October, 2012 - New River Train


October, 2012 - New River Train
Collis P. Huntington
Railroad Historical Society, Inc.
Find us on Facebook @
Follow us on Twitter: @NRTExcursions
Non Profit Organization
Huntington, WV
Permit 9
Dated Material
Please do not delay
1323 8th Ave.
Mail To: P.O. Box 393
Huntington, WV 25708-0393
October 2012
Collis P. Huntington Railroad Historical Society, Inc.
South Yard Finishes Coach!
Phone: 304.523.0364
Fax: 304.523.0366
Email: cphrrhs@aol.com
October 2012
Chapter of...
The hard working crew at South Yard has finally finished a coach. The South Yard Crew works rain or
shine, and sometimes 4 to 5 days a week, to make sure all our equipment is up-to-date for Amtrak, and
ourselves. Maintaing railroad cars isn’t easy, and to have rebuilt a coach while maintaining two other
lounge cars, is a real accomplishment. The coach now has 44 coach seats which have been installed
and cleaned and the floor has been cleaned as well. All mechanical issues were fixed and the car is
ready to roll. We are happy to announce, that the car will be on the 2012 New River Train Excursions.
See Page 8 & 9
for Full Story
CPH Membership Meeting
Tuesday, October 23, 2012 @ 7:30pm
This meeting will be held at the St. Albans
C&O Depot at 4th St & 4th Ave in St. Albans!
Member of...
Thank you for all your year-round hard work, and dedication;
Bill Conley, Steve Ferrell, Cleo Midkiff, Joe Rosenthal,
Chris Lockwood, David King, Lanny King, Ethan Peake;
Not Pictured: Ernie Clay, Jim Cooper, Brian Rosolowski,
Tom Bergquist, Homer Mays, Patrick Henderson,
Tom Lambert, Larry & Joyce Eshenaur.
National Association of
Railroad Passengers
Photo by: Matt Crouch
Important New River Train Car Host Information! Page 4
Hello everyone,
Freiends of the 261
removed from the firebox area, this was for the purpose of
inspecting the fire box stay bolts during the test firing. After
testing we will finish up our installing the remaining boiler
lagging and jacketing and apply and final coat of paint. As
of today's date, I would estimated the overhaul at approx
90% complete and in the coming weeks the 261 will be fired
up again and we are planning to take it out for road tests.
Our goal is to have the locomotive fully tested this fall and we
are hoping to operate the 261 on its first public excursions in
the spring of 2013.
Just a quick update on steam locomotive 261. At 06:41 am
on Saturday Sept 29 the fire was lit on the Milwaukee Road #
261 for the first time since 2008. The purpose of the steam
up was test all of the locomotive systems, test the boiler
under steam pressure and to test & set the locomotive boiler
safety valves. After successfully completing these tests the
locomotive was moved slowly on our shop track to check the
new spring rigging and side rod bearings Clearences. Additioanlly, one of Amtrak steam qualified mechanical inspectors
was on hand to look over the locomotive for future operations.
Again thank you for your support, please feel free to stop by
the shop anytime and check on our progress.
Thanks to your support the test was a major success and has
moved us toward having the 261 back on the road in 2013.
