Creative Sewing Studio The Right Touch Thirty One Trimdin Water Wizz Whole Foods Winding River Thank you to the SMSH families and faculty who donated to our Wine Pull and Raffles: Mr. Solberg, SMSH Music Teacher The Bennett Family The Buchanan Family The Capua Family The Cuoco Family The D’Intino Family The Quinn Family The Raposo Family Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 35 2015 Live and Silent Auction Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School 36 2015 Live and Silent Auction