Contacts • 2012
Duane Legg..............................304-545-0802
Immediate Past President
Walter Cavender......................304-776-3469
Vice President
Brian Cavender........................304-727-5133
Karol Cavender.......................304-776-3469
Ramona Webb.........................606-324-8005
Gene Bush................................304-206-5415
Ernie Clay.................................304-429-1432
Chris Lockwood......................304-634-0918
Skip Reinhard...........................606-325-9453
David Webb.............................606-324-8005
Executive Director • Trip Director •
NRHS Director
Don Maxwell...........................606-831-9035
Email: railtwo@aol.com
Office Manager • Group Sales
Chris Lockwood......................304-634-0918
Email: sprail655@gmail.com
Volunteer Advocate &
Membership Chairperson
Linda Bush...............................304-545-6940
Building Superintendent
Walt Cavender..........................304-776-3469
Gondola Gazette
Greenbo Show Coordinator
Dale Smith................................740-532-6102
Email: conan56@sbcglobal.net
October 2012
9th.................Board Meeting........... 7:30pm
CPH Building
Outdoor Museum Superintendent
Roger Young............................304-743-7253 20-21.......... New River Train.......... All Day
South Yard
23rd........Membership Meeting..... 7:30pm
Superintendent of Equipment
St. Albans Depot
Bill Conley................................740-867-5615
27-28.......... New River Train.......... All Day
Greetings Correspondence & Condo- NRT
lence Flowers, Huntington
November 2012
Call the CPH Office
13th...............Board Meeting............ 7:30pm
Condolence Flowers
CPH Building
Office........................................304-523-0364 27th.........Membership Meeting..... 7:30pm
CPH Building
Gondola Gazette Editor •
Webmaster • Graphic Artist
Joe Rosenthal...........................609-513-6780
Gazette: gondolajoe12@gmail.com
Personal: cassrail5@gmail.com
Amtrak Narration Program
Larry Kidd................................304-776-7482
CPH Chaplain
Bob Withers.............................304-522-2046
Food Service Director
Duane Legg..............................304-545-0802
Inspector General
Ed Combs................................740-894-7456
Upcoming Railroad Trips
www.NewRiverTrain.com • facebook.com/newrivertrain
New York City Bound
Greenbrier Day Trips
From Huntington, WV or Charleston, WV
From Huntington, WV or Charleston, WV
December 2nd, 2012
December 9-12, 2012
One Way By Train • Buffet Lunch
Bunker Tour • Afternoon Tea
Home by motorcoach • Stop at Tamarack
Steve Sandberg
Chief Operating Officer.
Our work is not yet complete, the lagging and jacketing is still
Collis P. Huntington Railroad
Historical Society, Inc.
December 2012
2nd.......... Greenbrier Day Trip....... All Day
Public Trip
8th.................Board Meeting............ 7:30pm
Christmas Party @ Building
9-12.......... New York City Trip........ All Day
Public Trip
14-16..... Greenbrier Overnight...... All Day
Public Trip
25th...................Christmas................ All Day
31st.............. New Years Eve............ All Day
October 2012
Round trip by Luxury Private Railcar • 6 meals prepared on the train 3 Nights Lodging • 2 Breakfasts at
the hotel • 48 Hour Gray Line Sightseeing Pass
Only... $229 Per Person
Only... $709 Per Person
Washington, D.C. 2013
Chicago Trip 2013
*Price Subject to Change!*
From: Huntington, or Charleston, WV
From Huntington, WV
March 24-27, 2013
April 17-21, 2013
Round trip by Private Luxury Railcar • Five meals prepared
on our railcars • Motorcoach to & from Hotel • Three Nights
Lodging • Continental breakfasts at the Hotel • Two Dinners in the D.C. Area • Monday Full Day Tour • Tuesday:
Arlington National Cemetery and Changing of the Guard •
Time to go to the Mall (Smithsonian Museums) • Washington National Cathedral • And Much More!
Round trip by Luxury Private Railcar • Two meals on
the train & Snacks • Two Nights Lodging • 48 hour
hop-on-hop-off Gray Line Bus Tour Pass • Three Day
“GO Chicago Card” (Access to over 30 attractions)
Transportation from train station and from Hotel
$869 per person Double
$969 per person Single
$769 per person Double
$869 per person Single
*Prices Subject to Change!*
Washington, DC 5 Days
Greenbrier Casino Trip
From Huntington, WV or Charleston, WV
From Huntington, WV or Charleston, WV
May 15-19, 2013
May 10, 2013
Round Trip on Private Luxury Railcar • Five Meals on the
Train • Four Nights Lodging • Four Breakfasts at Hotel
Three Dinners in DC • Arlington National Cemetary
Mt. Vernon • Smithsonian (Mall Area) • Full Day Tour
Round Trip by Train • $15.00 free slot play
$30 meal card • Tea Time
Optional Bunker Tour (Add. Cost)
$1199 pp Double
$169 Per Person
$1499 pp Single
*Price Subject to Change!*
Please Check our website for the most up-to-date information
available, and about more of our exciting trips!
Gondola Gazette
October 2012
Sometimes good can come out of bad. That’s what
the Board of Trustees and staff of the Dennison Railroad Depot Museum have discovered since their railroad cars were vandalized, damaging cars used on the
Polar Express. “The support from the community and
the Dennison Police Department has been outstanding,
“ shares Depot Board member Rick Bloom, Sr.
Museum Director Wendy Zucal adds that the Museum received numerous calls from groups – including
school students offering to come clean the cars to glass
companies, railroad cars owners and potential donors
who wanted to make sure Polar Express trips would not
be jeopardized.
Everything was put on hold as considerable time
was spent working with the Federal Railroad Administration and the Ohio Central Railroad to reach a consensus on the correct FRA approved glass to be used in
the repairs. The job ultimately was awarded locally to
Jon Miceli of Miceli Glass and the special shatter-proof
glass in currently being installed at an estimated cost of
It is expected that most of the cost will be covered
through insurance, less the deductible. The Depot is
required to carry three million dollars in insurance in
order to operate passenger train rides.
In response to the many offers of donations, the Museum has set up a Polar Express Car Fund to directly
pay the insurance deductible of $1000.00 and assist in
repainting the car where it was damaged. Any additional donations to the Museum that would exceed the
insurance deductible will be used to increase security
measures to prevent future vandalism around the cars
and around the Depot. Luckily, it was the cameras on
the Depot that were instrumental in helping authorities
catch the vandals who damaged the cars.
Zucal explains that there are still many blind spots
surrounding the Depot, which is Ohio’s 70th National Landmark and Tuscarawas County’s only National
Landmark, and around the railroad cars. The Depot
was targeted by vandals or thieves four times this year.
Twice cameras were used to catch those involved. “We
Gondola Gazette
know cameras work. We know we need more of them
as well as additional light at night. We want to get the
word out that we will not tolerate vandalism.”
In recognition of those who donate to the Polar Express
Car Fund, signage will be placed at the request of the
Board on the outside of the worst damaged car, RPCX
#422, that will read: “This car is dedicated to special
friends of the Depot who support and protect the historical significance of the Dennison Railroad Depot
Museum and it’s Property.”
Zucal added that Car 422 represents a tremendous
amount of volunteer hours in support and work, and
thousands of dollars in investment since it was the first
car the Depot purchased to operate . It was restored to
working order, approved by the FRA, and will operate
for its third Polar Express this year. Using their own
car as opposed to renting and shipping other private
cars saves the Depot thousands of dollars. “To put in
this effort and see that work destroyed in one night was
devastating to everyone here. Happily, everyone has
rallied to put 422 back into service for the families of
Polar Express.”
Not only are the cars needed for the December Polar
Express Trips, but after years of negotiations on the
Panhandle Rail line, the Depot has the opportunity to
operate additional train trips this year. In cooperation
with the Ohio Rail Commission and the outstanding
support of the Genesee & Wyoming Railroad, two days
of trips are scheduled for October 20 and 21 as part of
the American Soldiers Homecoming. Trips include
one-hour fall foliage trips with a 1940s theme on the
20th, and an all-day trip on the 21st to Historic Roscoe
Village. This will put pressure on the repair schedule,
according to Zucal.
Anyone wishing to donate to the Polar Express Car
Fund can send their donation to the Dennison Depot
Railroad Museum, P.O. Box 11, Dennison, Ohio 44621
or can contact Zucal at (740) 922-6776 or at director@
dennisondepot.org. The Dennison Depot is a 501 C 3
non-profit organization and contributions are tax deductible.
October 2012
New Members!
Our Deepest
Please welcome our new members by
introducing yourself to them at a
meeting or CPH function!
On September 12, 2012 our dear
friend, and fellow member, Allen
Young, passed away suddenly.
Please keep him in your thoughts!
• Danny Davis
From: Coal Grove, OH
From: Coal Grove, WV
• Johnny L. Gue
From: Barboursville, WV
Gondola Gazette
Information Specs!
Amtrak’s Great Dome on Cardinal
Cardinal between CHI and WAS beginning on
October 27 through November 16!
All information sent for publishing in the Gazette, must
be submitted on, or before the deadline stated on page
3 of the Gazette each month. ALL ads to be placed in
the Gazette, need to follow the specifications below.
The editor is happy to make any ads for anyone wishing to put something in the Gazette. Any photos sent
in, need to be High Resolution according to the specs
below, and must have a date the photo was taken, photographer name, location of photo, and a small caption.
Everything that is sent in, must be checked for grammar
& spelling. Articles sent in that are misspelled and/or
have grammatical problems, will be checked to the best
of our ability, and after that, will be printed. Mistakes in
articles sent in, are the responsibility of the author.
Train 50 (eastbound) on Saturdays
(same as previous years)
Train 51 (westbound) on Fridays
(same as previous years)
Name Badge Pickup
The following people ordered name badges in 2011
and need to pick them up at the office or on the train
this year, and pay for them. See Ramona Webb
Ad Specs:
- PDF or TIFF - 300 dpi
- Grayscale
- All Art collected and sent with ad
(eg. logos, photos, etc.)
- 1/2, 1/4, & 1/8 page ads available. Please
email me for exact sizes!
Jo Anne F.B. Rife
Carl A. Coburn
Lucy E. Dailey
Ruby Lemley
Photo Specs:
- Caption
- Min: 2x4 @ 150-300dpi
- Photographer - Location
David Wilburn
Wayne Carter
Please send material to:
Myleaha Holley
If you need any help or have a question, please feel free
to contact me anytime. I always am checking email.
Thomas Lassak
Bob Edmunds
Thank You, Joe
Richard Short
November Issue Deadline:
October 23rd, 2012
Gondola Gazette
• Bret Evanich
Frank Kammer III
October 2012
New River Train 2012
Policies & Rules
New River
New River Train 2012
Sign Up Form
Since 1966
NEW CAR HOST TRAINING & MEETING: 10/10 @ 7pm at the Building
1323 8th Ave • Huntington, WV 25701
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Accommodations, and Two Important Rules!
Mandatory Dress Code!
City:__________________________________________ State:_____________ Zip:_________________________
CSX, Amtrak and Chapter Policies prohibit
the bringing of firearms or alcohol on the
New River Trains, or their property at any time.
All Car Hosts are required to wear the proper
clothing in order to appear like a professional
organization. Please read the dress code
carefully, and dress appropriately
Phone #:______________________________________ Cell #:_________________________________________
No chapter member or volunteer other than car owners
are permitted to sleep on the parked train. There are two
area hotels that offer reduced rates when you mention
new river trains at the time you make your reservation.
They are the Red Roof on US RT 60 just off the 29th street
exit of I-64, and the Best Western just off the Interstate at
the mall exit. Both hotels offer a rate of just over $62.00.
The CPH building is not available for sleeping. This was
discussed and approved by the board of directors.
Thank You!
Gondola Gazette
October 20: ____
October 27 & 28, 2012:
1st Person in Charge: Don Maxwell
2nd Person in Charge: Chris Lockwood
Food Services: Duane Legg
Premium Car Host Supervisor: David Webb
Coach Supervisors: Skip Reinhard, Ray Murdock,
Larry Kidd, Dale Smith.
Conductors: Chris Lockwood & Joe Rosenthal
October 2012
October 27: ____
October 28: ____
- Check all that apply
Coach Car Host: ____
Premium Car Host: ____
Souvenirs: ____
Concessions: ____
Supply: ____
*Please remember, we will try to grant all requests if possible!*
All safety personnel are chosen by
Walt Cavender @ 304-776-3469
All maintenance personnel are chosen
by Bill Conley @ 740-867-5615
**If you have any questions, please contact
David Webb @ 606-324-8005!**
People in Charge!
October 20 & 21, 2012:
1st Person in Charge: Chris Lockwood
2nd Person in Charge: Duane Legg
Food Services: Duane Legg
Premium Car Host Supervisor: David Webb
Coach Supervisors: Skip Reinhard, Ray Murdock,
Larry Kidd, Dale Smith.
Conductors: Chris Lockwood & Joe Rosenthal
October 21: ____
Which location(s) would you like to serve in?
Mandatory Dress Code
The second item in the area, will be a 3 ring binder.
Inside the binder, there is a radio, extra batteries,
rules & procedures page, and other importnat information page. Please read everything carefully no
matter if this is your first time car hosting, or your
30th time car hosting.
- Check all that apply
Please be considerate to other car hosts, and passengers
while on the train. The passengers are what pay for all
this to happen, and without them, there would be no New
River Train. Thank You!
Area Code
Which day(s) would you like to serve?
Navy Blue Pants/Skirt
Light Blue Shirt
CPH Name Badge
NRT Hat (Provided/Optional for Women)
Tie (Premium Service Only)
We hope to see you on the train!
Don Maxwell, Exec. & Trip Director
In each car, there will be an assigned place for the
car hosts area. In that area, will be several things
when you get on the train. First, there will be handouts in the car host’s section. These handouts are
for Sunday ONLY! The Saturday handouts will be
already passed out on each seat. Each car host is responsible for handing out the handout for Sunday.
In Premium Service, the Car Host will be responsible for handing out the handout on both Saturday
and Sunday.
Area Code
Navy Blue Pants/Skirt
Light Blue Shirt
CPH Name Badges
NRT Hat (Provided/Optional for Women)
Tie (Premium Service Only)
Gondola Gazette
You will receive a letter in the mail with your assignments.
All requests will be granted if possible. If there are any
issues, please contact David Webb.
Thank You!
Please mail this form to:
David Webb
NRT Car Host Coordinator
2707 Northview Rd. • Ashland, KY 41101
October 2012
Interactive Murder
Mystery Dinner Theatre!
Colin Westwood • Carson Powell
Lena Lake • Jack Vallance
Interactive Murder Mystery Theatre Troupe
4. Make sure each passenger has a handout. They will be on the seats Saturdays and a Supply for
Sundays in each coach car luggage rack and in premium they will be in your work area.
5. T
here is one radio assigned to each car. Keep it set on channel 10 and turned on during the trip. When
we return to Huntington, please put in binder with narration guide and LEAVE IN THE CAR!
- Remember: You are responsible for the material in the binder, including the binder itself,
the radio, the radio holder, and all the papers. If ANYTHING is missing, you, the car
host, will be held accountable for all materials costing in the effect of no more than $20
per car. To avoid being charged, please make sure all content is put back and stowed away
properly at the end of each trip.
6. C
ollect trash throughout the day and take to dumpster in Hinton. In Huntington Coach Trash
is to be placed in the East Dumpster (next to CSX Office building) & Premium Service in
the West Dumpster (between 7th & 8th Streets.). DO NOT leave trash on the platform. PUT
doubt, DO NOT open the door.
11. Talk to your passengers, answer their questions, get answers if you do not have them and be sure
to Point out highlights like the State Capital, Hawks Nest, New River Gorge Bridge, and etc.
12. F
inally, stay in YOUR car that YOU are assigned to!
October 20 & 27, 2012
Don’t forget, you will receive a free hot lunch each day 15 mins after arrival in Hinton.
Go to the correct diner in Premium to pick it up. YOU CANNOT EAT IN THE DINER!!
Nightly at 7:00 pm
Heritage Station• 210 11th St. • Huntington, WV
Reserved Tickets $40 each
866.639.7487 • 304-523-0364
3. Have every passenger sign the sheet on the clipboard in each car before we get to Montgomery.
9. Clean up your car upon arrival in Hinton and Huntington before getting off the train. Pickup
ALL trash and check bathrooms.
Catered Dinner by SuzCatering
Prizes Awarded to Those Who Can Help Us Solve “Who Dunnit?”
Wear Your Western Wear & Be an ‘Extra’ in the Movie!
Gondola Gazette
2. Greet your passengers & point out restrooms in your car & safety rules in the handout book.
8. T
urn all seats in Coach service before getting off in Hinton and Huntington. If you
need assistance, see your supervisor.
and by the...
Collis P. Huntington
Railroad Historical Society, Inc.
7. If an emergency occurs in your car, call the command center or your supervisor!
Directed by...
King Vidal
Presented by...
Car Host Rules
Thank You!!
October 2012
Gondola Gazette
October 2012
CPH Model Railroad Club
September Meeting Update
1. GeoTrax, See-it, Hold-it, Run-it, Shuman Layout went to Oak Hill Railroad Days
2. GeoTrax has grown to 15 remote control trains
3. GeoTrax & See-it, Hold-it, Run-it went to Chapmanville show September 22nd.
4. Are starting to work on Christmas baskets for area hospitals.
5. Want to expand our cancer train layout!
We have done 3 libraries so far. Sissionville Library was thrilled with the program.
They said this was the best attended family night they had hosted. They couldn’t get over how
thrilled the children were. We had several adults interested in model trains or CPH.
We have given them contact information.
The boys are Caleb & Bradley.
Gondola Gazette
He came to several shows last year & has
already been to 2 this year. His grandfather
is a Mr. Haines who used to be a member of
CPH & is friends with the Cavenders.
October 2012
Gondola Gazette
October 2012
Lebanon, Mason & Monroe Railroad
Lebanon, OH
“A Quick Glance at a Tourist Railroad of West Virginia”
October 2012
he Potomac Eagle of the South Branch Valley Rail- porting the heritage of CSX predecessor railroads.
road for years has served as one of the most popu- Nestled deep in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, the
lar tourist trains in
Potomac Eagle and South
Branch Valley Railroad operthe State of West Virginia,
ate between Green Spring,
offering breathtaking views
WV and Petersburg, WV.
of the South Branch of the
Potomac River, and some of
Weekend excursions on
the Potomac Eagle operWest Virginia’s most beautiate between Romney, WV
ful scenery. The ‘trough’, aland Moorefield, WV with
lows passengers a unique
occasional excursions traperspective of the narrow
versing the entire line to
mountain valley, filled of wildPetersburg. Freight service
life, and Bald Eagles, paris operated by the South
ticularly what the Potomac
C&O 8016 F7(A) idles on the north end of the Romney to Morefield passenger train in the yard at Branch
Valley Railroad
Eagle is known for.
Romney on September 8th, 2012.’
on weekdays, interchangIn addition to offering a variety
of unique excursions through the summer, fall, and late fall ing with CSX (Former B&O) at Green Spring, WV.
seasons, the Potomac Eagle operates some of the most at- Whether one enjoys railroad, landscape, or wildlife photractive early generation diesel locomotives, including a C&O tography, the Potomac Eagle appeals to all. For more inF7(A) # 8016 and a B&O F7(A) # 722. The South Branch Val- formation on schedule information, or photos of the Poley Railroad also operates and owns a unique assortment of tomac Eagle, an internet link has been attached below. x
vintage Chessie and B&O painted locomotives as well, sup-
Whistles by the Depot
An Evening of Railroad Photography
Saturday, October 6, 2012
St. Albans C&O Depot
Corner of 4th Avenue & 4th Street
St. Albans, West Virginia
Join us for an evening of railroad photography slide and digital presentations from well known local railroad
photographers in the Appalachian region. Presentations will vary on subject, with emphasis on former
Chesapeake & Ohio rail lines in Kentucky, West Virginia, and Virginia. Social hour begins at 6:00 pm with
our first presentation beginning promptly at 6:30 pm. Snacks and beverages will be provided.
Presentations by:
Guest Presenter:
Chase Gunnoe – Nitro, W. Va. • Loyd Lowry – Hilldale, W. Va.
Jerry Doyle – Barboursville, W. Va. • Rick Johnson – Lynchburg, Va.
Rick Johnson II – Lynchburg, Va. • Jesse Smith – Ona, W. Va.
Tom Sink – Kingsport, Tn. • Ron Flanary – Big Stone Gap, Va.
Ron Flanary – Big Stone Gap, Va.
“The L&N: Forever Reliable”
Gondola Gazette
Chase Gunnoe
For any questions or
concerns, or for
directions contact: Chase55671@hotmail.com
October 2012
Kammer said business this year for the railroad has “been
Spring was sluggish, but he said the railroad is entering its
busiest time of the year with Pumpkin Patch Express in October. He said North Pole Express in December is a big draw,
Phillip Smith, president and CEO of the Warren County Convention & Visitors Bureau, said in a letter last month that an
estimated 10 percent of the 40,000 riders stay overnight in a
hotel. The bureau calculated the railroad’s economic impact
to be an estimated $1.8 million, though Smith acknowledged
this is without the benefit of a formal third-party economic impact study.
Smith said the bureau considers the railroad to be an important visitor attraction.
“The LM&M train provides a great family experience which
is unique to the region, and the bureau can report that the
railroad receives significant interest from visitors and tourists
who visit our area,” Smith wrote to Lebanon Deputy City Manager Scott Brunka.
Lebanon Vice Mayor and Councilwoman Charleen Flick supports entering into negotiations with the railroad.
Flick said the $200,000 is well-spent. Since 2008, the city has
spent $793,600 on on the rail line for items such as bridge
repairs and inspection services.
“We have spent three-quarters of a million dollars on this, and
to throw that away for what it does to our city, I don’t want to
see that happen,” she said.
Flick said paving streets does not bring tourists into town,
calling Lebanon a destination city with The Golden Lamb restaurant and inn, shops and the train. She said people visit
Lebanon to attend its festivals, ride the train and go to The
Golden Lamb.
“I think we need another anchor besides The Golden Lamb,
and the train is it,” she said.
Jo Wise, executive director of Historic Downtown Lebanon
Inc., said the organization sees both sides of the issue and
would like the train to stay. She said if the train closed it would
decrease a lot of downtown Lebanon’s foot traffic.
“It’s a beautiful addition to our town, and it’s kind of part of our
heart and soul in historic downtown Lebanon,” she said.
LEBANON — Should Lebanon taxpayers help keep open a
popular Greater Cincinnati entertainment attraction in Warren
County? The Lebanon Mason & Monroe Railroad operates on
five miles of track owned by the city of Lebanon. The railroad
leases the line, paying the city $5,250 annually along with a
50-cent ticket fee. The current four-year agreement expires at
the end of this year. It costs the city about $200,000 a year to
maintain the line, including five bridges.
But the railroad brings people to town. Its annual average ridership is 40,000, with 95 percent of those people coming from
outside Lebanon.
Lebanon City Council hasn’t decided if it wants to begin negotiations on a new contract with the railroad.
Ray Kammer Jr., president of the railroad and president of
operations at the Cincinnati Railway Co., which owns the railroad, said if the council doesn’t want to enter into a new contract, the railroad will shut down on the first of the year. “We’re
just barely surviving,” he said. “We couldn’t afford to incur the
cost of maintaining the tracks.”
The rail line has no other users. The track generally parallels
U.S. 42 and it connects to the Indiana & Ohio Railway.
The city, facing declining state revenue, could use the
$200,000 for road work.
Lebanon City Manager Pat Clements said the city’s road
maintenance program is underfunded by $1 million to $1.5
million annually. In the city’s 2012 customer satisfaction survey, road maintenance was the lowest-rated core service of
the city, with 60 percent of residents who responded dissatisfied.
Kammer said the revenue the railroad generates for the city is
not going to offset the maintenance costs, but the economic
impact of bringing 40,000 people a year to downtown Lebanon is a value to the community.
The 50-cent ticket fee does not apply to the railroad’s “Day
Out with Thomas,” an event with a replica of Thomas the Tank
Engine from the hit children’s railroad television program
“Thomas & Friends.”
Last year, the city said it collected $9,620 on 19,241 tickets
sold. Clements said that doesn’t include any tickets sold during the “Day Out with Thomas” event. That means last year
the railroad paid almost $15,000 in fees to the city.
Gondola Gazette
October 2012
George C. Davis
The George C. Davis is a car, we, the South Yard Crew, have been working on since January. Our hard working crew, work year round in any weather, sometimes up to 4 days a
week, to work on our fleet of passenger cars. The George C. Davis has had many upgrades,
and changes from the time we purchased the car in 2007. Some modifications are visible, like all the new Coach Seats installed which required drilling through inch thick
stainless steel, new windows, and some are not visble, like all the mechanical modifications made under the car. But from the crew at South Yard, we are pleased to
finally finish the George C. Davis and have it ready for the 2012 New River Trains.
George C Davis
He Touched Us
On Saturday, July 13, 1991, our friend George Davis died in an industrial accident
while working in South Yard. A friend is one you can depend on and trust. A friend
shares both pleasure and heartaches with you and supports you in your endeavors. He
feels sad when you fail and happy when you are a success. With George, we had a true
He touched us in many ways. We were touched when he worked at disagreeable
tasks such as cleaning filthy commodes or digging in 100 degree heat, and still had a grin
and a smile. We were touched when he shared thoughts with us about his wife and family.
We were touched when, on a trip, he gave all the money in his pocket to a clearly, needy
mother and child, to whom he didn’t even know. Some people are takers and some are
givers. We have been truly touched by the loss of
this man. The Society lost a willing worker and
friend. George liked railroading and he continually demonstrated this thru his work, dependability and the freely giving of his time.
Death is never fair, it matters not that
he lived, but how he lived. George was a giver, not a taker, he gave his time, his money,
and his talents to worthwhile projects.
Taken on September 15th, 2012, the George C. Davis was officially named. Some of the hard working volunteers at South Yard pose in front of the car. Thank
you for all your year-round hard work, and dedication; Bill Conley, Steve Ferrell, Cleo Midkiff, Joe Rosenthal, Chris Lockwood, David King, Lanny King, Ethan
Peake; Not Pictured: Ernie Clay, Jim Cooper, Brian Rosolowski, Tom Bergquist, Homer Mays, Patrick Henderson, Tom Lambert, Larry & Joyce Eshenaur.
Gondola Gazette
October 2012
Gondola Gazette
Bill Conley
October 2012